The question o Free Sitve r, or a Gold Standard, 19 seMtled, and Tris & Taylor's, Is the place ln town to trade is a settled fact. Anything for table use can be selected f rom their mammoth stock. Quallty Best, Prices Lowest. FLOUR GROCERIES FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES CANNED GOODS FRESH and SALT MEATS DRIED FRUITS T. & T's. POPULAR SAUSAGE1 Tri'g and Taylor's LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS. Aformn Mmi' and Boy' Cap@s........... * .25 Blescbed Sheethng per yd.,----.0 Boy' Felt Haâa........... ...... .25 Baby Shoes....... ............. .25 Du'kCeI...........1.25 Saleen (t0 close) per yd. ......... .10 Pol Bouta...................... .75 Apbon Check Gingham per yd - .-1-5 Cildre's Hooda and Cp....... .19 Boys' "-Brownie" Overalis ..........5 Canton Visnuel per «yd ........ ..06Men@ Working Sirts .......25 Tennis Flannel per yd........... Ae Misse.' Goal Shoea simae 2 tu 12 .90 A Compflete LUne of Ladies'. Gents' and Children's Uuderwear, Gloves and Mttens. Ladies' Dress Flan nels, Tennis Flan nels, and Cot- ton Fiannels. See Our O C --WwASHERS!i ,F-SMITH & SON. LIBERTY VILLE, -ILLINOIS. If Your Eyes Trouble You; Save money by calling on me and have your sight tested. I have a'complete outfit of optic- ai lenses, and can Fit Your Eyet With Glasses that wiII restore your.Vision. Satisfaction Guaranteed in every case. C. R. Shermian Libertyville, II'. A large and variéd Une of Hardware, Pumps, Milk cans and Cutlery. Pumps, Tn (las Pipes, Fillings. lrQfl I PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. 'l LclItems of Interest to Libertyviladers C. M. & ST P. R. R. Timr TABLE. TO CHICAGO. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. P.M. Rusasell $*m &513 84.57 Wadaworth 8:69 6:20 5.106 ~,un9») 10 427 5&11 = 1atonIM1 30 5:14 LI.UKyVI.LE 5:30 7:1s 1230 4:55 Bndout 540 7.»S 92.=do6m37 :2 EILe 467:3 9*2612444 :4 5:28 erId 552 V. e5:8510:2 6:61 5:54 Sjmmrvillo 5l557M5 :4012:56 06555:3 Ullg(arrive)> 5:50 8:41020, 1:45 7:00 *05 PItON CHICAGO. .'n. P.m. P.M. m.a.m. Lv.Un.Pa.B.ta. 7:30 M 6 :20 s3&30 Lv. Mini. st. 9:30 6:30 elh= liiâvIle 8:810:18 :56 6.11 7:23 9:16 pmrn8t :3610:21&000 517 :2795211 Everett 8:42 10:285&06 *267:39:27 Rondout 8:4 1" 4 :12 &d407:409:833 LuEItTTILz 1Wf.45 &M5:570 945 Wamraton 8:54 :19 9:3 GOume 9.00 0:21 9141 Wsdswortii 9:10 0:33 - 5:51 Russefl(arrive) :18 9*49 10:00 0 denotea dalIy. s denotes Sunday only. Wbere no mark appears trains are daily ex- eept Bunday. SUNDAY TRIIANS. Lv.Llbertyvlflm. 4li8p.m. Ar. Ilondont 5:oop.m. Lv.UJbertyvUkl. 51a. m. Ar.Chicalio-.s2 am Lv.Ohlcogme:0a.m. Ar. Lbertyvlile 9:45 a. mn Lv.Chioagotsm P. 'm. Ar.Libertyville &:83 p. No. 30 rnes Sundai oflly. toiflBo0tli. w11 stop on signa s o BS :-t Ussel] 2=07 p. m. Wadsworth 12:17; OUrnoee1=27; Warren- ton 12:50; Bondout 1:3; Evreti 1:42 Deerfield 12:48; ShermOrvlle 12:52 arrives ln Chie«cata 1:46 p. Mn. Triin Ne. u bas been lately put on from 1)erilld 0 Cicao.Leaves D)eerfield 7:20 a. n. hererill 7:4;arrives Chicago 8:10 s.'n o.5518215<hôago 11'24)p 'm arrives Shermerville 12:05 a. m e& l. 12:10o5. 'M. LBER2TVILLE LODOE. No. 492. F. & Baturdays of oach monlh. Vstlng brethern eordil'y welcomend. W. M. Hiava. W.N. IL a. BROWN. sec. Wtcb your tlirkeyfi. Born, t Mr. and lins. Geo. Sîinib, of Iiianoond Lake, n baby girl, Friday uight, Nov. 13. Mir@. Protine will c1<sp olt a certain Uineo f shoots at $2, formbr priee $3.511. Mrs. A. 1. Mallory and danghter, Marguerite, of Nunda, tire visiting witb ber parents bore for a few days. lirs. I. C. Strong, of Lake Bluff, was ini Libryville several days lest v.eek arranglng to tart a classelit vocal cul- bure for tbm juveniles. F.ABU FOR SALE OR RlENT-123 acreg Smile lro'n Quonti's Corners. Good buildings, water and 16 ft. geared wind ral. Address J. H. HELLER, River View, DLi lira. Protine wiabes bo Seo ail the ladies of Libertyville and vicinity next weok. Core ne land tino wbat she eau show you in hala, capes, cloaks, ahawis and ladies furnisbinga. A social under the tortu of "pu'npkinette" viii be held a J .B.Allan- son's reidence (this Fridsy night> under the auspices of tbe Epworth League. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Roy. J. B. Maeüufllu called on Liberty ville friends the final of tUe week. lMr. lineGuflun la pleasied villi bis new ebsrgo aI Hutmbolt Park. Chi. t'ngo, altbougb te work la muclà more. arduous Iban in Libertyville. The New York M'orid prints3 a table bowing Ibat since elecîlon factories bave re opoued or iucreased Iboîr force of vorkmen, giving employment bo 165,000 mon n d helevps Ibat within a montb a million men will have a million jobs. Now thal election las over other maltera of legs momembtous importance are ennitled to consideration. The fashbna will do to begin on. Ail people âbonld prepare Ibemselves for the revolulion lu tbe sizeo f balloon sleevea, wbicb bave eucased the'arms of the fair feminnnity. Tbey are smallnr.bban tbey were and the dictate of fashion l8 ibat tlîey shaîl bc simaller at11. Miler & Hauby advcrtise an nuction sale of choice Minnesota cows, mnilkers and tipringers at Hall D)ay, Saturday Nov. 21. This Ilîl be the last of the nunnirons sales conducted by these gentlemen tbe present season. The snperior grade of cows abhipped lu tbis coonty from Wisconsin and Minnesota by Messrs. Mller & Hanby accounts for the many successful sales tboy bave bold, and tbey report the pastt season as n very pro.perous oue lu thoir business.V A ptition 'ens circulnted for signa- lures the pretient week prayiug the St. Paul railroad compauy tb lay plank vaiksa tronnd the depot here. Ib wlll be remembered Ibat cincrs vere subsîituted lu place o! bbc old board walk a few weeks sine sud patrons of the road are ftîding ranch fault. A promineut citizen of Libentyville bas wrtten a leading officiai relative to the malter anîd bopcs sometliiîg vilI be doue toward pîttiîîg iu a suitable walk ln tbe vony near f tttre. It eertainly sbould be doue and witbout delay. About OId Holland. Utîder the auspices 01 tbe Younng pecopi 'a Council, (. D. Heuvor wüll give a lecture ini the Town Hall Fridsy e.ening, Dec. il. The lecture will be illutrated by over ilfly stereopiticau vlews htrodnclfsg 10 the audience 111e comely people o!f11o a"d ciad un tbeir nlque aud varýed eootumee Dog-owners, lake waring. Feed your dogs so they wili nol have to go prowling around town calching other peoplo's chickens for a living. If You don't thero la danger of lhem belng shot. ' PRFIXTEle'5DEviL. Mir. and Mrs.C.H.Shaw,of St.Charles, fil., are the guests of lMr. and Mrs.J. B. Allanson. Mr. Alanson maya it does bis heart good to tlk over old limes with Mr. and lira. Shaw, who vere sehool children wth his wfeand hlm- self. A (lance will bc given by the Phoenilx Club, at the Town Hall, Thanksgivlng ove. Good music bas beon engaged. Supper will bhoserved ln the base- ment o!the hall. Every body cordlly invited 10 attend and a gond tinie lat a8sured. lu anotber colunun appeurs tbe pro)- grai n rranged for a Pupil's Ilecltai by Miss Lulu Pennîman. The' menit of thim entertainmient needa îîo cotmment as wiul bc seen by a glance at the pro- gramn, and Satîîrday nigbt, Nov. 28, sbould witness a fuil bouse et the Ui on eburch. In glancing trougb old files of the ISDEPENDEXT We lnd our precossor bas succeeded ln marrying Lew lilaniy to varions nnnaxned maiden muat six separate and distinct and still Lew Je on eartb wth nO excuse to ofier lor bis exaîsitence olher Iban a deaire 10 continue bis inferna deception. If'by any possiblem Lew could be conrced imb commiýting' matrimouy we trust bie wlll be attended 10 ere lbe esîabli8bes for Ibis palier au uneuviable repulation as to veraslty. We wiii giadly ptîblish any. suggestion offered. riiere i4 a jolîy ittîtcher boy int n who goos forth every imortîiug 10 furnisb patrons far and near wîth bias wire. 1He dispenses ujeats 10 bungmy sous, sud love to bungmy bearts, so tbe story goes. At auy rate wbenn Iis white covered wagon drawn by a boum Pulls up 10 a place wbpre lives s pretty maiden, and remains Ibere Ivo boums, il i laf tine B ay the butcber lad does not talk business ail the lime. To ho sure the seeniery aI Rond'out la apt 10 work bavoc wtb any man's tender beart stringos ad no blame can te laid at bis door. Next Year's raxes. The tax books are now being ci- tended. The state tax ia 55 cents on $100 aud th county rate 45 cents. ln the 1111 la given the rates exclusive of state aud counîy taxes,lhe figures beîng tbe amount per $100 and the second figures the total auttunt to bc raîsed for ea'iî lmrînnwe in eacît town. N - ON Town .................. 5 Tiisthie... ....... ... t NEWPORT. Town ............... m 11o1I and Bidlge .... 4 T hîstle'..............tdadBig ...4 ANTIOCH. Townt.................4u Rond tand Bridge ... ý. il GRBANT. Town ............... '2 ltoad and Bridge. ..60 A VON. Town.................. 7 IloanduuBridgce . ...82 WARREN. Town ..............51 Rosd andI Bi dgýý. ) WA UKEGA N. Town..............-. W lloaîl.and lic îlge.14 (lIV 3lo Villge ~ji;îmo * 734 .uIu,................ 249 SHtIELDS(. Town.... .... .... .... 6 Rouidtand fBridge... 41 C'ity Lake ...2e Village N Chleiago. 73 village Lt Bluff .... 2 112 LIBRiTYVILLE. Town ............... i 11usd tand Brlidge... .) ViIg.............. a WAUCONDA. Ton ................. 13 Roud anul ridîîge .0 6 CUBA. Town................ 1'ù tond and Bridîge ....81 £LA. 1315 45 f25 72 1298 469 512600 3u 5,10 8429 2, 2289 3140 72 tw m02 29578 Oi 3:1) a 2' 41 8K 2511w; 30) 1584 1.1 2e101 99 f61106 411,7 *23 1 4M 1 21 947 (9 86 s f tI46 2124 53 15,2 197 30 5774 11210 i S:57 81 21201 38 Town.............. Rond and Brulgce... .1- 51016 VERNON. n il 412 5 Thistle il....... WEST i2EEIFIELI.l Tow ........ ....... 13", f 305 52 totid sud Bridge O.....5760 Gîoul001357 OM Hiliîh s :ool ..... . ..1 EÀ5T DEEI1FI7Li4. Town ..... ............ 20 *t 144 4 Rodsand Brdr .... ' p 1 n.gîtt.'.n i~tK-x ..21 (.oing tobhe cold this winter, 8o it wont do to go Barefoot. Therefore you should buy your Winter Footwear. Ladies' Cotton 115e ....................... Ladies' FI eeced Homte Ladies' Cashmere HoKe . .. ... Ladies' Wool Genîsa Cotton Hose................... Genl's Caahmere 1108e................... Gent's Wool Hose ....... ..... 10e le 40t-' ,%50 25e 10 SOc 25e 10 500 Sie 10 300 20e to 36o 20o 10 50e We Have A large assortment of Children's MndIf Double Knee Ilose in Cashmere and wo.- H'asn't your old Overcoat given out? If it lias yotî slîould try one of tiiose nioe li I"ur'Overco;îts. Tflîcyre just the thing for* weattî'. Underwear, Blankets, G loves, Mittens, Capse 9 are for cold weather to That Mauston Buckwheat is Try a sack. We have just rec4i* some new Plaid Dri Goods, at 9c per yard.' Me B. COLBY &Co,. "Dealers in Everythlng." i~~-LIBERTYVLLE, ILL. w I G H T & N $ WRIGHT & SON'S, Llbeirille, Ili., THE, BEST PLAÔÈ -IN LAÏE COUTY,- TO BUY Lum ber, Coal, Mil-Fi Farm Wagons BugjB LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. We are always prepared to supply your wants ln .. Agricultural Implemei Grain, Seéds, Lime, Drain Tule, E1 Always get Our Estimate Bofc Buying Your Building Materlal. WRIGHT & SON'S. Libertyville, .IlI. UNION CH'URCHI LIBERTYVIL Saturday Evenlng, Nov. 28, 1896. LULU M. S. PENNIMAN. Programme. PARTIP . Zty HtLake Pork.3 Mm 154r' el:jVOCLSOLO -"Corne Holy Spirit" Villageiiîwood .... 1 82 ù025 aNOSL-L anea 055M07(5. IECITArnON-"Legeud loS Bregeuz" Town ................ 6 f2312 PE-elco- - D 4C tO5MIC'1x lunîl mîtid ridge. t&)101412 1 Waukegato hep iaer. DELSARTE OYMNASl'ICS-Bowit1g Series - - PIANO hOLO-"Deiuî Eigeni" RECITATION-Lamt Hyîît - - PIANO SOLO "-La' M uCh i n LItle GY 1MN ASTIC lFetier Mtîvemeîîts" - lasmspeclally truc Of Hoodi PilM, forDO a"d- lPARlT Il. aine ever contai, md 50 great Ountlve POwer lu an s"ni space Tllîy are a whole mmedicine VOCAL SOLO (Vlolîtt Olîigato> "Aîîgel'm Sereade' ." SRE~iwi rATION-titlected - - - PIANO SOLO.-"Azîge'arom - - GYMNASTIOS-MilitarY VOCAL SOLO-CaviitIlS from "'LeuRugiieb6ooI PIANO I)UET-"%W iVive" - -- euz92m"m mi"SPm AND xiàt Pupils' Recital.--qqm>ý Mil'ai