CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Dec 1896, p. 7

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CONGESS O 0. "Vva ubre!"Th.tre fhe 00Wau01ByIa rtshhodngopthotlrh M D NdlOT ErA1or. l. tat 'tem .Paul en ctl a brce a ndésrgbum caýne ae steThealarmingeprevaleaceanddtheepoia b, aot.îof te aqnCre s w Redelcthe Cte tatesn the#* I WOR FO TIS ESION OF nduntdColmaattla rid ot,*8@metin ora our Ctrtoers fd teebesrersls ed ch alony e use by tbis diseuse. It Ts lge egr ets lnsf te hs aeu od omr.Ten and kindred disorders of thp digestive or-enctosast owteysiul ere r o e ei are hiped 1 e4 l tliijijtin nds mucldsmuicles, e- the ecatho- Ib e nSonateogis-with tiri tdedlbc aLogisin teitb agan irin theeeudleofethmarsetionlu stuct os as o lian t amongud thepapeople o!areahippd sictions of mii udsoe d auecostnt lato Lkeyto De fOÏ reat Inter- llsuria h ptwee i e ate coun try has cauaed iuquiry tu b. penean ok<1 I etb h dvance of the homne crop ini the nosh4 atif ad oreandmue cnsant lotonLiklydie. Then abois rang out, Colonna feli it ode hhYsiclnns of th' il sainie iessenger a bottie of bay rani, Pears, penches, plume, oranges, f6 :a& The. cure for rhematîsm in «t-Other Laws Wnntod. forwird an his face, and another Cuban lasta tecaus. nand the remp.dy lic thiiiging Mr. Rende knew It: ns a toilet olives and nutsalal grow audnl la flood's Sirsaparilla, whlcb illor- - lera lsy deuil, lsut like a dog iu the Laiu ei g pphd theet. lonig Physi- cesr.I etsleddnt o i a emree rmtbt he ypurife; thle bl.ooi and neutralizes Ltte Legielation Likely. rel diteh.___________ tient@ wîho camte under their cuare a re t akt h oo:*M eri daneo h aionacos aili whi.It I. improbablectatsthedHpains.iWashtngtNoNCESr0FsToEnNATION. affeeted lu satne degree wi thbtmaéb Paul: The ducks were excellent; 1 en- qoutities o! rice are now grave. i _____If te]n-ekr h 6emee sessipo abfCongr es. lidsose e iifFNACmuchHENAIO. trouble arising froni biliousntress. indigeq- ioyed theni exceedinglv., but the bny the eldeeekrta se hme ei larg ssino ogetw dsoeo uhtien, irregulanities o! th, li-pr and b ru nin must bc an ncqulred laite andtestlrdsreh eueafrnlre 0f prpoad egtldtou hlh en- Un.ited SEttes Tressurer Morgan Onb- e. Wbule t4effs& cases are coaliton, thle dn'd hntc n i cuiso st7ml cumkeirs île calendara. Ltte le usuallY mite Mite Report- remedies e pplied have iunmonit'cases dnt>o rt ail well witlî the wil ol, rensouable terme; if lie wants Mo" Jlsn aceompllshed et tiec short session, lbe- The aunual report of Daniel N. Mor- been but temporary meatsunes of relief. go) 1 stbstitutedl champagne. I liked ta cultivate, a greaher vnriety of cropa té ueto o!egetonfor shows the net ordinary revenues of the. nuatter of cases whene suffererq f roui punch." eurtinaialgotayfrcs bill. Te qustin o legdlaiOn llecaues mntined ad oun weloin ofproduction; if lhe moean uarlier « @Èest-1a font. the One TrnoislMaontl'urilletwill depeud u theSenate, ta which bodY Jn 86 ahv en32,7,0, isme' IPsrk 'ilis for lPale People. A ne- AnApe o sItne ean witi correspoudiugîy higlier I, s Usthe. Hanse sent the Dingley bill înt and the expeudihures M32,175,44&. leav- Porter was sent ho investipnte the muater T'he min who la charitable ta humoepf wilî if lie wants mildier winters, ail the O or ugin.25cuglpa aeai ago. if it should tue impossible, dore -frteja . 2,0,. rtrelwibteolohu ite lsten totaheimAs eaPpiafor assistance pasturage for hie stock, lmproed lie4 _____________________nae ybi toabo islve ______________deemed luexpedieut, ta press u mu-216, or $17,001,977 leseti an duriug thé ment a! facts: e shade of lisvers d orpitiqsinis sInthe Increased bodily caniforh aud wea 'liieKiga re througli the Senate, there in a pansi- preceding fiscal yeer. I>ruggjst lteed. of tbe village, n'as firît easy sensatious ln the regione u the .gisua,l suad prasperity, lie should go ta, Texas, JwoKig.bllty that the proposai ta incrase thé> The report shows tliat duriug the lant visited and front hhlm were obIained the tht secretes bis bile. H..,-ter'a tst Seud for pamphlet descriptive of thef th es rn iecoronation o! breer or tiifiscal]>ar there wss an increseof4 * uallen Of people I-hîii a p uiseil the Bitters, ay ldeur air, or madauz-ae the case resorîrces l'ho .lews, tram tic ~~~revenues by anadditiaual tazaou ePink Pille. sud who hlldspolien of tie niSj be-le wbst yen uir.Hse a ~ so u ra u.(al ~~~~l,~~~~ lu19 .C. aieaceso ! iloitioneof a duty on tes sud coffee, nlaY 8W.134 lu the receipte frotucustame. benefit tliey hmd rcceived fr<,uîthe tuge if jon are troubied"wire aîburu. wîuefrf ). Low r e omesteer(mxai obtiantlu 975, nad tire. king-- tairetangible fori,,sud, if so, suci legîs- au increage af $3,341,192 froni internaI o!filie Medicine. The drugg:st ited tolu t nthe stoarà .ordnote that your 5kmn or siomî via the 'Missouri, Kansas aud Tez.. S, David aud Salomon, wbo ecd lation muet originate, nuder the Cousti- revenue sources, au lucrese of $2,479,622 reporter %ira. LouisenEider. wio liv.d ir hue wino ore r aigasio sRiwyo usas o.3ad1, glzed fort>' ycars. Th in iigdao! ionhuion, lu tic lower braci o! Congre o. f rom miscellaucous sources sud a loge o! tic village. '%ra. Eider was fouud et lier bue.__________Der. 1 sud 15, 1806. H. A. (Jher.lerj ~e. ra heacesIo ! Jeolam ie. r a te eerl aluars o! $97.823 franithie sale o! public landehm.is7 nadl ewu.Whu Wicni' ot lvrMn. Nortieru Passenger Agent, 816 MWi- Wl .fren te neeglonor prooura Tereareon he eveal e ed skeil Il sipe ould gay that th i iLi pille A lconsi Central englacer bas left fluette Building, Chicago, 111. -iii975 ta ic IsprsIo o!ti thet. Hanse 1.465 bille reported froul thie mskiug tic net lucresse iu tic receipta Lad lientted lien, ah,' Raid: Aasl 7, lthedispnetrsniong.te- various committees, sudthie proportion $13,5M6,125- The decrease lu the e«" "Ye«sir,1 m. anmure tint 1 have tu-en kslland and la tnylng ta locale the bait u 72ealom, Bte. 75, id Zde-whic idhylpesa aithie conaiug ssion penditures amounted ta 34.015,8. gealbîeftdbfin. efrtbe slrmnetnntru Vscsub> A Detriment. Men tie lamB. C. lu 5,enuaalem eormuet lbe uecessarily qsttail. Tic privale Tie report shows the total receptuslgou using ithe medicinle 1 vas tnoubled meens o! aplnlttîi.Usm. He bas taken Lady (ta servant via applles for si pabl ol e Is lugcal iiy sl 590, tie bills number 1,100. but there are aueo 2l4lfrot theie ret $50,000,000 laou o! 1894 to Withi mY stali Ilid ho be canefu of Itle rmediumi and bits wife withhlm, It place) fot, tell me, do yon underotai4 6 Bbylofid mtiityluGii, llrebills on tic calendar ou thpe tate o! the have been 358,66,917; frointichesecond vis! I rite. and ihen I wnasisck r,()at ail ait tWeft.vhwo ud illaou he o ofthe lime ivill i uy stomati. I wooldhav ta ali. and propos, es ho ve tsirilue r@gig n enytokîngit. Unionand uîueyuine public ilso bte1au Of50,000i,000 18f94.Servant9.710' suIytnaIn dne.sanîh regular Haute calendar. Sanie o! these frolu the Jao!o 362,313,400 for 1896 !ainting cL%)0ls8, eud vwilp wniking a-ut ccounipligli wint man bas nel'er been SratGr h e.l ii nhn TiseMode Mater ae o!~'er gre$6puic2mp,051c lsud asd !rom Uic $100,000,000 tic bouse 1 woul id eulnlie eize,] ableieu, do. Tice o-called lbat mine 1 can mite the moel:dîffIctu" bslr dres Th oenMohraeofvr ra pbi moracAdwitb a speil o! diz, eianud f;ll lite lîn vsbsdîpo h uc la s Lady-lu hal! au heur? I vegret, thse, t» found tIsaiber lutie anea are l181. tiose iuter"-sed wtli no douht do aoillunl'eauo! 1896, $111,355,612 }Fron t t fonr.It-oiil nat go oof o! tao n -.ul. o utias ---tou-h fe t s II gvcd more b>'Itle pleaiut the'ir power ta secure action ripouiheni. tiei Janthie.waserealized $52,8W.2111 bonne anc nis jth mne ta frid nie wbuj laie as fi1ty ye ans ugo Uic Chippewaa bat I caunotateept yen. What wonhi Ilipof ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i gIeolul erd!ts ua' Pvrc i. ae olto caes'on i tic$à,810,420 lu gold certIf- tic dizy sel-ame. Ou me. I tried al]uti n Clcquamegon Bay mie tripe lido Ido the viole fartenoton If my bairen Xop-of Fige wlien ln eed of t" axii- Powe of thaecoudt bam, 3teo entes;o!oaurhedseonrslamaefandrtheos' eoeulst lre tidctcouhuulr d.thetcounnr.writurnativetbail-ivrsia- d lelu l a !aananhhtur?-.atyaneDDâS gefft of a agentle neiledy tîran b, The potrrsl odg,iluntic banda O! thietu gold coiu sud $5.008.410 lu goldcr- me uo good: 1I welt 0la lutivella aud__________ gr ether,anud tint fitis mure accepta' Couîmiitee oa n tie, whicb give lis me -tificatee- !nom the third Juau. 363,428,051 tme tantdociar there, but l iehell er.ic le bpe n !ii t a hei~Cllîrer ii;,' t nuaibe or t!hle Houae prograta. vil! I ebat vcry Jiie r. ot'k wltli IleIr tomiahawks. Tii;.>rc- Couglhung Leade te Oonnumptton, ta them. n e ictra e ehy. S p malle tht commite hie practical arbiter $0,2,5 ngoun go 2e-,1 etsmt fD.%' -ni'pn ii uei edvIels leclot u toc.G oyordugs od coin, sulfroniLee foumt tau. te the Houîy huan bcoîct icia-fîseboxivle isu'leruaoit andKeps asan ul tti e ogL alamnfttr bth air-0lu goid certificaîca. The total' ret'eipto for l'aie I,le ra u'gi ot ny Whte tain,.u o apebti ro ag roeial for i action. lbtcouimittee is coin-frotte Reeral bond sales, therefore, tbdsajf1 had"ortu:hed i.finst hoN or botties,50 cents rand 01.00. Go at onel 5 1 u y r a p G o . n l y . p o s e d a s e a i p r e s e u t c o u s t i t u i e d o ! t h o e r ef r e t b t e . 1 w s a d o c l a dL n ' h a d y M d c n e a e a e d n e o Mle Leugîre for thie l'rotuiour ofAf- leu, a! Tennesee. The deati a! ex- 323, sud ou Juue 30. 185,31,676,120,9e3. ri tht irstl bo au;nP 1 me l-fne'. taen t b on heaier anis f nes. Trlyh Wora Ail Rlghh. or) un E!epiant4 s a r itw ontatilzaiion SDaker Ci.lcsyiaia. asd Iscon oeavtbputhe9.40- t'ro he nit hiorne m uue o t .,C-res A cts eat.I onhe.lie 2udand 50. ayTBlley YIo ena ta cind bictor)- Part. Ai:îg te îremlt'n an coo- lead~ cmm1tee Acconduug ho thIe evised estimates o eie o r llhziiroveiiiu'ior !h"sc e Pice 25 sud 50c., Of. 111 i Ogn eldbsj Pars. man te ijetjl>ýri ae rlo-brt] f te iinrit oftheem i eedeparîmentthie composition and dis- ings ivus îo grentut 1 Istî'nted ike a SiArks Grov he Kuormous Welrht.felo. là otirere, pllihtisè. s-snîtcment vilci nut ,e led b>- the Speaker. Tié tiutian of the moneiny stock on June cw IvOnatu Mluibtuîd gA i fle ij,r,-ile.Ia lituto T.t'alrgh eq thse compr,îun.SiiS e.lathie normes pritucipîaIty uentionen lu conece- 30, 1896, ieas foll.ous: boxes aird 1 havei'lised ]ai]l lt (,:le uf Sbirukaare frequê'ntl>'klîOtîît ueto i r ba' Ilnciut. Hëep mian~~ ,ntfuigtae'tr'ei ilnvif:e varancy arcIren. BaiIeY o! In treasur>' In circula- theu. I fcel unat iif I coulaîetany-weiglri lirec or four hibousand potind. atçldbafn.CncntiLde, tuar nt's'tà "ests iruh' ings ilaislsippi.Mrlionnte lion.L-tbinig, the dzzjnlees is aIl gtte. and mvy dt et ln rebtit yars th utruibr of Teas, NI. Catchngs ofhississppia Mrlotnttn lioniuginnie as nil did. Ing Aieupeni dgir A:userri irl; s lpasa lovy lov : ekini "Sa,0 end hat ia!et uliatllyIe une !Gerît.ln.Iacadd ~ ~coin ..$112.589.974 3454,905,0649 et)eel il, and I beleve I olve iluail ofi sall:ceeslk oeadwy tk'an~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~a elllaî iit nîirl u Tennesse, sud 'In. Dockery oaf Mlsn:r. GO i uliou . 32.102,926--------------- Dr. Nlilam4' lPink 1villa.- 0fie I healk'nss u ly 00 u 42,0iian i't 'ai hnate u flia Tise bill. ahichinlumat,>- resipects, la of Silven dol. . 378.673,137 52IU.1104 lbs in-k u r,, "'farin,-liv- Il lau ieau.esic uisens Glerins sulphun wit l biic 5-liýna'le s-n ia u tan oide;st an i iche aif rnsliad - Frac. silven . 15,767,056 60.204.451 ting aire mile ourih ,of îdaville lad Il@Suai). O! dnuggiste. I t r a i n 8ilven bu. .. 120,933.958 l,. lie bs flot been zi-ely "ngaeuted lu fqrtriIlazzy ba a contractiton o! bouse lt as lie buntîen beaur.'r of -Iviliza. vay !uudiitz Iill. Thre bouds guaran- Tot metallie. 6,60.067.051 568.3258.984 tork fon ten years iut;Iitîji yettr.'iD1 on !JI n te Drk Cntient thef-k te by he ;ovrtimnt re ayabe erlyU.*have N'en inoubblO uaih caiuidr riwife, aidb>' carl>' Engllsli vîltersîIsiqt on ~ a icIar <ouieu, Ir 'i. etdbyhi .vrrmsutae aybl anj S . notes , 122431.148 224.249.88 ilesionfortv sat'srdln iai ae aua es.Ivisila Otfe, Sehod, »d H -m lt La o!f es'iiîsIe -wortil, and iathe eoirirrg >ear. sud ither au exten- Tee~*< 468033 95,045,247 ý 'i u,lîtr .io r, -iid lj Iw. irc,'r' l ha ene thavefacet.d aFor e are funinbe att Gold certif. . 620,070 42,198,110 reutel uLay place. I took box afier box te, unilucstirahy, Ie beat presenvative Vwlribsbsna GIILS iï ST RE hu t' Th peseutbi fsi].certif. .. 11,962.313 330,657,191 of tI1b kitide o!flili., aud rotling g%aitrrj- to!tLe hein. hi aiso curastive a! dan- ut Ra25 ~ M il Y G]LSLN ST RE, in f onres.Th reen bll ' un certif.. 320000 iil+u, o ue Olêthaîs hei2rrâlreief. The deic'hs druif. totten, aud ail scalp affections. Ment, at tbe tehi-h IMr. l'anens of Virgisia ie the Total peper1808W.9 9 M.208 -bli,0ose tiret I ,,iî.u ot take suie,'a ETen arly, ~ICl~ puuhis; that it n-oîrd cause per manu e n i nlu T ic m agne! Is so called froni ti e O i n n r be o fa on e , ar. e calianly uton, u s e p-rtel shorti>- befre tîb Aggregate .. 840,871.040 1.5o07.467.5 ,.1%l > B it 1I Ld ta ba e relief in msanie m înenal moea'Lee.,am t te a to fmeledisasca esecralY'close o! tic last session. Everythurrg The total stock. therefone, ikm$2.348.- vu-eysua1 took ile' l'ils. Wlhr. iomeiis- igeu.~tee wboanecoutty onilreir feet. viliibe otre b> thiOsre intutensted i iltoh- a:13851 scouae ItL 2,3tl.7t4.tM1 I ourld ettean-eek tithout a Passage and Ps'sCuefr'Oîniioistrou> T e Ch let fGfa ~te r nbe operforinthci.r secure m-s.ruideation. The f iends o! the ou Jue 3o, 1895o. Since the close of!thie I suffened torurprît. I craitnot slcp (%outil iedis-ine nsed iuuLay boume, t). lu. for Chàristna. uh, isir euffering inasa NleanraitCanal alsea are bendiug every fiscal year this losa bas lx-eu fnlly ne- asud nOnoa apetiie. 1Ivs a dvised , - Albriglit, l'alnsrn, .. Dec. il. 15. IN VÂaiae-s Szvu.z Or Bsi wlien îhe tiret enengy ho se-une eactioîn on the bllI repini oret-chei- > i iprato !a llyiiu s.u1istirgbr vgtbe symponispreaut.ed by--lr. Doolitie, vhicb provides for golO. Thnepaeei!the national sud ait 1tnucd sîetiue. but tl did îlot do lut lrsîu.siusis'~kis~ iit, '. 15 ISeueîaseteipi.. syposursri ftevaina ,ypermnnctgoo]. La-t sprng 1 saw bfifderleraîr sc sstnitri.i & -C NER KAX Co.: Pibl"bers, ilemele, ness 5gurant>- l'ythe Fuites] States of 3100,- bnk notes neleempd dîring tiche ean iliarticle abouit Dr. W'illiamis' Pinrk illhus e.-u. il. m?îsss étsi. w racpet a r i ntnuu.Lit .SA groahe ins a d hie f on s fo t e o s ucini.f e e $107.891,026, tie hrgest am ou t for fer Paie i e l p-î, le. r c lu .ed tu t ry te . groin,izzie he enTic . rCnru 'tunihe> Lke period ini ten jeara, and, nitilieur. I bouigit sixa,xes. and bave iin "dlnlvsSuin.istc ede i Th àrCaii oimtte wiLtIreexception cf tbnee >-cans. the langes!ailItut one. I ami uble h tiunîihfly Meessis. e .8 80a tris as manOcuasmaoe, l I~MO sboîed lgIh onsîvnaiacenion Sith Rinn-e 1S79. Thue supetîse ha île bati it. anmi 1 leeli oeel. I bar,' bonp ruare alhysrVan. dures e-Le.Oga aboeiia Ose LgpelI.*T1 hIl faintricuis, lasi session. promuise-s ta neirea- that a;:.,of edcmptious itili bc $1.12Y2 ~pern$10. x.isrk lins sirmuler ttanhavélu edounn- - swcllcd gncssiver¶î-sîthi iiitt,-i'. esiopat to' Thre alîpetdix ta îhe reliant contairis a ti 0,111.1 have tanî unt mein uchi! II~. [I I tee t. the ptassage o i( . isaaddtie uibro e alswi-Lwl egood chape if t ;%cs nit theliuk IPilla, wt setl blus, he owiau rt nd he renh soli- furm exeediiiv vltrblhoepensonis for 1have skm-n rno aiher medicine milice Doaitidle etc, bon cbairuîî. These cîsiiri hie former rpecia -'inecrie in the. finanejal sf- 1 Io--'a!i t t i liç-ii.- K auIE thcy ;ainrtirsirta o nat. rd the latter '> faine a! the GovrI-enit Dr- WlVliatus' IPink Pulls fur Pale 'n- sdask ico 32.70S114 -e la on the sundn>- civil _BUT__USE________ BUT u Ifl billu h e is' at session us a rider o! il"- A TRUST BURSTS. temuileR.s. cah as suppsressions, innegtilari Senates'btîthe 1bill %res ieioesl ly ltn- tics amil ahifartas o! -eckness%. Thni and you'b1find ouitlrow qnlckly asuardyc O T'-. Presileu.t. andI lhi-y %ivere tlien dr)lblîd. Tic Wlrc Nui Manufacturer8, Ango- lotild i. tho ilebmo. and] nesiare the glow iiI UIIIII 1111 l l Mrn. Mal.i, o ini-- u:iruîatr oftihe iWar cietion Goes te thse Wall. o! hvliii uto pîale andI salloti- lu-,ks. shoîuld i once U-aiiiis tunmii; ie, o il usa piness tli.' No! es'>-trtusti rdfra-or thîe pr l>ar u Otft c >-tcDr til-genn pr luti-, NtIedi-ine t-uliu.Schenec-al' v ritc M nre. Peint> hruutua Ioris-r n is. o-bit-hbave tpose o! sfintim conipetitàiud ad iiug N. Y_-ail uare .1,1 by i>l i sugiat.a i) P i k h m , a be en i4-i,i i in t"' f o'. ris t i t ri. p ices is s t --csfi . A forîuîn ae illus ta- cents a Is,'. r six tîî'Xe i f on $2 m.41.f l Ms stting r tm;se (tlc LzsainProsloted. liariof! his w bave lu the iX'îre Nail( )1a tly 10tt o n, TieLn ,!, ul h bsso h Nihnfettirll. caso e ti(m'uuril iii hîM'Y-EOie S tutuiEuxprlessolotheSge-S.a Constipation Kili Yoo meantime tIc>-iii find prompt laiw P-1.111119 ts cr, I '-aisntier. ta- knum- the nail trust, o11>hit oî ï~N' ,n Eeuug"lgauo -tow lu -Ildlis E. l'iTheNewmYrk-egeteblgTeldga-r o lpound, . hich eau bc obtaincd ted ,i î1 cot-,a utblns. cand n-hi lu It i ness I b-s. I-Thtistruaistani, itel inta lite von uui utinoti the pitcre o! aunci-l Maayd i g0,.beênt hel,(, Ijotif muuh rit i-i-.m oft, i'in Josiue. ti1-~ihe gi id iiig liandtt] ets s ît raini(pli a scree'iui n s ch a nes lus- NDY GA IIIA DI ~~ any P0,I.iue I snuisttberatuse of île ad,- lieu Ieiug J. .Il. I'erks,of Bosttsn. Durn- tic witlatuapersus %ho s-e it seranible eXy DcAu Mlsu.. PINuIIANIt: I arn80 v.utut-ige tek,',,Of!rite lusuvin varniua a>s ig tttut tii,- tlnth1es.ul> torccl tlî piice ta ,et ,,' ails '0 nî aittr Ïbe1u1 te oirînnforln ta ur Cota- for ithe tnîr,: ~ to! boossîl te,îudpain-i of tuire cUî;-îu>niils trom N) ceni1ta In ightit' abouîttt tine t o stll. lasadonefor une. l'or îuînvenrs phistetg iiiiaIl-'e lîrî'aîcî taili thý-$255 a keg adof cut 0peruuîy nals "Tîc1ti iivat the liiîgruupb. rtue uuv en d S c -Il r n o u in i illr s-r viun fu an lîlil, o'liclî f- ontiu 70ice'ts ta $2 25 a keg. lis net f,,rnu o! te titascoîle î o an exhublti.,r .1 tic1mb., teuh-mnestandu n- as a iris lmt h ,ir.laibeen $.kt,0,exclu>ift ! î e în'k dîrylducs-.evr-C R c L>ain linhue gnroins, lutin wilen Amnrg I:,' ,lw~r tillsarare thie W'ds-royal salaries draco. n b> its nlicent. 'At firs! > ai seeun ta le looIî,k:g simaiglit U U51iÀ 0 - o uuhkirgandinccutcd orth bll fiorl,,thehsiolf a burea-u to f l.Teiciîssistarthy b'couurlling aairway doîî tulc ailrad lrot.S~ilmny ~ g vaknadicrae 1,ia iflu tr * v. fýr iii, fpe'-ti,, n ot largiiiiui,-ro i' ! uîuutuactuîr-naand buy-- IceEmpire Suite Expretu lotit iin siglit DR5 * AL.T rng menstrtuation, headacbe e ntadt au1il,'nguiatio ithe ictraui'par- ing ail ad suiisiiizing rivatl concernas. wnay off il, the distance. utt ulptuuei in 30UGI ~boîcon1uo.I n-eighc'd atihy 02tat~ iou of live-s'îuk: theimigrioniuî b!.Frorathe uiaufuacturrs linlte hpoolhil iu ttird u-n iglut deuil at uoîu eit TEM S ODRU,*LAL S FET - and wes nd-ised ta use îour thie (lit-luenzil, i, r ti-.u iruigte sxacled $1 -r cadi keg o! naill a mn- fîtil specî. THD C E*EV11141 W N ER a * DLEac FCISOVR bi2 CmmpouŽmI, n'iîch I dii. I feasitîjllity andî, eauof ac iu ucanjal frotn,, ufactioresi. (f bis sumi liScciii-as used 'It nikes ci-en an uninuiginctive hsyesliere-alaeeart ush.Ies a e lenefit lx'!sre 1 hall takieannl the greuit lakesi b'> t IiiIudsoii: sveral fr bpth e rhuse tf rivailultnts and the monî kind of shiv'r and wiiîs le couil getl ASOLUTELY GUARJTED lateea us ofcntassen.,Caee restlard asLs. - bottie. 1 cntinued asing h, ImportatuntîbhirIaul11. fluhe bis for blal:niciras ns4suted to the tuenbens o! off ta 0one side, but wunineait sc-ares pssbekate. d TE irO e eergi,Chorgap. Ut ae nlslatuheraiatitalas. lisItrl cr tu.1have the ,dmiSSin aOfî0.0 tori'tories, ad i uic,>the trust. Then frîn,i -uo! thîe joîbers, theni ta dt'ttlu. tr.sur~~ riis Itnouubhel itlr IcucorrhSa for ailiers o! escet((ial interî'iit to atiuîniul.îr or those ta uvhouu it sold its sto -k, il look "Tut adniesnia vene liri a box lest - _________________________________ a n nw1weg 15puns"localities. Tîcre aire ab, scieraI imiot- 15 cents for cadi kûg solO. Thuis soin ut-s niglit scenue, and faiied.' ljli co t "s J 1 o o cgi11pud. unh nîcasurrem iii bbthn' viic buhniigbt hl-d an <eptuil la lusune againtuau ct The pictore o!ibis, thie fateet train in h c co t m s, IÂRTSoN, Flushing, (ieneiee comae aven tu tiloue iefor eaisidcnatioa. in prices, anîd ai certain î,erioîls a nibaie tieuvorld, is tic nantitshcntliurg dispîs'________ _ a sick baby, or a package of rail. Box 69. in___- î fulnas malle la tiase vi bcnd rn.- ever tbrmwviîoun ascecen, aud eau ouInl e Paln? \VtottePa Jjca' N et.HOW A PATRIOT DIES. itumilucd faitîful. TIuose tub alladect excelinO b>' n view o! tire train itse]!. Paln ? WtottePal Colmaletho Lkea og u auelprioem neciveil na rebt.ue. To ftrrîhen A part> o! Newv York Central Officiais ime, there's always the prospect Coloa lafýht Lie a ox n LarelguanO aguins! coalpe:itioilitsotîghi tti wlio ere present vere îllighted wltlifscns, n ehp littila et Havane. cntoltcmn-mcur-îo ail cing tIbeexhibitiotn antI thie îportuni- it ai'-ckes an pe'p T U Therc tnew utirer tighttul scelleti iiii î'ic. fBui neit aîndimare ecouonicah fonds for advertiiil n amas! convincing ." worse, for your baby or for Laurel dite'h, in f'ront o! the Cabana fort- macnes wtere ne-vertliscesa hurned oir! n-y "Anierica's Grertest Itaiîroad" aud remset ailavâni, Saturda>- afternooan and campcîiîian luin atifacuiang nuleaihe tw torhd famum s train. any ohrbb. l megt as flie son vas bidiug lis heutd, as if becaîuese o keen anud cotnstant l th a - the bab. 1 P uasianicd ta lend its liglit ta sncb a cruel tutia ocdh ha-îejbeah cornes from nursing decO. Tic victini ibis tume ta Spain'a eut pices. rand icuce the coliapse. TIe fins! uanufactory o! cdged tools bue htaei m hcartlese custoui o! dealing witl Irison- là- încalcldagaes acit, . .-. ah:.Thsi

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