Isthe Flour we sell And If the brand you are ,a ing doesn't suit try our ""Big Jo." Lots of people eat 1.8u ils Do You? Try Our Famous Buckwhoat Take a Peep Atour window and see that mou ntain of canned Corn. How is this Klrks Cabinet Soup 9 barse.... 2-e KElea Good Deal 7 bars........... 25e Sugar Corn, per eau. .... 7e Sugar Corn, 4 cau@..s .. ...27 Coffee, from 20c t) . . . . - .3.5 Graino (a new drinàk> per 11) .1 12 pound sack ........ .e!Teas. from 15 toCo.... Triggzs and Taylor's LIBERTY VILLE. ILLINOIS. Duitable . Presents! We have a carefully selected stock of H==Ioliday Ooods.--V=ý Run your eye down this list. îgy ou 'L 0f us ls sure to be 0f Superior Quality. reuke yen au ail wool dresti for $250. il. J. Suîîborî>, ef Hnrly, S. D., retuirned te bis home ln that pluce Tlîursday, after a ten d<lIr visit with W. C. Suuborn. The Ladies' Cenietery Association wilI jouet Friday ut 2:34) p. ni., Dec. 18, with Mrs. E. W. Prkhuret. Everyone cordially invited te attend. Marshul Aîpley, oncle o! Chas., Henry andEd. Appley of (his place, und who bhu, numerons triends fhereubouts died ut New Orleans, La., Dec. .3, ef heurt diseuse. Wm. Duvison mri8sed his pocket boeok, whlch coutainocq $90 Tuesday moruing. lHe luIt ýsweury,' but wae dpliglited later te iud il ini bis s 'table. Coîînty Survevier Anderson. of Lake' S pecial F'ootvear. P'ark,ci,'ru e i ,rt'.dl. eni.ý a Ladies' Fine Sboes......$1,75to,$l <.(WI Ia lookjOg cicr ir vi i11ge %ç>ttika Holiday G oods. fGente Fine Shoes.. . I44 o50 4à(i)ltiigl YI-11o ae Gient« Blippers. .. "" t"i 143workm. SUkMuhero .........25e to l~ Candies and Nuts. The iflhIoveni4(it of>,l ilmIattke 811k B'dh1 ........... ..10e t) 1.00 W'e have a super Uine stock cf Mi xkI Av-ý., in the bujisilvý, portion -ifttos j .410 Candies[s eeniucl i Oà aud(Iply filliing the Gmei Nockwear ... .......0 cto 6) suitiad Nutà. d4lchef wi irî,uksaund covuriug wili Ladies Embroldered H'd'k'ts per doz.50 > gravel Marshai Fr4ehiibnan lias beuutitied Ome U 1k 8uapeiders ..........."751 Fanicv UU'od . tesre tdmd tpmb M'.a ndBoys Caps....25e tbo1.00 ;o n lina of A'Tum, love aid H'd'kfthe tfreet .and mil,.it n e.'ibete *m'a and Boys BOLU...25c tO 2.50,1 Boxes, tationery Boxes, und Toy h liit oufeinghe ic'inet w(ifa lfer EaU. Fine <lvs...50c to 2.00 : been earefolly selected ant iglesure t thoutfeig hwud tal iédW ie'Kd Glovea ............... 1.00 suit. preserver. F. C. SMITH & SON. WBERTYVILJLE, ILLINOIS.ý a Have Just added to my of Jewelry, Diamonds, large stock Silverware,1 -Watches, Clocks etc, a nice line of Pianos and Organs. These goods are of Standard make and it will pay you to corne in and inspect these instruments, if you are thinking of purchasing anything in the shape of Pianos or Organs. C. R. Sherman .ibertyville, 101 YOU ARE WRONGI E Ïie man la not complan'ng that ho G E iA CORNon histooe butiîaahoutung E (HA .. f A large and varied line of Hardware, 'Pumps, MiIk cans and -Cutlery. You find to your advant- age to corne here with your JOB WORK. F. Bairtitow. il Wauxkegan, lius met urected a very fine Scotch granite mnumnt eut,r Weîi. Tupper and alec ulced on Joîhn Loeks hurililoIt twe Montello granite grae marks. The large nunîher of! monumnent8 being - ret'ted lu Luke (ounty lîy this lino i., evidence cf their superier wc)rknîai. shili and reliabilitv. SThe Luke voninty (,ood1 TIemuplars COolbY'ad.i la a bulletin of Xmam bar- gains. Bead It. Bee samples of New ers î.îîllîg carde ut thlm office. Linen atamped goods, Towels, Doylles, etc., <hcuep ut MtES. P1'INîs'S. Mrs. H. Kune sud son, of Rockefeller, were Been on olir street8 luet ITiewday. J. W. ButlersH buil,ling will lie ready for oceupunî.y by tie first of theyî.ar. Mrs. E. J. Iligley and sou, of iRussel, visited C. R. Shterman thie irst of the week. Grieut redouitions u8i milliiry, 25 per cent off on trimiied hats at Mueit. PRTIN ES. Mr. John Strattî,u uîid Mite. <of Mînlneapolis, hune., are guete iof E. Davis aud fumily. Christmas god8, Books. Mullere, Ilandkerchiets, Atlliinim etc., ut Mits. PROTINES. 1 will close ('lt Mbat buts I have on baud ut ball î,rice. Mlits. IL. S. HuitLB17TT. Il you waunt uy dressmsking donce go to Mus. H. . 14T{RLIln. rSie ciii Finely fmnished A large train Nickel-train with 33 inhces long ' 2 passenger cars GiIt Finish 4X mala 50C. $1.0O tXmas O- Books toc to 95C. Doils 5c to 75c. ~îRubber Balis 5c to 1IOc. é,Bookiets ew-- 5c and 00- Up. SFancy SDecorated a,, Plates IOc M.- to 50C. SWagons Lnî>.ge unougli to "'be useful 35c. .Xmas. This BeaL.tilui Dinner Set Blue Hawthorn Pattern 100 pei $9.00 Remember that Our Christm as Goods Department 1 is on the 2nd Floor M. B. COLBY & CO., "~jDealers in Everything." LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. convention utthe, Prebyterian ehburch &,SÀaîoI y CtoSu. we trea L Sturduy, Dû(-. 1:. Th ue b~llie' le Mrsl' rotine' offers inducemeîîts te invtedluialtitu tîu (p! nieetin r h Vo,, >.n'i. do bheIr 2and i ves tbu evening. A good miusi, .l jregrule is rrunged anîd a declamiatory ceritest' for the third siuver niedal N ili takel llavu. Everyli d y viîne.1 Theladiles uif St. P.tric-k'., ulurît.i, j1î Shields, gave a rîraiceneuhre partyutlM. H.IBeluieiis last Thurn day night. Secially it watî a gruat suv- cesuas ircl as finauciall . Mairtîi Fuluen and Miss Grace BlllIv altllr-1 ed prizus aud Ccc. liarker and ~iarry1 Brudley mure awarded lîoolîv priz'em.1 The next party wil11lie bibi nt Martini MleloyRe next Tiieodtiv niglit. Mlrm. E. C. 1'eltou sllAn8si> for tiren- ty-tive centtsa boîx. SIt e hfI s ne toî box Ibis week, the third iustallment. This persimteilt anîl sggestive îîîether- ly attention lîîrts elur dignity. How- ever, ire herelîy express seventy-Iive cents, worth of sincere tlianjkfclnes, and aili claIe thut ne kueir a good (bing when ave sec il, sud that siiap is s «0041 thiîîg. Yet (hure are ethers. F. B. LovelîVS dîspigy of holiday goods ileIwortby favorabe commnent heudî1arters for Chri.stnîis novultieb. Additioînl comiters for excnsiv e display cf Xrous goeds have liee plaeed S'>am te give aLîMost pleasing effect and his spacious store lias thle appearance oi a minature fair. Tetke the littie folks in; it will surely pleilsi yen to setnecs tisir uijoynent. At tîjeir animal eluction last Sutiirday niglit the followiug were the officers chosen te serve the eusnlug year by Libertyville Lodge, No. 492, A. F. end A. M.: W. M., R. W. Bulkley; S. W., Geo. Bond; J. W., C. H. Kaiser; Treas., C. C. Blkley; Secy., J. H1. Lee; S. P., E. H. Brown; J. D., Mathew Pester; S. S., Johin Austin; J. S., F. P. Dyniond; Tyler, F. M. Suydam; Chaplain, J. B. Alluisson. Much in Littie la especlally true o! lood's PlIlla, for ne medi- ciné ever contai ed se great curatIve power n to amaU spame They are a ahole asedicine thau iuspect ber stock Ibetore uîukiîîg yonr Christmas purchuses. t> Are especiall1y inv If yoti wa,.nt Cc m,.kea iC(hIristmam s --- pn -Qibk 1lresent cal ut Mute. H. S. HURLBUTTeJ' sud «et a huit dozen et those lovely handkrcîfe he bas tbh,. on ct o33ec ci. ltev. H. 1). Heuver wm anxiols te swap a large qnantlty et Divine lilbt four a very smull qiuntity et calcrlm' light last Frulay night. Mr. Henver tilt swfiil sorry tor hiniself, and the gcod îaturcd audience uudurstood lintiti y]ioPILtized with hlm tîîlly. Hîîwever, Brother Heuver slid eut ot a mccl uenîbarrussing difflculty vury ci'mmeudulîly. Lake. county lias Ieeîichoseni ly thie postal dupartment us the scenuet ut> exîerfinent lu the trial of free de- lic ery et mail Ihroîigount the eiunty. In oneu couity icadi of the severul mtàttes the experient wmli ha tried. .Mr. Schunck said, wien asked mieli tbe neir îrder of dclivery wsould go iibt effect Ibut ho hud beurd cerne tulk abont Ibis plan but bed received ne olcial iutoinmuion. Thtis wouli eau tree dlîvery et mail withîn fo>ur miles of uny sud every postoffice lu tlie con ty. A nunîhur o! friande iof Mr. sud Nlrs. A. 1'. Stuliles sîrpri3ed hein Muîîday iiglit by takiîîg liîc'eeiiiuof their homiîe onaware8 andd uucerenioniously. It wase te commeinoruta Mr. and Mrs. Staples tmenty-Sixîh meddlnsg aui- versury that their triendeK gatlîered and although taken completely by surpîrise heet and bostesm entertalned Games 'oc to soc. Blocks tOc to 50C. Del icate Perfumes lOc and up.Z Trumpets 25c. Souvenir Cups 25C to Fancy Box Papeteries lOc to .45C. Xrr Holid-ay Gifts.- ivited to inspect the line of i1~i.I~W~~i c ~iiEfAE I 4I - rlDvao - if+ILLV1i Fancy Shirts - Handkerchiefs - Caps etc, at Sanborn & Croker's, --..oGENTS FURNI.SIEPS.-' Li be rtyvi île Illinlois. (IRISTMAS RES ENTS! Albums tormerly $3.00... $1 75 Brami Lamp Stands, Genuine Onyx ToI> Worth $600 .... ......... 3 88 Parfumeries 25c to ..............i1Of) Toilet Botties Worth 25o.......... 10 - - French Plate Hand Mirrors Worth 50oe... .... 25 n5.00 Violin ............. ....... 2 25 $500 Aceordians ..............3 00 I Toy Carte wortlî 15c. ý............ 07 Tellet Soupe Worth 10c ............O5 Best Quality CeIIuloid per ebeet. 25 Crepe Tissue paper per rol... 20 Ladies' and GantsB Pocketbooks Worth 35e .................... 25 Thim le oniy a partial llât of the many bar- gaiesK in Holiday Goods to ha bond at At Lovell's Drug Store, Libert -ville. mo-' royally their welcome tbongb' nebldde uîî lus. The many expres- future aniîivursuries Mas evîdence oif clent luet meek wmît the uuiversal eteeni aeccrded Mr. Mr. nd Mrs Win."in fgo ihsadfrhpy M8 al y anti lrs. Stal4ies,. Friciay. Thc pi)stplne( lecture on Hopaued ut the Uniîon chînrh ul neday nigett ly 1ev. H. D. Heuîver br>nglit ont a large. sudi[ece andîl Ilimigli the maigie launterît'i.aku'eliotegibt»remiud Mr. Ii'îiver of bis depeudndici' umnitH gox 4>1lîhviiir. the .audience apl>roi- ateul lus iutereting andu deeî.iptlve lecture aptly lutarpermed witlî anecdotes relative to the fiollauders, their ootnmes aud pecuillarities. The Yung People's Counnol o! the Vreubyl- .41ta ~BiioI ruIs4 bout 1SU from nond, ot Chilcago, thlier graedîîurente, Dynionîl, reurung A gang o en'n marv i' moy graveinug and repairing Milwauke'e Ave., the tIrst ot the week and tbe Elvetriie Liglit Co. lîîîd a uii i î'î ci ne aI mnrk iuttinîg 111) mires, ellieholi uiinaticî gave nitr village a ieetropolitan iililulralui'î>thtst wolild lure Clilctgaoîs grien with envy. le there a kludily dlspoeed gentleman about wlio wilii tart #Ai elcotrie street car line? Business Local.. We bave 'oui. The bewea deaigna Ouer liued mittanq lu undreao I are aIl rlght. SÂsoiu & CnoxUa .- Ask te Seo those Japonet.eau4*kl chiefs for gentlemen ab 8àxç,uo Citoxza's. FoR SALE-A few eboicef Apply or addrefflOo1Tr*Y Liliertyville.7 Best dry %vmd $3.004pe l'urtly dry $250. Cash ou C. C. COPEL.ARO. For salO OChep-A bh bal piano in go.d. new. Apply sa . O. Lbertyviile. Kerino Let us fui your Xmas STOCKI NG. We are prepared to do it most satisfact- orily and most eco- nomically. There are goods cheaper than ours, but the difference' in quality more than makes up for thEkif- ference in prîce.