i Dz, 1*' roon tion. sofa, tones Th bîîrs for'e .1 to Ic %v'ert, .I sou grai' forgi sur thal fut Bç thal fait Tj thbe Stel Kit frat dell flot Be r sent dosyn. Nesv I muet go and fini yu ts O CHÂAPTER- XI.c -Ihiee'ai ih.1lt min :i Twe gentlemen nieraettitg iaanal <e hb ar.'I ngt afthmlunaui rvate parler t the Birnamn Arme. They Ktagscott niant donnstairs to seelk Ber- tair rae .bath ple ani botb dark; otherwilsatie, with wh ibe ha utalgo te the' rail' adio therle was nt mais resamblauce baiwnw Ithm Oe ws tomehateffaminata îi way station teanielcoîju tise bride ahi1 lieI' th.ara n 'asthee hastalsnw bridegroonuhome. Ha coîli net finît paît and vsearaat'; tht' te na tahi, BlueniBartie for soute time, and begait to fî'al hI iî. magnouta lookinStie tllerna lloushat vexedanda ihait alarnied by the ladsili 1ae mavn ler nion heSt.lnRabrnb il~sappenanee, aspeeilîr as lia rtceivi'î i Elle comlsanion, Balph Kinscott. nias a hint f rom tha attendant that the soul.u Ileaninz back la a large at-m-chair, with a gentletmana eetnut'i ah iveabit fond of it egar litneen hie lips. Hiesernaîl featuras drap. HPtochenn a bell ringing, and raiti atd erlghted uP NV iîh au expresiou et the nith ail hui uuigit up thaelili to the rail- "lit eestamusement. n'aystsation.,slere Nr.%Moacrcff's car- il!, V "e-.ehebi 111 lv afirbfr age aud hait 'a dozen Chber vahlicies ý 4h. came te Duukeldl" hb a ss xcilus s're lansaitiag for tue a lrrivai of the inai ,o(a ios Iteestng 1train frorn Perth. Klîug'a,'otscas a littie "0U angisht ea oked too innoent for this lat', ns henia-s vexai t0 sep. NIr. atldl'i Miced orl.s rs. Meacriaf came onit of the stationliiîi "Sbes inocnt nouli,"Haningon utasie r soîit'ssil;ad s iiigrtutla-y uv ~was baginnlng suikiîy, bat Kiugscott lu- tios e t tat ewhutered h effeclIsl-oir- t terrupted hlm with a mocking Iaugh. nhlfc slsat ldisai bee n-ns ermu 'h ot i -U "Oshe'. a lady, a snowflake, a Peal- et ieats. 'sha i wsvrymcl u d iv. al kuow that; Moncriaff's bsottedo bi th V ,o lier baby tact' aatis. Sh's mest Betie coulue o ith nue, hutove staiopcolidi khe style he's likely. te go uai alant- lu say a st-uni or isco tii a frua-uui ;l tht'-at ÏaIr, Sentie, blue-eei, golden-haired, strt-et, andI lt aiiglitt of itîî.",1 saîdl i ni sU tise rest et t-as great a contrastI Kiogseoît. wii itt uîirae 'ainolar. "-He tai his irs wi& a cold ossblybc a o oiiiug tut-. Iesuppîose'; sve shail se2 ubmais i-se ite scoh osi hlm procizlily--" NVi 1 ",Wbat n'as tht' tirt Mns. Moncrht'ff And tlien la' huli,- in lis speech. A a1 kk. he?"terribla sight ml la!' s -A grouip of al "'Sisenias my haît-siser, Yeu know. ltte bsigut et "l, a sb'ilhu ahctnt ab .Well, sllen-ai like MolIy, oaiy thare nias tesgi fa1111-e o e U lIttie met-e radinluber bain tni the tint jnsan, but a ligli. tan. atidsomalîtbil, inc iof ber aye. Maie and 1 bai diffarant sVhosae es ss-ro il-il uefav-an-s ii-cil ~ntiers; ttsetwnas Basque led lu bers. fiamed, syhe swavyîfr .tî iii' lde t i ni h Kden't kuni oni isele would bave livai bois ea-u.or to keî-îî hiiî-a-lf lotraiglut as il, lith Mencnici nas lonîg as elle îid if 1 ha etaggenei i'ii.athe' naadiray. Italili mi pudnt beau tisera te calm tise tnio donin maieua rush fonssuid. lînt Alan M.\on'-ne ivsnthey lbai their uittle disputas. Tisai criaf. nith a face as witie as ieath, laid tr 'Imaae el o a ocuefo a hani ou is amui. ni afagttatI i beavyuîhayl conedutrs *"WatuOaamoment." le sai. "I Must go ýtct isali Iave ai re a ui-tnsPut MY nilfe ito the carriagu' irts. Tisen iu "Tohesmui r@.venietîtit'.aveyeund m i nlget thal nrtciseilai t-, C etehing to Bay te that, I imagine," sai dhoe le tebIen s hIe isauar'-n our sn-na Iannington, dryly. d i abd i ia(-n u w-m i "Yens-confound br." He lookdaif îtht'hast nie en." tie n'ol lika te use n stronger wod. And that Wt-tstelin's hotue-eomiug. nc "Does a like yen mucht"-Hanaliig-CH TR ion'@ tous ase Malceuxs. CATRXI a"Hates ae ie a poison, 1 bellevo. No. Alan Moncnieft nus cxtnrnaely shoctia ne suppose 1 shail have le ge, bag and and disînesaea te fiai tîjat Batiealla Siiage, aud matte myselt coultortable lakea many slaps iu a dewnnard courseh FM ewhare alte. Net et once; bua t sxwicb hehala neyer inrai that tae ~utbs or s, Il neîisiag îastreys ber lu lad wne ikely ta trend nt ail. A feni cane- ni «n nlatise qeautiai." fui and cotfietial inquiries lu the to,.n w r "Wbal niuli desbroy bar influence?' elcited the tact tisaI Bartia n'as 'hy no J "Well-I hava an iden or tnio." menus as quilet sud horn-lovin anelhisela "Iiet'es bear tiem." father bai nîn-nys crediled hlm niihh be-a- ..Are yen on my ide, Hauniaglon 7 ing; tisatieha nas nail known la vanlous e b. girl bhasvai shabhîly ta yeu, yuuî very queRlieushie esots, andi that i hallaii W il a great lova for caris. Stellia firmîy lha- Mayhaivai ht a lIph Kingscotiws n Itishe' t"Cut me In tisa presencaet haIt a dozan bottela et Bertiu"s disgrace, ani that lha et tas trienis. les. se e ait trather n-as raspoasible for tisa twy's graduai de- an'kn'nd ton nia. Yeu n kon Lady Va- ciension. Bat nihen sha bialci ti8he vlan < neaia Gilderoy?-an ali friand of mine, et the case ta lbar huusbaad sha n-ns met t, ~ha madaenît ber mini that I bail given niiîiîan expression ut euh liepleasure n aiu girl god canse for offensa,aid bas wich sileacci ber et once. 1 ~uneilise cold shoulier te me aven since Sha overeari a scrap et conversationu t-ne use a gooi demi et uishchie, I eau whicb coufirrned ber secret suspicions lu 7M lye." a rIser curionssrwas. Sha nantea t 1"Miss Stella muet be a epitefiai ittlui tnik te Brtie-nibo bail net set maie8 Wnx. Yon nvouîd net obect t e st bar is appenanac in puible afteriis esc-apade >ride bave a falu, tban'u" -andiM. Noucriî'ff fi told ber tisat abcet "NeI1sisuldu't." notliprobahly find i hm hatht' octagon t I"Andi It l, oet'cet-se, sy intarast lta room, svhera lus geîsneaiiy pursead hise ilssn iber influence as'mach as possible. sîndie uîuier Kiagscott'aseuprinleîui-t Olt.ihera are twoe niys luniicis te do cc. Tiithen Stela bulorok ise'seîf aboutI ~l.iu six o'ctock onc avî'ning. Sha anme quiet- Ft*T*o?'" ly Ibrougis tise long gallry-se quiaily "Oaa l'Il keaja lemysaifîiu laid King%- that ber footetePesi'ndeosouni upenu et tIl an ugly aille. "Tisa olier de- tisa plisea floor-ani pausd for a use- duoa somevisat e oun. Ion BalY yenmet bafore se mciv tisaponiena hetore ,rejlttera troua ber?" tise enltrance le tht' ochagon rees. She nanutlne face fushai, pausai simpîy tb colleet ber thougisîs, te i "What if yen latilMoacricf bave a rnnan her ceuraga; bou t isat pause ~ lna.et ise't"voices feul upen lber esar. "-I dnt tteat ' etrtisat." "Yeu'Illde nothitug et tht' kini," Ialîhti t"Wby, do't yen kuew tisaI Alan Mon- Kingacott n-as ssyiug, coely. "If yen aU o«làe isa taajns, tiesa et sua- ay oeaword about t V l'l tiyeur faIsan S1 e. smon alitaIif 1I nouw auyting tise 'iole ot that liltila transaction et tf ven, ay dent Jack, slle won't bave yonre nuls Vinnar, ani then-" wod bhlm a woen abeut yen, or only n'unI "Not oh. no!"~ Berti'e volce, ful et agi- >hoe plees.; andaele isollI ha mertally talion and appeu, n'as beannita Bay- trahioftMhi e gtting le knew tise tino "Oh, do't tell hlm thal. Haen'ouli navet :Te tftisacase.' tergive se. I nl de nnytii ug u ik- 1 Weill- growled Hanninglon, "tisa way 1 wo't say a word-"-ý a o issi ber, thea, nilli ha a good tnîgst. And thea Stella ireni the carmain sasille,j =ssâudn't mini iolug tbat.îî aud touai, ns the hlaareaaiy dilvîna, a- "oiwillh hava a tafaifrIuna" saii that tise dler nias open. Bertia nias ly- Ile unle. iiSis.bas hanrItothen'. tag on a sofa, hile heai haIt hurliedlantisa t'a halout Il et han marriege, 'nr cuehlene; Mn. Kingistoît wns lounglng lu - elle etweaty-on." h an atm-chair, nitl@ bsat-m habli dhi a blgguott thougt lisat he cduh lgtba. He as a lok ot positive batred, aoddi gler la Jeohn Hanaingto'sa etStella as she ecama lu; n look lanibhicis b4 But ho went on dlecreatly. malgity aud cunuiug niernos bleniai i"1mcref hat tise Idea tisaI ha ongis that elle du net lika te ememb)tr Il alter- km o p vea'y tigit-1 think he's@asar- vand, abeugh t tisatime lit ipro- L1 ,s pety Stalle vIlsh. Iea o etga- ducd ittIî mpression upon ber. ÈIIMR& Uer toris poor elildi. Alan n'ill "Mm, Moncief!" ha excîimai, elant- a »0"el usiani, wme wottisy, lng te bis teet, niltis nsort oe ilsagrea- etggbrig laid, owis. vil keavl aly exaggeratai peltenese. "We nover o~ 5lgls aina en U uthe l.expeclai thie houer, diii ne, Bartia? My eA"Ithat 10 W poor Molre future Young pupîl and 1 seam te have allai ptoscrtpttve lgit te Iis part et the il-r "ud amgUantn. abruptly. bouste r se long UsaI ve are quit. un- *to ydoatelslo'. BShe usai tta viitons. But ot couta. we muet MIAL ui Wli ek tom ciange nov." ~~~~m reThoei n'as a sabtleetlng Ila lisermans e-wich troisnt leit upoa St*Ul' peo> 600106 10t 81116 Uas »«M etAheae# W. a 10 ee a. Mi. Kisgmett went lut* ' i «« ni and closedl the door of com»munis- k.Not tli] then did Stèlia feel fe te idown onulher knees beside Bertie's iand speak to lni in soit, careisilag es. Dear Berthe, wse are ail so sorry. Ad Sarte sorry, tulo."1 'icn the bîîy's grief itroke forth. He t lut, toa Siolinof chlti ig, ocîrposv- kg sobs. litî shiî'h ail bis attami)ts at ch ws ri' as-t. It %vns sont, tinte ha- Pthe %sor-ds hecame a.iin" 1diîiui't Inean it-I n îrtbotîght t I %vils doitîg-I shahl liver bho able look o ino lîthe face ag.îiii.' Tiese rthe' tir.it words tliat bcuaine audible. Iktîuv, deîr; I taila-rsta tial.' Jiit icheti voîlcaille haîn i st svben 1 exiekted n wtýeouie- foi to adis- 't' yo00 so! And tny fother--lie'll neyer give Ilale." ,011 yes, liaeivili. Partie. If you tire 7that you have tuld bilaî everything ha b oîîglttiî 0banwud if for te ire 3011 îdoîri.aht." 3elie diki liot sîîeak. Front th.' tremor iralt broiîgh lus wiiilt' fraîine, Stella thînt lier svordi had gona honte. 'la tht re îlot taytbiiig thait yotî have t fronstîtîor fnîher, Bartielal there soateîhiîig iliait Ilieught 10 kîiow?" jie boiy coîvtrcd duîsn, with bis face la WlViy are 3 un afralil of lîim?" said lin. *'hy do 300 not tbrosv off Mr. igscott'a tabitditgeannd be parfectiy fini andi opentî? Y-aithlink ha willt ll ur fatîlcr f lhiîîgi thait rIti sant hId- ,il? But va tî il ,.anhdî tlîcm? NWhy diallue a fou ifeaaîO.f everything rtig, andi 'îii ci ifreali YlBe brave, deax ortie, oh and-ai .,ttr father ail." Butut t î!iý. l3î-nlit' fell iiîto a pnroxysm terrOr, a ad ssas y'eco iiphntle la bis airtnl.a a t t l e ;%as îîothiîîg to iî-othiîîaî lii îai 1 that Stella stas rii'lîsîdcîîy A'rîîl %icben the boy I. .1 tue ia stI O rîiit a ssuranes that bwa .' itsl ivd tl io n)a' ii.ls hai coin- La and ti l l'tda clealîy tadihonîora- .0:11 c,. fOr 1h. f: lire., site fî'lt t bat aile î..iî to d..iahior-- for biiîî. and coîild ,y bot.' thaItle , aa:itI..p lais v.or,!. '.laîînio r, ffovis anly v lgati to b. la' t.,a- .r ai fri .'î..rd..:î 10 bis boy, nl S.tILa fi-it iial la' r iîece-lo ad t tii'îii iiiîctiliiîg lat.raiania rùccen- lllài naîl,a,ît iiiitan. ar;ir data than ',rtîe karti'î)i-i ie boy ans vary nicli liii iiiil hy hii dis-trace; for it ub liait l"' a1. îî:î illat ci cr3 one la the viglîhorli.ou ; st's i O f the' faut that lihai lt ii .î'îîî i indlîr h(ieithttice of riîk ..st.'Ihi'r. ls c taon, on the vening,Of lis seiîîilesarrivai; and tn th O i î iih3'f t he' iidelit wbicb liiid îiaiîgna 1l'3 ta, hla fa thi'r'à grief, ad vil nls o Il h î il 'ail ton. Il o as de- 31 illat h. 5h ,îî l Iisý,t to a ntutor'a ithe' New' Y. -r;: i:.'l in tlii.' l-atimt le las t..retîlin iii î iiîr Mir. 1KZiiîgsîcott'u uitiolii ald gua ruacliai ii1î. ()lie Of Stlsfi rai sisitors ws LIadj ît'tîccia (lilleruy.i.agdy N'al lis cil sitl iî ister lit a lreiy lile botis4 Lott tis e nl fron'I'rri'sinuir, aînd sbt bai knîîn îu tha Nloînc'rieffs fîîr matai rars. She oas repaîilA10 li e aof thi 051s skiliftîil nd ishiiiiese flirta ln th, niouty, anîd Stell likaid the report tha ut' hieard of ber si) iittie. that sacbal îvoiuntnriiy received Lally Va; wit] îîîa.'n stiffniiss, nîud showcd by lier matn î'r thant she liai îno grant desira to ha friend of bars. But Lady N'a na asndii mayed. "I lika the' littia thing. and i goiag to ha friands svltb ber," shle ru markad to lier sister, ns they drove hom tgattiar afier thair tiret t.'ni; "so seh needn't put on bier company marinera fia me; l'Il soon gai rid of that." "She's very pretty," eaid Mrs. Lei "I think thera'. useathan Ibat la Mr' itoucriaif. She must have &unie cha actcr, I fancy." She did flot say wiiy ebe tbeught s but eheciras thiuking of that autumn du tilien aleand John Ilanainglon had hee idiug sida hy aide toîvard Dunkeld, ani s'hen "the little Dundee girl" had givE John Hannington tht' cul direct. 81 augbad te hersait, but she set haer test as though soinethiîig burt liar even whi sha iaughad, lit the' thought of Jack Hm uingtcun'e face. (To ha continucd.> Iron leounulations. A naw vay of eoîistrncting a soi foundation for a tlbuibtlinîg has bau trled with sucees lisu Berlin. I w nccesary bt init a scl.l bause suflîcten ly strong to carry a building wu'lghi more thau 10,0030 toils. 'fhle plat ground upon %vicl the' building nias stand nias adjolicîlon lxbtb aides 1 highi buildings, wiili reîîdered utts8 the' dlgging to any depth for a fotsnd tion. Tht' oniy way out et tht' dificul w"s the slnklng of a culisson la tht' cE ter of tht' plot, upon btae ,catutt'd t ,of wlhh a hoiloni forna of cernent w built. Into Ibis fortn molttyn.ii'on w poured, fililng up tht' space, nnd îap -Ibis cast trou fotindatlon plate the t deratructure of the' building now ree nibile the' @ide niaillare euppor-ted a cautilever structure. The fu weil ef thet' ond upon tht' cast t-ou touaih tion lgeaetirnated at more than 20,( tous.-New Ideas. Pos60oissGolden ]RO t. The State veterlntanlan ot Wl"cn says the golden rod la the cause of'ý disease resembling cons;utution tl bas destroya'd thotîannde of hermes bis Sta-te and Michigan. The'homses the' plant,. go Into a declIne and wn .away, both blood and flesh tisset'be destraed. Tht' only rasnedy la te .iatîa. s B gr,.f IatgIll.i-n.'rtt i 9enau i naui i t t 'i- i t-huait u'îughst îsh,-îli i' tni t- i t' .luîîuag î' li-t .i - ii uia 'ii in t h ' tl tîrt . Aut' ru%-lout utnnîlîus gat twî'n-.halI their g biulautittnao.tu'althi' îltvîîtiîîIl 'f ' Lciin ui d .uî'î otîurniaucfrît,a ini-u-u ia th ii' si-iit3 -I"tiity t ialtt'ia,- n riveti, tsti.!t iut uhi' fîttui', - s. Biggs n caille il, fnîauîl hs u-îîîîllry iîua' Suiidai 'i te îul'- il ut ait t.,f 'lî.tlî"s. lie' tîutii' 'I %%-tuait L a iti-i li a u 'aîrk sI t-h ( ILuIi'II s3hiîq. Sltuiils3 u.s -iiiuigjiiistautfrlu !u i)- ~i's d1e. andîl lis %a sîm.icîs:-uk lh1Ii to Ashlunilt.îî. atel îI l'arklavut H .' in tu i lui 1tt I î hua '.îa. I, f îîa'ss .'l..u u a irug. and l'a' stidIl,!'i 13%ivai-iai-izItr .is iv 1 a diasýire It e t'.'lish%% n îîîlalli ii'tIi, tut. svgaîl.. 'f-lit le iaîuî 11--tli in ut self .If li. gara.'a il .-'tî'i;.î," Ilu Lii utiihiýr-,ititi i ui t ! a tmat, gitî.n-I t i wstAl-i Ite:i tu.rcutiy .-irz uiuui. A utluîli he %liusinttierîr îre.sl. lligtA d.riî-îîrvi.'t Tht' iiliu-entri-i Ia lug tia.' risiiet-) . the t'hatioîn. a oi-ai'rupl i.of .aun .9,l"it Brictis wsi 'ih'i 245 vp'indiiallusit i' ii t mtaun îuuutuî'lii).his nituuutltlt Ilui' niaI I auu'h .î,' taIviaiue.and tic.'tetIul .atii.i for tlit îîaîr.al i-gîtu. 'l'titi .isît'- ta-nrs îîcnsîuirî'undlsîs oct', luit filiioll) gai, tise tian li.auhî'd loot he' saugon a uncar- iad imnuoff. Reamoef Heire Masti lav. A egal 'outilist îf iîtrî'ct tiithlui fiar- 13'iae i'ditons oaithtu'vitaidSta te 'l'ntaa- 1utrer lîtfus N. Ittilisat) ias lurught: t a close by Circuit Juilge Aletizo S. WIil- ierîîîail lu a dec ision retidercul Tuesdas uiterneen. HaeoMers Julia D., isidows, itilla C., EIiJah 1'. anad îtun W. Itanssay, cilirea ot tht' demi buker, to tuinu evv'r tote adî.positors $3,070. Savenai moutbs ago suit %vs 111titust Ociuist tise Rami- sayse y the tradîhors for tisa purposae o nattuvering the ahove amunt, nbiî'b relu- reseuta tht'e oas pai eut asepremiutus -on 1lita llsuranca by tisa daceaseifilman- clan. Tisa conipîsittats ailagad tisat tua abank n'as lsolventtrive yeaîrs îînevioîus t.' th tht ime et dets of tht' ossnar; thenafona a moeastissusai iurng Iînhated hi- I Iongei te the dajusitons. Tise Court ujuI abah thie contenation. ftnmsay left $!M),- 000 ta lifta nutnanea, nhsicis nas palu to the niiov anud chisitre. Tisa deudautu n'ilI prebabis appenl tisa casa. S3tate News tin filet. icA cnt-bai et cattie nihicis neaqîaran- tiudai attisaCiciago stock yards etsfferiag trom Iuîsspy miv" wn'ea buta, and 'asealt isecteresgay tisera is no, daniger d ofthtie diseuse eprendiag. Conîîissionet- là Ket'rdenies tisa report tIsaI gama lu a seet-ueceyed condition le hing soill on Sentis Wnter sîneet to proprictens et a cheampretauanits. t-The' acîvprisons ton temala convicts aI ae tisa Joliet peiiteutiany n-au tht-on-n open >te thse public Satmniay algisi fros S te 12 Lt o'cleek. Immense tistongs e n'cnahowiuî '~tisongi tise magnilficaut -builditng by olfi- 'cors sud attendants. Transfers tron tisa aU pinouxesr. maie onu MondaLY. 14Uli lu Sminu7 yTewnshilb, Fselte wu tt*aem stae o't'lmmd liat GRIEF COMPILATION 0F ILLI- NOIS NEWS. Sud Fate of a Chilcago fiporlsmnn- RIitoecsCeaiturs NVin TIiei Suit -Queer AntiCe of t Itugxus Former lu Lhlcaro-Suifl j[esa feulIe Fcered. Inrrni't Fatle Kuiown. Ntod nis r,'vieItin ('lîi-ago N'el' î'alyes llli-a .onfiliîiiig lîreiii)0luis' givitais ils b ie fat(.'oft . 'W. t ligrai II fonileî'ly ltin U' wolilisali.' iliese bisi' ues itn Sou th ii iatî'ri.rý,"t. W~ednes' day a flî'riioiii scciirclî iig intiî's luar Micigaaiîiî'. i cl..fîîîîîi lsidy -lu the voililtiiet -Iy tutrie(lin ithee show. Ha ailbeni îîssiîig silice Nos'. 1, nu-I eiti7.t'is thadl I.. cai siiir4-liiig for iîînla L thie siilli ty'niîr lie sva s ast sectu. NI r i ngraîîo sýet otfo tr aî iiier liuli t Nos'.1. Iilteeeiîîiiglie fdut nt-lreuîîrn. A ft"r a fes daiys I 'tirlscarc.iîsaîs iider- takLen. i'b"titi firtli laite sports~iai lu 't foîîîîd 13 igt.si(1.it' l er lie bîtîl siiot. Bot It iiii' io vvre'l I ith lt ci'.ust')Iîlit of lis,. fiet.No. illcatiîîiis %ve'rt'd- '"s êreo as ti Ii' tu'it ilfai INr. Ila' grain %vasai -i i . nsif agi'. Il hîs viI"t'e waI lint 3 41' ul;t ciri-t. Il %vs nsilitiý.ts ed la sîîaîauîuî'r a :Il g'a ttEU-Iicirt. W'is and ai s a i i" lilli' f ri.tiiig t.heîîîîl' iîîg regiao hiN .rai.' ichiigan,. near IhIIsbîiîîiit , cy tai i. Nir. Ingraui ievî s9 a ,.v.10 îîîîcr"l ,iit!ers anl I Sii Sii. i Il i,', Sa . lîs n' T-i 1. lagrnia. is o:iaî.r.f tth ltel Inlgrtai, AgrU riîlli:ia'l a- î rin, . . tti-r ftal S. A. "'î'li-.. 8t ii i .îîî la'gist. i sshi.'l hc' uisiii. a -1 ol î f Illîi la lrtsif sc a lîî a. t ,a I il i. 'tl t' in Sa'i't'i iais i.. i i 'i Ili sa f Il ulit i'. i5iii'l3 S il 1 î-1111sil. l ifi litais. su.. QLaaii. 'Siti!t 'iilii. iuay nlil l A.i i.'.t. ii'i '-l a.cipiiî i ilui c.' tîtîrsi 3 liithi-in Ilii t uaois iaaltî'r'-t.pi' -tîl" it: a ltun.' aii l bidii- th la i ' 'at s'. a rca'îa rat. îaîîîu i i t >, 5r 1li I u Il - i i:1 heli;; lila .lA aa l" lufli,.1. h(. ia.-1, a l.'c a i'.. . I a"ji-t s rw-.Illa ly il.fua-1,l' l . !ta la l s il 1a'".;ila a ib naa i -- a. la. ai -I I i t" i.i i t la1-tilii. W'If u a 1. s au t i'aia ii>- l nh. c'i5 uit1 t e n-cl ahiiu t iliîaau Ii:ot-i 'e so' ' i'ith hi liitltstlli, t",l .aai'i ten. belj, aîî-5 itt iisii .s r lt' orîhuir,îl ',tut li 't r iF rli it leIawmuihui' li'f 11- liais bI cl ' ~sin :"1-saru'ihi liilii'.rl!ftlsc2tu -il i u î..l.u fru bs ý"lia- oinati tîta slli'a . li 'yha n i !i-hi il i fiIîî.-qi f-îI atil at i r. l u. I aN "iti tit: sataî,iil ta. '1l'. nart i> iaa'iii 'att f..air al i , l rî t " a a -i- t, 'îI.-n I.> faînipissr '11.-ir' fliPal'..r :b'. Sîî 'll!;ai,.',iil,' ,iai , a-l l-a'ltt . Siais la. , iaii l11 .au.t3 uic lia'.' ilîaî-'u. '--a,. S 3 ai". lll' lit ;l- V - a;t Mandj2tiiwiriA: l.or c i lu h ;s aq- t. es t Ik. le. le out of 1 t dl lh -t. te t' ln îg ide let caI ted aen ty uan Hle ,er ANNUAL SESSION 0Of ILIN GRAND ENCAMPMENt. . 9 md Mc. o Ioe TUeO. vu* kIIowD remit! ts of Rockford. aaiebrate6 their golden wledding, assinted by mnany triends. Thie Illinois Wateh 'ompanIy renumedJ operRtionq at Springfield moi announced that its faetory svoîul r i on fuil time. Ail of the comptîny's traveling muen Làav@l bien ordered tu take the rond.1 Fred Gais tr, townv îship colle,'tor anid a t h nfty farnier ien r l'ia n.asi tiiitbprt Wait t, bisniilir are ilîl lins to thi' anoinut of $480> eaîh of a braie of shaîri>- ers,.h suloiecured thoir ntotes for chenu) Iialios. Wiliani D. NMoore. NIlio baill ivi .'lnla Mviean 'iIi ollv siliî', 18.nul Nias Une of! t hae oilitys riclicit fat rîllirs. lm dpad. lie wsnsi,îrii i alîaîiî(,'aaiity, Ohio, in 18,21. Ilv eaives n n idow. ive sons1 aind two datîglîterr. E,~. 1F. itz, n fariner of Freeport. woa3 round Ilvî, gdend inalita kitehen uf a ieigh bon svbo lvid acro)so ti lieriandfrouiu ii. i, a ing tl' t h inisî' f t hrongh th" blii. oroir's jury, retuîrûlil a verdict of simie. duîe lu ilkunci'l trouwes. Ev. NI. Ni. l>trantialieusîr of the Fi rsl Miet hou ist e~leiiiI ihft l'ana, î'i'i5ted a silrlrica' moi!sensatioail nopg: lis fliok hy netutrii ig frotu Oliver wit b a lride ini the' pîrsîaîof tif iss Bartbara WaI' to. It 1ev. n nilMI",. >îîranîd ivere ten' dered naîpublie rece't ion. .iîalis t eîaîîîl(tti icîa l'citsagu- init Tuesilatc riiug. g îî~ îa nnher o f frîinls. nloil( t t rilig a"t'Io4et firaîl a tî.illet lhrmîuglî luris n. lie lied 19) 1-'s t1gaitnuh,tir. Nir. Ilianaf.î'l was 43 yîtîrs of ag,-i' ma i iv is îiî-tgdlu Imiîiiieîss litu 'fi. q'î'sîo y ors a goi> %î :ats t.. c eitiif- 'utyCtlî'rk, hîîý 1% .18 -i-f.'l.'l ta 'l:i . . tudll. Afler bis. dctliîtlie . s aIjtl.l iiiii. nd .ce'itta .)1 th' il, - iW. ' ta!iaî. wherit t." ro iiiî. I ai:tli th.. d1 l.. u t h la a- rim as viitrv-l. Nardei-Nlrs. EfiSa A. (Ilaziar, Chk- Dinî'î-hor ot tht' Orpisans' Home fer the atsuing five senre-Nîrs. Sophia Nlemq.. an. Frciiuin. - The t' it'-kab assemtIy iouatod $. fer tise orpisaus' home. Tisa folIowlu~ eonimitteî'5 n-ete aîPPoiuitetd y ProadMý Extc'itva-Mtsima .ulas EageWul kirslisen aî ad enait'Cheney of SprIujýt field. Eliza iB. Haglaet ofnielvillo, A. 3. Gazette o! Fernnooi sud Amnas. Tonlses et Beaneton. Fi"iîiauce'-.UIOenmes Carri!. I.BkaMg et Harrisbutrg, 'Nelli. H. Céeofet isiag andulAnnat B. Crash f.eW syvilleo. Sîsecial Cemmittoo dis Suwero1go Gnmui Loige Eutettahnunef- Meedszne Mcj D. Stone et Vantia, eb-IiMmaî LWd IL Merrelson ofLiattla Ii. Ml et S;ptingfilli Ml'ie L HatieluIthIe#80, Lain Case et Quincy, Ua"LCrocker &. Etamsarmnn obhens, o 1. Tht' Grand Ledgeoiefllaa vee loatà11h luy 47 unid speettle ~p anad Coan'ay, andth ief1ehWApit mante maie loy Grand Meseh1in e 'Member et Onpltaue Hèeîe rd. t, (Ive yeana, E. S. Coniay o-' M.f .luiiaty ani Appeauls,tor' fi .e st C. B. Samemof o Chicago-, Grad luin, R. H. NitHffsny, Blggsville-,GI Marehll] H. T. Pembarlon, Ri!bv GIrandi Conilactor, Wilu Melvile, O unge; (Irapdtui(uardian, B. A. Gray, asetti; Grand Harald, L V. -- Batavia; Mienbers of Ganenal Enter meut Ceusmittea for Sevetelgu, LAofet-19, AlfredI Ot-adort, W.' Tnacey, Cheries IL. Cocu, T. 0. IR isenry and Jeohn Strler, tt'io w.Il wj3ugandofficera; Olh olka' iia NIns. lU! au li -ku-t ts. i-il h -f ltto'utinig an. svi- ri - fîtunutet iu- ou ifiv1l;i-iltsi ru-et iî..lîîî'h aî-nîuss the,- thi'auto tuii- i Alhî litl i3 iy lutînat ilIt"'.-%duîy iugf. A 'llire v%'i ai hfil ltti in tth li fîîn-Iu-a' f vý.-. t. audîat î ji'a .l. 'i-a'a l itnutiv' t, wii'tî.h iî.îtIu',uîiîiu' 11tYsl.t'> usi-tî lt, Iiii'.'l'hî' autin liadidnuiitty gis-ut lu'i.he u. a nithtutu îiiti'il..iti iieFu.in ->1 Iîi-uîe'-tf. 'The- sycani as tise ssife ,f '1. uîuusîu-n Alhui't Iiî-ku'fts. Vie ulut %as tht' 5a.ii ut M rs. Ellis. i h. i.iiuîit'd a çust niof ttic liti'. thb-- rerta iitaîer nof i'hii'hns o.'î'îp!ed îy Idikelttanqui] bis vite. 'l'iue Siaprenile Cut ofrtheicStuit e liai iutadeil- n îî,sî lii.î.rtti nitg inî ils oiil ii.i dii'iiig tîi-ii vsi'.uifT. B.I-.llî.îl u'ait i'rl îlinthle Ni issai i Savin gs tuai 1.aauu '«.,Illlij tiy. 'lh.- t 'a.îînh tîtils tîint tlîuî ?.tiss îuîi iîî;tnrîuîut-,"'titiau a,)il1 s.il io' ituik. ssliî-i iiuîi'ullte hllu r tît.sft.iaiiu in aii il the' iroil' if lai .-iinuuuil)'. îuîui t,.ric it'a ,lis'iuht-I if l srîi.fi-nllle tut(eni tiwi' iiuuiint vy oaît of t itu profitet'îui'lt.. ci-lu stovi'I payiLtius aliidaent îof Tiîlier ve'nt. ssii' ,i'ao) iF' ce.. IThe't'ouirt cay35utiiiniiiirn tiaiti xvhLlin bss ethiît3-la. usu' its rt'uî'uît' io 1)tv i-'.i'iDiuvanls is utlt,.iluliug tis siîiaiiiiut 0h13lu ilallue, undit tuii'1'a au tty .cîdiîg~diriii.iuudpn>i3iug îcîu.- lioni. As ai. or îînüaI al, Iliiig issu e-lîtioistusssii.lta î u stoi'k, titis nutlitt us oftdItelulîntuet ta cauitlists andi bon- A terrile naiitiiiuul n nck luy n hil si'rrs of hiv sstiniglut have luu'un l,îsl n a 1meventeil y echauve NWeuIlitusdny r.igit, Tie Bnniiuugtou freigisi train iras soi-n ont front lî.ai litai tuf tht' nigbt pas seager traiu.niai 10 Ibhis tart i ne iuiglil, paqseagers eaius îougrstnlIlte tlielOPa'vem tîuaît iley are live. Whî'u tIe frehglul reniucl the' swsilih tro nulles ss'ist of Eul n-ans St aîtinit suddulu l ow 3' t helii'traci Every car compesiag the train ireut ef the' rails, îsith tht' tender oethlisenglue The atugihue atone î'tmaiuued on tise Irnel Sevan of the' cars n-ara coiiipltoily du molieheul, ail tise olisans baily nirerke. nuldtthe traîNt sas toral upon a dicttnt iff0 yards. Tise cars -art' toseai aber la> every eneivable positieus sîre t the4u aslniîtg.ou end. Tbnea of tbei wn'elosiel cattît' cars anab iotltn'eal iseat of stock n-are crisbt'i, tisas li catiag bon f ennibla tisa isaser svoîîl have be ubaltise îassanger train nil ils aigisîs peoplea abonni gene eut finsi An cxanintion as tu tise causaetofil disasten choirai hs a delibernae a lempl bai beau matIe te nnck tisa Irai by thron'ing tis siucbeouen ai.'t lockir Il. Il nias evideat Ibat tisose nibo mai tisa attansiuiintendae n'rcck tisapaî sengen train, prebabîs for tIhe purposa robbory, if net for 'ha useraiabolici motive otfn-ioîesale manier Instigat. hy ravauga. Severnl attempte hava bau niaiet' l nreck trains lu tisat viciait late1y. J'esep R. Coi-, of Lares, the' oldest mu who nvoladinlathea hast ataction lu Mcea Conty, died unt bis hsome, agai 88. i nins-bot-n in Lanucaster, Pa. He servi Intae tis Ninety-ourth [Illinois lutantu unier Gan. 13Nnltai, and nias at mataI ot Thomas Rile Peunt,G(. A. R. Tise Illinola Cetrala lu cutting -doit Routine Work QulckI7 AceomplIOUb -Home for Aced and Indigent X Msý tiensa otthe Order-Prcpartiti0Efb ltntertainnint of the Grand LOdcia a Report of thse *couloi. The serenty-ses'eilh anual sessioUof lie grand eecnnliuiaetit O!IliliiO1s 00 l"î-los'e viss >i'i et Spt-ingfield TjsOê iay, Wedueeuley and Thurgduiy. Tihe vo i' o r se i o w ' t î v o ae a m p l i i t i t s n e r e I i s g l . tited and Ilînt ont' urnaend îdlischàr. t'r. Thtecelusthe' pnot year welo $3,250.75 and d îtlurneuts S34UM73 Rtouitine wîsonk c'ounprioed the sessIon. -TIe» " folioni ig othicr s î'ri'clt'ctei: t1i'Ld I'atriarchi-J. B. 3MurphY, Buabt Gand St'etîr3-Joh5 C. Silis, OI. t.rand Trettsurer'-Jolin P. L'ossa, Chi- engo). Grnud Iligh Prit"t-J. T. Blaney, Chsi- cago. Gtlna Senior Wnniten-Fratîk P. Etoil GrnadlJouior W'anîea-Robf'rt Sunltbe 9 iratitJ lttîI)rei'nltativec-Waltert E. Car- hitu. J,-raselavilii'. têt'ii its show tht' fi),iwig stâtistlco of the ondinrfanorcheiaiit car: The' Osl l"'eluuei' rpail lt iit'siaisrs that ro- ciits fa)ua t *i . t~i:.,'î ept. U0 v94. in'te Th2~u. re svatueîOf tis bi,1. ie igis eiant $o.~17.Oti hua,- drt..t aîîd hiîi'ty t.hildren '.-"%P beau te- vi-eei. Thi,' t' 'ItaI uaiber iof inambers of sohoraftiiecîlesin thiý' State la 52- of t t'ti' 'yiI ag -i 2,511.Twenty- -al a'x but isycn ii îî.t iti-d aIiifl twostisur- ri':u..iired ulai-ir ,-tiurtu-r-.. 'h'lui' tîtber Of i.itit5 ainli l.l"i.j'i,'slt.4;5. Paiti dnniiig tIi ,' 3.aînf.,r r'-lilcf. *1i4.ltll.47. Thoiui'otai ris unît" f lthe loilges W&S and.t2 2 t ii .1î.ult .e $4171- 1.4.The fnat a'iîntb of 1hiiu la'e le . ' i t!i- ia.ui.,.r 'if lîlik l ..g r v.1. Itt.aas414.Il-i.it,*u15.43 tiait f.err,' '-f i,tf's,~.S~-S t it's'i aitaia"î>IU.519..The' tota-I It iasa'aa.I i:jtuthi uha ite for au- II ta".t-tc i fi.i-k-lu nthînr i..~aa ct -: t A -an! .! rttela itî"its" u th'. tiia...t 13- urý-hase net I hii.î.1 îat *a tia (ti 11 ota're i 'a I tiii.a uîi îal i.) .'ri'i't tiueneîiti fni2 ! aclie. ia lunlioilltiln fai:ltrlic îr. t'la -i tîîtlun t lut ' epîid ly tise Ili i iî'-;iai irr r.î.î ll.i;ii tit. ý iiiP, A ~ t..- "h 1! i"tue3 o't 1tî c eCtt jEl t!. a' 't.' tae ,iiii .' fu ieS)ind W'. 1.IIî.;ir'.r.-..,seitinr tise 1'lt-, .f t('-..k (.li.3' tatitadthsl thse #iuui f llt.ittistas dîiiiuu-d 1,Y tboft i.t-stoiiscni ihacrectiou tf thse home. A vobta y! thaîiksiras ti'uàtenci thea Ceek C.ieaty iudg" l'y the' GradI..odze fer their generosuts. 'rîeli'ciîo f Grand offlererasuhted: tsî-ti 3uast'r (leirge C. Itaukîn, of NI ni mnub. I4î'tnt> Gruandl Mastcr--Cieero J. LUn&i tase, of t reenvillu'. 1 Grand Sec-retary-sama i R. Miller, Of FSprngfield. t Grand T"readurer-Thaouas B. Needles. 1 of N asb ill'. fGrnd lte'ini'sentativt'-J. 011e Hum- a.lii'3'. utf"s1>ritgfietd. AIl ivene iecucil hy acclamautioni. 'fhei li;gu.t oS'cr the' grand niardenship ias arinaîlu e, and after tise tiret bal- li-t ail]s-iitdresv frous the race exceptlng tlini'u, i-t'ltiioste sboîsi'd M. 1'. Barry. if latii'cek '.uty, etected by an aiment tliiiiiuitCsvote. 'lu %- usax iiiropriateil $2,ýW )tu a cadt ini V'frây iiig, theetxît'ustoetentartainlnga tha ie " G ra tnd itLodgc, wbichlsei te huilîlitsiixt ssuou lunhSpringfield ln "T' jun'upolsitioîî le change the luasit cge f.t uu'îuuîr froum 21 te 18 was test. 'i,-' Itî'tîîi'shAseaauhty. aise iu sessila tu: iif leIeîd tisa tollowlng ociR- Li,.i.iai 'Nr.Mary D. Stone, Van-, Vi'l'r,'idra:t Mnis. Lucy 3Maeick, 0- Quinc'. Sk'i'etary- Nirs. loin L. Rickari, 01.- 'ficsurr Nns.Etta Sluringer, Chi.