CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Dec 1896, p. 3

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à I I CHAPTER XIV.-<(Continucd.) For a minute or twnon membor af tLe litt1e group said a yard.Tison ,l- gen- tlemen sautet caclh allier very inttnahiY. ana Mr. Moncrlef tutrneti gravely Io is vife: "Are yon comng home uow' Le inquireti. Anti au Shela uervouiS17an- avered that the vwu coring, h. offencti bier i . anm-s vcry extraordiaarY pro- ceedlng an hi. part, aI mch an honi' anti ln sncb a place: but deelgneti, ao touhl as Baunington thoughitaebimueif) Ia show thai steils vau bic property, anti ta tisa i nsahi» Intention ta take csre ai ber. The hushaut ant ifle vaiketi auray tolher, leuiag Kingscott anti Han- Dlegion face te face. Stell i dtnelt venture tae peekfor corne tliehe vaiket faut anti titi nulseem ho notice that she conît hardly keep ap vith ".Oh, Alan, tiun't ho ngry wyuL met-' Thse n-ants seemeti nruug friomber Lalf against her vilI. I do ual kuon- thal I have anything la i. angry about, Stella," mid lier hua- bandi. Itian't think yen Lave, Alan." "Except," cuntinnet Moncnleff, lu is Most freeziug toues. "excoçt tisaI You ap- pesr ta have relations n-ih Mr. John -analngo-a Manun-hom I particularly dugae-caceraiug n-hidi you keep me ln entlre ignorance." "No, ludeeti, Alan; ai Iasl--oh, Itlàl very difficuittelu sav eon n-heu5yonput Il la that n-ay," sit Stela, tue bot tosm breaklng forth. "I do not u-lsh yon ta anever unul... I la quite agreeshîe e layau-so," sait Alan, lu a tan. usat more tissu ove? aLan-et Ilm te ho diaplesd.. 'I prefer tea ssi me questions." 'I vili tell you everyhing-*ome im re," saithis yauug viie,, rernulously, "but mlot juil non-. Alan, pese do net ai11 --mre alLer turn-" S)ie vas bardiy prepareti for tLe excla- mation thaltallIon-et. "There lu same- thing ta tel Iheni Borne sgret? Heaven help us! I thought I Lsd doue yuL e- crets non-. but i seema tuai ail vumen are alike.' *,Have patience vitu me, Alan," the aait, softly. "I think-I Lape-I amnit cancealing snytiig f rom yen for my ownaguet impiy. I vant ta do nlgbt, aud ta tell you everythiug; but give me A litIle tire-I have a reagan for nul tsll- lng 700 10 day-"i "X believe thal yau meaW vweil, BIcha." The. yards fell coldly upan ber ear. 'I think that you wnst, as 700 557, ta do rigit, But hi. spassible tuai your jndg- nient may Le aI feul." Alan vaileti for hon tae pek-valteti mare snxiuuuly iban @he mcvw; but n-ben no vont issuet tram her lips Le foldcd lirnuel ail lb. mare closely lu hic closi of reserve anti prit., andthîe tv a -met on lu silence-bruken only hy Alan visen lhe svung open for bisen-ie tLe heavy gale tuaI led into the grouduaifTannes- muir. CHAPTER XV. The eveuiu'g n-as doîl. Mn. Mancriif carcely spoke, andthîe reet of the tam- 117 talIonrd his exemple. Btecla at last vent ta tLe piano aud began playiug the soit, mencholy airs vhicis aie kuen- that ber hushanti ove, ase her ftler Lad done befare. But lu the veny midt o isa i favorite meouy Alan gaI op anti valket ont ai tise raurn. Stella n-cnt on playing, bultlier cye fille t yuLIcaa, andthie heurt .eomcd ta bave gone oui oi her * MUSIC. Alan anti his brolher-in-law veut mb the smoking-ruam tag-etuer. Alan turen- Iimself lot a Ion- easy chair, crosset bis a rma, antfi]euaI once loto a deep nevenie. Kingscott seleclet a fine cigar yuLh grest cane, sud ligitet il lu s pcculiarly delih- erate mauner before epeaklng. Then lie gaid, quiethyt "lDon't Yeu wneute10 Ler Lai Bsn- m inglua saidtetame?" "«Na," sit Moncrlof, wiuL an impa- tient mavernulof hie bond. "VYour nie-" 'I n-uni ther fnai hear auything againet my n-ice." Kinksdott muiet hie eyebron-s anti a hrugget bis sboulders. "My dear Alan, 1Iwnu nt nl ay auytbing agaluct your n-ie for tLe vontd. I Lave tue very greateet admîiration aund espect fan ber. W7ha1 ou eUrthbmakes yen tuink Ibat I meant la aay anylbiîsg ta ber tiscredit7" 11[ dan't aon-; I beg yann pardon, Balph." "h eorne." says Kingscett, careleesly, "that the anti Hanuinglon vere engageti befane she ef t Dundece." A sort of start rau througb Alan'e n-hale trame, Lut ho didt ookaiop.. "Bshe ihantisaI culions saritaofaLane. aud diclhke ta tiese ebiect vhicis many w vmen show- on tbe subject of their tirai * loe," Rslph wnet au, lu lhe tans ai s dlupausionate jutige, "andi se semedte t faacy lhtisiJack Bananngot batikepi l»leitan sd thet se ju cet thms -~laa csmihmws "I rcouît nul ssy, realiy. There are always plenty af opportuisitie for s voman. if she waatc Secret miner-ins- especiaily s-bon a voman bas as mucL fneetom ase you sccond yanr vite." "Yen," groaneti Alan, uucoveriug bis face, n-hicL bat gnonawnhile as deuIL. "*I bave nover been bart] un les, have 1, hiaIpb? Von nscd ta tbink me bard on pour Marie; but Bielle Stella-never. I n-as nover bareb or unkindte taela, I arn snre." There n-as s strange toue uf reprA!sed anuisi b is vaice. "Unkinti! Certainly nul," saiti lGng- Scutl. "11 n-se a harmless interview- enough, no toubt. Wameu are a uitIle nervaus aud covantly aumelimes, yen knon-; I ancy Ibat yanr n-ie Iragineti tLel pour Hanuingion migbt seni yop the documnents e lobok a." '*1 have ne touibt tLe lelters containeti snIy n-bat vas perfectly juîstifiable," sait Maucniif. n-itL a sousenbai distant air. Hie nould net isear Stecla sligbtcti, Le huis bimscii, altbonghbis heeni wss rnng nilh jealans pain anti rage. "Of course, if shie n-auengagedte luhlm- "'W. mustl make allowne tonrn-omen'e n-im," sait Kîng#ecoît, lsughing. "The letton. are probabiy raILer tender effu- sions, sud asheais auameti ai them non." "Good-ulgbt, Itslph," sait Alan, cuti- deuly rislng irom is cLair. "I tbink I sva'l bear any more. tbanks. Stelasis gaing la tell me the wboie slury berseif, aud I woulti rather bear lf rom ber" "I n-on'î sulicipate tLe relItai," an- un-oet dKinggcoît, wvus a careleastaule. "Are yon going? Goot-nigLI." Shela vzas painfuily congelous OaithLe change Inluiem hnebant's marnuera turing ltse Doit fen- tiys. Il n-as as iLougis Le n-en. holding hinseli back, irying lu Le patient and couteous n-bile oufferingi frein a constant seuse of injury anti an- ger. A sort afi Laf-suppressee Irritation anti reseutmeut sbase t ilcf lu bis mari- ner. BLe canit flot unteralanti 1. She mn- thal she Lsdl vezeti bim by ber re- fusai lu tivulge tLe secret of ber inter- view- seith John Ilanningtun, but sbe feli that he ougbt ta trust ber s lilie- e@PeciallY n-bon she bat saidthiat se vouiti tell hlm evemthing by anti Ly. She spoke geutly sut sympathcticaily la 'Iolly, teliing ber that sbcheati prom- iscd Mn. Hanninglun a n-eek's grace, anti that îLe Loped iLe n-uni thien speak ta Mn. Moucrieff. Moily lossed bler graceful heet, sut looketi aIlber stepltaher wvus scornini cye. Au air ai gluraaundrnystery seemedtet have settiet aven tLe househoiti. Na Ivo per»eu ere happy lu oaci obher's comn- pany. Minundstiantiings abountiet ou every aite. The n-hale iamily appeareti ta Le ai cross-pnrpoues. Berthe n-a un- tien the impression tuaI Muiiy's minen- courseowyuL Hanniugtan batl been brokien aff; anti altbongb he liatflot mownamucis ni lil, Le batl mon-n enough ta mnake hlms vagncly oneaey. At'tbe saieme re Lwnas a littho puz- sîiedhy the nen- frieutliness n-hic Besem- edte labtain Letn-een Molly aut Uncle Raiph. He came upon îLe-rnonce or în-Rco in dieep converse; once Le n-as cer- tain Ihat he san- lis uncle haut ber s letler, andut @tsruck hlma auuddt, wheu Le n-ont into lb. adlagon routa une day, bLet lph n-as standing lu tLe middle af the roam, vush a ring in his haut vhich ho Vas idly tibliug ou i litie finger. As souri as lie ian-Betie Le îhrust is baud int bis pocket, so as ta conceal tLe ring. "Why have you gai Molly's rng?" ex- cisimet Berdie. "VYon are quit. miskeu," said i Klgs- cot "Tise ring I amn nearing noever be- lange tet MolIy ai ail; lb n-as an heIn. loom lu aur iamlly, anti I n-as tnying it an la aheer absence oni mmd. 1 Isua, my dean boy, tuai you would ind yann own business." Anti tho Le fit tue room. but-ais Ber- lie noticet-wihunt offerng ta convince hlm ai hi. iistake by showiug hlm lbe ring, n-hlis must have bang very loely ou hie ftuger, ion ho timon-hic haut ont oi bis pockel nithonb l. Theze vague suspicion@, îLes. sensa- tions ai eomething unexpiaineti, sufficot ta maie. Bertie vakeful fanrbise noxlt tva nîgLîs. As he lny aleepless, Le coulntu rit imself oi the Ides that Ihere vere strange counts lu tLe lhanse, slealthy footsleps gaiug ta anti f nu, s igLIt gleam- iug for a moment n-bore nu ligL aLounit be. On the second uighb Ihis impression seas su sirong thel Le gai np anti partiy tresaci hirnacîf anti n-nt nul luto the corridor. Ho batl armet bliseif vus a revolver-a prelty, tangorous loy, n-hidi Le bat bounghtInluLandoasn- as boy- isbiy pront ni keeping loatiet besite bis 9bcd. Be e ilinmeihing luke a tLrilai posil- -tive satisaction n-heu at lest lien-st rcertain tuai Le titi hear a tooistep, tisat ts hodit see a glîmmer oa i lgLI enesîb tLe L ogr af hie tatur'a stutiy-n-sceenos ligLI >nvai usually ta b. seau heteu lb.e theurtsoaouansd tv a lutue morang. B. edren- back IlLa dark receasandi vaîtee W rthe fo.tsbsi -en. edr&vlax usas band au lie Iooked. This was no robber. then7-snerely Ralph Kingscott. He bad a raolof papers la hl<hmnd, and his face vas pale; hie eyes gleamed lu. a reatleaa way au he glanced iurtively troin ide ta aide. Beestapped and extinuished his Imtera before he reached the dark re- ceas. Be went ta the octagan room. Sorne Impulse urged Bertie ta tallow. lie rnade hie way softly aud tealthily ta the octagon room, holding hie Iaaded revolver firrnly in one hand. The actagon roorn was dark. The door Into the tower stood open, and a brestb af cold night air blew an Berties face as he approached itl Be knew what that meant. The door train Ralphs raom into the garden muet be open, toa. Volces 'tel) auddenly upon hie ear. Be topped to listen, for surely one oi thcm aet leaut vas well known ta hlm. Mally; wbat couid Molly be dolng in Uncle Raipl's room at that hour of the night? And there vas Kingscot's voice, and another- wha.e? Not John Hannington'a? What did this men? Â burning tide oi indignation rushed thraugh,,Bertie's veine. He dashed for- ward, hardly knowing what he dld. He had a glirnpse of a dimly-lîghted raarn; of Molly in ber bat aud cloak, holding bY a man's arme, of 1ialph Kingactt's furious look. The light was suddenly blowu aut; there came a cry, a scuffe; the sound af a loud report as the re- volver irenched out of hie band and fired-by whom hc could flot tell. Â beavy blow was planted well between hi» oyez! there was a moment of bewilderlng pain, otf ickering llghts, coniusing noises, quivering nerves. and then came the blackness and silence of complete acan- scionees. CLIAPTER XVI. Glasgow- on a dm11, dreary, lrlzzllng day; Glasgow- nith east vint inlu li pre- tiomineuce, wilL pavement teep-ln muti, niîh lampe lighted lu tLe stroots aitfour o'ciock lu the atternoon. aithough lise rnonth n-as April, aud lu thse country, ai least. the daylight banna began ta iength- enplenaatly. But lbe great clty vas n-rapîped lu gloom, andtihîe cheeriesaness ut the day sens relectet la the connte- fiances of those uniucky persans wbom business lit count thave hotu pieuure oligedtelu Leabroati. A gentleman passing aiong Bath street, hon-ever, tIint aoem ta ahars lu the provaleul gloom. Hie vas holding hi. hanticome dark heati bigh; tuere vsu a giow lu hic eye acutinluhie face vhicli rc-ntered i hm evitiently indepentient of snrrountiiug ircumstances; he luoketi like a man n-ho Lad juet carried oul a lucky coup, anti Lad secureti tur himself came- thing that n-as vorîL ninning. With that look ut igis excitemont en bis tace il n-a, nutliikcly Ihat Le vouit a"eymve an aid acquaintance like Lady Valencia Gilderuy. But Lady Val wn-seultaehotilacaur- ageti. She nîtereti an exclamation, thon rau lightiy dawnnthe slepe uf the hutel whcre she n-us stapping nith ber malt, purseethîe unobeervant gentleman, andi toucheti hlm an the atm. '*What have I doue that yuu shoulti cut me, Jack?" she saiti. John Hanuinglon sloppeti anti stareti violently. AIl the glon- nca ddealy ont ut Lis face, "I Laye flot very mucis lime ta spare, 1 arn sorry ta suy, Lady Val." Banning- ton n-as visibly embarrassed. Sbc staret et iim anti theu laugiset again--she wvulnt o erepelleti. 'Il' tLe iret lime yon vere ever rade ta mé, Jack; il in going la Le the leut, I hope. Corne. yon ca't Le su very husy as not te Le able la give me len minutes arno." She ascendeti the sleps Lefore hlm, anti inducteti ber guest intu a private sittiug. u>om, an-ny froiu the street andthîe acca- elonal sports ut bustie in tLe entrance hall; antinlutitis roum tbey founti a brigLit ire, some cosy-looking chairs aud a sofa. Hanninglun's face Lad gruvuglomy his impenetrabie tarie eyes n-ero lightet Ly neither mirth nor pleasure, anti lo n-as pulling et hie long black mustache wiL n-bat she perceiveti ta Le a raîher nervous haut. Moreover, Le stouti np ou the heartb-rug lu e constrined andi formÈI attitude n-hich astoufsheti ber- n-eIl as ebe kuen- John Hanninglon, there n-as something in bi. temeanur wviia perpiexet ber non-. .'Jack," site began, "I have a veighty communication lu make te you. Wili you len?" "Furever!" Hie Intented ti lonly as idie compliment, anti as sncb Lady Val Lad ain-ayas o- ceptet the Llt-jesling tievullon tuai ho hati affereti ber for s0 many y7cm.; but on ibis occasion ber eyes fe11, anti ber face flusheti as if abc hedti tken il mure seriously thau usuel." (Te Le conînuneti.) Carlyle leproved. An &msnîlug anti cisarsterlstlc anec- dote oi Thomas Carlyle Se gîven lu Mm. Rnes'a 'Early Daye Recallet." Mm, Rossa, tLe daughter ot Sin Alexander canl Lady Duff Gordoen, enjoyeti fmer ber eanilegt yeans tLe privIlege of meet- ing many tlstinguished pere unuder dlghtini conditions. Hon niaiser'. beaniy sud nlt, nias s hon« bristlser' socialanti officiai nanie, attractoti men sutan-awmen eminent lu art, lotions anti polItes ta thoîn homo. The only visiter whorn utile Janot cundlaliy dlsllked vas »Mr, ThousasCarlyle. Shesys: One attenon my mother Lad a dis- cussion -with hlm on German lîtenature; ber extraordiuary loquence anti tire prevallng, Carlyle lenl Lis temper, anti Lunet forth lu Lis Scotch lougue. 1"Youre mast a wnlnbag, Lucle, younre )just a n-lndbag!" tI Lad been listenlng n-ith ai my cars, sud coucoîs-lng lilm ta Lo very rude, lu- ternuptet hlm Ly enying, "My papa al- n-ny. eays men choisit Le dlvii toen-om- s-f;" for whtslh port roînarir I gel a r colding from my mother; Lut Mir. Car- Dlyle n-as not offented, anti turnIng te ber, observed, "Lueie, that cLild of youra Las an eye for an Iniorence." 3 Queens Makc Poor mouiarche, Queens have nlotase a ruie beeu a - ucees as monarchu. The dariest Il page ln Eàiglisth bigtory le, penhaMu tthat wisicb doyens the relgu of Mar sI. Bemîramîs, Cleopatra and Caethenen t IL, ver. anythIng but a blesmlng to thelr- ontne. Isabellaet ofOssIle, wils hon blintianti pi1tUsblgotry, -wpmdi± aa oodhalL abaz'.«,i ii. ma TALMAGE'S SERMON. THE PREACHER DESORIBE& EM- PLOYMENTS 0F THEIFLEST. Bach Saved Boulé Great Paliner, Bach GreatiEcieiiol Labarlux la the Great Workehap of Psradlse-Gratid Bocaty-LlbrarY of the Univerme, VIsions aofIieaven. Dr. Tainîage's sermon Sunda.y gives aî very unusi vien- of the celestial non-il sud le une uft hie moaI unique discoursei; ot the grent preuihser. The text la Eze- kiel I., 1, "Non- t camne 1 pas in the lhirtietb yenr, ini tie fourîb month, lu tLe ftbday niflte uonth, as I1n'as anîoug the captives by the River Cbebar, tbat tLe heavenes %ereute-i' Hzekiel, îith others, bai been expat- Iriatd, anti n-ile in toreiga elavery. staninig oi tehé batiks ofthîe royal cani wbie-h lic anndi ther serfs Lad been cous- tienuuîied t ig by the urder of Nebu- chaduezar lis !royal v(nin utlue text caliedth îe river of Chbath le illustri- ons exile Lsad visionîs of lu-aven. Iideeti 1h is nimost l a-ys go that thie brighht est viiions of lie-tii-n coube îot to those n-tua are on inunniain t) ttop rompherity. but ho solfie Johîn oui esîlate l'athou, or tu soume Paulin lu Mn niertiiie idu ugeîui, or ho soute Ezekiel tniiiiîug out hie tanks of a duteh Le hati Leen e-oniiîeied o dig yen. la the n-cary, lu îlîî' Larîbroken. té, those n-hum sorron- bas tianiabcîl. The text îa very pîîrticuiar 10 give 11s tbee iiiît lime of the vision. lt nas lu the thirtieth yenr sud lu the fourth trmaitbaadiin the ifti duîy of thse month. S-o you bave Lsd] vis- ions ot eurtb you sball neyer forget. Yoin retueniber tLe year. you reiiieîber the month, y'oit rentember the day. yuu re- member the bour. WLy nîay -ve n-il bave corne sucb vision nov anti il ie lu the tn-eifib month anti in sixth day ot tLe montb? Wh.t Are Ther Doinig? Thd' question ie otten siientîy seketi. lhuugb perbalîs nover audibly propotînd- cd. "WLat aire unr departeti Christini frientie doing now?" The question ie mare easily answered then you might perhapts suppose. Thougb there bas comt no receul intelligence front tLe Leaveniy city, anti ne .0cm dependent upon tLe stary uf iglîteen centuries ugo. silîl I tbink n-e ray front sîrongest infereace decide n-bat are the present occupattio.ns ai unr transferreti kinsfolk. After Goti bas matie a nature Le neyer cradicales the culot ebaracteristie outlits tempera- mont. Yon nover knev a mau phleg- mnahic lu temperament lu Lecot0v@nun- Saine ln temnperamneut. Yon neyer knen- a man sanguine lu îemîîeramenîta L e- cone phlegmatic in temperament. Con- version piaule non- principies in the soul. but Paul andi John are just as tilferent from eacb other after conversion ns tbey ver. differeul front cach other before conversion. If conversion dues; not eradi- cate the prominent characleristie of tem- perament. neither vilI doath eradicale tbem. Paul anti John are as differeul irumn each other ln heaLven as they weru- tilferent from e acb alLer lu Ans.a Mînor. Yois bave, thon, oniy Ly a gu in luiuh traction anti a estm inaddition ta tiecide n-bat are the emîloymàeats ai yaur depart- cd frientsin luthe, btter n-orld. You are ta subtract iroin thota ail earthiy grues- Dus anti datil eartbly goutiness, andi thon yan are cone ta the conclusion thal they are tioing now lu heaven wbat in their Liest moment they titi on eartb. The reasou vby no many peuple neyer stant for heaven in because tbey coniti nul eantiIt if they guI there if it shouidti uru out ta Le the rigiti anti formai Place sou peuple phatogrsph ht. e like tu corne la cbnrch, but n-o iounfot wnt to stay bore tlii ext summer. IVe likete lu bon the "Halielutait Chorus,' Lut n-e n-unî flot waut ta bear lit ail the urne for if ty centuries. It mightbiLe on some great occasion lit nonit Le POssiblY cotafortabis la w car a erown ut golîl weighing several pands, but li woid Le anu affliction to ivear sncb a croîvu turever. Iu other yards, n-e mn the tiescriptions uf beaven lt. tLe grount n-bile n-e make ,ILsa cvich n-as inteuieti as especil an d colo- brative lu Le tLe exclusive ernpioytent la beaven. Von migbt ase nell, if aaked ta tescrihe the habits of Arnerican socle- tY, describe a Decoration Day or a Fonrîl ai July or unan hiumnal Tbanksgiving, aï though il flore ail the lime that n-ny. The Differeut Etnphoymenîs, Iarn guing ta spectuinte lu regard to tLe future woriti. Lut 1 muet, by inevita. hie inn-e ut inferenç-e and dteduction and comînin ýense. conieithal lu Leaven n-e -I L e mat as tilferent fron escil alLer as nve are non- diffrreut, anti hence that there n-i L e utleat as many dlit. fereut emPioymenîs ln tLe celestinl vorl- as there are empioynuents here. Christ le tu Le tLe great love, the great joy, tIi, grent replure, the great worslip ut hi-av en, but Nviii that abolilh enipioyrneîutls No mure tban love on oartlî lernil tfilial. fraternal, conjugal -love aboucShe,ý carthiy occupation. Iu tLe irai place. I remark tLat ai tbuse ut unr tieparled Cbrislinfrienti n-ho ou earth founti great juy in the fin( arts arc now n ulngiuîg Ibeir testes in th, saine direction. On earth lLey hailtiILci giatideet plessures aunit Pictures and tiIar ruary anti in the stutiYof the lis'ofutlighi janti Latie anti perspîectiv-e. Have you any ides Ihat the affluence ni iacuiîy ai deaIL collapseul anti perielseti? 1 reînfirk agalui that ail our deparleý Christian fric-its n-ho lu this vorîti n-i-r Passionately fond o utsuîic tare esîlil n 1galing Ihat thistelitithie norîti celestial The Bible enlys su mach about the nînsi( ut heaven Ibal il cannut ail Le figurative Why ail this taik about Laiieiahs,,aun ehoirs on the glass andl lrurîîîels uni harpe anti oratorios anti organe? Tii Bible over sud uver ag:iin sienka ufthlé @lsongesutflicaven, If beaven bhuin( g ongsaofut is Ownu.a a ul nunber ut thos, o 0n earthn-onid lia vo teil-ntakzeil up b>- lu e arîh>- erigrants. Surel>- thîe Chrishiai .tfieath duosflt Io.. Li. n-îuy wlth eelestlal ravalry. St. John sald.1 "The armies which are in beaven foil-1 lowed hlm on white borses." Now, when those wbo Ladl the military spirit on eartlh sanctified entered glory, 1 suppose theyj right away enlisted in Rome heavenlyi campaign. Tbcy volunteered right away.i There mugt needs Le in heuven soldiersi with n soldierly spirit. There are grandj parade days, when fie King reviewis the troops. There must Le armed escort Relit out to bring up f rom earth te heaven tîjose who were more than conquerors. There muet Le crusades ever being fitted ont for soine part of God's dominion- Lattie, bloodies, groanless, painies- angels of cvii to bce fought down andt fouglit ont, other rebelliois 'worlds te bc~ conqereri, isuridse toe put to the torcb, %wurids ho Le hoistcd. Our departe4 Christian friends who hall tlecîniltary spirit in them sauctitled are la the (elestiai arniy. Wlether le- ionging to tLe artillery, or the cavairy,1 or the iinuîry, 1 know flot. 1 only know tbnîtbey have startcd ont for fileet scrs ice and courageus service and ever- lasting service. l'erhnps they may corne thisiv Iy hote iglit on our side and drive si*and meanuess sud satan from al our learts. Yondpr they are coming. conihig. IJid yeu hear them as tbey s%% ept by? Everlastinirz capyis But whlîn are our iathematical friend,4 lu (0 in the nexl svorld? Tbey found 1their juv hald delight in matbertcs. Tiiere wax more poetry to them in Euclid than in John Miltonî. Thej' were as pas- sionately t.>nd utfruathemuntie as Plato, whie wrote over his door, "LIet no onP enter hier., who le flot acquainted wîtb geoiii-trv. " 'hat aire they doing now? They -ire bul-y witlî figures yet. No place ini ail the universi, like heaven for fig- u res. Numbers ininite, dJslances infin- iep, calculations Infinite; If they waut them, nrithmetics and algebrae and geoin- etrieq and trigonolnetries fur aIl eternlty. WVhat filds of space to Le surveyed! 1 What magnitudes ho measure! Wbat (ialueters. wlsnt cireunferences. wbat trianugies, wbat quaternions, wbat eplcy- cloids, what parallelogrames, wbat conde section@! What are our departed iriend.s wbo found their chief joy in stndy doing now? Stndying yet, but, instead of a few thousand volumes on a few obelvesq, ail the volumes of tbe universe open betore them-geologic, ornithologic, concbologie. hotonlc. astronomie, . philosophie. No more need ot Leyden jars or voltaic piles or electric batteries, standing as tbey (Io face ta face wlth the tacts of the uni- verse. What are the historians dolng nuow? Studying histury yet, but flotflhc hletory of a few centuriesoni unr planet only, but lbe hletory ofthîe elernities- wbole millenuime befure Xenopbon or Hlerodotus or Moses or Adam ivas born. History oi one world, history oi al %worlds. What are aur departedl astano- mers dolag? Studying aslranomy yet, but flot through the dulI lens oi earthly observatory, but with one siroite of wing going right ont te Jupiter and mars and Mercury and Baturn andi Orlon andi thiý rîlades, overtaking and passlag the swiftest cornet ln their iliglit. What are t>(ir departedl Christian chernise doing? *Foiiowing ont their awn science, tallaw- lng ont and follawing aut tarever. fflace tbey dieti they bave anîveti 10,000 ques- tions which puzzied thse earthly labora- tory. T he Men tse .Law. But svhat are the men of the law whaj ln thie world founti their chief joy in the tlegai profession, what are they doing now? Studylng law ln a univers. wbere *everything la controiled by lnw tram the fiight ni Lnmming bird tu light at world ,t-iaw, flot dry and bard andi drudging, but rightenus and magnificent iaw, befor.4 *wbich man and cberuh and seraph and *arebangel andi God bimseli bow. The chain oi law long enough ta wind around r the immeneities end infiuity and eternlty. Chain ni law. Wbat a pince te study l aw. vhere ail tLe links oi the chala are lu the hand. * What are unr departed Christian àfriende wbo in this worid badl tbeir joy lui the bealing arts dolng now? Busy at ,r their oId business. No elcknes ln eav- aen, but plenty ot sicknesu on earth, pleny 'If wnunds in the different parte of God". -dominion b Le healeti and ta Lbe medl- ,tcateti. Those giorliLi c oule comlng I liowu, not lu lazy doctor's gig, but wîth - ighlning locomotion. Those wbo hadl Il their joy lu beallng the sicknesa asud the Awoes of earth, gone up te heaven, *_-4 coule forth again for Leignant medica- ment. Grander AocIsIlty. Bat what are our triends who founti dtheir chief joy in conversation and lu isociaiity doing now? ln brighter con- ilversation tliere and lu grander sociaiity. What a place to' viit in, where your next door neigbbors are kings. anti queeus, yen i1 yourseives kingiy and queenly! If they it want t0 kuow more particuiarly about the firsi îmradise, they hiave only ta go *over and ask Adamn. If they ivent ta Sknow bow the sunl andtihte inoon balîti. tbey have offly te go over andi ask Josb- s unt. If îhey want to know bow the storrn pelteti Sodom, they have ouly to go over Il and ask Lot. If they want ta know mure' lx about the arrogance of Haman, th.y Lave, le only ta go over and aek Mordecai . If 1, tbey want ta know how the lied Sou ir boileti wben it wae dloyen, they have oniy rte go aver and ask Moses. If tbey %vaut tot know the particulars about the Betb- l ehem ativent, tbey have oniy ta go over n and ask tbe serenadiug angeis who stood that Christmas iigbt in the baicoinlem af ýd crystal. If tbey want te know more of th îeparticulars oi the crucifixion, lbey bave only ta go over and ask n-ho were i. iiersonal spectators ivhiie the inonnr'ai1is ic crouclîcti and tile Leavens got lek ini e.the face ait the spectacle. If they wni the Maa, lhe God, lieë Bat harki Thse bell et rings-the cathedrai bell ol le the malter now? Therela a great meeting lu the tendgt ers ail comiug Ibranglith*' room for the Conquerar. ing lu the temple.-lu heuvQue arounti him. Tho..via1.ia tiful came ta look at the Rs Those who loveti municeoe hie voice. Those wha verq- clans came tae nui the Yeui Those wbo were explorer% cuver the beight and the. d length andi breadîbaih i lo ' n-ho Lad the militaryairit imW conte tu look at îe Capta. L vation. The astronomers cor*ê the Morning Star.:Theme corne tu look aethlm whola t quick andi dead. The men wi sick corne 10 look at hlm Wh W À cd for aur transgressions.AIL and different inrever lIn mIsY, yî't ail alike lu admiration fer worslîip for Christ, and ail ing lu the daxology, *'Unto wamhed us from unr ine in biso andi made us klugs andi piea ho hlm Le glory lu the church ail ages, world wltbout ead." To show you that yaur dp are more alive thon they ever niake you bomenlck for Vi5e you au enisrged vlew of lthe reveaieti, I have preachedti il Two Prelud The late Mr. H. C. Banner, th« uf l'uck, sud LawreceH u the closcet of rIends. Thq sa"s Mr. Hirttoa, la hie nad cence af bls dead frleesd, the Bonkman, In tha.t att fasblon, "wilh a litîle aveetiti. avoldeti even au. lntrotiuettS.u, other untIll ate actna.lI together, not ta ha Parted l fhwi mutual "gond tlsus" we» moment and, "pleeomt, top. oui." There wa« much " lng"l there, anti vhen HutWq,, riet It but attiet a tlslrd dest ber ta tLe company. T he self ehowe au what terniset- sonne they liveti. Mr. Butt0 Ho sud Mr. Telfordi sud I gether at the, Westoelu Buunnesm oins the Iset lingle lire. R~e hati heard wouid b. lmuaret If ýtle occasion ofai h.Marriage "ometuslng aid, .m60 tq thing bnrroved anti Be urge&, therfozmi m uezt day lu a pair o(~e ele especilally by barm for me.0 unlutely nuoru; thse ate" service and wu 4daru& -But Loti bNe. Anti 1 maet boM'rp Mr. Telford, I remember necktle for thse &me Ppet of tboee dean baya e e their-urne cae, In mamuwetis a barraveti ram me, When Bnner .va mar2le w hlm vite a traveling dock sa gift, to vhlch 1 attêieei a ing thse Ulnes: For OldTimeIs,' .8k. WII yoa andi B. O. B& At thl ime teks Thse Turne frain mine snd MO Time ie. Turne won. Let Time b. aId or uev, The Times for un Are Bigh Oid Tims . iti To MthtIe lady resposideti: 1 iack 1he lime, lu spîte o ane t=Oe To write the heartfelt thanks I e due. But every passlng haur, vsille tb.ý dures,, Shaîl speak te me ant i mne of 7" yours. lIstina loviy. The opinion that hurry lu at pralili caue oi dyepepsla la bu common observation. Thse I or boltlug food have beauen' 1g tLe lack oai thorough msetitjo ta the incomplet. action of te. upon the ifood. Two-thirds of the tond vIsci la staneh, anti slarch cannatin in the sytenas food untilI convented luto engar, andti tls le princlpally effectet by tIse "a, But thene le a thîrd reamau pldIty ut oatlug Intenter..wl tion. The presence iote . lun cretlon ln tLe stomach acta as mEî lus ta the secretion ai the gautjs Irrespective of the uiecha*mjÉâ1 tion ai tho e Lt, food vlcw o tLe stomacb lncarnpletely lg saliva passes siovîiF anti àpq Ltbrough the proceor i tama tien. - Therefone, au a sanilary a* Nno moan value, teach thse e rest slowly, ant Inluglvlng Ib*S.13 lidon by example the teacher, as tthe pupil, may recolve beneli. , Thse promeut yer, 89 , ss. f ncb a year n-il tot ce feigbt yeurs. This anIe. t.. 1900 ho avlng been speclal! Bpope Gregory, together wlthi 31800, as lu Lis adjuutmeut*f< endan three genulue lee.p Le dep)rivet of thelt rlglits

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