CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Dec 1896, p. 5

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<~vrytingYouBuy PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. Of usis sre tobe 4 Local Items of 1Interest to Libertyville Readers. 0f Superior Quality. ,444444444G444444*444 C. M. & ST P. Rq. R. rIME TABLE. IL. 1). Wn. ad. on front page will TI C HICA<iO. 3:1>11 on T ake iý P. . In. 1, l<m. iiin. ~~ DIos it I1110,Jips ha g an .to waliing- T a k eil P e p : 29M 1 5 : 0 5 t 4 )1 , ) . (C , t o m< p e n d t i e r Atour window and see ,Ras Coki ,'aa ho. v olr M- UL1BiciTYV1LLE 5a307:15 12:30 4CM loak,. at Mr,.. lfvI.ilîîjtt's hefore R.dt , 540!:25 92213:40 6:37 521 bylgeswee istne Flour es l that mountain of canneu rt 54 :%S>1:664 :2 i-DerIlelîl t55 :4" 935 12:52 651 534 W ilde urlîttertield ipent Biinday And if the brand you are C r.sbermo. r -1 lI. 5:-%67:50 9:40,12:66 656 o 124u 1e Corn. 6:3ol î :45 910:25 1145 7:90), 63<1 lait ut Gray,.lake .with bisd1ugltr ,Uslng doesn't suit try our F11021 CHICAGO. M,.Rbr avy "Bg O" a. a r.m. .m. î.m. a.rn "BgLv.UnIîFi<S,.7:'.1a) 4:05 5:20<, 1 jý; Barîi i fi la1.(1 ' - mi(ew6l Lv. Klnzil.lMt. ,: :* fittîlîs, lîonîiery .al is f knit Sli-.m'r K1 929:14 is4 6 6:11 7:*Z 916 gooo<19lit MrS.fIL S. îrît. le -.SoIll :39.4 10:1252 Sa 6:17 7:27 9.21 Lots of people eat o sis Eve'ret 9:42 10:2S 506 625 7:23 927 Dr. hîîîg. of Oleiivitu, was, licre R lto lit :4, 10:, 5: 1* 6.4i< 7:4 9: 33 LI1BKaTYVIL1.E 10.45 6:55 7:&), 9:45 Mo)i,lty. île M iii give a stereol>ticof Kirke Cabinet Soalp 9 bars ... 25cwarroýnton 954 A 6:19 919s ~I ~fsF u mo urnoen 910, 1:23, lecture hivre in thec near fiuture4' Kirk. aood Dea! 7 lears ............2 Wads$Worth 91, 533> Mrsi. IL. 5 Hîîî'Ibutt wiliIeYiInr D YoSugar Corn, per eau .7e... Rus.selli(arrive) w1,. 549 1):(90 talrg6 moirtfr§ elVu ellr D or,4 eau .... . . .... 25 *<>ioî9lt>. .n115Nî « n ti ag ls<iD o ettî Sugar CorDWhereno mark aî'astrain, udr.'d(ailY ,.,...diys, ta)iClose,.'out wiiter ,,ek. Coffee, from 20e W, .35 cet sunday. E. B. 3alcClanaliati. îuîî,tlîa8ter lt Try Our Famoua Buckwheat Graino (a new drink) lier 1l) 1 SU )AY TRAINS. Waik-gaî it a beeli reîn,<ved anîd W. Teas, from 15 to ... .. . 0 1Lv.Li>ertyvlll., 4:55p.m. Ar.l<,iI,, >r'< A. Mel <>y aîpu<îî,tei j in faistea<1. 12 pound sack...... .30c: Lv . i ber y viliie, :sloiani. A r. Ca hioi's 'o ,2<. a i lîry .1.,inl Lv.C!leagjo4î p. ni. Ar.Lb.rtyvIIe 5:.Ipmn mvlerîur N-<. s Bn, unalay«nly. g,îng 'futh,. M ill 'f W.-tSaîiîoril,,of Ulis place, j,. ,T r'tre s a ). i. adsort 1217;(itrnf-ý 1:27 Ware:nd nulo r'St,î, n signalilas f«Ho-,s sAt lus.-Il 1207 iit iîg the'latter anîd faîiîly tiis ton v1.50: iondouit 2.: Evf-rett12:i2Do.'rtlelî1 week. T rig g s and T ay lo r s 249 MissiwrMerVIIIe12.52; arrives ln Chtago ai îX uuu y îr îga LIBERTYVILLE. ILLI NOIS. 1:4 ,. rM. S4-ri, '<"9at flî i'rt'9!yteriniiî cIlirchl D.ýrti-id to Chi'.agîu. I..av"'. 1> <"rilîlul7:W0 ,.l.Mrîigteîe tg(DraOi. a. ni. She-rovllu,7.24: arrivs M-C,"a<10 a. m. No. &~I eav.*s Clluago 1:2 p. in l11 tl <.ileucig ~Plrofit and Lo)s4.' Y o u 12.1loi a ni. C. 1. Shierînja., vi i ,ded a niew line tu fils bliilleu,,.. I , tinte it is LîîEî'Y VILLE L(1116 E, No. 492. F. & piianos anid orgaons and i j,. safe to A. M. Iegular Coî,muI,atlons 2nî1 & 4115 conjec(taire thîît 'Shrtu' will uake <a ~a n ' 4- Satirlays of eaeh monit!. Vsitlng trîthern 4-iceýiCC<5of the new undertaking. lice 4Iirlally e'oul W. M. HEATH. W.M. hi,. ad. E. B. BaOWN, S-1.. aF. irotinie lias stî<ve,. for boatlng and Notie M fi Col'Y'l o's.billet ilcooingthat po,itively pre A ffo rd N1 NI. 1f. ('Pv A uneqialled fur themofley. Cl! ýýand eechi. tell ilma(u t e To lose these Bargains. A [<'a hrus o.lîî, sIgsuîn aead hossil aloW ail it la wuMi, to ap- tîiîelyjuis 111W.ply on <<1,4 of iîew ()lie. Hi,. argains Hez~y Jersey Shiirt ....$ .(,ilSardines. per Cao ......'......<.is15thejoi of1< l< ~'r tiiiist lia- stcîî tuî b> îîpeciated, Tnrkey Red Table Cloth ... .25 3flCan Pnmpkiiîî.................. .1 iT I l i truI taneîii. DrI. )Bf. Huw,, of Wi<,d,.toc(k, drove Striped Velvetoon for Waaits .35 2fl.Can Blackb,.rrîe,........... .....Chlvi~'s ~ iitf 'tas <mfora.nto fiIt<<1< <(,e.r liit Sidiity, andtoîli t bis <'<Bue No. Pln.h ap 125 otti Ca~np < ents ai Mn,. H. 5. Htt S. las. um,.ul. Ife reports very bail romas, -Mon',. Feit Bootâ ...................511P'k'g Pancake FIunr.............14 .'Ir. J. fil- mî<îî "'lis..Sr. Iof511van,1<,, Isas! loit 11115wîflstaîîding did a vury Inive1 IIoy'm FeIt Boots .1.64) Faced Mittens ..... 1 --,'tn '11 lîr strects l,,st 5,ttirîly. Iutsiiies,several lpatients. callîig B a.ony Yarîî per Skein .... 05Can Strawberries .10.1 . E. Saiîîer is lîîîldîng a wagonB froîn a distance. HiS patioents hure veOkties ....... .... 10 Bari.Soia ..... 2 toi on filus îrîprt'y î(,il wýatkveeare al]il îig soll. Tht dî,tor wiii Ie 211aCaix Corn, l07e- 4 vians........ ..25 A Ve,.litre rivxt Stîn<lay as limitai. Ade. Our ry G ods eP' iS omplte.Mrs. E. tC. I',ltoiî s îit(- e or(7 ge ,There 15 a bal, iiii Kansas. whom thie, Our ry G ods ep' is omplte.iiit aîi funilvof Eitîlst)n, iast wîien vMiii hless. lie has. îîvented a We carry a uli uine of Boots arnd Shoes. sçeek. tueui aclate<i tî Maklle hfrning, L.'%r. G. S. Brainerd anid soit George . shn, tceasy. It IN a ,.wingng Our Groceries always fresh and clean. of,f Iali«o. vere in town on blintsiness eariiwiviteleyhuewf le dîîy last sseek. 4its. J'l lie motionI sets the machine at Best ln'y wovi 1 1 , «i.ta ler cord.j ttltehueieeusw ii F.C M I H & S O .pl'an dury ý2.7/ Ca, îîîonuelverv ,wîth a voiler, read or hold the baby, C. t,. C ),ELA t.4_1 51 iie the washing anîd ehnrning go u1 I BE RTY VILLE, - ILLINOIS . Fnîe in'î ~lu i e îy in an,tber part of the lhqîîîse. Evunston the past we'olcrcîilriiîigt Major ('. T. I'ieton i, nmanager of the hot' M otday t-e ti<11g. Stut,' Htel. ut i>eIliuon, Texas, svhieh .lakethe traiveling men Say ±5 otie of the aemlier driv., l <t1îihîrs., or 1best Ilotels iU tliat section. In speak- rather anîther h<rs,'. il îîîay lî:,se!iiîg îo Chansbertisns Colit'. Chîlera beel, lew tf55 ctiy vcar, ugo. and iaPîrrho-a lieiitdy Major pîctoîî 4-iays: -i have usvd it sy.4eif andtinj IFuir Sale Cileai. A Ili graulc <sKilo'- iy îainsly for 8everul vour,., and take îl i i ioiî'< il] good« tconîdi tionî,, îî îoly : lelire in say ing tllat I coniler it 0CM A.%II )uîy:t C_ C îe lalil ilili,.ail infallibie cuire fur diarnhS anaîd Lîierv ~dyentery lway8 recommi i to & 1 iI~l i.> l 'o, .V. N,, wasiy gilemts in thelisotel, and in 'vt.ry U N Lla-~l<.'<las t'ek XWitli l.i, 1;. ais aproven atself worthy' of llî,lim< asedîîr<ii ~.F.,,,<~ iîîîîalitlud endorseinent. For salec luni li'd i F. B. Ltiveli, Libortyvilie an Evanîs, Rollihr-.beîrts, Wuîîconida. àlr. .Jo hnî 4?rois k, ofoîsboîr i'.ie, Kin1:18. ()lie eseilng a genltlemnîv aine hontîe H ave just added to my large stock 1. a frmr ie sidct-i u,1ftils place "îi%i wtli ia budget of OeM'9. Arnacquaini- of Jewelry, Damonds, Silverware, couhiîî of!NI. B. (<<lI<v. is lîsîtiiig tan ce fal failed iii business. Ho spoke relatives îandl rieîs ii ib is viiitv. <f thîe inîcident as' -(Ielieioussly ,.ad." Watches, Clocks etc, a nice line of Tlî.'talonai eltctîî,îî(<ofî,ticî'r,, f îLe He lîaîridtlen nup toM in a car wjtb Pianos an d Organs. Lake 'ointy Agnîultuîral Socety anîîtett it, whoinieh de,.crihed as lîronîîlît <on1 a g<îîd 110511 fariiîcri, front - h. i rîbli',ttrtainiiîg" and, to caî) the These goods are of Standard make and Furroiiding territî<rv. Iliiiaiix, le spîîke of the buttter that hadl it wiII pay you to come in and inspect a iS. L. ('rallier, of Stiiggark, .Xr ,l-ell set iîclîre baim ut il coountry biote! if yo are hinki g ~ai oLire,,i,î'ilt <<f t is plaîe. si II as '<îiîcyrau <'1 , 'l lieYouîn g peu. these instruments, i o r hn igblialfh lias , lel, j i'ntical f,îiî,ili> 'tare,, iîd the' uldest dlug!ter ,.aid ofp rhaigantigintesh p fis repîîrtu'îltas îîîîlclî n rîvîi' \ iv pîapa, 1 sIîild Ihîîk yoîswere ofl-.urchasing anythinr.,nothe shaDe 0f ot oi yolim beU. ot i theîe east Pinsor O g n.sfuigwtiaciiie tu , l Ii - % . 'an, hli'sai, I1<1esantly. --ini Piano ~.>5~îî~ .,uU,.mîig îlî aî<,îîlîiî <i atuck < ý1 trý ilIg tu fllow the fa4liioli. iîeîralgia aîîui rilicuîîîî,tisiiî, liig Sery os o iîîs. Little' IIuIî.', loiie,' t o t aî<i <i 1 o k on ncd m ti a C . R. Sherm an Ilis, rtc sersy. Igo-<d ialof lai <r. If Scells to file rau i r îur,' efe,! ive tiai, ' 'wflî 113 J..ibertyville, Ili ta ltter ront C. C. 1 uloi,. we. I leail t k>'1, ^ 11)wt h the ' ittsbluîrg. Insas ia,1 .,st. , ti rest o<ut :1<l iereufter A nal îow. lie gýd.lîg Mitlor' il aslî i \%iigcou tî îî ed ' Iet mei~elp yo<<t>,a iee g<>.d Suretlîiig "C lle, o: os f titis r.x<liisit'ily totigl I leet.' Ad- jufld<i it lie 'tlirwis>N 1 i 5I, velI s, lie mays, are nut No fasbîouialîle <.1> î','< IILS tfley wero in fais fumily.- Huston b- .ii,. i, K>lvî<' 5,11, lias u, tlht ýNOI This m h AC ARE Wmi~.Jm'~t3î xiiunit ls, luI t 'i usda lt-I r Il i., h iioî Attention Com rades! nanis not compaining that hoe ut î>'ave'î'binîî,, . hv,'e îIsil I'Iie lit'xt rogulafr meetiîng of Jo] 1n CoRNon histoe, butisshouting GRopv'nitu' a1'r<',ivr oiim I u oN ie. M liiNl ust .A. R., wilI <lueur n . . H A elNs e ias made ma l iio v i its <ii îg F'ritiity t'velîiîîg lice. 1 M, I1tM96. A.1 lus stay liene aam ialiiitr uuîgou<aî îîseîîîft'r4aretirgeitîy eilîetted to at- Iîîik iii ws.liel bim. tt'ndu, as the animîal eleititin of omecer,. A large an d varied Tn>. llwiiggoaî aulviot' ucîippeîd' for tht' îîsuiîg yeuar occo-tr4 ut that j front ,ao exî'agt' -'Ny son,. whîsîe tli, an onututer 1ltuisiiesH mnakes if an) thion hast yut lef i t 1ly ,ikîiliiiuIportanit iii>'ttiig. 8011e o R lvbid, Icakawayfro i . c, o<.Cn'Ir.Ï Une of H-ardwvare, slsoai<r.f:t.:hast' r< ui 1>tE tnketb like mifo a gluse factur, îîîîu 5 I thy m bide uîîpearanîe' is less intteligenît 'W lieu, îst lf ivee.ed it is not lîntislîal * I I~~ thi i a Stonîe illiîîiy. ' t <ut tîiui t a tfor y<or fanil y phly sivan ho lue usîy mit1h the nr ki <'k.uIof.' ".Mr. . N i 'Io'iî,k. otr <f the I _______________________________________ d',,In ud. T1er., Baiu, heî', ss r little girl, tw,, years of age 'Oas and C tler. v uruo<ip. lit, sîyl. "-My' wife C n t p t on tlîUntt 1go f[<r the' docitur. lut tîs ,uur I - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Caises fu!ly isaIf tise ickness lu tihe wcrd. l îîi l <i'i',î vîu«tîftn retains tIhe dlgested food too long lu thse boweia îur'îî.eia i <<tti,' of Ibîi uî i i You indto yu' dvan1 glih eîîie<ly, s' 1, jli r,.lic s etî hem Yufn toy rad an d produces !,lousness, tompidIliver. usd1-i l~. ,t' . 1ssii i iot lu'it. îtut t iylimeiaev ffl ,00 £on ff lnag toCom hee wih y Fintie."25 anid 50f v'nt Ibottlos to come hre wfor yurtl(, îy F. B.L>well, Li1îi'tyv'ille IN USE AND FOR SALI 13Y JOB WORK. ~UOand .. C, fi uluts, Wai'î,, swuobvÀ utemtedFeed Mill. slck "boda in- ~ j1~ We 's il d,) cîlatoul grluditg Tu. H~B EGER,- ,. ii.wVota Pmobuail W4 - O~ days., Thurisdaysauad Blurdays. We ., i~b They have arrived! W(hat? Those Ch ristmas Goods for Colby & Co SIs that so, have you seen them? Yesl SAre they nice? $ Yes they are fine, go in and see them. 1 will, what have they got? S Oh Toys, Books, Cames, Doils, Lamps, Glassware, and an especially fine lune of Decorated Chinaware. S You don't say so! 1 do , and 1 saw such delightful littie white and gold cups for 25c and such big Webster's Dictionaries for 90c $ Myl they must have most everything. $ They have and what 1 would like best ls a New Home Sewing Machine. M. B. COLBY & O., "Dealers in Everything." FOLR CHRISTMAS 1* Mm,.. LADIES WILL FIND SOMETHING NICE IN GENTLEMEN'S WEAR AT STORE 0F Sanborn'& Croker, TAILO .gw.. - GENTS FURNISiIERS. 1Libertyville Illi nois. C HiRISTMASrRESENTSI Allilin form.erly $3.00 >..... ..... $1 75 liris Laii Staijîls. Genîline Onyx Top iiwoth $6.00... .... 'f.3 8 l'erfiinc'nies 25c ttî................ i f 'rîllet tiittles worth 25e........... 10 Freni Plx1'ate lHand Minror,. * sorti 501e . ... . 2 $.0Aveortîiaîs .. 3 00 é.- .....T'y Cartii wotlî 13e ..... 07 Toilet Soap4 o 'rth 10e ..... Oe Ii,..t Quaity Celuioid per sheet. 25 Cre rq , , suîe papet r l ol, 20 Ladies' and (bets P,.îetboo)k, wurthlic)e...................25 This îs îuîîiy a partial is.t of thu' many lbar- gainis iin Holiday GoPîls to be foinsd ut At LovelI's Drug Store, Libertyvilie. Last Metlt C.A. Aîpey i>iloipt1iîtet ! L K eut of the Lake Couiuty Poor< Famb L KERI touîk a feeble nided boy t,, Litîtoîn. COU NTY Ill., where lie beearsie an iiiiatt' of the' BANlK.. . . asyliin ifîr feeble ininded permoos. Thjis is min immnse. instituitioni, îand at Wright, Parkhurst&0 . pn.reftit lias 630 mulotes sslioe t ige Libertyvile, Mlinois. ranîge fm,îîîî 6',ontlis to,:1 yearr9, al bein ii 1110<10tto am.' fur tliueiit'i ts. l'lie farui ut Llnc>lri voitaii" <7>111i ve>,, Issues Interest-Bearlind' of land. of svicjih;,111) acres avite îuur Certificates Payable vt îitis atioli, tIhe i uaiîie e jnlaild'il nD ma ils play grounds. A bout <un,'ti i, Iut tiie m o rk periorie< oItu he lt' fin ni s <0 doule fi thu iluîiat'S, aîî,i the' cr Il) for' UNION HO0. 1894; s; 3,00 h iîrhels potiîoes. t.lllfî WHEEING - 1 bushelas sweet pîîtatoes, 1.5,1oiîead cal,-FR T L S bage, 5004 bushels lîcets, :,1l bîîîshel IR T CLa corn, aud vegetables lu proportion.. Half-war Stsock on farm-8 horse, , W43cowa and .BOtW.O5 1200 hoge. .- ffi

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