* RAYSL-AKE INDEPENDENT Vol. V. No. 7. Grayslake, Lake County, Illinois,, Fn day, November 27, 1896. $.0 nA Dr. Charles Galloway. ANOTHER FACTORY. Our Friende at Joliet. A CHINA WEDDING. Nv 5 83 Office over Lovel!IsDrug Store Don't desert old !riends for the new.No .2 ,8 3N v.:5 à OffceveLoel'sruStreMeager Information Relative teliemember absent once; Here la theo U. D. Herrick and Wlfe Agreeably vou, as i ou TaaÂNDil, 70 8 . M. Boot and Shoe Factory. rostet of Lake (Iounty riminals i1Cw SurDreed. P O P R T E W T O Liberyvlle. - llinis lepremeiitatives of a large boot and in Joliet penitcntiary altboughi there Nov. 22, 1876, (Centenial year) Mr. ____________________BE_________________ L -eryv- - lln - isboe coneera were bere receutly ,.ith byreculib nne. Daniel D. Hlerrick and Misa Edlth E. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. a vlew to removing their Iudustry t Osbatuhiiy .L4.kt evywr apiymrld ic As it has been with this establiSh ment Offceovr rlgs& ayors.titis place. Those lu a position to Meoy.Bon which tine they have reslided on thefo 53 eas fnrlshrelabe iloraîln s t u~ Laeme('ann. (>Id Herrick fuirmait the intersection -Boulin-- (iuwan. Colinfrmaionns t th of Mlwauke v.adWh onLiewsinWi a peeV - o10 lua.m. 2 10 a and a. ta8 p. m. resait of noufotiations between the To Ibese wi'jîbc î>. îî hor ly ishe.r Ieaith unl.n ~~a nbsdypeeiet -tadneo rawyopst. aksniaepol n hn otadnwnte etne road, hall way between LibertyvilGe eorge W ahntn Ieading man-the man L ibertyville, Illinois. slîoe conceru are very reticlent. liti When (iuwnianaud Connlers were eanod tHDy ee ts h ethat o a the could no tt cessful - - conversation wth a man who 15 <on taken tb Joliet 8aturday, lte prison eslralîge wodot ssio ienta bttie ud nto dsparsag. Dr. E. H. SMITH, the luside and whoin we consid r officers knew Giiwan in a minute al- Urrk ami bitsuchin b t ride badedtodsprae DNIT perfectly relible we learned 1thetlîough by anotherlinme. "Back home, Hearickomndhhe day 0f Ibridepen OfloveLIE lS DrgSo conceru im rated Wolf by commercial biey?' said they. <iowan had<înlybeen bren inarried twenty year8. Dan is a afrnthdyofisOl of coeLvglaDuSo encie, odta hywatdtan urnnb nltisi i orbprocticul famer, and abiy asssted l1î3. stablishment, 2), 1843. stood F11sT ln seflg gOUIS % 12 . m. andto ap. ma. DAMI! coute bhe. This saute gentleman lime thora, lHe will niake Joiet bis thrîilwf, îî ugîerat u I 3ie pride and pleasure o! G. B.,L inlornied our reporter tbat tlie syndi- homie for a long tume. dntifuil son, whait mure could lie de-.1& Co, to ever ofer that good 1 _________________________ai Ielliornois. aei>e n asred ltu make a haîîîy anad prosîwrous of merchaudise, and thât re ___________________cate was willilng tu concede alte noswï nbfr n19. famuil3-? 0lweso rcwi us reurmnathe lactory people hall if irwn0nhto oaicrsle requiremetshliad istricn o. ld theo edlforils Whobkeep i i rstinluthe erac Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. aikeditu frnsure their removal and that acconpanied film went thronghi the DistrioctaNo.and s ioitand tig a ecouomy loviug people. nouas IL 9LAM. 1TO 8 AXP7 O @P.m. Tt waauow only a question as tatheir sa eea 0 h luellciladsca tniga prion nd aw eveal f te aoveindstrouspeolewho believe*lu speelal attention paid le the reljability, ami that aigl ig con-inanîed ofenders. Griswold is work- making lite wortht living. Mecsdames treatment or Chronic lheumatiam. sldered th e lirospet i for the ir 1location ing in the cigai factory. leis fat and FletadTetwaeany m Reoekefellerry- Illinois..attablere -foios. Lake works i inte saddlî'ry the leading spirits in getting Up tQ Rockefller,- I -_l toil,~ ascertain the rnane or depjartnieut and .loe MvCail workfs in plenaiit social entertaitnmentsl. They c 0. F. Butterfield M. D. C. preseut location of the bhoot anad aloe hie biacksnîltb siop. teji eplauaieda am execnted Ibis bappy oc-~A K GA .IL tactory. We halte ta se the Mer<biiul When GoWau lefI h alle A K A IL VETEJIINAI1Y KURfGEvN ND DENT18T. Clothiumg tai. moîlind-ît utt>i entwa oa u t(o n aionnta perfection. ______ ___________________ LxIBRUTVviLm - - - . iuzots lraclital uise ere many moutlis and l ujîljt olie. Tt was a îreîty lir lit order ta accomnodaîte soute, and OMce Trgi.%&TaiwIk. believe presî'nt illications1 are î-ven ..-ait an libe gave it lia lis wi<e to m"ke the *"sirlrise" a complete suc- i>tlar for te location o!f a gooulRei o un ttl a at'al n hg ceau.s it was appointed for Saturday MIS M.A~.lCEDAVS. reliiiile il]aliitry in (iii-injalst tjj fl tiarait0 reaircîl i e ai f Morday, when il migbt S y misem. Aý.in DAIB. gencrally antcuted âfýihîy hertelsha ohsaefotrtiiel.'ie bave been expeted.' Alhionigh the S y l OauiofAmerica% aili/,-iis imen <luoflot wî'ar trified îîiifornis at «f muic . of Lllîertyvile. "So mnoto it be.* Joliet any more anoi like thie change t niainslatbeion ek h -TECHEE or-Takgiii service ut the Peb-)at lte eyiii-i--Hduyt vociforouis "district yell" ait eight We want your name on our list VOICE CULTURE AND HARMONY lerlan cbnrch next tiurday nitrinhag. Di>oly Rt1.i.giuta,.icit a fsusrbes o l Ewss Lîbetyvilie. Ilinois. servicle wiîili ce louîed witb te cale Liair oriinairy avocations, bail tbey SCRIBERs wlîose naines are re- ______________________________ ratio of thie Lird'is uliper. Coifl5ge ln the Uiniltd States. qulai-kly regaimaeu their eqnanimily cie eoeJn ,19.w leclion i§ oî ir aui rien spapers rail ad tbrew open their bospllable mis- cie eoeJn ,19. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, sitayon wgv Uciîua îiiu fa t~ anid wîlcoiined tie visilors. ivili give one year's lîbscription *DENTIST. Pied, Nov. 211, 1841, at lier home an living accu-aiii of îuîlitical praferment Aeyugpul to ossil Croru. Bridéce ana l litte Work oa .ihy. te tbailao! Warrenî, Mrs.lSai-ah litaf- l'y thaîsa'nfia, îteriîrf.tl lhe items iiof telipi iper atory, shere lhey eîjoyed - OFICE iOtlH - for. ag' 8 yî'rs nal l ualys ililernîl thau lai' irîer ialealda great variety of appropriate gaules, oto iA. . i toi anal ItOiP. . 5siAvidia oiliCîlaai~.Tefoios wiatg juabi!lîsur while liir sedate acièlors distributled Graysiake - Illinois. Franklin co., N. Y., Noîv. il, Imi. andI ciinage in Ii' Viled States:Ienevsaeth alrsîiî To the Chicago Weekly silientie îar earler yeors iar lhatpie. No lii ceaI Silver pieei lave tiie and dining roonîs, where lhey fii- Inter Ocean. REMENDuER, PAUL MacGUFFIN, lu IW site was miarrb.ul to Natllaîi-l coined at any of theUiiilýd lStates dulged litisoical intercourse. A ileas- hsoerol gounifrt Attoey and Couritelflor ut Law. lRio, aiho died lut 1532. Tii tem nuits sinice îy an actIpassea fl iiMay, sa nI featofeoleandinwsrmalc ie hoffer hMoNLegodutl i NOTrARY PUBLIC were barn tbrce chlldren, Jamies lm-dm, sncb cainage was prolibited. music. Mrs. M.E. B.Thomlpoon pre- llî'nrY, iho noie reaides luin ongbh-ie coiaga-o! thbis liei'e weît 0ou for sidod at the organ and the scholars ut Operial attention given Collectionl., keelmile. N. Y ., Natbaniel S. antI jrive year u ony anad te weigbt of the the Lockesebcool did the Iseveisprond O and Cuîîveyaucing. Loiia Alvoril. lîotb de-aset. lunacoin watt aeventy-seven grailla. Ilîre 3wedtdeligbtdth omay ih bi Ouuîce WiTH LAKE CO 1 87V BANK, 18-441 Mrs. Bickoek înoveid t-o witat la are now (! tha.în oastiiuding $.4.l14 About tan ocelock the ladies, wlao ewlut Jnay1187 Libertyville, Illinois. uiuw Lake coiîîty, remiding for a fimie Since Febrnary, 1887, ni) Irade dollars bad brought and prepared a IjountifiùW il ni Jnay1 87 _- w ith ber brotler Jamesm. ho Wa" a o! siivi-r hîîve iaî-i'iî <'iiîel andt he rt'lasb, aunounced supper. The table ietNE USRBS a was laid wîtb a beanlif UTi set o! china gv oNWsDUIBDa Mi»s LULU M. S. PENNIMAN. 4e.bol lese-ber, Marb 13, 1844. wit-'tilal anionut of titese lu existence diahles which were liresehted to file premiunî, a year's subscription -EECaza 0OF netI's -ilier nîanriage u inte tOwnutfirtougiat n icirculatatio, iiinow, 1*1<e 'snd groomin a afew tclicltous to that popular mazaine and VOCAL ^AO 1 A LSO DCLSANTE Warren fti Lei-itSafilr, wb<î dleal T5lOI..'ite ciinage (if lihi-tradte remaàrka uy the taftler of lIns. H. W. trpaeW m n nd 110110 UNSNTAL VOTU Oi? Juîîe 21l 17m. butailsiue nlielilry tili tdollar lias tegain ii 1873 ad il was 10115-t, 1ev. W. H. Kellogg, Who aîsusor aer o anid ..Ailc.. .. iTIN rnwthe msncbage cd tînueta y.sample copies of which will be Uagr193ETODa. Boa? ZABONABLE uaîIcua. ll ix oaliraIîaaaoue o, Gl(iiia HuI., îî-aSa îîdiiau. were laath ta depart jaîst iu lime ia furnished frec upon application Uib.rtyviileIlilinola, wai 1 al isite liveu iaIt te tiii' îf ier Ai ahi cilîl ailsaver vary rare iiiaî--prevent itreaking the Sabitati. t. n t tlis office. ______________________________________at.La 415 Fiaaiy iriiîg slaetarosea- ilav isislai' 'ivir ijaif uiin ifaeo!21 'a, a hapîpy<occusion, long tai liere- No H ard T imres If Y3-hlm au3 nalIilîit ts :L4waiias istiai, and lwiila- grainîs, thîecuaîîagî a!if il-tvlncntrd n good Farm n Cui(entr'al Wisconasini ioa aîiigusiîiclaalst iawrarigiîauly aautmizedbcaa a3aalof ctiiiTeacher's Meeting.A n ait $5, $ 10 or $15 per ac-re. c t-lc aig-W-l laa-gîalalgHi-c n uApril, 171l2, nire hfilaiti A teachers'nmeeting will ho hieltI ai- Good sol, nater, ronds, scîjools, fatfililmsîrvant, chIeriutai the o i,îf î',.ttary ago. Tîhe coinage oft hall Rackefeller, Baturday, Doc. 5,begin- If neither of the above suit you churches and pleulty of titein. tby Lord.- For sixty-live yî-ors MHi-.(i ttes was cantinua'all il 1873. Thera niing lit f) leohck ésharp. Sîilijec-tainorwe'1l compromise onýthe Farm Wood and Clark eoîîntic-s arc- not MIaatiraI us ai faituaf al îiaulier 'a i le ie re naw o! theni îîearlY $l,00lidisc'~usionaarc: SA Sandy I)esert." I will go with Methitllulliirelh, fronto ubicit lier * Jourwnal. The INDEPENDENT, 1wort1il e axtece,. litaiîightheY aret- 1, aiTÀSv you trip to cîîSt lînîf 11.1. fare,flaineraI touR jplace liînday, Nov 22,areîy seela ln cîroalatîi. SMliianoahaci-TlîeBlaatlrooft, and any thec above mentioned no experase to see country while 1ev. J. N. L.emter sîieakîaîg froîn Ils.sm nal andI non- retired i slver coin of'The- Ptîpîî, papens one year for $ 1.50. there anîd fare maküs Part PaY- il(;: "1'-.S"len~vea a a 1ritIier, îîow 94 îiiiai urea reenut origin i.a te 3 ceait'lfeVots ment on land if you l.iy. I amn yeilis al, tInamosan, naany granmd citil- slver piect',iist authorized in Marcil, Mit. i3Aiiltua. agent for Lake Connty. Caio uanlg--tgad<hlîe iî 5,liat nîît coiued mince Fî-luaary, Tle atat li<t write for maps, ternis, time etc. haukit'iua friendsiaslumiorai laîr ietad 83 lentiilufIi ent sivîrChiiîweei, John J. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~183 LT bu h "nciîsiiltesgto lcLî sjite %ois î of 'th -ni-t iti rTite Pink, Grat1thI iiIrinof tia.Lord aeL, Postoffice or Express money Brick l4tare, rysiake Illinois. la-af llubis uinlts' legal %wcîgiiî <aithic3-cet tnickel iecsThe Wild (icrîîniîîmh"or<lr payable to JUST & Basket Social. Tll a<saîal~~e rl iie Yellow WVood Suri-el, WOOD[MAN, Libertyville, H. P. E WlNG M. D. liai-i-c ilulia' a a - ait-lauWjk ai the Tlacre arc oiitstaiaiiîg $l,251twaliIwoaitlaM il.ELLSI<ANIP. 1ll., for $1.50, statiug wlîicl Rockefeller, Ill., binai of Mi-. NW. J. Fui1ler 1îîsduyii 3cen iaslver p 1es- - The .icwel Weed, rmu isdie ncoe. ltcaldence at J. E. iitlt'omi .. îcîiiîg, . i-t'.iîmaair mta-healices o ,af ficcMISS ufglI lulasw i-COLB. NT. Ll-s. 1 iig:tItinloed il 18941. P rtua hîat tloi- tion with the INÇDEPENDENT. Office - <ppioile Iepol. baka-is witb lunh'o tuaiolii latskç-se l 'cen Tite uii a i aialit u-im 'lcNastirtion, ire Hour., 9 A. M. ta 2 Il. M. Aflî'r 6P.M. 'l,<i1 <m, ",a .alaîl iltaîiay ifthliilaiarei-c in'1'liae wShepher' i-<ls , ii t t. .tellite Tuiotitrot Criss, ______1_*________________ _______'rite__finit__of_______The____________________ l~kl F larutine ias stavîsfor leaîhiîg amil iaativc irtuMissol. 'ni lui-t Thf lai-nyton (Iowa)ite layto îIow> Pit'a-eREonLals REA ESTAE TRASFERS UNION HOFE L. F rtn iisot o inigajwere caincd aai-rnitie h-lîîw lassed li Ibat aaltî-iy rt 149 lo îay h-bctaîltaryiTîa r LIcItATI RE'-the tîllowlîîg notice of the death o! ?Box WAOEAN EXoisTU,. unequaleNfo- teLLIney Caliouifaîg îaaîrhoscs ri<L t M'iToaei$Arhitecture, lra. Katharine Eger, iother <f H. B. Jerome B Story aud vufa te Ira B Webb îeîullaifurIle îîîu-. aiiauîu ws îaîgu-atut i.. g IMit. DEx xxii. Eger of this place: lpart s w b4 t wiSl................$I F IRST CLASS HOTEL. sea' film>. tell flintauaboit ir o uhaîtva- aaiucd hutivaeie 1-3andîî1890, iveit-nrw ihpeî8adwiet ...HaIf-way House. . . and hie will alluw ail Ai lwuvrîli, laiap- seývcîaktY-geveii graiis fil waiglil andulMclotal Hygiene, lTe gond people ofont urijet little 'Noýhejperqpartlloths 1and 2of Miler il ala iiMISS WxLLS. village were greatiy slîocked Wedîîes- suibOo! lot 4iete Laku Forest w d. 4 Between Chicago aud the Laites ply on cost o!new oie. fils bai-gains th-i-ilai-e ofafiu )t isailg day morning, Noveierl11, ho learn o! FWOGanse and WtulHenry Rl Hale 11116 Cyclists Headquarters. mulst hoa con tobeo appreviated, $l.rSlI,oleu. E. M. AvFnmiL, e<y. lte sîidten deatb o!flMrs Katharine hik 42 waabburn w d---------------.... lB Eger train> a stroke o! paralysis, at Rarne ta Agot-HlIf Il ilbik 42 Wsha- Good oacommaodationîs for treveiera. nepoi where @he Ysted ber burn Panrk W il-----------------.....lai MiinepolsChas. H. ElUs ut ailea oaiSe C Hale Il John Behm --- Prop. dtiglitler, MrB. Mamie Brandon. Mrs. il biR 35 BordI(t1,i Lac Bufuia ea lits ,0 Egroeemed lu enjoy fair haalth for Tusealis og hrbDae îZ~iL aaam*m*aa*m*****aa*~*~*BBB*B BBB BB BBêSB***S* inîhber of yeurs past, oand Ibis full,,n ti Fred Aireeht l* Is anal4e bir LAKE fYT T 1 T Y 7 YF Y T 1 V Y Y I!i'~ L olden cuit watt a great shock te ber i Huîmuont's adai ta Rockefeller w il.. »WI ebhldren and iebr friandsj. Deceised Wiler JFnt-a Rluleus Fi-saab 11n iva lunî lua sîal bml.t u Lixni.lak 1 Chinti's aaldto Anthl ....... BANK ..... ,me îrg mear thaelorder o! Franceu Dec. argeLcnn. BA K .. . ~ A j ~13, 1837, and emigrated 10 tha UnitedI Antan l manri ieae:.: L~L y f---go ~S:taes atthe age of séventeeli yeaa rst Uwalo is*kuî Wright, Parkhurst & Co. 0-A y n s .-.oe lnigutGtebrla h oA/o B aka uda ...... LibertYville, Ilinoig. 11111- J 'd'N vaidqiteavoritte w hiergouna. ibe be- Jo ie-a . aun aunu............ W AUK E GAN> IL L. Z peofflef be1r acquainlamice, aswas - 5. Wukeuu