-. The question o Pree Silver, or a Gold Standard, Is settied, and Triggis & Taylor's, 19 the place ln town ta trade is a settied fact.ý Anythl ng for table use can be selected f rom thei r Mamnmoth stock. Quality Best, Prices Lowest. FLOU R GROCERIES FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES CANNED GOODS FRESH and SALT MEATS DRIED FRUITS T. & T's. POPULAR SAUSAGE Triggs and Taylor's LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS. AFEW 0 f aur many BARGAI Ns: Meu's ans Boys' Capas............ 1.25 Bleacheti Hheetitng per yd,- ........"5 1Boys Peit Rata ....................25 Baby Slioes ...... ................25 »nek C<'ts ...... 1.2a Sateen to eia&.o per yd..., .. 1 Peit BOuta...................... .75 Apron Cimeck (ingiat per yc .0>5 Cbaldrena Hoouilsandi Caps .........1,9 Boys, "Brown le' overaiî s....2 5 CaUton Plannei per yd ... . .05 Men*s Working Stiirts Tenais Planel per yd ............ .06 Misses' Goat Shioes sizes 2 to 12. .91 A Complete Line of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Uuderwear, Gloves and Mittens. Ladies' Dress Flannels, Tennis Flanneis, and Cot- ton Fianneis, See Our O~~C WASHERS F. C. SMITH & SON. LIBERTYVILLE, -ILLINOIS. '-0MAnnouncement. Considering the fact that many people are defrauded, by unscrupulous agents and peddlers travelling thraugh the counntry with cheap ODtical Goods, 1 have concluded ta send Mr. C. Vuilie, an aid experienced Optician now in my em- pioy, through Lake Cou nty, ta visit ail persans who cannot canveniently corne ta Lîbertyville. Mr. Vuille is a reliable man, having had over forty years experience as Jeweler and Optician and most of that tirne was spent In Paris, France. Yau will find he has a most complete outf it af len ses and instruments for testing the eyes, an can fit your eyes wlth glasses that restore defective vision. If the goods, after a triaiprove unsatisfacfory, 1 wili cheer- fully exchange thern or refund mon ey. I Sollclting your patronage in this Une of Ibusiness, 1 arn, j Resp'ly yours. j C. R. Sherman, LLibertyville, 111. A large and varied line of Hardware, Pumps, Milk cans and Cutlery. (las Pipes, F!Ilngs. r-ý,-PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. SLocal Items of Interest ta Libertyville Readers. C. M. &ST P. R. R.TI ME TABLE. To CHICAGO. am.0. a.n>, aan. p.rn. r.m. Pi. Rtussel -8:3m 4:131 84:57 Wadow<,rtis 8:51J 6: w05:05 Gurn.11 9:10 :27 :11 Warrpnt,,n u:16 6:W 26:14 JaSERTYVILLE 5: 39) 7:15 12:.10 4:55 itnot 5:40> 7:26 9:22 12:40 6:37 5:21 Ever>tt 5:46 7:18 922512:46 6:44 :28 fleerfield M.:2 7:44 9:35 12:62 6: 61 5:24 ohermeî-sIIe :56 7:40< 9:49P 12:56 6:à5 5:38 Chl1lcaoîarrive 6:-5&> g:45 1r.25 1:45 7:ix1r:.3@ F11011CHIICAGO.« a. 7tv) 4:056.110 89:30 Lv. M *iozie SM...M.:1.. a.2 M Miemrîl : 2X 10:18 4:66 6:11 7:23 916 D rfld 8:34 10:22 5:001 6:17 7:27 9:21 Everett 8:42 10:28 5:06 6:25 7:23 9-.27 fiondout 8:48 10:35 5:12 6:40 7:40 9:33 LIBE19TYVILLE 10:45 &:55 7:50 9:46 Wamaston 8:54 5:19 938 Qurnes 9:001 :23 941 Wadgworth 9:10 5:.33 9:51 Russell (arrive) 9:18 :49 101.00 *denotIes tai!>'. A <lnotes Sîîngay on!>'. Where no mark aPppars trints arre dally ex- cept sutblay. BUNDAY TRAINS. Lv.Lltbertyville, tmp5.m. Ar. itotîdont 5:o5p.m. lv.Libertyyville. 9a>,amn. Ar.Chl a mgoilt:52 ajn Lv.Chicafgo 8:30 aM. Ar. Lil.ertyvttk.9' 9:46. Lv.Chiicao :06 p. m. ArLibertyvillA :332pa. No. 30 rails Sutdo y. ooi.<ng moutt. will stop on signai as rollows:-At Rutssell 12V> P. n. Wadsworth 12:17; (lame>, 12:27; Warren- 12«. 4 h.rrnervillo 12:2; arrives in Chieago rt 1:45 p'. m. Train No. 44 ba.s h>en Itep'tut on fron Dev-riicld to Chlîlego. Leuves >erf.,d7:W1 a. m. HBermervill,, 7:24; arrives chleago 5:1tu a- M-. NO. 8318111-0s ChicaKo 1120 P. Im arriv"fs Sherm.'rvilIr, 12:05 a. Ili. De,'lela 12:10 a. in. LIBERTY VILLE 1,01)(R, Nô. 492. F. & A. M.- irontoicaoîsIri& 41b gaturdapao feach mont!>. Vlstlnu breth rn .,ordljly wlcomed. W. M. HIEATH, W.Mk. E. If. Bigown. mec. MIrs. Horaee BnilkieY is on thei siv'k liut. D. il. lerrick wMsin Ch5(licago ont butsitness lasi Shttîrdwy. Pautl ?lscý(.ittlt sitnieseul afott ll gatne i Ev.aîistuîi yestVrday. DiJî't f>rget tii>' flot-L weuinltit the Id. E. u'liurciî tub, Fri>laY iglît. M. P. Selivt'..', of Chicaguofas toapillg m ith his brrtlir W illialnî, a fu'w dayN. Leaîîbus'g à-Co. have retitedthetI Verntinbrick yards for a terrniaofthieé YÜarp. "lite 11CM baril beittg erecteti ou A. Il. Cooks property is nearly couipîcteti and IR a c>tnpltte andti modern> structure. (;us iricke, Who, has bIjen etiîpityed liv Sauborn & Croker thie îast tîiree n'outils retutîi to Chic'ago Mtîiday, wh%-ere lie lias seelîreti enp)lo)yieut. Ili another voiginin apjpears a nottice of thie ainua i meetig of flec Lake Conuty Agrieulttirsil Society, for tlie eiection of oMliter4, t>ecctnter .4. IIt' fîrget it>e date. A.1B. tCotok s> '1>1lits <<Id l'il-il to Mr. Wisner, wM litiMIIi etnu>ve ilto tais prolierty ou Lake stret, re>'entiy ptirrhalleil tf Fr'ank I)II îsî'ît . C, Aeieu MiliIiovu fie structutre'. A ver ' large mniiler of! LiIerty.. Ilt iu>ividtuals were fulîl <f 'Iliaîskmgivinlg. tuky îand>icrsnberry sante 'estertiay withictIeuenpliais (ail thrk.y iandt saî et'. A rtiîîîr to ftl('eflect tinit R. 1) wyi, of Wailkegail, lias reiited jue Bulera store and wMilI start a lrani store here fil curretît ouî tie strets.4 tile autiîeiti,>it3 oft n 11>1<me are unahie ta dett'iîie. Satur>iay îight, Nov. 28 ut tie t7ai 1>. chelîs oeeîiî s a Pttpils htieital given titiller tlie direction of Mis%.%I1nîi Pv>'i biiisas. A prograti of excelîtittsil Iîerit la arratîgetl, andthîe enitertauin. msenît siould bclie clipatrnietl. %Ve is î <titi i l , t>kîîosvwl>>> lagoin tg ta bce iostiaster. lisîlications are tili;t M'il Mc. ilàleV ctutildct>ax a couple of <> feil>>ws w>'kuow <>1 to actelt ftle apîî>ilîtîsîeît, [ufi o îr lear th right tuantM on't get ac Vto coas'flic>'riglît tuitîifs dangerotis t» lirediet. Dr. 0. B. lion e ronglit actioîn agali t rs. E. C. I'elttîî betore Justice Davis iast Satîîrtay to soeutre paynent o! a billi for nedicsîl service jenderuti ler soli Geo Peiton, whidli Drs. Howe alieges Mrs. Peit»ii Mu liolden forsfîe lsvingagreetl,he elaims, to pay Iiimr for attendanîe upon Mr. Peitoîi. Attorney Casey. of Wood- stoctk, reprosenteti Dr. H>îwe andî Bans (iaiioway appeared for tirs. Pettîi. After smirniug Up the evideisce, Jutige Davis tiecided iliere was "-no cause for action." Dr. Howe wIliIcurry tihe case to tlie higlier Couri. Thse LadieV Cernetery Assocation will give a dinie test lldowing tiir tiext businiess lteetittg. ta >e lielti FiidaY afternroîî, leeibtr 4, liit te Pî'csbyterlan cisurels. Ailmedieratw' shoniti try anti ho pieselît as the meeting wililibe mie of esî>ecial interei. A abrdial inîvitation extetideti to ali. Liver lus Lira bi-ona, dyspepsia, buadcle, cossu. PWtouu sOur stomach, Indigestion are proosptly cured by I!Ood' Pilla. Tluey do thelr work Chîristnmas next. Floral W~edding rut thiNI>'. E. clîîjr4eh (tiis> )Friîiay iiglit. Mmrs Protine wili lme ont a <ertalîl linoe of sis>'em at $2, former îîripe $3.501. Mr. andi Mrs. C. N. Dulranti spent tîrk.y (la *y wîtiî E. %V. iarkiîrst snd foîuily. J1. Trigga anud wifî'. of Chieago, visit. eti relatives liertab<>itm tihe tir8t of thse prescrit week. M r- Charlts fifflet, of lvanhioe. lbas huilt a new ice-hoîîse for tisetuse of thse chees e factary. Mr- anîd irs. W. H. Dynîid ndmo Wili. o! Clijeago, turkeyed NOMl Wm. Dynsonti anti wife. Ward Davis aceomnpanîidlîy Mr.G;eo. Swauson, a lasomate, 91>'nt 'lianks- givttîg sith lis Iparentts. MNiss Alice COrltt, Whio attendts aelî>ol at Evàtnstoti, spetît Ttianksgiv. llîg witlî ler parents live>. Mrs. W. %V. Buikley, Wvho Mas tiîrowtî fronîî ler buîggy moule tisse ago, lm slowlY reeovering, fuit till iîii>llî't» be aboutt. Ilereliatîts Who desire to eatelh the holidlay btîifiîemm, anti MIII have lbar- gains tao ofer wili dof weli ta let the people kiîow abouît it. The tinie la ripe. Mrs. I)ratiiie wislies to see ail thie ladies of Libertyville anti viCitîity next week. Coin>' in anti sec Mlilat she Calii show Volt inibats. Capes, eloaka, siiawis antidu'fîrslig. is Alîe, avisls tise pr>iuid luses-Î .ar of a liii>' tcw lazu'lton pianlo. The instruîiient tli a ves'y suiperlor one, andt ree»4gto'/.itig Miss Davis' talent lier frig,îtim l>îîk for u'xeptiaîial result. Good !adive. Neyer ipave houle o n a j> irtiser w itIei>tt a b<ttle tuf lianil ut'>-j lîilia'<lic. Ch> >1 cmaloîi Diarylînea Remueîiy. F»r sale hy F. B. Loveil, Liberty% 111e sdi(;. C, itoL>êrtm, Wn eon <li. A s'lit evam brorîglit efore Jn4îlce Davis Ttieiiday, by Isaste Shields, agairîsi Michael itedunond, for wages. A cliange o! venuîewas taken tri .ltstle tloleombliua Rockefeller wliere thse caste Ma8 diminfsrut't for want of evidence to stîhstaiititste plntiffs Matim. Tise dane give.n by tise Ph>t'îix Cillu at tht town hall Wednesday eveuhîîg was largely attendeti. TIse clubl slioniti lie c>nuliîentetl tpi tteInlter lit Mliit'l ley cotiduiet their dances anid thé, tine, stîpper serveti. Everyhody lad a fille tfille as ls always the vertilet wisen tle Ph>elîfx (lub gîve a pariy. A rr'l»rt tieat lm gaiîsg tise routndls tlsmoîlihout the country toth ie efleci iliat jtist after electionî the %Wahbiîrn àt Motît NVre IVrksti tWatkega n tt ifirir ielis îua nd iî1laid >off a large n <muter im itterly Mithttttt fousndîstloss sudi wieîi a Inu ltells yi.> u t]lia tale of M'oe jiat lUit huis l»wli as a tlaniity hoNvIer. Weather protts prî'dict tlîat the first îveek tii Deceeîiier veîll bring active sturnis, Mithl a chiange ta severe eold aloi thuit the latter ])art ofthie mionth is iI itilems a storni per»id, blizzards, sleet st,>rîuî, etc., the intîtl v'iiîsg itisweeffing Minter gales. Tihe Chsicasgo Metal Stainpiiig Ctnî. puny are lnakiusg pruuaratiolis tg) talle cure of their iticreasiîsg hîîiiîess whiei4 e "lickittg up' rîspstly. "bsey have. e uever>tl gî>t>t orders to te exelteti lu the îîenr future anti report a brigliter proalteetfuos're i val of bursinesrss in ttijeir liatitullar linie thai fi>r the jsat yeîr tor niare. The Tlinrksgiving uuier af the L»d,slio 0n> Journal lm isa w>rk (if tiie prilîters art asid iseïrowtlil>tfr»îîs coves' to cliver Mitiscoutrjbutlt>n,'trtoll pe115 of the nMost listeti altilors. A very interesting article descriptive of Jenny Litîts isîrsi visit to Aîsserl>a. lieaîtifuliy iilustrated, hy A. Oakley Hall la partlcuias'ly Interestitîg and lai a fair eriterion of thse vt.ry suierior cia8ssof articles to be founin theIs> Ladfiesif oriî Journ'al. A îîsost enjoyable social was lielti ut J. Bl. Alisusons last Friday evetîing >iîder the auspices of thse Epworti Leagle. "Punmpkinette" Mas wiat tisey ciiiled It andi of course a large nssînher Mre ount<îo ascertain just wisat tise te.rm signified as appliedti t a social allais'. Piunpkin pie and cofie Mas serveti, after a picasautt evetiiîîg spelit in gaines andi social chat. Al i uesed this urnber o! seed(s inai îîstîkiîîexhibutati for thnt pur- po>se .i h I reatet i n cisamuseîiiîeî'tt MIeis the seeds Mer>' cotînted suathe ti> gIemmes conîpareti iwittstIse eorrectt iiiiiilu(r. Dr. l'aliiiage. îIn speýakitig of the counîtry news4papers, siy.-A 1nu'ws- papes' ivisoecoliuiis uverlloM wltil atlverti4elnelits af luititess î>î»îî lis ni>r u tluience lnn tttrscSi'iig atttenîtioni toad utti liing itîp, a clty or t'>ivu, tisan any otiser ageney tisaitrait lie eui- ployed. People go wliere iieze las mai- itesi. Capital and labor %111 locate '«W» &boisre la auis eaerpriaing comn- Guitsg tu he Codi tlss wiîer Mo it woîst do to go Barefoot. Ilherefore you should buy your Winter Footwear. Ladies' Cotton Hbsp ........ ............... Ladies' Fleeeed Ilose Lailjem*Catîiinîere lji»s> Ladies' WooI Ilose ............ GenDts Cotton 11.)e .......... . GentS Citshmiere Home ..................... G;ets 'Wooi Hase ........................ 1 (le ta 404. 250 2.-e to 50e 2e-i ta SOc 51 ta 30C 200c to 350 29)0 ta 30e We Have Hasn't your A large assortmeut of Clildreîî'sa nd mimmel Doulel Knee Ilose in Cashimere and wool. old Overcoat given out? If it lias you slsotld try one of those flicO w6m Fus' Overcoats. They're just tihe thing for eoid weatlîcr. Underwear, Blankets. Gloves, Mittens, Caps, etc are for cold weather too.,, That Mauston Buckwheat is fine. Try a sack. We have Just receivec somne new Plaid Dresu Gaods, at 9c per yard., Me B. COLBY &Co. "Dealers in Everything." -'~--LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. w I G H T & s o N s WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville, III., THE BEST PLACE -IN LAKE COUNTY,.... TO BUY Lumber, Coal, MiII-Feed, Farm Wagons, Buggies, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. We are always prepared to supply your wants in .. Agricultural Implements," Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tile, Etc. Always get Our Estimate Before Buying Your Building Material. WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyvilie, 111. l)ark. stormiy niglîts cru'ate agita. That Depot Platform. tiotitat MiIl eventtîally >icvelone into A promiuîent citizen af i Lhertyville seule plausable sdlieiiîc for liglstiîîg Mrote tise St. Paul raiîs'oad offielaja miur streets, anti now tiîat thie citY lasi veek "lcallng tisons down propq" fatiiers are Iîivestigating alousg thiat ta use bis expression, about tise idea Iiie. his is opet i aîetiiing ,Mwill walk aronnuth ieir depot bore, suiggei.. tnaieralize s0011uimore tMiai slui>lca- lîîg tbey replace h witi a board walk, ti>uîîandî>lanîîss on paîler. "i> seniti- He also Intimuated ini bis commnio.. nient ia aliiiosi îîniverssl Ilu favos' o! tion that consîtîerîng tise amonai of au elvetrie ligit jplant, andt with tise patronage secuired t thiis station, Ilearty co-tperation of our cîtizeuis Liliertyville MiSs entitied to a newr tmie boaîrd staulti experienlce no great depot. The Si. Paul! eompany reply ms iro e itî ller pstting Ilisone' to ha follows: oîîerated I ly the village, os' secus'ing' C H 1ÂOO, N ov. 23, 1896& moinse relialile eaitpanto tI "do nome- DuA 'il Su: thuuîig." Tise parties witli wîoun tise Tour favor o! tise l7th fst ti. second ie-Presitient and GenegaI bouartd is rit present negoiating bave hy Maniager Eîîsliîîg referred ta me.-,ý tiseir promises seenied tt ispeti to (d0 ruply i1lieg to say, tisai 1 bave gIjuX the' faittliîg, but wvit'î their retpre- instruuctilons to ha4vOe isededa seutatîve asserted ieh wotuluî hâsve tIlt' forîn compilneti of given lioes ilsetbytis lsi ! h i se>'. sudaticovered i wth wood. In pole ai setby he ast f tis wekh cnstruction o!a new depota evluleîsitly over-reaceid hinimeif. Nuti ville, Iainsi ativise, usai a pole in sighi, andt If Salita ('hais ing conditions, we eau t tiupî'îits onui ,r r'luctrlu lîglits to efunsitier going to tise expeas station as you suggesi vouti ellalle lm ta disetîver tt>e Motrli3' us sa niitse business bi&%b onoi lis anIii nvimit. tis>'Libe'rty- or nItsêrseîtb ville Elu'ctrlc i.iglît and PoIwer notuti a'al eucOtraiug; A" Comnpanîy niîsi t bIstle, <orIlie volt lie tierefore, obligesi ta atîle~~~~~~ t lul511'tf<.expenritures $ID actuel - gi.uwth sund pruapsritya Thte olti îuty >ofdeliveriliig 's.sgsandu Ithsisskyoîî wilI amt iîy poli boys Camîlaret w itti thi léé Tiuie tW#r moderrn tulaplioîte, fillrstratem the, tlt iurnli a dluina tetilous methodis of >'hreatklng" Coldhs couspareti with tiseir aimont inautan. eoila cure by Ue Minute Oough Cure.: F. B. Loveil, Libertyvle, asuit C.o Roberts, Wsu«osdR. ý . Pumps, lin and Sheet 1Iron 1 f