CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Dec 1896, p. 6

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't' - expr THE PRESIDENI'S MESSAGEi 'aL d reported, ondue I bluh that, nt the uienand of the t.onxuiîuder_ th l, ini-chiaf of the ins~urgent army. the Pula- lac' tiuCua overnitietr bas ulow given tu up ail atténipts to exî'rise is funetions, leaving that goveriiiient voifeo sedly (whnt there islate best renson for Att,- posing aI îaym to have licen iii favt) a goV - -ernment nierely on palier. N'epre tha c Spaniqh a rades able to inret their a for tagoniots in the opien or la pitched banlc.e. 'r prompt and decisi ve rpitîts niiglit h.' look- Pd for, but thcy are îîîlled uponl to face a foe that shus g e n cgaîgemen ts, thu t thl catn choose. a nfl tovsch ouse. lits nonIL dr grotind, andil i iîîUs t ha t there is18. Sha rdly a Ii t t., t le i uring ilhicivh f* hostilitles ot tii asor uy isrîîne Mc i ihie n ii la ilîso f îrotracted vii civil strife, th lijt,îîsoif the coin- lnIîr halatnts grow mlîore' a ndi ort in In nied, in a XceSc o - ot sMes beoine more tfý trequî'lt aîundîîîi eîMilî hc 'Phespe1ijiv o f theilitercrmi n of an ail o joini ng cun try, lîy na tunre unie of the niost SI Te the Congre-s of the Uniteul tte,4. fertile' and oiîrinii i e globe, would cr' ýýW represeatîives ofthe apeople lu th- engngt, the seriotî.s a leîtio,îîOf the gar VN% Ij1s1stive brîtuel.outthOir governiullit. caetai h îtll'o h ntdfaitl -»U have assembled fnt a timae when tîl States in aon ireî:s ilic. upint (titi1 g'i eflgth alla excellence of our free ilisti- uf faut. lhey lî*îve il conceru wîielî 'eni _.'*tIenz and the fitus utf our citizens 'o la by no0 neîis of fa iil:y S-iiîitiieitill Uni @ 1W pupular ride have beeu again made ' r Philanthroîpic rier.It lie% su necar Itet lft.Àpolitical contest involving telis n ate he hatrdly sepaîratisl froin oulr s =7entous consqequences fraught wth trrîtory. Ounr tialn i eiiiîîiary inter". t Oft * ~the alnsd crenting aggresivcý- lu it ie secoîîd on: to tuai uf the People rapi 90 suintense as te appruauh bitternes sud govermametit ,of I~î.Ltl ir, ('(ni *ad passion, bus beeu wnged throughout ably catatâed tisaI a-t&tliiît frornt 3 %v0tl- it] atrrisnd, and determined by the decree 000 to $5i)I0,0»M of Anxs'r4'an ejPýt_1i Son! ýp osand Indepndent suffrage. thuu,.t . <îh1i:.toifiullurl-4e ,.5abanee of nur tranquiliiy or he latrendi niniîg r":lolher bs entcuer- upe e of weakupes In our national strue- pises on th-.ia>.nd. 'Mh' VOîn'ne Offti-te tiîîi 'till acosde aeied s.adbeutwes'n the lntdSIua. uad Chiba, if c - +Me we on-ier tese ncidntsand vhieh in IK49 tnînoîite<l ta abouit $61,000,- Ses ýdWemPlnte the peaceful obedipieasadti00oo. roF&u In 181M ti about $103.000.000, ,%"y submîsslon which have succeedad and inIi 11)4 tie yeur i>efore tlle preecut 'T îSted clash ot politîcal Opinilons. a r Irur< Ioi roke Ont, arnouted to rieur- thé iiIaover abundant evidence of a dter- ly $9,OoOO.Bc-sides IhW*i large pe- le1 .4inatlonun the part uf unr coutrynten cuusnry etekiala-hec fortunes of C'ubat, the fro iW abide by avery verdict of the popalar Uniteal States Sunds itacîf inextrirahly iii- 408~ wW *and ta hc cutroiled t al thua. hy vlvedin uthe îroentitest l t-ar Pi] abiding faith ln the agencies estsblish- wuyebailhiveattions iaaud ecul.y.%IMany ce, .4 for the direction of the affalresuf their oýjdianu resida iu th,country al lu-- ai ».venmaent. Thus our peuple exibit a i drectly promote flc inîurrecltEon tibriiyllh nsi gtitcdisposition which entties thent the press, by pubi- meetings. by thbe pur- 01, t.deïuaud ot those who undertake ta chose aud ahipnttou arias. by the ram- fisc ab*e sud execute their lars such faith- tug uoftuind« aud hy other mnauswivh.b the -tful imd unspfish service in their behalfthue spirt ut unr insWSntions ami tha fui àb eu t aly be prompted by il serons SP- tmar ofut aur l doa nomt îcrust to be en% ftdàtlon ut the trust ami confidence mande the &ubjeot of crxnîal prsf-ui-cut Wlich the aceptance of public duty lu-. 1ýmo ta frleîlly poaer. Ltftîllîîwsf rom ( VUE. teesne causes t-ha-t the IU-nitedl States lai s J* obediauce ta s constitutiott5l requlre- é01mpelle.d 10a atiVelY police a long hue sa 1 ~~ herein submlt to the (langresa r- or sMcoo5t igainet uiawful cpdti ,rel Ibâb Itormtiton eaucernîng national at- the eucape t iwich thae uat igilance Thj Jales with the suggestion of sucit lagisla- wll uot elu-ny8 suffica ta prevent. ii Mmo as In uny judguient ln neeeasary aud 'Phase inevitable entangleneuts uft tha" xédpidlent. I'nited Sates wit tha rahellion lu Cuba,.ilu Outrage ils Turkey. thse large Amrican property iteraesa f- ut At the outset of a reference ta tho fected suW conuderntiaus ut îlstthvopy an , ereim otnt mttera sffecting aur re- and itumaniLly in genei-al have lad t-o a av 'b"Was wth treigu puwers' iL wuuld rehemnt dems>td lu varions quartera lut jUtM me satisfaction Il 1 cauld assure frornomaBsrt ut POMtive intervention On lm Congres that te dlturbed condition the part ot the United States. t W8.5an ir.sate Tarkey biad during the lant et tiret- proposad t-lut hellîgereait rlgst.s $7 ýj a les hîdeous aspect, andi honld ha acc'rdad ta te insurgente-s du ýýat iter as a counsuuence ufthLie awak- ps'opoMtiln no longer urgead because un- i 4 Igg4 the Turkisli Goveruinent ta the thneiy and In prarticaI ulieration clenrly fr %nd of uthumane cvlisation, or as the pailIoue aud injuiriousta teaur own iuter- 2C iMMlt of deelsîve aotion on the part ut esta. Ih bas ance heen and lu now ssine- in ah.o great nations baving the rlght y- times contended t-at tha indepeLatdenca ut am *s»aty ta intettere for te pnolectio ofut tha insurgent-s shauld be racognized. But eu tboeeexpused te the rage of mad bigtry Inîperteet nud retrictcd as thbe Spaisi t ti, 4 oinîsl fanatlclsnt, the shocklng féa- Goverument ot tha isieîd may hie, nîo t> gtaies ot the situation 1usd beau mitigated ut-br existg tbere-ualesa te wll oft tha î> Irnetafi hoarever. of welcomlng a sott- military offilcer lun temuporary commnd ofl th «%0 disposition or protactiva intervaît- a paatieuiar district Pari ha dignified nau a wAtie have been afllcted by continned species ot gorertimient. lt le' tow iîso P ,.e1'"ýnotluftequent reports ot the anatun suggasted t-bat tha United Stateas honlld P itentliof uthumes and the loody boy the iasland-a suggestion possibly of bmbb ofiryu mien, aomen and eilîdreti, worthy uf consideration If thera arere ny a 'MwAe martyrs tu thair Profession ot Citris- evidanceaut a deokra or williugncas on the 4itaa taîtb. port ofatuitet- entertain such a pro- 4t While lins oue uur citizens lu Posa"I. t ta rgMd. fluslly, tisaI, al at-ler * 'Turkey have thus far beau killed metitads tailing. tha axisting intaritne in te ouaé' hugtotn u tustrifa iu Cuba should ha ternintes by a, -odit u dreadfu sceue u d netherour Intervention, aven nt th. cnt of a ci miety lu the future is by nu maens as- a-rbtre i ntd Sae u aoee. Or gvermautat umaandourSîuain a arar arhich Ls adruetes cou- t- ater aOurCoustanmtinpet hoavletnourdi t'l>proîîhesy coultI a etiter large g, tp adue nsLantpo l av et or- n misuion nor douîbtfuî lu its issue. lbg ndoe t proectourmissonales Thecorrect-naesaoft-is forceat ueed ta Ottoman tarrltary, vrilo costitute ha nititer affirmed lior danicél. 'Thi Uni-t- eeerly ail the Individuals residing therae ed sta4ffe isu uverthiaess a ciarscer ta ir *ho have a right te clainia ur protection maintain as a uation, arhicit plîiuly die- t- 4m the score ut Amarican citizensbip. Our tates t-at rlghtand net nigbt rauld ha «i «efforts Itis direction wlll net ha ru- terl f! odc.0 bartd, but the deep feeling sud syntpathy di mIeut te coumd e e n dxo tlt have been aroused among our peupla it la iof the SaatîmGer maend diapom-d *ugbt nt to su far ilind thair reasan and ato tteSaihGvrmn urm $udametit as ta leaf them ta demand lui-ady ils grlarances. turtilicu] by indlica-i lpaslle thing. t-otis ut influential publie opinion lu Spai luthat- this (luverumient has bopeil le dis- i Beveral tnaval vesasel re a lttioned incuver the nist runisiîîg and lefectivo Il the Madîtaramean as a mensure ut eau- manins of enéing tite tresett trite 1 nud ta furnisit ail possible relief it honor and adrantage to Spain and a > 4Md refuge iu case of amuergancy, and we arth the achievemnent ut ail te reasona- bave made claimon against the Turkish hIe abjets ut the' insuîrrection. It' a al- il GOvcrnmaut for the pillage and destrue- tuae yti oatmu att o -lion ut missiuuary proparty at Harpoot t anient ut Sii overtîncututtsaoth at c Amd Msrasit duriug uprisings at those if a satisfacîiîry naastfre if hooeréle o Wiaces. A nutuber ut Armnenian refugees uere tandercêl thse(Cubia in tstrgents and i Lbavlng arrlvad tounr ports, an ordar bas arould ha accelîleé by thein ipon a guar- $ lately beeu obtaluad tram theu Turkisb auty utf ils axecution, the United States i 'Goverument permtting the wives andl as'ulél enfleavur ta fluél a aras tit oh-i 'eblidren ut sucb rafugeas t- o jin tita ijactionnallat- Spain ot furuishiug sncb bêere. 1 do nt bleva that the preseut guarauty. Whila nu definite respouse la mimber prospect lu Turkey arlîl ha long this ittimation bas yt beau recîelved frum Permitted taoaffend dia sight of Christen- the Sîîauisit tovarnutent, it la believeél dot.- ata ent ltogthar unuavlconta. whilî',à 'ibe Cuibau R.bellion. ne alraady stggaaté'd. nu reason le par- - 'Te Insurrection in Cuba still contin- celrad ariy IL abould ntot h approved amwli haUllt-s perplexitîas. lit la dîffi- by tite inaurgents. Whatae-ar circum- ivât te percelive titat any prograsa hes stances may arise, our îîoîi-y and otir in- thaaatW beau made tuwards tha pacifica- terest would caustrain us Lu abject ta the 1"e et thte lsland or that te situation of acquisition ut the Islandl or an interfer- ï aOU s as depicted lu my last- annuel mas- anca with ils contraI by auy other power. h an lu te least improveél. If Spain lit shoulé ha addeél that- iL cannut ha rea- =hoids Haraita sud the seaports andî nuabîy assuimea titat thte hitherlo expeet- )resslen ut feeling, But I hava deaiee pm ut amies Lu ramlnd tae Congres, t-bat ty-e Ïme may arisa avhen a correct policy tact Jcira for aur intercale, as aralIas hia wa ird for the intarests uf th-er nationis aitl jtitair citizans, joined by cousidera- Wia s ut hutmaulty anid a deisire to sep' a and handé fertile couuntry, iut-iînteîy ra- capi dl te lilssaveél froua cumplato devastît- bow a. vili coual ram ur (iovernumeit lu aba -h action n as-hI sîttserve the interests nati as ivoîlvu] ni at the smuie tinte u-uni- sevc ta Cuba andl iLs ittbbtanls an ulliar- app, iy ta enjét- tee îcsitga utpente. pur( <ther Foéreign Mltter. a il epgotiathoust for a trealy ut generit ai Atra tien fîîr al utiffpeneea beîwn-é'Il hat Britaiu and Lie l'nitedî States are ii i- a nicéla nd îîriiiéto reacit asite- tii! couisliîîî tlti u lt a il iarIy datte. '7 ite schbume ut exiinixuig aupllhanta the .crtaint cousuiar tîuil lotis. tu test wit. r u-uiu.pctciily andl lit n"s. nqlopteqi i11h- fiti -an ou't-'tive orîler iasîteil un Sept. 2<4, 0oit 5, lias fuIiiy ilinal erîteil t-lie-usetiti- ret-i s« uiorl itillouat ioni. cali l'e o suîtuî f conmuilnr ufiveu-1)1(i- col" id for by an)fappropiriathiontfoir thal lu. aiose nt the huit f the ('utgreus Iun- s ueen prouiî vi'ofutnil vliolesalp rrcp et-s t-la t 1 huipi'ttis imtpoîrtant aork liii Iin thre future - lic i-uîtiiid. I kiiouv 11:1ir îiuthiir thtlîciîiln lu.'Vine n ill liei ah tu il igbt éx ICI)Si 50 linlîru)ii g lu)ibt tit u' lhav-c uîn îî- thei la at yiar la lîrcd $-i,4 htnii3-, ataand u-ttntna-ur;bli' ,itl-ini o t. u evuire h 'tîr uiriurs-a tion ot ha' [i lite luntt'e BehIring Sai. Buthlte, i-lu iteé Sta tées and ti réa tBritaîitu hhavutha '1vy uisinitcbu'i u-unliî issiumuers lut ti'cmi ltrs to ai îdy the hahli tsandîî vouxuiitioi the mcnt hurîl aniithi- iauses',fut teir 'I Id iteireasle. 1juin thé ePorts ut thasi' b ainiissioucre, muuoni Lu htib ittil, aU41 crit b lthe exeri lai-out ltience atndlgiod t-rt nse un the part ut aIl intérested par- Ui i., it is carties;tiy luupeîl t-at hcarty pu- t-a Sration may Ili- sé-iireu fuir thé' praîcu'- pre )i agîîiiit tbrexitped eî xtnlu-I tuit ofseul are - it ie icNorthiiteîtPuiiie and Beliriug etf a. tir Tressury In'o usattun. dte) The LIecretary oft he '1riasnry reposrts Ila ît dîtriiîg the 11a-al :i ar ended Juna erii M, te reccipts outhlie tiuertmaiit trl uni ail soumrces auîiouîîted ta 8$49.475,,- u >. -i . Dîtning the saunie parluél iLs ex- G niditutres avere $-134,678,6,'.4.S, t-be ex- r ms ut axpîaiditures uver recipîs t hus ac muuîtiug ta $2ý.2l)3,245.70. Thé arîli- th( ary expenses durimîg the ymar acre $. 15,K52.21 lemsltait duriug the prcu-cdiu-, scal year. Of the raueipts mentiomîeîlt are aras derîreéltrum custonts te munit É1002,7 ani. td front internaI rev-ni ne 341801. The receipts front " altuis sitw ua ninvrealse ut $7,8U3,134.22 P" ven t-hase frein theane source tor thé' te sval yeur antling June 30, 1895. ad the ret-cilOs front itnternal1 ti evenue an iucrease ut $3,54,58-7 . 1. tu. lie value of oîîr iniî,urtad dut-jable nier- P lané'ula during t-be laut fiscal yé-ar as-utsPl 369,757,470, anthe itavalue ut trec gouda '"Y niportcd $40,96L7,470, being ait increasa gt $>M,5=6175 lu -dia value ot ditiatule goodsm id $41,231,034 lu thea valua ut trac goudae wer the precadling yaar. Ch-ir impo>rts otfP ntrc.itaiidise, toreigu antd dornesltie g Linonuted luinaeta $S82,06938, bs-ing tJ in Lucreasaorer the prcadiug yeir outf 5,6,7.The average ad valurent w 1uty palélon éfut-lable iroods impurteél dur- hb g thbe year aras 39.94 par cent, sud on rraa ami dutiabla gouda talian togiather sj t).55 par achat. Thle cos;t u o iclctig unr i ntennal revemue aa 2,78 par t-eut., as igaunt 2.81 par catsýt. for dia Ilseai yéar el adi-ng Jitîe 30, 189-5. 'Ple totaél prouc-ue > un ut distiill iépirits, exclusive of fruit el raudias. wiîs 86,W8,703 taxalîle gallons, elî u auincraseofut6j;39,108 gallons uver the precediug ycnr. Thaseas-as asoaunu icreasee ut1,-443,676 gallonîs ut spirits ' roduccu] tran>fruit eta comptarcél sith thea reé'ésling ycar. The number ut barraisu tf beer prodiiecél w%%a» 58.l.5,as; aginst t,589,8-l idcuél lunthe precu]- ig fiscal year, haiug ail icrease ut 2,269,- 40)1 har-ie. il The total aninut oft golul exparIcddur- fI îg t-ha Iast fercal yenr as-us $112.409.947 l and of silver $610,5-41,679), hliait iin-p reasa ut $45,941,466u ut guld andl $13,- it 14(1,38-4 ut aiiver urer lthe exportian of 1 ithe pracalng filac-ai i'l. The importsaout gnId we-ra $M3,525.0615 undilof silvér $28IS- t 777,1861, beixîg $2.859.695 lassofutguîld and il :8,506.007 more ut ailver t-ban during te i prccedlîig year. The totti stock ut d matallie moineY Ln t-ha United lStates at i theag of thedIalt tfiscal ycar euded t-ha t lUtrh day ot Juna, 1898,. nas $1,21>,326,. 035, utfas-icis$599.597.964 n-as lu golél anu] $628.728.071 !Il galier. Oi thde latc Lay ut Noventhar 18M,1.tdi total stoc-k out aloi y ut alitiai ilthe cuuxutry anasj 1,1.1tand thea iîitint ii circla-i laun. nutot iciuliig t hutitn thé- trea sryi wu! $1.6i27,055,141, hcing $22J;; j uer eacalîli potu u-i tin ncdpoputlactimnu of 71,992-,0(4 ViiThe proIîictioniofutht-eE iraaious mnîtals in the UIiited LStates dur- ung dthe aIendair aar 1895 la estiiittcitu have belixi 2,254,7W4>flue-uounces ot goid. if t-liavau1e ut $46,610,0W,. andi 55,727,04) oinics out sIiivr, tot thea commetircilluaie if $36,445,00<t sudduecocinagé- value ut $72,0-51,04I0. 'Thic éstinialad 1Produtct.ion if these nhetatls througâu-t t-ha wonld diîr- ig die a site ptiluélama , 81fine ucs ot goll, auun-ting lu $21m),285,700 in value. anuil(St9,189,249 fini' ounces ut gilvcur t, lte COmuierCi'lValue ut $11(),- 154,000, and ofuthedia aage ralne <if $218,- 738,1()o accoru]itg taur ratio. The coiti- nga- ufthdisa nialals in the varions coinx- trias outhLie world dnriug t-ha sameusa-- cuider yaicr anîuunted tii $232,701.438 la gald nd $121,995.219 lu silvar. The total cuinage ut the mnta ut t-haUnited Sta't-t durlig tae fiscal ycar andlng Junae 30, 189<1. amouail ]tii$71,188.468.52, ut sa-bich $58,878,490 saas Ili guicoisa iandl $12,30.(),978.52 in standélard milvar dollar, aDmlug taedata lest mentled tarn-ait-sditelr ailenatlon gua-ulti Iy botter ee- aaIttiSTeaw îight ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ om as-oa aklctdl t a sud&reaiter t-udeace. eofStn fileelt a vs a îferutStts.utartîittrare Tie otl The Indlaa. einya t ldanti ondifran S luth a t Shtaes tts a Itia oulto o ie ut wboee oeeiptltis e r tes he ota luionpopuatin o th Vutedcondition$. onlttlng furtiter m ra aie lnteEsen17 ttsl -7.235. accoruilng taa ceaissmadete b toerans outhLb.deportrisat. th a capital ut $1.180.000, six iluth*il a110 xlsv tths vtî -eSae~ t BeSacetary's report Riad ast-a Statas aith a capital ut $875,.00() ut New York snd t-buse compuutnag the rivestlionstcentaine ta t-be caretol tan u t-e Sîttbrn tata aslt-b~eviliaad tribes. 0f tiishumiblitera--ra to- tdotgas il tn l th Sovthen Sateswit 'lapruxlmatlty38,000 ehidré'a ot sebol mga.1 ei.Oo itsl ut $1.1900,00. )uirittg ltaeyefir. Dlinthm iiesêr 23,1133utfthese were au- i fr11 Pervlee Roferai. - uavcr. t-birty-serî'î bliîîsavoliitttnili3 uhl luitouhfla. The progrmasablaK-itlibasn 1The peogresa made lu elvii-lerle# .ndrîu] itirtruchis's inarthe attu-ndeu raccat efforts tii ext-ant ludion I trulites a cause for the utaiout ,anone tbir ranhiss tnffeiity slchluouta ci itles, juiltlîeout-ielpation utft'ou- lotion. Titane tire uuw la thbe lti I an, aninlulii(.ose (If t - l loued ilerai apunuuîriîtiomslutethaL and., lassifiati service îîpwnmî of alght3'405t ait olliera IL avais fundéutmcesléary 10taiColiot fait tea aiir l amtat satîstac- santi places. A mont rtIadiai point recaivars. Titfora. aas coin- t-ln auu neioi-whb tia e that the aduen- Iug extension won moids bit lt ofut idion éthîdren la a prime tactoir In arder daled tli t Clii y utMal. 10. cd aiitt te yéor 1receding, there at-as lt u-upituhei-tifrîlioncivilisation. -tth ourtIt cînas poatuîssterits s - curause out liirty-six lu itaenualer oéîf i mey Lue ,îtl i té'iii-nal tenmtasIat lit clutded la the statemeut IL mai b.o Sa tive tbainkis. Tire iutu-oher utfa-tlatinq ev-tY paru-tir tlhu- ofuî utiut irIe practlly ailtimosîlîons cont-mleS - ak rganized iéîîîîlr Suitte iuîws is hIndliasitiler(tuuveu-îîîcîletatîs a bt-euthelitacvil-sax-vîca 1w are nitro - iKaastiin-i îu i.u -oîrg Natioal Fp.ices .and tb. Tar ' 8.The Sertnu-inry.itt- é'luiilssliuer u -IfI- 1 -te arju i teeaenni ulllzaio.damitAffiraut-an-I tieuge-nts litivIn h ai lrge u -ueretofu iiLt Ll~-nfL I nuit i t.rat luIt.iéîanî i ha t vi nlau ut muîuîîx s uina mîan moude ahe- odeîxtîl inceanag ltthUu5e1il The unier tif ilitiiigrta y-riaing in atréighy lirge 1the iiaaaagc uit a îi wprohli- t-î--eîitslmantdl ixtéaauitmfor tha eUniited S ta te us rixi thebail iuîr Itima tlhe amile uif I:tlî î,r tu a thîttceeu aslîîmhave ' -if*(ltanmg "tuiaulsane sutggestions ls 343,207, uitfas bout :3-0,4G8 ncre lier- takeu tinuir iliîîîtlmîuilsi-u-uity. Il aruestiy Iîg ug a.-pi-eu-uit tarfnla ss ant is1 tédLala ui t mé 2.! 9 areiltiarrii uI mî tlit r-éliut i i i ionmT-lis5staturetait effret it tLe' titTtut- cîuîînord 2,791.)tieîeuiebarmeig mite - - day f-uit tl, IMtI. Wliatcvaeritar b*J vanîuagroixid.; lr-.i-nitîc-i lu3lain11a111îloil hizedl tribu-s, mas liiiu-iilyy luarge trac-lt hrs-.munslu uutll.C1exaiae îmrîcl té It coti nés alt-ec luy I iUiIi u itl uTrilorynuit ius-tu r r efoinîm. It rouâît lia I)c,îud-Il Iltit tirce, ntat-he eliiia if té-sîci lé Ima a.- C hinlithe Tauii-lu a..liois Tt-ouiéuiut the ay tiu a trice iiotlires.ea aient he xpnseof h( stamsipcd allc]] au aspictas tuarnftler I it- tîuu ch lange of i-tiutujofllttli elavean un S1isi îîiîîuîîié-s liy saluluthtey- aerc brughtliau îuit'-uttiru tîuti -uî nîe.ul ittus futralsiéd s wder 'rh in-rasu ii lt ii ~:rttbu rc- l,' ti- hulili- i i lu-ch.t ii-iuit uliesait Clt- Ltel for aime priai tLaaumi alutA vedoiug 3,-ar n iiioitnte'Iliti 84,731.- Il l 1 l la s le Lté' i-url ig-i crii tuent . ;%ela- i'ta uitbatttevulmut I yuar <IluiresvbM, ortel thi tas hIt unil é-X'eil lois h:, I,tigitrniil ii id *-iiu!,sweé-lmillier su- u a éi ufri tdu ia3 poredthitvih oue xcptinst eui la xi 1.uuus iui-gi tijitliig avIlît uIt Juitii 1> lu1 lititt y-ar aur lDU n igra uts ut thé' ast i-utr aven.- ut u It-e- uîllh, umfur iroîu- roinquihittimnt asutirn i-m anthiî'a ufthIle pit'vloiB -dy ialtu'iing clis.. uustoi um axnd Ili lli lahuuîîit t lié-er -oillilîîîîuuu ha iin èc- iiiée timaiu $41,i.!JO.t0Washile tth s-aine a e laua aixiosiiurt fti t i'.itts tiratiy. and ir e n l iit i-hei-uttti,-a t f.ii-stle pLînir, la ae xturte-al And - tau, iruu uî oîuéfu u i-n utt ruial itiuiir- fî'u Iii tua nki-s4rosatîni -ml , 5 tueaity SltIu ti it is liitiotl ts t the htitS a hI:u Thire effort- i.tii ie u- l a va rithae,-l- (bx) ortin ri'it u ntu tt- turpeednll u r. .utuglît asitlî t h:-ni miîîîîuhî i-idtlt L hiast ilha lia rti-u the -ori-i ili - f tué-ur lais -Tire hiraau-,t is î. duiirng lth yem7opli <).t~,Ihuugh il saas I pobhlt' in aaitiui -1l im i rslu o-ti ilt, msu-iin- -mii 'ît a. ortlais . eratioi. .lias yieided aW; ties f tînît suislce iuiiîy luiisî la îCie reailulian ilits!r;hîroms aa Irit l lu- y &Ui-)Jut- eeutue titan we$e q- axcas ultt. h I iCuitalisimnd ticuti"s-mlfrit-tilas vio cemiii t ttom-ifftlt,, tritbu r ý T ring les;than $39) are né-quiré-iltuédia- byliyt t -iiicreittuuii i Ams i atiîeriuriél ame. Thpeawa-s. ai-vet-nltis, i nedelai ae t-hae-xact mnumt, anud iLlainktîofflutout1ltîud it ui- ti -i t Rg sî- h0umis itua > tVI>,,11.17rreceiîaulp io .-xptuittures et Ial f thesu né- fii-r î in hunthlu,- i -i-i h It ime ii auire tm~Iml ~>io - Tttluiu lia ut hisny hirouigit té-îîiirabl,-etautne t ha ii lui î anduit It I tru-<,I aloil j st aa s uimitiIa i-i-tad. Tuet-su ituatihn lu aaey ta biuy latti111nlmil nild lhoies, nuno.i'aaalty rtylit- lurusé-at il fuir ra Rollh ' lu Deta oé-<--tbi-r tîmt, sua an it(utthe 11-b The Viar liepirtaient. ar arau.tii'icî-fuulii.-t.,'tii.- -lués' ifthe fiscal Jé-um. lrthSt L ut ~ 'à hI Secretsar ofuthlie-Tresstrr- tratItI d- ['l report outh' t-luIeret.try o W ex-ihaensmitlaiithumy if 8i7,000i.él. Thmé g-at tanti la- uts satslattury ciéitissin thé - h(- 'tuitiilui ut uuif uîr lwnm ii-ti t i irucust io,; nuitit ittlul irdlty tiin S#.n 'i -al Tot &,ilthe rom- o penl.1"exý1rll-Ilcý ni-tés mail Ihm ilapreuaiitt lii ail asgt- c'1 ilbraancté's uitthe u >tbliuru urnt'li. it rre, us tu i buts i ena,, ti é-îî ciiciu tly rIls hteuîioig stn-ult mt tu-Il eqtag, istid t hii tsari-.Tht' iiituut aur fuu-î-ldî. MONttfaIt] litîuaiîrtlasi atlîuuiuu. fm-éiu,-na.-s icrfcu-tIy avit n eeimd n- litîary tor--aas fixer] hlty la con- Titi-nutili-r It .f îlsiiuui rt ,l irLImaruila rot - -ttiu-nly dtu-moi-tl aviLt aur tariS lW et ti-tand reudéily mai;ntauté-tI. 'PI, t-ttclots,-Ofîthe lisi-fith yu-ar taulel Jotie 391,iIls uperaéiiat., Sriteuuay i achai lthe Iia9 i întiy tééf~IMbO. ws uus 70,trS. Tht. h.Li the urgestafmuurai- p oulit thâve oîihtrwim e. M-t"uls and secttdisé'Iiffl a uîli]tmoraleé'iftutnr arias- leu- i-aen r.'poiie. Tiuu- a iiolu.t liul x- l>iluéjt-atut fer tht- différence bLmtiWU:Ei Te excellenat, andul îankel iinégnc-ssaxaand asnveiy foru- pensins durlng the yéute esuumauie cf lthe i-ceetary anth alb. au-ele Elicla-cy are tapparent ltniougb.iutils et)-ana.. i a d.1U-.sietilit- .u-a- r ntu éhaîy. mCa avairas fuie a --oftirevetfI IS[ï, thit utlitaheiu-eceuil iyear. tohi t,- tii. til tuuu lectmIL n isiiiont' ast-m Ittit WN au Te éié'ga mitatt iéiu. Iith lthe xcel-bi u -xiimlteIiifi-c m i t If pensions. Iii- Il vehlslu ia-a aitsmurniutaoasité5t licanIa éhîtica unLIthe suprinuoit Ot aluit-t é-iduîg îthe iliai.t ofilauttiouaig rthe de.- thora ithé tumat tavu >ears t rth Ic aIcelEe adin:i dsirurlx:u-iConuxg unr sut-s-t- p artunani ut a~iiaî-i tettdtiî lta, pt-mm lau-itf e-%-irat - i-l V ontina va-îaleilyba Thsiy,;tiiiim hil te Ilxél du istilittit.iuuul i iru t422s5 itai usoru--mi tsil nr-n cibi n. n b~ ul r>. iisui î~hth- Iêxca ~ u-saIr utu in ry loui lt raitlini , uiu-ltri rslua i- vltbu- uudi,ta. iIIllitas 511551V- uuuutm co-nîîsruituý,al ndl the conîuuhhaary utfrthee t-t-irali,-raa it soiiirtt i iui l.aitî a pn-inîsu' ut arc-ai-rmn * ut peacetail ré ui u-u, sailli the comment - t ofuilinietdiire ig élit- un ue 3-ia r. î-î,îîua ué-. Ttm- uuuîîîarui nan .cuîtua i-eIitlaxsi îees 1 îl-, ur luresft Lt-h'ffbmw. If iilitwed rrelit Britaha, utfsaitil utofUnevIndiatas sut-utr ie-Si f tI-u--ut:44rmt,-actls Uptiiutl. îlttiame ont Moutnt rBritiah léstu.ox éî oinginalt llqis-aucés mutdaixansid 15.878< In- - ritid a reeueiat h. wlit eawoéîaltgy ire opeattionaliane t-n né-quircu] tut rinai-a ut axatiig périmtins. lThe-ummtir .iutie é-zpendtam-î-, vrll averruiu it al 4-4?ý ae anmy duriag tae >-uir ast, utr1 crnis ecahIhIug petisans tramt th ita téeuuies. .Ilatino ai ulicfinitate» ,e Cas efn .I yalitail ra. &-Iiit Ilfltuhtclii11 tuiglàuloiitt- acu-urnait(Ir îay oea-t i tid xteor dAl- 5e Css letns.tries. et ltae uloisu(iuithélui-st fsista 'vaeas%-astoriu-ls. Tu mecl any snu-it ullxtit ore baY Duing t-ha last y3-cornaui!d Itruvré-ssiha& h.7'i. Sanl thit iiuit poltata mtlan mulng la tht- tressue>. la additiuîî tir ascogel -an made to-Anér d te complalisîn Otflte lte e ae wus@1i27t5t Tht- suti appui-nu erra t of .,ééiasi. surpilusmt ucre chee aoptd fr te recionil id rma upiateit for rthe payail rt uOf 11tisinitsote t itroir sî2&aés.o appulicalt l ie parlerai hane sipîu]tît- iat-ecf ltiîîîdara-cairrant fiscl yeare t-aianu it-u tt7 eOft..epeuions ofthlita soerumffta".. en-t:u of rtifieuhiionâ aIé,xîg aur Seae,>iltt, St4.5>éi.tgis>. anuI fan lut- icree-ullmmg 7ii5 iL s-lit hmiau-mt mtlmex sltuiîeu tur-filt tpur- bh!Il alprogré-sâ bas huaxiumade lin 13 et-aluttLi1hât1tefline atm arraflliit lI Ilue prose. ramat sauesa homard.ut.imr. If net ex- moviéluu.g t-be mîîaîî-riahfor autbuiarnnade- tiicaSSUu-7 îravmintiy oastei. rl mitIrta sur vent buo Tht- éé-îunslnat-r ut Peuntuins repiorts p-eenu u-mî ita Tpurpia-rontI lIexacts«R -use in cosnecilii au'lthtb Iie sa-okâ. lthaI uurhuîg 1h' Ast fiscal yesr -VWm uét- u urmuinpeuple. Tc iytUrn. theretel. 'Ths imutrarcél sritsiioula largmuly<ie meula aeveua outtidagaiotviol tlatuor tlthe oftnulvderilency liet lie revenue troï tb a erecentgeai euuisresuîine of uit igraa peionuula%'@. tIpoutht-e"iiittuuttus fond tuîal othitg mta itan Ils praper end Ieg-- t-b réc-ttuitetdtiiisui lie sitt- e-conitiouanu-rmm lteiil. 1I1mi mus opiniiin. Luaiei iLîa t- Use. the f th %vx de upoiourimah tsttelieliti naslvtht-at- dilmuait Il le la3utasurahty tieLten lta appropriai* -tunt. 'rIm.a ae stranitsoon bava cot-i aither îtîlufraîluuu suitd uéa tlt.tIie- sus- aur surplusho0tthe iuaymmeft ut jussillsile ex- [txaout i et-fifthofut tbe cominehausoive eas-itîcit havi-lei usatil ýta i-netp utulut-usa issa O treta &mîw Il mitlu- ua .51 -, t-be tiret amiellut in ilvaIs noteé aur patnsion systeul have due ncacucluale lotionmîta ré-cilorai prop-isaiutmos snd ag- banraiIluideniuailag 'îuir ate audltarider- tuavagritî i.aîiutueiani- taupitose fIL wUi inM mtîesage'ta i tbe ('4îigresm->f Di-. 4, nmîng gaémimfteaihu aver a ranued Utbu- it-l titat under lthe pent-Sea if9l. Wie teu l isunderitod tiaia tuas- itua noy spire ut oltli ldhy ta protertOur pppe obilaiti tae ieassarles oftàs eemb.' inry aunpîsataetrnt nat orîly tufilithqa ouc-petsiéturoillanuit niké- Il wltil abuild 9tis e uxistencua éelurrate lits lattnt on -beIiaay mlant ligb-'sserotfttoe dilsal a t tir coutil ry's service tante, siauce t Isl th ebiilel hmlty of evetrP gn. but ise lu ery pauit-eslar serres aud wiintty Ofut hcim ciamtey's ufeciataslc guvenané-t ta iuaka te bardeau etfmin tae putu-psa eand tataes thbeplate outhtec reatamiteanc. Witen 1 hava aett-oli)t-wbO iaittmtmnasigit as plisble. The pup:le sb.o« art of former days. teimportance ut thbe p s flithesaili-,efrlu-di. active sud tié areuirei ta reitiuuisit titis pelvIaO aIent lnurau-mtigrat-str taxirr amuit-mue Teck- uit citm-ap living et-slteindearthe sttessid oat-k act--uaplirledsud batIan cumpre luaspenston ex penuittune. wluila ilanug self- uhelu- goumitenL'5 ueiesity mtadie plslflf e aendai. oaiscitatne.,t1bau- etprecaleti lite appruacit moniteur. We %héslu] aliaya keet> iu mied that t f f5asmitîuaon ui-ee uuau-7 retreut- ment ail entorcaut cnmyu>mayltendl ta The Curreacy $yatem. al] foirais utftmIlar i)rePaur-tIuin olat au attact-k iritpt-nsin obus". no dater 1 oui 'aura cauvîneul ua ven filtw dleensauné'e ffl -itntaîiîY Pacifia-infiIlmineul as tlu iirloak lita étlacelnatlsl ue i.catihave nmua sâturaîl l nnsaai peas8% nature. lVê'h-ila ît givas the senutofe- ta t-hase via. avanîtu uitaanatiun'a cotre, saieliaoutil te govurrinautrrancyela- ciirtyduetoi l o gtn4t ougt t Ile an rie tude theproecton liin»tmpon wiuit dllmai bu,-do.UeS44Qe -îrtydetuicoittiistésut1-niui. ofna tisn@atn iaude l2 fronla t e treasur> sm-e wltutérawn3tu t i usait-bar tise M pooisenr t-ha afffect u of stanPalifi t- rour iclastinsud caucteil. Tis aightbt o, @1(I eornitfriictfljta Paciv Rî v dua as as a% bca bem-tofam-u recommiendoil -uiuli ué-sw.neu- trfila-t-lna urova- Tht-e Su-etany cotis atte-ntin ta lthe publie bat t'lelr axchtaga efuir luumg-Iariabotnd* bt- su hu toréjcaiiét l bla aut radier t-olutu-estuilrt- !lt axi uilutaueut outhle Iag a lin naît- ut Ixiterest anrt-uitheir go.- luaii-eus uguint 1ubain. Tbay arntit:obligtglins outh lt au-lfu- raiila lu. i tae dcmîpttaa as-itt ltae prçiieu- seilatbon" r tounp-cat.iuuu tanui, l uit aecuîriiy ;t-c - Goverut-tut. I de-anIl li) Lui aiImportnétt Est-n if cii>L tae UuhuaiStates tntes ku -~dui>ru-tac-aily pm--ent rida sutujut lias greauitenis arte % iraluti. é l proi. r'Tbi,-étht-y are t-bur,irglity in îi -'aol ui i lecullîc-iiui mit---a.taJai atirtbteth nest> ata sndIn ail t-ha trulitliofut sr national éliplu ustu. us Oih heuni- îîîtntutu-t-ad> mataut. tut-tut cf slse- pu a. imu ier lte le uuuuuna oret(hon $3.J Ii )iuthpi nc i-tu'15 ipa rt'ua jly 14.8IMM.ion palul Imn gotd when lde Fee o Frlraiofeîîq mlî.Iistuy unds Iau-il tylui.- téluiltuilitatu-s Imili m ati a-omuld omuaIcranta mach disturbsoll. Fres t Feerat fllcr MIL- alulut tthe céiîntuiumi ui)the Uniin Put asu eî migitt roatstuc ta tIn. whe v. Ilt lamuait cnififyiutil a note t-haesale is -ri tatlwn a"11iiiu-tiiilihts KtUslna natsud t-ivatillu L-e tresîmu-> hy medet-iolu la s raoirés u bat bave toila-a-d thaealni-elionu iîuuéula f lIli bonds. Isuriat or othiit-uvé. tie gradusiti andi prodeatl iir > té- ieL t 3uiy28. 896 unlerclinlg li ua se tad ithel WiVeutii Pat-lft- ln defauit utfItis tion.lias-aver. il wwil forbyth at f MaY28tt-,un r Ilu-mit.iiuiluu %,usl]l huve tuttI t.due andt Iu sa tv inlatira ighî dînaction if curauaw vvblihcertaitnîFi-ilral uifichais ara cunt -t'a maldunrutoasti t: i i " liatiouts redeamitalu t goiti. wenR icomalci by salarié-s list-nil uttees. Thé thé-;oii'-iîlltellt. Wth-Vtiuit - ru-ferntue lu auîedieil. stiauliitir cuucaed astesal o tea plaît niasporît lunu,îîratioîuuonuJuiy 1, t-huaet (ay Ifwth i-eftoadit a teta"'t uititguan ats iui ai-mLtî 1896, andi aireuuy lthe gréaIateaonîmy il nulltae potu-t-uitthé-e0 piaiihuuite othe 1105 uuitta. tue ai artin lLtilisreu"th snasm -utorcea. ilsji)rtaieitiIuiioutabuses$, andxtul Lsenimmuultlia avili gtnu It t-ht- -ixtlit lut oncaemotatlion t-altharsevatue- ut hondase"Il~ u andneyto lulté enarc'nunt" ustltiurcjI)ro,-euutiigs ta tretluieILs morI-, s ai eunily tft- ls e nemplîuu. astisi tederytaa eterenumraen ý gaige li-m. Ita sidîtitu hi t-lit t,il uin. umu tbit iurculatîuiio huld ihe reducet pe», an-s are atrikiiug> atpparmnt. DPtlil us-ilihsatîlllia dieilJa.n. ttet.iire sali ot-f-turth ut 1 tiern tl. ev-ideusce outht-e Vspieas outhtialotig- tature befuvuent flit data aîilJoil.i. 81 lS l, eoîîadentug projettaftuethe rethreeleSi delayeti but uuuisai -fuaptîlli accomnplihed tee eiuatiimug prlinci ~tipa o su Uitisty ut UnaitntStates note@ anti tra-ann isobeg- refom wll o fond lealy st frthin bnds whchruet aie,)ul,, met b>tlei' v- issueutidué he la liut 151>0Iam ut't» ratraiwiI bafouti îcaiy et orth l ro~uen. i t s lutuait rii tare tirmait$11 ptan that arahave placeul tua mach struf tha Attorney Garni report.é*5îLOW. Dot scauult ftht- Union Paciflieuop'. otc-danger ut uoaîracttng thé, cerns The Pastat Scryc". thues. and extcati $21,t000,1Miuun at-ciiuhit 0orsuithavee cumîtaulton, ltLC openi Lb# Our ostffie Dparmen inin o Lteét-mtral l'aihtu- hhat-. titl onld bLe added tea uecirculation,, Onu-Pustffie I)liartaat islu goti Tht-situauthin if tt- rnud% andl tiaecita- laueil tuun hy baLLer sud Rafer iaSI condtioin. :laid the exheabbllmoié'te fifls ditrauit i tuhei uuictitealiuiesm tuitte Gouven metllaib. Il lha naL su lunch s canin teLlo iperatina uurlîgta ita lieu-aiyear cuilati tunt have buectiril,î]y ai-i fortulit ltae repotale uf t-ney c>lthaIahmouuld bhasvoihd litie34t 1ii4u f uhhuvaie lanida ui- ut uitlOis -uuîuutit-,, ti vihu-out-esenit amudit auu-l éïelual dlisLnlbutIon. Titis mlgbt bu imperfctionslit th u-wm pp.icli s lia-. uit fli tct thuit iatdsudtiaaY tesr t- u lartultol cuig- itCilgreis hila fuît-uun iîiiil,,t-out ears alion UaaIthé-resame lima reutoved. by allsý' la a-éry satisfl tiiu3-Thé- tttal cuil oai (st-i r tuîIilly liait iifulr uiuîihuiît hivau- il),-'thei- organiszation uit stauer bitseMAý duîtnthe yean usvtri-$82.499.208.404. ThL. u-huu lious fuir dîl t t ui h Le ucond iins llespututilts uaamîtîtlenIlaiare am- total axptxulitunru c~~te$M,~~l2fSl -li ~Lttsu-vr i-ci tiset-it.i u u-tuî înnht u-d, nuudtitu-tiiug bhulesta ii6 petaîul. ,iue tiîl for frit jîistlticd lut liat Luanchitnlu msll communittas u et-cluivenau of wLIii.7.uhicih wa~ s thuuilige, in rulu- t-tire statute abuse lrO- -tiCin.4 caail dby Itlle t'ai-itie Italna for trolls- luiýuihuiuu.. tuthiléi ist-if te l'ilionia-il rau- catIrecasa ma> liepresenteti w îîurîsîiumadî %itda hi r éuutalu cu au o. -huai uci-t. Iteht-ationuulias stiItpnipiittîiit t-le ils> utsensible sad md unul fu] thir ubL tIé--ll 'Oil nuuu-téiyat iiiilla 11.te>- urgenmt. umuauuuîaî inetuuuts aIli net uawn tie (ionerunéxiu. Tliéui ias aml ii iuremîsa t'toueih[nits ihavei.buen îîitittcui)irarené-util uuur guis énimineat abandons te. ut reeuius ové-n the ut-vions > lin uit t5. -cluise a uit- ut uuiut9- li uuu uua hos lu-idil lîntu bunsinessA iui lthe accumulation of funta 516,080I.21, or 7.1 plren tt., andnulau iti-'r tleut-rin laItuica lliu uctu tututlt@o- istrn. tiittlines Ils uhîouct-ary uiperations, tae t-relise ut eruent llit-Ut-a ot $1.8and124.02. uiuéut-mooud- a cciuiof the -l uurlîuuuiluuat-e mit-t-e crueo epniuri fgage i]imu. Ili uuuuseixuecuhu ofuth Ils pro- pla ur t t-iasuportandu-hta te e oun 4.42 lier écrint. 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