mWieeam% e ai a Us.l 1 W~r~uvw0lulsaltaPaIbiPa1 -~*fhUVAU~ ix» -~ ~ i~*~siI4ont.OtaJlqp et 54 cU the iuad Tehid uIm tal , itai ~ tier. -areopétttetiviu andt untobieoexpreesou the Ce~l cege" ha&leRoé. vblch lefI Kausas si ut t4L va med ut BIne-Cut andito u-a stnéstIlL.It le tbesmm tras, Va be huinp ts-o' dieni-bug. Xa*bd n es.u istsi>' overed thée - ta gmiédqwriein their cab At the same thathhIltbb*et f b. baulitgpar Nlln#siltb<xpdbcawfroumthéest, 0 b-taindunt fore lb.esuprisai da l~-b ime tu0 cet their vita bb anéI lu pednowu the steep and expre o Eue. xpaSasMesenager ILFr aifS. Lents, vas a priser la thés arescr. Kamut City *oesal lat iii 'lttSiStates Express Coupant mw, ttatà curisit vey lttie ems, bt ha careu"0 guiesé vth anu meu or adt mimelaaaeua express et great 'CI rlstuima boxes mude up aàcu- uNuambu a orntet htrcbesrs. En ~~ D~ eanmd bisfirsman ha- ttl fer tbe rebbet' set ont la swésk t Isr-locomotive. Thsr touait et -lgn itl 1.ocek -Tiiueada ÎÏRWiÏ. la a cul a Mile tait et Gient- ý"la «Ulith. express car, but thir re- ffl sali nothlag about the fate oeth. SEplu t 1 eiWgar tir li lii th sh Me cit >seg4h~OBb A WI*tslM cou- dinem et them SwuglU*g aie"u -union paella nusitua*. Keoy West, vian, ietriThe eteém. rTbf Freeuis, Claptain Atbs- iv "~day mtteeuom. neb.captein says ie Tassei la frontJacksonville, Ait tfiet ea bas bout on a vrbchlu* voyage &long he guets.The cuuteme Officiais arethb uarge, &D there leaeully noôitouht that ho Tessel bas lut retnrned troin landt- ut armeand aipemition la Cuba. Noth- gU vus founit on the veamel, but @lhe bai je appearaenca of havinsgtoue throngh i0erai gaie.Marks -of à shed; are dm1- e on ber hulivarita und the men nihlo %heu asheith~e meaulng of t It. ile gaies tbt ilsewa ushuadit t he bar, W bb>' the dangerons preienc t c e-ii spnilh ue-of-var that weo ilne 0o1 te beys for bur. ,The Three Vene l a tairgu with infringffg tbe maritime andt »etr&Uity reguiutions of tbé Unitedt CUBAI$ TRUIELIS DRU?.7 sieow ws g2ilO6O.00< %maUBe ev- use.. Are but 020.130 90.O It bas been oelaliy anneunnd ut lavana tbat the governmeat't expenses wer. #T.002>m, without incladt gthe = -Og the Davy, estlmaleil t at 45 . m secri4-*"peaseset théý-0m aor fuerai for diplomatie services uil te eedi uu n4get ot the Island, whtcb 6 ovet *3l00,000. lu the six monthe from JUIF 1toe-jpreacut time, V le n- tuted mmi-omliiy tbat the iiiuy bas ent »4O00,00 or more. The geusil debt otfih-almund of Cuba le nov 4M 00ýO.00,beuriug internet; ut ô and 40 pa eUit. per aoni. The total revenues ot the Islandîaime the revolution, beran, lu iobruury, 180, bat been searculy 920e- 00,000. la lm 0ta estoni bousessud ,ha tÎttery undt datteon stamps have ondqoeé.Aulx DAèO0.Direct taxes ave piedagudy 48,00,000. No more la ueiteit, atter ts heaove figures, te bhow thati. Bopaïsh Goverament bas rmt-tlcally lest çomlrol of Cuba. Taxes mnt bo levied lu the country bY the gpab unthorltles. The Spaulab Banik et the Island et Cuba, .-whlcbi.lbthtm oellectoir fer the goiuruiment, ha nov no agset .outaidp o et tuburbe of the t0fflsd touas. No oau taite te recog- ls that tb. situation ls terribleand tbut theéIsamd eau neyer pay dtheitebt ot iC&Sg OOCrerd twuC Oves thebs Utls et a Boy. A Chicigo eledtre car rat e ver. berri- bir, utilatait, and killeit littie George Danemark ut Tbreop streat briday mter- non, u a rpsnlt efthIe boy& attemptlug Ioetsiaaride, anit torthwidi a crowd e <everal téusad prseous ausmblsd, beal the eottrse.uyied te dirow dii car offthbe tramceand ve hamr ykept li check ter a vagon lt etofpolice troudthe ýMmx*eU i Stet Station. Thée acdeai Cauat snb an excitèmest fi-lu estée ùeur leudtug th otber deasnts ithis a feu minute. lt bppeneittthnt a large con- grégation was coming eut of st. Proce plus' Catholle Cburch, a block eust el 1111h eireet. lu a moment 000 of the congregation huat urroundoit the car, und the igh t f scb a crowd qnlckly sttract ed fOur limes in muny more. It li tbougbt h7 uomoetithe Spectators thai there mAy have beeu sn mauy- as 4.0(51 people in l. the t-etAs sbon as thei «mW the maggie& rmains of the bey di.: weru trunsporteef vlth rage. la tlnu meatime. the conductor unit motormun Dot kuuw lng thel there vas a telephong la Kvitek' drug store. ut the soitthe*s cerner et tbé tirent, rau tegether te Cen lt arennue lutelephone the accident ft the 9fikeers ot the compaoy. Ouiy th, anrai eof1tue cempauy's wrecking wagon sud a wagon lomit ut patrolmen, save thb men f rom lynchiug. OOVI&RNINT WILL ACT. Proeriiug *0S, egua Againet th, lit ià authenlticnily reportuit that the de parinent ef justice contemplât@s acheo lu ho taken nt an early date looking te th foreciosuru b>' tb. goreru ment ot il Cdaims agaInetthe Union Pacifie, m-lt the probability aise et similar proceee lues agnînit the Central-nditKansas Pi cilic. Sncb a step la consituril Impert lire te protecitbe governeut's lntere. lu diese holdings, and bas only heenel. fenrd In view of the pedmg action b coagtes. A vety lauxe portion of tt Brut mertgâge bondsas Wel an seconi mertgage,viii aue vidithe hegi aing et;189. The betlets et the in mortgage bouda wostd uttily bai i>rlerty «« ithe fovefment, but il id that tht affues.>gouesut bas atrusé the eigl aundt mendeit P.s leçambe çtas eatfervint ample poviq spon the inversement 10 preuet Irrespe tl<w ef amy course which lb. lesit Dior gaOsheldefs may te tube. IU*y 3choier a a Iow. Rellots troin erury county In les place tii. perrefllsge ertobus ot hoga ffeu chitéera ai 80, ths range by wu<tleé b lng 1 te ré. The £"£e1<te loe' viii t Dot ltua dm1.1100M o£*, ralini 4i.iOMMoo.The Indirect loisla al, beauy, ewlng te sipument anit slaugbt, etuu Anngd éImmaturi animais. Ti dises.. ppears le b. snbeling. The bank et West fluperler, Win.. en [tl$MODO. and 460,U110surplus, ce puaituit opersîlens Weduedamy orit as a direct minuil of thie tallures of ti Bank ef Minnesota andthe Banik ot Il g DO& Uy the Itovember Il ttment. il bai* hu e d se o tffl, > b Oerwea* Breie Kim lInsa. bProfessuer lBuhegai, proteslo Opblthe b Dptiat C4sèÈget m Se Plie l. »ý D, 4qId bliaqe la ibis moi -Ré là sileotietal bave been temltermri --R __mukdis-.-#.tmf ereîwogk ai vII.ote sthe bathése élliin te diiateis ui vlc tbu 0t mivtanmeiedoue vq mué qpotiiu* narti 'i *4.000M00te pe wbe ebomnw sfor dis leat. Th batil -mi tbeeef5r-le *bulimner bur t ea ii mlt prtliiýe* bank -ln a créiter te the geipuinut nI-» der vurlees bauds te tbe citent et »»ot.I than *0.000 luemnstncb use tbe n captl nIF op, ofld n e bit., F'nP grillerith-.'renre ftnmd, oBn iy ameuftas te *8.000,000,It wmdli reall> ho Po' seen thst tIhe aIrain teuivbieh Iis, t*0 10 leaitimg mandt l *dttlto lu spullot,le aM hins suhiecteitla seîrd ud 41!011111- Pu Dot t. eotinuit mRoek longer bâots, dis- 11is ater esues. m li Weitby MissouriaaMimtl- bl Osa.t persities AlptsvUtieUmee. .-Ac Afrted Wilson. assi liMOne Of dt.h* e best-kuowu resideuts et Anitov Coual'. ce Miuaort, vas murdsréd d thet mtgalb on by robbors ut is home, eue mile nertb- Bu cut et Avenue City. Wilsoa vas -abl Imubelor suit va Mbt. Sema time selm lebeem »aa eemblîtereit &galanat bmsk$ di that h.airev ont mulibis depoits suIt vas >ià supposci tatebava concualeit the mener a albant bis home. A bleedY teotprint on l anevapaper la the roem l I euh17ciev ab vbether amy vainahlIas vereseCorail by RI the robters. _____lui . eldube e l Rid&.aG Wltb the approval eor co~ IM f1 molliers vil>c eQuippedit tle bcyle eut- ta' fits bfe long. A bilb b hesmpreparettt. fer preucuation Joe Congrs antbortaing thI thé purcbasiet a sufficlent nmbur et et bicycles te provide cadi f01out ndilari cf station vith ten mlachines. Thé seidiera lui vr-ho show the boit skiHl n the uni et the th s-bagl viiehodrilleit opon the machines en und nassilladneit Idunies requ.rlug rapit Ti trausportltion. At unny et the p"te i- e, cycles are now lu use, but lhei are elîher w. 1ovueit hi the effleurs er ireit troun dû agents Gem- bilclainanu nthuolstao n 'f thu subject. Ha bau signifiad it bi iling- te, oses. teabinu a îreop Det Unitedt Statea ne c sari te attend te bicycle caruival te hn hé lebellit luMadison MSquare Gardes.,lan n 1New York, andt show vhal they ean do la ¶ý ethe vmy e! a drill. ai o Devm la the Wr.ek. O Four more IChicuge talinres vues rd.-c cordeit Tued" a sa reanît et the sus- penet of ethé Nationil Bnnk -et Illiisl. TeAmerle-an Brswiug CouPani, theA Orng A eisiMaltins adMiéelsatev Cu aunit Gerge A. W&Mssmade aus signalent, lu the Conty Court. George w A. Wei.a la presildent et batb cotpora- 1 lions, unit theïr business la loselî con- neeteit. Wei- auliî-in-laW eoftlteunîo- 1eF Schneider, peraillent et the National Bank et Illinois. unit Lu theocsebduleof eta- conuts mate hi the clesrlug bouseinlm pbovu teocove thehbitk 480.000. -A mie"a AiltUs90«»dL Acouvntrm fthet inomesMetllierse cm-P tpoed l inte Baltmore Mine, narro a WllkeebarMPL, vbere th. explclon tg ioccirruit, shows thtathe e» Wbr erapoit. Il sas nttIrotimsppoesé laI four t or Or.e hait been couuxl thaLt portion et i éthe mine vere eexplosion eceurreit,- d but novietbava beeomecoutei tufer. .cisasmen a t sa0tis Elghty-tomr Chinasses arrivutla 11a113 I fFraudae on the Seige troni TOkObAma 9 u ndi oug Kong. lmil-pox sa preraient s at presleut lu Raverai orentai Donts, and < mthénalithe. eltbh olliet fonuit no i trac., et suail-pox on beard lbe steamert the Çhlnese ver. quarantineit as a pre- i cautionary menasure. c y Unehuie ta Ketuekiy a A part oftIhe meb that hanssi Jion 1, tone et Mayfield, Ky, vent du the ram- c e page ý-uUan the fellioins igbL On. ,t bunitrei tst rêe redrIttte the roi- i- douce of Tom Chambers, colereit, and the ýbouse tru$ uttervurd sel' ou re mud e burneit. destreYiug thfft other bulitIngs. Te rou pat Californiea. The signature* out err Stty ponci raidents etci iuh. Cal., have beum se-1 enred au, ucubers ut a miltanyOrganisa-c lion lu lie knowu as the Cuheu Vebnuleeurs le uf. Califernia. Bis incrensa la Capital.- e- The Buituner Bunk ef Berlinubus de- on rideit-to lîteressu ils cupti traiu 7,50<- 000O mark, te 20.000,000 marks. bh UMARREgUOsATaohcs. a- Cblcngo>-Caltie. cummon te prime,1 *» 4..5 te $5-75; hos, shipping 'grade#,1 t 40i $3.(X ; shn-p"i, fir tu choee, $«£001 'e te $3.75; vheat, Ne. 2 re,. 78e tu 7w;e1 #i corn, No. 2. 22e te 24c; ga, No. 2, Illec h e 17c; r>., No. 9- 37e te 380e.btt,1 .d i-iuitt crennilry, 20e te 22c;e .gg, resb,1 I.20e to :2ce; botauus. piet hOsele.2De te et .0k;: ironni curn, commen green ta fne e liniii.ctuei54e pér Poundt. Id lnl~utelaCtiabipit, 8M00u 11 $:i.W.; býiou, choie-e ight $3M 0 ,10 t -li e #1c-p.eRodtehochoie, 42.00-10 *8.20 «t îehq,nl. No. 2. Si8e te 0(k;, eruNo. 21 W- vIols. 20e tID 22c; enta, No. 2 vhite. 2le lt* to 22e. -Mt. Losiu-CuAttie. *8.00 te o S e $3,00 h, 4.rq0: vist. No. z Ille t me; -r.Nu. 2 yellc.v, Wte 210 e; "tu-,ý na N.,. 2 %rjlî-, 111e tu 1%-; rie, Ne. 2. Mt lm le 30e. e- 8iminnra teie.$2 5 -4800; hbgom he 43.00 tu s4173. .hoeepl. 0 leg 7.? et iris-nt. No. 2. Ic1e te 00:cr. gNe 2 on misI 21c tob 22r: cals, No. 2 ret, M9 .ot lu 21c: rye. Nib. Z. Mr te ale. p vue-ut, -No. 2 ted, Die te MiS; cors. No. 2 wyelow. 20i te Zà; este, NO 2 white. 2me ,.lu 21ç: ryt. 36e tuoISe. - as, uu-Veu.No. 2 ré, aie in M0; îg .#-ro. N. . t slue-i, 22e te 23c; onis. No. be 2 white, Ic 1e, irSe eNu. Z 37C e lN8k; it. ~ ~ ~ t aloe surIR*6& -Tue'i te ffli.: cotae. 4, Ilsle lMe; sala, No. 2 *h'te , 1M te 1:artey. No. 2 ,1ale te ,.c 2 yetfl. 23e te 25c;e sa.N. 2 whbite. -: ae 1. Ain 0100e * o* »M 111 aIphatcriai la !VtU45e .v >rset Appeeaslà e et m WM, h etm Whouaro e tciti frtiit55f i thl P1 rii uitsorttatate la épart-i.t t ladeaegeerun labis uiat s f ss utlitsd dbt aubAss15050 Ill4o$uMa eu bnd m e valte thé érdu e 4 s ' sier lerfl tegour théinte fm e acot i. p atoguuge Nobai sidbeitL ees boeare Mm lamboad or coMblsi 7u «cem, nThe poeeft dis au MW DO» elle ~ lunt of scb u emnpoeremciviii ofte W n.tultî, butaneArnt er e lu the out b atesuépuanerthe réerae hâv- e 1 DuNad Tevalteua thr di Snerstet de batactio n la ionatla. Ntblngebu»YLu snt t itropen po ers t0 unolce t u le unit the reaît, It la bulevd, ii h serons*s-ar abat viilsweep uvuy dih co at vestige of-the Snitan'a vole mmD prb- bly cause the dtissolution oft he Trkhbh cri joernmnuna a distinct pose«. Thé Th lan làambassador Bavarder, ad. on g lu concert wlth the représentati eto la" reat Urkb, France. ltali. GerMÉAn! id AqUgi a m diece oet isSui- ]lI n., Abdtul Hamld, oesofmay ncb erytew* rblhie hare takeu place vitbtili thb e LietIyear on the! saueTubject-that ceN >fa botter administration of thé affutrs lm Ilite Turklab empire. Thé u t u ip- omut béon by warning the Sultas a" it 1e Tnrklah Governti h"Lb, j pues cfedtor the lnyiunla of die an, rurklab deil vowre toucheil the Européan da mtrol et thet Onîneea et the empire Nc munit becuine ineritable. 1M. de Noli- Jff. the ission anibassador. further lu- frmed the sultan thut the Czar guaran- en, td hii luersoni unetY anitengnged bum' ta self te Malintuin the Sultan's supreutacy hi In the évent o! sevreo neauffl b@lun n neesaury upon the part of the Power. R The Sultan. huurerer. geinnîned obiur- 1 t. retusint bis cousent te anY metsure nM or contral, finunelal or othervisf, hY the bu owerg. Tu Ibis tbe 'Basia ambasa- Wv dor ropieit that the condtition et lbe.tli uorkiih empire jîlaceit thé Ibrone asud thé- eliî,ato lu imminent péril. Thereupoit Abdul Hamidi remarboit, impvesIvely: *1 mai bu the test of thé calipha, but 1dt witi never become a second khédive.» lu, CIRUICL WAR TO RNIS. hi pain Accepte CleOsUd'OO 0M e Act as Meétater. tu A Washington imtelsMt iys: lit basulà boes learue t frousa» authMet&â -tveo a bat Semrt&ry Oluer and Be-orDOMnytf de Loue, the Spanlih miEiser, bave n prueticafli termînatei thébe egetiallbuaon the Cuban question vhib me e o esh- mittei te 0congrue*& Thé Peut Mis. OT11 crms ofthIe ugreensec ane bassé «sthé récent olliciaI communicationfl rois Preé, saer Canorme, aditreums eith i e e«tai9( f It.The lPremnier easIl dr: dise etrus ve.ýh$pain *tli accord te télu- qurjeandt praclie-alli aââa thé United ft States te propose these condition te ber jK rebellons subjets. lu returu foeutele y gSei offices Spain assure* Ibis goreru- 7 ment thut Sb@ siucereiy depierea the great (I ouMereiul loeu vhlch vse have sustins w nu uceunt et the CuUt i élluace. dSe asures un thul the is even inow cou- cr sideritgàarecprecitY trcuty whieh dli l beal mmlnly witb Cuba.. predueti andt& rblcb utîllbu tramed nlu cb maultge- u ternis tevard tdii goveruelit that l mir lonuais. oth lu &,merce mnd Lu thé destmuction of Amerieun Proper4YtàluIL C~ube, vii h o mut generouaiy comui - ATLAS liL RR~ Graduai Witbdrovat f etBposits theaD 1 Cause for Windiog UP. Tbf Atlas National Bank et Chi,-LgoC bas ïone imb volnnturY liquidatiou, mnd on 'Mondai mornilng began pa> màg de- positors. Thuugb 'the Chicago Cipatlng- lioue stoed bebînit every dollar Ibat thev bank Owud, mauy dibOnanla eet. dollars a ui!re cnrried trum tbe bauts ranîts. 1hIll neot very long âge that the.-Atlas matde a9 re.e nnsattiieori report of! li affale b and wu&sttskeu sharply tlutInkby Coubp- troiter Ecktis, who lusisteilt*ttretor ho mmde in the management. A suinse- qnt repuort vas mure satistacloty. but it wa. erîdent that the improvement bait been brought about ouiy b he b.Muet des- porute effort. Comptroller lichels ex- presse the opinion that the vuluntarrV =i ui aio f th e bank iii t oe n. p 10anaîy lear Cbleago's cloutait Oumuciai nîmosphere. UsLib.Igtiea Tue, iliee. As a rouit of the veinatgri liquidation et tbe.,Atlas National Baah et Chicago,a 3. S. & Wpiliamu)M. VaisNortvlek, Wbo i héia 40U haresofetotck lu diat bamkc sudt vue hoeeftherefrouste lbe e«moutet *800,000,mde-an assgment te the ilqultabia TMst oupani etChi- cage, Who teek PosssL - 9 et b.Van Nertyilushuaismket Batavia Mendaj ufttegni. l'h. tmlUrstiivelthe a- tire intteatsaoethé .Vaen Jstwekm wbW ouetlutôd *sd,-soeutste- therlu113« otet.i la e4,4010 ton atitl fm à%diirstintes utalssount.- u&it rpresetlml, beflées thé Van Nort- viek bu& 'a" oàarprpe0t,w a- 1 ufsuiawiiLmterats. The total iasiui tien viiiprébaWbu hoSur $42,000 blebtte, th ise tb.l Dmig afdrabs qav"l &mont a erevé Of miMaout aMilt, éW.- Va., John lLn Wva hIntaitir llD4, mué tIsis,"th-. et Mébs ed leta feU minutet inter. both tha victimes cf haie. 'Moere'revolver abjus. te, eff-wua ise »Wb lthl e baud Au n mg n stihé WbesltAV'it a Brio Ralia Ime thé, d* Sea- Wmr- recto%, Oble, Thsrsitai audait s demci. iab#&d' ngineerJuse ugtu p i isl tekfn~u L,Avertink; f nes -Natieua -Bank, et lbb afayette Jeuroul. The prnselpal biet t té b* suent appeses4.0-%a*e bo" ethn8 la chicm. - es bauk.-StL. Iita esp Tbe eveltion s me sds li neeft*irt1 -fou ril reveal the roui mtai. e pmmittet.-Rociifef Uudcr qca bnalaeseuht reot the bsnk la met-utOUN te offteera itoubtises sWl)bh aetiminal charge for tsa t.-Toiuha Capitale- Th. diructer, of dis Nu-i mais conuctei t hemulv.i l bthé mnaumniat oet dat ut mmm: s- ti bni imger SObU~ auignei tte lb. t. plium- The te-relation luncieeriy ait Att 11cters violatu t he tlers et Mute b id liaI lhel extenduit etuit ind tu sncb. extrenues as ccnbd mea« lngr Aarinslitulion.--coimd 4onpate-il. Tht Nutional BDînk ofi 11V,101 fl-a ue of severai batiks thal bave Wbg kled, sud Inusen yinsane 1abs-fV*èý irve beecnused if rtcklette hbtas lo l)y the busineass onsitloaL-O4 " apide He-tuli. When dire-cte' diret bas tik u Mt lend menu7 ot theïr eta antirela o et houins ta h worthvrelatves. Wbuuhaak aspt euch lotus are ostupliw mo -Nov Yorkt Wgrlt. There conlit ho but o eue,-sutte e,-kiems metbod andsuitei tsregard îe restrictious ot thuItiaklSite J14 l elicateit bY lb. trnpncstteusl rougit ht ce hI bisCbiu The felueset di S onet ires out te lbuà aeetof rascalttirsh &an a lack of pubie coufide. osy. uni et governamnt en auré aglusl*te~ fahoirofutisait@vhieh are s nu, i l imnagei-Des Moi"is egialet. Poebapa tbe ulvougetI part et Serutr- larlles &sutl report [l Ihat la Wbk*la ha refera le the tentency te, larasaséd goversuental cxpenditure&.-SCL. Iaié Sereaty Carile*e~ rettert et tb. couffi. tien ot thu treanry coutumn, e, aUaaaé some lnterestiug Information unit sv»,s vety banit edice, Fer the currenuedisa -Car thteituficit lin "t Inuteits44,0,- 015. sud tftrlthe nemI -4,1.90-Pl .delihia Inqutrer. Thé Seri-tsry outIhe T"easnrY Lea*- ca1lel upot, lu antugînize prospective leg- Ilalilo or to net up hit vievs lu oppouk- tion to rh-îue wiileh lhe îhinks às uev ou- greti m ouItl dut.-indianapolis Journal The anuei report et Sectetaty %_ lidof. w ltbus uit hotu girente puic, ofT-r:s saie cii-ar as il luil ren-nn in lufut-or Iltht Irat and çauu,luation oethlie a Vhiut le litse te s e h t e atelaw, notlhiýg tery uer, sud d-deh la tte he Jîusof ncaumnu are..dy i O la 1the inîwnu of!mt eblimuormeit Dhenlui1îon Gaze-lie. 9 - Scurýtari Carlilbe' 0 officiai pIl I.e nationîal bainks lias been made. irop',riuuoethis amnîîai repr veoii to the subiecl. Th pIe na tî'iît-dn heca i treenl,.icLs @nitIressuri notes, uotuf.iui.- tb, restitieus, spos baniks us ho u-uabbe thei esll uanit tbbY t,, isutnahionul ba* lcuti. 411 the voit!cauaed byibuhecaneall the guie-trnme-nI urrency.--Clevela eoi-der. Mr. -('rlisle tulterasu ideoptalo the pr-e-uit revisue lave pied teý suffictunt te meett exsgase mis5 ive e n4 afulbr ratier than moersnne. U.- ouaid soi(-tllng bit lbesaut e s, a« dit nultts e-betolce et Ith- istration b.veu».U departuients aud barau e ssîiiate% uhowing heyra es pestions voul éelt-Lesbsls It looki ne f Mr,lyd parmI lu.he Cenglu devra Clevelandt tees théest- Poste e stridlâtl. Thegl oùt~eg ,damai Cotem- Sltenatos Siw gluitli, getten tdm -ou l satee. Ssila The notion Spt nfus - astub6;otml u 10 lythetat thét I It so douhliwl àîà 41 swu stocke bellete b mSt rudlâtion cals*i s-lch, by the viw a'8 014lha asevs4eftt the tact lib"', si11 lu van 4.1lii 4 Ltj waflhq *Jwou -i rni disalé SE' w- - 01s.ç ~hé r t' h~ ; ï, 1 ada- t e .>,reâ&md bos*u- a ep *@-sater. Thé ý-neéseeel i«lqZea1 l ioertmer Commit, a tfi eus te bave bosa nextra.,- A -tri!seu-~eé Illirn u *,»ffle storsas J MinPe orea,h*des&b~vfe proPIDimaf %tant4, ac eit 19, ,at the resi- si usé bir nus uuid uilax. ýé n I, COtaq Ltmal.t Whé b , "s-luh1s-as W.,lai.r -i wuef btsonenie am' a"l ie tbtnty feet iteepma Wh"lcbsud s- t ti Cincnai., Iking quettera ic guMPpidthebm vbols nelghbhoa-- s-iI but se it makîng a hivtng littsss- o bpeut, s-amoauvit leoi saî"aiMuhllg, Pîistosfoltos-elbil vite mit é g-uan oIts-ater couréei,& Ribla a risé te <Lsd a recouelliation. Bdt clbit00 meisty test ideep on dis var.,aut disboene u aquurrei folivit, dar-eo à@ river. ofthde coutr th logIna Uic behébaost Oi. Wb hé, lbth ire id doing a du) etdamagai selghbhorame la they founi tbth brsFi <émeu bomiestea.i' ten petaeaan ea l ogir voundut and bWIdnt. Pros- 00 r -ésapeare, evini9 uo tram'. -ton -hit sideutlylenOal-shot lsts-wif., th thsn ishie seq»n mud theq biaisait.lit lauP XZABI Sur OFF. * vident Ith, reston upu acîtué dIp b metvas,éf jeaousy, au ho hit ln hie pas- ,bl atte £* t4la ChiaAres»a«ma loaetter s-iten houbis vite bi ah siqal'if Se i tib , amothur mas. ____ 44â seJtat 1iu fas tm ims ir -.i sgaitaca t TEJIBNAIgOW-ESCAP&. es ubýiicidusud ma- ! Wsekstsresuve one et bbe Rails Qf Uitt.The chiot - froua tieaulle e amh*eo tw Apaoiseait tainonthe Southenfil a SLTs auensitdtbu"te,01atinai lad a Barow esape trou te- "~5ptitdee. tfroint atmttioh a apoint mcmi1 ironale C ai 4hAauLM aeéuet-tlieastfîuubm,Ai1 T h 411 bquatîeédet- tran vuse nuning t thenalrue US =ibsLa tb-wiroy te oeilpgsd, whem, on upproacins ma bortil*>a-. Shes 5 h Ibstbt ecass ils,dihe engl"r e4iwevereit tht a rail t.-uv e a.vmsl.g a ate~hââaituonremovet trou the trmetke. 6011eal ¶ w.Ofiiass-u .auetlpumuahîby voulit-be robbor.Tise se %rereau premebsé la I6artIambes s-utsapplieit mnd the train *0s uiessoreporW la saWdestoppel ud lta, teavoit a terrile adis- JLaO ptne ft ir. ptert se ains.. _____ *5 ~ ~ ~ ~ iw »X 1opi o 5B.WOKNILOWN TO70ATOUS.- b. ~' t51 a llr Ui Usl gssBMapelero î%5 oée.,Se Ia<Ute gycerlns magaeue moe rMoslpellen. c ié sociale v05055d i.,madastroyud hi an sxplosion. e - - à-e A*m Rsi Mams sué George Poeoock voire SW1*bliaitlovnl alm.A gtirntbot in dia -th *480 1«" Mthé oui> mark loft te show lbe " acteet tr b ilding. Chimueys vese twures-avunit viatovu bruthen et dis-g ~I* 'U~ *AE~ test pela i mathé e ek vuefeutoitlp utilsu roanu. Tbe. eitueae fthle causes Ia.l belr lautst00i-v.. sesa atueit vitb revolvers, ai8 uia mrL 1mo bosue..os ~usu'afernoon, huit up sud A terrifie. steru oceurneit lu the GOmitl opEsia 8panliulmer, ina un ce- et Campeche.,aand suong udier casuai ti 0lIiebuilagt the gotenutrrt la the s-rock eftIhe bark Ja-P ïg WW tMunroe md Jefferea m a=ttu h-itwebr. pmassengers and at ofhi ,49ileag. The rohbera secured thée etv oi. b.%t, amoiien tashonnit P&d Spauhemer cannait lu a fetouCampecbhe ol'e-t uzmand bat i ui pit ben, aften toriug the ste- voable cargo il smetrauebot. rtheb nuinulofetthir revolvers Sb* oncounte a n rte-r nI nigith, but i 44he age te the lest flor, rait sot drougb di li te atternoon o e i.nît0 au nit mate their ecape. day, ail the limae worklng vetward tu' lue« lua lerk ln the empley a et leraCrus. Se long nu the ilp re-mine i pe flace Car Company'. Pot lu gced condition site s-as sent cudfingtla i. a Star it ba been hliscontnsmbtor. tht vlut, sudnift ohie-tite 'e-rua isedalr a! erneon te carry trom Cruz a s eghted, but une- accdent aflern mge4thetita et ompani lu thée.Anoth-r occuinet tu, tht ricghng. fnllnuhy WiTustple 10 thae fficuetfthé maklng lil impossible te live ln the anur- Item Lasindr Company. ln thé meus ses. With amomsI ail the sii. ýs-hutbe robbety occutred. thé blovu uvu: tb. Jausalea returacit andt the iweokfylaundryblilorut1he-atteauptet ta cet bock le Campechte, bel -ây The tebbens baml folowe t 6ult e aoces,. The rutiten becanie dis- I.mués thelt telckJust s-un ou".abe&,throwluif tbe vesselea hlie mere-y va.r moest remte. o! the itorua. The passengera ob 10 the SatRU liA E» HRS, hote, wliich s-ire rppeatedly usmped. MO . Meut et the ctev gphi put on lite-pre- serrera and upet inhe th e sa.% Ïie «inverser Clte Ount theCaulaunus e eoetthons. He trappeil etstewiitla. - 100 Mxieun cmidollars upon hlm antd ins- Ï>. s<aiir bas là*ait scrti las te a bari. tritit 10 reacit *bere. The linot thé Beeend IReginent et the survlvo*a sie %vhi u tk. tht mam~ill ue? rue- or forte veisht of the nmetal The sigitt ras n 1131% ,wtgl lIe tear diat au t- terrible ene. auaont, passe-user aller aiu- "oug le misteo b",hJehngsea aer souk. the hoers prev.g entirely un- Bore aetel 4t Pi1111Wfor ths managembie. The ctuv vus ail drowneit uliéllluna 10a,55Lae> 51unitd eal irtemenaunit a boy escupet etf 111ll hé GÇr«uau10 'ulppess the psslves. The vestasek 'mon Ul551:IIren Iattjer alé asabamiteneit. The vreek o- "5tbat siébave beau su curred oef the pontrt fDe.m suTa is rftmtlis'À*déthea hedi.bases. ---- ,that Gevermer ipe ke arebis ovin te- Tramé llla Allers . Warratssfer Iberaretfa &etE- Dreyer1 s ait ointt Berger, simlieofetthe tnâ 1 ~Iue1vaa - t . 8 Drpeô O.,motgags, banh. :Cm" it1a'et Usé,us. Wl. <161% ihàlt1to s u t iq lve~aqse b * sbe churgeit dis bai- menj~ outila *11IMM 1w' abfîut tembidit- aIlaUriéw btuire Ua, ieths uéla leala la tLttstoea, W. * àrietpo 1t.aI touUsSé. ulhaie bululge oter scrash -héke des-a vbie <*55* lmoa qr. vs1s& tthpeople talnisa b t rou <~u- ......o.~.. -aàhgeqnertaiument mantlset ibtrt ~gl~qs, ýonEte ,PrsonsWvus preelpitae let 1 ~I héGarees lae lIe boitet tbe ittesu. Ou. y»01 ai' ~ ~qq X11181111, e4 I r n n ls robab4r - Va bue 41017hbrt, and .lgbl or hem thera la- Me I.lesegtaios Revival. Tal aba inveslnueul <leuglu>et 's-jtebit itue <pmitting suicide, la te leeta-A sev corporation la toe ho teuaIl Md ué of tthé largeft lm""éo 1<> ,~ ..- -attq etstIIiPa.cfiecoceat lW cas lobeIa nt - b ds< t :1îl- - iré a ts otre là . via-L.a.,i.A,.,,,.