CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Dec 1896, p. 5

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0f us Is sure to be 0f SupriorQuality. JO T ake a Peep -7 Atour window and see lesthe Flour we seil that mounitain of ýcanned ,Ànd If the brand you are using doêsn't suit try our "Big JO." Lots of people eat Il ~ i'mI 811909. Do You? - Try Our Famous Buckwheat 12 pound ack ........10e 1 urng. 1How is this Kirks Cabinet So.ap 9 bars ... . 25e Kirks Good Deal 7 bars........... 25e Sugar Corn, per can. . ........7 Sugar Corn, i cane.......... Coffee, from 20e to........... ..3 Graino (a new drink> per lb ..15 Teas, from 15 to........ ...... ... 64) Triggs and Taylor' s LIBERTY VILLE. ILLINOIS. A-F FtW.ý 0f our many BARGAI Ns: Mensg and Hnys$' Cal)§. .......... $ .25 1BIeao'hed sheeting per yd.. ......5 Boya' FeU Hats ........... ...... ..25jBaby sbSoo......................2 5 Dnc Sateen to close, per yd . l.... 1.11 Boots .. ..................... .75 Apron Check Gingbam yd .1 '5 Oidrena foods and Caps .........19 lioyhW "Browuie" Overallo...... ..25 Canton Flannel pier yd .05 Mens Worklng shirts . .. .2-7 Tennis Fianiel pier yd J.* Mimxaos'G(oat Shoes izes§ 2 to 12.. .1 A Complete LUne of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Uuderwear, Gloves and Mittens. Ladies' Dress Flannels, Tennis Flan nels, and Cot- ton Flan nels, See Our O C WASHERS! F. C. SMITH & SON. LBE RTYVILLE, -ILLINOIS. LI_-i Announcement. â--U - IConsldering the fact that many people are def rauded, by unscrupulous agents and peddlers travelling through the counntry with cheap ODtical Goods, I have concluded to send Mr. C. Vuille, an old experienced Optician now in my em- ploy, through Lake County, to visit ail persons who cannot conveniently corne to Libertyville. Mr. Vuille is a reliable man, having had over forty years experience as Jeweler and Optician and most of that time was spent In Paris, France. You wil f ind he has a most complete outf it of lenses and instruments for testing the eyes, and can fit your eyes with glasses that restore i defective vision. If the goods, âfter a trial prove unsatisfacfory, I will cheer-i fully exchange themn or ref und money. Solicitlng your patronage in this line of busîn Ian Resp'ly yours. C. R. Sherman, Libertyville, Ili. A large and varied line of Hardware, Pumps, Milk cans. and Cutlery. Pumps, (Jas Pipes, Fà!tngs. -jnd- Shaet Iron aPICKED UP HERE AND THERE. *Local Items oflInterest to Libertyville Readers . C. M. & ST P. R. R. TIME TAULE. T<> CHICAGO. arn. arn. a.M. P.m. P.m. P.rn. Bus8:38 8s :13 8&6~7 wadsworth 8:59 :2o 5:06 <3rnoe 9:10 67 5:11 Warrenton 9:16 6:30 5:1~ LînzaTx viLLE 5:30 7:15 12M .4:5 Rondout :40 7:25 9:22 12:40 6:37 5:21 Everett 5:46 7:38 9:28 12.46 6:44 528 Deerfilid à::52 7:44 9:35 12:52 6:51 :34 Shermàerville 15:56 7:50 9:40 1256 6:55 5:38 Chleagoîarrive) 6:108:45 1028 1:45 7:00 630 FRoM CHICAO. Lv.lUn.Pans.Sta. 7:30 4:06 6:20 0&:30 Lv. Kinzie S. 91.30 &320 Slhermerilîle m:2810o:1m 4:56 6:11 7:23 9t16 Dts.rflid 8:24 10O2= 60 6:17 7:27 9:21 Everett 8:421lS.28 5:06 &:25 7:38 927 Rondout 8:48 1015 95:12 &:40 7:40 93 LIUEE2'xvxxa, 10:65 6:56 7:50 9:45 Warrnton 8:64 9:19 938 Gurnee 9:00 5:23 941 Wadsworth 9:10 :33 951 Russell (&rilve) 9:18 5:49 10 -denotes daliy. s denotes Sunday onis'. Where no mark apparts trains are daliY iex- eept Sundas'. SUNDAY TRAINS. Lv.Liberty'vllo. 4:5P.rn. Ar. Bondant 5:05P.rn. Lv. Libertyville, 9:10 arn. Ar.Chicago) 10:52 &Mr Lv.Chlcago @:30 amr. Ar. LihertyvIlle 9:46 a. mn. Lv. Chcagot406 p. m. Ar.Lbertyvile &:33 p.rn. No. 30 us Sunday ony. going Aoutis. wilI stop on signal as follows:-At Ilussel1 1:07 m.r. Wadswortb 12-.17: Gurnee 1227; Warren- tn 1iv»;: onilout 12:36: Ev.rett12:421DerllelId 12-.49; Shermervilie 12:52; arrives iu Chlî'.ago at 1:415tP. M. Train No. 44 has bis'n lab-ly put on iroin Dertield to Chlia,. L.'s. Dîrle, 7:20 a. ms. Shermervilie 7:-24: arrives Cliieag4o 8:10 a. ns. No. 53 haves Clîlago 11:2f) p.rn arrives ghermerslllî' 12:05 a. ns eu-l., 12 If)a. rM. L IERTYVI LLr LOfa'; E, No. 492. F. & 'A M ti.gularCOMMin'utl'-ns2nd & 4th Chlldren'a mtoens fot ton to ilteeli cents at Mrs. H. S. Huibutts. E. J. Madole l8 nursing a sore finger. It im ieared that blond poisonlug wilI set ln. Mrs. Henry Cter 18 suffering with a severe attack of neuralgia, but 18 boter at present writlug. Cloaka! cloake Sece those five dollar cloaks at MrB. H. S. Hulbutt's before bssying elsewhere. Miss Jennie Oleson, of Highland Park. visited Misa NoraButterlleld and other filndii here last week. Bargatins in ladies' underwear, mtoens, hobiery and aIllklnds of knlt goodsaia Mrs. H. S. Hurbut's. Mrs. H. S. Hurlbutt will soli millluery ai a large discount for the next ton daym, to close out wlnter stock. Sec tho8e trininied bats at Mrs. H. S. linrîbutt's. They are tityli8ît and pretty. Ail will be losed out cheop for cash. Saine one, too Ineais ti, uncitiitîn, evcn though the naine could lie ascertvlned, puisimed Lew Scbatuks îî,.t (log llairs- day. Mism4 iiîîie Muoro, iii Highîlandîi Park, aot limssFiatieem tî,iîir, of Rokfillî'r. visitCeIlfrioiodi li' tthe lr t ihie week. t>l i (C<i tut of the I'I u it 'îîIî1it iii iof thie rîîuds, Dr. (). B. Ilouwt did uît re":1i tîlim plaie hitstSuiffdoy. He '.sisîse kno mn luit h lwIIl beioe uas tîsual ordaly weli:îîMed. W. M. Il EATH, W. M. next Sîlidiiy. E. H. BRaOWN, ".Theî regll r Yi. 1P. S. C. 1". îîîî îtlly Uncaied eters I::~~;~ Ii.'ititig amtimot . iiil n ililibel Uncaimd ettrs. heiths Fri(iuy vu.vniug ut the ble tl,,I.-.g .îi a i.. It . riuit,iî i i f o! Miss 'uic, trelier. 'The' seni ni iaîîîul "*. '.îers ll., I. tti l. ireleet'î il illîllcers wsud take place. 'A11 i-.. iiliuîl i .iutii f1. -ill active IuliililltrIlsliaouildllie lresetit. 1'. E s.n1. iSri-:ir, i ni. M rs. John Bîrboir ent ertîoned a G. IL . SrH. hl. 1I. M . iîuîliir ifrelatives andt friends at ber Mli,hllu Stuiîîe. lee niit îi:is t lte ]"me -inl'Park Av e. lhsitweek. Mrau Chieugo TIhUrsîlav. Mrs. .luikmnî, o a!numda, Mr. sudMri .NIr. Potie Mil sIl 5v des, lo i Brii, if Waukegîin, Mr. and Mrm. a r.l5craetiuîi su iii .12.i r's.gîi Dili3 outilMiss Frikie Dilly wî're Mr%. Bert Auîstin %s stî'îl ber panrents am()Il g lthe guests. in (hiiaguî the lrîeiteek. Several joc'keys ofthe briunetteI Mili sAuna Ellis huis Yrî.ied bhule sarletv ittitrîsg oe1nutt fromhersixillilthVi'it n lma. toii liagi i )llcilady, iîuîniteîj (Ila [mnibe SX îî itî stut ~ tiiO -*rîtnntrm .1frouit Ideul Park. Pro- Lad tesII]i viiil eus er C hiak s fir rieo ftetukkona d $5.0o1 ut NMus. Pîta'i-NFs. pîtîsiihelîîkkaua d Park rave track bove elîîsed saime tii tillie 'Moirse, Rfia Blrenti ii anîd L:u îlothlei liliv i' ttuspring. Park*s î riutsgvugui iges TsCîîrlett bits a illost pectîliar M'r. -aie uivr . f Chul,. v ty Ilf s'yilu things." He cames vir. l uin s ais el r. teClirt aofto thte fronut withthe propositioîn that this eek.Our v littge usigbt rent thî ir tire this week.eligilte tiibclieued am motive power by Gr-eut r,'ilittiiiis inii lii iery trou îte lectrie compaiîy All things nsed bats: foiîr p'rlrie ,$»5.tm1, nov o îîiîerdttit a rattier nican break. selling ut $2.-îIl. M uC.ý 'IuIiTusr. Nran s.JB.Alut cebtd Mrs. Surah .Johnuson, ot. <if tseka, Ill., * n, J l.Alasa ellra* is vimitiîîg lier lîratîer, .Jamies Vi illiains ThankSgiviuîg Day suirrotindeii by anmimeronus friend, hlereahonîts. tluîir iliirteuî ltdren and grand- v i'ldîrün. lit tbe ufteruaoiî A. B. Misses Graci' and Kvefe. oîl (lieugi, Lemiî to<îk a griiip vidture o! the und Iliss K î-r.îigàiui . if St. Louiis. ns ie; guets f àib; E.A. usl la4t ý-e. igatlîîring sulitii Mr. Allunsori exhibits4 giiesto if Miss E. i.. iiîî',b lasi su .k. Freul Seilani v<iuvert Iil iss titsî&'ls bJul chileti lis îîierî oif opples inoavider tlîe prc'ent sei'O5iiAr me Camîp, No. 176, M. W. A. beld Fredsay tho hîetik ti1 prs hi rtteir aunuai electiiitt of oltîcers laist records for a single seasafi ut bis miill usa ihtefloigofcr Arthur liulkley returued Weduesdoy being elected: C. I. Shierman, V. C.; H nigiit haviiîg clîised bis twa moutis' B. Eger, Advis<îr; L. H. Schaneck,Banker; engagement with Ed. Andersansm Chas. Kaiser, Clerk; Chas. Bive, Es- .lWarld' Theatricîîl Co. cort; J. P. Williams, Watchuîau; Jîîd- Mijs Minnie ltîrvh, daugler of moit Moore, Seutry; J. L. Taylor, Ejoni- Rev. (i. E. liureh. formeîr pastor ut titis binng Physician; B1. W. Buckley, deie. place vas nsarried lii Mr. (3oo. Taylor, gate ta Stato Cauventiou and Leroy oi Rogers P'ark, Novet-ie)r 25, ut the Webb. Alteruate. bride*s homte, Rogers Park.1 At their regular meeting Monday Jacob E irchhoffer, ai Washiugton. culed on Libertyvilie friends T tesday. Mr. Kirchhoffer was enrolite ta Germany, where lie e3iîects toi atke un exteuided visit. A littie girl astouimhed her Suuîiay bchool teacher, a v bile agi), by re- markiug, -'Our dogs dead." I gues the angelii vas Scareid vbeu tbey saîs hîmn comng ug p the waulk. "lleie cross ta strüngerm. Aioral wveddiiig ut the M. E. e-liareli lusi Frîday uiigbt fîrîuîslîed îast unique extertainumeit for a S. lli gatheriîîg. iand the atllair as deserving better patronage. Cofiee and doli- flts wcre served duriiig tbl e vening. At the Thanksgiviqîg diîîoer table. the aid genitlemntw as carving. 1-1 wjslb yaiî bat! utgi en niei c80 nîoy boues," renmurked one aoflits taîl, angular iies. -Où, 1 heg pardon,-' said be; -l <dd nat mjenun tale persoliotl. Leslie Jones. a sîix year aid graodsoîî of Mr. and Mrs. John Lioîberry (lied last week ut tîteir lomanteaer lien'. Little Lester <arefein aDeýsPlaities, te speiîd 'I'hianksîgiviiig withlitls granilparents being taken siek enroule wlth %vhat developed iiuta is iitaii 18 E asy to Take asy to Operate Are feainre î,ecut eodC&$ilis. SrnaIl n aire, t581el688, efficient, thorougb. As 01ema BLÎ63 - -- -",i eveuiug, Nov. 30, the I. 0. 0. T. iu- stalledl the lollowing officers for ensui.- iug quarter: E. D. Hnbbard, C. T.; Miss Breutoît, V. T.; Miss Clark, 1'. C. T.; Mrs. Fisher, Chap.; Miss Lottie Fuller, S. J. T.; Miss Millie Lynus. Trens,; E. J. Maole, F. Sec.; Louje Siierinan, M.; Miss Schapter. D. M.; Miss lirown, Gîtard: (Gilbîert Mordhorst. Sent.; Miss Glelinge, ltec. Sec.; Miss Hardve, A. S. The lodge is ini a prosperotîs condition, has'ing seveîity members enrailoul, and a grawiug lutere8t us eviileueed dur- iug the xiter monlhs. Skating au Butiers lake is a pustime beiug indulged in by the yaung men and ladies hcreaboîîts, and of ail sports skating is the most exhilaratiug, and oif ail places Bîtlers lake affî,rds the best. If Aldernman Sain Galloway sliould become strieken ih an enflurgemeut ai the heart and donate ual lems thaît two ar mare tluauîton cords o! waad for -'boullre" purposes lii'eould capîtusre a whole lakefoliiof votes for 11)00, when be inay want tii ie States9 Attoruey or lîresldesît if tht> 1'. S. îîr sauethîing moare or les.49 1ev. 0. D. Hleiver wll1 preaî.h as Situîduity uuiriiing anid eveîîing, auîd in I lîtter a u s tan îuîiiîucrie thlit bis iiniriig tbî'uue wiiilie -.esîus lI tht' Riih' iifRefornîer.' By îliuît oa uri .tIîiivw, uîL 'tdIl li (il) ei rii g tlîît miii ofhiui ( i oua mn il'îtiîîî. lie askm ils also t anuassuce the î'vu'iig sulject, or 52:0gniss tîtat fis whit lie ashts, und s' viiulîi illingly <lotNsuif we v. lIdiialie onît w but hi;Is. Ve cait, and snggesit tlîtt ur reuîders utteîîd the rlreNIsylerlian church S îu'ay îulght and find ont ifr thoonselves. It la bound ta ho good. Bey. Mouver »k * Wtiltn' thet N Sent us a message the other day. - Here it is. NoRTu PotE. DxAR SiRs: 1 have just sent yon a large assortment of Christmas Goods. (Iîiîaware, Toyg, Bookas, Games, and sucli things. They will probablv reach you in a weck or so, Yours truly, SANTA CLAUS. ~Now to make roomn for these houi-. day goods we must move our larijé stock of Clothing. So now is the time to buy Boys' .School sUITls $1.25 anid up. tierob Suits $5.00 and up. We llavv Rtîbhers oif ail Laîrge, Small, Long, SILort, \Vlte, Nîrî'ow, Low , High, anîd iu fact everything tlîat will suit andi fit you. Feit Boots, Caps, Mi ttens, Blankets.. Gloves, Overcoats, Underwear and ail Cold Weather Goods. M, B. COLBY &Co. "Dealers in Everything." H T WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville, Ill., THE BEST PLACE -IN LARE COUNT,- TO BUY Lumber, Coal, MiI-Feed,' Farm Wagons, Buggies- LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. We are always prepared to supply your wants in .. Agricultural Imiplemients, Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tule, Etc. Always get Our Estimate Before Buying Your Building Material. WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville., Mi. Dou't forget tht' lecture ut lte Town <if the potier and compare it wlth «W. Hlaillnext Friday eveniifg. Revs. G. hD. cash of subscribiîîg for yonr' Houlsier will illistrate lis I,'clure on sud huiving the poper sont direct te '.Hoilaud," with the aiiof a muagie Ian- them froni the press witilônt wmy tern, and it witl prove lIstructive and troubhle or exîsencus on yùur Part? A higbly entertaining. tii tiose itt4'îidl- hîîîîîe palier i8ialways appreciafl be< iug. thaoesuobisatve gone ta make tiele Tete nlecteil us tIetia"' iiftie hhanse iiiother parts, aud the aomer preidet ud vî" îresîleîtnuceel i theyrt'eive it aiter its Publication tbe- their respective stîttes ou tt' ecodmire grti lyiug la its portssal. Ilouday in ii ofury andtdiIe fiîr liresi- . dent and vice-president. Thte rîsoît <if Auction Sale. tItis ballot is sent to tbe vONlvsiiut sing ta uîy buaband'a deutb. 1 ua bymiluiolabysîeciî nîssî1ge. el! îuy entime stock ot 25 0ooWS, q M byniil nd a.40bya pecal nessi liogs, sheep. bon%, lurmn t0421 The reîîîrts on elpeutos'ihiI viitefu'iti inillemeuts andi huekolgigou. ea oif the fîrty-tivi' stutes are iîpuiuei!the Johnt Hook fhum. he*I anîd i'aîvassi'd onuîthie' eu'iiil iîii-nirthi-weht of (Irayahake, ' oa Dei. 9,1896i, heglning aiaé.. day ini lîeblruury inutthie' lremee of biiilut h Fi.e'>ternis soe bills. iiîîtu.4s ofoiiiiigress mluiniut sessiîîu. KATE COSSAAlSPr«>3,, wlien tîuis î'uîuvtss I îî14 î1l the ii' W' AS.TrI< WniîTr,Anctioneaf presi îttiît-cI <ct amit i v e pîrecul e tt-- ___ _______ elert are oiiillly il 'ilire,!u' .i rNOtice. NMafly lersmi, uftt' rvi'Iiig tiir As lias h>eeu prejou bornte liper, itielase i ii ii \ lii.r îîlounlceîl in Ibia and seîîd itto their frieiidbi %%ho bave alinual meeting otheLIi 1moved away aud wasit ta heur mare ai Agrieulturl O I.N.I the newfi ai the ooomtinity tbau eau hbe ~ W1L written Inau81 ordipary lotter. Did yon Yi

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