CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Nov 1896, p. 2

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EU TtfRNS BACK hNOON8CA&IRAIGt4IN PINAR a DEL Mi DISTRICT. b, iI.b General Retreats to the Fafe- tu ~ItiRa Plae-H,.Rettorn a as a-o -VUprour lin Havassa - Fantoua 1t 'oVcela Ftilieti. ni b cabana Arc RapiT. S ,dper cablegrniî front Ilavana MoNin- hi lgWht tu a Cuthtttîi leader ai Jat-ksiit- b, Ia.. gays that fici. Wi'yler lia- f, * orredtu 10 etîtru taHavauta tt11,11 1 :tD 'ety la it great cotnfusiotn. W-yii'r a, la Dg excuse, lt I;saiti. excelît that it Il eo bot andi uaheatity to do an>' igt- lx - I lsa penl>' assertec InluHavana t- tWerler became figtened bi'cnuiîe w i. hatsel a pice tiloit is lt'îîl on ti "elature. 'lieyler'a a'-vsîs ilifoii'l ai ,,at lMacea tigt ilitne an attt'tîit v Xivans, anti tht-Spnnisb generml ne- IR Ob la, hol haste to the' safet>' o! lis ( Os, Il la alffo staled inlutht' cable- ls vta W'lro n-aIlinlaasattret no, e eeSpaolsh eGovrn tnt lainîenqedî WM hlm for is dlater>' ntcîls. *04 are Ijubilant. for tht-y îhink iis bave a favorable effect suait Coni- î"3IRINO l-FOR THEIN PAY. - t W-OU, br. Rond Lîkel> to Bluffer a * BiX gtrlike rocu.n bWOhl. Seutheru Itallrond islabehinul s eý»Y»enat u Ils men for Alîril ani b omU eght days lu May. 1807s, at wblt-b h Wxýe rond watat nto tht' lands o! a In Ni~* ow Il la behinti frotnt Se'pt. 1 i v.20, aggt-eting, lu sîne ini- ies neani>' $30. The ecuntinttcd poet-c elmtaIof the sait' of the' ioct bas iatti'a ý1eS deaperate, atloi tho>' say Ithe 55hti * their utone>' or quit. If tht-y go titi i yUl be henedu by tht- Bcotlienlit,i'i-i Ialwy Firrîiieît. Tht- niaî Lbas iii ampla>' hundreda of niei siho 55ill gi îtmevery depîrtntent. IREVIVAL IN XUSINLiS. iauatl Newapisper Co'lccltq unie I nterestiiitt Data. be Cincnnati CritriiTilti glèes reports fccîîn uver 1.11) îiistî- W~ag toitns in ii âîo, Iniditaa ,itii otuaky show ing litI al iii, chil. Ï 1actries lart- ttcimg iîncuureor ntiti' jÎlptbio! ofbusiness, anti that soieto morni s ave already sauited l îiîfi.0'u atest revivals are rv-portu-d lu the gi 4 iîf Ohio anti Indiana, lin wieh sec- la sanewut-tveromu'rîs iill be u-talî-r W&i but lnaail loc'alitit-s tht-rt' 15ni- UAd au improvenueni in businffls, al- Whl minct o! il lastili lu anticipation. - TEREW A BRICK. M ont of Worlg andi Huncry Smashe. a 0150 windcwr. "u &. KîIti, at-et 431>er%, lhnî'w n kà tlrougbae$150 ptate-glaesvîiiulows gle King TaIItring Company's estab- Muent ai ttasas Cilty. andl tht-n awuit- ýAreat, At te police station Kitit I tisaI bu bnd conte from lit. .tus'ih i Wb days agolu SeRrreh o!fsîork.Ilie Ibeets unabie lu fut îîny and dei'lti'I 49 aoethint- that svtîîlîîcause is ci'- n ant i mure food ant sbeili'r. il.' à uieti $100, sthi-h vntt'-'K0)iaya lit 'workltotse. Kid wsts vak fruai à, of food] autdisait ater reaclîiiig iii. dlga btcamne deliistis. XMBULATE ',IHE-AT PRICEs. icela Pavors nunIntcrratil onn- fereCice 10 Y lEn. enul laInlunfat-untiforu1intetrnationalu iference an tic' sîbtlîof t the %s- r!d's Mat market htu ix a tiîi tenuilîice toihle htaîed hriet4iseoutofutovenuinu- ënoii and iîtor iripe. Il tia li u.:aiul bemakint- os irtur'î ot i i li î e i t t i I OWe Sîntes, Enirl'nil, Ariziii¶iii' It'- lti and Attamila. liipri tic4iai silitat owins natiýHs oftle! l'wuî. 4O*uboot Petrel to Go ta Chin. Dvdm h a"e hüimiissut'ti dtoipot Ileicit- ut Petrel lut éniiissi'imînt the' Marei 4"d navy yard, siîhi(tieiî'at 'ouit- Mu lir Edwanîi P. Woiod litmu iti'iiaid. t-nFon the' Asiitie daubau. 'Tie lial 118litc! Ibis vi-ai tîe hi-r ti.l e~t'nicenble oit l. ht- Ilieu.eSi a tien. EMtht-te arc su uî-.wy sia11 rivons lu BeuanAahiea"a Romnc. M a Âhl-y. a-tsts btmiethe tt'othcî j ut 'Wstlidd.Mass., onv-t'a ïr waithy ssonuta.snhe linieiti-g $, Mf0 wheis hber uicther lu-.!. SIte hst iotyato iltda barlier cbop on lionatet îu4 -utLc -uo, adcuit htttout ga *I ady b .cr Hier tdouglter osd etsthbuAlits. In eath of Cîîmoaninî. POU Canupaiini, the' fauts t-nec, 19 - El. deise catme wiiie he wassvs- -. PSrma, Iai>'. shere he acs btont Jnxs ago. Tht' news of is eth U8 a grent ssurprise, anti wa tir$*, inlatht' Londounes-%sanîew'. - glrs ViiiGe". Mnruiso.,. entered ex-P-rei!dent Huîi- ait Indianpolis bMontay ilt-ht --a windowr, andtti eîid sih a sudl afeîv dollars bluore tho>' be lntercc-pt-d b>' the t(euiîrai or oi the' famil>'. - g e »ath of isu in',liîc"r. -oaSuta Fe ltailway nyugi- Ut lopeka, Kan., front a tuai- batied tle. sitIll fphysit-tans. '4 Oe fbot "weit la le-p." stranze disense bis lt-g <1Antica<-Ile ~uma P. Avb»rcItIet #Deuvelr, COL., B91lte i. cNew Tosk. Frank P. Arbuekie, prealdtent, of the Cripple Creek and Consolldated Gold lniug Company of Denver, was foutid ucousclans esrly Thurfiday mornlng, ly- Ig on the' sidewalk in 8th avenue, New York. He died ln the' patrol wagon on te way to the station bouse, withott regaluing consclousuess. That the' mot was garroted, robbed und nîurdered la elieved front Incidents whicb occurred àshort lime previous to his beibg diseur- ered. Il l.a urnaised that Arbuckle got n an elevated train soinewhere down- twn, and, falliug asleep, rode to the' end of the Une. Heg then got off the' train, ft la bcllevedl, and il t îotgbt he wns set pou by thugs, knocked dawn aud robhed. No marks of violence were faund ou nte body, accordlug to the' police except il sltght abrasion on the head. This may ave been caused hy a blow f rom a sand- bag or it may have ht-en receired lu a fail. Arbuckle w~as chairman of the >emocra.tic Stale Contmittee of Colorado and receiver of the land office in Denver. le was an aperaUg t RatIussell, Kan., oeue years aga, sud Inter became inter- sted lu politics and removed ta Colorado, where, under the Cleveland adminîstrit- ion. hie -as appuinled land cominisgioner ti Lamar. lie was presideut of the' Deit- ver Water Works Company, aind was also srgely interested lun mining proîîerty at Crippie Creek. He leavc(s s wife and two sons, 16 and 18 ycnrs of age respect- vely. CONORESS WILL AID THE FA1IË. Omahsa Exposition Managers Complty with the Reqisirene. President Gurdo W. Wattles, of tket ranaxnssippl and Internnatlbi'I Expoi- tion Association ai Omaha, bas aîldressoi aletter to the Secretary of the Treassîry notifying that offieer that the conditions ourronding the appropriation of $20t1.01i by the Goverument for a building and ex- tibit at lthe expositioni have bteun coirnplied with. The condition Fpe.'ified lu the- ait Passed at the' last session o! Congrcss vas that the' exposition huardl shouid si- cutre ilsipiouf stock amount ing tu ait l-st $2.54J,()hiefore the' aulrajiri,v ion would be niaile y Congress a8ýd Pledging an nppruî,rîantu of $ LEi0 iit case the' aniotant nanied was subsuribed. SPAIN MAKES 5TIIREATS. FUys Our Recognition of Cîîban Be1* Iigzerency Wontd Lend te 'tSr. A dispatch to tht' Paris Journal front Maldrid gives the substanee o! au i;r view ivitb the' Spattigh premier, Ss-nor Canovas Del Castilto, li whieb i li is qur.ted as îunking the' following estr- ménts: "The Ujiited States bas ntways observed a correct attitude, and il la Io be hoîîod she svill ut-ver cease to respect the riglits of $pains, fur which country the' ('uban question is ane of internai politc-a. I Wiet-e the' Unieed States will flot change its palier furthtAe sakte of Cuhan riegroes, but lu the' event tat tht did on, Spanin will rause her rights ta be respect- ed. Sa long as I rt-main iin power, 1 will flot muake any concession or yieîd to any- body.,,____ Calicutta la Frlgblened. The steamter Olympia, front Ho)ng- Xong, brought news thant passengers fron Boumbay to Europe wiil prohably have ta undergo 4nirantine on arrivai at European ports oit aecounit o! the plague. The corporation haf voted a lakh of rit- pet-s for uleasures to extirpaIt- the' dis- euse. Tht' lateat news la rit the' &courge la sprt'aiitg, sevesteen riew cases and eight deatha having ozecrrred lu tht' nortlberni part of tht' eity, where tht-rt la nu dtiainagt'. Tht' hqtalth offtker in4îi great dliv'ulty la laborers fo~ cleaning nitd. disinfcting. ,twing to Ihei fear of eonitagion. At 41scutta vigov'nt nieasures are boîng takea. Two hospitall are lu be ciotsructed fnt nuis.olated 5110 and plans have been forrned for ail ambu- lance corps. Tht- plagîtie ad just brokea ont nit Ahuipdahad. svhcreth ie gravest foars are 'feit, the town being dnely îîopti:îited and tht' water supîîly defliviott. A fowv showrrs of rain woeld prohabtly stilii) 0ont tht' disette. Il irestiiuateL1 Iliat tifXX) people 1iave letiBunb.î sinice the ouitlbrea:k, 1tranat' Deati of P. W. Curry. E. NW,(Curry, citairinaa of lthe Iowa Ijetuorratir State Couiîîîliiee, dit-i Wednttîsday fit the SaYery tIotel ln Deq 1Moinles. Itis dea4h cas caitatil ty blooti poisoîlîlng dute, it is alleged. l iurliens re ceivecd whkjele biîîg liltiatet l ito tut Benevolent andl Irotewtbve Order of Elks, alîcîtit four o cok's ago, ln the'l'te ot lu thiat city. This fuet wits kept st'î-rtli at thlet'urgenit requet tofM r. tt rvdur lut' lus illneïs, lbut 'tVeliîifflsdy niluit lihe camne thte gveectal topit- of conversina Mrs. Curry la prîoloslrated and the- phy ýsicians %el utt llow lier to bc coii. XMr Curry, befiure bis deatlh îtrged his wifî and friends to bush sîp the nmattr, n insisted that thîcy inoake no atternpt t( cause the' lodgc ouf embanrrassaient. Bad vire et Clev.eland. Pire bruIte tht' lbvt-story biiihi lug et Clev'eland, Ohio, uccupied by Il W. Lnetkemeycr & Cô., wlinlesale aun retaîl Isnrdesa<e and paint denli-rs. H. M, Luetkerneyt'r, a son @f the' senior purine" of the- firnt, was hadly burnt'd luntgtteinpt Ing ta subdue ithe fliantes. Tht' s an h Luetketueyer building sud contents wil aggregate ltearly *1(e>,0KO, partly cov ered by iniairance. Three men svere re moved f ront the- buzung building hy ie men badly hurneil and alust sitffocatei hy smoke. An eloinent of danger lu th tire was a big att-cii of eartridges, whill exploded at short intervals. causing th thous2nàé of sî,ectators ut thse sctne t POSSE MEETS A PARTY 0F. OARING BANDITS. 1 Figbt Occurs et Deer Creek andi the' INotortous Bob Hayes la Kilteti- Fteelnsc Baud lUne Committeti a Long Lint of Reekesa DepredatioOS. Terroirs of thse TerrIttr'r. Deputy 1Uited States 'MaIrshai '.%I- Glinchy bus bad al figbt wiit "Bla.-k ,ltc'k's". bandits, in Atrizona, killiiîg thet notorîouis Bob Hayes atnd wounîlittg Geo. Muatigrove, alias Jef Davis, lvii. escijcd. Noue uf tht' poase si-s injutred. "Black Jack," Frantk Anîderson, Bilil George andi another of tue gantg ée:pcîlanîdthie passe is Ilit pursuit. 'Te itlit uccîtrrt-î at Deer Creek. atbout thirty tmiles aout of St-par, off tht- Sîntherît Pacifie Ronîl. This is the mnost deslFerîîte gang that t'v.r infested Arizonîa. Tht- desîteradues t-oei- nieucc'd alîrations at Jtîly, andîlit-e tiiei have held uit Seutar twict-; tht'White Oak stage, ruliith ie mail foturtuli-e,. Nogales Batik, Tevii.lot postoflie, Sani Simnpogtoîbie-.stationt ail store; Steil 15 Statiun. Central pustuffice. anid attemje~t- ed to lolîl up a mtail trainlon lthe Atiantio inIdPac-ifie- bond, itn whicl i leIader, Cole Youtng, was kiiied. Tut-y alsu to'îk it tht' Itlaclîtara aiint' staîltinuint tIi i tb, rohbiig tht'agt-ilt. t ué o<bjî'ctbeu ta iiterrIt lte payna 5er cit raiut,'t., la>' trouîs aI bFort lluitrltuacti, tt uli-'.' iý thte datei. Thei t tiîy %ve-ti vi'nto 'tV Il eux, îs'bere tht-y îîtamtied t,î rob tht' liii- ted States pnaîîster'oit lue way tu , Vîn (jaW t ulkt îiissedtlii cdilte agatu. lbThy %i-trt' lt-okixît-fi.r Cluitiit icvbl th,.-,- stere tterruîti-.] l MctUicby. Diringt the' lit t Iree nmolus htev havi' lu'- tricd b hhil up tht' Soutiheru miîi iail trtli itinbt fa ilcîl. Durn thtti r r! "i f terror tht-y have killeil futr îtîen. (le,'r." M usgruv s-i a inst lutict hei'l-,v 1s'i with (Grana t Whv cicr. leui- pm.Ni texp;ies,. tand maiu car ut-ar W'-ixtx 11,c'vac ug'o. Siture 1a11.1111Y 'the la: ~h . i r:veleîl 3j«)fi miles lu thlîir wilk of ru' ltcry anîd death. Recontmends Erection ofr idin-- anl DrM Illu lt poufes. Tht' rc-pint o f M al. (i iv. it t'rt'f. eini mnder tf the- do1î,tictîî. f ti'.I;, souri, ssilhhvatii'atirs ait'lit' tilt'yoar lias lui-îii sig'laiy ti, '1 îîîiitany îoeatins'anduI i. fr-at.i. i- hure otijoyu'îI licol-,- iii i peut. 'i.t tinte thet tn 'is have i ie,'ci'îî, i' pcnfo.ting tliîeiî-îîes in duriti îiut: 'i g> mnasti, e. aîl ii aItii-a iti-, Ileitt ati4ub: I ecarne'- hi.v 'i'X'itlii i Itîft lat efccli p-tI wrioe vtr tolie ti ti'ouit'ia riizgitîli li ii:îtti iii oun the gt'iriIpino! ll,.:.' 1 e Itt.l'Y anid Iiatvoiýtsuirlh. Tiii - e n exéiuktsive, andîlutt eii(t. n lhte- ili front their use ini xiiiii-r'nd:1111tt il tintes lu tnt-n atdtu <it -r, titri uta . 11i - ca l>' antd prîifeqsi(iotia I v. 1-s-i> ritati t-ual o! construit ~iitiiîî i ei et Pidcred. In titis e,<.:,'liii I ull 1 teunl,î t bthe î-o a .'iril bai s .1 iail Pernmaneat iîfantry povsts.At limati pos t uring tht- vitter sclia-i. tmi! Forts Brady anid Way>îg'. win)ters are longî- iaini'tenî,tit. «:îî ýt-u duor dills are linposmifîle. kt si drill halls are imra'tti vo i-'-ietls 11 tbey shetîli be tîttilî ut otnce, beiitg for -- 1goudotof the- service."~ CUISANS WILL PAY DAMAGES Promise Voreituci'. Thcy M-111 PIe Indesînlhlrd. Dlactiselon n'ite ccîtieotî imi-unz iie Front-h résienîts of i{avua l'i nv o rel>ii t tat the' (i'us.-niîtîtof F-ranlce î:1 lu ii-t tht' Conule Uit î-t at -rctii ne r-Il tut - of the islauih ctuit îay ai-lui-y ituati gents lii oeiler t i tas-e tl,,tir jl i uu -ý7 %vileithlrcaîencdin lit u e of t-l. \- iu-'s phicun ationtutu lilu'et rin.Tho. Frnch-ltCouIelsluta 'x l iaiilt it'itsi îîît su. lut hâat tht' Sîanuisb i -rîa.t t-ne siuiSt'niiug cl :1,a sooi as possilehi. AÂiiitg Uiîilt'[ aftuîs Itil thelue ii 'aý,i-isont ia b>' ihti nu %suIlIlit -a d viui so lttîlin g '-.::I tut-t lias bt-;ieu tiubAuhd. YiELhJEU MO-RLe RV.U Coulant1 Itecelpta lvsreet t.nst Yca.i' b>' Ovetr B$ 000,000 .. ..Cross-t'>, sariu.nvLuii,g ti-ui o-it o! thet tnastin h:l bs attutl rcpet stti' thlaI lIte aîuhîîr of armoest ade t he yeac focrî'iout iohne uof tte ctiis-n1îu lau st-s -uc58; uiitbt'n if siizui-s. I ,tltS cuits cuumitnîcel, f3; amouit t ivolvudv-l suite, $t)7,213i;uuoiue.ssnvcvvt.Iiuu 1- eomnt o! stizure. $ out,8fJ7 <iiiaenîiti0. fiit'es, et.'., $3-4,868t-; oui acc'outof ui u.î v' valuations aînd t-noueouisciastti - discoeet, - itttf.Thtet-t ft or tht' year exiet-clet those o! tht- lint-ditit yearh>' $8,058.lht-, alle tht- t-st o! cul- lectiotîs wsanoua aîree.inbîy imentast-t. T.ok Prussic Aciti Touether. A man and a seaman acris-et ut Vahiey' City', N. D., andi reglstec"d as Thoîuîti Otveus ant i aie, New Itoachifocî. Fni- day morniat- tht-y were fouati deaul. Pros- sic aciti bat] bt-eu akea. A u*tle sait: "AIthaugh separati lun lifut, we are tînt' lu tieath. Make Do indluiries as laous." Atiîes fficeas ta Uae Arma. A Bertli dtspatt-b scys that. aceuntin- ho lb. TgebIatt, Eitperor Wiliam ail- vist-tiart>' uffineca lu do Ihir cruulng ho their mesùrooms, nul lu venturne intîs ptublic- plates wuhen tht-y veret ips>', buît tiraI if tht-y 'ere attat-ket] tht-y abaulil liaI hesitale 10 use their anus. Babe Letf for Btoardi. Mr. anti Mca. Lavinut, stcngglers o! tht- George Aimo vrnI>' companle. wiliclk lîcoke np rert-tl, ,Were foccei ta lt-ave thtir 10-mioiths-(iid 1mb>' as aeculity fur a huard bil lu oa hard-hecclet] lautlat>' it a lauvu near Fort .lervls, N. J. Pive Hundu-ed Klh1l-. A diapatch rt-ceivt-i front MNattila says Ilînt tht- insturgentshabtve liten defenitei h i en.gagemnents aiîh tht' Sîîciih truope lit Riiittu Crus anti Aiigcn, tht- eînemy lueltut- 50W men killeti andi tht' Govrnuenî los its.J. C. tit111 ous4 eeti 11 liiilf--ho. vf Si. Pl' raususlo- !i'X-"-t t tit il hdiwieiary klit. >- n '%-oai-aitit. it, u.iteJ lii r i',î . :il i:Aîi, f Ii.fin uithut-vs, andu ts r-lu' : lu tiir'IL i t ait 11bi sfe hail i-attui r. t-!i.1 Lo1i'v i-l it i jstî ai) ei-nittlît. ta-I l t i pvssihly livi'. IThis lettler i t.-i-llitji. ftin it usais si4tîtn nt the urial tiiht uthei iý"ioî iîiii of catncer bai'. vi.c (tcl illi:. We3,tcrIlina Fiiet. lîva ut hu.utîi-isNi K-y Wv'st Fia.: 1ii~:a -i lue1 suit I)v ss h-ofnîunîthis ciii t111.1iss. lu.-ni-lu-aisal licwita gou via Eh- 'tti-set lît-eaitton.Thuit Gei. We % ler bas lue-îî ji-a I-i(t, ri-i-siCa tiitit -lf a l.:git tul:t Ni' o i. tlIti- t1utt- -- 'niitiai s a v cfaiii. Il is hibeih tla (;(;I. . uuiîîo, %l s. i cu t -d itutu. Ihici>' Meurt lenlh. Tiirny iii iiier s ut nt-ki iit 'y a ire il-il ".iîi ia a t c-livrntcItieck- itl.t - lut-t n.i-scfru-ilitl ti'eumore '-i - t iiuuoulaintinteîîmint. i,!uuit suveit- ivvu itîs' ite 'i i tîlen tlthe IThe V-ut St. .uiAi PaIitqiz a(',otipoin> %Isii. l I ii îîu!itt i tilaifru,'.o $tl(s>,- fit,'to i 49)»N)tin Si t i. ii.ntta I. xii. ... la- I-stil1îu1) lut'to tht' sinail1 t-,i.)ftiti.ii 'W t % aFlnuuuiai -sitie t 4 \uiî, Laîy repjiorts tluiei -Stati De- iI.atii-Iit fritai ;&lt'sclait ilthe .5 swas îîa'tî,l ~ î-ilt*uu.fuîîuî Nlay 1 i touc-to- 1,I n lv'-' t suignt fi tiiito!fuulure. Chulearo-Colte, commîtun ta prime, $.-l.i.i a ~a525 sg. slîîiîiltg grades. $3l.0tii. a 10; scii', fair ltu clit-'t- $2.01) itu $3.50; us it-at. No. -, rud-il.5c luto-; dormi. No. L, 2*-'Le lu 21vc; otm. No. 2, 17e t >Ew; rye, -No.u, it i7c St s; botter, chluie,' cneaiicy, 20e tlu'21(;e; t-q, tnt-ah. 'I1,' tu 22c; liltutues, tper bîîshle, 20e ta hi)c; breuini corn, dîuiuiiigreentu lu he hîml,2c lu 5c per îîoîîîd. Iutiiî1içoIs-~atIî-,ahipiing, $3.00 tua ;500; 11i,-S, chi lu'igit, $3.00 lu $3,50>; uhetp ,coatiton taulprimet'.$2,00 1 $325; tetat, No. 2, 8f6e to Mec; coco, No. 2 seiltp, 24e ta 26ce; akIs, No.,2 a-hile, 22e lu 23c. $t. lons-Catle, ei.00 ta $4.75; hoga. $3l $M ,50; shent, No. 2, 86C la-SSC. cocu, No. 2 yeîlouî, 21c la 22e; cals, No. 2 'white, l7eta 19c; c>-t, No- 2, Mec ta 35c. Cicitnnatl-Catlle, $2.50 la $4.75; baga, ,3.(M) lu $3.50; shet-ut.$2.50.)Ioa$350; altil, No. 2, 87e lia 8f9c; corn, No. 2 inLaîtd, 22e lu 24c; odes, No. 2 nid, 2W8. to 2le; cyn, No. 2, 3de tol 38Se. D)t-toit'-Ctittle, $250 ta $4.75; bot-a, $3.00 lu $3.501; ahî'p, $200 ta $3.501; teleat, No. 2 i-ibtu iOt-; carna. No. 2 yvilloiu'. 22c tu 2-lc; outl, No. 2 a-hile, 20e ta 21e; ryt-. 37ct I«.18, Toledo-Whit. No. 2 i-t-, one to Oe; t-onu. No. 2 tiixcil, '-k- to 24c; unis, No. 2 wihilte, 18e tg. lite; ryt'. No. 2, 37e lu 30c; ciover st-cul. $575 lu $5.85. lltvîîiee-W'iutNo. 2 sprin-, 77e ta 78e;Sc oru. Xii. 3, 24e tu 25e; citta, No. 2 white, 11.e lu 21c; barhi-y, No. 2. 30e la 3(;e; nyt, No. 1, 37e ho 39c; îîork, mess, $6i.00ftuaQ6.f).4 Biu.iltlo-t'uihtlp, $250 lu $475; bat-s, $3.0t 0 o-e.00(; sbt-îp. $2.00 bu $350; almeit. N..'21 î-d. 93e lu '04c; cura. Ko. 2 yellow~, 2(,e- tu !rie; oaîa, No. 2 white, -28c-t;p-24c. Président Cleveland lavoameClam- ency for a Traits Wrecker. Gov. Budd I aS aceuMente, Cal., re- celved front President Cleveland a persan- aI piea for the' comtmttation of sentence ln the' case o! Salter D. Worden, under sentence of denth for train wrecking ln Yale Cotinty durlng tht' railroad strike of 1841. Ait engineer and Ibret' Unitedl States artillerynten vere kilied lu the %vreck. Tht' President sades, as a groand for bis mîitertst lu tht' case, that, whIle a re.,idoat of New -York Staîte before hie elevalion 10 tht- presidency, lie bcd format-i al grnt friendship for W'orden's utother, a, inusic téeditr. Guv. Buld bas alsa re- ceived naitersonal appt-aI from C. P'. unt- iîîgîuî, lîresident oif the Southeru Pacifie, for a couoiutation of tht' death sentence. AUi.TIALIA'S GOLD YLI.LD. Production of Victoria for 1890 Witt Be About 775',000 Ussace. Cnsul Geuîerttl Muratta writes ta the' Dopartieit o! Stait- fromnt eibourne au t'he nîlunt rettîrîs for tht' quarter ended~ Sept. 30. For the'lirstatnit'emouluse ft tht' carrent year lthe mint receiyed only 152,2,M) 111w, s of gold front Western Australiti, agitinst ll9ifl19 ast year, a (lecreuse o! .1,690i ounces. Victoria has, iii lu lte lresent tinte, supîîlied WS,331 ouitve..againit 526i.570 fur tht' corre- sp.îudi:îg teriod of 18W), an'd If tht'sane irate- îf inereutse la continu tel]tht' produc- tionîî of the volony for 184,K; ill bc about 775151(1 ue-. lntports of gold front Nev Zealanid antd 'b'csinnla show large îiic-rea-ù '-es, lnch ltesi as been re- cc-ived front Soutih Ausinalia. Cnid-Bltoodci iTrder. MNis. lîl-.a widlusvagcd 6507) -nrjs, and hbei' ninarriod do auglier. Fa nny, agod 41l. %v ru bond îîîîrdered lu thudr home Li-rIiberty, o. early Wednoesdayý i.îii. No umotive for tht' crimte la !ý:,i% lii. Wilhsin Volt-y, a son o! thté mi*.iî'îlorc-d o îu:în. bad i itled ia neighbor, o~ ~~~-i :-.î.uutalîiî-after tiniglit, %vas I!1e' tiret î t'. .î- îr t he' ,eadl bA'leq. "-r i iii . P.,r us r0 fuund in their :'î,eî. 'i in-î lailir iîight.uîvn'. tin t lii îhsîî. Fuitll in l- i. ý i'.'îî rl t ti hî'd it ci Voer i t. .,f iii.' fi-u)it vindw,ii. The i i.'iL.- iîlîîî iie icrear. I i ...m..-î -h. 1!-!- iirîlur t'e have lii î . îvîtt.I f- iir. t d' i.ît'îed tlf t:i' %iIîi feit l- f.ýi t rthe' Volant" of Inerenu.' for Twn Weeke ll'nI WthoT rcce-,eni. R. G. Ituu& ml 5Wîi-lRIiv iea'cf Traîle cmis: 'l'egtt i u iiiutime uoflut'1 nctse tontinueiis totInii stiiui r-tut . Miore ton ii 1m5 t stî -Iihauietita t'lî st-irt- i- osi.tintedtulusîuk. andînth aii-st 3M h1 asv-e - a-'-Itht ir srIittg furi-es. nuckiîîg 1641ili-tnuvl'hi.I. lart- kiiosuiitot hare t-cblc-il b gtly lutuihen- isrihuec o! bauds ai se-ir. n d -tIili ai'are uni>' part of tht-eihl uiiifir. Evet-ny îtîy nlî tthuiusa ii tutIlàt' nmutier tif tltse a-ht, arne able 1 tt> m a su'etk's stîîîî' iImake ni> gi-adun'lly f'ti limu.'tis iiîittL lt.s enî- fan-i- ten,u'auy. Alci'aly Ibis brinîrs n grent Iî t---iii ttth uitiit. îîf btîeiuîes-.. suit -tli'î'-înriîîg liisi'tt.'i:ug'.fin ihe fir-at tîmîl-inu î.u-s -cii Iyi'arsne.îît iy ex- tu il tis' .f lai- tiain tue1tif lit-n uil.. bat als., ed oiiltfi ' ilie ,iiw %nm a aeek lui 1If2 lu>If lin i--nu. Iii'itii-'en rtta'e r.1ail itits t..u~u it iyitu' 1k,-tivi-l hut î--u'it . liii I iii anus' ul i tt'aît.-hi bai.o ar tt.'li, a.sgr.-at ii-îianiit t--n iuu s nl:tt-cî.l'. ýui lin..]- TiIZGOD OF 17,1 E S. t Wreck of tht- uit'Coast Staiur tFsu Ta, ý,ai i*-un ci iii. %e Sutcui. îî 11'ttiA f ',ît Anita. t i. a ,-ai..n'Ailb--a'iii ts . It>-Sau Bl'îiit i-aitrx fil-fotu -e iiu.amnddur- ig ii'.tim *, ..î.Sm ntti.lit uinutt fiv,- ne-in ut. 1.f ,iii- -f uu ..:u o' - i nîî' t-il Awu,ihii n %iIi t-mn of tht-entos u-uu.cui muni' îtîu . l-iiaog ti ttut 'flrt-e n u it.. lu t.ii-utv uaue ta-u eI',,re. I ~t-i tuItt'et .of tht ui-s iiginîg t. t- uhe i u '. iita tîu.uîs s:i iuii iug lut tlut Ilsas inu- pîossile lo l re-..ndtt,-t.ti' WluiunaLicean.c luGo Arnsil,. Rel)r"eztitiait' (ýKylh'. tnt- oftht- muaI inft.tî-îiit ltmem1îc.uut uc oifthe Atiauuta Lt-g- isla tuicu. i mn. ul a ll ,11proutiii it-for thu'eut auto.f att>' îurîîî tf ,!-utiohar- adIT o -t. Cmry a îi:-tu1 (or othî'c deadl>' a cap ut. A I-ie. of $12M a year las îv'ci'- lied. 'The bîil lias uiany suîpporte-rs. ltep- rç-sutailivs RIîiaumîcutui îtnuute't'ta blul prtahihliting volut-i sea nuglbats lit tht-a- fera or elhev lnv-os o! amusemnît. l aili pasa. iat'Ad led Ita(te Navar. Thte ttodo i ht Enieauon. hiiilt at Duthîtutc.Iiie svas, iy tht- Iowia Iron Wosbua, bas lîcen forntali>' ailtedt 1tht- ntvuy, anti tht' final paymeuts inslt lier builil- ers, lucliudint- tht'suitertsecs-t-l ptncing Aitr acceptiatic-. lut lit-r brie! caret-r, chute ahe a-as lauttut-eil at the- mît-non pourt, tbe Ericsson bas liai a at-ifflo! imishaute ai- muI 0t aling tîtose lu the' ritetkeret ca- ret-r a! tht' nufurtutiate bnttleship Texas. Revoit Vearefl In listfi. A disp.atth front IC.itsgstuuîi. jamnira. loaygtint trave lt-crs tf î rnevoit ace et- ti-rîcinuculilu layt t. ac'unirtit-to mdies mat rc'ivn'u. Tht'e tpuiiriciunns.on la siîesîîrî-aîl in tht '"iiluit'k rel'tiulie" that th-eelhuve toi-a heavy frmuids lu. the Matnsry utf1Finanui-t. Ste e Lmventy-ftve Wtcheu. M. jRt'ppler, a trav-lit- sat-siac for a jtwelry boupe o!fXew Yorak, was ctubed "o! a oatna'ule- case cuntaiiiing ehlout stv-rO ty-fiveseatclies. valuit- tut 1100, t lie Union station ln Coiannis, Ohio. Que Wilihesus'ne te Klarry. Prince Luli-Iof! .toY, a nePhew 01 Battise lut petm auskss Wat t»,~ Plutrdel Rio. The Caban Insurgents have von pu et the most Important battles fq1nsbt on t1* sland dîîtrilng thtprres ta a. The' battle fias lu lirlfllbtn ;.itais are given. IC.b.ant rejolelng. as this la the- firat real hnflle ince Wey- ler took the' field. A Iter private dia MISSOURI ANIMAL$ ARE DYINO IN LARGE NUMBERS. Trouble Aroae from NeuiectedTi arde at Oaksvoud-Manir Lives lus Peril tir Wreck-Parents iianced, Children Burneti-The Buoincon Outlook. Ccntract T'exas Fever. Texas fever baits hrokeit onl antong thet eattîe t' Oakwoud, Mo.., and a iluaber bave dieu. ishile a greater iîuntbi'r are now ailicted wîith tht' disease.i About Sept. 10 a lot of 'Texas cattie were un- loadeti ut lte stock >ardg iis td soon fer- ward the yards uetu u,ld anîd abandon- ed. Since the' native caille have heî'îtjer. mitîcîl lu grat'wilutheie>ards atnd travel over te Irmîli f the. Texas rutile they have co:ttrtteeb bt-he i-cas Oliver Dock, of Seheli City. uwie tht- yard'. and thusi'uhso ltave liaI ouIlle will sie hlmi for (lainages, as tht-y aim il ll Ihrottgb hi,; agligt-uýc'ititut keeping the yards invlused Itiat tht' nautive' catîle con- tracled the- iiseame. The- caille inajîeccla ma>' bt'cuitîtcinvolved. VIVE CHILi>RES BUIiN. Missouri Parents Lenve Tîtir Homo to Go 50 ail Doce. Five chiltîren tof Mc. ant iMrs. Suyder Neal, litng ilve iles ittbo!fIHamnilton, Mo., were burne<l ta death lâIe Satordar uit-bt. Tht' Neuil duvellint' seas butruet while the plarntus vert'attoîttilti a dance. Tht'>' bal t-lththililcen. The- oldest, a boy o! 17o yî'ins.andî a baby aeçcomîi)anit'd the parenîts to a moîilîlpirty. About Il o'cîack the' grlhieriîig brî,ke uit. Stan afler satrlm 0nthtie. thte, tandithîjat aceomptuyiiig tbc'uî. iisrotv,'noi' that tht' Neal resiîlteîrî'ati tutir,'. 'tlîit tht-y rencb,'d te huruiitg 1lîiiliiiïugibh- faihter easy bis 11-year-iîld guru lyilt-tigriui in tht' front doir, clasiîing li-n l-yea:ir-oid br'thter la liertarmis. lTe ttttoain lIre- vî'uîî'd n' ii.Tii,- ib iiint c'tt-it ctî:ti. '1wîa'oih,'r f,11 lancas..îiîand bas lltotu a rats it-îtî.njivî-î'v.'rsite. the ir,'. SîSh slthlaI ti.le hil rt-n ut hi.nitt', tufla,'13. Iat 11 . iVillît' 7, Caie i-,.iti it-î ai. ip.u i -htiur. as11 u iîtxt s, ti in ai i'in' i.isn 'nin thine t l ii' t thr. t'i%,a'llî tn tii-nmIîc-l t i loîî11-e . t-t iii o s i aît ai six vil-ce ani'-. i tlt-niw iilti a " groti,îî.l iillîilz aiiitth h.ciii t.) as vo:. hi-, iitlhlii'fini' via.i'-auid by ain:"îitîy TItADE(1I(LWING. BPÀA5I Flr oitTIFIt-ATIGO lx CUAÂ. VIS WOD5 t iiu ui tli i i-ot. Catit. Neila o! th, t-ans-tiiof ttc"ro.aho van ce- lievî'ii tring aa it-t-t- h>'tht'ae altc -,)f tIen. Ciisteliaitui bais arris-et aI Puterto Principe, tiiltirt lue uas 1,-udt-ed a rerep- Iluti. e'lsmracierin-,h lu' te -rt-att-st en- thusiasiu. C(orit- f-tret- ittuaed upons the' me-ncf tht- ganisamn ad a banquet a-as tendcced Ibont. K<ING OSCAR IL. monurch Whto May Appoint a De- iridinu Arbitrator. King OscarIL. tf 8Sv(4-en anti Noc-a>', wlu. it casoef 'iiergi'tiiy, nia>' appoint the' tecliigarthitnnl.ur luttht'vent-zut'- hain bmîîiti îî ryv.11 -pttt-, ila ago-tii fieuti of thte lnit4mih'State-s, nitmhîetanse of the liti ii' S,-inh Attn . t e ,. itleisbcleved, a Mi e facf eoi,'nt-c b>tht- uan ho iCIN;O Cc>.nIl. melt-ts, if il sheîîul be futunîl utceasar>' for thtt'kiit. lafie. Tht' St.adinnviaib nitarceli mÀli4ii u1)e the fift arbifrutor, .as %va-snnc.tuash tafetiby the- pre6sa dieuaîehuee. Ilovolte ut-ver itaeslth aob- -ject'-. >-sIthse ililctt vîottnechiou Iwbich Oscatr Il. iuuy linve aiîh the Velsezue- lait tffain gives hint impotrtacue lnlbe eyes tof Ainicatue. Thîe kLitgigl a ver>" tinocratie culec. Ht' t-ut'. about amont has pfle i- ntel>' anti ait-haut ceserve. lie t-lteis thi-ni to nudersîctai ib at he la a Scuatdinavian irstanti a usiuarch after- a-r. Hie rcolnias covecet] a periot] ot constnnt au ntItibuttli't prospecit>'. - Mis lutereatb lit-t-n uuiilnt-iiiug lin e atr-- culturtal, iugitnd- ntiidusirial affaira of lis kint-tumandu no persan, bowever humble, lu biesudomaine, svbo banshosbuat aptitude or aieitI, hna been utrewartieti He la ver>' ecuclie. Ellstoiry, tise cassicà. art, lîterattre ant isence are affecteil b>' hlm, anti he la wi-ilîut doubt tht' uost >'uîtoi-t' monnrch lu aIl Burna. Persan- al>', King Oscar !à a moat affable, poIIe.- et, tan. Ha di'rotes bis leisuret lime te assoeiallea with savants, artiste anti au- thora, anti lu these eons'ersalious tb. wideat liberty' la givcu anîd rayalty fargtal len. Physicall>' ht' 1 a pua-erful man. 6 ft-.t 3 luches bit-b anti o! rather attrac- tive appeurance. Scaudînas'satslu Amer- lt-a are nowu makling- up a presleulta t- ni hilm on bis sixty-lif lb birîtlia>', t-itel l Januar>'. Noteet fCarrent Evente. The alte a! a Builutton coatimaster, Patriek O'Donnell, fins siiot and instant- 1>' killed b>' ber 1li-ye'to'lson i, Iar- coIn, ,Neb. Tht- shoaîiîtg vas tîccidenlal. Guy' Hulsauplhervas monleret inlubis recul atIthe ' Wtadmsoc'-Hclel eaiOmbla bp George Eliltt.tTAie latteruned i oe- pîiuba-lt r--,ii llunXt-tv Yack Cie fnoîît iulcidtolut ht- t-l-t Ial (jeu. ue>- 14Y 'y d Itui tsg l is[gotîitalilgî-neral cf th. Sfititiilt mU)inni> li4 ,lua anti tat GO I'ramiili baieue tnniecl h>' tht' Gavera- tuetc-us icis sttiao.G,'n. LuqUe b»u hî'.îîst'î,îîle, iIs reîto)rted. 'h nut tsutrgent#satr- sld Ic, bave four- 1,-uit far,1tlin peiîqtrtiont heween 8orob s nI Caiiutîîiiil'iwta n tl kRh>. Ntverthe- lemas nieports are re,iveîl tof a mgaanct> cf finît1andîîl ih iligt. 'h'ie cosIan ut ligt-t ina 1!.1'. frisruît. lite ine ItIfe and the'> bts "e ilui i ii tm i i'uutiainv, where it I& dliî-ut t lui si"iînî 1 li îr fois]. Iliii 1iu'i t>fînniutg an ibîusbh, suc- ci-us in lisuri. uatig tLuarir c'a the- Ave- nue 02:uu ' 't filtîskirtfiuOflavana, a-ho set- rt' epîuacltigt-. juin thet- tut- geais. Tîvo tf teliant>' setrt'kiled, but

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