Rogd ~4th ese. 0PureI.0. N1se~~~i ~ém1~i 10r grîones ira Eranive 8oap ....2 ~o, .....~ IBas onx8oa.............25 C" Lo- 99 ........Um 1gai. 011 cana-............ .....15 rl. ot txi.......sPure.Leef Lsad, pet pai ....... 20 ~s.1~i0g ouipowder. ..îs I2 bbls Carper Teckse ............. 05 Mti Pre xteo...... onTe. etl Ou, potgali.............Il ... usa~.... .... ..... 08 Waqkregan Aile Grcae ............ 08 us ................g20lemoýna, petrio...............10 ituq kiII*ofsapice, per lb .. Andtheii Best Teaý andi Cofice ln the !IýaM. it........ ......0 Counnly or the Money. -" ILLINOIS. Stbon &Croker, TAILOR ~~ENTS FURNIMIERS.1 Illinois.1 'vIlle s :,MURE ABOUT ROADS. LAKE ZURICH. XDV2O 1D8'J»E,-AI. Ficke vas lu Chicago, Tueaday. 1 oee your paper of the 131h lest a Dance ai Zurich lioue. Thaeksgiving, ~beladitoriliOu the Public r0eds. Dont lorgot lie dance ai tb. Z arich ",=,iu a question lier. abouiti bce no Bouae, Tbanksglvieg eveniug Nov. 26. division abosut ainug ont people. Theo "boboes" secru ta bave gaineti Ase y«q-my liiz. s la eanre anti controi of the teve. iOey tu good roade anti evety man Her akwo asundot ~htu pleasure anti money anti I houe 0ah, 'sbunt u *e one vanta mud. ILlai deetbe ýuluihe lire of tiaturdry nighî, lias nîov- lu th., e .doorysrd and tihîî.dItourooma In lise Zurich 1hue.. uy 'dandi ve neeti net have IL any Music vili b. furnisheti by tIi. Mel- *bie liretolore 1 bave beeu tOPOitan Orchestra, andtihti Lakte 'OlIgedto-e tavol le IL but ibis seanon Zurich Brasa Baud. Tickets 51) cents.' 1 «ve aebout MO0 yards' of grave! to The alul bol. oui the E. J. & E. souutl 4:ast0wu lu Put Ou lipring Avenue cf ber. ha belug filleti <uncesfuliy nov. 401 en n-tie flet and ame iauling Bo aayî ilhe foneunatiof!ie gang et tny-live bundreti on a vagon ta vonk tuoe.. -,ù a ,_ vben offthe gt'avel Lbts E. A. Flce la nursing s 10w sr. lu se dtieep tise ua cananot bai kncles as a resuit of a toc vigorons ua14kurth liat muci. This la a aliempîbto pulltiowuî a building iasi ezt09,l4,,W demeonstration or tbe ad-.sna nrigiulgi ie ctle f gooti roatis. Tesinaiers are STbeSecîrniy ighle . o <o ;Zlawueuthey bave lfteen bendrodThei crt ihtjn o os 1 ôtY vol ta heu! it e L maovjuwagon, from Bilnliuigton, Wis, vos in »etc uelon accouat of the mcd le town Tuusdoy. Nowwateh for met- Lkta~ylla esl f euese'aThis auc. agents, and dont inn away train is gébéhh.r illustration vbere. People In bsemn. )* illage vinit v9od anti fermera bava Harris anti Foiey ,of J oliet, have 1Cil but cananot baul it on accouIktcOmPleteti a largo iee-lionse ontiue This la anotier lUnaire- banit of the iake, andi as so<>n as tho 1j~SVlb cite ueary Iantances laite freezsalregugfe llh ý0w1çesi a greal damsage ~t et work there. I[Utulane. AU yon m$ hetC Henry Lohiun as sold bis oid nia- I%liot ha a bai rou In the tovu- chine ahop uîear tie depot, ao the lot hl sd an i vl .dd le Laie eouuty. IL stands on. te A. B. hl itchill, olur gen- W. bave endturcîti-tels tbiug long lai station agent. btr. Mtheil %0ih et ,nogb. I1 eau teeliza the honefit of once couveritiihe building loito a Ïeaoo roand bee lb. snov nieaanti preîly tiveling. Ib"n coci. a te iêostemca efront5 my C. T. Heydecker, of Wauîkega, t ili bouse vitioni aile dying iardiy lhe b. hore ai the next nmeeting of the ,t#0,o9 my buggy, andthobn vie I village board ta Instrsuet the ineinh<-ns "drivoff tise gravel anywbere and ti fIal offciel botiy. Al ter that tune 1isup tate chis inmrandisoles. lise board viii proceedta tpiash orli- à#k our supervisor boy long IL 100k mances and peroriother vont. .à%gtogel palti beck for tb. vontle w peilpoihonwr sot é on the roati anti a gond gravel 1inwospeclelta police ie v nd wre 'ed vite a litti. dressing aveu-y ly Sntat vte Ieir adp #poars lensa brevet. Aai lie tioctots- serve peace le hie village. Deing the -Wbai liey thlnk about il vion iioy day lie -"boboeos" bocame cnruiy and are u a burry an& inn off 'lie endi of rouledth le policemen la greal style. inc tht rai ble mud. A fermer LaIt's petîtion Joinnie Algeld to Kenti vo ansgravel teentisys on tbbcthemilitla lbtre. rentidas more 'tian buis abor le une ye« suanth le rond vii laen forever. L.EITHTON. Ami- tise insu io drives lie mnta 'Wagon iuolie. Ukea bat roends u'ovMiss MaieLlL I as Ini Chicago bot $bât vre bave a ew goond ues. Ask Friday. abhoiyvi drives at ail. You are lits. Henry Ost was le Chicago lest $1bOlt ar inuelaioners. Sone. Monday. tàmas long go lb. tovu tii net gel Mis May Butterfleld wa.4 a Chicago ane more vert doua for Ils money. visitor iai Friday. (Otin i lldiy) tean IL shouiti, Frenk Wiimingloe vas un Michiogan btnvail fgon inlea business vey thlatrptofas ek =nd tise People gai fuli vqlneafor btlheepr c at ek tue# agent on tie roadh. If ibere (100. Mitchell, of Diumond Laike, h lot ueoney enongi coming lun10tas a Chieago cahotï lest Salernay. ruoh -thee von aise thé roadti ax. Miss Lena Holtz retnrued fmcm bler 1in abonl iti ii.ta sec nomne one visit aI St. Paul,iean., lait We(lics- 0pfiâou. Loi usneniîtee doctorsa su day. 7 qsud lbe blaciailtes te tart Gordon Wilde wevnt to Cadlliao, hIlet4lng. This il encourage lhe Nici., bis home lasI Tuesdiy 10 speeti istuQM te taie beitiantilet no oneie ivnter. Mad baci. The more vor n eec- onea ank Devisous veut le Valpataliso, he olsora'gravelviii neacihies led., teaitendi the Normalahool et t~or.Would it beaking tau. matchuof ~pit l. Etltb 41g4e on eliig The Ladies Cemcteny AssocItIon eIm n? ut tio'l ale h bc wv viiinuel et tie home of lin. Goa. 1<iO un a g-40 vhal o v tr Disinont Lae, Tbetstiey, * i» tiros-de yenu? 'unauralise Doc. S. 0-s.liiit.u o lp tee roa4s we lits. L. A. Coiper vent ba Chicago eut Midu111"ithea farneus voniti Helghts lest 'Tueedey 10 visît lbar .ttl>iii ut one." Do ane cher lunadanti vie la woriing lieue et lia ' hute fermera nse the rond?? Otto Mannfsturing Co. a> vi il do thii part if tiey Whou yoen neeti a qook above, range 'ý"QomrAg.ti.Up le ti i Iln-te or a beater for elîber coea or vooti yon ..mbiers .hIave douie aultie baing vîlil ied ILbte yehsr atvanlaga 1teaei et i$i ilg.1wu' ouF.Protine. Rebesalinol gootis ,pooraandbbwuàths anti axcelieti by noue la $b e eouuily, anti diiosi 86 unbeh fot eaoi district salis teaui et prlfes Ibat viiiastonisb tbie Pillge anti lot mebants yen. Ris goode coine freinthie mnt telc eibfnleati. YenUnijgit pepular imanufacturera lu lise eenntry, Denam ati publias virai sud m arelly guu«mteed. n$eomrnepractical Pla". 4 0 e hw ave lie ioiuor and a«gti.e utgraveled Soins toadlng test vili prove li- *97tevumbi>.. luLaie county testlng te youu.q motièes beytl oby eoffli la ils.stete. guard agalusi lbe aimasse. Croup Is a C. C. COPal'AND). barer10tu ug ncubers santa10Pont thein ooncerhWlg lb. cause, fir4 uymp.. teins sud treetunent le lb. object et lady vs rigi Wbeu i it itemn. Tue origin of croup la a vas tg ât *lî.yite tibcommuon aona. CiUidren vho are~ ilà r. à$ diae hiywed îîgsbjeelte IL taies cld vety easly anti liu. e aidse o! ne croup la amenctre ta feilov. The SShied ba ed It îlfret snpoishoreas hiis la 0,I ~ . iLiber. ooi ollovmri b~y % peeuliar tough *qsWeiionda. oungh, vbici lag-esiiy recognizati anti wiii nover h b tc tanivuas .1a thbe child ti 51jucom6 bouts.. If 04 u Vhkberbalain'a Obugi Ilémetiy Jlafroaly - 0v.aeu e ao't, 1o Wii4eg aie 044*1lots1 Bii*86 a u 10 65 Lake Vîia -RI 24 06 §saIl sne ss=.i *Dally exeept Sulidar. a Stop only on snal. LaeVllVua 134 raLe 'w81»0 8palso s26 wt,,elieg a 44 Chluago .10 05 ain. . Lim. Il120 4465104 Il10 4 a5,1 114045746Dit1il11o ais 9 W 12 51ua 1249 1202 6201 12 Si s25 102 s63 1 Id 1 10 ô6m10 44 Around the Countv.. CoiuunspoNniMTS WANT»: W. are desitous of iecnring cottespontieuta le every tovu le the counry. If your viçinity la not teptesenieti write for tenues, or aak soma friand io dtiso. JUar & WOO»xaaX. 9 aeit Mr. uan, ovei Ute brvu P. E. (lieu, of Nunda speut 8uu4sy tu Ibis place. Tii. skating rlnk contiues bd hitraci lurge oyti. L. C. Prie.suad J., Golding vers chioceovitâtors an8t week.. Mv. lIt , oI!01cary, vws on onr eteet Wednaadey of laaS'week. WWSpenéez, or Chigo uMadebis parenta a short vieil 1&M eek. Esuer andi Tekampe vili bave a turkey shoot raffiThnr*dAy boy. 26. mi"a Jenie NeeiOIOnet, 01 Chicago. la apending a lev da"s lu ibis vieWuty. Mir. Steel, of Moula, madie Wsucoda a short viit Wedueday of Ia$ #«X. Nr. and àlira. Lee Meolane, of lova, srlved lu Ibis place Saturday of last week. Un. Andrew Oaks l in Vwlng ber daughâter, lira B. S. Haminonti, Of Cbicago. 1ev Perin cfChicago, la holding revivl m etnsluathé Baptitcbnrob ibis veek. ibers BrIffl vho latakinUg meieal treatu ClhOicago la expeeteti bore tu a lev deya. Mr. anti lir. Barty Fullet are enter. taiaing the. former'% mouher front iohigan at presatinwitlng. -The. ladies ofthe MN . Ecbnrch vili give a granti New Englanti supper lui the G. A. R. hall Thuraday eveniag Nov. U0. AUl are invitad. Narrled, at Wankegan on Wedneae of 1I" week by1Rev. Wiicox, W., S. licCIane anti Mise Seelle B. Prlceebotb froin lisi place. Tbey ralurnati home Tbnsday sudviii ake iheir' future home lu ibft village. Their maUY frienda ehthd congraitltons llMr. andi lits liClane. FOX LAKE. Edwvin Brown la apenciing tbis week vith bis son at Wancouuda. Masara. Wedge andi Fairman were on ont sireeta lent week buying bogs andi cattle. A valueble horse baionging to AÎtreti Richards vas stricken with paralysis lest week. lira. Comanan andi ber son Ben, bave gone te MuRsaiffe, lova, te visit. relatives. Mr. BallIe spending a few tisyl i lit. Tweeds@ before sterling; for Tennessee. Converse Marbie andi vile 41lit M. and lira. E. Beyder visiteti ait A. Tweeti'a Saturday evening. The next meeting of the Fox Lake cemetery association viii be wlth lirg. James AtweUl, Tbursday Dec. 3. The Ladies Aid Society fot the M. E. church of Lake Villa, vili me witb lira. Wm. Neison Wednenday Dec. 2. r soolhing, ejuti fot irrlteling, etrengtbenlng, sadntiot veakenlug, 1 mail but effective-sncb are lb. 1qualities of DeWltt'a Little Early 1Biser&, lbe lamons 11111e pille. F. B. 3Lovell,Llberiyvltle and G. C. Rlobete Wanconda. To cure ail olti sores, to hboa! au inidolent ulcer, or to speedily cure p îles, von neeti sirnply te apply DWitt's Wilch Rasel Salve accordlng te directions. lte megic like action rII itupise you. F . B. LovoIl, Liberty. rville, andi G. <C. Roberts, Wancouda. BARRINOTON. lir. Reoealla occupini bis new bonme ie ibis place. T. A. Gilbert, of Wauconda, visittet in Barringlon Snnday lait. 1 IL. C. Pnrweillhas been uabie te rue bis train for the past lew day. e Ethel -Hairower le spendlng a lew weeks in Cbýcago among relatives. 1 A cabinet ükeeting o1 lb. Epvortb Leugue yull b. helti Thursday evenieg. Bartington la atili on lbe boom. Nev tresidences are belng bulit oontlnuelly. lit. and Mlra. F. E. Hewley are bappy rover tbe arrivai of anoiber boy in their b omne. D). N. Haven's beaitb la failing 1rapidiy bc beiug uînable to get away ifroihome Dow. Chas. Eunyau returned tb Mine- 1apolis Moeday morning aller a vlii with bis parents a of lew yacks. D;r. Harden le te give a lecture -oo Lein thli. E. churcb on incidents of the iwar as tbey came entier bis notice fwbile ibere. Speeti and aelcty -are the watcb tword. of lbe age. Ue Minute Cougb iCure acta spedlly, safely anti nover 1ails. Asthme, bronchutla, oonghs anti coltis are cured, by il. For sale by F. B. Lovel., Dibertyvilie, anti G. C. Roeat,Waucontie. aLest Friday night burgiars entereti BJohn Colline borne aud carrinti off bis veat andi pente also tbe contents le lhe 1pocketa .exoaptieg notes, papers, tettara etc. The ainount le moneY vas neariy $60. Notblng bas been s een c1 the men since li. Collina saw hlm jumping irough the kitchen vi adow. Ris pante vere found ab onttwo miles moutb0f ber. on the E. J. A E. ralroati. PRAIRIE VEIW. lirm Charles Wilcox la lu the Clty ai present. lit. Wilcox wus a- Chicago visliter SLong Grove, - - IIIIv%1. rGrO LovEiLLos DRuQ STORt FOR e Drugs, Modino8ie Cheinicalso PgRFUMEAy, SOAFS COU». Brushes, Trusses, Supportrs, Oboulder Biaies, ?MaY à mh", Toilet Articles, Books andi St.tiopery, D, e Stuffa, Glas, P*t, Ti' $ PAINTS9 0O1,PS$VARNISHES. PATrENT MEDICI NES. Family Medicines ani Physician' FPrIptions eareffly R4 oompounded aitaSU bourg. U40ods Carefuiiy Seiected. Ony the Beet.ê FOR SALE. AFINE LJM: For PaU Soving a Completeo' Stock of Timotliy, Aif alfa and O Medium Clover Seeds. RN UP WE CARRY IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES U_______________ ROCK EFELLER'. Go. Hawkins, of Ivanhoe, la vork- lng lot Hotel Hartien, L. H. Litchilltandi vif. spen- Sunday nt Libartyvifle. 'Prof. Elskamp visiled. Irlendts ilb.te city Saturday and ti uday.1 Élans Bocam'sd vife, of Long Grove, celied on relatives hers Mouaday lut. lira. Dr. Travis spent a lew days cf iset vieek lu Chicago vlaiting a alster. lir, anti lis. Bock,. of Prairie Viev, viaiteti L. H. Litcbuleld sud vile Tues- day. Mrt. W. L. RIi hentetaluet iei patenta vuo resiie et Waupee, Wl,., a fev days teceutiy. lits. Knbiank sud mon, Henry are nov occupying» the Dean bouse te- ceniiy vacete.i by lir. Lee. .1 Will Keigge sud sinters drove te Long Grove Sueday to se. a nephev vko bao been very slck wiii iung trouble. Ou Tuesday of ibis week Mvi. J. H. Cronkiie sterteti lot Ford River, Mici., te vieil ber dnglutet, lits. Fred Sbaddle. 8. DeWalt Kramer andi fauiiiy moveti Ibeir bouaeboid goode frein Antiocb lait week mb lb.h bouse recently vacated by S. Kramer, Sr. lira. Dr. Heideman formerly of Ibis place bel nov 0f Eluabarat acconu- panieti by ber alster, lira. Specht are ai presetit vibiting relatives le Ibis place. J. F. Clark and famiiy are movieg Ibis wek mib eir eev resideece at Lîhertyville. Tbey leave mauy friend in leis place Wio visi thm long. lives of bapîdeess in ltaeit nev home. A lew eveniegi of lest week we bati the pleasure of aiiending meetings lu tic Misîionaty Chapel Car osileti Glati Tidiegi. There vas agoodiattendauce eacb evenieg qud the sermons were enjoyeti by ail. "Excuse me," observed tbe man lu spectacles, -"but 1 arn easurgeon, anti tisat iB net vbere the lîver la." d"Navet yon mind viere bis liver la," retetteti thie otier. "Iff ltvas le bis big tom or bis loft ear DeWitI's Little Eatiy Bimera vouiti reac Itilandi shakeoltfor hlm. On that yen cen bat yout glg- lumpa.' F. B. Lovell, Libettyville. anti G. C. Roberts, Wauiconda. QUENTINS CORNERS. Who la ail rigit? Lake coeely la al riglut. Loule Knigge bas gone te vork in tb. Ela croamery. Chas. Lytie and vile bave moveti back te lPalatine, Ibeir former borne. Miss Emma and George KNigge voe home 10 meetileir sick brother lest veek. Gel yonr gun teatiy for the poeltry thiel. lHe im stili on tieck anti very active. Our scbool bas got e nice second baud organ. Ont people are very n ucb lulerested ti lb. 00. Piip Young bas taken possession of Fritz Flaber's ferin andi ia going te meke a firaI eas dairy of tbe saine. John McCormick's test got eway ai the Cotner'm the lait trip boe anti ta clear 10 Lakes Corners a distance of six miles, vith no damage Waliace Knigge bas been very ick lateiy but la soin. better ai present. Mis trouble reaulla froue being kioketi lîy e horse several yeans ago. Theraewve. ota cf folksnp te une te tire ruie et Lake Zurich lent Suuday. Our ueighborlng lovnaccseeate bave lots of bard lmci of late. lMay lt ha long belote sncb comas again. Scaly erupiions on ithe hadt. obappe bande anti lips, cule, brulsa., scaitis bume are quuckly cureti by beWitl' Witcb RHatai salve. Il insat prenat the article mont useti for piles, sud Il alvays cures ibein. F. B. Lovel!, Lbertyville, anti G. C. Roerts, Wau<'onda. GAGES LAKE. lit. Jorgenson vîiteti hie parante lua Wankegan on lent Seturdey.: lise Llzzie Ohard vas qaiteaeverely burul lest yack wblligblieg a cal lira. SMies Edith i Wtbem vo bas beau vi4ting relatives le Chicago bas rtelurnet borne. -The Ladies Aid Socety vill mont vith Mmr. SUasà Wright on Tudiay LNov. 21, et Il o'clock. Mins Mande Jeffera vbo bas beau atteeting achool et V*lparaitio ihe pui yar hua tetumnatih.ome. TiUeraillibe a lecture givenett ha cbutoh by Mr. MacDonald oni Frtdey .venllag *ov, 27. aSubjeel "Irelaut anti ié Popp1e" W. H. MILLER, TONSOiIIAL ARTIBT, Wieu yon v"ent a elean fibeve or a good hait euit cai on"il' Lounges, Chamber suite. BOOM mouldlng Pidntia, patty, Bruehes, Miron, Mattrueame, Cota, Spainge ..T.. CHIfolrBRANDi OP CIGAit8. NeXi ., t< W. C. Triggs .8hoe Store ISCHAN&SN on Slprau'S. h..opc ev.,ry day Libertyville, Ilinois. 4v1 nnei d a iiinornInga. ~KEYSTONE CORN HIJSKERS AND FODDER SHREDDER, MAKES IHu mmer Sulky Plows are the Best, Any Boy can handie tbern. Bradley Plows. Deere Plows. i Fsh Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. a Staver and Abbott Buggies andSurries. -Combination and three sprlng Wagons. Drain Tile, Lime and Cernent., Lumber, Lath and Shingies. .LIBERTYVtL>LEI ,N s s s s s R FOR A 4 )RT TIME ~ ~C~»4AND w. aere soleAW~ for S. tout's Patent 0 Proof Rubb>er ý1$6ts, andl FeIt Boot-overs -* enplain to your evitIresatisfaction why thoiso', wear longer than ayphr.Or prIce gt'uw.i to b e as low as the o.t i hre f or, same à V. SAUUR-lO -M bthe clebrtetiEaes Sieepy Eye Milis, Clock fhlves, CREAM and PILLSBUIRY rVal pSets XXXX BEST FLOUR. iPaperholdeva, A triai of tie aboyv ii coivinice you Book cases, liai val at sn y làtruie. . (J4er ta~laes, OUR PiIICESCIUARANTEED TO SUIT Extension tab's, CHAS. STEMPEL. Diningechairs, Long Grove, Lake Coi. ncea 4WCorrempondence Solcitted. Cuhs