FOR SOLK~ERS. f] p p F1000 TO sBt eQUIPPED 0 - WI4 elE~TS As-Ymnste BeD »iiid On a Jan4 Assîgibtite DutiesB.,Ee Bspid Tranaprtda ui st010el -- Sd'ers te Bide. 5 ,00 -will lie aquippeti with bicycle Ont-s --lonag. A bill bas been prepareda Itiin ta- Congres@ autisorlzing ase -e a suflicient nu-ttber of te previtie encis foot and i mîitar>'t ,W» f eu madiiges. Tise soldiers --the betskilflentise use Of tisee wifl le drilleti upon tise machinesm âd te (outies Àquiring rapitiv Il - ion. A t m ny o f t ie post e bi- j b'noi lat use, but tise>' are etiser tise oficers or iireti front Gais. Miles la an enthist oui He bas signifleal bise wilicu- &Do afli troop of United States shr te attendth ie bicycle carnival ho ýjlu Madison Square Garden, ile W Yok, sud show uriat tise>'lina de ln it>' of a drill- >%ting tise Newr Loan Bas Plmced 1 - It lt auaAwkward Position-. rM psat pla>'ed b>'tise Bank of Spain tonitng tise new lban desticedt t pro- ;,rmirces for tise conticîtacce of tise Slu Cuba hall pîxceti tht linstittion Iver>' awukwuard position. For, lenuld- àmt te tise Imnetse aulla sis ici it bas mihto th ie gorernmeet itself, ih bas iueione Vsua>'nduiacother eearlY 0000te people urbosubserîietifon Sqa.Tise batiknia>' therefere be h e ave foundth ie major portion Of a mne>' subscibed. Besides this, tise la 1 a creditor te tise goerrement unî- !r rinleneaete the extent cf nmore ",-$2W.000,000. Innsmîteis as tise àt ful>' paid up efthtie batik, ho- otwth tise reserve fend, cul>' tu ate ho$3,000,000, iml rendit>' ha tisaI tise atrain t h ricisthii, tise tig financl insttitution le %pain, la egoubjecteti is iremeedous. nustina- e be cotinued i ucis longer before dis- MW ensies. ____ SBROTr WIFIF AND STFEON. jalnjoe Ohio Formter Cominithîs a Murderos lIsait. *Igme.Preston, ageti 40, ele bic uife, ageal 37, sudth ie latter'e soc, SBryat. ageti 19, et tise reai- etofMrs. Preston le Cncnnati. lton la s farmer near New Richsmond, . is sifa teft bitm somne time agt iro"nt te Cincinnati, taking quarters ~hrson anti mailing a living dress- Preston follourea is suifeaud te oeet a reconciliatiee. lHe calles dEdfié boumeanad a quarrel foloweti, dr- i7wble b gan firing. When the- e came letise>' fouadth ie titree Wf4iaS we ouedt andi bleedieg. Pres- b "a evîdentl> firet sisot his wifa, bis hletepson andt ien bîisaeif. I1hl ~It tisat Preston veas actuateti b. ep et0fJealouc>', as lheanhdtin bis Ipou s ltter srittee te bis wsuife MgUlRDERclI)DY lROBBE3Rta. Zdit isseurtati Sirin hy-De*' peadoeus Attr its Monay. - .lftid Wilson. ageti 70, one cf tis Uhémknwu reidentsetfAndresv Couni: iras murdered tise cuber iiigl "ohberoe t bis hOnte, one> mile Iîcril etAvenue Cit>'. Wiilsomive-u.: elrandi uas ricis. Soule timre Rni m~fre se embittereal against balk dotreur eut al is deposits anii svu tah boave concealed tise ucetsi bUs home. A biceti> fotprint o ,ýàlwOffper ln tise reoi le tise cul>' cIe C cers bave. 1h le cci knos, 4ýat puye>'valuabies uere secured I o Down lethé Wreck. Iteur more Chicago failures usere if "gd Tieet>an a resîtit of the au of n thtie National Bank ouf Iliiu ~Americau Brevrhng Companyt>,h 4>wÊge A. Weiss Maltieg andi Elevalc y and et George A. Weiss miai l~ n tise Coutut> Court. licor la Wusisprecieut t fbotiscorpoli ,tWM ti their business lae losel> Col e4. &Webus la a set-in-laus of Go -Io1ide, presideet oethtie National Ben u4ligaitO1, andI ltttise scsestile cf B %sio matie b>' the clearicg bouse ,,b eul owe tise bailli$50,00. ~ Wuliite for tise arrest ot E. S. Drey, l"à obert Berger, niembens o etif U. .Dreyer & Ce., merigage ban wpb. losedth ieir ticore at hCiii on tise surorn information Kennedy. urbo chargeal tiseban *I1k raciving tieposite urben Il p'the concern a snslteet. Mardernta sDouce. - 01%heroolla, Frement Centu IL y. Hannon, deput>' set et th tomu site anal a mtl rtrain No. 20, on aeUc alkway, was bei-i km n and tjwee money ynegt, seai CometOçk, of San Miate.Tezae Swent en tbe mmn- wI aiight. One *l.loto thte re*sý- eoi*ed, and the uflIB SL SAXN. THREE PUT TO DEÂTH Two Violent ishokaetrEartisquako _______ . Tisastr>'Maruing.1 GretDttainsasbeetltutise throels of a KEN-TUCKY DESPERADOES ARE S»nalne jet nprecedOtsteâ sensation. An LYN-CHED BY A MOB. triq= e, tise most violant aver ex- idine utisaIcountry, klas shaketi -ver>' sbire front Durin tho Surrey' anti The Victime Ara Arcis, Diak, atdill from Lontion hoahe Welis caot. Tise rcoG ItofDulMrd - subterraeeus tisturbnczu.ase iret n- Prtr, lt'fDobeMrir tîced about 5:130 e'clock Thursda>' more- Racis of tise Trio Rati Bee. Triati- ung andi laated frorn four ho thirt>' sec- Miner NeWO. onds. At man>' pointe hure distinct- @bocks were, experienceti. Tise meet Two liangaedoOaa siiot. cevere sheekesu'ere felt ut Cheltenhamt. Thiseoistisat belleaguees tise Russell- Ledbur>' andI Dean Forest. Tise carts- ville Ky'., jail aIl Tisuredu>' nigisi carl>' shaking urus accomuuaeied b>' a loud, Frid*ar merning hok Arcis, Dink and Bill musblcp coupi. Buidings uuere viohentl>' îrcct ot ftiei ele.langeal tiraof saken, ferciture urne eiifteti,,doors mere tisemntdulsist tise ether ho denth. Arch lhrowc open ant ip.ctures antiaotiser or- killeal tir enm, Dec anti Aaron Crofton, flamants sucre upset. TIse inhabitatt of A ,- riltc, Nov. 24, 159-5, and tise wrea pnic-atrlcken ant i fed froin their bretbtrc uvere accesseries. AIl have bat bouses. Tise cartsquke aIse vishteil tircc trials. Tise mois w-nt te tise jaul at Birminghsam anti varions otise points le 2 c'cteck le tise mereing, anti after bat- BSropshsire, anti suas violent lu Worcester te-gdw h rntdo n ocn Houste countryamiuriture su-as Cityr tise jail cg te give uit tise ke>'c uent ho tise Houss rcke an furitue ws oercella for tise Proctors. Tise oldest, WiII turneti. Tis hoeka s-ere feletib>' a Procher, cuirsci tIse mois anti ias shot in tremor of tise curti sudîti ere acitMa- bisc ccl h ohrtoe ere taken Oui panled b>'s rentiblittg souot. Tise great- an at. Tis hermbnme bu esh alarm preraietieveryuvbere. -Cii- one nutd. Thean mis tue retieot ue>'s wr eantw n Wnosec, ilsuils dispntcis. Bill Proclor isaulbecux died f friht. istree tintes for nminiier. INSOLVENCY ALLEGEt>. SENATORS FEEL FUGNACIOUa. Trouble for the Pacifie Lama anti Riomesteati 4»sociation. Chargea ofemisnmanagemntehand iles)l- vene>' oreriang the Pxacifmc Loe anti flomeeheaul Associntietî, nxese ofilcers arc proente is Ciicago, auti suicis ias hitiserie beuî ru-candiu as one cf thue ne hiable letitît itums.o Its kin u th e secil y. Applicationus for oitbdrasv.its avie been reftudb>' mIe asseciiti. anîd tue dclxi' bas led four cf tise sioukhtoluicrs lt all> te tise Siîpericr Court foîr us reciiver. Thre- peition chargea that tîxe fîuîls (if thie as gocictiemi bave bei- îtuuulînu'uîl'ia affaire nitiuiatgcui,I. lutulsuetls cf iImre- islders le tise inîstitutlionî are cf tise miii- die classes,'wsts- st(îîk x-upesu'ts tiseir antime i-avi-hic. 'rIe a seu-uitiiuîx sus or- ganizeul andilineiintuahuilu i .lxi-. 1SiSS ws-th b n c lit il h ir Ak of i'. 11 d111,i- rided ut mbshuxîru s cf $1()() eaush. Tue <f- fiee s cf lt- iecnuiut-- u i -I(': Il Kocheruuiercer. Conurtiy Truasuxrer. lreal. dent: James h. Gilhoiun. C\ Shciufi, Nice Heu and il. iiitu-Iueu-k, Tcîýaxxnur. lIn tise iompntt at' tbill,. h i% stuiixattu-ul ia tise liabltils ouitIhue assocituItio x -ceeda lis asseta b>' $100.000. They Ehtp Iticit 'Nthi.kY ln BarrCIOt Lubetesi Cider. Itevelue agi lis are ut svurk le Si. Louis ryieg hu discutver tue oe titucxuiclOf a gang e Of omstltes slic are s'liplig illeit wsky' t i utu-iur lows nlebarda labeleti "eider.' lîhder tiîs hatmtes cogeoiie tise txsglefo ee s tiueate dut>' Impeseti ipn tise preduicicf rixe stilI. A nusmier of tilu ui rnu-s inîîw lilhe 1 lii0xmiuo- shine was cîusiglicilte countmry' delers bear tise brandi cf n ntutîbt-r cf su li- kccsvn antI rettitalile nsatîmfîmturerg of idier anul vinegar.- andl the revu-nue agents hope ho trace thelî ctmerii ef tise St. Louis homst le ssleicder Ihal lîen shippeti in tise vieleil>' oft shere tise soie- dIc suas diseoicreit. VesseasBezstilein 1Pert. Tiese ters alcuc thue Atlantiecenetls, urnici scet in Tiiesula>' ifterîioee. coum- tînstet for nini-t>'tient>' ioxrs. Santi> [ob retuected thtie uviîî lcsinZ frtui rt-t-nortiietst ut tIse rate of fort>' hotur a aîd ver! tlîick off shorce. pisie retoens frein Long Brnclî Acsur>' Park sai>'thi- fromn ilsuse schuooner Gruce K. Grrcen, ibichi oas abandoe if îter tise rescîleoetlier creir b>'tise Ohd Doinioniist-aner Yorktown. Tie thick atnîosphiîee xuudcl'Yî>th(u gositîrtuilitrferes ver>' uuaîsri:ul>' uitît tise river axtul iîîbarnaivigatiton. lI tNew York -uit>' cousiderabe iuterrupiu et o street trahtie cesulied froui tîxe ululct. IlElîsus ed rxu lu nuau mra ins rtîtoui ti ne huiat tise caille anmiii t er sur facte h ics -il sgIleetri r l s t ssre ssorkilug u uihîr i u it-ut les. Thxe wi ixusa s irce 1ui c Oeut y ting, tIse sose 't ikiuî thlut-fa- sw ti mli * stl nglluc force. lt-lic ts fcomuî Coxni î * cul andîtiNIasaxuclu tiatts anxiiifroiimtmie in Iltenon c f Newv York Shtc i-1W h eosv tsocti tY lu cf u- ite range-. thue silosu fi lI)iu-iucruie threc te ci glui-lu Iliiliet-îîîcu turc -cll îuva tous ind Ilie zu-no umark, At Pisiladelhiia tise uinduihes-j a gale andi railrogandusuri etîr traltie suffere considccxibl'. ()ne OethlIe iît ricleit northseuisigales forn yu-ura îrevuîtialu10; le the Catiledci t chute cf Lonxg t lan- lrSoîxeti. Driviuug suxu eurrcuered Lnnvigui S-tien practit-al>' impossible. tieshn FIY:n Wlntcr Wlieat.1 Thse farterale tise great srhuexslt-grcuv .ng sections et Sosiberu Illinis xire wir ricul at îîti ntas crîtise nasearlince of tise groiug us leut croip. Dliiicixg thle pasi tse suecks tise plant bas turnu-ti >elluuur1 anti ubnivehed auitflai ce tise greiutl. Tisei planît utisetlie surface is teu(liîisîtily denti. but tisere inla adiversit>' of opluiion ne te tise conîdition et the miots. lit Ohio- tise Heasiue l>' iedoicg serieons dîsîage. espeialintle lssuthere andi central coultlea. _____ Wlit Bmnkrnmpt Titan>' M. naerg. Tisa Ohio State Bulding antI Loan In- specter, A. J. Duncan, moude a mont im- portant ruluit as te borrowlcg menubers. He beldtistisIreceirers of building anti loa associations muet sue borrowitig mènîherg fer tise arneunts due andI requins lmmedia5e i5ymcst, sud net costinue the receîversip for ycars b>' isking ineiu inonhl>'dues. Thsi wsulit resuitinlesenti- lag mase> of tise borrourers bute, batik- iuptc>'- Ceu't PIen Etacteiti'. nàeek#thîcannailue stolen tin Ger- man>', according te n deciaton ofthtie Su- perler Court. A mmensubo li talupeti tise crnent et an electrle comîsats> te rita bis aura motore iras acqîsittati on tîso ground tisst ossl> a material mereable oh- fres catiu estelen, andtihie intigment bas Jesi buen aftlrmeti on appeaL. 6 11oatowna" la Visitel b>' Fine, 1ise olt i mm ;tain et ofJamestome. tamous tu Califotiuifa lileratere nse'"Jim- tome." irwas ahuost iestno>'ed b>' lire Thunstia>. "Jinttous"" uss tise suPPIY station ton an important group et misses. On. thoasanti people are horneeasa. The tomn possassati ne tire dapartnt - - Praid i fo A11160410 - Cuban Rectsgrnitlfln. The Senate Comnxittc On Foreign Re- lations. which is uqually a very dlgnified and deliberate b9dy, tîîrned n double seniersanit Friday ou, the Caban Ques- tion, and against tIle protest of the Sec- retary of State, wvho argoled wllb then for an heur and a haif, unallimoiisly rec- oxiiuendcd te the favorable consideiticf cf the Senate a joint resolutioli as fol- lows: 'litesolved. That tihe independence of Cuba bc. and the same 10, ncknowledg- ed by the United States of Anuericli. Sec- tioni 2. That the United States Nvill tJS( its frieudly cflices wlth the gos îrmntf cf Spýaixi to tbriiîg tlu- close the Warle t iveeni Svainluain ,iil Cua."i.'It %a not hb- lîev cd le pulle ci rcles tIiat t'resîîleiî C'leveland wo ou i sai ton the declara tijî, 0,r tbh ut iIe Il[uuxsewou Id sai1î1iOit i I-ar r iitît Spa inI vould su rly fol lu . Bul the Spanish umi Iister <lidi ît look lijo] the niatter seriiiltSIN, thoiîgh the frieudi of Cuba %vcre e_ travigau. eiltd LAND PROIISED RIECRUETS. Anser-cilflCtizen-5 NVhIO Eutat Thie Colbiatjiita lbas a reprocselilatlvo la Port Ange'les. Wash.. iviio bas su'e cpoided inerceriiiting eiglitY-five YOilng topl for the Cîttaun arloy. Tiicy arc preîared tei have for the East 01, receivilli trang 1ortiilfl, wlieb bas bee promnise4i. 1 t le jiiuta. it is an thoritiitivelY stitti that tbey sitlie joinedl by several otheu îillsisforîl ig on the soîind. Tho tlani s fur tisen'tte9gote St. Led' wvisere tlîey iill be Buiptlied with arni and àx iuoilths' presisiens. Their des tillntille fruîuî that pointtla kept secret but tbcy arc prominised safe trajîsPorin tille teC(lis. In-the eveuit of the succes of the iîisîrgcîîts, tiiese ushe eulisted ar te receive n tracet cf landu, the icoulttl w hivhis 18te depeîid îîpeî its iîîtbutt lie not less tîau ciglîty acres. This lan is tolle sîxîîpjieIl ty the confiscationc Spa îî sb îplantations. A gricul tuîral in lleniexts lire aise irorised for sorki tbe land. Fariner la Kilied bhi'Ris IVife. The thier îiglit Nsibile lookixig (elt ci j ind i niiivat lis bonle Aîîgust Bierin an. fii rîîîî r, lieuir Lawrencie, Kan.. oas sI( luth ibriick îy bis iife and uitstaxil killed. The ivoinahi ihen tincd ther vîlver cxi lier.. If a nd t ried tei Cilil suicidc. ?îlrs. 1-iernatisai1 slîc did i ie lier hubiilîid ani tuai sbe bad nor i greta for wbit sobel'ad doue. Ul rohibitýotia t>cnîlLetter. T.'lle Kajîsas ,Attornîey Gvucral, lu * luiiiiil repoîrt, says thx, S,1.te lroil f tor Iîu-v jia s luit bencii cforcuil o idert aîliiîiilrtiîliuur tînler tOint if aiiy a îii or lu e cont rury. i hi-nsserts 1t i-th lelaiv .,-auîît li, rgllly eîîfreedl unit i- pub1îihlic sentimet i anlufa cr of eiifoi> i-ou lit. Tîte fuiltet f th ie Arniiei in i au-ces ig iiiiciiiitinil ai re-uort te1 ixuit De-titin îuut livlUnte dsu a tes C gi t Mrtluubtz uit E-rzeroumn. usli-reýlt uîys: "'Tle nuituter cf Arnuienuu tc Icuîs utîttr 12 yuca cf tige muadte ulaxslu'tlthe uasar o f ISis i MO1, au-unrihig te tise estimtates of1 wuissionarut s., Blir ltelhii1 urneti. TiseIlotlt ItYcux auixex at St. t'antl tt'ustrou> id b>'lire SatlîrsluîY irniitg. (lainage le tue building andîl tmrntt seiuîg $500,00. Tise Cottîeinut Fnsit Souan>, leno-boue store thèrbilazce ti -d, loues $19X),000. TIse main botel. wb is tIse Ixrgeut le tise Norliset. tares], but damugeti. Nu tires sucre 1 Exedus frorn Bombay'. It lais fiililly anumciti lin Be thuat tisere base lie-us1.511 cases tuf pilxgue ini the t-lt>'and 1,094 deatisent itîte. 'riscexcites frem Bomba>' ton imes. il is statedti ta 200,000 Pet bave lied fronthtie cii>'. Wan on Eanda>' Eparteitt. Tise Baciselere' Club of Bridgei Cousis., bas gtarted an active cri tigainst Sentis>' igisî sparking, evex ing se far as te ra id girls' bornes carry tiseir hast young men bodil>'f tise housse. CauatiaU Imauisrante. Tise nnther et Immigrante unrivin Camnada for tise Piet yenr mas 21,341 tisis numbar 7,214 mere destines] for1 ai Slutes peintsi. Tise figures area equat te (bore cf previoue yen ra. Nayy Necati Moue>'. Secretar>' Herbert wmîl aek tisai 000,000 bu appropritledtie covrn il ficieney in lise ameneh estimahed foi nvytinngutise presant fiscal yenr RosweIt 0. Heir No More. Ex..Cocgresmrne oameliG * Uerr FrItS>'nîgiht PliInfielti. N. J., aft Waleas et twr o ee w1th broncislhl maS thse tutret hurec ýta ni- suas lest. ft he uit te mtie- prt, a go- 3andi froin cg la [1. Of Unit- about Ét $i se de- or tisae ir. 'r tiled hr an" l. anti $ t.u5ho$5.75; bugs,. uliîutuieitgrades. $300 103t0;siseelu, tainr tuehîtice, $2.00 te $3.75; us-isat, Nto. - red, 76e îo 77e; cern. No. 2, '22cte,ta3c- enta, Ne. 2, 16e te 1,,e; rye, Ne. 2, 37e to 39e; butter, ,i'ie cccreaimier>'.19tate21c; ugge, fresis, 18ei te 21c; potîuee, per bushel, 20e te 30ec; bruietcorn, commun green to lice brusis, 2e ho Si/erenPoundi. tndinisu-Cathte, shipping, $3.00 ta $5.2.-; bugs, ehoie, iigbt, $3.00 ta $3-75; sheep, gusoilta ioit-e, $2.00 ho $3.50; o-lent, Ne. 2, 87e ho 89c; cern, No. 2 w-tle, '20e te 22c; ente, No. 2 whbite, 2lc ta 22c. Si. Louls-Cattle, $1100 le $5.00; hg, $3.00 te $3.50; misent, No. 2, 92e ta Bic; cern,1 No. 2 yllom, 20e ho 22e; osîs, Ne. 21unite, 17e ha 19e; nye, No. 2, 3SOc le 3-4 . Cincinnati-Catta, $2.50 ta $5.00; boga, $»o tah $3.75; shaep, $2.50 ta $3.7T5; suieaht. No. 2. Q 4C te 90e; cern, No. 2 mixai. 21c te 22c; 0*j, NO. 2 mixai. 20e ta 21c; nye, No. 2 '3(SIèta 38e Detroi-Cnttle, $2.0 te $6-0; bOge, $3.00 ho $3.751; sieep, e2-00 ta 3.50; uvisat, No. 2 rai, Sqc te Bice; corna, No. 2 yeliow, 19e ho 21c ; oes, No. 2 white, 20e te 21c; rye, 36c te 38e- Toledo-Wbc5t, No. 2 rred, 92e ho 94c; care, No. 2 mixeti, 22e ho 23c; onts, NJo. 2 whrite, 18e to 19e; nye, Ne. 2, 38c ho 39c; dlorer aeed, $5.35 ta $5.40. Mllwaukee-Wbcat, No. 2 sprint, 77e e 70c; corn, No. 3, 21c ta g:ie; oes, No. 2 wite, 18e ta 20e, barle>', No. 2, 30e te %5c; rye, No. 1, >c ta 41c; park. mens, $6.510 ho $7.00. Buffalo-Cattie; $2:50 te $5.00; hogs, il 3.00 ta *4.-00; siseép, $2.00 ta $3.751; is eat. No. 2 rat, 9ne te, 94c; cern, No. à2 yelhow,_24e te 20; 6atg, NO. 2 whrite, p1,l-alu-ul i Illuis brtr in iia eu iher t forgerits. ______ A. C. Adi' lentt te rrien.. At Clum bttu , tiluo. ihuuge Du ntcan ci-i.rutlit "ltliton us91ni-su'trnuilfuir A. ,. Ait>' rt-uitetlate uit-er, su-lui re- cemîtl>' filtl fuir $t>l 1 anti sele ee bise to tat- 1iriaîic ftr iglutece moimthu fuir franuml -Nitiie uitfatutuaal wsu-aeh but Jumuge Deixean retesedtk teadmcit Ad>' ho bail. 11h~ Nationnl Bank nt Ciicgo E. S. Dreyer é, Cc. anîd Wnsanisdorff, Heine- tonne&, (O., ltw,) rivfte batiks eaeriîa throujgh the Ilinoîîis National, were foreed to nake applicatioli le court for a reiPver. The extlesiomi Of n Plane 11lîc On thse -roend floor cf the four-stuîr> residlimce, 5i14 at tiStb street, New York, resulteil ln t1ie legs cf five lires. No if ope for M4cKur-e. Goveritor Mortont cf Newv York bas re- fuisc ed t prdonOetonimute the sentene cf jolie Y. Mlan.A ielegaicn cf biï friends. hended b>' hie lled sec, Gierge, anmi hîs yonîngest daugitter. walte4 or) Gev. Merton t, plend it behaif f their father fer executive clernencY. Seventeeti Peoffle Irinured. Train Ne. -il6611tthe Grand 'Iritnk Rail. uay suas itcralled abolit twe miles belom. Damîville julîctici, 'Me., and fouir cars wcre pttrtisstiy wrecked. Seventeen pas- setîgers were hurt, but cet serlousl>'. Â,ttec Bennlng, a St. Louis, Mo., hnek- â*..ib-i l.8 tfnnd. ti dsu dyîd ENATE AND t< OF OUJR wxrlOtAL LAWà, MAKERS. ,Î- t ge it . aOTUCKRW m RZI AKSCLI1.S To Colonies Ex-toaivicts on 1UmU_ ______ Farnus Ne" 2*40w York. Tise International meetintg of the 1381m- CONTESTS RIGI4TS OF BOTM WC tien nrrny at Carege Hal, Nw YWnk, VENEZUELA AND BRITAIN. wns attended b>' ua>'digdiltaries Of the an>', incudies Communder anti Mm. Booti-Tueker, Ciief Becretar>' Higglnc, She says ths ta-p o er a-ritoryil Dis A i Ceminissioner Higges and Briztldiies pte je in Bar Own Dolsatn-Boody Cc R ic h a rd H n is, W ilia m H a li n , )W sild B r t l W k o f a e t Y c J. Cezens, George Frenchs and Lieuteit- aud rutt okofa enck net Colonel Perry. ail of whoes occupieti Mois. lt sents on the plalforin. After thse pre- lietiar>' exercies ibere urne a proces- Venexneîsn Tangle Tightnzs. sional eett7 of forelga delegates, about Adices freet Rio Janerlo, Brazil, aaY T tbirly-five in numlber, dressed lanti cs - It la emiotfieially geounced tisat the ral turnes f tiseir respective ouuties Sone Brazillaîs Geverenient ia le possession cf a ri were natives, but more were Arnerîcan documents of the greatet impîrtance is ha werkers ln these fereign field. When relin ho Ibat part cf Guisna isicb Is Cul the cieerieg acornpaeying tiseir entrance no isad ssisidesl Commander Bootis-TuceOl to ilsdispute betweee Great Britaixi ent advanced te tise front mnd proceeded ta anda Venezuela. 'rhese documents, lt là sur unfold a plan tai wuld coait $20,00)0 ta slaied, give satlsfnctcry proof that the. clul put le operatien. Tise sciseie le te bu>' territcry le question is properl> wltbln Bta fort>' acres of land le tise viciait>' of New the ilomaneof Brazil. It la aIso de<lred Wh, York and divide it up witis colonies of oni the authorlt>' of persons le tise cen- of frein tisree ho ive acres each. Then ho fidence of the gîiverninect tisat urben tisejla svould reecue mec f rom tise penn! insti- dispute ietuveetiEnganed and Venezuela ove tutions and place (hem on tbeee llUtle la settied, Brazil uill formaIt>' present or farmne. fle fns'ered tise establishmnt of bier title leutise terriler>' and expecta tu par a pointe patcb tus. Governor Picgree'a, triumph oser ail lainits. wt n weodynrd urbere tise beys ceud saw JIU STONE LYlNCHItD. i Wooed and un intratate labor excisange. tir AX USABOUT TAIRIFF. Five itundred Mdaked Mca Take Ulm o ANXOUOfron jliS andIRang ina. exo Busiess en Aten Com lttela im Stomne, a itegre, ras ltaken from hil Heurntgs .An Washingtonl. jttit h>' n mîb at Mayfieldi, Ky., assd aui Washington dispateis: Thseisearirsus lytttdteîk- At 10:30) 'chii<'klat niglit about Ar tu be given b>'tise Wnys and IMeans Cmin-OK: iooîusked mnt assenîbied a fcsv hue rTe 1emutîee on tise tariff question promise te ured yard-s fromiei l coîîrlhoutse iraîthi attract an evlngreter number of buai- tir tu te eoiclnt>' jail. and lifter tî4 D ella men te Washington tIsse usunlly brî-îîkiuug tbe diiora tuf tise prison entereul v. -gather durieg a rerision cf the tarif!. Tise aîl secuîre ir te negro. lie suas îarriî-l ccmnittee l'a nîreadt>'ovcrsrhelmed b> op- toteirue iiurlyaril and swuusîig tu iii iîb plicatices front represeniiveseef Iba t "2 ocliuk. Sevi-ral of lite nmotou ireul varionis itereats wtto are anxieus to Pre shîiis ttiruixgh lis tîciy. Tire jailer lit- li M ent arguments fer increasin thtie rates. îî-îuîîteîi tu iefi-xd the negtro, luit tise V ré he Denîocnntic nicinhers cf tise commit-.itxii ov Paeruîvîuibln andîlilu..%,lis firiud to PP the initend te marsisai svtiesFes le re- surreder Itutu. Thé,e ri.ýiceîr imali a P Shut tai te ails-eaie tise coxtileuance ef tise su xt-Ilnuext to irle i-tIi-it thlait usnuithler nerr-i la . 0 ilson bill, Tise>'desoire te have their ruîî etti dîltilue ciebutliti- muoitîxîlulth ,tsut- of tise caset inciodeu le tise priuted îuiu)iittenionii -luii suris The unegrrtik recordt of tire hearings. ItLuili be prnc- efleri il lrayerti-rsiule kiiilvîs wei-fl'tî-iîton - icl il> inmpossibte for tirc comnîittee io il îm îuu-ti i uu ilis tli>lily. Thti-ciin usvir-- Il -ur nil tire a1iplicauts subo vnamît te pre- su-iiiiiél îof lus giilt uonîtd îi-hx i' léeîut arguiments un theIselluii-d limhe as- ilu-,ly. A i lxuuuuirl u't uu 1iuiun-il l ti t.sigmicil ii ltie-subhject. 'rite cîunîîmittec ex- ll'oy auu-uîu ix'îîuît il îîîlîl îuît lu'. ,a Pî-îts huaI iose suimo appear will have tiîulisx tlliiiu. li ,11ttiarél xTl i luiir rrîuîsents prepared iln uriting te oniiutaiiiloiiihé. ni-iof si-iena ti i u-r d ar bc pI accciiocefile a ud priiuhed. iicria-s ru--idi i ci i h,-rity. su-luit us - a lat-e n a -house. îuiilfii-iltu luikefi-fîr us rimîg. 'Stonei%%sugas Fir Ino harg-ul us 1mb n-cuuiltliig Nîrs... . I Tire Cash in Skn cg-tii k ancd Stmmuer 1 -l.Siolt - ue l-xiîîl is gui1 ,i lie t i Thuaier, a magifliceet pleasure rcaorh siiuteua i -u iltliltgiis ii Si-tînley Park. I'itshurg was de-.îîlîîî. '[li-alîttu bîdl reriouSlY ri ÉO t rosu-î lu>'fi re. Tiseliras ti-litapprox.1- hi-i-tnîîîîtî- tui Ioýbîî-î ilîm. E mate $500.000.on wlich tise ies.uraitce usa__té: -"slgis. 'TIe lire was cansed hv tishe ex- ELUIOPE'S NHEAT AND ]RYti. f e blosien cf an nîmorula cylinder le tise ice- c - skaingîilallt. AtIemsti icyîediately tise en- Favorable Growih, Save ln Rnua el Mntire buildinîg usas a seething nias of andi France.a flatîes. and lnl leis than three houirs the Tise Mark Lace Eslure-ss. Luindlun. ce- N -'hiautiful structure suas i le ue,&.Tise ferrnut- îrîî p îrtispe-ts .ays: -W'hilo$ Y muicue supers uviicis filled tise interior thse us bî.xuî las sîeehaî tale inmgîust] cdpreventeul tise lreeuen.froui enterifli tise tiuis hno îdrawback, for a favoruable - "r Casino. T he C sinîo c t $ 0 .0 and grous is cf tue autumso weue vient an-h te isa cquiipmeni nmre tisse $100,(MO. Tise rve 18 reîîorteîl frni l thdistlerics f ~'i ice-skating plant, urnicis rne tis iret Centrasl EusroptehitlleinFrance maiterm li thimîg reacised b>' tbe fiianlsatone cat are iet nî-nrly se soatisfaiter>'. Tire lié $30000. tlutise rear of tise second flueorus-helutsiasvr> mstlcfrui tw-ns stores tise ice and cost>' scecer>' amuI isas rcigmig le rapid sucicessione. ta- nsedl in tise stmmer tiseater. and Ibis urnesu istîuîîél eltîct (,lireluautumîsuu eiuu- '" ntsc dcvoured. Il ceat $40,000. Manager grain. Tire Argentinue -rîp ila côt tisoîmitt re James Conant said the lors wottd ex- lut)lie uery large. luthnavrces conlil.. of cccii $500.l000. Tise building urss insir- Fo'urigmn viscat dlues net sei lt. cri-een ut ln cl for $75,000, and there urnensa t le-i n -ul e tit es-ryboiiy eel th brick ndsîrance on tise contens. A cumber cf îîîuslmess during tise irait forteiglît cf f lieriCfl5 vecr- hisrltly injured , but noce ji tuualr> . uit-nrg i ~ .___ IIURN Et>IN EFFIGY. 1 tZHeryniann a IDfead.1 Herrmann, tise mairician, died lne bsPales aénd Boenitans P-how Titeir1 prisjte car nieur Sauuinanca, N. Y. lie Hatreil for Gen. Weyler. n usas on. bis o a>' tuBradford. llerrimaun Ciuxge PoIls ad tixi itheuliuhis tutirthî - a cenipîtu cilait entgagemtexnt aut irlue ukn C'O ii xiil,-r of i 4 uKl) -u tli(' iireropcetitli îot Tisexit-r lanItoucster anîd boadluter iseen u u uh tle>'hi,11 t;.- Vs->er hi> nusg- Il>- emteri ai neu a t tire Gen esce Valley' Club ei t g a utloirî. us îu1 -lu iiiu-> labîu-lu-ut sithi Te- lu>'a cuimber cf is friextul. Death woas li-i naie. tîunuîugtîthé it- tus. uxand -r mit cnused b>' heurt disea se. loiiieiii g tilue ii ru î iiirn i-ligy . A uux iii- icit lui-Wrme of -uiuisi-. isuus xx l i- esi.tilllerl-i )f ce- WliNgoNokf ht tret uanili-ci -r- xirruia Iy théî- uutiir Wie uoknen in tiesean mili district Wlit-ii the plice-issioîn ilusItedit ai lam tub l xi ire s out -rn part cf A rk ansas re ut ta u tM nuet nxii l ilt a venîu eî. tiii- -fli'> uit G(; it lie deteneiined lto rive tire iegrues front wVtyhi- usas i-it it ire. %N'liý-mî tis-rag hi, theu uitriut. Nithi irelue Itt fi-v dnys huuuîauî lii ii -xsuieul lu>- mie lait-., libi- Issu-ilty luigroecsliave bu-en shuittldosux lu 11.11 bis cii tid Moud, and l tcia uta> passes miat tluie sauntictlhé- Nlar.,tillaise it Pollili ;cf Morine ilgrul is Dot killd or fonced te uuluiau s l ici r lexîve «ulue i-gicn. PeopîlunAirkanncaa ttrvligi. liai As-my of Office-3eetucceé. A Irruenceéuiiii, r îf faîuiliîs living i le-s (lu ix ilxil'xiM. A.Iliaxna lias ix aile te j'Dmiionxx (i iit>- Arkîî li sre ilxi n iegti ils iitci'li st Ilteiuenlitis usi Ohioi uute iiiuiiut ul1miii> cf thviîî ar- t-l iuttu ltîi îu~li-i firl-i-li-uî t lte .uli it iely utan xg. Thu-Ir un fortisits uitie rot Nl~liie nforiexisrxliofie u ne - unltié,u is luie tiitise fuullire cf cr1118 ina- ttiie t lueriiin Y ous i tri xnaît i exius itieiiu.lUuil>levore driuilt. ie î-îîled tu asl, teStitti- Legishatumnu. muu.- Japan Pliune-Striciren. t,vt-nîuiirliîuuCoumgress for relief. he Stîtahi uîux ihragiuug %vrlluexcepticcal -lui- severity iletirue priticiuiuê seuipuit ton-ns wVtie %Iotnk., Airain ln Custadi'. chl f .iîpan. Ai Kobe 200 cases andu several A îî-hu-cnî fr m n 'i)reinst. N. Y.. an- 5r-deutha ocre retuerleti. rxuuuîu*-é tteusap-uîreutlure uof Willie tise MiAitET QttOTATIONM. ty. i-ii u.juil Iu lxî> js tige. Muî -oom lorreste i n l'I.tttuii g)forcth(t, auth ir- 1 E 1 Congreme-Imsportnt lteasures Dis-, tussed and Actcd Upon An lIrpnat liai Resumo eOf tihe Buaîneu§. Thse National 80otous.M The Senaic Tiîursday p»ssed th lsai-mi ralion bilt known as the Loilge bill. %wth new section pri)viiiing that the exclubion nult net tt1i1ty tir pêrifsts arrivinx frorn hua dîtrisîg the cîstissunce of tise pres- t disorders there. As passed, tise bill ends the immigration lawso su as tueex- ide faon, admission te tise United' ales ai persens rover 16 >yeux» ef sue teh cannet rend and write tise language' ftheir native counetry or nmn othMt ,gnage, but an adiisable Immigranti er thse age of 16, reaY-bring la withIMMis ,r eeu for, hie wife or parent or gruand-. irent or miner child or grancisild. notý- ithstaning the inistilily te rend andi vrite. Tie resose îuasse lishe tii ot e regelai appropîriastione Mis, tisat for ie sîîîuîîrt cf lthe rrny. and entered np- inte ecîîsideratiiin cf the lPgislntire,. tecutive aund juii-al bll. The armyl )Il as passedIniakes ce provision fer the, iry and îavy hospitat at flot Spurins. rk. The Itiiese ai-îî îalosed ceverxi billi relntieg ho the Disîclît cf CeInsituba anid irce resoluitioîis for thse use cf flnge oll the wa-r deîîartmneet, goverrniiet reser-' rationt. etc., olitthe occasion of Mr. 'le-' Kinley's inauigurattioni.i 1'riila! uas privale bil lxîay lenlis lîîîîse, b t iniit of tIlle session %uis îde- uoted Ill he ilisuge ifthe tlirty-severr ension and relie f buis fxivîrtubly sscled pifloi b>' tIl'eioîjiîjtti.e f lthe ivîsli, fri, a>. The billtu,îîuîy Flira A. Dîîrlixîg, te us ife cf a i îiîfederate generîsi, %$.7,- 8;I3 for Tt a îsc.ndlii li i inxu a is otes lxîhii ifîîî ii-r iiil1S4 wltile il ndei aflag if Irlule n li h unsaslt-kei- r, MIr. l)iuizi-l--il %%a-si isluidi île tise tîu )îily liii-bills %(.ir- f.îsiiîuil' Vacted îliî.it. lxx ivii î-s. a 11.11 xi -fi-r a cliw of rîo I i(. h-l-a I' i .1I nuasol- lit-r liuiiig c the su ar. to aniii î i d iiî xl- uicr oif i..laîr>' tii the (-,iirlof Clalite. cri-xti-il S aitîi i.î-rriiii t lus ilgt o ii lthe facI that i liante.îîîî s tierticuil us-ut bant ofthtIti, 1iîui-r if the tlonsio. Thes miteir buis n e n- t i at li'the olifiers aned rrews ocf Ille I tli Stsltes geuIbeft ECinuandI i oira $12,474 prise esche>'; te tilt> WViiain B1. 1-anes & Co. $î.iT lthe h îîîlî ig i.f t h Couritriof Ciains;lu lia>' 6 i'irgî. M î. 1111. Itle sut 1er if tire Bit- sel h plat»- ix la (as aIry,6', iiWi5 iileg- Mathlias i'î-ieri-in -if tlrilig Valley ,Win.. $ý«w) ta il lus-ii iiii fî,r a uî sst itte d îtring thc i.-art, ['iil i-r-ii 'lt -itthlat t irae bs-ieg n citizeni cf tttiru-Isitîlis. Tte Sen- aie dli nclliug of xîiptji-aee. pluste >ui,IIiîilu>' ySentur NMonan et xI.txstsua. i elluslî f cf b lîeîtf ansiS$en- tr Nlille. it iidînrss e iatcr Carnset- 's*t vi-use anîldus- thucsle ai-tien ofthtis uniiee oc ii -uriilît telu.tions in 1SSOu athle huxi lu tuîfiiiate tIlut- cqîsigiliouiOe je i-.luuitu f Ciuhba. The ri-itont revieurs ce ah 1,- i iilg -cîmeîuPt <if Icuiba aila --aFsagi-s b>'fornmer Presideels on tise leu-t. andullusreti-ra t-i lresideet e elus tul sx ttal ttu-.,iv buse me. suilge. ii firîna .,I-inluc.urroburatiuit cf att former ptitiuxuy îîxthle uîjui-Du-haie wsut uscli amulcs -u i a NIr. Vs-st iiffeni-îla s tt h e ullie t t at Cuingrees, iilj lmn It- th,,. u- s v esteul uitis ejigi-ru-Iiuy î,f wtutu) uirgî-ît peopule. De- s îe cvius stu jq lu-il INlc. t li-. ,ilibnSc )oint t ofonr lNi.Ic. 11iîtmroiits-ai, -eSoIlit,ui hu.ixlxc1g irIreowlumiionttoe le t j andii l uuIiucuit. iulpletlgiit, aeutralut t>' miis g-vcnitnettt. NO finlll Lti li u - tuuk-- i N ut liic cf imiportance uis dxii-lus l'y I lx - Th(, P.t ,utu-il if the Su hlale suas Iltex- eutcI> ii irteu-ulT u- iuyfron tut( t ti tiheIiiecil - la. ii iafter tise laktu li1lui-u i.îu is ni-ouiutlstappbîo. riatul ut $1i 1AwM5 ujsu li uxukeail tise Iruait nis u4 IiltP- ftiI- xlruusl. Ttisiuemie Ile,îîiî i5utiu-s(jjetjj-utauul'%Ir. 'Moran et ululuîu.x uulîuu -i sit lu a1bitter ur-tige- ti tut .,if t1wl'eii(i hi - -ruu ui -liacrgilig t-isera uith frauxî andîi -illexu ,lIlut igaiotict- aî*.lb Thue hlcllu ti iuiitiI siiort>' bu-fqire 2 h-u-.u u-itht-euixiiîtiig hur cxi.ircti, hu-i i--uuiigls - thexuhilaxi ue9ttuili ce- il tifli-c tue luuuliulut> - u-mrtliir tisait1his the su.-u.trui s tsv uus itihfe.'rfclue sass-u ihuelu-ci--la luue. cxu-u-tuire anitutj- dIulial xuluhuritiuiui bill antd iton djun ti fuir 11,lus- luiutd u--cs TiSiIrise firaiti-lu is'he il-tir>' of (ceiîrcau tIsaI tise I-gii.lutive hbililutaStuas ai-ilbetue tise Thlux> .'Ie (l:iY> s tsdu-volate tI is îîuuuiluti-hutt le tivil sers-ie lai-. aml, au 1hl-uii, hl aitexuihut le strike out thue lluoi su iii fuir tlls- iotjiuIsu5iw. as oversubceleii ii> lu-îxue ]Rfilect;atmm of a Stectuelor. Lois cf Menmi ilk tise>'ougisi ho Cet lhiser w-ires' affection ount-redît. men su-uo aan n hîanimont nomantl al-uasity lietelulto lthe at miel 10 hi ! Prelty teetm are ver>' often ti i t - foundatit of a 9gl'r epurnitatt ûx '%) joliu>. Thiere's Sucti a tthcg -as l-avtng 100 mut-bregard for thse feelintgs of the' nelgihetrs. .1- Tise vetton tise peacis mn>' ha pretô -l ty te loek aI, but 1h sets your teelli o03 etiga te oltuch. Tisere ara SPuteien man iie eer. lied occaisonte bewnîl tise paSSlt e tise stlyl et eltivai>. - 'iVîen a Mac gays tisat noluod i>'curff mseter be lires or dies, lie Inn't ads:Ore isleg itleuscîf ver>' ieti. Wbepn a merelîn telle you comae gcasIP. as-Ilît acolisey wionîtn, aise utlsrfy 'lie- gIns b>' anig: "Ise't Ilit iful 50w eltt bas gel isecîtlked abolt!" wisen a wmnegelaan Iden ase nust lie ecoeoetlicl ase itîts arouesi an&d londs an old akit ho nul) up. A man lan't lkel>' to enjo>' beaing us usife itk uviti a uroman urionte eüt< bers blet sien lbe mas a boy. -1 Tliera neyer iras a iroman ib, wagsttawfulty conceietl abolit f J c e the sel a to cil the the Ch nu tes Shi an re tIl ne a c w i PC tu ioW 1 1