CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Dec 1896, p. 2

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MF FOR LIJMBER. kf-DEMANPS QONSUDERA- ,iýhNKIN FUXING IDUTUE5S ý"tem tô Lumbermen'a Cuen- 0- et CincinnuatiWill Work Toward EUd-Cnban'girmpaihinere in Obm are Aroumeui. Convention ntainbcinnati. uud"ed and fitiy ýelegate9, rapre- tcc Stâthea, assenîhlcd hjl-ai, when the nationai cenvan- l umber Interesis iras caileul te or- P~ru'oii te pertactlng a tamperttry * sao, Messrs. Jtîdsan and Date- msade elabonata addresaes, expiain- apurpose et tbc convention, the ne- 4w'Ibr the cSil, aud the preseot condi- V 9f the Inniber busnes They ap- te t he deliiates tram bbc Seathb- Seiates, whlhsecltin ras icgely bominh.d. Mostote lcSoufliern dele- Slax bean trea-traeas, but, in ru ng thîe addresses etf.uàsou coul iaugh, these delegates insisteul thiat. hurel las te bc a protactlva tnniff, ltin- rUaboîid net be tliseniuiinzlt-u agaiist, 1 ald they weuid du ai ihcy couic! te Üle a tariff on lumbor. TLey rtolcîl all other articles used lu cannection Ifîtnber lu elI saris o! conîstrutctiuon W'potected, and that thue imbe-m mcdi- ettw Ch darese asd rqir eif t rea ai maas t erh asech j~~etariffa!104as dl~îIiui oate tata such actio.n cascoulul su- cjs e-siett flIunben iîutu'- Wb laihe tariff blîl ho lueenicetusi y hîyei tini Coagrens. NN'ilhe u irli<st 'f - eonvaenis as ta sêeutre a tariff on kber, a Permanent ocganlzatîîii ý -ertactad for bbc gencral iii-'es 1mbermen lu the future. -MAY TAX<E ACTIOýN. l«IB YmPathtzera bn Ch*caze Arc lhoroenrhly Avounesi. bided action iiu regerd th le r.- ti reacbery resorlesi ho by Sîtîn- tà the mander. of Getu. Neceseius tb e tatan hy Cîttuani symtîatlui.ei-s Chcg.Lead'ung utembens of te ý%Wttee of 100, ergunnizes oflue slip Oof the Caban cause. met iui thuu ewo e i lon Leagtic Cli> ul 0*$aae the assasbnaîiun ws-h maoy Wflosof etregret ansi censutre. luer- t?-howevar, tbnt te repen.rtsieay oui ai>nâlmed, tLe enimihie decidcd ha W la action uniu inter. Chairnian Esi- Wi . Cragin aaid tbat tbe commuite WM meet as soon ns tuiler reports arp. Wyed, and If the shocy is ctifimiiesi "geeuteu' olîl haofferei, andi i-9a saab n'onre cloue lu, the elo-to apttoplg Spain's, cancer on the in the Sugar Triff Affecta Hungorlan Matera. ~ uaUnitedl States Consul ah Werprts fa bbc Sîcie Deatnîeît etemartesi4dchange in bbc nilraad tar- c ugr jmat made in Austnia ssill mibw to alo.atogebar îbipmeuuis o! Paugar ti'am Bobamin te the Unitedi oevia Trieste. The Hitogartan sug- ,4nm&ers have Leen grcatly disappoilit- thIe laet et erdens fer ftein sîgar > the Unitedl States se tan this yen., rl&.8880tans hava Lean axpened'ric WU te Nais York aocd Philadel1tbia. 4 olegs. fan 25,000 tons emain in mbhougesataiFinue unscii. ] RANGE WAR REVI'a'lD. hirado Cattie-Men warn Wyoming Sheepraisera to Leave. Me ar etwebburcuColorade catil-men &' Wiyeming sbeepmien la again ou. 9f W. Edurards, a leasing sbeeposcu- jibrecaiveultus-etleirs fcunî tLe e=, giving bim six sinys hou whieh efOve hi. shecp fronmthe diaptes ~lOwardaireplies thai as a texpayer ut CountY, Colorado, for tuants'- 'a he proposes te maiesta sndl, 0rfusea te Le ininîated or driven Ma t.e range. Trouble is auficipates] Ceolrado'a Caban Army. 9,1 elalmaul by the leaders in the more- h hotend bop ta ohrado te RU tor Caiuban lundependene that more _1.0names bave ýalready ben-,,,, John cAnidrcw iddieoth.f ospulist -candidate tan Ahiorncy ah îLi te racent lacîbo, a. ec ËM OMmander, wbict t i.o Ci -Pae-ms ehool for Vasgraut. s. Xosephine Shaw Loweii, et New *bad the. CommiteeOn Vagnancy té ConferencaetfChariheas, Intensi » Influence feward ithe apeec!y MhhMent of a tarin schoei for vag- ý wkee honielesa men, detabueul ton tw tvyears, shahl receive a thon- ,ýpsm et industriel training. rt Ohio Laait Deeldeti. *qt oth îe estahe et Abrahami Agansi the asiate et C. H. Au- waa brought at Youugs- ta recover 5 cents a ton for over land of the piliLniff, Courti finds lu fayot' of 4~judgmeut ameuutinîg te near- fer Bet.-J. X. Venhorn. >.Vanhern. of the Warren, Chus-eh vau tcndered tLe $the Weat Landon Tabernacle U~and. Ha Las the cali n.The. oreigun mis- M td recammendîed hlm. IvIsI5 oted achorat' si eat àlivinidl.ed t Florence, *fiter a long illness. sIgaly, Presidint etfi#ie Basnk -ofEtBridgeport, toraJly ofere th ie po- *tooTrnmruo *~*~4 L a tIii-- nuit"u Wantea aRetractiOn rom the Mustapha Bey, the Turkiah Mlniste' bas receved pereniptory instrictions froni hi. goyernent to meure a reftsetion ot the injurions statements made by Presi- dent Cleveland ln bic message to Con- greso. A cable waa recelved on Wednes- day nlght whicb Indicated that the Su- blime Porte was ln an awful stew over the. matter, and the int was given that uieus. tlil government did sazuethlflg the Minister would be expected ta si for hi. passpart. ln accordance with this peremptory dispatch from the home gov- caernst the Turkish Minister suught an audience Thursday with Secretary OlneY and read the riot net ta hlm. He re- questqII thet. the matter be presented ta President Cleveland to the end that the President mlgbt, if possible, send in a supplemental message ta Congress ex- plaining the provocatiou which had be3 given the Turkst t cause them ta butcher se, many detenseless people. The Turk- lah Minister doea fnot deny the butchery, but he doe. attempt ta justify lt. The Minister, go It Ila saM, aimait went te the xient ot making a charge of bail taîtb, for h. clalmed that the State Depart- ment w.. ln full possession of ail the tacts which would go ta show that the butcherles were committed under stress et great provocation. DRAGUE» BEHIND BIS CART. Kansas Fermer Reid for Brutal Mur- der of Hle Deuxhtcr. Atter a long prelimiosry examination, Rudoiph Brockman, a wcaltby former living in Osage Township, Knn., has heem held iu the sum of $10O0 to answer for the murder et i. 17d-ycar-old daugbter, Mary. Four weeks ago Brockman gave the girl n terrible beatlng because she did net work ta soit him in i. cornfield. He then tied a rope around onaetfher ankies, f9stened the other end et the rope ta the rear axIe et bis wagon and drove te hie barn, n quarter of a mi!e off, dragging the girl bebind. Arriving there, ha locked ber uppln the haro with- ont sufficient clotbîng and witbcut food. The girl was found hy her uncle and anol ber neighbor, wlio carried ber awnY, but her injuries w %ere go Serions that shO died Nov. 22. Brockman lbns long, been au outcast among the fermera of Osage Township. His rancih joins thie uotorious Bender farin, and be was the nearest neighbor of the Bender bateliers. WHEAT FUR< AUSTRALIA. A inerican Merchants WIII Ship .earty 5,000,003 D lils. J. S. Larke, the Canadien Trada Gem- missioner in Australia, lîai fîrrijslied the Vancouver Board et Trade witb n state- ment as te the condition of the Australiqtn crops.. He states that that con.îtcy ill have te import ever 5,000,000 hushels of wb-nt tld. year, owing ta tbe tailurp of tbc Aui;tralian barvest. He says that the boit will comrnt America. Caxndinn merchanis werc iota in the fielîl, Sani Francisco merchants baving secuced s large number of orders. BlUDeed aofllnbbere. The Icon Mlountain fast express, ont- gains. sves held np by six mnsked men ane mile tram the union station. wilhin the city limite of St. Leonis, Wedncsday niglit nt 0:30 o'clock. Two robbers went ta the express car and demanded admit- tance. Express 'Messenger W. J. Egan retusedta let tbem in. They threetened ta U kiiliiin, but he was inflexible. Tbey then îlaced a stick ot dynamite ntt he car door, andillew it ta pieces. The ex- plosioni tcîly sballered anc ide of the car. When the cobber. looked for tbe trensuro lliey scere told that the mcney was in a timc-locked &safe. Finding lb useess to lry te low open the trang- box, tbe robLera jumiped off nnd ootiiied their companions an the engine tîjat they bad teiled 4b',get anntbiiîg. The roti biers then disaiiiieared. and Engineer Williaum Glrc-n stached ahead. As the trai n pulii-d awavy Express MIessetiger Egiin citne to the stiettered dloor of lii. car, intcnding ta shoot at the marauders. No saunier diii tii'y sec him, lîciever, ilian lin-y oliencil fie and Le lied behlnd a pile of boxes. The orîlse of the slîooting i- tractc d the clerks iin the muail car andl tiîey opiened the doors and a fusillade foi- luwcd(. E xpress MIussi-lger Ega n s iii thc IPacifie Expiress Cocîpany b.d lost îictli ig. l'tnzrec b i' ar l'ali. Gar. dl tPingree luns scid i. ici- gnis ho Uc Luttucilsthuls îriîuhcr itb thle Uullts <f rt-tin, us-litlethie oLe icîuntry 1 oks onluit e b L, hle. The fit- moiaus Nlayor-G,)vernor lias cittilceul lis plnofutaction anmiificue sit.inîg iglu t Le- tîveen hilu anîh lin Legisaaure uili son- ti nlute the m ast lthnst-ly litresfiug chapter in thue bishocy o! coununiveulth 4pcernir.uîfiiti îLe Unitedl States. (hinuar b.avermt BaSaner. Cleccluindls tailire taouatken e c:elues stind ouitUe CilLanuestm'tionu bas dlaap- peltt-l hotuh buîses, cîud ihîsn staleud that Scrclnry Olîîuy wireslu avrro! detyiugr Spain andi scanîles tLe 1resiulenite ofimu date tor Intervention. l>reaic!euiiCie-va- landusould liai dothi,, aas io elimi- naleti certain )iRsagpes In Oltîe3'greport ubiiehbLe (levelandl) ihought wirratee aggnesaive fousarc! Spain. Deahh lu a iPrairie Fln.. The luso 1ilitren et William Bledaoe, living near Sasakats, Seminole Nation, 1. T., urere Lîtroat te death by a prairiue fine- whie Mn. sud Mns. Biedsoa sycre ausay trainborne. The chîbsren, a bey and a girl, egesi 12 aoc! 14 years, otk refuge lu te celier usbaî,the ldames sur- roundcd bLir ihome. The- bouse ieet ira aond barneti, wibb thec blidren beneaîh. hieputators Muatitelp. The majorlty ot the deposibors et the Missouri National Bank, at Kansas City, rhich- taUad, have 4greed-te a reorgaul- zation plan whlch enlia tan al contribu- tion et 10 par cent. et .their depoalîs ta strangthen the impvairad capital o! the la Respanaîbie for Errer.. The Sttpneme Court et Misaouri raies hhat a telegrapb carnpaoy i. hiaLle for mIstakes madle in tra nsmission et haie- grama, sund declares tLe pî,ntohd cotract pnev$l.4g that tLe counpanoy Isnet lable for uârepeataul messages ia invalisi. Ex-Casiar la Arreate I. Isn-ei D. Hlgglua Las beau asrestati ou the charge oet taialtying bbc records o! a natienal baufr at Ponca, Neb., in 1803. llygi.sfiluid itheposition et assistant UtJ.Jlll SAN FRANCISCO WOMAN AND DAUGHTER DUE. Conldn't Stand Stocial Otracbam-BOtIt .-ere Proutînent lu Church Work- Antonio Maieee, insurgenut Leader, Wan Mnrdered bar the Spanlh. Take Thir Own Livra. Mn.. Sarah B. Ingerseli Cooper andl bthr dangbfan, Hanniat Ceoper, bath wside- iy tnsvn aun onters in flic cause et tam- pranca> Chriianity aud plulantbropY. committad suicida hegethibnmut,crLm in San Francisce Tbursday nighît. Mi- Cooper'. wihi usas discovcrcd utuen a habla In bbc aparbment, infonming tLe usorid of ftthe jaot suicide anc! raquasios that the bodias ba net takgn te tLe mangue. Mrs. Cooper and ber daughier urere timemesi. among the membars et the Womau's Su!- trege Association. Murs. Cooper scas, lu tact, prasidetote bcCsliioruia Woan Suffrage Association ad ac!sapromninent- ly Identifieul wlth church and tindengar- heu wrn. She taugbt bbc largest Bibla ciaîa in thae ld mmand as a promnet officar et bbc Women's Christian Temnpen- suce Union. Tbe suicide 'bas matieus pnotaund sensatbon In the cihy, su-ere Mnr. Cooper aud han dangbtar Lad Leen until nccentiy bbc leaders in chnreh sud Christinn affairs gcnerniiy. The îraedY la direccly traceelîle te tLe racent scandai wbicb culmnaatdbinLehebuhrch trial and condamnation ot Rer. Dr. Chcrles 0. Browm, pastar of the l'irai Cougregabiant- ai Cburcb. Mci. Cooper iras onec of Lis urarnicat supporters in tbe cnniY part ouf tLe trial. Beture tLe end iofthîe trial, Leureven, Mns. Cooper numd lber danghler tuni:ed agaioat hlm, and thUepert ufthîe Coopera in the casewusa.nluviolent tîls- agreement witb the churcheb ct-eni, srbich censurusi ibcm foir ibeir nctivity against the accusesi clergymnîu. Silice tLe trial tUe Cochers baid Leeuu sniîilel Uy fonrmer fniemîss n- giventhUe î-old slitoilden Ly ihein assocluttes lui-bcurt-b usont. Ilacnitt Cooperccwas su oppr*eusiil uiti. îLe Lurden of hlte sociel bc)ycuuii Ilîmî usas itelosesi uponi Lneif andieImrt)tulluer thai bier Lecith teileul auîd sie guffenesi fraun nervauma prrîslcaiîn. Sîe Otfln spolie ouit iking ber ow n lite, but lad bacu dissuaded Uy ber mother. LUREI> TO DEATU,. Antonio Mecco tlue Victilutoft"Pain'@ Tlreacher;. geocrai Antio MuaNacco. tle fuimuomîs Cuiban leader, la re-ally eai.l.'livcing hicii hneoeberauîshy nîuculercd ty Sifa uianîls .Dec. 7T sIuaon is '13 ay attendib utcrn- fi-remce t hu'ich-b L cuts imu ied b)y thé Marquis o! Abutueula, actinug cmuîîllu generalbf utbîia,ichile hteneral NN'le1r wscnmuthe fieldi. Saturulay a lier ws receiresi by Colonel J. A. De Illiatuthe bead oethîe Flonidajintla. nt Jacksuon- ville. Fia., tram bis sî-crctacry curcsprrtu (lent in hlava c giriuug a dutailluulai-iuit et tLe essessinatien o! G1iatraI Muiu-e atndi his cutine staff. wiiL tlecciitut et Dr. Zertitcha, usha iras Ni i-c' lY- sielen. The ichier caune trconurliaUl-' souceain Havane, hui thîe correspiondenti', iame, cf curse, cenunut bcmaide linblis', for. as NMr. rltînsaisi: "TeI iu îrt-r îvotîd Uc shot silbin an Lotur Iuy Spianishl auttborities if tbey kiiieir irluagare cîrut detîlîs o e anc thlie mtuioh orribîle aira- cies aven chronis-les iniimodemrns'artur." LEGAL WAR OVER BLOOD MON EY. Identiti- of "tDyaminthe Dlct'-" E'op- posed Carpute In I>bapnled. A big noir exîsits betsceenth îe officcra a! IKay Cuuunhy. Ok1huuma, and thele'uuit- el stahea nuuînshiisof thUe T.-nitocy ouru the iuentiiy o! a bunuit tilleul icuuar iî. well same uluys ago. 'Thîe icourts wi i Lare ti id-ce thue mt-r. Ii c figlut witihi cuilius thîe sheriffa lý)inu e kilhlî' a uîîuî o o hountihi-y uhlli lhe "Dyiil île Dick,," fcr ushuis>îcaptluîre, ui-cl nd r alsi theru'cc la rge rrt-usn c l. i i If i ilu'î muîcuhitls wti-iil u iuti tt, iis'%, siY liii man la li-t îDynai:iiite[hi r-." lit i i'tî' ter Du-k." a e:utilu- tliiî-f if 'Pte. '[tir' shayers ouitheii uutlour issei-ctheliii ui-shiuui tire - lit in u la L t tls-u iai tf un c re%% ani. Ilinouu' Bt0 Corn Crup. The Illinoils corn cmiii of 1S94. cas reprt-i pul ho thteSut:i-t ia culouitAgricuiilure,- %%an thîe luingesh i-s tracesu- n lihe iStartt' us itIii a sinuglei- et-'-illium -i i 1871). îî li-n t1wni' ;i yed ltluof t hu ae wil auîs 31505111ls sls. lu 1896lO fle yit-ld iras 2',88,505u.uui) lutuahels. The 'average yi Id lien au-reN î s Ilie largu-stinlt he hlstcuî>ofuthile Szaîu. furly-t sto tusuiels. "lue avei--utge-iv tlînouglîouh thie State in 1S icuntIsher Lîtahel. Ficci ho Ha Chat, c. Nar, fieccueand ho a fiiih. la to e totîght ii niilthîe ccsh-sipuuurteuui nn t o! tUe steel billet puool. This griui dueter- mina tiras theeîîntcnmîuft the tîuluit. Ing Lcld ai I'ittsbung h"niuiuy. The pooal Lad utîdur considerehian bbc grave qiues- tion o! îiisolving thec potrerful erginmuza- tion. Lonig andsi arnes usthe disicus- slan, andithbe men us-bu ad decidesi upaît bbceus-gaetfhaifle fiîally iwou. Oppose the Govec,nmeni Tati. The American Society o! Irrigat ion Eu- giiiepeshave adoetsiesobtîiiuns <upas- ing the idea et geverlnint ateionî in îhe building ut irrigation neservairs anti canal., but advocuting s gaverurneni commission ta mata suggestions fur the aid et bbc Statea lu thh.wrt. Corneul hif Wa. Polist e-i. Word La.n eacbeul Siabersvilia, W. Va.. et the polaoubng oft tire-e ivmeut St Blume Run. Stella Brownmlis deauauîd the tsvu othens are lyltug at tLe point et death. The womau us-eapeisoniesi y cating cornac! bac!. us'ieh eoutained soeafor- elgu substance. Venezuela May ReJect Treaty. Ibla IoIc!iettpublilesentiment In Venezuaia trntgiy eppoessthea utcepi- aoda ofthîe boadary tneaiy, Leceusa ofet Leftty-ycsr occupation cause. Ibila possible that the ubola uroai Sacre- tary Olncy uril La efutile. Juuuped <rons a Fauat Train. Ne-an Coltumbia, Ma., on unanoscman jumped trene the eashbouud train en the Missent'i, Kansas andi Taxas Rond whiie geing nt thc rate oai oty miles an heur and ws utantly tllac!. He haul $3,000 ba bis posasein. -MALL X CD YELLOW iPeTER. REÂT StJGAR TRUST aXany Deatba ln Cb-e iomu _______ gpaniah St5r lk The Marine hospifial service bas re- QIQAI4TIC SYNOICATE PL.ANNED ceived reports oft aaipox sud yell.ow UN aERNANY. foyer ln Caban seaporti. Vrille date of Nov. 24 the United States consul et Cienfuegos reports tilet during the week Bountie. Lower the Price of the Prod- endcd Nov. 22 lucre were in that city 12 tinhePrneM kt@ nus deaths troni yellow lever and thu r rm ~tl h oeg akt-n smallpox. The U'nited States sanitarY try la About the Ony Profitable inspecter nt Havana reports 220 new One Left te German Fermera. cases and 87 deahhs fraie yellow teer, and 54 denilis ft a malîpox during the Huge German Suzar Trust. iveek ended Nor. 26. The inspectes Baya Unies. relief can be ball sean ft th"ý ho i. intormed ftmwbhaiebelieves rihtgteetr ua nutyo credibla sources Ibat ini tbe eigbt gavera.rihtgtb niesge nuiyo nient militery hospitals whlch are es- Germany la likely te he organized fer tablisbed in tbe city and ie immediate self protection iuo a gigantlc syndicat" sulurbs there aire over 10,000 sicit and or trust with the purposaet regulahing wounded Spanisb soldiers. The scarcity production and coutrolling pricea. This ot tod . hingfai nmng he oorrli the viaw etftUnited States Consul classeM and fruit and vegetables are Maot rnotstetb nel- samtims aiuxry n te rchman's orata report te the State Depariliext up- stables ayp le ceyn gte ri , udon the presant stRie et the sugar induslry auers n ppevadbgnpêlth sreesd ln Ge anY. 0013' lait May a law wtta pauprs nd oggrs éope te ereei. ngcted ho belli eut the sugsr grovvera AWFUL L0SS 0F LIFIt. and maters, as ibis la now the oniy re- maining field t profit for the Germon North Germant Lloyd Steaumer @aller farnmer. The set wtt. passed aet the de- Goets Ijown. on Corrobedo Rocks. mand et tha agrarien parly, but th-! Vigo, Spain, dispelcb: The North Ger- sugar-makers are nîîpealing ta the reicb- man Lloyd steamer Salier was lesit off stag "te rescue the sugar-producing b' Corunclas Corrobedo. Alilbanda were teresis frone the consequence of the very drawcied. There urere 210 passengers on act passed for its salvation." MNIr. hoardi.fiec crew iras comnposed et six- Millont tells heur the net bas failed aud ty-five mets. Alil on board. passengars lnsiead et liniiting production bis hall and crew. lierislîed. The Salier's passen- the opposite effect. gers coîîsisted nf 113 thussimins, tbirty-HE ANS RDCL EO M, rie Galiviamîs. sixtîv anc spnoiards, andHEW NSRDCL EFR . aile Cerniu. Tite Salier uns biînd trobi eilte ae frb iv-lc Brenîcî toa encns Ayres, viai ÇoruanafLea. Rtogers cforasbnGn.-l aînd Villaîgncena. The 1uî,senger» wara , eRourae oe Washi n t rok, oit iic iics bcai-. TeCortedlerbas iqsued a copyrighted ipampihlet au- ra o t>sciilîtas Lofle d the Sletitled "Frc, Land." A copy bas beeti Coaslt aiConsltia and 8off tue southurneat, ent te the merubers oethte Legislature. giv-in a %vide l.- hi-dLlîore the steamer whicb muets neit monlb. NMr. Itogprsi hvadeI'alst i i i sid ili s a ninrtbeûbt- les l e hicsitiîî t liait rieela ndlis 1au erly dii-e-ti,n for the Uay leadiug up te a ainbe rpecr i 'eadiie Villagarienl. ____ trucflile"'igt of man, and dras8les- Raid t-n Afican Staihonti. 'Illc Puyalluii)roscriation liiiiaîîs, wwi-ib Ailvil-es fr vi ln ln tyre, flici'duer hotrulie t hi nks restits trotnt thliir tri-e, iiiallen- cf Bcîii.b Ce-ntrail Atrica, ,tiiikoliii(ce the eble anid iiitaiiile kiiiest-iils.Ili co-î' disî,:îhloîf lu. triti,1i coiliins sagainst iliisiîîn lie tproporses an aii-ildtilent ti ,tli ,îtmAllg'îîiiîis ni111,'r Chu- t Ciiski. S:ale 1Lî'giclatîure, tîrîîriiliitua i îl ues- whohiave .iii a i t-îîili citNs-.iqla-id talc- and'l ill iisnniolîc toii-isiai au(nîl ticic a tBritish iis-,inry stition, %-aline out lt iexce-il$.45,o -cipicd as be'.illî-s tiasxnî-cî-iigthe iiilabilants etf5a lîîiiest,'ndl livaiy plivsait' fauîîily. lth" niihar rf sil!lta -i-s. Tue Portic lese s lii'nd ut wliicl i s a citilleil of thle I*Imiiicd Tel( hav:î e iivilti-Iliihe cli-oprca I ii f t he Stantes and itls 8 talc, sua il lic tires ur l4riî li. ( liisi eîîiinlis 3( wa~Jtta- exvili1îtid fronti nil itxnit:r'n oft -rrkimid. crra i lii- British t roipu oiily mîîmber Thie iexemptionis i.liumîted Itloîiîci-îli ji .Grcin tai ixsi - i isfil t a t llan lyr» TheIpamplh le ite iisa he t iii-a 110 it ex- lSlien blie-v iiils i î-s 1-fl iliat lois n. ant I eîîît('d htiriis si-imeud'i ot -xî-i-i ait atl;tt-k ia it %%as fearcul. Tue Ca- 10lier ci-it. ofthile ciiiire vaiantion. IlI lîîgni e l Mi te san*s Ilhit iih- Gci.. au seul suii-ha 141ill iaitil ilîlo law "sil i iiii(i! cis cn lhi-r wsi vfc'î l'art pirureut t liiit fatatl clasb cif the clas-.esi Na tal i tiL' i 'iNI n rquîes, ,lir-a a les o1ei e iilî-îit abhi.-" 'e panmphulet callîd i lo î' .X-i-î i-iaiî-d l't-ess.tIllehGer- cli luîip:- "oiuiit) gos.-î-inelit sliuul i lutn inlii tcîi-i usilates lias-ý li t- bc abiîlislîîsl r ri-dîi-ed lu the ou-n'aI ti nu' Ii lie Bi i sU ling ws stirrs ta skicturiif w hatht i i' w i.. Toiii i-i slri'ls. 'The' t)îîî'lî (onsuil sva-4 svoiind-d. and iniiii,- ictmiiti ii(ai tttent ,)i Gviii*v u i gliiiiînîluil sgaixif:Ii- ie et of 's'i fa eci.lut it-c St aie Le ca lii. li Poirtuigal. 1Liri!iz:,'Marquies la the pria- 51 lîre ice>san> cillai tilo utfl'orcturiiî-se Southt Arrie. I FEAR FOR 'ilk.ll LII'ES C,i oiz-nq M ork for Liberty. Tite liîîl lpièdenil'îi Club o! Canada, in iAmeriC ina et Havanea ln Peri etAu- ex i-ilenlie i;NIàMoneiI i ce mcîtbs, the on- - asaion bar S',aniardu. jî-ît utf's ii'i- la iiith calli 0101t of Cassia- Arînd poîlicuemen gua rd thle IU-niltci dia n i miii tsirci', Is gai ai ng in strength, State-s c'.isîîllate ge- tîccîliis i laaî a, anIld and a ciis 1 iîî wil lieobeld vvith a therc lice A lueis- ails t buni- ts lic n sti)' ciir,'liti tili'ceiîtg ail thie groupeanad , O îli tlunt a %ssurshiii ltying the stars sudî clubs b a ing a i k- iiljî'it. stri-lies 55e.liii thle hburt, r. If gui-h ss -ci titi- caste they ssaîild sjîeKdily take refuge Otit Insurance < nipanarFalu. oi uîeril. Tbey griîcsly fi-ar assas-iina- The oîmrli Tras-elurs' Lits Asie- lion. sncb as betuil tUe brave but léltar- ciiltuiill(if S 11ls.N. Y.,0one o! thlad- tuilitC eci'ui .at thbc lîds (it enregeil e-st c ic-rI is iiii -uîranvîî c cîlnli ies. Sji,îniarcus. tC'nrse-s bot h lîîaî n]udii vetlt)the li:îils ofreceicers The arc' Ueiîîig ins'ked iy fticSpaitishad-ni %vai'cus sillonîîthe- appiliucation of!"the St- icrniîin lithîe srlile Anîiet ti iati,î. tjrii-3 guivrila cilfice an the ground of 'ilhc ijurcat indiigniation la lislelatycd os ir ilic iv, îLe lalis t is ws fî-îîcî Wa hiii gtiiîandîi Ni-%' Yorck. Thi-se diipatibhes indicntîî Fire Starts a hurch lartie. lt uici'the -iState-sliri- shirred, .,; A pliii î~i uc îcil)iiS t. A g ni-sRoman îthev ii-c re I-cst i ced licfrire sinvîe the- ('a lii'Ic li chuc(ii t ihu, l'a.. Sîinday 'i -. î r r s- tiit- repuast tiini S -lht~ -ni r~s cried 'Fice," and iiii'atr--l-cisyîîîet,îeîl. liin g-niculrus onle is-aman iva s rainl'bhe f-i gel si-iliof ti'itlasui p , ii-d liii i, luiti at a :î ilnji ii. Th e rticei- lieIi- is ire t. h-ie s.- nicge i s R iii- . t c-Iliicil %%:a slus id ficu four years itcîitl-il-lu-. ii. * agu. iîi-.îaimiitiiruilif o ffaiici. tLe aflivi-als iasi- Lizzie h-ordt-n la ta ma-ry. tkriiiir -irî inr-ti iri Nil î.îîyli re Li7zo- flriiç .'f IFaisI live ir., i s, tlii--e giui: 'ýlu it 1wlî iiiîil st.îtis ci- %u 1 aîrc u q uitlili in luimue. îsI:î. outhîe siilit, - i rai. luit thei-str,-îts iithie si- c-arige ir t iiririi. hli-r tathîec amnIstrp- -iiiity :li- iiinzu i -iiilly Iiati-rllel, hi) ill iil. . s tri iiîr:. li-r Iliuian Ioîirl haoL reri- l itîli lS ihlîî s li-c iiiighilirur, (t icii T. G erîiien, of 8w nîsî l. ilt by a lluacnbcnne. NN s rf antehi-cl i i i jr-ame lit ai rek Et ndeti teyHave l'rem tif. 5 iirr illstil t- i--cs if thle titrce(- Tli-e i i f rîtln cy liiuîîh-l. or Iuitnile, n:îsui- -lîr i'c11ciiclI- ik ic, clU rîf Lors Calile.(Xi.,ii rIs frriiiiilliii Eluc.a- lii,iriîi i. s.'î iiiiî -irîs a gri-is lîlr- hiit l.u 'FlTiic geiirr:ly accepted -'1 i 1 agoIit bttoo ieirc) s ilini lii-e rî'ri11îl3 hi lîiselt ! ii-lis-.i-..gilî...lit..'. , 1 . ' INi' ii ir- s,. .. i cir. ru:ic ii ii-of mîrih aii î îg an i fi-Il iitothie laite. s r iiin ru-r-ilý il. Si i'- tuiiilse iî'! -,iit <tver Fivu'-Suiir- Bite e- 111 iii i-'i': pii'n l:îî si':rîni al in A diialuiti hi frrît Jiir,. Sitii . îîîîrîîîî,a,îcîl siî maeo ris ri.iiiii es tI l iia n r u-e liiiliiîg lias cal- ioiiiu il la gt! rb ri luîj.sùd tiii-. î, Iiiîi ;i. ii i c-v r 100 hersons. 'i. l ls siî'ii k il... 'ii- t w îilîhî.îs ah-it vigilsît ; r liiiu-13 iiiilors îtil iiîir. lith i'uiv- l1c~iCL'i' <U0'gA'1oN ~ Plis. sî'iiig iii i liiiihjuig sii-î-s <if rein. -- 0c~~Or ste(i ig gi nur gui sit- ei n. a un vi t h Cliiu.-se-Catt.e. i.omnnon tae pim, ur ciii 'Inhrire eto.r-iaii ilutsl $i5îto $575: iigs, sliiiiplcg grade.. Kiled ion attotlI-lUp. .ii0ti$3.75;î c ciice, $2.W W illinîJîîlî isot Chic ago, mnîlniler- tui 'M.75u; o ia i. 'N'o. '2tdcii, 75c iii-Île; stcid liami <cîhi rta ilicoir niilis banids. con No. 2, 22c ha 21c; 01111, No. 2. lie fOue of tLe ciiy'sguang itftbanditis there- tii 18c; cye, Na. 2, 38e hu 40c; buîtter, îlîlîn shah film tîtrougli tlcuehuart. anîd Lmu ehoice î-re-uiniiî--. 22e tu 24c; eggs, fresh, a giiod hll-hoîur iii get ais'uIY lit-tre tha 18e iii 19e; potatîiî', per bîtalhel, '.)O ta police rneLd tLe spo-t. Il hatupetied ln 30; Uroamni cari, comlmou greau ta fine Lromtd dayliglît ici tLe bar-r m o f Hotel ruah, 2'Z4lc ho 51/ petir poîmnd. le Grand, Sunday. Indianaiiiiis-cl'uile, sltipping, "M.00 te $5.25; hjagas. clile lighi, $300 tai $375; Bryusn CtIct etaiLeat. slht-ep, coimmuln ta lprimte. $200 ie $3.50; At Pue-re, S. D.,lin tUe mnaîiamits casc sth-ta. No. 2, 87e ho S9c; cern, No. 2 ho compel the issilance ut certifieates ta white, -"0c ho 22c; eats, No. 2 whlihe, 22e c hept-blicain electors ont a partial eu- ta> 2C. vas îu'le court hLis that tLe board bas St. Loîis-_Cethle, $3.00 ta $5.00.;linge, aright ta adjotîro sud siltrecowete $3.00 te $375; %ubeat, No. 2, 91c taO me. retucus. Titis gis-es Bryanotbe elehoral cocn. No. 2 yellaw, 20e te 22c;es fta,"veofetthe State. No. 2 wbite, I19e ta 21c; rye, No. 2, 3ïc Obd lBant Goen Down. tu 313e. The Firs! National Bank et Holiidays- Cincinnati-Caîble, 32.50 te $5.00; baga, brP. h iatbn utR eto eqü -1;ce o , ct 41e. îoug l. h letbrl;i ie eto NATIONAL SOI REVIEW OF THIR WORC AT WAUHtNGTON. Deiaied Proecedinge of Otnte end House-Billa Pa..ed or lutroducesi ln Elther Branch--Queationa of Mo- meut te the Countryr et Large, The Lesclalatîve Orind. Iu the Seate Wednaadsy the prayer oit Rer. Dr. Mlilbnrn made cloquent reter- ence to the laie Charles P. Crlsp et Geor- gie-"A inou talithul and IeoyalInbuail bis relations aud talîbful servant et the peo- pie; mer bis neme bue greven on bhe tablet efth Lenation'. ,uemery." Eariy lu the daty tbree scia et vigurenus resoititiena for Ciaban ludependenca turnishad an bInter- esiîg fentura. The Seusta by a voeof 315 te 21 adepted a motion te tata np the. Diagley tariff-silver bill. The Hanse pnssed aatiozen hila etofuxinan Importance. The Hanse aIse ngreed ta the Senato- amendaient approvinir certain nets a! the Le-gisIntire etNew 1Maxiua for the issue of Ubonds. As o as îaladale $172.500 of bonda et Sa mtata Fe Coiity. The Senate Thuradnlto ho. p the UI- migrationîbill, and laIsehenrd thefinit et bthe speechea oua Cutba-luose of Mn. Ctilloi ait(] NMc. Cmiih. The immtigration bil isi-s net fi naily tpasse(] tî pon. bat the Setmmtle agrevilh., the L.atge biil s s atîb- stimulte ta bbe Ilatîse une-atre. l'lae aub- aittuha ri-quires thiit InIi iiunigrentisoct-r bbe cge of 14 ye-ursa lie.haable to recul and w rite ibeir nuative latîguige and shahl ba req tiir-il itccie nid sd'nit- linthe -prea- atuce et a United-lSuttes offit-imlalna lendi filinies o! the Unilted States Coutitu- tion. 'flicSi-tnte i4lijtrn(41bu. Nliisiday. I 'i-oi nzt lChr-ha oufn tt hea ii. it ap- propniahiou LuI ithe Ilouse xigain de- v'ubîîbils tliume t hoîe cnuidra; ît ili on thue calî'nuar, bl iiituîl3' t sic ss -nu îiasciif duuning the tour hoîuins' semshion. ()ne ut thievs a cî-ipyrigLhut. ii irgd y prIm- li-uit îliuîyirigiits e imilîutherîli muia gI-ns tii su-liude )ti uu iu l uiii.,ti ttie saiu-nei-uisiuci- of iriit.nuliir bthe î-ouiu r!u-iglî w ncs cris ' e w ffur:li-.] pneuitu- tîuîîîs of enît rlv iri nutuul - i-hiui-vier. A lîil aopn'ihiithe sale iuut iitir ii lthe- crfit îrii i t ws ca p:u-ci-ii. A ibill te uiridify the laîc tonbidihuigthe chien cui t-rsiii) oîf m inhi telt irrilunii-ses nu, t lui gue uuicî- the lia-it tri aî-uîîîun-- ,terr nî.nngoge a nultah. Id urd tn uyî-ar nu-ml lihI..rt3 t l iuntutt-i ltlit-eltoisetai -niîltî ' v. NI r. Cowei't'. the bliîîd t i hplut u, nu-nnud lu lu s lu vile- lion tii tihe atiton ofthbbcIlmnac intpro- hbiltîtg iiý- e ýl- et liîîîîor in th.,î (auihil. -WVe thiuuîtuThu-c, t0I il"sauli' . -tbat ih lchirmais tri ohîiugi-ri-l ilefanrlthe liuur tratlî' is ithin theuhlis cf the nia- t i t'aIa oitou,. h;Cuu tt. ni e ry'fLue. îlmt tue LIIbii:t,iil hi-i'r i't-nltywill go thu iîgbftue regitihîr u'liammtuuls and speetliy buî'-îtii la .11,tii-vei-n uigît lu a L repus'uîlI-d i he s liiiuny if! luirtiiu At bbecoealusiu of bthe huayr. huit a bhn- d ru. ui-nuburs clîplu u it-iligi irinsl. Lubt Speake-r lIce] Icrillhlst.luceàut.-d the oit tUticut. tOn mion'o f %I r. Dr iglî-y t lue, fluoir Icaier, h vts aIgtu-cil tititisht-n tbc Hibuise meiljiiurn itlebcta unettNotuday. The Joîintb rîso li, ex tenu ing bmanil tha close uit thia sessioun bth tte luistloh joint cotmmissioniuifr bbc inînestigatian et tbc sulîjeci iif the ntbratc o! the bai on ahcolub usies]nmuanufactures or arts may re'porthiras adtil. lle3" diti] n nltus ti eresu lil I un fri itu-o si-s reicas.sthle tinoc-i-uinmga inthe li tunsî-NI i nîay iseneci mîlsitut ir-13' le- id .of pîubi iî' iteresî-t . Niîsi t othIt-eday tisuaspnlui-ith a strtigglc literth le bllb -ut %Ir. Iorse of! %nlasui'husi-tts tu rentiér thc lut i-sreltbing iuî thLe suijiof utoxi- cnhing liijuors ic the Dstrl- iet (î tb mure si cingent. 'lhi, n'uunitil asasiijn- lioien iai--othei uiîan pligct, anti ils effu-ul on the attic uioft lii. îîîî try bu- car cdihue c- revout iii iis s wis sarittîîhlie arule t- ,pic <utcou vu rsa tiun ttih e-bluir hetîîre itLe I lîuitoi-mt . N ic-uitlhiu bu suîr ine iiffi'cssl ii lu iu'i si-ssii n. Aiiimnthe ni-sruilhitais lInt rîul in the Ssii rt,' î uts uone- ly Si'uu iNorg.a n ut Ahlîrurnua i-llliug Iluiuuthel ' re.l-it hi sin --ulli t he S-uofi'.ui- f tleic alerit nî-lttii tug hC 'ta ti afiu ii-ss wichiluw aa ce- fi-cr-iltu iiithe e proi-u rî'uut o!fc-ýet-t.irs ()lmity. TU'le nisolînio-0n asks fuir especial liîf-îrîîîattiuîî lin regardl luitah tialbot pi-r- seons c-nutluri--i oit the C('uîtnutilun. lis- rcseutatiîc NI. V. Ibbrîd cf .5luhianiei lîîitrurlr--îed aresulîuli-,iuu nu--imizing bbe relîthulie ou itiba l~îas a treec ia d ueu-- dent gi- uuutli Sî-ualîîn NMurganuîof Alîuab hi lui tLe att -mut 1,1 ocf tii,-Seluuîte aedîl l-fille!l gatî'iî- fir au. hurTiltibeY 13bis cuirn- est ui r oufl'rî taalcumî miuîîidiicIsice policy ii îe-îlitîg i'lbili'tîhe um u ies- lion. ii- aurd toc the adopltiton outhe cealmiin pîresent-ul Mutsîday, ni-îuc-stiuig bbc SccctIliy of!Stte tor tUe paliers tn bth 'ueiliîutihor case anî lin oller cases invoiritîg the arrpst o! Amerinie t(itizens hy Sîutnish autbîuriti-a. The cesohution sses agre-d ho. The Sent look np thé 1bilIl pt-usiouiug Nacy Allauacu, svhich Ibail Leut, retoeui thfle ttrîsident, and 1passed il aven the rto. bu tLe Hotse a. b biil tu rerganize tbc Atlantic snd Pa- cifie ltnilnoad tlompcny uns passe] ssitb- ont divisiont.atter certain ameodments Lad huen adopbe]. The Hanse Iben an- icresi ulon the eonssitlcnation et the Lestd bbiil te amend thue leu relcating te the transmîission ot second-cia.. mail mat- hen. The biii mnet wihh e most intense epposition fnuîm certain quariers. Ib de- aies the right et serial nords te admis sion te the muailsaet tbc neusspeper cett par ponnd rates; deobes te newsspapena bbc sanopla copy pnriega; prehibits the rettiit ofot nsuld publications nt pommad rates ansi mates soe othar ehatîgus bu tUe preseni lets, daslgned te correct ex- istitug abuses. Ib la esfimated that the abuses etfbtae mur Lave cesi bbc geven- 1 ýý fouir tim« tbat apmber Qf onloûýL" imre 1

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