~êlep?îufrni Vol. V..No. 6. Libertyville, Lake County. IIipois, Friday, November 20.- 1896. $1.50, in Adv t'.lir. Charles Galloway. ~Office over Loveli'sorugStore UOU» FO 1 TO 3 D 6TO 8P. M. Llberty'vilIe. - Illinois Dr.. J. L. TAYLOR. ~Office over Trigge & Taylor's. 7 to 10 a. M. 2 Wi 4 and . to 8 P m. Itesiâence on Broadway opposite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. smiTH, Office over LoveiI's DrugStore RUOBaso &m.nandltosàp. m. DAIL!. Libertyville,Ililinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. MOUXI TMLL M A. M. 1 To 3 AND 7 TO 8 P. M. P, ilpOtal attention pald tii the treatment of Chronic Bheuinatjsm. Rockefeller. - Illinois. 0. F. Butterfield M. D. C. * YTERINÂ1tY SURGON AND J)ENTIIIT. * MISS M. A LICE DAVIS. fjrniute of Amricas-u Conssrvaorp VOICE CULTURE AND I4ARMONY Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DENTIST. Cirovn, Bidé... and law .- WrI a SJ--t.11'. - uFFICE ii(iR$ -- ~Graysiake - Illinois A LARGE BLAZE Those Electric LIgtitai Several BuildIrigs ïft Lake Zurich Liberv"ille lu tb assume metropolitan Oestroyed by Fire. airs by the adoption of electrie llght a, Lake Zurich soeema destlned to bo and presnming that the customsry 4 lestroyed by ftre. A little ove? a year motroplitan debte vill 5150 be assemed tige, filuîc devoured severaI bul dings in proportion, 1 arn lnterested to the in the village -and again Bnnday extent of being a tai payer in Liberty- mnorning for awlile It looked as ville. I believe theadoption o!electri- though the catIre towu would be'ity for purposes of Illumination mwept away by a sea oflilre., wouid enhance the value of my It was 2:30 a. m. Bunday, November property and amn heartily in fàvor of 15, when Alle Seip vas In orne way *',ImprovementsY liowever, I amn awakened and looking ont ber bcd- convineed that to attempt to Ilght car rooju window discovered a lire in the village, lu other words over three rear of 1H. Branding's saloon. The cry lmiles of streets with 11117 32 candle o! tire sau bronght a large crowd to powie incandescent lampe wliiouly be the seau of destruction and mea a perpetuation of the preseat farce, or worked with a wili in vaini endeavor street lamp system. taý auuelch thA furions blaze. Bincb The lampe nov lu use develope a headway had the Mianie-s madie, that tii ligbt of about forty candie power andi save more titan Il.tuschoid goods andi there are tlIty-one such. Wiil fi!ty, stock vas ont of the (j uestit>n. Witb thirty-two centile power incandescent no tire protection oif any kinti, except, iights even admItting their superior a bucket brigade the tire spread penetration and the advantage o! rapily -vand ini short tiue lhad cou- position, reflectors, etc., be mach, If 8uinedthte followiîîg buildings» H. any superior to the present systemt. liraniiigs saloon, J. C. Hans eai By a indicions distribution of one market, traine dwelling ocupie by hundreti snch llghts a practcal solu- Il. Huîpke. J. C. Meyermbakmt tion of the vexed question night be 811o1, tîîîîl tisO bal belonging te H. attaineti, but for the expense. Si-i11. Witlî the exception o! Mcyeru Whyexperimentwîthanunucertalnty. toit wlt liekivlly. Henry Seipo store dynamo for Incandescent and one for wa.s sa'.t-d thongb the paint was arc lamipe, andi light business places svoretîti, -dowing how nsé-ar the dianmes anti residences; with the former as. is eahle 10 renchiîng it. nov proposeti.. Give lis ten standard The- origiri of the tire la a arc lamph for treet illu.miniation and liysti'r%.. l ran.ling 8ays wben hle we then vill know to a certalnty that 1.-t th ,o t one- "dlock a. mu., lii orr streets viii lie lighted and that the ni,îde a thoîroiîgh exainlnutbon of the improvemeat vill warrant the prî-îia-i,, andti înd e.veryhing ail investmnent and the diiierence ini coat tilt. Prortu the tiai,-Mr. llrariig niglit botter be paiti anti oum citizens 1.-n li-. -atlýioî iniîil the tire was !rst bave tise superior anti uI>' îraetiMa i',ii sa, iot îîver ail ion.r andî a ligist for street illumnination. hît . Ti-rg- n'as nothing in tise shesd A TAX PATV.R. wia.ýt-e ilitîz-.. tart-ed t-o cause a tire FISHER SENTENCED. 1Pleado Poverty as an Excuse For Theft. Pavid J. Fisher vas arraigned in 1circuit court lat Frîday înorniing, andi pleati gnhlty it> ateaing a biî-yct ant $4.50, lieading poverty am au excuse for the crime. " 'Ah, yon are olti crough and have 1ability enongh to kaov that burglary r s the poorest possible way to alieviate îpoverty," said the judgr. Fin sorry 1<. have to sentence you t(> atates prison. 1 Under tihe lreselit Iaw o!fid-tt nate sentencea, Fisliera pat r-cord vili bc sent to the pris4on wîirdeii, who viii let bim ont n bs-neyer it i.-,dîenicd utivisuble. He înay be rûleased ilu a fev moritha is ider lthe lreseut lav.1 Fisher, it yull he rem,-mhered burgiarîzeti M. iB. (olby à-C s tore- last .1013 sectiiig ý4.5il and a bicycle, the propcrty of Jay Morse, a clerk iin the employ o! ub<,ve fiin. An Enloyable Affair. A very pîcasant event vas the s-lter- lainent by The Yottng Peolîleas Conucil ut the Presbyterian ,-ltutch iast Frîday evenlng. lThe ver 'y large audience that literaily packî-d the roont siowed the p-îpîittty of titis Youîng ongaltization anîd the frell iett and hearty aîîplîîstisti-exell--îî'î-of their programume. 'J'lie opellîîîg nunîber wats a pai>cr by Earl i)3'îoid ini nhi.-h h.- gave anl aec-olilt of the society, its îrgaliatîon, iL-. iinîitet- ship, aund the charact-r (,f ius lpio- graina. The socti.-ty, lie ,afid numb-r-iltity -tive Oi 1 n15 m varies bts progawît-witii 1, bte.s, essaa, rtttoo, readliigsanad liapers uid la tulk 1,3-Mr. lie-inert-i Boule top~i.s in ii st ,tvs ,-eCe airtior religion. C lift. Gage- tic ih-, a tint dîi it i-<g-îîtrally belteiveti it wa8 tise Informai Reception. sele-tioniî i tted o thiitg to PAUL MacCUFI M, wsirk of au inceniidury. Most o<f the - Thse business ms-ntif Lîîîerîyvile Yu lt'tl lupIi h it, ii Mtorneybulinacn-veitbuiinidaotner anti Counsellor ut Law. tstvr-dsmyt i!teaudltietnc itilus -,a'. on tht- litrs. NOTARY PUBLIC rHpluî-elI by ns-w ones at once. ing 11ev. Father Kearney a suirpri se-'Tie-baisBoyag-('a snVgeititutti 'andi thereby teieuonstmsie the univermal .AilalRy n lr Vih n Spetlal att-ention- given (l,'ii Cort's Case Continued. ' esteeiu anti respect accordet izhl in Gerty sli-iîiaîî jlayedIL- l itlet. I--ut. anti Coîivt-yjtsîi-ilîg. AttY.-( Irs is iîî bebtîl! o! Daniel Comm, our village. Hune-e Fatiser l<earney vasSisernu-trliorii stang a s-lu Viry sWetly OMlieE Wri-laL,%K Ct -l oni, iitrial fîor iîîînmiar, lîresenteti an i ucerm ionuly place inluposiion vii-b tv. ki-ti a st- r iii if u ai.l ie î;i]( L.ibertyville, Illinois. sfiidiavit- foraîî 'ontiîiîaîîce last Satur- iof hast last Wadnesday eveaîng antid ejoietili lî-iî tîgitoii - - >ay iîpiiuithe-groti dt-bat lbe bati mal his fine lis-v esitience crtîvteti froîîî niuicb if iliyt-builg ns Masti-t-r stiti. Mi» LULU M. S. PaNNimAN. 1elie-l-slod in uthe case sud vas not basemeîit tb garret vits one- of the N,,t- lt.5 dýII-îImIîtriti'.'n I.,- tit- --TIucEB0 o - - r,-alv for trial. Tise judge sid lie' largest galheriugs ever vituesset in audierue inî its aplireelatii-1iof a solîg VOCAL AND ALSO DLLSARTE uamil Id a-ik îîîî min tii go to trial for bis Libertyvîlle. by tîe lboys nhi,-Ilt nai îiti'iitis MWS U*C---------EuTOF.-i.n .dtslreaa-o, Apomm onitn fsto i iti t-elinost co-nî-, i--i-tlîiiîs ...sTUic... SY5TMOr. lif- 'tu hnidtwo daîn prep-rtiio, Asertgrinin tii tone tfisoyosttîtg auid ot-iiiîiieil thes iast- nuitil thes-nex t Misses, Peuniman anti )avis, viilcis os oalecretoYsiiga »M NEtODS. MOS? 5EAiuONA5LE PIaieRS. ierîîîvisj-l i nl lie hi-oLtMarcis. vers- hsartily encîreti, and a nmedls-y inoriginialseilg, . Xiî.ttîer 1 1ikion'il. A Lib.rtyvIlIe. 11lnoIg, visicis ail joineti, vas foiiowed by tise pi-iisanm ia itlo-gtue Tv1> i I Ii i H a r l e ! yo iL ~ u ii Aî: ît r obl m . gem ntl on to Father K ear niey of a itdity and i nni ba or diii s am pedtIthe' iodr n Wiu 1411g-t.în n refers-rce towomkingcon- as a tokea 0f the est-es-m anti bigli T'ise car splittingtandl a-,ns-il a-,theit at $5, $10O or $15 li-i-, mut-,.l,- reuineîîde tiat they lie regard tanderet i hm. In a fev is'de si>lttiiig îtittitl.Lr if tît'.- o lli Good soil, Nwatt-, u-li,i itii otlot on tise public roatis and inlaappropriais yards Fat-ber Kearîîey! 'ras a Wdialo Wells'andii tîarii churcheîs uii pleîty <of titi-Ot1. iîl:.iîig suppllies for tus- state matît--thanketi those ureseut for this îaIîv! loleitif, Ws- rv iv -lIa ai I'.ar WTood andi Clai'k - Innîilts artii'it lis if prai-ticai, tini sems a is-tem s-îtourt-sissith visicislie hatibei-eu i-t.Tb--v-r 1-r-tton "~ A Saitti3' er."I w ii -) io 55ltl att liaithei -present, as mîîcis bot-ermfavoret i t thoir liandas Iince bis ut-eegivcn by Edlih olty. Etlot -you, trip to eost hlif I)LIý. famns-,,s tis' idite <eoontîluan la bs-item than location lu Libertyville anti fselingly -Giiîsin anti Man itd î-tit-tde- l'ite egno expenlsi-t-o -t-s- (I-toîtrY Wlie h c i. -îtrattpioln. Any plan, boys-ver, t declareti bis appreciatitîn if thein literany jîrogmanie tloss-, n iit. a tîliL there and farc i mlii-- lait 1îmny asIeri' ioiîvhits ara umployeti creates -gooti vill as demonsinateti îy tlu-in by Clark Wright andîticîorti-.--, iy tite ment on lanîd if Y.îu iM.y 1 111l' nore- or lc8s. issatisfaction. M'henau presence on that occassuon. soci-ty luit-lt t'ICark trie-tit-oniîtk- agent for Lake- Uouxty. Cali or!'lbon.iit-, linîugry nman nzdersîandaîiiaî Tables havlng beau spread la tus-tise ps-plIe blievtŽVi ta lie na ini write for matps, tennis, tiniecit. -'îîitl r mpoei ldat ots. spaclus basement al vers inviteti to-i 'uftl goiîd,(iîiiet, îîîîek. îtncbsirilvi- John J. Longabaugh i-,,,lhenlisîbelis not, it uatnmally makes partake o! t-he teast prepareti by ts o o th-I,îiinlt' ii rikSri.Grays Iak e Ilin ois. hini !,el more or lessssnviouo. Science ladies preseut. afier vhcb ai snuggas-! isichis u-eetiaiti.n-i-nwe grîtt-t i-nmsr.s ito evcr>' til for tise cane of tIon of 1ev. Kearaey al forntalit-y vas seumeti ta bhow tiat theseptleI H. . WI G . D. îrnlîîs Is nat anti heiess, bot forgotten, anti a social time enjoyeti 1iseldthelîir opliionatttia. t lit- tab>riniii, bet-neen lockouts. until a late boum. 1i rudem t-le ,ireeiioit if Prof. P)ais a Rockefeller, Ili., - sis-ling mati-h vas arratîgetîilit u-h lt-iint a J. E. l{olt-r.itb. îaioij,îi'zaî-î 1 lui ni tnpr By Its Record of remna-kable cures ab)out mixt-y peopile liartîî-lîati- . Il Office - - Opp1îste tDespît. - titit-r aid ltes u~eîzimmg devies O! t-bel Iloods Ssnualaîilla bas becoine the tht- restlts o.f theitiltîesiitiat is i one trime blood purifier pmoniîîcntly i an t-ing Rtov W\VigitIt nîtol, t1wi- ,gour-s 9 A.- M. 1 to 2 P. .1. Afler I;'. M. i-iIt-y kings, bas a hardtiine ofi. i tlie publice e-e. (Ici oaly Iîoodso. isprz apcie aiei ot.f UNION OTEL.Ttanksglving Dance. Hood's Pills are t-le best fanily tue litst aîillets la itLurtNvil-, tandî UN O O E .cat-lartie anti liveriedicine. 25c-. CG. D. Heuver n>w tiii lit-hetImby WIIEELING- ILL INtJIS. Tise Hall Day social clut.viii give a - -,a plepeABClxooeo grand all t tbe ton hall, Hall Day.- FARX FOR SLE OR REN-123 acres l)me napl i i so. -i-o *IRST CLASS HOTEL- .. Tlniikfigiving night-, Tllutrsduy aMile fromu Quentins Comer. oot *.Half-way Flouse N vember 26. Musc wul tue flrnishied buildings, water anti 16i f. geameti winti Fon 8SitF- AVfen't-hie Litung-siait-4. Ileveea Chicago il'd tise Lakes h Prof.eSmaithat orchestra, of Chicago. 'mill. Atitress J. H. Hzu., E, River p r atitmeSaCOIu'xTv F,%tt, C clists Headquarters.f Tickets 75 cents. Everybiy lnivt-et. View, 111. Libc-myvilll. '>odaccommsodationss for trenelers.I JohnBhfll - - Prop eCOUNTY BANK .... -wright, Parkhurst &Co Libertyville, Illinois. -0- &lsues interest.:Beariflg -Certificates-Payable on Demand. 0d o0 -=Uro~ud c Winter Blankets, Fur Lap R3obes. Heavy Fur Çots U"ythng in the 4pe or hnrnosm., liglt. Yeu shouid nt taui ein0 uOekdexlaYe4 bY At Wynns,... WAUKEGAN, ILL. Au LdyorDinner for 'Two AyLdorGentleman, or hoîli, trading at our store to thetiioiit ' $101.00 <sîîgar texeepted,> can have Iwo dinuer tickets, for dtillln.r Or >t- ut any Ilotel or Restaurant in Our beautifill City. We are, making very 10v prices on the following gtnndl:. 41.--Millinery, Ladies' and Clîldrell's Jackets- îund Capes, Di )î- , ols, Uiiderwear, Ladies' and Children's Fiue Sliocs, lc, Mitteii and Crockiery. Our Une Ladies' Ail WooI Beaver Jackets at $5, 13 one of the best bargains to he fonnâ. We woulk like evèry Lady in the county ta cmii ou ue, and if you do uiot Carete lli, wewil gife yu Or rbatecouons noy'>" eau talcs with you We Cant Advertise Everything At The Sheriff is the only man who can do -, that .successfully. we lbave tc-1îî,-c oîir alrcady 10v mark oni lrcss (jrtd.-> otil the profit' is for the* lye-i. II 2.>aid1:ý1. ps-r cent bas been deducteti. IBlankets, Yarns, and Woolen G Cloaks, Underwear and Notions ali slaslied until the ittleness of prwi is the wonder. IN MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, -1 Caps, Canvass Jackets, Overalis arW> Underwear, P>eop.le i>out bl,,-l--, e a'.-iilisncb gooti values for tiwiliions-y, oultil tlley sec thont. LEMtS ar L WPRI' WAUKEGAN, ILL. No ttrouble te show gooda Or ansver questions. Sanîples andl prices given cheerfnlly. ROLLINS.f Village Should Own It. G;i-o ).rby's aîî,-tionîsale TncsIay Non that the village o!Li4bertyvfjlo wa-, wt'il attends-il. is to bave lAS streets lighted by 01e- Mr.- anîd Mr3. l. T- (g-r lt-o.- nîovel Itricity mucb comment as to the 0,M h Dr>. b W 'i lta vei. i i it-. it ali bility o! the plant being ow ed '0 4 , cl . on . te l tiiiil,,ofd. controlled by thse village te ln4u3go , MIss on relairaesli 'rn-, sm laîio-s inî- î. We clip) the follwing, wh1ch & caled on friv-ils litre ' plains itsel frnt the îtngiteeriia Mus Miasi> Lydia atI F. -r,. Edwaris ut of New York: t,-udel he l-o -t-ti-wn (i-anli-t Tse totaLl ottlay for the Eleclr1ig* wc,'k.plant ut VI., a Johnson, village cE N; s.-v, -ai at,i "i 'I 1 itl, î,- ut petople was $.5,6004. The chsrge t, Wirr-itItot1 , km trc, l.i-t tiîr- ixtecri candie power incandeo0a uî:îy iiglit. ligis is: l'or tirs$llght, $3peryetowfoe 'helic dItîîtti- -, ,f 1\-oilCe-ntre extra ligItain aamerooma,$2peryuro si-i.>,~~~~~~ î ii -lr-ast.-îî--,a 1 -liglits in bed rmonta, $1 per year. A» t titis price, a!lter paylng aul expenois lîla~ktîtarts.iîî luduiîg ilt-tereat on bonds fer a"., TIi,- jany r jlrî-.-f I to. ltiak, wi5 l, -.idthe- village vbich ovus the pIaI liast l,îei etî.n l I, Ni»îlIl lw pleascd to jia îty Street lampe of lhlrty e. bear~ tli:t lie- lia, s'eu -e~i ti-tiig onIt free-, anîd tisea as a net profit ;&'s tIis i -n-ik. flmto the local tressnry last year o1SUI l M-s,-c lil i.,i tîlCaile anti IFront tisese figures. one can arrive a&ý Mit,- Ewatdiý, of1 lilîs, atti-îîded the -ot of a lump. If the to-vu baL the t.-a.-l -t o.'iîg i ltiay slak,- ltit tise buonds pald, Seno interest bc*oi SIititîrIlay. would be necessary, anti the tovn p6e Losi î, m aîî Pro rata for its ligisîs, the actual cmoor0 nlo ol, 10le ;111- 1 buai ti -k illti- illyfurnlslîiug a sixteen o. p. 11«4~t vas lom r---i--. lit, br pihaae it ,tmri to tîîun 50 cents a year. Thal i. aIitîa lî,-iiî-v t:'îwt> iîi>î i-t-nd î,iv- rewar(l. i aetuully costing the people of John0c., V't., for tiseir Electrie llghts, hecaue thbe village ovus thse plant. *Thewe VOLO. ',îglres are startling. A good electrie Bts::Sîî t ii- îr~iig Ii-ou uitpaliglîft or less than 5e centsa yearl kt --aiitt' -it'fti-wek lThe Nvife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of \It ti' uttî>-tthat > o î . 4 t t-I> 18 ýe Eîst ltriinllld. Mass., had bcen suftor. 111 t lie m ive t (t . "); a i- r y. t is ii g froiri n -uraiglu for tvo <laya, Dot time .f yeur iý,i it i -ii ig able tii sieep orharcUy kep Q it~altrg>- (it tilvaIlti ion <tt.rtV tht-r, sent iher a bottle of Obame- fi îîWaiv uolid iIat iidaty il Ilh-ioi laina Pain IIalm, anti asked that sue t,, attend servire lintlie' o M. l. give t a tisomoogb trial. On meetta i-l itel. Cuîc îgtîîîIrend>.Mr. Wells thbe next day he vwu IMM MNr-.. E. Galt-, o! Elgiii, na.s in V-lot. tîat ss- vus aIl right, the pain baL ai ft-w ilaya lat wes-k looki iig t-alter tise lî-tt ber witlîin two houre, and th"~ iiîýii-tatf<tli-r tttri. We lhaveoit the bottie of Pain Balm vas vout tie-m iforîucd vtî--tlrbt- u-lie s $5.00 if fi coniti Dot b. bad for bon. seolireti a teuiot. For sale at 50 cents per bottie by F. B. lMr. andl Mrai. Alla-rt Riught are Loveli, Libertyville aud G. 0. Bobertai -î,jk(iD ,i, i w--l(il , w,,iz.., Wauiconda. Tht-y nîli attend us.-,tiqot-t o! tise Eisttnui Star o! Waokt-gaitChsarter on Tbuiratay t-veuing. Mithe vlt-t-s--ming of Tîtît utksgi ving Ity île%.-Clark n-ii commncle-îst-ries, ofi metin-tugs in the Volo, M. E. cliîtr-i. Frit-tits o! Fort Hl ircirthare imviteti t,. p'>iî iiitise senvict-s- Lands ln Wtsçonsln .1te iiii, dt(sirabl tiîe i.-sy lu t-l in ar- ket-. Tîte landts, piîrtit-utnrly ln thte ni rttîurîî part ohf lî-îatre b ittg t-Lui itI-takî-n uîp uy t-tai setti ens. lTht- uit aîtl tiîi are tht- timîtet anti iîitiidtt)w tlali on-ranging lun îîrhîe fu-,îîî ';o -.$-12.t0lper ititt. A t-sw iiuit tîlit-tii-c ths-m vatiiv ill mli a ptat- lyv iîît-nsaseîi. F-n it bhonte or Itur investienit una hcIerc lt t-S in 0tt. o Vs-at-haever litVoe iten iirul.N(,iistbe t-nisto ivtst. No better f!unmiig lamîtiexits aunbiert. No greater esîmts eau bu ,oItaîit-îl anynlers-, St-bonis and l tbîrohissaboiuti every- wb-ent-. Neanby inam-ku-st' on ail farm pr, tuitt. Wiscosnilîso tis te bsn- uit- -tîtts o! t-lis- eVet. Fir furtlî,r hnformatijonu atdmesa <or t-tilt pilu NV. E. Powtll, Gens-rai mu11ni- graionuAgett-10 Old Colon>'Bilditing t h i-ugo,,1118. Try It and See. Wisateve-r may be saiti about the, ptbications if 11ev. Imi R. icks by tb>iss- vio do not fully und qataud h. -, facia, t-bers- laqni denylng the trutb tisai bis paper anti Aimanac have corn t-o sia>'.His spieuditi journal, Word - anti Wirks is nov snterlug its teath ys-ar, iamgely increaseti in circulation anti l eveny way improveti, unéfiil - tisservea tise national r-putiation Il ha> utiaincti. lita 1897 Amanac la nov n-ady ant i4i by fan t-befilnast- and moit- beautiltîl hstubiayet- Issuet. It co».- tains 108 pages, luelndiug cove artisticaliy pliit-stinlucolorea ndtu filieti iront iack tu back vitb juaI visai is wanied in evamy sbop, o0ce anti home in America. Oua feature of t-be Almanac for 18(97 le a series 01 t-vulve original, lîeautlfuily enffraves star înaps, vit-h explanatory ohaptu., whicb coniti not bc bonght lesaIbàa, tlve dollars lu aî4y vork un astroe0m. t AS Mn. Hieks bas so correctly !iad, faltlîfully naruedthetbs-publie of couAaq»g tiromîgiss, iloods, cuti vaves, bltY~ WHATDESIT EAN? HYr- tornadoues aude yclones, An the ye flt-w ytîu cltn save $J0l.00t by gcttiiug asdaiefrnthohr «$1 ait o-titiid xlîimeni-tl han(u, t-o (duanti splendid teatîtrea of hie pq yL.ihr ntk: Since I matie miy lasi andt Almianse, ihese considerg» imiirtLi>iincit on ni.>' m-acting visee.l, auone ahoulti prompt eveiry fazkivl f %%itlI îig itut! brick ua t'innutin siz't;11suet)ie ai once for i897* i»'tllrs P t-. 75 c.uits lpernfoot, nîîtX lnuail uy2 et fi> uti ltL aîîî fi-r tIi-ips-nanti largt-r A - ut i y2 cn@&Ù it mi uy inaai prie,-, ada rdt luiany- IWordniianti Works 1s oae dollar lhý s-Ifut pIs nutar 1tomec. Job-t iunira-ndtu a coîîy o! tise lins Almeunas 111) n- 1157 it plinta-it.ia prenimîm vhth every YeArlyg PrttsjLecinig uit-h a 2 tir :1i î'b uîigtr ytîî. *Ob"10Woe rio> l,- htrgi-s îî lis tlit: ownt-nstîîîtsnie t 's w'ie oWod M utl- tît diggilug tics-lit-r. l-.' ut-aîîliîtg I iîiilg Ci. St. Louis Moý olitt or nprtting n cil-> 50 tiîts per!_____________ ho- I a>nduu i fi iahli ii yon îî lplî -TîL Hm-OkO NUo t-h--te n m o caiiut unit> tiit-iit-lv board Oi November 17 au& tite lit-IF. u wtil a-d 25v 1per foot !fr t-hi,- 15. 1896, th1e Chie&got frsI 41, lit-iît a nel 11ft ltiiliut-ten Paul fnslIay vilii l!roW~e IIi.!tte difi firt î,îiv iaie on 111)Yhmit-t As oa -et~Su îîî..e r units act-tmniiig t-o uniî t ha western a~ pries. Alvtîrk dun n ugoo dSliaptl bot-h on ls 'o*n»U miltst lbu- attils-tfor lu>'cash or (lue greatil euoe Ss' bilj. AUistttriansvered ou short raMe, wIw- notice. Write for juil pAXtICuw8i J. -1 L tig