CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Dec 1896, p. 7

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tutce aiili thit sax the. west. kiio: T of Wlnaiuga forune etiMiiens o r ofth: t amd froaticrumau-.-ehllis and lever ters fStemaeh Bitters. lgo effec- 4e.s that ineomparabe medicinai tdc- foritfy th. 57.tem agansat the com- ahîsuta-tainteti water, that protected Rt the. pioneer. the miner or the tourist eo d 'Rwitb Rt, may safciy encounter th. Gamilla sOpinion. The late Col. Jack Gambili went to mee dwîn Forrest ln "Otiello" along ,a1806. Comilng out of the theater bo*Mebody asked Col. Jack, who was a utrong accession sympathizer, what he thongbt of the play. "What do 1 tbink of it?" roatred old Jack; ",wby, 1 tbRak Rt ln one of te legltmate cansequences of oid Abe Lin- UeRE'îemnancipation proclamation." ý-Au Englisli miotor car manufacturer la building a two-story bouse to run «W wheeRs, propeUled by a miotor und1zr lit TRhe top of the bouse ln coliapqIbie, So as tn enabRe thie bouse to pans under "WOR-N odUý: A OOMMON EXPRESSION USED BN' AMERICAN WOMEN. ha .7 de mt P.eatiz thie 1%1 signifleaomm etc Tii...Tw. Word&. When a woman ln nervous and Irri- table. heati and back ache, leels tireti @àl the tRie, laces sleep and appetite, bai pains la groins, bearing-dowa sensation, whites mdirregul.ri- tîe, aie eis Dot &e wl' o rn o nt," Such toms b er W that a womb mmcble la Immittnent, and mille cannot Mt boo e roamptiy if cite values her ttuture comfont anti happineî.s. Thse experience anti teatimn>'0of uomeof 'thie Most nated WoMen of Aàmeeica, go ta prove bcyond a ques- tiatttLydiaUE.Plnkhaama Vegetable Co.epoud wiUl correct ail such trouble et occe 'by removigthelb cause andi o mbee4g the. organWt* a healthy anti Mma Pinkham, at Lyna, Mass, s t"-Ibeusude toIwomen do. lKere la a lady who sayet- t - Lt-me addtinMy naIne ta yaur lilt eflenimonials. For yeame 1 auffereti WlUmh uch a weaknees of tlebat-k 1 Oeuldmnot stand etraight. 1 bad terri- Ue painslu ni>' vonb. Tie doctar aaid -m operatian must be perfammetiau tisere was no other way ta b.ceu;;&-. 1 was.afrn id te have the opemation pez- lm l, andi kept tryangtbe mcdi- 1 *ies that 1 S W t edvertised. At àvattariedyaua Liter tak- tmg lhree imua. 1rec- qwiead it loener>' weman, anti cannot pralea Il ouogh, for it saveti me froini te sav geon'e knife."-Mss. Mm xBucu, 6IMgeville, N. Y. O fur m ek. 1. 10oc iigh grateis tiate b rs'at e - - -i O t W, o r i-ii a it U i t ! e gaaeet.Se. crrt tv, tt " " s t - n , r . e s . t - - t , i i i î o - , THIE TAYRA. A Qnecr Little Weanel-Like Be«ta trom SOntb Amercau. lit le now more IRian a year ago since a Washington ar-ivpaper publisbed a pamagmapit cancernlug a certain "Moun- tain Do,-" tRial uas soon ta beeame an Rumate of tîte National Zoolagical Park. The said dog" was a native of South Aieîa tndiwas presented ta Secretary McAdon b>'lte people of that country. Titis parngralîh arous- cil a great den]i of interest and, an la usutîl witcn there lmana arrivai at thie park, maany peýoRîe wc-rc In attend- ance. i was ane ut the numnber af vis- hlors wha fiockt-ttoluse the "matin- tain dog," miaia',L. I. M. LPaimer, lu te Home Magazluie, and ti lmi sate ta say thial uuîî't besu!de nyseit were misîctl b>' te titic I!Ml saw 11111e IblIt iras canine la the ntppi-nrance of thte creature. It %utte tlie Ttiyia, alsff calledtheUi CulaLa wcasei, an animal belonglîîg ta tht Muslelldae tamil>', and satnowlit rî-senmhuîng the marten la tornî. TRihe ugih ni' Ibis'RiveR>' lit- lie croatître, lu' iuding Its beautîtul ItV TA il>.. bu -htit -il. i-- tab uut t i' e fi--f. 'T Re body>- colu m hi n i urî-h U atek îslit lî no u. w htie ttei - Iii ut' I n id tt--k n re to f u-r>- mach-liRg ht-r iLut. "lie boulîe oR' lte 'iay ra le a hui-roît-. um-lî l-î ite fu sillonu s for Iittis-if, tandiihs Iiiuutllig groiîuils lte to ni-its. T i/-te Lt- g ui-s forth lu tte- î-u ri; a nliîg se :îrt iin îg iîr s tii ii a foituttincisfr iîlitiike>ys anti parritîs, b titt t licse ar e- it ii'e lu t un i-s thlut a r t' Dt on ut lie M4I utf tîre ti lit e "zo4u," anti[oustsl ie sinlrilceilîlke umitittnt-' dotmn. la <nu>tit il> lte Ta% ni h grav-- titi anti actiu'lt4it the exît-lîtî-, mnînuîg about bis tîngi' uit h alîttait hinîtredihie swhftuc-sti, lth îîarusinig 10 peer ut >01 li i t r ig it l lte 0>-is titat are fihR.'d wllli lise limiatice o-etf resiraint. A ehiarsa-t-eristic ut ilit,'Tttyrtîtii-i, 10 lie lte wilitIotaccîî-uîîil witever Rie untletrtakes inuthie lelst poffialitlime, a"t le Rose bis lemper if tliwamled. Mati>' sumner ritornings an attendant ted -bis irestive littho charge cul in the grounds beneall lte tries, uniere lie aptait the day fastc-nedllu a stake by menas of a colla r aund a Rigbt outil. If lte jounaeu- luanti tro were speedil>' made, aI -nil weWel,. .but If thie insul loilerei, lte Taira cîrceJed around Inl an Impatient marneor and was ver>' lImone ta give i-eut ta Itis dispîcasure -Y b>heaklng blé captor b>' tie trauser lt-g. Current Condennation. L.ongtcliuw's Riteran>' lite c'ruvened a pinioti of ua ut otai'y ye tns. The ituik ao Titackeray's Riteraru- work uta, donclu iilis, tRan lurent>' t-OItrs. Ct-manIes lit-c- froin 1547 la 1610r, Ruis activelilterar>' lite co'cred oniy ton years. Aubetsr, the composer of Prencli anti Italian opena produced ai -lis musical works lu iess titan torty vfe.ars. Hlîveti lia lx-89. The tamous hbloiaIel palter, Davîi. Rit-rd Iront 1748 toi ISt', but exi,ý-cuteti aui is masterpî ies thaan fifteeni Y'eurs. Chiarles Dicke us lit-cii itI>- iglît y4e, ns. fronît181-11ta 170. -Mhisltcrar>' life hegan lu 1853 anti ended wilt bhis uc-ath, tRios cotic-rltig a Istrioti of tRin]>'- fit-e years. It ha saidti ltaI acon% Essays, b%' n-Rit-R bc la n aît' kno utn . are eaid le bai-e heen wutniten In Rose tItan six eek . H is p c-niai] o Ilitiemrar> activil>' eou ereti a lutIle mare titan forty-llve yen rs. "i~U U UL1 Torquato Tassa waa bora la 1544. ObImxLd lu 1562 began bis poclienl wark. 'Thec Jerusalein Deliver'ed," whlcit NO~ AtT N TS CL A M S. - coseti bis Riterar>' career, w ae coin- as1i o eia rf ~ .~.. . p ele 1575 . H is active la ito ns co in- iee5ta, lia jsd ceie det a ' ý' k p rJse( tii teen years. LyYOUNIG MAN AND WQMIAUII Preecott, thceable hisitadan af the -e.- 1 îý panIst-AmerJcan coatinent, lveti 'Lfrum 1796 ta 1839. Âlthaugb labornag i '~under groat disativantages. ha accom- ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ upl elîed a considerab ie am onut af lit- etaay uork af excellent eboracter. j< ~ U fl 1 Nl ElU I~ b ~l"Ferd îna uti an ti Isabella" ne. pro- . L S T ~ it E iI S d r 5 i5.J ù e. d tk- et ln 1538. a n ti bis a c tiv e lilte r er >' su j abtyts continueti twenty-one pears. The Same Old Sarsaparilla. TRiat's A vx'.TRie ame aid earsaai-llia as It w au made and Isode5O Veara age, In the laboratory It iS differeat. Titerta modern appliances Rend apeeti to akill anti experlence. But the sarsajparilla h the same old sarsaparillia that made the record-=50 yeara of culmeS. Whydoiu't we botter ut? Well. we xe lunch lantte condition of the Bishi andi the raspberryt "*Doubt- Resu," he saiti, "Goti might have maesa botter berry. But doubtiesa, aîso Ho neyer duL." Wby don'tu WO better thetlsarsaparffia? 'W. can't We are iisbtheG same 014 piast that cured thé Indi à aa te Speaiards. Jt has flot been bettefol. Andmince we miake sarsaparila compounti out eofmarapailUa planti re se. no way of frmprovement. Of eouruc, If irO Wefl inaking some secret chemnical compound, ire mnlght . . But we're Pot, We're making thie isnald smaraail te eure thé maree od dioeoài&Yen an tellIl *i twr a. Ita the o Tueiga ble 4pSwt4u LAND 18 GOING FA ST. SECRETARY FRANCIS' ANNUAL REPORT. Hie Mtatelasent Showsa that lhe Country la Being MRapidly iiettied-Big S1ume for Pension. Problein ofthle Bond- Aideti Rallroada. Uncle tSam's lioniin. Tite animal repo)rt ai'SecrvtarY ai' bbc Interior Francis A.wts matde public Fmi- day. it prtulîîses a stolution oai the î-exed probit-ut ai' lhe bonîlaidet roatli, dealit exhaus-tivî-iy vilt tte pentsiton admiit ra- lion, revit-w, tRie trîgrtist lte )awc- commission uegoliatiîang andti ouches up on nîtrious mill t-rs aof ,s1tetîttisignificalice ini lte W est. Tite repotî pt-tîswilt a discusstiton oai' lte p-tlt'lc iîou ain. It sbovvs itat ltetotl atttttber ni' acres dis- posed of up te .Tune :30 IaFt was 4,0, C" ), lRaniitg putblie dîtîta ii i l R vacantl estini aie ti a I t t m ov ,t ttf5 >, fot ln- cRudittg lte distritt-t(tf Alaska, uvit t an art-a ai' o nt-r l.0)( M 0< .lX t a creis. Sinet lte itoustt-dad nt m is îtî s tO. o)it'M ay '2), 1,W ;2, ltere liave e tet-t 1t , 9 2 a c-re entersod b>' loinestt-ad mi-tiler-t. (Of titis alinost 11t3,tttK),(KX)> tires a il ail bce ita on t ,d o itn lte légal I -i-tuttitloisithav t' lîe mtatle. tif tt'e rt-illitallth-r 42tJtJ<t.t)o titres re ptr isen t -tiiriets îtit--l , T ieti- tali mit n îlter ttf tiite Ra t-titi-lts tilt1, ti ate is 29«.820: ptenltl its to raîi lu ys anitd mw agon ronds dat-t- lte irsi grîttî iss ituti r t-nuit 5 7 tt 7r l e s-. T itirt- a ls a i ia e e. ht ci t 5 î lt 7 2 a t-r t-s d il t- tried f b y p u n' 'Flic tt la ndg r a rrti a t- , l i t- n s ite s fltu t - l nam i. 'fi'r i itr t - î , t ii M a r i-l o] l;iot-t. i.cltils, il 181.tttuitineat-rît.iii tioi i l o tui Fi tg r tit itîtf t î-î,tt.-gth e'.v a i o n sîî S t' jis ; t î . u t î t i , î - r,- -. T i t i' t u t ] f a r i I t t1 2 L t. s t ~ 1 - i t i n , î i i î î t l t i t t t a i i n u d - .îti m to a grielîa t ra---. Titi- c it-,ct îfo r t] i > g r T h e: trî- a lo- t f it i m ute --f .i-ý,,:i - f r o it - l i t i lb ,it- e -i , - u s t Lî e -tî rî .i . ti i T h e t re p ot r titi y f - t - - î l i u - t -i t - i i - - - . l t t t t i i t u t tlt ot ii - t ; rl tg ii ili- -ti If the rarte i'f t ot l t h - lit i tt-tt l- ti sit lis Itý (i g i n ' lit I .~~~~~ -,- c t t t ] - t i r î î - ti c e s a r y t - - it - ti r , - t i i - i r i e ! t t l t, it f r h t b - t i lit f tttitt'ils -t ttltlt-rt-.n :Jîît i i i i t s î t ttý î Is tt a tl t i rti - i t- t tt t i l i t u n s i-t !- lo2e:1 m i7. ii) T ti t t- li- t o isa lu tb ' - - l ld h ii ld: Il. f 1-it i,. f- ttîl ijo lit ti i e sî* î i s rsi, g - l î î îî i -the Il e i to n - ti lt- - - t t t i n i-t tt tî î; '-o f g ct ti om li 41>; i ti::, i-itoit-aiaiuta iit-lurgest-nit- .) î- - i ) è r- t ii et ii- 1tîtsi ît î o r l o-iti n i o n- i - - -il -! -tIti,- m d i i i'î t h er î tC t-i t - - u il i 2 l 7 itti ciatt-if fuit,Ill S ta tio î t u i-t l- î i initi f îîi, r i tilt- t--- i l a r a m ltrt u. ivtir r îtii tht-io n f te ben. t i t i t'1 1 : 1 ! t,- lîî ( îi t f i î i i î i ' m r-.i , '.-lie tt litiiit-Iitlt- aliii'..iittuetîttaiti i * --II., i-t-tir f -r to t t-t i ii t *- ,iti vit r,- !c -.i it î Tii iit,.itt ii t i i i ti an affao i : V ît t r - g. ctatii t u t tii .ît ii i a r t - r ,- ia t - tii i l t-i i tlî Tîi L it-j t i , i i ' a s ,t t ttl u t l u i i t - - t t i î - . tt i - t i l . i S-i l t - r c t a r n I 't - a n u i t a l i r - iti l i ii - ti -ir m i e f îr li t ~ r t-iltî t h: i -i, ua t iitit to t u t- sf ii tl o hi i ,- it u t ti t R' 1 5 li a , w u t- b f îî- t ll e t - a . i te f ti,- iîae t an ed d w il -i ulOtiiit-b ligte trustfuIl'.ti, but wua.lti es-i)ai > -, nî - it i' lt e I tr ( ,ord 1 . tý l i T le- e t n > ' e s y li e b a s <o p i e d e - ti soRti hz'ibîtnd-ildî-d-mailoais, :but ho se>vi,, te>e iliitîseauIhi-apît of-aIuof ic C ' îi rtii i'a U i t h e g r t o t i S e crett-ir ' th e l>-s a or ei l i i i a r r e p a r t o f lit eoctt m p l it y -s oitî lll e i t a h î t i s o w so l Witf ltiar llm-ts lo ica dîîm ing t of picr et li .. t-tofale ru :1ý il it n - iîîs in i hs 'e ýe o fe a m > cl le atte n-im tiethtu rerdamp.tit qsuate ovla theL- ter or epa t m n tt r i-e rl ag e mn ilsp a h .fo mi liI entanui-rahlag of6,000lat >ea - a tipn sl, 'o rin io n mIl nds th iee lrec io n bie th il l re entsbul d i ng aeId ina fot h e- m lthieiof P. uso a nd i tt.]r m i u c o ne i m o de a t s e. %br n c es cft h i e d o p at flong Konga Quteer Stock Exchange Thte Hong Kong Stock Exchtange la one ofthtRe financial wonders of the- worid. Properly speaklng, there le noi stock exehange at ail, ail the financlal1 operations belag carrieti on la the gut-1 ter, and by the muet motiey crowd of1 brokers tbe warld eau show. There are1 Englishmnen, Germans, Anglo-Indians, C.binese trom Canton, Arinenians tram Calcuta, Parsecs t rom Bombay andi Hebrews troam Bagdad. And ftrom thei princes of finance wbo play with hua-1 dreda of thousanda (there are severai afI tbem Rn Hong Kong) down ta the hum-1 buet wbo bu>'. ten eltares bere and i sella ton shares there, al are making money fast. Money ila Hong Kong seems to bave lesa value tinanaywitere el6e. 'fatte and Bliait>' In thie condition la wblch ever>' bu- nman being was undoubtedi>' lntended to be, and wbenover thie lo nol lthe case there muet be sometbing wrong. Proit- ahlInl a majoril>' of cases tRhe trouble Ra Rn thebe Wod wblch bas becoju lin- poverlsbied'or impure -by reason 6.à~ reditary serotula talais or from some other cause. In case there is serotula lan te biood there wiRl requently lie eruptlons of the skia, titougb sonietîmes the disease assumes a dîfferent ttrut. In tact, a ver>' large proportion of dis- esses are caused b>' ihis inheriteti talut. That thie cause lo Rn the bloati le proved by lte tact that scrotu-it, sait riteum, rbeumiatism, catarrh, ant ialiter RIke dis- esses are most readily ' cUtHI b>' purif>'- Ing the blood. No medîcine bas such a record or cures as Hood'o Sarsuaprilla. and yel iootis Sarsuîîarlilale aiwnys ativortiseti as a Wtood purifier. The wtt> tc keep lhale and i iearty la ta kéep lte bioati pure, andi If l h flot lu a condRition of purI>' and i vîality tdiere le un botter remiedy> that eau eust than thiIs sanie great blood Ituriller and strengthbauild- cm, Hoods Sarsaiparilia. Laîw andi Justice. Tho late lortd chieR' justice of' Englaud used t e u ltl lits fric-tits tRis anecdote et his NuiIl ei'e -ut-t-: Dri ring iii ii -niipete1w artilits cour-t ano trtIn i iii t t e thapp cuned ta Rt ai trs--xtr itp re. F earli r Lec w ou lti 1>- t li tt O. il -ie -a lied a ti en t-li 'v cab froi ilin- stri-tI rntîk.ani-ade lte Jeitu drive Ihlm ais r:îîtily u asPos- sible Ioto1oiicoutîrs (If justiee. "A ui w li-r- l cile i ?"T ""t', hat, a.i itdun t-a i îhy. and dotilt knou-w-lic-rt tlit- Liii courts are at 011 Temple lBnr*! "oh, the lau etîrt s it? B ot vou sali courts oR'f it ii On bis vw a>- lu lis judit-inl sent lte chiof jusi ie CO w ut uni-e tMat a lini- was dravn lu lte (comun mînti b- tween iaw anti justice. As If, for lu- stance, Whitle nue Wns dlspctised tRie other was dispiseti witi.-(;rec-n Bag. Teins. Ianlihe sgricittturai litte Texas e l-de ail other States ii lte taritt oci'ils p mo iuict. Coltcn, com a antihie ct-rt-ais grow sud are lu thie cetral andi ottitertitparlions sugar cane uni] sargitît tanc are profitahi>' cuitinated.On thlie tGulf citait lacanti Ihrce croît' i ' f r g î-laUth-,ire maiseti etcit yeur. Bernies are Iiîi i1six imeele lu ad v en ue oet htie itîtiî ,- r i, n tRe n antit. P-ears, pettits. îliitiîi.s.toraniges, fige. aR m es a. i t aii iti t i I g no u a ltuii. antliy a tn d ra u be niarLketiî fmý;i iti %,t tt a ree mvecks in ativntiie- of lte Ctlil i'tria drapa. Large q tii t i ti f mi i-te lre nt t gro tt n. I lf te -a --tL-. lt - ho ti îe--eeie m or the settie nd ît-iris lit st-ut-va a tnu arger iTauti Ut-one utl i tcclipicr. en vasîl>' more reasuîitbe lt-rnsl: if lie a ants mare Rend la caititate. a gnt-eit-r vta city cf crups t0. hamvest. o-ith cru îýrlîtîîtîtely int-reaseti re utîtnprat ittî t i t csm titilia >' for c net of produtcîltin if lic witittit i n -arlttr se-a- sort w t t-tîres--.1t i ti!ittly iigitr Iprives; if lie mat it- i tii-c c tIti-s, tîlil te >ear 1 past.irae foîr hi-. -t-e k. iîîîprn rove iteaitit in cr i -e ti e l it tlil> t -ait îrt s antii mea tlt and prîtilît-it î. lie koffld i iglu iti'Texase. S t-titi fo tr t aî îi îlt-î i t-st-riiutiv e af t h e me so îtrcee ut tlii -. îret-ii St ite (m aileîl free). Lotm ratît-ho t -e- n' exc tur- sio tte vina lt - ?îi--,mîîti. K tiîîuas anti T ex- ase Itailtu a>' itton i- it> N o v. 3 anti 17, Bec. i andl 15,i'u!it; IH. A. Citemmier, Nor erh nt s.-ii-' Agi-nt, 316 M er- quette Billlîung. b!iicagîi. 1R. ('ycle R-inuIs. -ti en liii e n-cvi' tl lu- b ic-t- n i in ît'. lb a mietu- on ' ite uisalii >- tm îi l l ul-t in g lt e t'yclisl lu ilii,' ro tîis ut-Rîre lte plense IM e oai' 1 aibys aotiiug egi îs. 'rut- e v ee t eta rs ut t're ta i ît i n Rt -ae t t-no m books, on ut Rit-lt ty t-ils îs uta >' !tit ,-ît -tàer w-be -is. T iti' RLa-n is a gre-It fiticce as . andti lit ait tîccoim madatitîn gveatli>'altirec-lal,11 It> ail lave ofs i'tht- 0100 it.w.rd. 0100. Thte neatienoftif li =i iier tiili tic pica-e ti i iea m litab u it -c e lit ut l's 1 one treatteit îi-ea me ltat sî-ieî te Item liera ablein, t itrecia- n aulilt-t balaes. atîtl titt 1 Cacacrît. ilis Catarrh litre la te ouni i'ti cure knewn 10L te atedicai fratemnit>-. Catitrrh bie-ing a cs t-u tmiutI uai tils- case, inslllîîîionaltIrecalmeul. Hlies Catarri (tlire lhtaIt-n laiemnati>'. acting diretliy on lte binai] andtintt-itis strtacit of lte ysleni. tbereby dt,,moN*Ing lte fountiation of lte dis- ease. uadgivnîulte ipatietlstreugtlitby buiding up lte eonslilîîll0îî andl auî.laing nature la doiag la wlomk. T ue itrtîtri,.loma iavq so mauchtfallb la ilscurative pot-erh tlitet lIey aller One Hundreti DItars for an>',i-a-e thatI(t tallit go cure. Menti for liaI ai' lestiînoilai-, Atidrew . tY. .1. (IiENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. M -8 .Id by D u gtt.75c. The Deop @eu. A new "ad for tdeep sea, souadiag ean'ries a cartritige wlîicb explodefi on tuecblng thie bottain. A anbmerged inl- crophone reoeiu-es lte sauinc, andtihie depthit scetignaletifrom thie tume oc- euju4ed b>'lte Reand in aking. Cteughlng Lea»itsteConinamption. Kçerp's BaReain wiRl stop the caugh at once. Go ta your druggltot-day and get a iainple bottRe Iroc Large bettlua, 50 cents andi $LM0 Go at once; dllaya au6 dangeroua. T~he Climat., "I have been accîuelmed to botter laye thau theus," nid thie tramip, @or- Papa'. WhistRing jPowerg. "Georgie, Georgie, mind-your bat wIl1libe biowu off If yenu leun no far ont of the carniage!" Paterfamtîilas (qulck- ly smttchItug the hat tram i te hoat aof lte mefractor>' youngî?ter, and i llîing It behlud hità back): "-rliore, Dow, te bat bus goue!' Georgie set up a howR. Afttr a wilie bis ttier rermarkiý: "Corme, bc, quliet; If 1 whIstic yonr liat willR came back qg-.ln." (',Vititles and replaces bat an boys bond>: "'here, It's bock Oaam, you sec!" While lte pair- ente arc engaged la conversation George thnaws bis bat out ofthlie car- rlage andi cries..11a, wblstle again!" Practieai Application of' a Pruverb. Whether on business or pleasure bt-at. or sport dlaims yau as eue of its votariet. the New York Central aftarde ail, andi more thau al, lte best. ln ruai-bt-d, iti saIt-t> of niechanicni coniri calces, inthlte ele.-anet' anti ronfort of its coach-ies,.in te creature cami'orts of its î iitnng antd sleeping cars, itila nasurpasseti anti una sumîasabie. Ils nmanagemtent is modest lu claiminâg tinat "lte rumble ai'flte Em- pire tState Express is ht'ard round tht- îvorld." They nuiglitt, iit justilicatiait, have clutinud tit lils iraises are so hourd. A jalîrne>' in 14i.4, tI';ý fastest rc-gula' train inthe worid, is nmrked as a rotii ltt-îl day in the rut-mory of the olddtst trarvî-Ir: and inlu naty a bock of rein inisreitî-eýs the- New York Centtral lias received the- rev- ognitioît filt lis its (lue. No traveler. Rt. hoe native harn or foreign. who bas itasseti over titis grealest af Amerie-an raliroaqis but who ie wiiiing lu give it uttitiîitI naeed of' prause; indeed, few wailttîir int sptiration to (do so. 'Safe bintti saut- finti," is a proîcr t lita. in maiiroad matl,-rp, ilt maniagenment bas etudieti well ail(d ai- plieti practicaily. Tht- publie recarde aI- lest il. Oiling-. Engineers spt'nt a year colecling- data for titoir report ounlte Congo Rail- raad, wbieit thcy assertoti coui lac be ut for $5,0M00410. Tite>' ow sa.V tjiî:t lte ttalai cot viii Rie tronu $12,000i,000 ta $15,000,G(JO. Lanc'e e'amiliy Medicine Moves thte boweis ecati day. In or- dem to ho iteaithy Ibis je ueceatary. Aots gently an tite liver aund kidacys. Cures sick beadache. Price 25 and 50c. Site-I sec tlîey Laive Daw n.",Vott- au's Dit-tioîtaryY liao yau suppose tîtat, diffors troît nun>'alter? lità-i'rob!tlly Rias muore words lu it.--Yonkers States- We wiii torfoit $l,0ffl if any oatour pub- lisheti testintouitis 'art' praven ta he oflt genine. THE PIS0 CO.. Warren, l'a. No, Maude, dear, cnpnlttlers tIo -ot dlean thoir saws unt boItbruslws. There nlà .stk uu tattseIl b.t he ii v s fg umacinte) that hm itabteacO, .om n a tai,,!se. m ach etas ,tîml hane Lt.Hlave ara matie Ina, eouatntaaoe? Try il. Sirs. wiEetowe SoovuINQ 8crueta? Chiltdrelà taethliurý nlis. lt.e uln& eauces liemustiion. atisys vicr.winudcoite. 15 rmute à boute. sevemesl cases o - Crofu a, sau t n o a nd riîeumai'.al. iLyo en r Sarsaparli lia Th et-iac.t.he cune Tru 1Boo M Ilood's PIuIS cureLiter iae Cake. easy 10 Gladness Cornes W~ ith a better understanding 49d6 YTtransient nature ofthtRe ManyW1t ical iliiiw bich vanish before rp 9à fort-genl ort-pleat fa.c rîgltlydi - ce di Th ora la eom f oft tho k]t.owledýge that so Many form a seikness are not due te any actual tIff- ea3c, but simply ta a constipateti eoe4- tion of the system, which the pleuff famiRy laxative, Syrup or Fige,pr , ly removes. That je îvhy it lant0 rcmcdytwith million.%of ftmillesa" evcrywhero estcemed so highiy b~U wbo value good health. Its besiIq 4 efectsaurc due to the fi-et, that tI one remcdy îvhich pramotea Intq~* ck'anlincss, ivithout debiittlngw organsan wbicliit aets. It isthereioe' ail important, ia order. ta get its boe- fleial cffccts, to notea ivea you=tpw. clisse, that yott bave the genuine rie, whicli is manufuctureti by thie CaMoale Fig Syrup Co. only, and saRd by ail ep utabjle dmuggists. If ia the enjoyment of gooti and the systcm les regular, the tives or otiter remned.esarem notn If afflicted wvlth any actual id'a mey be coinmended to the mootk= physL-cians, but ifl nneed of a Iî then one shoulti have tbe best, andti the well-informedeverywhere, Srqýw Fige satnds bighest and ina mo uned antigives moat nara PATENTS. TRAPE-uL M.N. V. Nwtigto Advoetser% s. d Milad thia LIt makes no fern , K M P U 1 1 I I ~ U W A a t e, o r UEU~U IUIUMnlm 1 of tRhe muscles, Jointe and lDonen le Cured by a - - -a 0 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -a-a a G u eîu. s*fi1 Important Notice I The only genuine "Bakers Chocolate," celebrated for more than a century as a de- licious, nutritious, and flesh-forming bever, age, is put up in Blue Wrappers and Yel-, loW Labels. Be sure that the Yellow", Label and our Trade-'Mark arc on even, package. WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd, Dorchester, XaW lor work. roqtg bend tor dewrip uab you wanta Il= hkgp New. la& awmoL.Fu M= SAllf 18 LIKIE À- ý-

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