CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Dec 1896, p. 1

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dvpcîubrIV . l'tue 8J. Pr. Charles Calloway. Office over LoveIV@aDrug Store IOUlU PAON1ITOe38ANà> 0 Te a P. IL !Libertyville, - Illinois L. AYLOIR. ffce over Triggs & Taylor'S. to Ioa. m. to 4 Md .to . m. t Eamdooeon Broadway opposite Parki Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. SMITH, Offieover LoveII'm DrugStore qOUE&aS$ a &m. Md 1 O p. m DAIL. Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. mOUàà TILL 8 A. M. 1 ?O 8 A» 7 ITO s P. . Sgpeelal attention paid to the trestm.nt of Chronie Rheuniati.m. Rockefeller. - Illinois. O0. F. Butterfield M. 0. C. YIITEIIINAIIY SURGEON AND DENTIST. LmiMaTTYVLLE - - - ILLINOIS OMfem: Trtggm a Taylor DIk. Cone to Iowa. The-boot and shoec onvern wlth whom the syndicate people have been negotiating for sometime in hoPes O! securing their location here have entibimhed the factory ln question at LaMars, la. Mr. Gqodrich, head o! the concern, we are advised, is desirous removing another factory here, as that concern controi several boot and shoe factories, and with that elid ini vlew representatives of thilr concerui wiii viait Libertyville next week. To Instail OffIcers. Invitationg are beiug lsîdtoaa public Installation oA aftIceýrs "f Lbertyvîlle Lodge A. F. anid A. M., whieh wIUl occur at thme Tawnî Hall. Wednesday nght, Dec. 30, Al mlasanus and ladies are cordially lus lted ta attend. JOHN AUSTIN, i UEFO. Bosu, 1 Cala. W. E . DAvis. Read 'Emn. Our advertisers camne pretty Inealy edltlng aur paper this week. The "d are vrntable bulletins o! bargaina. Nov dont ignore the enterprise manifested by aur home merchauts by leaving your dollars with the Chicago department stores. Caîl and sec. what your home dealers offer. Theyý have perbapa put in a larger stcka That RePort. There lias been muelh comment as ta the nutlienticity of the lînaucial repart1 of tiie Lake Caunty Agriclitiirali Soclety, for 1895, as publilhed hy the Illinios State Board o! Agricultuire. The partienlar item lu question reads . Anount paid inlu 9, ir real emtate, buildings and improvemeuts $5,1(,0.2«à." 0. E. Churchill who waas %(Yretary in 19.5, claims that item Slîoîîld read -Amount paid in 1895 for bîuildings and improvemeuts $,6I2, and that it was the printer'a errar and Dot his tliat -real estate" was iniscrted in that item. No onceîjuestloned lait that the amnount was expended for Ibud- irîgsanad impravieîiignts," but ns the "real estate", was pnrchasedl by a former board it shild not be ltenml7.d iin th-, '95 report. Those Llrhts. *The dynamo l iUic tewmay, ikely ha liere mosi anytime- va the astî,und. ilig information vaichsatf'd iy tîj eletine lght colpaniysîenmpiayves ah regular asthe question is apkerl. Al eIse la readiness. NWeu the dynamo arrives it vilI aulY be a matter O! a day or two before Libertyville will have thie benelit (! ifiiîlern illuImina- tian daIlriug tlhe dark bars aif niglt. It -ali t came tao r50011. Mi» m. ALIu UflYI8. Christmnas novelties than la warrauted, N'es is l scarce aîaong the edtitojrial twdmuS Or <osCen IOpowing to the faci <su maiy go t(ibelrutfokaîmî.Btte i àfo.Chicago and psy as mueh money for bgethîmred oOla pit.But 'icnI ila voie CULTURC AND HARMONY the same articles beside thein cr, Ilcws. is heuI it i8 nisit the time, it l8 Lib.rty'vIl.. ainot. lare. Hlep the towa and bny aI home. how mean the skmink is sshoinuis the _______________________________opposition nýe" sllper. Here isa PAUL MaCUFFIN, The Lake County Academ te sample, wiliî appeared la the lasi PU aUFIappelatioio! a proposed scbooal Iii bwissue ofthe Mc iPl et('o' itilylIcîd Attorney and counmeDor astILa- tarted lu Lîbertyville sometime nt-xt pmblishcd ai Watoliga. NOTARY PUBLIC gpring by H. C. Paddock. NIr. Paddock The fumhlinini neclie, thlic bîtly - inflormuntu he wil, coudut a si, weeks ared beauty, fIce egoti'ttie'il sv, lipectal attention given Collections teacher's normal drill during July ani driver, the skni' rvii, red faved, adconveyanclflg. îrass lined ga il itain iwhite nîai - AdÂgust. and thai the acadenîy ai iII cm-ae htali)lte4to(, COrNT BÂNI haVr iha mailtai aie u ' rîîorîîtiamî Oppîca WiTs LAIECr[ITBAK braeaftcomplete college preparatory shieci acroisa tue sax sent .011 as favis Libertyville, Mlinois.1 course. Tuian feesi will range trom at ssetk. etc.. e-tc. E.-ý ______________ - 13)tO $50 a year. His preseut intention A petitian isla bcîg circulated by friends of Mr. E. W. Parkhurst, read- ing as fllows: We the uîîdermigîîed, citizcus of Lihertyvhl]e.Ililinois, hereby express our preferenre for E. W. Parkhnrat of Liliertyvillv, as the liepulilcan. appointee for Post Master o! Liberty- ville andi eleerfîilly recommended hio appointment, believing hirm ta be lu every way conipetent and trust worthy. Mr. Parkliiîrst is a good muan for the place, and will undoubtedly secure a flatteriug endorsement from aur citi- ZCfl5. ('xpressed l'y thecir Signatures ta the abai e petition. The Poet Turned i.oose. .lake juiîîller on a somlimer dJay, riaked the moadows siveet witli hay. The mule with which bce raked the hay was dun sith spot.i o! gray; .iakes shirt was hivkary, bis pants were brawn, wlth a pateli an the part where he sat dowîî. Jake cussed1 in a way it was sad ta sec, wlien thc mî,ie went -haw" when lie suid ,gee." A humblebees8 home ln the stubble lay, where Jake and the mule raked the claver hay. A rake toath rau thronghi that humble home, aud the lices came ont sud began ta raam in search a! the man, who, on that sammer day, raked the meadowsoa! laver liay. Thcy swarmed ail over Jakeys shirt and quickcned the mule ta a lively spart. It wa taugli on tlhe mule, it was t4ýIngh on Jake anîd worse still on the sulky rake; for thc mule tnirned baose ini a promiscuanis way and scattered the rake al aver the hay.-Ex American Locomotive ln Japan. The fact that Ameivan locomiotives have already madie a record for thensi. selses in Jaalît lias been widely liablishietlanîd comnented uip t. Rlepoîrt las 1iliat lu a test betwcen Eîîglisb and Anîeriv-an locomotives sud Ualdwi ii englue. nmade' in Pennsylvani, pu 1 led 2> -14 t'ii iier th e Xateîa i a - ~I.bV, In Aav TheMo±l CLOTHING HOUSE, Temperance Temple - - - - Waukege The First Time ln the h istory of Lake County, a sweeping re- duction in pri- -ces BEFORE Xmas. ______________________________________ I E very0 Wili be able to dress Wel for the HOLIDAYS. commences$ IBIS SAFSATURDAY, DEC. 2 The following are a few of the niany bargains~ A genuîle Clay Worsted Men's Suit guaranteed mil yodp and fast h1ltck, in auny style sack, frock cutaway or double breastod, Former price $12.00, now $9.48. A fine Union Cassimere Men's Suit, welI trimmed Mud made, former price $6.00 now $4.70. Ail WooI Cassimere and Cheviot Boys' Suits in brown or grey colorsansd single or double breasted, former prie. $8, now $5.90. A good Union Cassîmere Boy's Suit, former price $5.75 now $4.55. A straighit reduetioùi'p! 201 per vent an aIl Overcoatsansd Ulster& nov on out tables. on saine o!ftme tluer grades as mach as 30 per cent. MENS' UN DERWEAR -shirt Or drawer, worth 35e each, 23c.; camel'm hair shirt or tinawer (!(,"à woal, wartb 75c., eavh 43e.; blue !ancy triped woal shirt or drawei', worth $1.001, each 6;2c.; strictly ail vool rshirt or drave national calan, noril $23 each 93v. MISS MARY ZIMMER. Iostoe mploy two assistants. Wonderfui are thie cures hy Ilood's1 hi"I, amîd lid ilSt il i 't"i asett MENS CAPS- A hceavy wiiten cap 23c.; famîcy Scotch golf cap 39C.; hea?!- DRESSAKER h yo insat oneoninittiig natilSarsuparilit anid xe t i i only becauise a> u I Jpfese englacera attered crdryau4.;fc uscaurmrpie12,nv8. DRESSMKER. I you isist o commiting natri- sathe one true bl;ood pli ritier. il niakes ta pull a ranch heasier Joad witha puicpfmrpie$12,ow8. Cupmara VI IUoa BPACUL...... mony, cllat the INDEPEFNT lltepure, rnch, liealtiiv, li!e-giviiig bloutd. sister englue. lu faet the Amnerican Tr'H E a ke an wý,aPaLua avaruNT&uQET. and examneOur elegant and camîtîcte Hood's PISlfor tclEe udegledd ialylan 3 tn, V U,~S Arllngtofl Helghte, IllinOlS. lUne o! weddlng statiouery. bowels, act eaiy et îîrompitly. 25C. exelîmieivep~f the weiglit af the engine MARRY ALSCHULER, PROP. the top a!f<tie incline. Tht' Engîli__________ üimgine attemapted tui hamîl 200 1tamis ______________ vr ue111mii ~î~î îtaî 1 WAUCONDA. PRAIRIE VEIW. A I w Y ~ N ' Iasised on the muI tdifilemlt part ai Mcrry Xmîis. H. Suith drove, 10 Arlingon H.lgta Lhe grade v i îother eligille. Thle 0. î'. Mailleis a NîIîI.îIsia miStida a l.iiglill vililiiiw e\t hîîLid îtraîî in haylat. A. G. Maetbier and V. Sour did buai. Newiîgoi'i-i îss î's'r thelîil, tut tV aySe.yiiîii, utf{%iaiiI . . iii Cilvatgo Imîsi -iday. New tvi-'Y! iti.e ,'lir ow.r1x-litre Im'isday. iMr. SI.ellimîg took a load o uk Crockeryt îîvmîîvî, iii- tîrolcmle i' uuopen,. te 1 li-s. Wiîii.Mrlo \ s lted rîi,îtiv,'s ii'l'ett acnueet Dinnsu rttellesv'r o lic t- iî,tî'li îîElgin last wek .mgit Hali, who bas beeu ou th. __ i nnd rebu1 i.NV. Skimnnii'r, uit Ivanue, suas ai ick liai, expecis ho be ou duty Socin. 1 P'l, 1 11111 tai-flc ntI iiouir strecta uady A. Wereiîberg moved Jnte bis new' F~ORiTHE H<jLIDAYS - oildso svan "ieBl - " usdy acal>egîlmu- i til hailuivthe simllc tsielity - iMr andi Mrs. Whielovk sîvre \ hîk-l' use onithe West ide last Maturda!. mi i"iii l -1 Il in 'aliî ,l ismnore iid,ýu t e t( 1)Igala vi',lturs stuaay amnI Moidtas-. Mrs.' LamîlaKrneger was removed tb W tl ete o i 1 t' o!i..huit' \uh î intgRle. andi did it r, antiMislimî thîa climagît liasîital lasi week for treti CHISiTMAS C OmT, iti!13l . 111tî iid~î î aof ate ii i ' dvîsclrltiseimi N uuda TuLesdi i >., ment. mii'ri ii . vs-r'atit 't ti tciî. Ms E.viiduoc îlas v ieh Mrs. J. S. Gridley and brother thns uc tMr.s sure ity sisitotis lasi sset'k. Cmîrrali dilii .\ias shopping in Chicago Decoate U .l he g ii-nr. ii liIge ot (hi-1 Fl M poliamite icat pL W .elit \ý tire ne MisClara Smith, who has been mii smet i iiiti ii- itutdmî v 111 a iiiai, saiiîmi siting in Wisconsin for saine tinse <- $5 9 ii miltatuimietr juil i îmi t mýdeieîl i w'ns. i umiiJ. fGainc ai rse it ai m g a1etneturued home Manday. uînner t? mldatiiirfo ndgn iii brs' imumh .A Gl a reeitrilie."r 0Otur citixens attended I ntetiontm ofî thie t>dd <'vios EA. Gotldinig viiiiiiinict.ii 1îiicnfgîai nî'talecio !olcr o b t, i li l IIîîiiii it,'r olcottages u 1va v y l smia iat I'r iîliLty. Ltie Colmmty Agnicmlimral 8Soiety las $I.6 $ .35a lii>air irat u gnimiiiliiilietii-ii. Gîîdin Brs.,(i.C. Rotberts, Prive iveci. $2-35 l illiyîivreît fmiiibmr ifttli'anulr nos., and M. W. hulghes 'are Samîmit 3MISS Lîllie Calby visied ber parents $4-901)_______ii____i___________beroftv_ derCaus head(iianiers. lasi Sattirday and Smdy. MIsa Colby ----.---- is a hotmne. l'lie niatter was lntîmglit Carda are omt for the niarniage a! asys ber achool la juât gettlng inter- e up htf) efîîî thîe grandtilttdge, wsivhii, b s is Msa Della irwimnsliud IMrl. W~ivkiwen, catmmg. La ie 'Cloaks, Capes and Jacketsl ùHncîîî tpiiîedifc îtla ak "tmcdyDt2 attio sud Elsie G(ildley, of! ani lisan iti ît'liialrîtsl by ýýAtieiid <(lrie skating rnmk. The gami,looi adrantage o! the niole westh. iDo you want one? We don't want them-aly price wilI buy one--$2.50 adcil h iige f lî'aata acolin. ammlialrtslbandl tuîlsmt'il itiliale8i er aînd pent Saturday ad SndoW iiii,Siii aliliiiîted ta astertaimi wha t Satmrday eveîîîmîg. A grandîtime wltli their parents. upward: $15.OGarmnent $7.75. $g-Millinery Department- ti i iiiii îil i h bei la 1raisd. Cliarley Storms bas gone into 1h. cityiiiIllnoi woud mke he eat The HiaritimileQuarttte, o! Lake lanndry business. AuybOdy vishtng' 20 per cent discount on ail Millinery Goods from flow proipoitioni ta lave <lie bome la- Geneva, Wis., stdll give s grand ta alune lu a dlean coltar can do no vsuî-d ini lis siîinity. Bids will bce Te- comncert lu the M. E. chtnrch 'lîmraday liciter than tae aU on Chaniey. cni hism s elved ly ithet'oniîiisianen fan the cvelmig o! ibis week. If taliug Is auy indication of siafà. lîerîîîd a! six munths, sud aI ithe cx- Mn. p . Nimagearu, Mn. and Mrs. Il. 11kg, Prairie Vlew bas some of.tbo ast Haggerty sud Misa Zoa Nima8gearua salers lu the country. But stili fy GROC RY EPA TM E T! irttio of hattim thy wll ie ub-attended the M. E. dlimrchlinlu his place miles lu six haurs lit not sncb a terrible mîilîcî ta tle varions lîîdges forfnl a tBndy distanîce. Ltgbi travels 186,000 miles Lenox Soap, 10 bars for..................................... $ .25 acîtin. Il is île plan o! the conmmit- Mn. aud Mns. C. L. Pratt have la one second and man ongbt te trufte Santa Claus Soap, 10 bars for ................................. .25 tee havimmg île location sud erection cf retmrned te ibis place afler spcudiug along behind somawhere. GoldDue. 4 b pckag............................ . I8 lis home lu charge, ta Iurchase a tbncc mumtbs iu the city. Tiene lis no The ald way o! delivering muse Goldn Srup pe ..................................... .1ag5rc a ad nciaaflmn Waucouida Camp, No. 643, will give moden telephane, ilînairates the OUd 25c. Goldn (exrap, 25r gal..lier o! cottagas ta actomnodaie -a dance lu the M. W. A. hall Fiday teions methods o! "6breakinr .i" 40. .....................................Ite menîtters o! the order who will be Dec. 25. Good music sud a general compared witb their aimes nat idtàai enititled ta ilie pivileges o! thee mati. good lime. Ail are invited. cous cure by Oue Minute Cough OmI@s U DE W A DE RTV EN 'îltuin, sud resenve a part of the land The G. A. B. elected ittileers lasi .BLvllLbetvle n .0 UNDE W EAR DEP RTM E T!ion tue pmrpoae o! raîsiug fruit, veg. Satunday eveuing. The W. 'B. C., Robcnis, Wacorda. called on ibem siter election aud Ladlies' Al-wool, Unionî, 2.25~ quality, a suit...................... $1. 50 ciaides sud garden truck gcntrelly, s0 passed aroutd papcoru and sIples. Auction Sales. c. Ladie' Black Ribbed, Wool, 1,oquality, a Garnîeît ............... 1.00 Iliat Lhe institutiiomn will le self-sîIs- A number of teainaiers lu tiIs place The undersigued will Iletaip Lades'Blak Tght, awuîs sld or .50 mî..................... .00taiîîiag iii veny panîlvîlar. are drawing gravel on the read mîar anction at ber home ln Ladis' lackTigts, lwas sod fr 1.0, it ................. .00Lakes Cornmer'factory. The teamaiters II. Monday. December 2%' o! Nw Ytnidanate their work sud the townshiip o! conmmcncîng ai 1 o'clock p. m. Ilie1uesentatise IRay, fNYr, Ela furuiab Uic gravel suddabtîvelers. the tallowing descibed BLANKETS AND BED COMFORTS! believes iliat tle sensatioual publics- -I-i: Sa !bre W have just received 160 pairs of Gray and Tan Cotton Blankets t:ummoftuhîe dtails o! suicides results MaoC.Tiicaisan ' egmerlppse.etdue dobl, ow stpic eergien 9cpe pir W ie he ceasuîg Suicide, aud he lias State Hoiel, ai Deaisomi. Texa,sUiclumb wagon, eurrey, 0IIOIIII dobe.lwetprc ee gvn,4ucitrtitlcetl a bill making any publics- the travelIng memi Say la lone oft!hiebosegm erch wîI sei 2pai toa csto er or 5c.JUS& think 37J cts for a t et o medical science, hast batela ln tha Secetitou. Ilii peak- tioh, quantity of! lMoUV ,yj wilisveilh.pupairliesathespicînrfoo!7th. iug o! Chiaxtmtmcnau's Ctlle. Clitleré in crib, feed cutter~, and othag whih ublsles hepicur ofth sad Diarrboa ea ieî'îy Majo ict î toi i.iumerotls t eione. pair of duble u ankts suicide, on euy detaila, excepting boys: -I haveunsed h uîrilfasd in INS0 AI.AlU nineuî, idate and tplace o! tiatîl, umi- my lami for several yesra, aud taie a creilt tif <six mo.ths W»m»bU muîumlîîiîic. ~~pieaure ln sayiug. liat 1 cousider hippoa aial o% an infallible curae!tir dianrhoe ansd pen cent iturest. A ~ ~T~ Y I~May lapntai rtile su sniîngdysentery. 1 always recoiumend Ih, mas. EB. y np sd bave frequently admlnlstiered ilt t- -- mIN- sorlea have been secured yFrnk my gueusaIl the hotel, sud lu cvery y.. Prolle ue ve L<~ S# top drirm lb.opinug yr. aongUnuam&Ued endorsfement. For »Ieb ez ' Lovefl, Lib.riyvilie amiq G. O' .,....&t.. â...~. -)fnatS'=__ iv 01 051 'il lU, lfl Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, December 18, 1896. -i ---- 1 -.-- - .. Bd-le rbAna 1 1 $1.50, ln AdVI

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