CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Dec 1896, p. 8

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0 0 0 AND HOLIDAY Presents es that defy competition. vo tbe.ght couw b. PISCPI E n n a. n n n "n fllthab AT T HE, ."Furniture Store," WILL KNIGGE, - Rockefeller, 111 A Cotte. Plut. HAL.F DAY rab. t Pal frOm your pooket, drop Peter Bocklemun sud fasily, o! , a ep of hot water, sud ln tise Libertyvîlle, visitedwius lra R. Lilîlîle 1hgof au eye you have coffee as Sunday. lôkiycurisatsudai srong~ iC. C. Gerbsert la alowiy revovering ni Prcheonssaystise.W i from su attack o! inllanimuation o! tise ~$4sêraI.Tht sounds like an Henry Engieberry sud his nie» have ~ê~bltale, but it la true.n Ths' inisised anotiser job of cunienter ssork lb~taoa of caffelue, visicis la for Mr. Westenfield. &WA7 vu a&U tise boillng aud lira. Riram Gleason who lias i he sud usa'ahcisniase il11for a lntî ie la greatly sm- andfue h isilme, th-e pnovng lu heultis underthie cari- f e ýb«eI w«h wile ba_ ut r. Taylor. «, tUovoed by -%,o German Mrs. Louis f<nncger wiis takuîi tiia ont" 'If " rexpoctations are floapial lu Chicagoi last Wedne.ailiîY to «J i he n"iing ofcff Iee viii behave an oiîeretiuussperformed. At WWIY1 thee usaiçr of a compound pre@ent wriing aisc la doing uic-iy. Iecontaining tise coDfes lu- cutg SIMOUté aloug vutiste mls sud weok 1ud the misfortune to have bis Ç«. This la oniy one of the almot filngers eut sud bruised very badiy. trt~e iumpa o! Grman Everybody la eardially lus itedti te ,mtywhlch bas alneady produeed attend tise grand dance thins Iritay ýqnAAasMe '*hIcIs cannot bhodis.eveninS, Dec. 18, lu the Towu É ll. M Tickets 75 cents. Chicago iiie wil _SiiI64, so faras tiseapeutil quallty W furied. ~, frm tie orgina artcle.The Rai.l Day Literary Society wiii givo an entortainmnt Dec. 26. A PALATINE. debato on tise question 'Resolvedl, That -Chas. Grhswold bas dipistheria. the Theatre lis Injurions to Society," Aun Mthe vaitd a Cl<o il be partlclpated suin y Jofin 4d3MAn»Mathr vsitel i ChiagoSabrooder, leader for affirmative oand ýM *ek.J. M. Foote, leader on nogtive siii, of Âbeisi date Mr. Wm. Hîtzmaun, o! question. The foliowing progrn sîii Méàu Brais., ls vory fil. beeu arrausged lnauddition; É* .Stroker visited vus bher sou. Instrumental Music-----------.... I-trbi' Wt=b 113OChcago ibis wvei. ltei'taton .----------------. b-ruFt. ltîýadla---------------....riî,tik ici.- 1m. B. Sado, o! Lincon, Rois., vis- Sou-dui'tt-.....Mises ltisin atiti Filiî.- bfledebre over 8Sunday. Re-tatioii-------------......Li-y Jlît ýXzâ. Tom Catlow, o! Evanston, via- A drama la lhree acts Musical Moînk, ýý fiend inPal4ne uesdy liandy Audy, ant iaRisTrouliesoine 'a. .rILudal an rur neùSay. a Servanît snd lllowu to, Atouîs, respe -lim, O E.Julan rtural atudaytîvely, il conlude the pograinî. kim h«erdaugister'a lu Evansion. bTe hasesPorep bave recovoned MILLBU RN. id meas-tels s d aquhervei Mrs. N. C. Levoy iî, on tise sick list. Li4Pà. R.R.s i L Cheisdcaugosthe Gnte Miss Florence Harris la usider the, =z. bodil Ciag hoptdoctnr's i-are. Wilis Johnuson, o! Chicago, vis- ber mohens, lir. M. S. J ohn- Saturday. M*mou sud daiîghter took the Balsa trai for Eau Claire, Iis., Ia soralug. *a Simoer bas beeu baving s me~ vacation. lRaejoyed tise ou the Grand Jury. Ans Lytie, of Austin, snd Misa !svood, oIlrving Park, vere Vol sBradveU Fnlday. M Jisnolda bAsbeau appolutod r Oronèr for ibis ceunty sud boM bisilabors tise firsi of ibis 4tffreas churcises are mainlg atinu fer their usuai Christmnas atneut. Tise Meibodisi Sus- *Do viii preseut a cautata. RessWySeiiediuSu d daugbter 'lite. J. . 8 hierdug sud Oer ilancli. viited friends ln Èb and Evanston, Thunday sud viso atiouded tisa concert tisýée iaglng cliaselu the e, obosic slat Fiday nigisi »â I* Ole eOftise hestever e t'a Palatine. O4 Fro'eo a farmer Pviug = d a bai! Mile vest o! tevu, kSy of brlgiste diseuse, Dec. ras lild lu St. Pan'. eluesa bseeing o! its ofilcera a ay igis tise Epvorth led Warrange a course o! entarMimiments W o tise visser. Profeasor 8. Spitis vere appoint- to arange tihe mix AH. D. Robinson, a of X .iiof N! frlvev Ed Martin spent a few daya ln Chicugo ibis week. lira. Weuecke la aubentaisîiiig a Siater tram Belvidere. Miss L. M. Jamison, oi Kesiostuai, la e»pected home tor theo bohdayai. Mr@. W. B. Stewart vlaibed lu Wsukegan sud Chicago ibis week. Mn. Sumner Spafford, of Antiacis, aold Mr. Brubaker a nov singer piano 3 ast veek. Misses Carnie Ester, Jessiù Straug 1sud Mns. J. M. Strsng wore Chsicago 1viisitons lest Friday. 5Any one vlsising tisein photos taken vii! do voil to eall on Mosans. John Trotter sud Ed Matin. Mrs. J. M. Strang ontertaiued the M. S. and L. C. ou Tuesday evenlng and a fev otiser tienda Progressive Hiasvas tise principal entertain- ment.ý Au elegant ropast vas served te visiclisal did ample Justice aud a tboroughly good time vas liad by al Sootblng, 'and not irriating, sireugibenlng, sud not Weakeulscg, amall but effeotive-such are tise qualiliea o! DeWit'a Little Early Risens, tise famous Uitile pilla. F. B. Lovel, Llberiyville and G. C. Roborts, Waucouds. vo1to. On .ndy eventug o! ibis vcek tise Volo peopea yul visît thoîr paston ai tise parsouaga ln MoRlenry. A pouud soclW in tise fesire. ýThere vii! hono service ln tise Vola cisurcis nazi Sunday afiernoon. Tisere viii ho service lu the ovening si 7 oclocis. Tisa Paitor, ey. Clark, vwiil commence a erles o! meetings visicisvil ho eontinued duriug nexi vesi, If thse veatiser permis. Speed snd s!ty are tise vateb ve.rdiof th e .Qe inute Cougis Cué acte apeedlly, aaely sud nover aile. Atis, brouoiiii. couglis ansd cola are, cuFod by t. For sale by F. B. Lovai!, Dibssiyvile, sund G. C. Robons, WaeOuda. LaM t rloy Dec. il, tise ciildreu, [ps4sai4lisau *aamiYlet e!Mr. a. m . m p1. .3a. M. 5645 se'a 509 910 Apta0il a 4 85115 9 2 rsçe Vlaw s.52 Il20 962 LItton 868 526 1005 Rtockefeller 81093 s 2 te 4 81 10 20 OMaSLake 8a0ois Mac6à540 106 ,Rollins 81015 8s0() 564 Lake Villa 81024 806 6 50 1129 00150 BOUT. *Dafly exoept Sunday. a Stop only on signal. ar.. m. a.m. p.rn.1 Lake Villa 7 34 Riollins 7 40 GraysaLake 7 46 Rockefeller 8 04 Lpilhbon a il Prarle VIew m 2o) AptaudFî1i 8 26 Wiseling 8 44 Chinîgo 10 05 P.m.E Il 29 4 45 9 05 4 51 Il140 4 57 'à141 il 50 B os 9 221 8 132 12 02 5 20 1 628 30> 1 10 6 5010 45 Frt. il 10 Il 40 12 28 12 40 12 57 1 02 1 Id Around the County. ROC KEFELLER SOCIETI ES. Ç ONGREGATIONAL Churmh Sunday ser- vices 10:30e. m. and 1:30 p. m. Prayer ln Pr ting Wednesday evenings. Y. P. B. C. E.4 ni et Sunday ev.'aings ut 6:t5. Junior C. E.9 lit 3 ock. D IAMOND CnMP No. 4124 M. W. A. miPet tiret ,and thlî-d Saturday evenings ofteaeh monfth. D. GRIFITH. V. C.1 0. 0. F. No. 815. ineet seeoud and fourth Thursd-aaîs of ea.h rnth. W. C. OST."N. C. 0. G. T. no-t Thursday evenings of eaxeh ai--ýk. L4,u && DOOLITTLE. C. T. JOHN 0. IIAGAN Post G. A. R. ne Saturîlai night on or before full monn. J. A. MAsoq. Cîîm'ir. 0. E. CHURaCHILL, Adji. Mal coing south .......m a. m. 9:22 p. . Mail going north................. 10:03 a. nm. Mail over land tiy stage arrives ut 10 a.M. i îjartS util a.m. H. P. EWING M. D. Rockefeller, Ill., Itesidence at J. E. Holcomb's. Office - Opposite Depot. Heurs 9 A. M. 1 io 2 P. M. Afer &P. M. ROCKEFELLER. F. Bronovuand farnuly are visitîngrel-t stives lu Watikegsn. The Misses McBrlde are entertain- ing a cousin troni Kansas. Mrs. Henry Morse, o! Lîbertyville, visited fionda bore receutly. lins. E. G. Payue sud son were Chsi- cago visitors the firai o! tise ack. Mrs. Meisard, o! Cicago, vas tisej gucat o! Mra. H. L. Burdick Friday. Mrs. Chus. Gorhani, vio isas been very iii for the paatweek, lsimproved.1 lira. H. D. Wells. o! Ivsuisoe, vas1 tihe gueof i lra. E. B. Harden Mon. lira. Jesale Wilcox, o! Leltiston, vis- ited lins. J. Hl. Croukisite one day lasi weaek. Mr. iieamiey la asîending a 1ev duys at tht' home o! his sou George in ii lliC. Mr. Edw. Quentin aud famiiy vlaited at te bome o! Henry Burdick oue day this week. Rev. Cookman is ai proseut vîsiting relatives lu the es. Ho oxpects to be gone about ivo veeka. Miss. 111111e Hutebluson, o! Lake Zurich, vlshied her cousin, lira. Jesse Porbeaus, s fev days recenily. Mr. sud Mrs. C. Klelusmib aisealira. Vnsbdenstock sud daugister, o! Long Grave, caiied u finda bore recoully. On Mnnday, while eugaged lu play ai sihbool, Willie Lltchfield vas sa unfor- tunabe as to have bis armn broken. Dr. Truvis was called In attendance. 'rhere vii h a aChrisimas Troc sud aisit rtainuiut autheChapel as usuai. A joyous tinse la expected, as thoe hild- ren are doitig allai their power ta souke tise cutertssmuent a good one. ii'rl'liumad(ay o! last week the familles aof Pt-ter Litchhild samd Winî. Foddler wi're calied ta Chicago ta attend tise fsusuerul of Eliier Lang. lHe wili be re- sieubered îy rmany baving apesut bis Siimmer vacation lu ibis place. Comnseneing wvus Fridaày o! Ibis xvek asnd every Fniday isereafter Mr. C. M. Skimmenisorn anau beound at the store of Tisas. Meclride visere ho isilil dis ai kinds o! repairlug o! îullk casaend general repairing. Wonk ici b ut that place viii Sa îromptly ai- tended to. QUENTINS CORNERS. Wlîat ciegant wintdr nov. Look out turtisar on. Mrn. D. Stuîrm madie a euhai tCiicago lait Suuday. Wm. Wiidhagan bas gone ta vork for Ioule Sebultz ibis vinten. 0Otir cheese faciory paid a divldend or 79e per hundred for Oct. last. Fred Smith, of Wbeeliug, vas home ta psy bis moiben s riait lasi Sssnday. lins. Jno. Bockeluiann la nov laid up vush attaek o! riseumatlsm ai proeut. Johin Schneider bas býugbi a nov hsorse p9ver feed miii. John lsaa ruelher. Our brasa band seea to got ou thse dovu grade ail ai once. Do't givo up boys. Fred Follette sud vife vore ai Palatine lait Suuday vlsltiug fiends sud relatives. Loule Knigge sud Wrn. Buacblng, Jr., isave beeu somevisat linii. meat bustiness of laie. Cbatt. Wenilisal, o! Barington, la visltiug tiendsanmd relatives libis viciIUy ai proet. / ~»ey Hans hiised bi@ seaso's voïrai jphn Scliuelder's sud ha nov taking a vacation. There viii he a Obtîmas ire ansd basket socileluiglug sud speainIg ai tise scisool boume. Wby not otsb rhib ovyaar vus youn omuacipti.on for tise 1NDMPE5DEST sud yaad thse local noe. Walter KnIgg la soeabtter, hel ituponce ln a visile. May ho soon hvelal thse, viabof a&H. qieLse oirtiiyl oIl,',', cie Uri. Keni tbitt fi reporied on thse alik liii. Mr. aud Mr-@. Samuel Bîsckler visited ai 1Mr. H. N. Marbme ibtis week. Diamond Lake. people wii oris a large force of meu sud teams on Tueeday to gravel thse road between Rockefeler and Diamond Lake. Tisai la the spirit teho spprectaied. handsansd lips, euis, bruises, scaldo, huma are quicWy c ured by DeWit's Wioh Iol Salve. 19 i ai present thse article mosi used for piles, anditi always cures them. F. B. Loveli, Lihertyville, snd G. C. Roberts, Wauconda. 1At thse literary ou Friday evening a large audience vas _proeut. Thse question for debate Eesolved "TChai There la More Pleaure ln Anticipa- tion Than ln Realisation" vas decided in the negative, Mr Grovenor and Wiliis Maxham leadlng the dimcussion. Miss Tille Rouie snd Misa Maurlne Bilinsisi rendered commondable reciations. Tihe society voied W mrent an organ for thse rosi of these Beson and to chsalenge Rali!Day soclety for a joint debâte. ROLLINS. 8 Mrs. Wmn. Doolittis cslled ai Autioeist] Saturday. Georgeý Sheldou vas a Waukegan visitor Mouiday. V. Maude Edwards was a Grsysiake caller Saturday. Misa Mamie Cosaman -rislted ate Grsysiake Thursday. C. J. Wighixuan, of Chicago, vas a plesall cafler isere Snnday. , Mn. W. F. MaeL.chlau, of Chicago, visited ai H. C. Edvazd's lait veois. Mrs. Kate Cossmau'sanaciion sale Wednesday was very weil attended. Mr. sud Mrs. Joseph Smith, of Grayalake, calied on fniends ai Itoiis Sunday. Roy Sievens, o! Waukegan, Is stay- ing vus isis aunt, lira. Doolittie and attendlng scisool bore. Lyman Drury an aId resideut of Lake county spent a few days sslth relatives bore lasi veek. FoutoD-Betveeu tise residences of Cassius Doolitile aud Oscar Drury, tbrois cana of oysters and one pie. Mir&. C. W. Hsmilton ws caiied to Chicago Weduesday by these uddeu deati o! bier son's yonugestcisild, wbo died o! vbooplng cougis. A erovd o! yonng people from mtiis place sud Grayalake speut s vory pleat eveuing uitishe home o! Clarence Doolittie lait; Tbursday eveu- ing. Clarence ontertaiuod tbem royally. Thse leugib e! lite may bW lucreaaed by iessening Ius dangers. The nsajorlty of people die from iung troubles. Theue may be averted by promptly uslng Que Minute Cough Cure. F. B. Lôveil, Lîbertyrlle, and G. C. Roborts, Wauconda. LEITI4TON. Win. Cooper aud 'aife vore iu Chsicago Saturday. Mn>,. Jesie Wilcox vas a Rlockefeller visîtor lait Friday. Win. Flaunagan. vas s Wankogan vîsiior lait Bunday. Chas. Butterfleld was lu Chicago last Monday ou business. Mns. Robi. LiII sud daugisters were lu Chicago last Friday. Bort IVilcox vent to M'aukegan lasi Friday retnrniug on the' 9:30 train iu.sit Monday. Frank Hathawiiy, o!floidout, calird on 4un agent. F. E. Glascîje lîat Sunday. lira. Jay Allansuîsiand Mia Edtii Toivuer -."re Cicsago visitons la8t Saturduy. lira. Mary Aliauson eritertained a nusuber oif ber Lsbertî ville friensîl at week. Quite a number oif Wciiry Wiiiies anîd dnsty ]Rhoudes vere olîscned isere during the week. Wmn. Devitt, iutenlockiug iîptotor for tise E. J. A E., liîpected tihe plant ai this place Issi veoi. Absoiuieiy pure, perfectiy harnîless, band Invariably reliabie are tise qualitities o! One Minute Cougîs Cure. L h neyer tuila i lurnd8, crouip and Iing Ltroubles. Cbildren like it bocauso ht la pleasant to take and ht hell)5 thesu. F. B. Lovoîl, Libertyville, aud G. C. Roberts. Wauconda. WARREN. lins. F. C. Wlbun, o! Graysauko, csliod ou relatives bere lat Taesday. lins. Chas. Lamb sud lira. J. R. Brachor vere Chicago visitons the pasi week. Mr. sud lins. J. J. Feezen atteuded tise Sauldlng sud Tidymun wedding lait Ssiurday evenlng. W. S. Pnico, A. L. Wlbssr. Arad Chandler sud James Gleason wsene Chicago visitera lait veek. Samùei Steadmana ltile girl, visa bas been sick tise puti veek la. vo regret to suy no boiter ai present vnilng. A fine musical treai vas cnjoyed ai tise home o! Gea. Daziel labi Tuesday eveulug visere tise Gurnee Litersry Society met for soug service. We understaud thai lMn. James Gleason la to bave au auction Dec. 22, nont Tnesay. Report bas It that ho bai bougisi oui the Rautman Dairy Co., Chicago, sud viii embar In luthe milk business lu the near future. Mn. Geo. 'Bpauing aud lias"Lucy Tîidyman voie uuiied lu tise bond o! isoly vedlock. lien Tidyman vas a former teacher o! ibis place, district No. 5. Ail John ln extending cou- gratulationi to tise happy Couple. lin. 8paulding ilas youlsg business ma-so! tise lrm o! Spauiding Bron., brick gnd tule manufacurera nean Waukegaii. "Excuse me," obsenved the man lu spetaces, 4"but I am. a surgeon, sud tisatio fot vison tiseliver l." "Nover yonud visere bisIliver le,' retont4d the otisor. "4U il; vas lihi.s #Os10or If ou're In Doubt - Q Q.. As to what you shail buy some person for a Christmas Gift, a visit -to our store wilI help you out wondierfully. We bave aixîîud to sie(ure Holiday Goods that are sensibile, durable, pretty andi eppropriate-Here you wili fid a large asaortiiîent of toys aud good thîngta for the chll(rc.n-Alhums, gioves, silii rwsare, fitiiqitatorfs, aIioes andi hundreds of! (ither things for older peopie. One of our strong points is Handkerchiefs. Regular 1o Hd'!s at .................... ... 07e Regullar 15ec .. ...... . Ne'bi Silk ld'fq........... ...... ...1l0e to 1.006 Ail the type and, talk in the world could flot give you a true Ide& of the splendid valne o! our gonds. You wili have to tev tlîem to fnlly appreciae-" he advantsge you gain iu buying here. V. SAUER & BRO. Long Grove, - 11 li noie, ~KEYSTONE CORN HUSKERS AND 4 FODDER SHREDDER. MAKES CornHay- :Hummer Sulky- Plows are the Best, 4* Any Boy can handie them. SBradley Plows. Deere Plows. 4Fish Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. * Staver and Abbott Buggies andSurries. 6Combination and three spring Wagons. & Drain Tule, Lime and Cernent. 'Lumber, Lath and Shingles. iG.H.Schanck & Son, im LIBERTYVILLE, . ILLINOIS A FINE LUNE FURNITRE Clock Shelve-s, Wall poekts, Paper hoIdr-r, Booki casces, Conter tal-les, Extenslionîtnh's, Rockers, Couches, Loungt-s, Cisainier cuits. Pictune FrRme- Rooni mouhiii Paints, to FiAHsi cOR SALE OR BRNT-123 R««o 4mile fru Queutina ,Cornersq. G004 buiildings. sater suid 16 ft. gemrd wn4 niil. Address J. H. BELLR, RivO Iiew, 111. W.- H. MILLER, ToNk,'lt1tIL ABTIST. mN li .ni a itta emuti siave or a' go-1 hai O r 4-111 îaii îYiî l ii oo,îv. lia ssii-, Os' CI<iAIW. N xi '-r i W. <'. Jrigga Shoe Storo iii Mur ,g j. (i 60în' q-n .~very daj \flhie~, . s. iîîij. .îîi S:iîîiaî mîsriiîigs. Pli Ity, Enis lies', Ms-irors, Cots, SpriiugF. Etc., Etc. .AT.. IFEYOUNEEJIML suid of! 'ir'- roti do sîcedi Winter Blankets, Fur Lap Robes, Heavy Fur Coatf- Or aiytiîtl ti n te eo!fsarmsa. heavy or light. you ahould flot haU to e e fifnestock displsyoai b> CHARLES KAISER. ISAAC HEATH & SONS Re siso dues reataring nestiyrpl a Libertyville, Illinois. sisadly vrtIgumr.5i rtHard -Times.. DO NOT KEEP Wright & Son, From carrying the finest stock of HARDWAR E, sl hnLake County. An extra fine line of Wheri you think oi BUGGIES, - Building, cali on WAGONS, tlhicm for and SLÉIGHS. ESTI MATES Cet their Prices, Always reasonable 1158H BRMiSersansd Sprn va"on lu xeb 3au l ms ' .1, >L il ( LA -6 reai- jtoldavExuralon. su jThse C. M. & St >. y us

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