CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Dec 1896, p. 1

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I$~IUIdq Vol. V. No. 9. Libertyville, Lake County, 'Illinois, Friday, December Il, 1896. $1.50, ln Advam Dr. Charles Calloway. ELECT OFFICER S. F[CRITh're Chri* Ug .i rs s OffceoerLvefsDrgStre Byron Colby Proaident af Agricul- LlfI IOUIU*spruee Or tir if possible, witb full and CO»nn1l V r aP . TeLk ua oity . ictroi 8 I llieAr ie.Mr regniar boughis,' says Mm,. Lyman Tbis Summer ln Winter Io Tour gain L. ... . - Ilioi out Arcut Follow. Abbott writiug of "Christmas ini the Our Big Stock of GoodS Must Be Reduced. L.IertVI.O, - Ilînlsclety held thelir annual election of __ Chureh," in the December Ladiea afternoon. The interest was flot _as__ is 15mutter o! But oflleraatbe ownHallWednsda TO TARTDECMBER 15. I~~lu aofa the. dtîrei theO Iy 1 ay e t ce over Trlgge & Taylor's. g»"asin former years, although two Motive Power WilI be Furnished by danger attending tat e.e n would We will make this the Biggest Bargain Sale. 1 t ,. j- a2 vmd-. .m tickets vere in the field. After the G. H. 3chanck's Blig Engin- wshb to have the tree bruilant wlth LaIdenoe on Broadway opposite Park meeting wui called ta ûrd<ir A. W. Incandescent Lampe Will Probably liglited candles. lu clty churches FOR ONË WEEK WE OFFER Llberyvîll, lîlnoîs. Wajda in a short speech advocated tihe be Used For Street Illumination. electric ligists may be used with gondwotofnwSosprh ed ro _________________ election of one of thse directors to On and alter nx usa iltteefc.l nacnto emn $ 1200.00 ot Dr. E.H. 8MIH, Preident. canied10 theelfectbusiness bouses of Llbeytyvillic liiibc Cbristnias tree, written by S. T. Ot aln ilb oda icuto DETS.A motion was i larred te ofet. lighted witb electrlcity and unleas Coleridge, it is sail that the great Per Cent CZPer cent DETS that the officers ta' elected b alt some unforseen obstacle presents it- yew i;ough was !astened tu the wall, 25_____ officeovrLovill'sDrugStore PRID"ST self the sîreets within our village will adornied witb candles, aijd when thse Byron Collsy............. .... ....... ' be llluninated with 32 candIl, power candIeiibad burned down aud the Our entire stock of LO» l t vjlMMdlep. lnl. A cT . 1. poea................. ........ 2incandescent lumps by Jauuary 1, 1897. needles of ftie yew began to sputterL AK N Lietv eIlni. C.M ... ....7 A committee, consisting of TruBtees and hurn the deliglit of!teUic de L A SC P S A D J ______________________ ..ut.................. ........ .8 Colby, Sherman, DifBols and Galloway was 4ihl)ounded. It wai, apparentjyU 21J VICE PaE811,ENT. W iiOfra 5prcn icut Dr .L R VS Ens-nigo .. .....- visited Hinadale on1e isgbt last week the intention that thse bough should We~ilofra 5prcn icut Sherman ...........e............ 19 undI inventigated thse electrie lîglit buru as~ a culmination of tise enloy- Lowest prices ever made at thisý season of h ~ spécial attention pald tW the J. M. WooIman .et..g...lise03 Bu twnt.aent of choic nmeIeutim. TSESIiEU.pre t h euarmeigoftes very precaution shoud be taken on Reliable Goods of Known Value. 4 E. L. DuBols .......................... o; village board Monday eveuiug. recum- tu avoid il. A pan o! water ahonld Rockefeller. - Illinois. Lewis S17ian.k mending tisat the incandescent systens stand ucar, and aI least t'wo tal - - e~.Bzoby.................î<oo! sîreet illumination lie adopted aud persoums siould be provlded wIth a 0.F.Butrfel M . . A oioig ............... ijk mpressed wii the service rendered wet sponges are secnrely fastened m. - gftoIi O. . uteled . #. .BL. SmWih............ ...........sfiuflsyIrefryfvrel pi ! ogs pn h ed2. hc jVTEBINRY SURGEON AD DEWkIt. 11 ed 7n2.............t that place. A snsall blaze cau in this manner be WAUKEGAN, ILL. LiMuiTrus..- .- . îjuoî' E.Mul2q That flie Libertyville Electric Lighti mî.diately quenched." salWo hîn it eelcnv5 a ar Offi1ce Trigi. ý1TaiorBlk. It vill be observed tisat Brophy, DE . andI Power Company is nul a mlytisla 1l'aiWo SrnMtdwe 0eo 5prpi. - .-- Wolf and Goldng were on bolh tickets assured, and tise falet that tise compauy Wil Give a Dance. _______________________________ MISS119 M. AUICE DAVISI. for direct or, and thal J. M. Woodman bas secured a contract witis 0. H. Thse Hall Day Social Club wiii give a *,aéii. . Àm.roam .uaoietev W58the nîF cndidte fr Seceîar Schnck t fudancemotiv powr, duce Fidayevenng, Dcembr118 Or"«t of AortumCo»«»M wu he oly cadidat for erreary. chank to u'96, moatetpowe, , 6, ahall.ownMhsic MsiclW, be et MM.e.. . ______________ that thse stores of M. B. Coll)y & Co., furnishedý hy Prof. Smith's Chicago ,A *, o Holiday Excursions. C. R. Sherman, Sauboru & Croker, orchestra. Dance tickets 75 cents. I h o e VOICE CULTURE AND HARMONY Thse C. M. & st. P. Ry will seil F. B. Loveli, Triggs & Taylor andI Max- ibertyvllie. Ilios excursion tickets to points witbrn 20 LeBeau are already wired. and the WAUCONDA. m"es from each station on D)ecemibf r dnm ee seiee ftii ne-L oeoo rylkwsh 24, 25 and 31, 181*6and Jan nary 1.1897, d.uauilte re.ssevîe ofberit een. L.lovno, ! raalke ws er Gf -.maU J SIE PAUL MacOUFFIN, wlth final retur bruait up to and liOn"ufliiterpuos tu funlirety. 1 %JL AS*ooeny sud ~ ~W. inclodtng Jannary 4. Is9ô lat une andI a lighls b)y the 151h. W.aIl. am3bere w&s an Elgin visîtor T~neac e pe - - - - W ueu Atrean oseoet third for the round trip. The eleclric ligbt coînpany will M.Hm... a o urmret ne1I NOTARY PUBLIC 'light Sprague Street wibb three '32 Mr. ag ert a n u teesue_____ REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. c. p. lanips, for tise inspection and da7etwe._________ Special attention Igiren CoUlections ]PION VAUEGAN axoîSiTan. Dr. Howe paltI Wauconda friends a ap o! o trustees before asking a visit la8t veek. I. alad Conve7auclng. Ada D Adams tb Lottie M Sake-tt it 3.1 o5 rc olgttesreo h h First T m Omcn m TLÀzu Couyx" YK , but 70 go Waukegan w d .............. ! trc b lgb wcstels Te Mm,. Torrauce, of Vulu. vas on our e v William J Suktens aud w t,, Fannul. dynamo lu be used bas a capacily of streets Tuesday.VI -, ,n,.ý __________ ___IMhandPrk wdE ........... ý5lsxenenl power lamps. Jas. Monaisan was a Barrington ln the history of __________________- Wlsm 4Cou.' U) C Lansing Major all Service willi be rendered froîîi dîisk visitor Monday asat. 5 . MISS MARY ZIMMER. 'Palut' l i1d 2 bit 31 Wasl-irti nutil 12 'cloick. A horse baîyer was in Ibis place last Lake County,a Will ue able to uress Weii DRESMAER rerkkC s lIa Il aîîad Ut ~L,î Mr. Loring of tise eluccric light Stra uighre.o sweepi ng re- foth HO IA . & CoMKR.Fe rsuii nd ,wSethTre a ntesreso PPUMCI FffGuk"m10 .... C sbd d ......... uconspany, bam reuted Mrs. 1. C. SîrouigsRigoo Ted onthit. retsduction in pri- CvTMO A" di-ila a BPUC!ALTT. Marnlag. LIcen1esouse on Cisurcb street and will muove Mrs. G. W. Pratt, Jr, went t<s the ces BE FORE IBS3 J Cm elu Vom*ePamaBAZI,2STSMuAonT. Walter C. lemplie. Chkîago............ bis family ber.' next w.'ek, and malle tvteOrIifisve. Arlnirton Helghtag, Milncie. Anna Jeggle. Ellwauke ..................21 Libertyville bis permanent bome. F.E.Gren,<s Nnda ws ______________________________________________________________________pleasaut caller Sunday îast. ', A U O Y J. Evanson, of Mdlienry was on Ouir streets Thursday o! last week. Miss May Spencer visited ber si ster, s New 01 RI file i 'Nt s hrl alnaTe <mlolda.'lî are a few of the nmany ergains~ I~l lliMesdaises Jas. Neville andl Grovenoï A CrockervI iiivisited <rayslake one day last veek. A genuine Clay Worsted Men's Suit guaranteed &il yod. FO H OI SD inner Setts! headquarters for everytiiing "' th'e Former price $12.00, now $9.48.ordulbratd FOR THE ROLII)AYS Wa, h urniurenda. tr ~..fa ..... i n tl ak rc ua Ladies' Cloaks, Capes and Jackets! you want one? We don't want them-any price wilI buy one-$2.50 upward: $15.O0 Garment $7.75. M-Millinery Department- 20 per cent discount on ail Millinery Goods f rom now until Christmas. GROCERY DEPARTMENT! Lenot oap, 10bars for..................................... $ .25 Santa Claus Soap, to bars for ................................. .25 Gold Duet. 4 lb package ...................................... .18 25c. Golden Syrup, per gai .................................... .15 40c. Syrup (extra) ........................................... .2,5 UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENTI Ladies' AI-wool, Union, 2.2.5 quality, a suit..................... $1. 50 Ladies' Black -ibbed, Wool, 1.50quality, a Garment ........ 1.00 Ladies' Black Tights, always sold for 1.50, at ........... 1.00 BLANKETS AND BED COMFORTSI We have Just received 160 pairs of Gray and Tan Cotton Blankets double. lowest price ever given, 49c per pair. While they Iast we wiIi, seil 2 pair to a customer for 75c. Just think 37,1 cts for a pair ofdouble Blankets. 5i&&tAT WYNN'S.Umi:ostre 4). L. Marbie visited friendsataIBig A fine Union Cassimere Men's Suit, well trimmed and Hollo w last Sorsday. Wha's tise aefomrpie$ 00nw 4. . attraction Oris.maefomrpie$ .0n w 47 . Mr. snd Mrs. Geo. Nortih visited tise AIl WooI Cassimere and Cheviot Boys' Suits in Nomrth aetsM.IMs. brovît or grey colors and single or double Ireasted, former _price I Miss Hatîje MWells retumued tise $8, now $5.90. later parntel lt wc fu i A good Union Cassimere Boy'S Suit, former price $5.75 Miss Clara Bangs ls spendiug a few flow $4.55. S days vils friend8ansd relatives lu tisa______ _______ place and viinity. A straight reduction of 20 per cent on ail Overcoats and Ulsters now on aur Mrs. Wm. Stone and son Vedder tables. On some o! htifler grades ais mucis as 30 per cent. spent a few days o! last sveek wlth ____________ relatives in thse clty. J. F. Roney vso fil on lise U. S. Jury MENS' UNDERWEAR- Shirt or drawer, wortis 35e cacis, 23c.; cameis ai Chicago sutent Sunday vils is iair shirt or drawer 604« vuol, wurtis 75c., eaci 43c.; bIne faucy aUip@d famiîy in tis place. wool slhirt ur drawer, wurlis $1.00, eacis 62c.; strictly ail wool shirt or draver Thie skating rlnk was attended by a national color, vortis $1.25, eacis 93c. and large crowd last Baturday eveniug. M NSC p AÙaywne a 3. ac cthgl a 9. ev Tise baud Is a good attraction.ME SC P -A eayineca 3.faySothglca3c;hev Alice camup<o! Royal Neighbors met corduroy cap 44c.; fine Ilsi cap, former price $1.25, now 82c. in lise W. M. A. hall last Tuesday afternoon and elected officers. T HE M DE ,W ukgn Mrs. Rl. H. Carr viso ias been spend. E-OE , a ke a a iug tbelast fev veeks ait Mr. Harrison'a HARRY ALSCHULZ" R P vent to Rlngvood tise first of tise R P week to attend tise fanerai, o! Mrs. J. Chisity. Edîtor Carr o! tise Waaconda Leader lost a valuable hisîe by lire a fev COUNCIL PROCE.EDIN . reported tisat they had rude snW& dasg.Tiese _____ate i investIgation sud after thoraughmsd days gi. reus vas lueaed l careful cons deration unanimo ly Nunda. Il is a great losa to hlm as LiiiEITYVILLE, DECc, 1896. recommended to the board that ,b« there vas no0 insurance on tise build. IBoard met 1# regular ses.a ' Monday adopItishe 32 candle power eIeffle iug. evenn.De.wilS Pr .Averili fii lampa for street Illunmination and b Wisats tise malter vitS starting a echair. Fîîll h d pres thie. ligis in question were in their literary s3ociety? Tisere are enougs Miueso!rvlo umeeting were opinionu lu every vay practica. youuîg people ln this place 10 gel 11P read and on mot n uf Gallowny, Moved by Galloway and MeGrepoe. very interestlng entertalument if thsey sciddiyDBo' v-e,'alîlroved. tIsaI Marsisal be ingtruicted to renib would suiy take. holtI andI ail l needR Commitîe o anco recoînisetoled Milvaukee Avenuse in business pos0i4 lm somn 1e to usate a starI. Start tise paymeut o! fol ovlng buils and ou of!-village vils atone and graVek viseel rolling andI gel a soclety tarted. motion o! U4allovay andI MeGregor Carried. same were allowetI and warranta Moved by Galloway snd Sbera-ý ordered drawn for amounts. tisaI Marahal beie nstructed W bu JE F. C.SMitlt & Soui.............. ......ý 17 40 sultable Iuov PlOv fortune 0f1Il~ OU ARE H. Boysen ..............................7a Carried. Jutst & wuodnian....................... lé 15 M cordially in F.W. Du.îb,I ý ry)........... ............ 1-ý5 oved by (iallovay and 001by # Ba1ad. ........................ M (M)ccsmnittee on suow plaw be & ) Iy . M. ............................ 1 chred a: id C td o al Jssedan............. ...............250 chrgew.,aMied and inspect our large ýý Cowl........... Marahaî be inatructed W ksp Ë* stock of Furniture and Treasurere report for uîoîstt os foot travel. Carried. getpries.November vas sis)mtted .fu<r alprsval O.n motion o! Gallows ay Md Iê»* o! board, shovlng amo,înt un han<l board adjourned. getpries ___ tarireport to ie 3$v30.42. Rcie W. C. ChAN B5I We positively wili not be diuriug .mouth of Noveusher $378.040. ______ undersold., Cail and be Amnount on bansd $714.39. 940. Prevention la bottqW bs.. convinced that we sell On motion o! Eger andI ColIsy report Keep yon r bloo> vas accepted and ordered piaed ors good and yOur Furniture cheaper than file. tkig H~ ,.t ay oter stre i the MovetI by Gailovay sud Colby that out an oterstoe n te araalnotify J. W. Butter tu lin- IH . Côunty._ .- v wbib "

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