The question 0 Free Silver, or a Gold Standard, Is settled, and Trigp .& Taylor's, 1s th~e place ln town ta trade le a settled fact. Anythlng for table use can be selected f rom their mammoth stock. Quality .set, Prices Lowest. FLOUR GROCERIES FRESH FRUITS VEGIETABLES CANNED GOODS FRESH and SALT MEATS DRIED FRUITS T. & T's. POPULAR SAUSAGE and Tayor's LIBERTY VILLE,ILNOS PICEDUp HÉRE AND THERE.* - I Local Items of Interest taLibertyville Readers. LI4444*44i*é*4*44 4144«A4*44i C.M. &ST P. R. R. TInt TAULE. TO CHICAGO. arn. arn. a.. p.n. p.. .. BuseI8:8 :12384:87 Wadaworth irUe :20 5:06 Gurnnas9:10 9£27 s'il ~arretton 9116 &0206:14 &.2EETvILE0:30 7:14 12:30 4:55 londout 5:40 s-m M~ 240 s&W :21 TYe1tt 5:46 1:8869298512:44 :d44 5.1» Id &52 7:"412:62tem cl 5&86 heirville t e 980 2 4012:56 6,855:2 Oheagoarrive) &56 tr :40145 417:00 6ao PRON CHICAGO. &M M .M. .rn.. a.m. L.Un.Pas.ta.¶ 7:W M 5:&M 58:8 Ly. 1i. Be t. 9:30 6:30 BShermerville 9:28 0:18 4:56 2:11 7:23 9:16 Deerfield 8:84118 22:00 :17 7-27 9'21 Everett 8:421018 8&064225 7:83 927 Boudent 84 19M5 :12 8:4017:40 2:8 LIEUEIvzxLLE 10:45 tu857:30 9:45 Wamrnton 8:54 5:19 9*30 Gurmo 92.00 5&23 9141 Wadrorth 92.10 2&2832911 Russell arive) 9:1s 8.49 10:00 *denotes dally. s denotes Sunday only. Wbere no mark appears trains are daily ex- cept Bonday. BUNDAY TRAINS. Lv.Libertyvlfle, 4.-5p.m. Ar. Rondont 5:05r. Lv.UAbertyville. 2:141&Mn. Ar.Chcao i1018 M. Lv.V)hiouoo9:9oaam. Ar. Llberty-vle 94 a. mn Lv.alMoo p. m. Ar.Llbertyville :28 p.m. No.U0runs BSunda nly. gon ~onth. Wili stop on signal as oll10owm-t as))12:07 P. M. Wad@Worth 12:17. GUriiee 12:27; Warren- ton M3:9; Bondout 12:36; Everetti2.-OtDeerfield 12:4#; Shermervllle I2:52: arrives ln Chicago at 1:46 p. Mf. Train Ne. "lias been lately p ut on frorn DeerSlei to Cleago. Leaves Deertield 7:20 a. m. Shermervllle 7:2é; arrives Chicago 8:10 Dog-owners, take warnlng. Feed yonr doge no they willI net have te go prowling aronnd town catching other peope'@ chiekens for a living. Il you don't there la danger of themx being @hot. PEIXTEE's DEVIL. Mr. and Mrs.C.H.Shaw,of St.Charlea, TUI., are the guesta o! Mr. and Mr.J. B. Allanzon. Mr. Allarison aya It dons hiei beart good to talk over old Uiea with Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, who were scbool children with his wlf&and him- self. À (lance wiIl bc given by the Phoen ix Club, at the Town Hall, Thankogivilig eve. Gond munie han been engaged. Suppen will be served in the ba- ment of the hall. Everybody col'dially invited to attend and a good time le a8sured. In another columnu appeairN the prb- gram arranged for a Pnpll's Reeltai by Miss Lulu Penniman. The menit o! this extertalument needt n comment as will 1)0 seen by a glance at the pro- gram, and' Saturday night, Nov. 28, should,%ltnes a full house at the Union ehurch. In glancing through old flUes of the Going tobe cold this winter, so it wont do to go Barefoot. Therefore you should buy your Winter Footwear. Ladies' Cotton Hose ....................... Ladies' Fleeeed Rose ..... .... Ladies' Cashmere Home Ladies' Wool Home ..... .............. ..... (ient'a Cotton Hose................... Gent'@ Cashmere Home..................... Gent's Wool Home.-. ...... 10e to 40c 4250 25C to 500 25e te 50e Se tO 300 20e to 35o 20e to WOC We Have A large assortmeîît of childron's and D)oublle Kue Ilose in Cashmere and wob< Hasn't your old Overcoat given out? If it las you slîould try one of those niee Fur Overcoats. Tliey're just thie tbing for weath or. Underwear, Blanket Gloves, Mittens, Cipi are for cold weatherý Mosti y Bp. adockiba fon d nw m- CE Snlt, c ageu PilBook te sec, o! MInscellanensxene SUPPLEMENT mo"dunbtonrr irnnD= aI e9w".w,",cE sstatote."........ ..8.........M M T Lmey, Postng Notices, Carda or =UPP EMEN r ed and oiridteetiadjourntid . OPeaGeo So mn, Cons. 4 00 Intrctoneo ll &UM a llot o5rte Drdo.6 . fI 1I& Total, Flrat District.... $4 35 postse on POU Bock te Sec.of tate .... 100 Lak cu* lTAtifldet. wl JNIdaWUiUn isrit.Total for Cuiba ...... M 57 Lake COolty Indpeoent wgee r t Andersnt.aaiCbar.ard of !1Regleohaodatr.1 -on U--Bt on i- J R Diii. <G W Chandler and J J kbt VA U09184,111, pa<mji, 5iflpýg, Son.2 da" euh il, 82........ .......2l Bodo Ee<lgt D YKue n SFî am 4i *1a Jtidgeg and i Ceks of Elotion 1ele 1ilR Dady, G W J iJ emison Stephen Keler. 2 daym euhjGCf ....9120 motion ef Sup. Neiles apprometi. 1H1afdOl WChurl 2ehnns e Fank4i? 18 ....n....F3 ou ¶D FKruger, W B Kutcilao P A Win- I p. ZC«ùtchhtlahrdaImof Blecti n pense, gîer. Denlaon Hi~o,ùnyBerg- Ht. Csfrsas ati OeUeta <3 g~eJ Il Dd, Pstlf Notics.Crda o! fl hnn-issmcit .: AdjourneilàSepteînber Meeting. ssjwtims: troctlen Ballots, Rtuntig lOeitilOO xpo Ten coaitltsta whom wus reBtaedelectIon Poli BooMBlos and riiage .. 7 10 DnmnUulgePsigNtcs expne .bM oumuldi 6<188,5 sliat the loi- JJJorasl psag n O oo 0k te CraSefStitOlReior alos VAuKEBAx. No. 4. A. D.. M& Ifflog reparleon theli e i bu bofai tian: SiSIe Boaud megrattant t 't.nnno et ,We havaazamnd ailexigine als foreIH4 BdKtnndt. Spécial Censtable .... .... 209 it otg f Pl okt eo le^6 CharusnnWatt prem et de". MeofNov. S. m ai rocoauen <.l t of o!Use o hall 3Sdays.......................1 00 sigle.............................. 98 Prnne1 aem Aau ariestoi ad-arm lzo Total, Id Ëlectton District 8V2 40 J C Whitney keeplng eider....... ....4 Pook, De.iSue iBOOf. At. Bit taln. sHAitole a epeny 00 e__ .ONS Eeti DiticUse of hall 3 day ................. rc ton, e? ubteMU Neville, =fStIa subitC lttei WA BoardId oecton stiCtTotal for EMa........M593 aDam, Thous mdWa. 9. B. NeoilleY 8Erakin, JK oer andi P C Leolit,, Boart!Rg MWtnr 90. BIGIMIO moued tint pomdtg James Catalan. 2 da"m @i t &$L....................1200 HH ftte' rp poin.= alie apiiroved i w ~dti~Nov 6 6C P Thois,JP. anv',lg vote,$6 00 J deand Cieika of lectien: 2 days each at$#J..............1: Th aork te" m ua.nedt Bu bleinaflon Htnlgen, 6<00e FSEmkln. J K Boer,FYC Loomis.Gee JudveeatClkaoEeten Ile Clnvorik red uiteti c Bitt ttmot......AL Rede. ' @600 Harvey. Win Blahep andi Fred -iner, 2 ,HaHdHoljuqoF ReTi onJMWod..J. p mlj slle itt t ff fctlowlngreport daim euchil$..............300 BRaeFB J19W dnrJ aisr. LAKEoercore e Coo ,Isl..llinois, te sinn<ly persons, Dr. mittsiiisn eu: rIeon ..........60 MFo. aSu6er. 4 Gobait. 2 dy rere te Commtlttes on PoorFarta, Fred lin n tg.NoticesantiCards ........t..n.......E.....5e: Mr e ai»w w et Forfth Bar q Ele lon iMnte oentyeofaLetaeuand eittiee25) HH H otte. Ptemif 0Noices.Carda of Mr.Ohrsuîus! t~tlinat f loB 01<~ EleeUiIst fritse ennd lcin o!Le n Ti Stat F I 8vrokin, Rece.vlng Balle.ts........ 50 Instructionlteolvtng Ballots. Beinin- A Suternieden cfConu etals ovebrth G3eEÀetonDhldonTu,- J K BoOr. Returning POUi Book antd Bal- Poil Bock anti Ballts mleae nips daNe1lis .A.f.1l2 ote. mîi=s 'and P~saoo ei ok tR on Poiloc O Bc o li Olot !<h mIroivt at pli n TanBoard Of Rgmy: Use o hallS ita15 00 oal fo Vrmil2 ilept. MB. 1306, <o ibis:Jam' Carun. E E Putnam andi T IRoa.I tct.itit805 Sept 9 tartes...bolj, $2 .c................ $12 00 -wàuxAuoÂs,4tii moellon District. Bat !Rgat Sept.t, t enilm toubedte . ...... 86 25Ju c f lection: Bado e mueal tr lndaltt . 15 JmsCraXE IDm ol, Bade eifz:CBMl0Ad JhSM2 Morme A CO.. cMttngf... 50) BaidC ZHoe ai41 A 6Truestieli. Daid iAdaiaJt., W A BuelI anti T dmjaeuhcà ......... ............ 2 and 1@ Etueutnam200T ROBCote. 1em6'u0 BoandColcinPs- damsegJohn Scks, G2 I& T 0 extrm for pwie..... 15 JMaeis oama L atao aid AdaIn, Jr., BueU. T Speli- Striker, Jas W Furnes, Michael Tome.2 21 Jnte Ca a"=anP m an io oueH, Gao Hallemell dj c t8.........8 »j antp 8 00 nNcit oa 1 euin utwe. . nt hjPor<e w iaa ci ) 5. 300Mîcl neusEjinss Io Pulok "Baltse6tla tnagrd o itrie,dn S C00 BâKtoi . 46130NtasCra El E. ncl<hfr oosani otae n oi oc ef ko Sat 00 fl aavtisn, Jr., NotIces, Cartis tuteHcvngBltsRemnn 97. RHiner lto.msni4 od ! Us, !hlfrEec:d o k tedaim 5te sooti titi cnenlarmu 400 Total for Butn......$71 500 oins rrlO elvtg aelota, Retturu- PUBn a4 alt~Mlee otg 27 0Lu e. m iof englne ,asg o O t .tg POlU liaI and Ballot s. ellege and M o n Poi1 o k t S c ! S at . . . . 2& Mn C 8 Runtington. 6; bo ch««O.. 1 W Board of Re<15t17: 1)0 pstgeOUnPOUBok tuSec, ofState .... 7 82 Use ut hall 3timys .................151 - Tbmou StrngC À eydckerandJ A Uçe o!f bâtidars ......................I15te)uTotal lor W. Deoreld .....71n 3 AmatTotal ................... 1111T3hoffan.ays nâC AHe0idee..r.........A.Total, 4th Electten District Vie K2 ZAW DOMPWIELD, 18: Election District. A netlt; Bo l set.lem Met ing otflg oug,.J tsanti Clochro!Elctln:imLLD, Ini Electon District. Board et Begistri: 'lhona Irje AMCdekr.J B oard o! Reitry: àWleotcher, John inhiel, E8Palmie- bM ine,1 el............... ..100 Hofal.<il Gtmoiinfr, G W Brase James Andterso, Wm Attridtge andi Geo tier, 241578 eac uh&2................121 Ang 6. Ms apne' ae eCtcg iMciu Egn2 Lm oaOS ...3600 Frazier, 2 day is$2).............12 00 Judges anti Clenka ef lection: 21,ex~cCtioeo ,,2 00 Mhelomexl = oiceat Judiges anti Cirks o lecton; A W Fletcher John ltnnoy, W E Brandi. _ <e Thomias BtrmngPosandgJeux*aAndiersen, WWrnAttritige, Geo Fm- iDA Retnes, k L Palmetler, 2:41P Hart, a obotaa..........200 Cardagof1 ran tying Bllts nze, Geo lindtey. Clansi Chlieat 2 dans escit t)$15...................806 Sett. 1,.1Falriana orse &.cO.. casting for aetmningpoulokndaloame GO Whtt, 2tiays each &t)........36 00 Mi500lH0UREMMExPttO5 <m Wtiitl....... ....1........ 2 M andipotaon Pl okte 'cO Stat 9850, iscellaiieo<s ExpBans: àesdA W Feth oLU Noics, ard o __Une Of hslan 3...1 ou Jamnes Andersen,. Footing Notioes, C<7ds Instruction.Ï n alt.Retuern'g 7(7 Total............71 l50 o! Instruction,. lteving Ballots Retumi Ballets ant POU fBook, Mileage, posag Total pâli et ............M 45 mosigPl okatBlos. ilge«t on Poul Bock te Secoe Stato .......... 8 àmoM aTacuyvi) t. I eisi:UO ng PBook dBalkotse, eStoe- <a F Radoplanti W Y Edwardas pec Conle MJt il. Autn, for Youa hna boi...........<e00 Oco fDPaddock, R Bock andt C E Kelly. Total. Jet Election District $-1 U6 Total Jat Election Ditrict $% 45 14 Go Johnson, for young Cati... *200 JdmadCkerks oet]Élection:Bado inxeidlctnDsrc, Badofegty ceti itit 19. Jil Ppe. fr IWIntrest lu Polai eoD adoc.atBckaCErely.C Bo Mlietneastri: G9,0L 1 c 7 60lmnsaniT a T WtytJb Marpby anti R H Mr 20Nto.J. cinuh le TotlWtldedon............ $u 5 le96000 rois,2des ce & $.......... >.... 1200 JdOeIO6........1 Ton modoi180 lelanoo.......... JuMIes andIMI toof EleMton. uigsandi Clerke o! lectien: Nov, 4. Bal. dum CA AppO. 8 Gm D Posting NoticesCarda omMupy ChoisTWayo, 0Os Gon a ElioDnteLa all, à Rsupct!ultiembut e. C. A. Auve, ! . Voi ~ESdle, Steve Vanflremreanti W A CaÀadn EitIr al Bn.Pdok hina !<oCntlleOl Ing POU i ad alos. mneago andi Shuman. 2 day, mclt) i 3....... h36 00 d 7Ils t........... .......... 5 Swanip labdsa, wmnitti dthe feleswini report. potageon PoliBook L S-o Stale...950 Mlettane1n0 Oe otig oicsCrda u- t-it. NMarsall l em ........................200 RaRHlierres. PooiagNotices.......1 50 st=cBo, eclmgBall aes, strlng Mr. Chornm aait! Ornlemea f fitheard (f Use o! hantàSdaim....................... 1600 John Mrh.FslgIsrcinCrsi150 onpouBok Hti alle 0 tsilae .......... nMtîreso:Total for Antloch . .5. 74 5 )yr eevn lt5 Js onldUen secson statle....y.....4 Tor ulteoon Swamp Landa solti hgauMosRtuugPilBcatt JaGotl, eicsCI5miîda..4 tevetereor CMattofetthem al.nmeli .0. le. d O e<i <8:IT. Blesmtaa nt oraeo i Min A J Steeciabor nlimeo! bal S dai.., l adok nt A WFletcher, aatndot a beainqard oftese.oTgarr......... 20 Total Id ÏEleto-n Ditrit 8M552 hetilb, J. W. Wtten. Agent cf the Genra Lhance (1. Wat, Ali FBole anti Henry Stan- Use of hall 3 daim,.................. 15 0Sup. Cooke Movtd thallereport 0c Oniaittee Disputaient,.hboit aI Wan siOCt.1, 2 amtiS. ton 2 da onle l $t.................12 00 TotalSI loctbon District $8 0 aepeiand adopteti. The Commsion« onir bard i" lecaes. adthom eC:WidgO Klt?5otEoto-Iouiocarrioti hi fllosif ot: A ndA sirenati bi ii. oaoaom Calanon 140Wat. AlMOOBoic. MBon" Stauten, Bad feitBrfl'Y- -,caarau % maio.Fie CntLendit, on shit s elta lmie hoCo.'ti teibtltlei.Jào tle el anti........p..i3 oirW E! Mat ielLead L B Sbanck aye, homs nd <k. 8<No 3a lAnda he o Ccmmuloematie no tieclalona.but mc 2 dimocit)8.......3 ouWEr mlelLes et,...................... $1200 hi big rutlg4 hlch soeàthat acre han one- MsceilaileoOm Expoose: 2di cit 1........10 wir hia nisi-S osnome basele oaimtract lanioi hia hoalestudeatieth. 00Wat.PoUM iNottces,.Carda e! ln- JUdçm sant i Cloka of Electon: Châtaiis» Watt requeefttitat<ho hoard a dli landicaot=sof rdasig coc, cita andttaie structions, locetlng Balts,.Retumnlg W 9Caeroni el L« L H Schanck aIO tera"Cliatrmlan andt Ial hoehoaexemiei raaaaajrio! yesm None o the"o tracts PoliBook anti Ballots., mdeage, anti pot- WCTnIEZS,ÀAJ Austin anti Warren id servln%" a sut ho balance o! Ibis smomi. w» romti cetaie ne-al du lad xcet ueobý ouBook tSec. of State . 91 Hmth. 2 daPm mch ci$3 .............. 3600 SupHun Ian Mmedt at the YOmet5 co. natw u "li I amil<. 0 3! al Sdas.......... .. . i5 ()0 MlsellanocusExponso Igranteiti an ti tAl eon lhoselectei ilchtracta ot mention â ai ecs exan- Toalfr Grat ........ il W E MIlet Foting Notices, Carda of lu- lLoslied= t~ hoS o!01calrmlWn hui puengcuate? hse Commissilonoranti flidavt sAVt -mruction, ài* Eàùm etmrnng .otloa c&Mrianti Bug Anderson tioctareti on BVON.PdliBo!kan lt, BiH 5 u ntDgo=rmsento ,and George (ii âg onoPhallSBlook te Sec, o!f e~~<oflolgt Ied b!013JUJones, bust Ît holg sale nmure, 2 d icbeuh................12 0<e o oal fer LlhortyvleIii;0)f56OhOmwCtRM asti kUesm fofthe Board te Mtrni i. aanClarke vu5 cafl ln lis a aindies aidCieksof Etetion: upersersw: Nolaniamai .0. L t a mo B NevtllGoa Glabre. AI C fruiTr ory! lti YtE5.Tour COMmttee on Claimnis ould b~ogtav otUlOeti obOfte 150041 1010Wte EnociAdatun, Allen eMilten antid C eoreoastiryaeox:neiai n bae ~tbo<0 sll h.lsmiom.TorBWIP Etiard, 2 dap mai s.........360(0 C P Thomas, A G Fisher anti Frankt renothoforethem an l ecMmet Li ontsObel tenablode tecalne sW Mtcelenioua EXPMMs: olph, 2 daimseclte) 61.............1200 sn <hlbeorefomlMloUing en bIomeoa rp llsLke oO.a Curt ty 14ti. C- E B 00,10e. Pom<ing Notices, Carda o! lu- Jud"gs anti Clerks o Hecien: FmaiiOth se ortÎirandaite ho oerael n ione lanthe <oVot gn.but srclcThooltt alos etrlgmas, Frank Dolph, A G Fsher,. ns afnos owt li, é muns atIlok llr O<tii' PliBom amUmlttsm ie, and pose- EngoeSmtih, Cari Doiler rantid 0 n Gaeo15.teUt Interestet<thetien. mon PM BookS.of Stte ......8 Rertel 2 tiareuoah 4$3...............86 00 Thon Enimons. B fi Eamens, E B Wil- 00. . lPaddock, MmriIa2 df ..............400 Hlscelanoolis Ixws: liamis, JoteteliSavmge. sitti asos, A. W.llotcen, Ue0thal?~IB..:::....... .à15 00 C PThoass, oting Notices, Carda o!fsnplniUa Sup. ladt IIOO. TotalerefoitAveu... 57536ha nstructltin, necovmngBallts. Returmi- Carl i Im, alp LMntcaeshlll022 Snmp. D ainiovetiai po trods.oalutio AteN g POil Bookame atml'a e, anti U4trn............ . ........... g~t nisra pB h eod.Mtoaord oc! itr: as on Pou Bock tat Sco!tâte .. 14 Elam MCrke asrae casesl(notwr careu. Ese nooi<h<ocanan j- J L Salî .W. Stewart andtiMNF Seh- Usef e 18dais ...................15 ou 58TYiml bal .Ul, autedl...... stucode taomlttoeOf th-ete Cers river, 2 iap mb ln 6.............. 1200> Ttal, for Froeunt .... 14...tatititCe U a.bll.MliiJdgsad lre e Uon A O».P Y PetWhone books, lanks, etc .... lue ani eletiLn xpensebittaPNotintewart, Mp yo r e, Board o! Regiatry: G0.0) fi anari& Vo oletion hla2a. The caminappointeitias sucli commtte Flo IMUs CVOfough anti Arthur Cooke, 0e Ruhitartiandi 000 0ao R Bin, iesslno 0....l Bostpn. Eamisa and NerfiJI. ELmeoa% 2 cl8 aims 600h à)se ........3600 Simoun, 2 daim meli &)$2........... 12 00 8fBrar, p.OMM bnginalot .......nI Bu. oii nottitia to orddono d Msolaou xes:Jg anti Clerke o! loction: bil $19.'5, austett................à joomuntt >0'cockomcrosllnlng. motion JL esavt ItminNolm Carderlu- AnhurOwke. GeoeRIlbeard, Go Slmnson Frank Webb, nglt stotimna, bilt 08.a0 nînoiat onstc ioioi truiolfl gsetill Ballot..Reuing E A Goldln1, J S Gph nd Arthur Bitilt............. POmBoktedBallots, milaeteianti pot- Griaam, 2 en eu0h 8 .........3 0C Turk. sorket. houas1 mti'iBmU8550 Th Nov s A.f. 132:PoUBckt ec !6t . 00 iaemflaeotis Exponse: C a eîralallte ;W illitî Bor it tic nnnt lalmnUse ¶'laSdf ....................... 1500 Arthur Cocke Footing Notices, Crda o! Ciahncernn Wt hoodfo arn. 7 PintutOn. VnsBallots. Ratura- 1MW A Mn outyad Momben limeent. Andenfto, Aami. Caralan, WAUOAM«, jet Election District. ln PU B Bkanl¶lots, rallonge, anti W biSUSl........... ke, Vie.IlBasson, hUche, Moitie. Romnio- Board o r MlaPm" on Poil Bock te Bec, et State...9 35 An Bd , Mt of' tyiouul.t... ton .amo, ~ Paddock, Strang. 2 tIaOa.mach T..........82 Of Tea fr Iicnit 52S( ob anili eotilibana 111 tio La e xin ndCct i co Tta fracna....... . a tieti..rk............ umidr j~mti2mdaym ;a il $8........dai............... ..... ... 8200 gl.» a t.p is n .bl te6, lti onup.iS cf Cîocdha bin b= ae. Jutigesand anti CiectOU:Ckao BeIon: fooawt e ............. am id d ermd a milbilletpblual J PttiWabbandil i30 GF rH OnstockF Krmchanrd M T Lainey CWHatOW, 41 t andr il11.. .. bueedihltoven uu 1în sciiuhcevaute,aguerri. IyRHPlagge, ohI Fr102: ant E Mrn- F Baistes, PFtlndcenent ......... L ~ it g ol o1nt al lotsantirallonge. 7 10 dinger,:2doias enci t (78$. ý........... 36 0 RDf Wyitmî. sutd ris ut houge.. That Mauston Buckwheat lstl Try a sack. 01) ,00 845 600 [lm )00 Là00 eu e< as Mt 0 bd t li u 1130, hio 6750 20l- port m to 1001) 3750 2100 4200 200 10 1 25 1204 We have just rectiv some new Plaid Dro GCoods, at 9c per yar4,I 3. COLBY&CO.- "Dealers in EFverythng." .-'~..-LIBERTYVILLE, ILL- WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyvllle, III., -lE BEST PLAC E -IN LARE COUNTY,-- TO BUY Farm Wagon Bu ERTYVILLE, ILL. are always prepared apply your wants in .. Agricultural lmpIemeiU, Grain, Seéds, Lime, Drain Tle., Et Always get Our Estimate Beforq Buying Your Building Materlal. WRIÇiHT & SON'S, Libertyville, 111. CHURCH, -LIBERTYVILUX !turday Evening, Nov. 28, 1896. GIVEN UY LULU M. S. PENNIMAN. Programme. PART I. Corne Hol.y Spirit'----- - - - - ---- La Caninela"----------------mn ltgett(l nofItregelîàz'.--- --------051 - - - - - Et) McCOIIIICItASD mmU INASlICS-Bwing Ste bout Elgeti" - - - Lt iHyittt' l- - La Cascadit(e" - - - «Foattîter bMtvt'Meuts - l'ART 11, ittlîtî toligato> 'Auçels Serouade' - . Klltamy qaui Vive" --- eal uu - MAI - 12 - ai t i