Was given McKinIey,. .vqrybody expects Prosperity. But our prices have not raised. 1 lb. Webb Starch sud chan ce on a fiue ULiv.r Water Pitcher..... ......O06 M lia. Granulated Suger ......1.00 24 .. Brown ".....1.00 15 - Cnt Loaf ..31.00 1 lb. Pkg. Corn Sterch ........... 05 1 lb. Can Chicago Yeast Powder...15 1 -oz. Bottle Pure Extraci.......o0 3 ms Pure Mustard .......... .... o 1 lb. Pure Pepper ... . . . 20 AUl other kind of epice, per lb __25 I bo. Table Sait.................. I4 bo. Oatmesl...................O05 1 lb. (iood Smoking Tobecco . --18 Pure N. 0. Molassese, per gail-.30 10 Bars Extra Eraive Soap....51 8 Bars Lenox Sop . . .. 25 1 gai. Oil Cenos..................15 Pure Les! Laid, perpaîl......20 2 bbls Carper Tecks ...... .05 The Best Qîl, per gai......... Il Wakegan Aile Grease .... 08 Lemous, per doz ...10 And tlîe Best Tee and Coffee in the Conuty for the Mouey. F. A. Brown, i ILLINOIS. Sanborn & Croker, TAILOS.Mw.ý -,G..~ENTS FURNIMIERS.1 Libertyville Illinois.1 ,ACOMBINATON SOFFER.. WE OFFER FOR A SHORT TIME ONY THE CHICAGO INTER OCEAN AND LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ... At the followlng remarkably 10w figure when "ýclubbed" or ordered togi'ther Weekly Inter Oceau and Independent, 1 year ........ ............. .. $1(90 flAiy 1 ..... ; ...... . . ..... 475 Dafly and Sunday Inter Ocean and Indepeudent 1 ycar................. 6(00 The Inter Ocean la the Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West and ia& the Largest Circulation. TECRiMS BY M,,AIL. DAILY (wthout Sunday) .............. $4.00 per year DAILY <wth Suaday) ................. $6.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean- $j0 FER YBAR .................................. $ -0 GOOD ROADS. Are Essentiai to Our Prosperity as a Community. Thte Improvint, o! the public ruade la alive qUe:tion and we bave e word aometbinginta direction snd ouîr COMMIasioners are lu ho commeuded Aun ibeir effortesud attention to Ç e&iug value received for what mouey hamebeen expenaled lu gadlng, grevel. lug etc. Tlîey have miade ealie- ,gineing. There le veny mîîch more tu be doue surely. la some districts near 1the village the fammere bave also doue well. From Miller'e nurth to the village le as ine a oadase there le lu the tate sud cousidemalile *ork bas been doue not of the- Village thie sessun sud on flic Leke Bluff road anti ou the Bradlcy road, but lu mue4t ou the township there is "neoIbttomn u md lime. Evcry road lu bbe town setould ho gravele. There are îueuy bols of good quallty of that beet o!finaterial aud it ehould. bs 'apreadt0on without deley. Every resident ehlould do Lie part sud mure,] -wlllag$ly sud we will soon have lb doue EIf ihere la nul money eîîoîgb More tex sbuuld lie evied for bbat purposo îînlil every rosI under the conirol o! the colmmissionens les lu linit cdais order. Our taxes are heavy enougb but we will not complaiu if t" bey are ralso4$',fu make good oade il we know the money le woll oxîîended M It la beiug doue uuw. We ueed bu bqa<sio! baving ruad Mouuoy inthe tn4Eaaury but we want b ejee the lreaemry ejeaned oui every year tilI ail the tosds are in good order. There le Soosa!ot in gbod noads, Ibere ijuat pride lu good roaIs, there le mouey »<aVed by MaInsug good ros(Is. Thou *h«,a roa.de are good safariner bas a idueuSet(esLow bts famin tb elvautage ie 14teeprng wben it looks attractive Aflie wanis 10 sou it. No inuwill psy A g001 price for s farm whore Le 'Would bavetog throngh the inud ~oget te .pstieor lepol. Then vLa îe tovud is Part the people V llg avel te berdonne sud erouuid St"hir buildings sud eveny tbing lu ooary lifé ii made more attractive. .'e farinons 4boul have neaber -bores than enyonue elso because lb le thmir own labor aud-teste that makos Zx-Boule of bbein dou'b seein to «Ère, butpublic enterprise will ieach ~mto care. The mercbaut sud e Bl e»u DîLe villageshol s thing for each district as ~ nadabrng people te towu to Olten. The doctors should t u the townshipa good rosIe gave tbeom Luedreds o! dollars Yeua bi orneffeab sud Lorsefeed ibe% woryment, mnuddy coata, yilie gatmied quite a he .oart it Made lsat leatttng.abead of « afl * bout o! the rilroad traek. As guod ruade are eVidonces ofthIrift. and enterprise we shomld uct Ict people sec that Shields le more ihrlfby sud oterprising than Liliertyville. Let its ail talk end work sud give for good rondsi. The CabInet. Iu the speculetions as bu who wullli e inombers of Presideut-eiect MeKiiile l's Cabiuet, three ines of prommneut re- publicans hlave alroady beon eliiînab- ed. Mn. Mark Hanne, Who could don Lit- less have lied bim pick o!fblie portfolios, bouk bis une ni! the luat by naking the positive eatomnt îlot lie wolld accept no office under tue comiîîg ail- minfiliratioji; Senator Shermalns lun tirnete friond8sasy that bis age Wi)tld prevent bis aecepting cither Secri'tary- ship of the rreasury or of State, shlid Reed sbuuld neyer have been pult un tbe lst sas a Irlîuailomenaler uf the Caîjimiet. Major Mcliîley wouîd doubtlese bc only tou) gled tb have the sbrloug pcrsouulity of Speaker 1100<1 adtledtbuhie family o! tîffiial advisers sud Wili probtbly tender hilma plae IIi bbc Cainet, blt wibbuut any ides ihatilbwilllPc accepted. Eveîî if hie party di not îieed hie services lu tbc House, Mfr. lteed wouîld nul lo likely tub honl tihe Cabinet. The speker8bip 0! bhe flouoe s aimîcli iggor place than the [test position iii the Cabinet, sud rai, le made 10 servethe ambition of a man Who le candidate for his partyw Premidential nomination, sas Mr. Reed unuquestiouahly ie, te a mucb greater extent. Sorne reedug Iat will prove in- terostlug 10 Young motheru how bu gutard agaluel tLe disease. Croup les a terror to Young moihers sud to post thein coucerulug tLe cause, finet syîup- toms siud treatmeut is tLe object o! ibis item. The origin o! croup 1s a common cold. Children Who aret subject to it taks cold very easily anud croup la almoâts'ire to follow. The first symptoin Je Loareeness; thie Is soon folldwed by a peculiar rongh congb, whicb le eeelly recognizeli sud wlll nover ho furgotten biy one Who bais heardfil. The lime tb aci laeivbou the child Afini becomes hoarse. if Chamberlain% Coi-gb Reînedy Je froelyt gîven aIl tendency to croup wil 0012 dîisappear. Even after the cronpy cougli bas developod it will preveut tLe attack. There le no danger lu glving this remedy for it contains uotilg injurions. For sale by F. B.1 LovelI, Lllîrtyville sud G. C. Robertes,1 'Wauconda. hFRESH lilkers and fipiagers ai- wauOn baud. Bullea 4, anners a texcàaffl fur h4 '- , am6tm5.. 1À Mwý; 1 , a. M. P. M . .. A. Whsg *» 36l125 tsO Fr1. whee nogsuis op 910 Aptakisle 04 mSula 98 Prairie View ne 62 à20 9.1 Leithton 89 58 86 26 1005 Rockefeler îl10O3 A2 46 à 31 10 20 Grays Lake g810la 92 be & 0 10 46 Itollns 810 le 83 w 96 " Lake Villa 810 o2 306 0050 Il29 GOUSO SOUTH. -Daily except Bunday. s Stop only on sigeal. s.n. SM. arn. p.in. Pi.1 Lake Villa 7 34 Rollins 7 40 Gras eLakte 7 46 Rookefehier s 04 L-31tbton s8i Prarle Vlew 8»2) Apa 5sn 826 Wheulne 844 Chleago l10 06 il 29 4 45 9 05 4 51 ildo441 5419 14 5010859 22 ô 13 12 02 à20 ô623 a 30 1 10 4 50 10 45 Around the County. CORBESPONDEI4TI WAZTED: We are desirons of securing correapondeuts n every town in the country. Ift your vieinity le flot represeuted write fur ternms, or ahik some frlend to do so. i JUST & WOOIJMAN. ROCK EFELLER. Mir. and Mrs. J. E. Holcornb were Cllcago visitore Moudey lant. E. G. Payne le et home egain lfer e months tay hinnortboru Wisconsin. Mme. Geo. Brown, of Wankegan,j visited relatives lu ibis place lest wtek, also et Dlamoud Lake. S. Kramer and family movedlast iveek mbte the uew resideuce on Park Ave., belonglug to J. H. Croukhite. ()il Fridsy lest Mr. aud Mrs. C. M. (iorham went 10 Beloit, Wis., to viei their son Lyle, who lnaettteudlug1 scboul. RImer Roder, of Chicago, h4a been spending a few daye lu thia vlciniy and bas elso been up north et Camp Lake on a huntng trip. Cedarlue piano sud furniture pollah the finent preparation lu the world for cleaning sud reuewing ail kînds o! wood. At Will Kuigge'e. R. F. Rouse bas loft ibis place sud gone to Flonida tb make his future home. Ho e i ib e orploy of a firm ini Chicago. Hie wlfe sud little glaughter will follow soon. Their îueny friende are eorry to bear of their depertume and hope tbey will meet wltb goud eliccess. Scaly eruptions ou the head. chapped bends and lips, cuts, bruîmes, malde, bumes are quickly euned by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. IL h at preseut the article muet uneed for piloes,sud it elways cures tileui. F. B. Loveil, Libortyvîlle, andi G. C. Roberbe, Waucond4 LEITHTON. Win. Davison was lu Chicago lest T uesdey. Chai. Buttemflold wae lu Chicago lest Saturday. F. E. Glasecoe sud wile were Chica. go visitore lest Monday. Mr. sud Mng. Juo. Kruckmeu were in the city lait Monday. Schéol started again lu the Butter- field district tesnt Mouday. Mines Ida Kruckmauu vlsited fionde eit Deeplaines lest Suuday. Mrs. J00 Wilson went to the city lest Frldey to vîsit relatives. Mies Annie LI who bas been vîsît. ing ber sster, Miss Grace LUI et Elgin retuned home lait Mouday. Mre. Gertie Oleudorf, of Murray, Idaho, ls vlsitlug et ber parents, Jar. aud Mre. J00 Wilson uorth of town. The meeting of tLe ladies cemetery association last week was pooly attended owing lu the severe enow Stormn. Mise Mattie Lili accomnpauied by Mise Almas Wetermen, ôf- Half Day, attoiîded the teacheme' meeting et Atitiocb lest Saburday. The trains on the boit and theo central llî,e were delayed batdiy ou account the 8evere snow whicb blocekaded raffie lu general. ITe boys bave heen very jubilant over the lection. Thet le, the vietors. The other rooeters are nut gey ase hey thought they would be. "Execuse lue," observed the man lu sipertaclos, -but I amn a surgeon, sud thai is not wbere the liver n.:" Neyer yonmind where bis liver la," retorted the otller'.-1f it was ln bis big too or1 him ef bbcar l)eWitt's Little Early1 Rieî.rm wuuld reech it sud shake IL fork hinm. (On that you eu bot youm gig- lamipe." F. B. Loveîl, Libertyville, Andi 6. C. Rioberts, Wsncuuda. PRAIRIE VEIW. ltarry Filds wae a Liiîenbtyvilc vimitîr Stnrday. "seely" le as quiet as could lie u'NI<Oted after tlection. Mnm. esîe Wilcox visited withî lionde bore the firet o! the week. If. Hoîje tbended tLe meeting o! tlhe huard o! empervisors lu Waukegan last weok. Olhm genial day opemtor ou the Mieýlilgin Central. Mr. Beuic wili soon lie snperceded by a ilewvmin. Mr. Beîîlic beaves with mauy regrets and guîud wlehes o! hie numerous fionda. A ît0w bhrn lelu procese o! con- sînmctIon et tLe Oakwood Stock Farm. Wbcn il tg coin led there will Le five large bamusuPon thilarm. The coutry Boode more cepitaliats like Mr. Dickison. Absouîîely pure, perfectly LamIese, aunI invariably rellable are the qlalititieN o! One Minute Cough Cure. i nover fails in colda, croup sud lung trouble. Cblîdren lîke it because lil is pleasaut 10 take sud li helpe thein. F. B. LovelI, Libentyville, sud G. C. Roberts. Waucouda. Herman Moyens Las taken out s liceuse. A county licous. h«au lo been takon oui by s Halt Day party. SoinetbIng mbouhd be donsabout Shis., ItH l egal, but il je Dot rilt ibat Vennon, '8.hc'Qhd pay î lovard lb. appo,$ Qy lb. je 10!4 L. E Goling bus joM e i.bauýd. Gilbrt burntti wae a Nunda' vistor lent week. Mort Besaley returned from Harvard the fini 0of the week. Mise Jane Murray speut a few days lu the City recently. J. Grimoldby, of Ringwood, was on our streete Tnesday lait. Mn. Brown, of Cary, make Wancouda a short visit aturday tlst. F. Knlgge, of Rockfeller, wau lu thie vlcinity last week buylug stock. The cheapeut place to buy furniture la at the Wauconda furulture store. Chas. Curtis, of Elgin, peid' Waucouda a visit the tiret of the week. Mne. Martin, of Iowa, la the guest of Mr. and Mr@. A. North ai present wiiig. Mime Jeunue Green who le attending echool at Valparaimo came home to epend her vacation. The ladies of the M. E. church are ruaking arrangements for a New Englend supper Nov. 26. The home of Mn. and Mrs. lFred Gale wss brighiened a few days sluce by the arrivai of a baby boy. Lait Seturday eveulng there was an obtruction rae eut ihe Oakland T lit. Perry Powere won the race. J. Hau who bas been spending the pat few weeke in Elgin le epeuding a few daye ini ibis place et proeuot w ritiug. G. W. Pratt and perty nueeeded lu bringiug down elght deer duripg their hunt lu uorthern Wisconein. Mr. Pratt brolnght three home with bilm Ou last Saturday ovening the republicane Lad a grand trne over tLe election victory. The band furnhsbed music for the occasion. The pro- Cession marcbod . eround town for a whlle and thon btIste public square where a grand dimpley of fireworke wse given. soothiug, sud lot îrritating, trengiheng, and flot weakeuing, emâul but effective-ench are the qualities of DeWitt's Little Early Risene, the famons littie pis. F. B. Lovell, Libertyville aud G. C. Robortii, Wauconda. MILLBU RN. Dou't forgol the Thianksgi'viug concert. Mies Shirley Iliehle spent Stmuday et ber boume ln Waukegan. Mfr. sud Mns;. R. L. Strang are vieit- iug Mfr@. Mavor lu Chicago. Mr@. W. B. Stewart sud lire. L. H. Tombaugh apeut Tne8day lu Chicago. Mfr. and lire. Canuon vieibod frIende at Wintbrop Harbor lait Sstuirday and S uinday. M. H. J. Strang sud Miss Jessie are visitiug relatives ini Chicago and Evanston. Mas. G. I. Straug, of Lake Villa, speut a few daye with relatives in Mil Iburu iis wook. Miss K. L. Smith ettended bhe chrysauthemnm flower show mn Chien- go on Thursday. Tho business meeting of the C. E. socloby wlll be beld witL Miss Mamie Thain un Fridey evoning o! tiis week. Owing to the sturmy eveuiug only a few altendod the basket social lest week. About $5 was reelized sud a good urne wss lad by those preseut. To cure aIl old sures, to heal an Indolent ulcer, or to speedlly cure piles, vou uoed eimply to apply DeWiti's Witcb Hazel Salve accordiug te directions.Ilis magic like action wlll surprise you. F. B. Lovoîl, Liberty- ville, sud G. C. Roberte, Wauiconda. Se<'o. FORT HILL. 'I lit' ruade are gettiug terrible lied. A thre orse tread power noarly ncw for sale c'heap. Ina Smith. Albert Thompeon lei improving slow. ly. Mrs§.C. Combe isaltieoo,îvaleiceut. Bon Rosing bas a fine0 yearling Jersey bull elîgible t îîpedigree for Hale or trado <hosp. Fred Converse lias e ine lot of cowe, new ilkeresud epringers for sale. Jumt brought moi» the nortb. F. Converses lbitte baby girl bai been quiteboek with spinal trouble. Ioletcter et prosent writiug. F. P. Davis aud family bave returuod froin a vieit iroin western Dakota. Tboy report a good vieit sud sîso good crop thim yeer iin thet part of thse country. Baruey Auen's corn u ber and mshredder works bu perfection. Ho baà been dolug fine work for A. Paddock, buit the snow iitopped business for a shortuie. People Believe wliat they reail about llood'e Sansaperilla. Tliey know hIt sau honest medicine, sud thai il cures. Get Ilood's and only Hlood's. Hood's Pilla cure aIl liver !Ils, re- lieve constipation assist digestion. 25c. WHAT DOE5IT MEAN? WHYs. How yon cen Bave 320.00 bygetiug au old sud experleucel baud tb do your work: Since I maIe my Iase improvomeut on my re-actlug wheel, I will dig and brick a commun size well firet 40 fi. 75 cents per foot, neit 10 fI. $1.00, sud for dooper sud langer welleaet my usuel price, sud huard my- oeel ou jobs near home. Joli. number up to 387 et preseul. Prospectiug wilb a 2 or 3 inch auigor no c4iargesunles the owuer stops me froin digglug deeper. For clesuning oui or repaiing welie 50 cents per boum sud furnieb my own Lelp. To those who cansiot couveuleutly board the belp 1 wili add 26c per folt for the firs1 40 foot ou a well 4 footinl diameter sud the mi 'erenco ou auy emount more or leua accomîlng lu my lîsual Pr1ces. AIl womk doue lu good shape inuîsiho eitled for by cash or due bill. AIl letters auswered on short notice. 'Vrite for full pantîculame. J. P. WILLIASs. For Rent. My farmu o! fôriy acres, atuated one mile snd a bal! aontb.wesi o! DJ»moud Lake. Âddros GEoEUE Vownmu, Liberyvllle, Laàe Co.",111. r54 An OId Story, It seems like an old story to talk about 5-A Horse Blankets. They are so wil known now. But we want to teit you that we have a large new stock of thorn. They are made BETTER than ever, and at OUR price. are CHEAPER than ever. Ove rcoats. A great rnany kinds are shown here: but there is one lino we cal! particular attention to. It is a really fine Kersey Overcoat that cornes in Black, Brown or Blue. To see how many we willl sell, we have made the price $10.00 No such shownoutside of our store for the money. Boys' Su its, ail sizes $1.50 to $4.00 V. SAUER &PBRO. Long Grove, rGO TO LOVE LL'S DRUG STORE FOR ï, Drugs, Medicines, Chemisais, "1< PERFUMERY, SOAPS, comaBs, SBrushes, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Bracen, FaUc3 aMd Toilet Articles, Books and Stationery, Dye Stf ff, Glus, Puty, 4 $ PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. PATENTMEDICINES. Family Medicine. and Physicians' Prescriptions oa.elfly compounded at &Il bourg. U ods Carefully Selected. Only the Bout. 0 >] I<'i4 «» P '>]'1 FOR SALE. A FINE LUNE For Feul Sowing a Complete Stock oif Tituothy, Alfalfa and Medtium Clover Seeds. WE C'ARRY IN STOCK AT ALL VîM ES the celebrated Sleepy Eye Milis, CREAM and PILLSBURY XXXX BEST FLOUR. A trial tof thi,.tl>t>5t'will tutii i i 0l tht %% t nliwe eSay le tnt,'. CHR AS1<1'~. AiINEÇD <>S'i Long Grove, Lake Co., 111. id- Currnespondooce Solielteli. W. H. MILLER, VONSOIIIAL ARVIST, When yoîi want s dtean gLave or a good liair cuit ccii tu'oin . t'HOI('fl BlA'ND4 OF ItiàSiOi N"xt leur t«, W. C. 'igs SIte," Str,, 01) iaiqu ru St. shl'îopen eV'-ry ay écvi mingeand Suuî<lay iî.ou'nlicg. 'v 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i I 0F OFURNITURE. Ess'ela, Clock Shâ.lves, Wall poett, Paper Iîl<ri Book Cases, Cenuter tal-les, Extension telî'q, Dinixîg chairs, Rockers, Couches, Lounges, Chamber suits. Picture Flames Boom moulding Peints, Ols, Varnieits, Glass, Putty, Brushes, Mirrors, Mattreeses, Cote, Springs Etc., Etc. AT.. ISSAC HIEATH & SONS Libertyvîlle. Illinois. vvvv"v"vumm.u.a.a...~~.. KEYSTONE CORN E FODDER SI- -' Corn Hummer Sulky Pl Any, Boy can h Bradley Plows. Fish Bro's., Wagons ai Sta ver and Abbotl Combination and three - Drain Ti Lumber, Lath and Shiri (H C14~~11 .1,. 2. HUSKERS AND IREDDER, MAKES Hay- 'lows are the Best, handle them. Deere Plows. nd Trucks.J t Buggies andSurrîes. spring Wagons. lie, Lime and Cernent. rigles. 1s ROCKEFELLER T, 1 Illinois. -Oum---O ('il H Qi-V h £a "-