CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Dec 1896, p. 2

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,eU~jNBX~ L CHARITY. SALVATION AIMY IN 'sT. toUI$ SI t t ft di, ce Wufer a MIE Vbiatuas Fasi u eyMC Eiperte Galber *îln tm pwiOO& Pr wII aU nyMoietre heen seen ilana ni avl ie gvea by the salvalmon au hzsmaDay. Preparnîlans are toI 1 feed 3,000 persotna andte Do,~wi aerciof ahall lago moadcaim taetem. Besities be st the l.hall basket lunches aili lm «"l andi everyoeleavlo presents a re bat ailI b. give tem betweea re IChristmas aili reeive a basket ci jIf a fatiter or motter presenIs re "Ir escit member outhlie tatnily de *Ibegiven luaches for aIl. Aillitehi mg tu Ot. Louis aili bc visteti by l Io of the artay anti asked tluoagletî s i haritable undertaking. Tbey &htke t iltriuote tickets andt t »W eolber aay possible. ddiaslice Gorge Tbreatent the fi v va 1 V ly la Wsconsin. R&Rste hy floodi threatened Ïi lbheChlpaewa River la Min- ti tttM«»lns of tuas of le. and h-an- le ; M -ifllf u oge had gorged lIpw aits, aniite. nie utfty- il Ibrewik Il proweti. vain. Smillerh praWà pevîl t l eai points, fur- r4 theb river. Ruinera are rite oft of lite. At ('hipspewa Falisa0 w as go gret tat ail the mer-b towa abationedt ieir stores,p lmeketeremote places utfstfety. i o bd hieielves readytirlafie-.p Ltail basemeuls. Ail natîroatib 4 the valiey wa suspeatied. Evea ý,àat favorable condutoffl. fn-utsI *.eb easuing tdamage aili prove f ~. Sitouldth ie gorge breaka gr.-ti.-de«n tio roultîteIl f-b mttion, for il aoulti sweepc u galn anti prospenoutasectllo,à tonra.t ï IAl4 AWAY ON A GRADE. *uPscic Brmhsama Kiliii- =t train of lirty Ca- lonitl ~brand i sngles, <jiug ae,. #,Meontrol un a heavy grade Pont Mlezu nnel onate N rtra t nlueMoulaioansd -«:mmm 'mnay.1 IL-cars were setîcred iitloîg a .1f elghl mmies, shemiàts cugitt Wtek. Ed Jarbett , henti ir.-ke-1 ilareaviadoau uebuknet - Cars andtilkliet. Fireiuttu antd escaped wvit a broken severe scalp waoundtsanti ol. Engineer Jebu MIcaenn'a beoftke, is back arreuclàýd a nd titroav otut fjoint,.l'or a et elgitl mileste lratk n-as up. Il ite, avital areeleven gà te. Norîberu Pacifie Rila y of damage la tracit and rollin;g eX A BTA'BLIZ LOLLAR. mary Coference Meeclanil Indianapolis. B li cIie inviledt l te reluinitary c gife la Indianapolis etllet il itee luart ot Tradîs, iookiag lowranîC 4 monetar>- convetîtioD, n ttiaticte" i bg tav. Titese as r. Lotiiivilie, %sas Cii-y. NWlÏeii J. V. Ailants h Itôt teBuard îtf Tratleotf lîtîitn- i ballt tecoîttereuce lu îsnlcm'. t'e0 ig, urganizîîtiuît avie rettît-tt 1 Igenati Citouibpr ut Cutt.tttt're. 0, Boardi of Trtsie. Clevelantai gi ot Commerce, ( l'îltmIulttsBourd b Oý. Detroit Board outr"atie, Dei-a .cU»niercial Exchange. Laiîitttiai- s rt rdto'l'rait, suii iasln 'n Cit.lub, atit- 'tnlîi' tif N Wimh Minneatpolis Boardil tutTstade.o ..'Boardi utTraite, anti l'omia ilt Tratie. I 1tl1O-48 OF ACRES SOLI). a alTitle of btse>fanon Cum- $o Landi la Diapuseil Of. sudnti tlle o!f-te etaut ite Dpay utfNVenezuela. uominaiiy ef 15,K000acets ut lannuonun laBrouiti> oSatundtsy. l'l'eh. was $500. The propent>- visaQ :çoacessioa la Cerinais Fitzger- 1883.8%anti le farued a stock su eut cae lu ibis coîutry lu Yaes. l'art ut tii.landtislanla bdlerrllury, sud, alltîsugîs itl I 1 booud avit laites, muîtes ani Il vas nilb great diffleul- t~smId oit mea-ciia tavotfte properly bas heen lu litiga- pua uMueI Buffer. Court tas llsmiussedth ie Ilai tecase ut EIaenlon 1IL ~aNew Yurk broken, chîrgetd ofthlie smaintes la refusiag *"estlons put by te enate ,Iuyetigatioim commitce tavu '1!hla maki'a il necesary ton serve 118stetlence at leat ausLouei, Island. Sof tihe tug Meaman fouati John 8. Rankia, ut Detnoit. IMtzvilaWm Islanti, Georgian b.Vlaned te e ltiting saiti àýw oepanions, Titumas J. b tadGeorge B. Bei. je bim Tobermoray. ati lutt elrdla neot consîder' purihase or Cuba, the. Cabane. Thu le deelatd authrl- T* .¶lry of thTresiurylu eau- I4 osgo tee.flals wbict vas sus- Mi1deti. la 198wiMthlie golti reserve Imt fell beiew lte $100,000,000 point. bhe luIne oft lies.cerlificates was sus- andeti as a means et acqulrnagoglt inl te lreaaury. Therelooue litaiteen te custom of lbe treasury lu lImste certi- mle, on lte deposit ut goiti, bul muet golti Id net beconae part ufthtie gtlId reserve. By nuspendlag tlb. Issue of titoae cm'ifl- mles many boiders of golti, natter ltan id lt, excb£nged il for legal tenders anti tregsurynôlea, whicit, undef, 1he rMllâg ut te departuent beîng golti obligations, raclically aubserve t heir purposea, but te lreasury on reeeipt ut golti su dis- ebargstd vas enabledti luatd 1Ilite guIs1 asmerve. Au long as lte tressury atiberes toils policy et redeeming legailteaders ad treasury notes la goldthelb.holdera utf seit notes ceulti chIala golti un temaud " readily unthem as un gulti cerliticates. Bine. lhe eiectlon andth ie gradui la- re<aae ofthlie goiti reserve sncb leaders believe Ihal Ihere lo no reason why lte lune ot gulti ie regiet. The malter la aow betore Sec- retary Carlis, andi probahiy will b. tic- cidei tîpon lte nelura ut Assistant Sec- retéry Curtis f rom New York. Il la un- leraloo t lt Mr. Carlile la nul favoja- bly dusposeti tostar th ie rettumpîlun. The mine of currency cerlîficates under lthe at et 1872 bas neyer been suspendeti. MAX RAVIt BTOLItN 0110,000. avîdence orf CollusIon Inetween Xx- presa à mployen. George E. itou.s miesing aiuney cisyl for lthe Paclifieantid alUn iteWBEx- ishcau Compammica nt Kansas CllIy, Me., Ïii'Un'l.acaletila Bt. Louis bY lte aure- ly Compaeny Ibal farnished hiis bond andi Io nov uniter surveillance. Il la staleti ;0t~ the caps-e Company officiais tilt aIl s ng kauv etruos' exact location, but hava kt-Pt il qtuiet haeeselter. are, il is Raid, altera imàplicateti syto are nul yel lu euulody. The ofll ti ll refuse lu giVe nul inforaion of a definile citaracter. but enmungi tan been learatée. anYS a local piper. 10 amanithlb.stabinnt lthaI cvi- daine. ut Collusion belveen certain eus pluyes tl u tti lte expTt't!5 coumanies bas tees. lîtiucti ujs. LasI Sunîny lter. vas itaudiedti hrotghthlie office oven saiicit Itou presitiet money Packages conlailu- lus $110,0W0. Ais'enîiy 32,a0 fut Iis amount la known lu b, missing andtihit bouks are stili being gonurca-en. Susorlîge Chtecks have itcmm comaing lu su reguianlY aincelthe exantton tegatn. il l8a mid. ltat lte officiala have rnm-mte-d theiet- futs. antinon tcsr i-bat thte vitle $110.- 000 may neyer have reacheti ils destina- lien. As lthe systeai ut citecking la nec- t'aariiy slow, lte packages ita-ing bt-en dtiet u variisua potitlslte result avili nul b. kuowu immnesiatly. FELL 11%70 THE GIRAVE. p t( fi Il t aIleamer a&ta Fs-lents Fuaraila1 Kîllet by Accident. AI Doublte Springs, Ais.-, James Wtsl- on wau une oftheii.palibearers e1tthe fanerai ut Jutins IRoberts, a taniner. As thep itflvs l wetu ntmi oîhen saist mera cofl yWaa ltere ndhaloteraLn anappeti. Welon lot tie balance atît fe1l ieadlong ilulthe grave, nitteit nas six feet deep. AItlte sainelime lte rear @adt of lte cffimi. aviicitbld hentht-id by the Isoken atrap. piuisged diowavu nt. The cofilia truck Weot ou l the itenlanti tnockesl hlm againstl lie aide ut tlii grave, aviics nasoutlisard soif.Ilie dieti ve boums aflera-t. Blooti-Cum-shiiaz lery. Neava froin Maitilia brouglîl by the steamer Cioty utfl.kimîg trous llotg- Kongssitnatia t e Spnaaurts bave re- unît-si lu torture ut natives anti hait- 'asteasutoflte Philipines. nigiet îtuts 's ln ias cruelty thit pum'ctced by thý Ihiniacsc uatitiarins i!n cases of tti utioat irucitos rrI-maes. Tlsey are aiso charged~ viith cumfiaeatimsg lthe alaIt-n of svctiiy tait-caistes anti deporlittg lthe asetelt vitintis to Fenantito lo, ou flic vsatlcoat of Atnicai, a pliace sticit husa n eii:atý fiat qtiî-kly Itroves fatal tu stmaugemaý lames W. Das idsoa, n îveil-I;uusaît etr- responudent, vas mecenaly eounimia--l, a>- te ong-Komtg Pess lu go tie inailla sud enutitîne,] tu evale ltehe rssci-sur- slîip, auttinla mcaentailetîcîssa-hblel smuggled ltm'oîtgh ltehe "ble t-llis t sa-at let-has acen anti vitllie liaslitcurd ou goistiatttboril-y. Acestrditi.r le hlm lte iasîrtutiente uftotre tiset t inte Slisii- usis inquisition ltree cenîturies augo otsvv heenitet ll inte îoastenies of ut nla:. anti *s-em'cbrougis out receitly anutl t t Ia extort confessiuins frein natives, ani 'Mestiso suspect& itave beett ammtsted ouni lia-e been kepî in juil in 'Maimilin, sut'ý jeeledti luhiticotîs retmnt. Mn. Davsid- sunas isulaintales ltat ltee icaîling pLin ens et clmisletîtioni wyul lb.caltiled-sa Irt interfere anti put uts end lu tortures wiietrevire lte noral featurea uftlt Spanisit inquisition. Water NWorks Muta aI Atheus. la Abtiasanitmsmense amount o ura age lias been a euseti by thte terriblt sturma anti flood@s aviîcihave inuntated lte lon'-lyiag qîtartens outhlie city laid Piraens. tiruaniag a atîmber ut peoppe, floodlhag lte gaaworks at litelaIter plate anti pttîtging lte port mn cumplele tiant nes. Man>- bouns have beien dcatnuyed, andtihie tente shlseing lte Armeniail rettigees have liten swBaejilaway. As a ru, snuitobte disasier greaI disîresa pre vails. Detachmnenla ot sailors trumt i fureig n ais in lapont bave heca as8isi ing ail lte nigit long lu lte vomI 0 resdue.j Matles on tte Oridinun. la Thonsîiay'a fotblel games te Ch! cago AtltiieAssociation won troin Il Bostoa eleven, 12 le 0. Chticago Univei sity y lon roui Atm Arbur, 7 lu I6. North western aut Wi*eosssin Univeraitit playet a tie. Cornel n-as beaten I) Pestusylvamia. 3M lu10. Pundue ut Ir diana aviitlthe Umniver'sity ut Illinois, an lova andi Nebraska, lied. Bbc Rhot the Duralars. tAt lglanti Cntel, WNV' a.. Nirs. Etiz, beth "l.cher, whîo is reprlcsl ta ha' moasy aI bier bome, lictrd burglams wvan lng ftit t iek duor duimlite nigitt. Si aboie out avIithna Winchester rifle, an, 1tre. men t-athie duor, ant ifred tibm -sits aIet ein. l'tcebungiars lied. Tht L, ere tracketi mure titan a taule by itiot o ains. Peaaivlai aled Ine Grant. -Thte geveraimeat of l'enn tas grante »Mrer.t Twcde. vio is nov un iesWt TIandti our otit e ts oi ùËh" MÎM49/Jî1mo mmy-ma" ROENTGEN RAYS MAY GIVE TMEM SIGIIT. Encouraging ExPerlmeutB Made tu Betoa-spaaiasde War on Women- Sntcide Telîsleion He Dieu-Long Deloyed Boualy ur Uncle Semn. le an Aspiranl for a et. Louis Police Commtisaeecroblp. Frank J.amso a brther ut Jesse Jamues. lthe once oturios atrain robber, la ia amîsinunt for te bunona ot a SI. Louis pole cotumisaliotemsip, and iCitiet llarfl- gait nili be bisetnriîti iii literace. 'The e&-oullaa- iect-ires himmselt a csitiithite. "l'uit ou ot atten r e.ý," lie said, "but I'd laite the plat-e if il n-en. offert-J lu tise. Anmdtlif il sa ,rcgiven tî use 1 asoulti ile my duîy vititout feur on tiivom'." "Whnl kînîl of n police coumanissio ner do yuIthiil"nauk Jamues wotmlti muike'!" su--as aket ut Ciiet ut Puli'ce Itarrigau. "FirsI rate," anssvered the Chiet. "He avult mate a goosi alilctr." NEW OIL FIELDIS FOU.ND IN 0H10 Fariners a lu lifelilTownsiiip WLII Not Admit 1-peculators. Thte fariera ouft Mn4ild Township:, adar Cevelaund, Ohtio, are oxtiteti over tit is lsu-very out ietruleim aon ttir faui. Ounia th aninutf lenny fime ter. lsaa n-eil suit-en teal diep' anti a tev tnys a0atieighboet iilca utofpetrulentit uns foundt on top ut the watt'r. NaIns-ni gas kas aboîudeta inte toavnasiP eacm' ai-t- its discta-ev>-sererail vteka aga, tut nu deep n-tlis havis bt-ci suaI. Thte tartnenn have leed t l forumn a stke1 umtt)attY aing titýelves lu gotie-fortoiii. Tht-y say>-the,, n-il1 nul admit any oulsitie specu- la lu s. How It Fece to Die. A mon who registured as E. L. Bryan, but wltuse jdentily i utîkuttwn. soujtht a (-agi), Saturttay niiglit. lie ',us ftuxtd dt-ad Sanday sftternffon ntuid tircuia- stan.ces that inik4nle he bail ftiautteti andi ta rried ont usuetlidelîeratü suicidte. lite wrte anIttler Io te cr,rner attttie itusatratotljer hlte Wlttt-lrolrie- t or. u a tL43t o ua 0te tetlioal nmen fur the 1wineit of science, Ibiq whtle the dtrug lit bl tisu lltuedwas t-Outsittg tii rougith bis arli-rieq. d-troyiu;g tissue tand nutub- ing the setnne. Spitjish Atrocitien ln Cube. Key WNest, lla.. dispattît: îtable ' crusb hlie insutrgent arrniies. ('taiin -e- eral Weylkr bas retu t.d bis %var ou not- cosnbatants nit savage ent-rxy, accord- ing tu advices reclived from 11av'nun. t ta stateti that eler sttme ceksau issugmi a secret order 10 Iis comuinttlrs in te vatrionst5lr)vinees to "tlt-t tLit counîtry uf non-ettttlatantts." This otder bas iteen iaterpreteti by tte Spanisit corn- mnaters as au eiict 1 tttssncre old inn wonseu, andi chiltiren, andite resuît as au appallittg nis of butehieries. Mrs. Donald son Gets a rI'esioni. Mrs. Elizabeth Dt.naldson, ot Chilli- cothe, Ohtio, wife ot Theodore Donnîdson. te veteran iiho aided in the capture of Jefferson Davis, reveiveti notice' tbat site hnd.been allowed $12 n monthà pensiotn andi $144 back penson. Site la greîttly disnppbinted, thinking thse services of her late husbanti deserving of a bet-er recog- ntion. Donîtison, who dieti a year agu, vvas n member of an 0hio regitnut. *rhe Uoverament offered a big renard for te captm-e ut Davis, but Donldson tnly guI $30M for bis sitare. Banye Burope la Anhtous for War. A Berlin dispatch to, the London Mra- lng Pont aays taI Signor Crispi, the for- mer Itallinawmer, la an autograph let- ter te a cha*rty bazaar, declares Ibat !t la a delusion toi suppose 1hs1 Europe ni lu favor ut pence. The ambitions and re- Lveugeful powers, says Signer Crispi, are *only witing ttntil sueceess la assured to *plonge Europe mbt war. * Dropped Dead ln the Chnrch. G . W. Nelson, a member ufthlie First ti Batnat Churcit, Chattaaooga, Tenu., sang in te choir aItlite union services of ail tlw eheurches thère Tlusrauy at tht' 1irst Itaptist Church. As Dr. R. 1B. -Garrett ironounedt he lIssIwords outhlet ebeniediction lir. Netlson felu heavily for- *war'l dcad. Apupleay aas te cause. iv Cyclone Wipea, Out Balaton. Il A very destructive cyclone struck the y town ot Balaton, on te Arkansas River il fifty miles nortisenst.of Perry, 0. T., ou Thursday nlgrt ut 12 o'ciock and nearly wiped out lite town of about 200 bouses. Neariy aver7 bonse la town asn lown Sdowia and n»Y"rapeuplewere lnjured. Thb.Blindti ay Se. ele, Anexperient te de±OMittliethe v Ilt ot X raye lu aitifng tebliud lu sec Wa-a matie Sumtsay ipun Dr. Jamnes Richtardi Coule, d!Bostona a-el-knowu n selltit. Dr. Coake bas been blinti ince birtît.o Wbcn te electnie csrreal vas turnesl un Dr. Cool. mai: *'Ab, I gel munelbhing; ltere las erlainîs a sensation. Il i la - descihabie." "Was Il ligitîl" vas asketi. *'1 do nul kuuw wtat ligitI i," repdle1E Dr. Coule. "I neyer aaw il,, A namu-t ber oftests15 ere matie s-itt abjecîs be- lng paseti beture te lighl, anti la every etsa Dr. Cook vas ahie ta tieseribe temr .vit mai.etiegree ut aeeuracy. Dr. coule sid taI lite impression matie bY thte raya vas vibrnlovy, 111e a gencrai cenebral sente, anti alloâtl 1e te Per-1 ception ot spa. 1 SCALPS WORTH 09 APIXCE. Profitable gporl ot Kislilng lodulget Jia by' Cuavhtye. Chtamberlain, ,S. D., tiiupatct: gline. te ilockmen oms White iliier formeti an organisation for tite especial ptrposc of annitllatlag gray wulves, asiicitbave b- come vcry Damerotns on taI raags,an offereti a butnnly ut 38 for eaeb animai kiliesi, aome utfte coavoya have cumu- hla*--bilheto vîit pleestmne by h$tUIitl animais turing leisare hours. la tiI way emfotable suams are nîltedt u tei regisiar salaries. Tvo menm on Little But- fate (rek'te ther day killeti igitl ut lte ferce brs-I.. sevenuofthIem aere te urdinany gray asutve, but he gter, vitile siaiuiar imu aisuslvery otites- e- spect. vas ut a differeal iolor. beimsg coal tleta-k-&omnething quit. rare in taI sec- lion. JAMBO WOULD RAVE& A rTAN. Elecîlon Coul 0200.,001. Tite eles-ion out'Nov.18 coat lte clly of Chicago s inte neigitiormousl ut 3200,000, and a Iow esllmate places thme amommal set in ludr to gis'.te clîlît-ns ut Couk Cuinîy anu op.>'tiiy tuballaI$n 0, 000. Of titis asointe rssutLy bt-ara te langer sitar., hasiuttLucuver part ufthlie expu-tinulocti n te clly andtibttrtieî- me tîselt viit ailthie comasin tee cunmy lu a as. Fuine and Gris, Mîngtel. Tht' Pl. Louis Socety outhlie Bloc andi Gray. a fratemuiii iinglimg ut velerans ot lthe 'iitiandiComfedlerîte forces, op- posetilututo olther iii ihe civil ivan, celo- lînateul Titumksgia-ing by hldting a meet- inug fîîr' îtrnaîaîealorgaituion. eli'clmng olttoers and iarrtmtgin.- for incurporation nîtter lthe Sînle lin-a. John Hoffer Stote $201,oO00. Thte amîstîtt ut inuitP>s> llen hiY ('sais- unr Johîn Il. Iloffen fnutmn île lirst Na- titîttal B;isk ut Luitanons a. ~t.. ta 110,- 1-43. Tîstre sa-t-oe utitmlraîtsuîî'ins sait l b'ttttilaukiîîg intiLittions. as iîtit a iswvil thttIai am uttutIol 25t0 5hip f old for $7335. A ttl igiî our-iissîti iron sitip, n itthtu-s a i'stns' rton nd tîl2,'Itons Li ofu cutîl on iuîanui. ass at ur n$55s nt Vr- niotîîh. Etiglaut, recenl>. bib. it:d jusî rnî asittîe outh ie Senoby sanîls, ltre. miles off thse ltn. Lteath ln a Mine. A bt-a-y sexplotsion oceummred t thîe SI. l'nuis Gisgu A.tiltIttut t tîtîpanty's usine noar l'ort DieLesue, Utahlu it alici t ta mietsnere killilîanti tbm'e utiers imjanet. Portuval Wants Witeab. Tite Goa-erimttt o f Portutgal bas au- Ihorizeil lh.euimportatioin ot 138.00O0,0 klostt f ut nttLusupîtiemttnt tise tefi- eiency l ithe nautional simpply. MAI(iiET QUOTATIONIL Chîcago-Ceatîle. ,iitrtàon to prime,9 33.50 lu $;).50; hogs, ittpping grades,a $3.00 lu $3-5; siteep. fuir tu citoice, $2.00 tu $3.75; wvient, No. 2 reti, Bic 10 82c; corn, No. 2, 21c lu 25c; unIs, No. 2, 18e lu 20c; rye, No. 2, 42e lu 44e; butter,U choie. creameny, 21c 10 23e; egg9, f reait,s 2le lu ?Mc; potmtues, per itushel, 20e te 30c; broum corn, commun greenm la Élue bruait, 24e lu 5%>fper pounti. lndiauapois-Cattle, siipiag, 33.00 la $5:25.: bogs, citoice ligitI, 33.00 lu $3.75; iteep, commun lu prime, 32.00 lu $3.75; whieat, No. 2, 87a to 89c; cura, No. 2 whIite, 24e ta 26e; oatz, No. 2 white, 22c to 23c. St. Lounî-Cattle, 33.00 ta $5.25; 1bog8. 33.00tlu$3.75; wbsat, No. 2, ù00e lu 2e; corn, No. 2 yellow, 22c lu 23e; o0115. No. 2 white, 18e lt 20c; rye, No. 2, 30e lu 38e. Cninnati - Catl., 32.50 ta 35.00; bogs. 133.00 la 33.75; sbeep, 32.50 lu $3.50; wbeat, No. 2, 94e te 06ce; curn, Nu. 2 utixeti, 231ctu 26c; ouls, Na. 2 mlijet, 19-- lu 21c; nye, No. 2, 36e lu 38c. Delrot-Cattle, 32.50 to $5.00;bhuga, $3.00 tlu$3.75; aleep, $2,00 tu 33.50; wtteal, No. 2 reti, 96e lu 97c; cura, Nu. 2 yellow, 23c tu 24c; oatis, No. 2 whiite, 20e lu 21c; rye, 40c lu 41c. Tledu-WVieal, No. 2 reti, 97e lu 90c; cra. No. 2 mixeti, 22e tu 23c; unIs, No. 2 white, 18e lu 20e; nye, No. 2, 30e 10 41c; (:lover seeti, $5.45 lu 35.55. Mlwaukee-ýVhteat, No. 2 spriag,.83e lu S4e; curn, No. 3, 24e to 20c; unis No. 2 white, 10e lu 21c; barley, No. 2, 30c le 37e; rye, No. 1, 4lc lu 43c; purk, mess, 38.50 lu 30.00. Buffno-Cattle, 32.50 te 35.00; boga, 33.00 lu 34.25; sbeep, 32.00 lu 33.50; wiseal, No. 2 reti, 0&e lu $1.00; corn, No. 2 yellow, 23-e 10 26c; oat,, No. 2 white, Stem enmay. 1. b. ltaeh. Aimant th. catira NoftJs*sol vas VWs lied Tbureday algit and Friday wihOue ufthlb severent bliaxar;de ever kaowa, and fears are enterlaiti that a namiter or lîves have beets luit la th. prairie iec- liona. At a numner ot points la Minas- muta antilte Datlsbusines s $pre- tiliiy npsintietianti aunmber ut traina are reporte t u b. aneavbmmtd. Onulthe prairies@lter. vas snchblbinduaag anId driftlag snow ai lu mosaeil unsate for ranlêhmn te go te Iheir stock uniens heY itat "'lite lînea" stretcheti, and ti slkbut- tereti bot fromt colti anti lad utfcare. Great uneasinesi preval ainsl t te cifeel un stockt on rangeszavei of lthe Missouri River avhich nssy nul bave been plîcoti lu stelten. 'Tbe Ibermumeter regisleneti nearly zera. Railruati Unes West ot St. Paul wero lu bati shape. The avinti drift- ed lte sîîoav o tsa slong ail Uines. Ia lthe nurtitera reglon lte inuw tited 10 the deplth uft lelve teel, anti at »Me points la North Dakota anti Muntln drifts elgiteen feet bigh avene formeti. AIl traîina trontlite West wcre tielayeui severai houna. Noueouthlie coaI hUnes set ntl their overlanti trains front St. Pal. rThere vas nul a telegrapit wire through lu lthe coasl. There was bol li111e dîfficulty encounteneti by trains easI ut St. PuI. TRAIN WRItCK KILLS TWO. Fieutera Rzproon lieri.lld t Nev Bruswick, N. J. The engin. baggage sud mail car Ot lthe Souîherai Express front Flue-do,nu lthe lennaylvanla llailway. vas thr>wm front lthe Innaheut New Brunswick, N. 31. Thte emigincer and firentan stere la- stanlly killeti, and ltres men Wee olu- IV»"4-ne bstily. Thte ltre. ileepers tIid nol louve lbe rails,.l'he accitient vas cauoeti by thte brcaking ut an aie on n car ut a freigit train aviI w nax pasaim: aoulth en anuter Irack. Tite car nwaag out frontitlIaplace and ti sIklthe tur- ward endi of lthe pasenger train, kauck- ing lthe englue andti we cars down an emuhankaicnt. Noue otflte passi-agers iasn urt. ASKS LITILH lINCREASE. t'est lu (ilve Way Io lBanna. Ss'ntur Si-t-nan. ottOhito. lias girea a Stateiimt lu te presa mîakitîg nII anti eîtîîtiitttu- i-niai îof te rt-ports -unt- cermîiig a1titîbt-tn'est.i ti asoItantiMarnk il1UmItIL ag t, I te' I > i -unatrehil. andtta t'tîiiiet lei: ittmuieitr M-Kinlt.y. M r. Siternxltautsys Oit tIthe- tt.,rics 4aufeging ttn trraLtu'ett a ierplylie. (Shermamn) siîîîîli gît iti tite'Ca'binttanti Mr. Ilaittia situ-ee ithuit iniite Seuils are pure falni aittî. llié as tîtîl. h.sasys. s"n titeiîr Mm. >it-Kisilî'v tir Mr. liomîti nit itee mlt-ttti, ai.]ti ia tiebas ha ilmi, ut(YtsI ui'ltry t-ttarttr. chlt'iy turwanil- i ng a pjli»e.:iits fi rtliit'truititî iiu. 'Tere bu vi-ti' t.lie t-ititiltuî.îlnuiti r- raugtnit-it. îtr t(t,.'-iestf a ty kîn',l as lu otlite. llegarditig n lit-ier lie tuiti bie a ttnit e tforýn lu ttheiten- aIe Mn. ihitriai i-id Liant be hitilnut îhitgbtt i> i tiîîg itabout il. antit thtretors vrtîtlti iot atîswasnatin uetiotu onIlî CIIOF49SHIOROT EN UZopie. Front lias Fboppcm l»iolwlnsg and Fou- 1.1< an-I Itesincest WietsAcere. Thbe Nirtî Lane lxta.iicosiu)r lu F'rances andi. Cetntali'tlInttt iîamttut- ilmd< îtlussingag ti lie aîliîi- pale a m.tiesvh:itI niduý-tsi sslwittut-t't' it t1te etîtine entgiti lc t-tte iStila amud te Baiy u of aa-.W'iit-r littssi-et il lttiswghit ittllîsia. 'The St-a tif Axî, n'as dut-cil lu navigatoin Nova. 24 andt nav sigat iotntf lte Bli jeis dut mgenîriutso thett-rt'i ipr-m ti ttiti ltt- tlitstg lh lii rattutiliin tI tîduti te i lh a -i y t1i ît faimillettio tt ltîget-m llni-tiîs, a sunt-il>- sv-cus huîîî tîîli iettmatîi liih' sîriîg î,f I1i5qt. EnglighI s.liaIlittaitaintigtutti plir celut t-11t,1011. but thii-titiIrlutrk.tlt are los ii. evia lmt " ui-î't ., tf tIiLt i., tlt-ar. lit tht-t, i - s bt t ît u-e k ltiui.til-l iar- 1,-ns of Vnugt mît as bt:t t %se tIin'lfor sai. sgttulttIlîJtforntiti- .îuîîî ta tel ut MS.SUURI NATItINAL ASSIGN9. Depoaiîs Withdrawn Caisses Kangu City I3enk lu Close. 'The 'Nissi-i st~nNul i nzl liatk uof Ka n- sats t'ilt it.. lttstd ils tittrs ta nkornitg ou intg lt to en y nilitdrnwa là si mile ut its itritiîtl depsitors. The bauk %u-s ct:tssîd ns tiotf thtec srongest u inthe Sotlltst. rTis ttîît sns pr..cijitnt& by the wttt of iu $t).MOiinune ltump by Iliu, lthe eultty lttoal lrewer, wbose attion n as qîtiîkly foliowe d by otiter-. The laNtstasîntieul im.,tidhy lthe batti situwed tltpîtiits ot $1,t561.000), andt cash anti exchatîge amonîtittg lu $546,(MJ. Frank Tlerney ly Nol Hong. Bernartd Dtly, naettnvict lu the Colun- bus, Ohio, pitnisn, bas cenfessedtl liI t e sitot andi kilieti Frankt Htptnan sean Sanutsky last Mlay. Frantk Tiunney la under sentence otftîcatit for murtiering Ilupiu.un, and m-wulditave btren execuleti Fridmy if Govennor Busitueli itad nul reg- piied imu. Thte confcssion ut Daly ws accidenîally secureti hy the Suite Bani of Pardions. Dnly gays Hupinan Inieti tu ri1) Min, anti b. abot him tatally. Milwaukee's Poor. Thse pour list lut Milwaukee has grown no large ltaI there avili b. an investiga- tion. It ih esîlmaledtiltIthe cuuintl a ai present supporting 10,000 persans la idleness. Tite lteonry la bat lthe mea prefer beiag on lthe poor lisI,,anti living titrougithlie avinter wlthoul wurk. Titere la great dulineas, bon-eyer, andi 11111e de- mnd for skilled labor. Nayy la Crippled. Thte îesertitmta ut salions from lthe uvyy bave left soute utflte stipa wltlti hnrtly sufficient men l tuman the vessels. The Newv York, Indliatta, Maine antdi eceiviug sitip Vermont are viitoul liteir full com- plemuett, the lutîter itnving itnrdly enuugit muen to keep her lu condition. Piano Mun Dead. William Steinway, the piano manufac- turer, and titiofuthlie grentetit patronts of mnusic andtitiasiitus in lthe country, dieti Monday ail hid residence la New York. Dealth lyscanieti by lyphoid feter. ][a Mtmoi& wàltheb.Cash. A eecbll 10 lhe Omalha Be. Iron s - s..oiL»V that 1fC. W*tts. e&hlà GRAND - SOIME 0F guRDPE's Dy PAUPRIZED NODUITY. Steck Alliance vith Weelthy Amers- We eau tieee-0gfl50 b Pro- ti mols Their Aime-POIliCal Ramer ti Pruontced Witheul ltouadatiefl. club te cpture Millions. "Tlitre's Millions lanl." So l3id Col' 1 oaei Mtlierry Sellers, andi mu0s-Y lte I avfe-hiuitittg princea antituiles, te lanti- tai por connis amît barons ut Europe.. TavoWe bundreilofuthlttse aku neWtimoneay 10 ( keep tsil te style rcqulrcti by noblily andI Ma lu matalnmmte aso-ial proninence ut their Th, anelent anti ionored !ainily mamea haves, ler accordinuz lu lie Newv York Eveaing del Journal, cittitedtogîtgcher to vin for the tbemseivt's thc multimillonnire girls ut Wi Ibis counmtry andtt nanry temn. Titeir ant seiteme aili amnouint l lnoting more orN leas ltan timmense aystemnllc match- 35, makiug cunceru, oai rementious matIn- Mi maniaI ibtreau, a clearimg-ioue for 10 tItles. Tise ostenisile purpoue outhlie bt Cenr-le de. la Noblesse, for ltai la lthe toii elub'ts higb-muatimg naine.le, la quote oah tro ils tcharter. "Iu offer a îleasna t i t ereaive plat'.'f ut eelug lu te elitti tii ut Ettroite'as ex-ieîy vimiag titIs country, exi lu rentier their slay omt Amenican grouati Cu as pleasant as. possible amui lu facilîlale We lîsein iovmeitîs. social and tI ier." Tihis w! facilitaionm bas been aveu ettimencesi ly hil te prepanalion ut a greal liaI. The liaI 1he contane tshiestatue. age, descipion, ait habit&anasd appruximale fotune oft ery tri uninajrieti wmunîn l tiscosumtrny -ho la avi votmîîjre thats $1,(),OttO, or wihte le ptrobable dussny 1aili amumînt ta ltIf imacit. Agents aili be employe t lumoee these girls wws'ally, anti liter lutroduce %ni -ta teinte wife-buintlng noblemeituofthliep% neav Cercle tie la Nobllesse utflu East jh! Thinly-«eronisîrpee, Newr York City. ai tel SHERMAN MAKES A II.II mI Obl Ssatr oyali lis ati N inembers of the dted si Secrelary Lcmont Onty Wanis a Fcw Mier* AattillOrvase Ia his annmual report Secrelam'y L.mont renens bhis prea-loos recommendalion that te iufanîry b. m'eoyrgtstized on lite general itien of titre. ligitt anti mobile baîittas of four cuipamies enc tla te regiment. Thte cutulleîila airent> t om ore coast, de- ftwismea.andthlb.appnuachiig compuetion o! ullier motiern batteries, rentier iecci- sony n langer torte ot arlillvm'islm, but Do otîter iinonýitue otfte anmy leasketi for. 'Te plan ut ta--coasl de'tt'îîse invoives 1() distintct batteries lu uven twnty han- bons. YNAMIT< DEAI.8 DEATH AND DISMAY IN THEIR RANK&. sylerle Mon Le4 Juto Atduub br the wlly Mac.e-A&wfrniBaiigbtdl OR th Royral Forcesi-Moa sut Morse IlOwm te Bita. Tsvo Tboenuad Kllled. Uaconfirmeti but apparentl! antitentilà formation ceaies of teTout a"d fear- isiaugitter ofthlie araiy itder oa. myler li Cuba. Col. Jose Reyes, ut Goa. Lce, passedti irougit Jacksonviiles FIa., turaday. He maya titere bas bhem, ne. figing iuntthe Raîbi bille la Plau" 9 Rio. Thte muio sanguinsary bale of se war vas toigitt lier. anti 2,000oe cyler'a mca vere killeti lanlavedais td nutle1.55titan 4,000vouatied. Wbien lVeyien asent imb the field i hati ,000 mea la titres elsonms, oee0e ,000 undier bia direct command;pn of .000 aister Oea. Ecisague, santhlitbird f10,0(K) utiler G ea. Monore. Titaj, unti Mlaceu iistreneheiluina erescaal- àapeti range ut bil. Lieu. Mitorevals direcîti outa iaisl rm titis posilton antiOea. Echîgne te erule àank ulmovremenl antieul t lb.h 5ulsan general'a reirent. Oea. itinere rie tort galiantly apun lthe fildi, bul ýheu te lidarrivesi aI lthe fuelotofta lls itis forces atI silh a wilhenins lins ba eul gaplla l theranks. lMaceels aien uot fruai beiia rocks anti trees andi îtiualiy gave avay betone lthe Spanliards. vis. enuoragcd by vital Iiey lteaugist ohaé vicery, puffuctiaviit extrdme Ocoau- ie. utofsuges. Wltaýtit e leat premesinulion a deafeu- ag explosion vas itearti nti à @cessel.oi iveal resen.l.ling ltmeamine honnir at 'elersmmng tiunmtg tht- civil wtr. Ilurset tîl mea vere iiowu bigi u inthe air andi pi îu lthe Parth it nti sd atangles A Iaunilie umine itallibeentt lot-Itetioff hy .act-'a seleoîniciats . itce the ued li tinaitle guu nsdmtiaill grediteri]savon aa wsrotigmt. Col. l siyt-s sesay ltat tVeyitr lîtl7W0mass iitltheetxptlosion anti i) maure ms inthetcbarge lthaItuflloavet. as ceil as1.410stounitieti. Oms lthe folloionlx.lier, XMiego. avho &esa ufthlie retierdre ftorce titiler Weylen, .ltreated t, a nln.îmger Iposition. lHe Mas sers alltâil i y a e'tlttmrsunder clitiglie, dmaho sys tiiemtfrua lthe fieldi. iglîl huntiretimen vu-eekilleti anti 1,300 womnletl. Ilvas luntthis figittaI t-bague blus bis leg. Il ivas tori off ity 2dynamite bossâtb. Hiseimetsîtlittbecame panicsm'icken. TIt53- feureti s:tltr amine andi uiîult net ibey whit-ituntieredti u allaek a second situe. On lthe lthe ltir] tay MNlcno agalante- trtli. ia t-tiivtrI img cîîlitial>-lu ca-en nal) Wt-yer lîit a fiilltaI tîhallbeen uneeuimbedl aviithdynmamite. lanlts@ n.ennliumoe Wer ea d mth lti lte. as anger ut an nîtriiaziin lnuana becaume e itati aile i l) crusit Niaceo esdti b as- teneti bock lu lthe taltitai. la a lelmer brtîîghl by Cil. li,.yes te pruminent (Cubanx %Mat-eu anys: -Hava to tear. i am lite saturîle in bi&s heL f bfley gel li ns y sieli G(XI help IheUm" VICTiMS 0F FOOTBALL. LiatotTmsrmdays. KI-iedusd liooded Upon the Oirdir... A cam'cfui l altautlthe casuzallies "il rtt-ti tnt .f l ta erI the counltrmy la l îrstl t stI i *itti Kis Msitita h ie liai Ot deati atîid nounde,] tl ie alsulas fol- ililarst il. lroilyn, knîtckt'dodîman and Ilistti lt y k Iltidl dutio-ul;a rusa f tIssu lieanm. 'FThe i aj t: nii: Tiionts AilcsOn. Jaîkutis liil. bady nulsi-ti lit a frit- fdn al i ght. __t- irzcrîm. Clevetland teamt, colla? içîrît broz-ti. trail 'ttttca.s,tfYette. litti.-. rulandt eus. braie,] by tigiig juluit'l un tby elgit llarv rd'i y.l hit tsk or the.'iverslty uf Ch1i-1tg19 .. te s: ldiiiîlt-rs t l,-t.l t',Inmv. ('l11i-a19it: Ilîaly liralseti la ltîotail g at i îîtrîf,î.m-i Iimtiîjtiiî ît I. .t I.. Ctii h itcago; body taîllIY %vîti- i s lirt rl,ýitîI, ilit- 1 trvi rd t;rt liatt. iI',tonî. rnîlit les: dîsto- caîtdInt. giti-sl 'mta'tAti.l-tlitI --ltlnt-kî-Y. ialliilt tf lteett-ltli testa.. kli-tt'l Il theit' auall of lite back; let-flarias bttdly bru!scît. Jaittea Ilîcîper, SitlBeln(], luimt,3 kao'ked Wi. S. liteiitîs. !tiayfsikim', ttîceti tiav anti lttupled on dtitng E-tut.mtîm gante;, anmn bnikeuit tilnjmrt-tlilenalls-. Audni-s Jîtltasoit. armetaanti back carveti lia Jats IuglilahI-li i ilispile tiser lthe uns- - "A- Jolimottua. t'cl. tth cyca blackencd. nosie br.k.a sdinltes stintie. Rotbert Kenntedy. Nen Onleaits ,,-mpdo RyLewsi s. hnoiN.D.efey - lewls, dat ioftefItie ns' sLt- ucklthe linetist and ti imclianticrm- rit-t front lthe fieldl. T. 0. àlarrow. Dendwood. S. D., lefI ear torii off. Ml. 0'llaltey. Grand Port. Wasm.. bot cars toriloff. - Scorlît. ceaIer out iîveraitie Atletle tesas, nîgit antle brokls. Tiiomnas Stocker.,iScramnton, Pa.. part of scalp sotaraoff. __ Tuceker, futll teck tonrlthe Iissumi teint beat ndtdy bars: duming Kansaas City gamne; takien 0 toaopIlal. C. tpp. Toledo. crtasheti about lthe bodiy le a gaine aviit lthe licitigan fresitimna. Sitinuel Werner. Akronn testalsouider billte fracloreti anti bodly bruissd. .-- Witney. nigisl cend forEKansas leats u. ttmn t he alomacit turing lthe Kan- sas City gante; slîs tlu iospilal. Fred Wbite, t'ekla, Inueket senseicu whiia mating sarimait ilerbe.t I~itotb, San Francisco, aval- iled t f t etet durng lthe excitemeat et Friat Waoliy. Tower Minn., bit ove, the beat! wftba brick titrowvbt an ladiang scalp bsdly eul. Tte iajuneti expet lu be la shape te

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