CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Jan 1897, p. 2

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me-and Jour 0 lafu Uiam~te 09. Ma eu «.8te 3t.hle Cicago Cty en" id5the, ubeater bey I nul ::e::JI #» dtIi. not, e is tade- D5t'W."tMidbùhn.s etf Chilago. .W&- Pb"$ke uatic poasor for tie ordi- imff.W lo oki f.oswofflal ber mont ~a prvegt-na. lie wiFs upported h ~-huaclultcaction bg 'those aider- wWl ."abore suffered long and in i- balbut Wb o mrn qln their Wigt te *%,*a a 0w for liberty. Those Couneil us u h. eosed ithe ineasure bail boê-é.Thc Moydr îvill aigu tie ddâcaeeap It beeomes n law. ity the tiià-ô Tis menre i,-tieter managert am itoibited roxu permittiug or tupro t- 5« sq p 0m tou ear any sort of heod- aiea vinua placeicf amiustmeit. The md&Wn slasceworded tint eeu the *lut theimsores are 4neuled under IW lkw. Thixa. siould Sir Henry Irving efffl « the stage wenring à 'bat the s» b aft a right te cllect a iA» frn t4. gausser-oftheiithonier lu wbicii be plais.Aofurotm $10to $255il illiekali furoffedert. M. PAUL BANKUS GO DOWe¶. imein Oisneustou tCC TrLeurs 81k4%1eimaiBatik et St. l'oc!, a utl ium@ tieu, capital $400,000, li limi 0W.e toibusiness 'Meîtldoy, but an. a~tlsm~lgmcntte Peter M. Kerst, lvs h ait yesr er tva bas bei-n the momeeUo!tie boni. The Aliemaula Mmk ii, spiai M0000, baviug a client- «P lbuhr te tuaI ofthte (]ermanIo, clos- nid 10deoriuebo n ialler tic otier maik à"itauaacd Its asuignent. A tes' WhUuIaur the Wet Bide Bati, orgie- hi -hU M iti a capital et 0100,00(m, 91800 ý# Uses. Dnriug tic day nommer- OuLgrts et treule *mogtie other bu~,Mia;ctlr tes' bunku = mm ot greater or boss luteuulty. b -« obuu banks .uere protected b>' = au bat ia 1cm terte yequln. sxty = bkepsyigg ont deposits. Me i*MiistlcmnIbaukc are lanea oufl- souS bsec 0 ae tuer. VWAM UOOVIt.%UMMNT CONTEOI. uvqt p.bmil, A lut RaIl- li gfféffinug itta. ~t~htalPaclrfc laliroaAl refulad- S4a lali eu ticemf te favor ILS- ý V» ugftieic oreelosure sud MlIss-ela pon condition tint tii mutshîi bdiathse icelleand tionsu a national enterprisetfor b a siteteopp &Ug ilextousions ~t..~~eIbIe icité t lelisi flrod de, s -éu vent aut sia4auotbu olicteifavorlag the -eeut uf tic sxstiug Iona ef G. Uld.tates concarniug Pacilie tsud Ovrproluctlou inestrousftu Iniana. I Iternîsed report of tic iu- do-tons ba beeu inoueti. The G.Price oet eh aud etcrproduc- lisustreus to Indiana no- ,d couditiees exist*iltbut y exit lual. The nurnber' .5 ma 1,037; tic nen- pnodue- Usc barrel:; tic aumber 91 dry. In tic precediti yer tie S clse drillai was 2.711; tic n1011 v as 1-t,877 borre] oven s thse Bumben ut dry boes la Wàr et Bey Ciy. Y net bei tplace at St. olish Church lu Bay Clity, ay, la mer ic liarsonage am n lnturlateti moi sud tic b)odygnrd forel te sur- 1)100 sab -ine excianged- 4" r more Injured. The ,Ixdice W" te cope wth tie mutanul ha tluaed toi nîmntattwo s-ot resulteti fron thti dis- v bon I~dcithle cbcrcb for B1. ide wnst * i'Ii~~ut, by tic tâteraf5g5 . A >quî gas-ciat à maa, NA, W:ler. pmcident et s**en ltlca cét eu- luftaî te oTlchnel- ter, mas tricien viîti hme lu Bosteanudd ileS ~ef ia bhell-known and .allegMaU& o t h aay eg v j BusEt ta w's ot h -. isdpisld r w,hlmb t.crolt .b adimn te ler~aces aercclbo li ios l'tu o4"4 rrqlrciea lulUdn#a* portd nas are a taphe athbste p dot- tiatlenettiecagolaon' :Maotb. Spthe partrce envters uterp . e orestli- i. Ne t .uisst lali,.th Fortclgeàrtni- sa postoffcaé. vani prst ed ticpeîeaplis o neJte des titio of he viiexpIre oduthng aurtW i. oast f Cubaant lat ti. are t o- Spiit fmo. u blnTrs ot el*leathrtica rtîate00hat et ti the o Next0 neuinitraet twel.ut potynhtu whel wlll b. up raron Irminbthe rsdente lcludlngoseJus1 Beppolntem ms d cmmissonaexpIraitIon- forl D1eembviexpirseary, a nbuary, bTh re-sfbat! eit ft lu ortai e ticb relilent anAileiceoTaies& PDe» On, net ate uPonma tli, prscU theo gicas, utaic wll be t Mt for enlss disponsaIaondascomassuonepioations Fouadi ontic pavemnt. -ans ceëedUbdoy ef JoupbB. ilcCul- loch, eiet edtor et thc St. Lotts Globe- Democrut, n-as fitind eaciy Thursday tnoruIng hvng ou tic atone pavement be- Deetub tienlaoen-fetils ruoin lu tie remideuceoetbils siter-hi-las', lrsa.ot* M&nIeu, 3=17 West lPinesireet. Ih la auppoacti ibutlhe flung hbîmseltfrointhet vlnlow soen. ime lering tii. enil mormming. Hia sichin-as badly ci-ushed a»Adti: body oîbern-ise 'iejured. It in "ild tiat Mr. iicCullagii n-na tred et living, He esuferai tvom profound evi- ons exhuation~, complJeuted witi a re, curriug kldiiey trouble. Mr. MeCulagh't luce»csuq upon bixu uiovtly &fter tise iem.fet te laie Itepubitean natieui con- ventien. it teei the otao f et&cote aStbxna. couicated vti nereous depres- sien. Wicn lie Pesi] trougi the acuteý stage ie fatadilmesU ies' lu vecovery. Hils limbe bmd lest their elger, bis armis vere nemi and tiers vers premtoulllons tiat lie braisnd coie ndet thes me iialovy speiL But Mv. UcOulagi vould net admit tint lie vss failing. miltier Physicalir on mentaliy. He 'Insiasi] oq managlng bis nevapaper freinmuWbol- rocinU. Att tiromfgi tie day h iu Il.W ÏrUichuir, nrnppel in ilankets. rccelvad ?5peits frain bis snbordinaies, and gnve thém ordenu for tiec ouluct. e iperc. Tie tiewy of suicide la nt acceptai! bi aui etflr. MeCuSiNgls ~frleuds. Il la be- leed b nmàuy tuat hi bdbndeeof!bilset- taci etfsstbma durnugthe nîgit d<il la bs struggle for breati bi thres' up tie vinUdos' te obtais air. bis veai- est -eoudftlomatottetemI and te* fUi. JOPh B. MeCIlagi vas boru lu Ira- *utfwyt is' ia timptaht nemufpper n-on n-audone lu Cncinnati Enquirer. Later lie n-ont te Chicago and teei the uanoging etitorbW athle Cil- cage Itepublitan, suceeedlng 9barles A. Doa. Ho occuplel lhiii ption unall uiertly atter the Chicago fIin-heu bc vent te St. L.uols sd took thé edlibtp et the St. Louis Globe,. nieii nas anise- 911euilY censdlidated niti tic Deniocrat anti becaxue the GIebe-Deniocrat. Cernpts-eII,-s-oettIi. CUrttmqc Ecici. mo>-s e' feeclu .e tein over iii. btnk fflIurcs teilcihbave occîîrned e! laie. Mr. Eckcla. n-heuaked by a rep- resautalive et tic Assenlatesi Press na t, the general bankiig situation, nild: *'Of course, boni fulures ire more or lm8 dlNuoetiiig, but thusg ubici have tc.- curred have tIle *cDone arail 40- caie. attacies i u Wr. Tity %verèdue largell lu local - caxuatst, wiolly unenea- ue.-t,,d ,ili lie generol condition et tie banks tirougieut tic counnry,,at large. Tiecagoset tiie Attasejbaukias tt n failire at ail, but n'as a mtere Younut&nY liquidation. everY ilepoitor biIgliitd In fuIL 'Tbe tutu (allures Tnesday n-et-e of ntIsmuPotauce, lu eneh case tie baubsa = 1apitalbuInoniY $200.000. As againat tiese falunes, baseS on local causes, tic geneni cetditkôn oettticbtanks la excel- lent Tic reports receiresi tnder tlte ast eau, tiat of Dec. 17, ore uifermly fau-or- abelndshoe n uaverage resenve held et ecluaideraisIy niove the "25 per cent. r.- qulrcd hlthleuIn-. One of tieclent re- voslàttit et tie Brooklyn bauku, evuw the averatge reserve ieId te bie 34.02 lier counisSud Meut et tie reports non 5 on 10 Par cent. abeve tic legai requIrerntsuluI cacih. case, tee, lie assets la detail maki an etti-eIy stistactony guoii-tgas Cesn P4réd With tiel.bilities. on iai vole. it la evident tint tic national books te- Are as stable as ibey eci moere, sud 0 biporadie, fallure etfn a ik here and tiroUgb detects enluiar te the-fait- Sla ot ammii mportance, wiellp Il -.totsmIiue x ~del rein ltuepots that lbe fallureticre lasc- 'eUlo.ed no disturbancu b.eud tii. Insti- teatotn eecernei.11 Gev. Tanne nrrl.d. loin B. Tanuer, Gtlveinr4eleet 1 111 amisand is Cors, Bdib Bagjh. - et SprIsasidd. 11t: vere iAM ".ddec dAl. Tkb atont mas sololnad vîticuit diupluy. but lu a manner best pu e t one ,tie elbecii cutnence et Ms. Tanneranid li. social smincncu of bis bsid. Hait .the tste serrai te a hoooklng 'os ville *av-uc? plggltd, And anl et it vas ropr««ste&. ____ Gem. . W. CurtIe L« Rouorcd G c:el-a 1 W. Curtis Les, pmeldqnî et iWauilnfok-d Le. Univenltys&tLUs- lotion mince the deti et bis tAtbég, tien. cral Robert B. Lee, la 1810. resiguid on accoait Ut oiiued Ibuati, 5"d s'a at one elect.d presidont maugritu« by tic boartL ' .As-aaiga'slimurmles ut Tho -mineraI output et &Arisonstr 1510, the Igures bains munix ybagad oou - - oh@t .- 0 a.gmsýý à, fllos. Z; *lIL m.. Aueétimer- Ctimm Dakes- roussette uiele--sabes I$aIsa Uvept b, s formoi las 31000, iIe air me te&tnbit i no af RMosier. >The. Presto, Ra*mleusbsi99 Detroit, vblei ul '$10etMosiu & Semis paper, attaghed a lot of lumiesr eovered by thixortigansd sold St. *ne TroY Bllsuk tereupos bugan udt'la tbe United 51*1.. cout te receler, damgu The triai endud. afttr hine ta u gum ive. eeks. IV tie paortioen.sllaq oui of court. Thc Prestoan, ani .and tie aercibanlu lb.thesyndlcite Io broui the Mortge bave Ibeir edaImssaifcnl ldisted. Ail tb. otier eveditére. am, est lu thie eold, as th* reit t f Ub.r & le' propcrty la beyoad Jetai attack. TOOX nie OWN LIMS W. A. :saumeedio Efll I fiuele willilameA. Hammond, secondvice presîdent et tic Nitionsi Bani etfIiI- nots. emitted suIcide early SatuÉday mornlng et Chilcago by drowning ikmUii la Lake Mieligan. *He bad hecm brood- lng over thc falur.eofthetis ai, sud smarted usdmit the, publie accusation et bavingisen* Its vieeier. The. suicide af tic Vices PresdeMitls the sccoud iat bie oecurs-ed lu ceuncetion vîi tic (eail- uts ofthti National Bank et'Blîluois, Bunker Otto Wasmnnwdorff. el Was- maasdorft & Heiuemxann, vilci vas dragzed denvrai ticthelarger Stismciai bouse, endligbils lite Sthi a revolver. One other lite Ia dircctly cisrged teatthe tellure. Lazure Lavey ded-bis frlcnds say ut a broken hert-wile writing a letter ef resîgnation to bis employer, n-be bad notltled him that en-lg te soine of the firm's cash beibg ticd op in tic book his salary would bove te be redumc. WON'? DACK £PAIN. XSgropsan Povet-. Appreve of Our le- terve.ntlen ta cube. Tii. correspondent of the. Lendo. Cbrénicle nt Washington. ln as eau. dis- patcb te tiat paper, dels.res thet tiere le ne doulit that Spainobas cnofficlally, tirougi tSentir Dupuy de Leme, lieta in- iter, promiscd te accept the. United States mediation directly atter Gea%. Weyler bas leared the province of lPinar del Rio ef rebeis, aud tien te grant any- tbing short et actuel lud.pendeac tfer- Cutis. This dispsteh contirncest ".Nous ofe tii Krotican pwers has protested agalnst American Intervention ln Colba. 'On tiec eotrsrY, Mr. Olney han iot a.u sured et tieli approval. Enstnd- homo- ever, remaslned striçt1y nectraL Tie r- Portset a Enropean proest werc ln- -aplred by Mgr. Martenelli, the. pentifical delegne atste .Uited States." fluÂTES IN Tan WIND. Wlta.Arqa la th. Suth 8Scpt b? a illeutheru Arkansas, Nittiessiera T-. as and Nortbwneteru Leu4iana vers sdgbyperxibi. l'ad d4e1 batiirday eeéninig. Net icstion feu 49i ,prbnily a_<reoter unuier-'ft ilves arc tac. ai i»esrd frosntlthe tteUf4 destruction occurrcd at Meoringiport, la., aboutthls-t m#wte.ont Tccuiam tbe -ull.towim beiug biowir pgg b nul ix or eigbt persQns kilird outllgbt aud. lwety or mone lnjured, sen"e 'thlct *IatnllY. Itemners corne et greit desi=~ tien ai Beuten. Ark. The Iron Monu- tain'a Bouth-ieund pagsenger train vaî canigt lu tie sterrnaiut tit station and bis te hb. ild there oatil thé bàen *ui- sid.d. It is reported thnt tirsnty-i-e iuses teere bljvniuut SenilIcRus ad a nunber ot peo1ylé nur USUtI> ATLING GUNS. Civalry Followed Peruvien mmv- Rente loto tkc itonetare $eti tnerin lapera say thint ti ludien upibnlatn l lciùb s bean u ejl> Tiie goveranieat ment Cul itorre, iàsà- perien,-ed Indien figiter. agdinot 3oco1xô, with a goosi force er intautry, csn-alry, sud ene or twe gatl&fg gnus, lu.smail parties the aoldiers petietrated into tie uontiiu npursuit ofthticgavages, n-hem they encountered I n severai-esnps. Battie n-as given 1» the ludions, viti the revnît tiat the gatlugs se depleted the rubel ranks tint old Jaoulo, tbeir chief, rasu bunted dnwn witb n fevv hondre,) braves. Col. Parra uniiesi bis comutansi la incb a pestion as te raie the earnpt and tins, practicatly, the nprislng wa crusbcd. TiTtEIDEAD. Avfu al *ssuity Occurs lin aUculcau Sivcr Mine.. A terrible distster bas oteerred in tic' SansaIlertrupi mine ai l'acbucu, oeeof tic most, tauiouss aivér tules lu Mqxite.ý Feusinsmecause jitnuovn lire bI:oko, ont lu oeofet levels et the nid socîh- cru workings Thumday, sicttlng offt th exit o! thirteeu Mexican minera. Minera ou the outalde vent te on rkte try te put out tie iresuid cave lie men. Au, Nu- gilsiman. Nid U2ltrdsç un expslenee'J miner; vent dem lin charge et the. roses. operstlou*. but pcrishted tro suffocation., AIl tie Mexîcans ded frein tie sane cause or frain buraiug. A vinerril cstdowu lan wagem lu th,, trou- fnuads-y oÏ Dorisa &'arnnm, et Waltbtm, Msss.. velt lao ifeeot Fridar. The tact tint the lovt*eunditea tu Penn- mylvanla are dolug tlieir 0vwt sual n-en, tansli ispoublc'ter itils rute cein- pote, 19 givea as the cloue. Ticy Want the. Formera. à Berin u dhpàtci gaystint chancelier vou Hobtnloic yl subuitte t~ubun-im dssgath àbill w blIuntwt*m e 4toioît emiiration flos e tc atltisl diffltrit et (Jerrnany. Laud-cn-ners baie M.e Sco niunggreaF th~e ti enrd o latter.- sud trhbutions; Cities lu ti. VÀIlii$tatosu!... ê Total .............. s 00,000 fl t*s b eu roi 3 tel a ut s ixty * tn q dbo f " u iin. sea", %s ww. 'Bat tis 'ýQWîl=rdlua M isti sels vu r Pri -di Ca ué à Pirate . 'Z$3 &A apatelà&W tde la Ma I Nevembej Oxpcdtion sud tbe pres.nt 0»& Ti* u@Pft say@ tie Thres Priigt bu :u1usd na pirate ou beir rurtulefthgý lua 4Pnoc.e"tthl. esm ettie Neuls Lepea .xpsd4tlos% whcre Prealdent 1111- moro4 alvscd hy fDaniel Webter, de- lai e i.veste! spirate, end »M . e- eiitlY, IDl».5tie cate etti tnh e ba -Y- t, ais. sdjtdged a irate by jaUge Broya et the. Buprorne Court of New York. Wlibuste Ia @unir. The fillbustertog steamer Commodore, wielh lett Jacksonville, Fla., Thuréday night, lu e nrestlng au tie bottom o ei «Mi lu tiveutY atieuts .1 water, but ail et the men on board wer. a cd. Among -tics. on board wer. Stulphen Crase, th@. .Wti-kno'wn norllst, iWho hblpped se s comnme»seAman St $20 sanientii vages, ta rather materlal for a nordl. lu their realdence npar tic furusce et the. Strutiers' Furuare Company et Youngstoun. Ohio, josephBitbils vite and 2-yesir-old daugiter were tounn*déad early Priday morulng, havlng been as- pbyxiatcd by sas:. Four bourders cm- ployed aithte fuurse were taken out lu au unconscleus condition, and thc tamill bad a narrow escape. Moe.Dfoute OssIerd Ont. The. dynamite cruiser Veonvlus and thé. armed dlspatelb vessel Doîphin bave becu ordered te Floridn waters te re-enforeo the alreadjy numerous llest eof(oes- ment vesula Dow engarted lu the effort te '9nPPreus ithe fllbuseriug expeditlons bound for Cuba. Besis te Disasolte ic saae, United Bties District Attorney W. 0, PerrY bas commenced suIiticthePederal Court te dissolve tiie Rouss i Cty Liv. stock Exchaenge, Kansas City, Kan.. The . ProSecdlug liiinstltutcd under tieati.1 trust mvw, tvich the. exciange in chargel with elolatint.1 lta:itcase.t KillelilBe. - Mrs. Clara Freeman, of Dcamark, Iowa, w bIle attending services et the Kîxu Street Metiodist Cmxch isl Qulsey,1 Dii., feulu inber pew and cxplrod. Heurt talluere.ultlng tront religiounstacite- ment la u snped to ecns eisodedatb. 1 llaricd la Wh!l. 1 Charles Brazuluwt, a faerm er.dieU At IDYatbMsaaKy., vai bumluè ln a fRn o et K4etpky L epqMva ~*bemitlll inIa nt. W.placsd i l, Leti t]e«fos-d lu a eloue Sîtae h~io yAv5l l4rqiibis e4 m#bule bu lng b anxlety. dÊ. > ot t ià Marrîsue or Thomas Nant, Ir. .nusast Jr, ti.awo e tc i Yu ridLi -'i», Misé Eus' B- ie , lge l MsS.Ci&Ies RiuI' y Naut in hirmicîf au artist Shet l inaloffice. T. W. Gloa, a gnaiu buyer vhile lu bils office ut Weici, iKan., n-au heid nop a»d siet tvn-icý freut the effecta ef ubici be del. -Two tenupbacs. beusar@àtcêin Reports frointhtecMexicait cffe. dis- trIcts ashowtintthlis' rop viii tic very icavy sud planîtena ore going te bars à muai preeperoca ycav. Cblcago-Cattle, comme toe prla., . 5 e 51;hogs, sbhipping gi4deb, 83.(x) te $3.75; .icep, fair tu choice, 82.0 te P-75; vicat, Ne. 2 irel, 82e te 84c; cern, Ne. 2l 22c. te 23e; 0" tai No. 2, lue te 17ë; nyc, Nu. 2, 37e teu 3&; butter, choice crienmet-y, 11k te 21c; cggs. ftîtil, 161e te 18e; Potutes, perbubel, 20e te 10Oc; brout corn, commu grecs te lime bruai, 2c te rIq pet- Pound, lndianapoi-Cattl,ippias, 0 3.00 t f32~ iegi, elc.Ïèe ligit, 0.00 bu *3.71; aicep,-, oed toeboice, $2.00 te 03»1; %%see Vo. 2Z 8De te Oc; ern, No. 2 n-bite, 20e te 2"2-;oes,. No. 2 meite, 21c te '22c. S t.* Louls-Cattle, $500 ltb $525; iogu, $3.00 te $850; viat , e 2, 92 te %ec; *Oru, Nu B 2yeiiov, 20e te 21C., enta, No. 2 ville, 1ie te 18e; ryre, Ne. 2, SU. te Bice. Cinlsaitt-.Cttlse, 0150 te $5.00; boe. 8$500 te $3.7à: *s>, *2.50te f04.0 W,4ent. N&. 2. 94e te 91e; cora, -No. 2 mixed, 2lc te ùc; e «ts Ne. 2 mnlxid, 18e te 20&; rye. No. 2% Bbce o87e. Dftroft-.Cattie, e5$ te 8&Z2; bogg, $5.011 tO $4»00; s,ep, 2.00 tô 08.75; wicat, Ne. 2;red,. Me té 94c, coin, No. 2 Yelbos'- 21c te 22e; eats4 No. 2 irbits, i»è te 21c; rys, 137o te 3&_e, Toledo-Wieat, Ne. $ red, OSeitue I; cori4 No. 2 mimse, 22e te 29c; oats, Na. 2 mhte, 17e te 19Ce, n-e,ý Np. 2. &70 te Sue;, dorer nord, " 03te 05.45. Mlmtrre-Wbeuî. No. 2 cprlni, 78% te 0.teo 7.00. ;be3N .3y ei &. *4pet Ne $6.0yeU,8 te7.m 3bt Nev,.York-.Catti., Poète 08.; b«.i Mcdo 3 sso& 4Na.2wat. et C'chiseu mftClime te Rave informe- Sicnatous 1etEe tblaS lne là te.e-- DenguetaOvat zpeudu-MneBS» ril" Jlu aie ObUscé Neabas =thevêb: Calban juiclta te G. 'lia Gov- erlimeut bu polltflely deturaxledte r.- eMI Capt.-Oen. Waller. Gem Prime de Bisra ltIssud vS sdael ten. Wcy. le- la Cn U;.?.aatluees tic Bgaulbai rum sudla lnver vîtli lb. Canova@u«aertissent. UNiniter ,Taylo,s It la muId, lcitormaed Becretnq Olu e@y sec- crai da» sge tint ticautieri tics at Mad- 0 id veauon thein et 6selleving Ose.' WvlYler of bisuenoat!dlaCa, sud et V, tppelatlugs n is scenser Vapt-G.a b 1tera. Rlestons vere given la iriet viy .a change vas deemed sdvisable, aud a t lnternent vas matie as te tbe probable. Itime mien the ordters n-oeld b. prairial- sted. Itl earaed that the Madrid it. eruimeut lu displeased st* tbio-t tint Gen. Weyler, witi about 200,000 treopa. ba net pet don-n tic Caban reoit. lHe' biba expsaided large sauts oft smeey, but se efaf 'ti"made ne dectded hesadway lu 'ai- r mPllIhng ils main objeet, thst ef quelî,g the Insurrection andl 'restortg perangotngd order lu Cub2. fles troffl, lhave ieen victoriens o4n ocessiens, ! tl.ey have aise met delettsd thit reuit. ceusidering Siiuli'o eutlay in asd tensure, la far froinisatimitacto Tee mcimnyhave bren ilt ected < Wu;-ý ter; lest as the exàetoa - - - iu tic cage et Campes. Stiir, <amôt ocrtat neile tt-ccs-isfot ber tuliti. ed, ad cyIer lias conrequeiltl fuîtes lu uficiol esternaileuMadidi. fIunlr Foeeasue S hemaToward Atbîs ma ii,.WrccUer*e: Fe,,rA cf ttif- ..train vi-kera in uI at Ilrmn:i:ginin, Abs.., cunfe*med lu tlhe sletcoîtio %cri-citic StiiuItatlny*s fant exprPs. ut NI(-Cenib'q ireette., ont tii. night et Dc,. li. Ti. cnfei- ezi-dm te fle belléiflai tie aie gong ne- nipued tic rails n-iic-i wr-i-mt helii.Ir- meingham inerai train nt Caihba Itire.- bidsge, causing tic death eft tn-uty-@ix peopule andlIitjuring Pteven othirfs, on Der. 27, aithoutti these cotier arr-st are au yet slient au te ibis wreck. lire uer-oms- Audren- Feagin, Tom Jwgram .'Oan, l'ar. ker. Enuel Blllings. aid Ber;ne $eult.-- wcre snrested by depuity Èieriffea ans ruiIroed degertivcs. Ail lînt Feagin eau- tcssed. Parker noasthi, Itengin vas tie leaider ofthe plot, thllt'ce proposesith. wreckieg ot trains eue- nigit ut a danc-e ns oo lee isiasb, eici t ta MChit- loas Marey. They vent te 3lcCembso trestie by night sud enltered upen tic vonk ot draîving eut upikea andi reroving botiatrou tic rail. Tic plan von tu club ta deati and shoot tbose passengers vie were net XIUed by the crash wico the, train teli tate iravine ninety tecd below, but the engineer atuppl i ii train before It lef t the treile. AuBucxLItB Airs Fix. Etlictualir Ciecima:te the plaua tio the Bsanr Tiast.- The repos-teil ale at Toledoe t fthe Spepe.Ackhin shares et tie WuJso SIO ceCOWÎim5aStock te teéfloupe tratt let gaturdal brusgit ffitiau oîàibntic deuli itroun Nea'Jerk ia tbcyct lia4 eïfit thIt WbM a now suid ftint tic dent vasnumade by J. M. Turner. thp eoddmiutina uscilman et lime Ariuc s. iw old ueerat tat tic. Wri *lf e on de a cleven dent. mehicbi oyhrowtic Woolson Sire Comepany luto tic bifidse ofnareeirver. sboull tic augar trust iry teaiimitftic Poniceruaet S lacs te break Iowncthe Bin etofAnbucile Uifsc.. vic have r"ently entenesi tic ýiuga ta. Toit OatoLegeIig ttspned Of. -Omtng ta e c nt ilistunhances andi the tireata et organisations agminst toli gat",, Judge Garrisou IL -Eila, oet V'aucebung. Ky., aunnumnces au extra teni, et cournt te devise planastiy vilid tti l i MotelPou cabelegalîr ditiposesi et inateas i cl bolun: ipetro, cd by mois. Ment eft ti nwekloidiae agneesi te assiga their lbeidiags -Iii tieroade te the courts. ne. Pia sfl ais. Tice(lenniania Bank et St. Paul sd ot ope-n for business Mondiy, but au- cucei mu ansigumieut te Peter 14. Kerat. wbe for tie lait 3r r twe bac been t ns ailier. Tg tk >toi dla run fer nennly mn-e vekA TtatFP.oar$ bW glîtuing a t idrav ticir déposits ut the tinie the Bank oetinnueaota closied. Port tate ltlsp.suar. It la rcported tint the leatllai probibi- tioulst iud tepcrance uceikers of Kan-ý sas bae lèclded te soli;tichegietatul tlt1ý -vnter te psin a las' eatabIiain à a Stats liquor lispensavy la Kanas. liait asert tus in tic onIy metiod by wviit filerca ivr ho"e te itfsii out thei.da store aeyuten ifsalocisand Joints. Thi eesetmarriage of Mise Enma Spreeltels only daugbter of Clain Spreck- ris. tle ullouolre, ta Thomas Watson, renard a senuatioui ln Bon Francisco. Mr. Wason in la EgNqxaanad a videmert aboat 156 gelqis e11'«fis rl a oinsut 28. ci lu* Oit. minou, Netlcus isiÏ*-bom iipeoteidat ail maines la teicMiln. O.district r ed la he i.pIie oetIpich mlnna ei cuta Ite, el cents@lier toit..The n gays a rate et Mt> etu bas isen a oPOit la $ERmuYlv5alS . fe» e sleaUuius', The coge va-lauom lu earnt. Frida 1tie Arbueltis >ithti I emt'reduletienI package- coffcc mati, by tie Wooisolà Company, and Bné*day morlingtite lat- ter cut a hall cemntSevrer. Tber ilcire tiey wlll keep piree.undier tiiose ef the t;iItvim. ai any eut. A T4. Parie edition ofthtcew York0 HerimI ettgm t It en guaraatee ti*-c tic!uney d"ai"utIblt-bltpfuVieilts tbat i Aticonai m NéDMla4eugi te~~~~~~~~c oai.Oee suis.1* al i lllfi' a ..- t'i.flne Tu alE-be se tbel ln. b esraeuto? ladiamnell aitathm.,TryN fk ' Sscretea r hagi~a se-vsdem Cousisse - zatId u t",~i Tm sqssd,.l.~t t" b e t kqunti& aa lMact e huln.i codsuahis.-Xaou Tsorder. 1.. athte bu bund *,tS étauset4x ~~ »W là.s. 1h-avilo telis -icsgateia't ltvit aic theIa blndàW verkWoud ad ..O«* 010l Iatbm eivres tl i. d blsirem ta rgrlso a rI~ zty sIMtscmacbmi-, - ew e ai ai sM- taeVlhUtt. tom"a.-Louisvhlle Peut. uSceretiry Olucr neufeatmaow ,Congreeçcn net oaly In su advIsory USe hre fer vint meusa did t], i» lel, nd il$S Rcretnry oft State isylithe h subject betureCegcs-pka , sViese. The -constituti,,n presents ne gra for MnI. tliey te ostaupon visa h. chalus tint ticelPrésident et tic Uuitai States la suprene lu tie motter et rsefl. nizing turcigu eatabiliobruents.-.ChLugaw Bati Enquirer. Rorne Senatnrs lu udor cagernenste'dot clore Colla i.c.ntu i niie dtii more by a desire te infringe upen tbe prerogntt-e et the executIs. dpartaleeni tion i1 ny yeuantatebeip tic patriet -DallastNewsa. Thic miadent bas a r1% tot veei 85 resoinulen sent I10 hl bL'onrcs wonid bc s u-enk-knecd "ereeIft M cause e WB@ as*aroid te eitel.. 'Ii b aboeii suir ti riglit te (aitlto dis. use.-Milwaukee Sectixel. The position asumes by tcSesàm ef State. wiei vas iislred t'ir ea ideut, Sh net An accord witb i tk.spls-lt ans- institutions. It would mw, Presidit auperior te Congreaa n. a ded littie ahort et a dicutui.-Quinyj Whig. t- If Mr. Oit-e?, viev etftthe viereaboutA - et tic dividing lias bettuses tiepoem et tic Premidesit sud tic Congrse» laua. taken be erra ia thec olipssy of esift1111 bis mont distingulsied .hefss Wllllapt H. Seward foier àia*s Coursant. If Spaiun were te bcmp tmp'aanît'-tb ,4r"r*abasses-14w"4 Tie six-dal bitryce race la ï~berYi Ttvi a Tictet7 fer- tic meu trie 1NIn tihe st raigi test. -Chicago Trbuhie. If litigatlea beernmes a regular t be casugiillfet-iin: :t x-etlt ra voLe teume teilseni .i p.mial c en* tcr.-Washilagt, Star. - Thc sari-oarf e, iaguiry bas.'d tât the Teusin.1ail rigit.,e out voc, e a e.c' sesueit siouid W)b& srnhiiiy te si,,k vii op te sRç-ilaelecord. Thais âen.ti ge. A til',, &deys lua gda ketroic'sua derer l it Iléa *"psvecbifepti aueldrr-ni4ss lîallcil-une et our sens -CitaS*Tirs-iteri-l A fa*il io ujnral gays: ,la sit tiiere nie Sharp tcontrag;5, but the lng in lu gent rai trilliaut w«tuent cri!de or glaring." l 'l .are gi-a plain, andi in Ilauk aud ihefu A tout] deal et pubil- lime cau saved soi a good ileai ut Important s- bns *'uld bu tacilitated if (long vould les rua alutte a olctiIi! e tings tiey have te talk abolit maiteug si*~~atinore Autei iavoî*d *4 toiAs, tIe dlcorn, The cifiet9à of igm$ sgi met lit Pbllsdel ii it lenat tvn.umbiesu vîtipromet te pi tPeuoqsylrea. (a "flov t.o Pr9tct.V u Witueme BOLI-PIj LilSomUmeill iigil lb. reporta tiat the bad is tro UMrlg inee mv, 9 mue cli tigbt. ceeu. la bis derisaties' i s-. ilst* bu fus 1-r z 'c' D ==,j 7;1 J-l 1-1 Pm f»ý,»"Wmw *M»,4%bm" 'y Ji LA

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