am, jiý a mwon uabs. lIpsUnMV aoms,§3mhgo«a.1 Xturais aet the Heer* ast, M~d '4ae»eanesmade mur 1400000 le Misery. , F'rom e .Mmce Fa, Orensburt. I1" litMre. Jeha Beard, et Jaceso, Mèh.. îWsfor mai>' yenea greut ioer vth ralgia et it heat antI itemîtt. wau$ladeMeconsiiiered hopieWiy i2. ~deolt1eratie surprise bai resubed veuthe lady 'regainug ber blsaain tisshort of a itarvelotis mauner. A re- rof t e ew ~'vEra who aas out fer Ihe*è calied onblirs. Beard, whe steis M foIews: SI have beauà a autterer front neurigla th hesrt and tomach for mati>' ears, fUt tsn >aans agoe ilie laxperlauced ite irt neuraigie tvînges Iu my lted AUuatomneh, wk" ~wera nose icyra that sèeaams coulti b. beird for savant d morphinema wî te cal>' tling Itwonid give me ant> relief. . These attichi s ualylasted aàb9nl two, -~andi came vea>' frequctîr. Mer. w wia Wa w>oui>' îtadhy, as it was dthe lbreief agalnst th agon>' I couliantiy Wlk, and nt imai nilJan-@ beeame se ly ce t t hat thel coutilne lie openesi. "Seera açcilisuaiand muny physi- were consultesi, bal le ne purpoe, Iler th>'sd me ne gond. 1 ha d aime t boatliie. ahen 1 raid à testinmonial of la.Henry (ising, of itutman. wbom Ik1cev, regerding Dr. IVillam' Pink Pilla for Pale People and cided ta gise "= & atrial. The irut box hasinotbeau uidahen ailIp ai latI me, andi ittea' noing the ret of te hait dozcu boxe% I wa as sal aci cr h1aas ini mî lite." Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla contain aIL, the enets ucceeayto le«Ive uesv lite and s'ituina te tiis..bood andi restoro shatter- ad nervci. The>' are güld inl boxes neer lboe tenr, b>' the doit'» or hâimiîurcd) nt 0capts abox, or s1 1oxe tan$2150, aud Ma ieb ai of ai]druorsai <r direct b>' mail front Dr. Wlliirns Medicne Couu- jane, àkebtntetad>-, N. Y. Unferhuaiate Illustrutioni. «oJebun>', «biat la thet meanling the word tus-itie>' y?' a.nleeta Texns 8tindajy selîuiet î-ac-hu'r of ber favorite pupil. Jolfeltii.Chlile. I ca'î expîlu su-biat Il l, bot I bnew just the etîmue." "G.Ive me atm examaîipli' 6t luypoe:Isv.' "Wttien a toiloi5. savut ho Itîves lis SUn- -day seliû<l t-tti-i-c, tite ltiîu-)ciaY. -Texas Bih 1r. Voent Tebacce Spit a o.l Stoke Your - Lite Away. -If yen aant te quit tInneco unaing casi>' andi fureter, rugaintoest niiunhîf., beh Matis. n-ci, strv,îug, utageiC. fulcf ucw - ife anti vivei, tale No-ltý-Bac, theie tutu 7 er-iaecker rit n'.î.îk.s ank mon trtitg. Man>' gulu tcn itttl iii tout di>'. Oit-r 4»00.000 ured.. Buy'No)-h,- Bactrem your ewn drurgiat. w-lic aili guarantet naenure. Ibookiet anti etullle froc. Adetini-s Sîî'r- Mias Itmeil>'Cu-. Chicago or Ne çYork. X-Raiy.tWaatcd. O*efls posIe, lI s nitu v-t-vsi rliz ue ~bta mn»like M. Eiii shlould bte 'uldupon te svunk uirutles. The tàelatici 11-vit-w ays ilît tlie Dottlvul111long ag e m-u .î~t~of a pair cf o"e~ glassea, airl a reiitt Otat hawouid "litItht-to avit lie X- iys. and returu thtu to le seitilt'r,' Anther -stiutu'r, w ritîir fc -n Pltt-tuw-î. l'ut.,- settltehe lluitug "'Ttomaae A. itisSt i-ir: l iV Fou lîlente- cîi tii(uie ttt utilt)t09. X raya anti itlI ae S-iti11 îel" ThetIto-ocrut-esw îi-re l', l tu-u vt- gaelber. *TIE BLUES. A GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION4 OF THE DREADFUL FEELIG. Wlat la Meaut by ThIs Form of Aeut 11sr-Wheie Detors Make 1Mi4takeL6 Nheu&a cheerf ,brave. light-hearted womau isla Bddenly plunged into that Iperfection of misery, the JILVE8, it lu Sad pcture. It ta usually this wnv: She has bcen feeling "out 01 sorts" foasome tCrue; bond -bas acbhe.aund back also; tas s lept poo rly; benqitc »5,rvon., un, »Maerly faînted C or 1 zvand beat vcry tj*ast;1 then thrit bearing-down feeling. er doctor *asI cheer up, you have ypepsia;, yoil bc ail riglit soon." > But to doesntget "alrigbt." Site growe worse day by day, till al at once -the realizes that a distresbing feumale onplaint ile estabished. Her doctor lias made a mistakce. She has lost faidi in hlm; itope van- Ijje; thea cornes the brooding, mno- bld, mlaneholy, everlasting BLUES. 111« doctor, if ho knew, biould have 'told her and cured ber, but he did flot, ,id site was allowed to sufer. lly "chance site came across one of Mrà. illakhamIs books, and in it she, found ber very symptoms descrlbeà ani an ý«planatiouf what they meant. Then es wrote to Mra. Pinkham, ut Lynn, Miss., for adviee, feeling that she was 1.Wlng ber troubles to a womant. àpeed.y, relief followed, and vigorone beaith returned. 'Lydia R. Piulham's Vegetable Com- und instantlY asserts its curative ,,ers in uil those.peculiar alimente women. if bas beca thte standby jntclligent American women for yyears, and the story recited e l tte truc experience of hlînn of woinen, ivbose letters of ttude are to be found on file in Pnhaia'sibrftry. V 50. 47M, Tenchiaig Biints. Tl,) nemtrultî.r is haIt etof obMience.1 fange-"is rueixîtutît in tit-, i-s uf hîumman lais. ('e it lue in ivinse lis? The ouI; inte titi> oiiretuotuiter God'slawis tut "lîl.(e il iin th(it-i irt."' 'rite rewards of olwultence as foud in lIte lt»>t--'u. are long lite, friser sifil G" gnil u,î guidane, bAudl>- ealth. ssorld- ,!y iîrtusîeit>' arisittmn. pence. SBe far as i t îht - ii.ieaIiiug is exc-elleut; but tlb ltttirsltîjud Sî uléettIlis b>' Il. Nu v lt-l utentt ntu-eulof tht e e-ani uf tî.t'ihuî: >îditîtttin tle frst in- tîian- litniîtrtoregeneralieut. utter 1ha tn ýIiii iteni tui,. on ii orduutttr>' tu'mus, l etan n -)iIlot n -to i luinuts ,anti irogness en Ilult id. tItl the NeiwTe>tanent (3e tetu. I rt-t lit (Itsai;the Fa thîr, andti h iwuirIttn theteltfIl veseeofthi: h-u Itnieq lthe uaimlifa-t. Il in lIi-r tu e. tltutth Iissieoftuhlie rN ai tit! t - I i-rîe. Ille tact t bat itutea nt a li mdugu n i tflte leaiition uteG o. t luIiti tIle !,t g lifu anti trotîtority - iti -, ciî- it i orne alu titi ttItiis aie ilu-liI f vsteix pt'e tafe gîuiîhuîrcî- i iii t :lu tt i etige thten tthoni t>'ofthb iletilt' tu net. ett liai-et' utlthesitmplle t-ui luiq 1%1ct o lut t I lte atuî(îit t. s-,l-etlieîr tlt, ý 1 ttenie , iit-i aitvnoId e'.,- t bc ~.. it-rutîieuh t.tI tunumLItg t tuest-t-t-îi lietmtif 11îstruî-r>tielîo lt d-tiiti liosir t . i ett-ilo dare ItIItt'"-.suliciu meîn huis e rilitd tl îstitali sîy tuilte ot ltttt. iI titi tît-illu lt itiitl(: ,I., ili ttt-ibniutgîit lthh 'uVîti- a 1t1:1ttît et c, ltrgi- ilutt l î l i litit% bl>t-tf Ut i su' iavitiltly io aut>' tîtji'- tîtt Itii tii lu tosrke itis ahunt->, liei outtuutîniuGl. 0(biuiio differsa-t le si-at ci uîe ilutlinkrlupt Eiutt Id lu regardi t tis mit er. Ho uuu'it, tu-en,liave situe dliluite incie Cfin liviti expeuttes, anti ilti ouit] seenu altulti de .votet'Fulne iproportionofet tat tu benevo lltoljeets: liii îtua t is a dilicitît îlot lient. For ornir> îpeopletî aune tplan ot ws-okly givinîg oet-ca utitioti, antiai line lien ofîtîn saut. nineutetttgui fartiuur sîliGode tilt-seing than leu tenutitewithout. Tihe cornetion et a ftler nutane love net lhale. 'lo iunderetatît sorrov,, sick nets, anti teuîth, ste nust neyer loe segh ut lteG fîh,'rhudof etGoi. Thît grea trutb in thle "nitraî one of Jeastta ci Iug, anud !ltatother fonni, of Pattl's.1 bras lieu sounctihat eliecuredin ui ages, b>' other tnîttis, bit ia nets'cumini again I tls Irîte ptice as a cardinal dec tie of ChristhînIty. Tht loviug chas tening uitflte "atluer ie indeeti eue ofth reuvarde cf oliedietuce, if seen lu tht righ ligll. ltibrinigs isdoin of tht ligies Fourt, syhuse us nys art wsi->'of plonîsai nets tutudivittusepaîbe are pence. Tht tottaictuuofetthe lesson ivith SSu cnton le net a close oe. Tht losson aU pears itun abook~, part of arbiclt Bolomuý syrote. li tencuinîg abot "the cewan et olitilittit,," sic omet add ti titlSoic min die] net tinaulice that eliedienîce, au ftlleut of lte nttiî Hie examîtie le stullicletlsaniig ofthle daînger titat bî sels thtuse suit sec the niglit #ant do il ni Next Lestu--"The Fume of Soe oo-IKiniga, 10: 1-10. Lhsîinir Clos.e tu Christ. Tle etuds thIat toc usnMorîtain baur the l[andi of rightecîtetess and trut Sni>' long bang eû,tlick andi iow the living ClOse teo hî'isAtht sont Mu>' etl fail o te e Him; but some day certainl tha fog aball rina, thet cloud shall sci SERIOUS SU13JECTS 04*FULLY CONSIlIERg. -Thoughta Worthy 99 Çai 22s1c- tion-HaIt au Homr'is MMY et tbe acripture*-Time Wcll Speat. Tession fer Novemnter 22. olden Tcxt.-"Iumai lb>' waYs se. knowledge him, asdbhla iatdirect 1h>' paths."-Prov, 3- (i. "Ittwarda of Obediencae' la the aubjact. of til lesson. The tesson la fouid Il' Prov. 3: 1-17, and le takgn from that part cf the h<ustk cf Proverbe whicb PrObAWsY wam net writhen b>' SoloMOn. It le, how- aver. none thetelu appropriaI. 10tosAs panioti sud Sitoaon's lite, when ha wo stli wavting betwecu obedlqâtk ! md dlsobedience. Husihhe edad theaidvico b«e.givan we iheulsi net have 10 studl Lesion 10,.,whieh relatai hie fait. Tla firgt aint chaptere of Ibi, bock for. a itriti et connecteS diacouries ln praiae ofwiidorn. This Iciion i0 the heglinlg of tht hourt i scourer-- *'orget net ni>'iaw:" "te remanier la the first alemeat of obediece.' -t'Let thina heart keep la> commaudmantat" lhe entira saIf, intellect affections, anti wtt!, le te lbe given flp 10 thet keaping cf lb. commaudmanta of God. Notbing tei v.ill lueurs Irne chedience. "l1,ength of da>'s andi peace @hall the>' add te thee:'" A favorite tlbougbt ln the Proverbe andilhe Paima. Long life n-as tht mark et divine haver lu thte pin- Ion of- thte iebrews. Hence, oeeof Job's gcentest-pnzzies Ja, "Wby do tbe *wiekcd liva?" "'Wilb ail thîne heart:- commen sense heees ni that the Lord avilI net bIeui an idle dapendeuce. 'The complete îrudt hi GoS thal ha ht-rt apuken of je oneacctam- paniesi b>'an entergotie anti persavenina "Fear the Loch, and depart trem evil:" a svholite eur, net oui>' cf Goti, but of tle ceonyequent-os et evil, avili preserve a man front sin sIen luis conscience sionit net do sa. ,*'Bu ebulilt>'lybaians lic fuît-s eilh plînI> :*' the atore ont gives aisa>' tc Gode truork, tht mure liei is prospeneti: no il lislit-n pnî.sed b> lte actuel axpe- rtiue cf nuami>'lairgo git ers rTe %is nu-n s bt-eut apeaking et pros- peril>' as tIi rets urul tif oliedieni-e; ha now jiunuers a obil.tiljectioîn, sshy do tbe chu-i -rt sîutuet iteseîutiî-r ? Bm-ianse, il lx autii ii, asteînîg is somnetititti bttenrttain îînperil> lunasnutlias iî .tringuî e-l"douut. shicl islthe muet uîsira- lI ot ail îluingrF. A su-cep tlî.t liai helititi an>' ifflictt< onet iui ail agis, auttI onte tînt suives heu tes a tant otthe' iystery of sttfferng: riot lte ielut h buon. rftîr iii nntt lwa>'i pi-e wut ltt- ta m-ii-îliin a lticltin hould uns- ive< ,cntrt. iauil iitlî cd ireknout l'un Il le tu rtt %%ivstsent fo)r thet- heaing Df Gm a hi(Ys t.Burt the versu..'jlst botue liglit unî the priillent. * AIN IIÂLÂN4~E Anothe, Natter.ey u Circumatances. alter cases, svqteA __________proverb, ad sometimes the inetamor- I ;Dhosig li.s ccomipllalîed witb uiuziug ti FATE 0F THE ISLAND LIKELY TO suddenew. i BE SETTLED SOON. Two amateur bunters ln the Nortîierl th svroods, net long ago, saîv a deer, and w Stee.gnti. of Rebelle or Interven ot ied 'Tltft la niy deer," said] A. *1 iiot il." an tien mer kanue-Une e am la Wait- "No, Yeu didit't." hotly reîilied B. *l tug-Adminlsirat10U PropOses te la my deer, bec'tnse 1 killed l t.*" Misiatala Strict -Neutratitv. A tird pnrty wns approaeiun f ron e -the opposte direction, with tnry In bis e ,Affaire Near a Cris. eye and a club ln bis baud. Weashington dispatch: t ln the fillE "Wich cforyou two rageais 5h01 My conviction of oivers of the administra- ealf?!" roared the fariner. P tien that a crais is approaebing in Cuban *htflo uttl i i Idl, affaireand, ithat the only, eaie course sea elw ts odoe i i l' for the Uriled States te pureue le 1t, eaid A. tl a~ai deeiomeua. auyaenatlaal And B, nowt îoroughly alarmed fer etoriea area ailet about immediate inter- bis persouat satety, annweîedi: vention hylte United States and extana-'"Ha lies.Ilie shot Itt himself. I w Ive mlitary preparatieus for prospaectiv'e hlm do Il, and l'Il swear to i'."-'17ue t trouble witb Spain. it eau ba atated Interior. I wibb autbority that the I'resident re- t gards the proet imilitary situation on A cep>' cf The Cornpaion'p Art Cali-P' the Island as far tee eritical te warrant endar fer I1897, wlicb rivalis the famouo 8 action b>' tht United Stutes ett dii timte. "Yard of Iteses" publilited b>' The Cein-w That the miitary openations now act- Panion a feîv years ago, je given free te Ivel>' begunu b> the Spaniwb will resuît ever>' OOw suliscrilior te The Comîjanien in bringing matters te sncb a stage as for 18)7. To uew anliscriliers the p:îper is to neesilate the recognition of the in- also sent free from thetime thtenlibscrip-G surgeuts or intervention in the interest tien ie received till Januar>', 1.,s"7. T11 11 of humanity, the autherities regard a net s snscriLicrs isill receire, free, n hand- absclutel>' certain. The President je no sertie four-page folding calendalr, lto-B thoroughly cnviiced that there will soon graîîbed in, tihydre clors. The Comnpati b. important changes in the situation t,> ion fret ever>- wcek te Jantrv, 1897, raison cf the militar>' operatiens that and for a fult sear te Januusry. 1808, bliD are aow in progrese that lio bas net toucit- eendiig te publishers $1.75. eue, ear'sN ed upea the Cuban clause of bis message seliiîtiou. Illustrated prospectus for at ail. This will lie the tast chapter 1897 -irte. Adi<ress The Youth's Cont- wrtten. panion, 203 Columbus avenue, Boston, a I! Peuding further developments ou the Massq.H B Iand, tht attitude of the administration Cyclogneter andt Stop Watch. will continue te bce eue cf strict neutral- faF 3îoru rolnla st eIt>'. If there isne material change by T.F anrofB okybsli-h ithe time Congress convenes, the Preet- ented a cînîîiîît:ttioii stop %vatetîitd ideut's îreatmient cf the Cuban question cyclonteter titat ha., nban>' atvaittgt-. la bis miessage will bc muh the sainieas Besîdes- reîurdiîug the istance tr.tveled 9lant ýear. It eau lie stitteti authoritative- ami tiinte on the road it Indicates tthed Il' that the report matie b>' Getteral Iot îvpedlut mites per liur ivbile Ili nue- duriug liii recent conferejiîce.9 with tbe flou. To de(terliiioe te speed itl l nec- fPredîdeut and te Secertar>- ot Stata aciteda frz iueo wiil not lie productive oet Y a lucinaeisteceýisry teuVt(htedtitt itoeo change lu the attitude et the United tlrty secý>n,l. Aunatîtomiatic 11101 C Étas.tunt tiiru vs bot h cv«cloiiîîehî-r andlui The presci-en elu¶astingtn etAd- watelt eut of gear sinulutancoi.sly. Ils miraIl iiinve, cf th, North A t uni iv sqjuaî- use w Iîi t aie ru er, toIi itois Ilie-li ri ran. snd ii. lengihy confiren-e eith Sec- tped e-li lîre bn îlit n a qti. rettir> Herbîert lm e givin n 'e teotan>' As il (,ail il e suold for $5, i t mnu v l-Ie.t gensttiouaI rettîrto abutt inippridi'tg trou- po1.t sîisiî- eb taie hie wit ih Stainu. On'- ettht- alsrmuîg ne- Ait. r.IitîIe b.îr. IobcatiLliý ports i tha t thliea diii t rat ion lias new ti iifl r e beroîne tîîri gt envi iieed t hat SIpai'e it tensive lini'itinltiots lt honte and theI Teins. ,treceut lar ge auigmeluiat in of thteut itan>' Ilu)tteagýrcîîlurat IiifltTexas leads al tries in Cuiba are inaniîcip.ation ofa othen Statîe-in th ie varityIroftits pru-iî,eîl..t conflit with this cenIr>' îtrbvýked 'Cotton, cru and the cercuil-,gnow antI irec by Spîain for thé tiuriîosiŽ ut resering raised in uv(r*t section (f the t Snic udf dber digîîiî in th.- lis if Cuba. Thiere ini tht ceatral and touth-rn poionus sugar I ,r lane jiiptifitqtion for w ar talle nt this cille atisurglitim cie are pii:li Itme. Tht visit cf Admilcal Bunce biad cultiv:ltfîti. ()ii the Glfitcoiat te-oud îte do %vith the repsair wtrk on tht ses- tbree cr011 utof .-gitalelis are raim--d etît-la sels et hie squadrona aud i wainîer', year. Berni-»sare slîippitedsix weteks ina cruse.aicauce of the homle cr011 lu the north.b l'cars pealts, ttunu, oranges, igs. THE POPULAR VOTE, olives ad unuis al grow abundantl>' andtv cetu lie mark-tc-d fronte-o te thnee weî'ks How ltUae Stood in Varions Quad- ii advatxte ofthte Calit-riaa croîts. Large brenniai Conteste. quantitie, cf r-e are ne- grec a. n hleth el,-iiinail vote decides svho If the luinti sieker, the ho>me speeer orc shah libelireside-tt it k aIe-a>s of lu- te seler desires to secure a tartitirger1 tere-st te kuo- te poplalr vote cast for titan the une lie oci nco î vasti>' more iiCcesfui irsict:anîîtdidates. Prier rèlisiiuaile ternts; if lie e tilmnore landi a te 1828 titere w as ne "popîtiar vote" te ctilivate. a greater variety if crîqis te ,d whieh is w orth rectiriing. At thetlime hurvest, %vitlt îinuiortionately ittni-:t'ed 1.when te edr antssd Ilepuplblicana reiititnerat.ioiit.taI alese outli>' for vcit , or Jeffei-.on;ants ivvre tilting fur power of proiduction; if hie e-nus ant tacher îi ethe tIectors in States ivere chosen 8otî eith cuorres;ixîniitigly liguier plivecs; b> tiht l.egis!atttre. Àiter the break-up if lie %anuls oilîler wiiti rs Iltilie tiycînrL io f the Federalist liant>' titre wats a long pastitrape for lis solcki.îtiniîrz)ved Iîîaitii.1 > period durng which etaS qiadrenulailtireaseil huiilv etinfits suit e-eaiîh itcoutest s'as a stiîe b S-,.n umen railler and lrostierît>', lie «huiuld goît îîTexas. dieu meaî,înt-s. Tîtere wcre ut siroug seilt for pamphillet destriîuise of ti t ,aand ntI ilrgnniied parties ut the field sa r nîsetîie(s of this grcaî Stite (tmatlled ,d there aie nîîwv. free . Lois rate boine-sekers' extu-tI S Te fellow nz table -ires the actual simits via thte Missourni, Kantsas and 'trem- votes andu lIîtiiis. üxcudîlng tht mi- as Riu > on Tirestia>s. Nov. 3 atîd 17, is nonit v. ciiiliales, lu stairs wlien thae flic. 1 and 15, 180. IH. A. Cherrier, , pliicalilies have Lemn oser Ni-melO Sucrtltenn Passenger Agenît, 316 Mar- ri YeRr.n. itnitatea. pîiratît. 'luette Buildintg, Chicagou, 111. j. 11;.re ........ (10.474... .2t4.SfiO 1 Sott .........A Pion. e 150 .It t ... . S.... tl.X3 1 i î. -toeitisai], w itlt petn- O r . tcuit.t' 4 8 site litiho, "I doi' t rîteaiîfoi' a i'i rutle la .......t 1 1t5,lit57ta iîiuait tit ytiu dutît sitow-the 184.... .iî I..........tittl7. 0.14 ioîer cl etIait 0,cr liy scel lItýeig. n- 1. -Hnl~'*'it 1% iswlb3 ou ltIululd trulittfer oile ut 8,-i ti-ur... 2,7fi.13 bc 172...Granit '17.7. .6291 Vtîdoii ou ttai1 e. (re0ie..........':,lO79 i lit-lltlîtking It e-oitd lie a 1te . i e iI......,2.... 371,= gi-u llt irecnfîraî1 fl~ ttri-u 55, ,-,-01 (elmr oiotbeI te Wlettter inîrpoti la oute total vote i lt uliishît iîlc"ss itîerest Initi'eliaIl icil- oas c M neliîys pi'ur:ty wilii ti as large l:tr kltîd 4f catttîualgii tottat I lveai, as that rec-ie iitii Gratnt caxînot lie tcld andîmrtie lit te uelltaIfastetis i outil te rettiiie are cli recels cd. siîint-.'Wttutn at s GOVERNMENT CROP REPORT. CINCINNATI FLYER. kIndications of .ai Cight Incease lu the Monon Roule andi C., H. & D. R5 ate of iciti for Corai. lTe '%ltin lias put ou a faîst 11>er for Tht ret unis le the Depai tueut cf Ag- l Iiaatitilaandtiti i il t ui i etînntil n e.ricoîttîre for tht ut tlof otuvi.îoer as wiIli the tC., Il. & D. lTe trai leuises g te rate of yitld niake the averaige ot Cornt thicago, Diarlioru Station, ut 11:50 a. le. 2î.3 bîîshcls. whivh i.,attire the yietd in- r.. recites Indiantapliis lit 4:37 ant i Cl- o. dicated b>' the otttt figures in Ocho- cimt!aîl aI:45 P. n., thosnîakitg the e. bon. I.ast yetr teê prîIititi.ry estimaits i rnb, Chicago te Indiianatpolis, in feur ot of ield wns 2G.2 bushells. Tht rates etf heure and funiy-seveti iiutes%, and Ulu- a yield lu the large aud princial corn eitîntiinir seven Iourq and fifty-ivt nain- e States are as f(Iltuivrs: Nec York, 31.7; utils. Tbisis l te fastest ltte matIelie- ýu- Peuusyivania, 3t.1; 0hîe. uO9 Michigan, teetn Chicago aud 1 tdin unapolis and Cin- . 7; Indigna, 32.4: Illinouis, 40.4; Minneso- cinnati b>' amyige lo. lThe 'Cincinnauti e, ta, 3.0; be-a, 37Î.7; Nissouni, 26.3; Kan- I-'lycr" is equililîed eith elegati ia> ýk- sam. 27.1; Nebraska. 37.2. cnoiches, te Moton celeliatedlih-a-- ýh The average yieli et luckh-iet le 18.7 ti senteittrlor car andit uing etar. City' at bushels an acre, agatint 20.1 biîshete Int Tirket office, 232 Clark treet, Chicago, b- year, andi 16.1 for the year 1894. The ii It average >ielîi an acre cf poThey itifferoîl ime btîehels. -hicb, thotiglinet phenoîtîcîai.TeyDffrd Dg a nevertbties aboie tht average-for the City y>onttg imano(w-ttchlug the skir't ('e- aset ten years. Tht average yield of ha>' dancsî,rsgyriittitton te stllge)-Grace- a-s indicitettib>' tht preltîttintar>' retorus ti, 1lslt Il, nitant Emî'linte? Pits Cuîre ftir Cîunauminuîiîî ethe it cf ail cougl eiri. \V-c . WLoîz, la bachen, Lat., Aîug. 24; 8.5 No stuniln ltIntewrd j'reItý husitttut liko a futr-erwd . When blionsîtor r ceent aCnret candl>'catlatuil: oure 1d 2.. niys t itit u i- -t.aue.i l si, Are, neterous, but cf ta atrmu mr ridleultos than the promiseuouan sd rsnâum use ut laxativePUIeandmitcher drashiec atitar- ten. These wreueii. convulse sud weiken bttt the sttmarli and tbte ,wels. If item- tctter', Stomac I littera li edsat netteo hes)e ne-neiiiethi. the result 1la cetuaipliiett withont pain sud with great hentaI te the bou-ia. the atomaclt amuîtthe tii er.tetitis emedy adieu cenîtiPtttlPn le' mtîttîeste'd. gad tiereh>' prea-ent il frouTt7 ecomlag citronle. Cheaper lu the Laid. Firit lady-h don't met hue you (-au aford te [et ycur loilgeni 0w-e you ses- rmil weeks'cent. Second laîl>'Well. 1'- i1ke tiis: iVheui they're in delît Il tffecîs thêîr al- Petitesu; the>' utsel- hiki- ho tsk for n ueOuui itlh)iliZ, 80 it (cc-lueflt biiest la the eud.-London TII-PIts. Hionie-Scekars, Excurgions. OVNov. 1-6 anti Dec. 1 andt 15, 1806, the Chicago, NMilwauke'e and iSt.,iPaul Itale-ay wiili selI round tripi excursion tickhet$e tnîttCitienugo t. a gi-taituttiix> Vtet n uthte Vestera andl Stinhisesteru eftesliutlt on ils oitn lino anti tIse- sbîere, ut greatî> redttci'î nrates. Deltaila na to, rates, roulis, etc., Ma~y lie olied on Uiplli(-Itio nloi te art>' cotupont ticket a getI or l'y ddressiîtg F. A. Miller, Assisitatt Licenal I'aîaengo; Agent, Citictîgo, Iil. 7 ha liar Girim, "The dern, dean girls!" cxclalined 3B10,18,e. nthusiastically. "ithe dean, dean gicle!" mîtteneti Dleu, despondentl>.- llhuladolphia Northt Anueican. Slow's Tint We offer Oçe Hitndred Dtollars lEûMnii fer mu> ceetofCatarrh lticanuel lie caret] ty 'sHatl earrit Cure. F. J. CHI'NEY & CO.. Prep.. Toledto. 0. Çe lte underslgte itave known P. J. Çhenay fon lte ladta15tars, snd blee.hlmn, éitti) honorablte lu ait lu',Iiego trnnions anti nnRn- -ieUlale te carry out are otblgation matie b>- W',ET & TrCÀ'xl,'Wblesale Dntggl'îla. Toledo. 0. Dini lita. Tolle.o, . Iia&fls Catarrii Cure il Iaken Intrnanuiy. aetIn tlle sy'em. Prie. 75c. pertImtte. Setiti ly ail l8tglt.Tetilonlaitrot. Hie Purtîcutur Hobby. Crlttle-Wlhat sort of a htuibLy kistit liuuilist Kntînk n.lluig itou,? Binugs-I îluluk I b ltiyce. I'hla- lelpi îNorth Arerican. Ltuae*@ icanly>'Medicine Mves lthe bossela eacb day. Iu un- dienr te be hldthy tliiss leieiessary. Acis gentiy on tht usver aund kidneys. Cures sick i.tstaclt-. l'ice 25 and 5oc. rcitI suls attraîdî i-rrot5na moun- ta [r s do sîtins. îlottti lui Ille tiffen clo"ds ticeaut k n tL t. tu, a ud tley Iinâ fortit a eh-elIer for the plains arvoi.- RI h ter. I're'ia;ure hallntess Itn>ii. 1-ines enied anti lthe uti r mutie t-)grotv il -tut h al-i neutîl>' alîl. >- lthe titi- ofîtt tile egi-tible SBilianunlir Itexiteer. Di. B. Jolie-., ut Britu .illt. -tuea svatvh thaI hocoterl3- belutugedti îOlive-r Crocente-ll. Evacr Ce.. V6 FiftbAvc»gk New ne <y How did it happen that the old fashioned, laborious way of, \~\'lI~~7bwashing was evcr given to woman. as ZZ7lier particular -work? It's an imposition on lier. She oiwght to have liad only the easiest thiýigs- to do-a"nd men, strong. healthy m~~nen, oughit to hav-e taken Up this washing business. Now, hiere is a sug-gestion. In thos;e families \ that still stick to soap and make their wash-i ing needlessly liard and unpleasant, let the meni do that work. Thevre better fitted for it In the families that use Pe alne ~,~).and make vashing easy, let the womnen do it. Thev won't mindita mx Ni/lionls -Ny2UXr tPeu ,r/kwl ýNDY rICI taraIs TUTT.LE CA t a... !!!9 otagenur sats. Chicaago Nwm *cilatmes 94.PS*T WAMN~ M K P213uii îl 4.,SIOUJX CGM "A Fair Face Cannot.Atone-fc An Untidy House..' Use Who I tbhin tiena qtý Dlot allliced wlthazdepa the system eimpy addt to briug comfort home te thiri ns a costIve con di tion le ego" by uslng syrup of Figa. Man«t by the California Fig Syrup only, and Pold by al drugglsts. Good men have tewest feare. lue but one wbo fears to do wrong. q' thousanti wbo bas overeome Just try a 10e box of Cancarets. t»l est liver and bowel regulatorev meJut as surely a disease cof the bl".E le @ce-ofiila. So ay the best aut Heow fe9lieh it in, then, te expect aC frorn onuffs, inhalants, etc. The se course ja to purify your blond by t the best blood purifier, Hood s a rilla. T'his medîcine ba prmi' cnred Ca!arrb in a multitude of eaasàý goes te the roof' ef tbe trouble.wM impure blond. le~< Sarsaparilla la bst-la tact. tbe One True Biod flurtilimi The C~#UaVa 3eaaiV. A BOUTLE la the REPAS*KI for ai LOOIDENTS. Uncqualed for Quickly BealIDfr Lameness and .5orenesa o 1 Iluscles, Wounds, BruimeJ Stiff ness, RheumatIsm.1 Rnb tboroughly with PONDIS EXTRACT after cach ride to lkeep muncles supple, pliant, *ti@iig. Try PFond's Exact Olticfor