CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Jan 1897, p. 4

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.5 'mimai lu = anv -~ ~~~b a m. AEU 1*»V Tb. Pl *.eWei., Pm label i M. T. Lsmsy, ci *0 Derefuloa 8 ren o. u pu" ml ete. 50Ie lne»t the rormiinder ecsianing matualér sasappea u labis Bautoi" papel'. Brother Immey la abu& ht A int hbu on tiropped b a friend 1 of senabar sherimem icbOhms causeti the bel liaI 0le Oau bea em ovlaceti th"aieO. ouli ratier bc Seoeolaiyof state untier $M0 eqiug Administre- tion llama te remua n Mthe Sonate and' a The Boume 8111lOba rocek taesUp anti dispose ofthé e Lutibilltiopriving noves andi publications other thon reguer prlodcalaan4splc cpifa of nerapapera .of the privilee, f holng sent througb 1the mail at poiiid rate%, andti viiitae.up the Pacifie1 Baliroa t uding Ê»W! lich vIll bc voteti on&miter fouirtdeys diicussion.1 à annier of liver Sonators bave see" Ibat every nomination of a gl mmenlasueceela removeti silvor mm m ut ta ticeSonate abolilbc eldit up, andtih1e republicams bave a direct peonel lsteront in aeeiug tiIs agreement cirrîct out, It eu bc put donm asreaaonmbly certain tbel a number of imou now drmrlng offtel slaries. hy resson of havug been nominateti turing te Coigrestiouel racole, "Il cerne tedo msoun the $rd of àfmac.bocaeuse of th. "are of the Sonate to couflrm their nomta- lion. Wht Cougrees 'aill do about Cuba le stililta bc accu, but thie administra- tion béem 1.11nobody la doubt bout Its position. llt M a val reinforce 10. navalandi revenue marin eu eeengmged in palromaig th. re oK!01Floridtulastop ilibusterm fou going ta Cuba, by ortiering the enlier Veauvimaandtihe0.dispaech bea" lolpOin la proceeti tO aIl speelta joia the patrol aquadran. TOIs lnia'tl mculaledti lasuttthe 1«»U 0 f10e blonetOf <C016&in 0Cm rho bave mil along bbon of the opfion tOmS tiagvermmt rvu uauecues acmtive' in liseefforts la preveat Shiibumetrg; Dur la ià caleulmted la ielp 1thcm.Whb ve been rorklag bard turing the rcu la brlug the mont -fiery senebors eroun te,ê a eoomarvuhe tier of 1me Cuban quelion. On the omtrary,J ItlaIscalOniateti 60 cana.people 10 atisOh moe Importance le armorm cubliil ion Suein about PresItie Ctevalmai Oulng promsel bis mashiance$0 Span. g0e. Pt .bcurse evOoti knore 1h41 1011 Severn- Ment iM bountihy international 1ev te0néa i proper precaution la prevent the dePerture of llllbufftering expodi- tioua, but many helleve t Il&bas been entlrely toc, vigIla n la tt respect. senstor Wolcot's trip la Haropo In lu the intecala of internatiomml bliaJllepa lte ing discueseti il mach Interest, bobO by 10cm. rbo1 beliove International blmelalltsm ta hc à tangi ble aomtilng vbcb eu ubh Practo,.lly rorkod anti by thoae vh belleve It la ho riat ex-Senatur Ingalla 'would cali mn -irliecent drcans." whllenautoiWoloott caried no oMeficIaI urailla. ilta bslieved t11mb hoegoeà precticelly et the request of Preadeu&.oiect Ne- Rinley and-tifthe caucua cotmilîee chergeti nith the prep&Uaion cf legielation in tOc intereel of interna- tional blmetellUin, of vic ChâhM. uand mallbilaknown tOmI ig goee aI 1e roquest, of., the: llehii League. mge Isee ara mot Ukoly ta, ho overlooketi by Europematateemio whom li es. Therearmrre moue ny i8oe ~Weffowmvl)recevei a cordial relome lingiu~ , molthe( le" o f vOc eh 10te speech l. ýnmti1 on the Vegeuela question iet1t. lasI bouton -cetCongreaa, vhicO vmu raprînleti or favoru18y oM»Ulti IIIou l>y every " t Men Rom villathe.ultra iilver mon, 1ha1 Semaioe WoloQtrs errant v, bc. fruileIN 1, bthee re nsber cf Cnaatveb Who are rily Of 1dis opliniontbis teratml b hmtM@U eu atd i lii bobrougilabcu , Mal so.oOftbe0... 1310mbr Chandilers S epreslte opinotO ms' Englent ea a * ves li e pruaded btek. Ithe lie. g bey stops laward that cend. No ýtu. » 10 -e mt for soumbor Woleottretun -~ .apl&lukuovu thmi elm i cm eilefore lb s sessIon of Congre.. eouà84%aaîina 0 bheaprogrammefle - @P tulautnîorîre the Prei-p rP>01degates tlasuJR 80daot-r3>coféence. 1i&aêexr Important poltical 0 ofls to, .Wolco5t' lrip. 1, 0110n t cfihsbreport 1 Somtrol O« thea - ý.uae.TéI4. reli 1.0111 lieSI. Jute oetous @quitter Woloot&, bringe back. avea là ea0par ep~cl ta-,obe amtilad, temàia lleyr , 4bult supposlie reporte international blmntallisrn l -bu anla poafblty under ksiating clrounsi.acrnf lue rOil li tliey do? 0,~117>i the boltore 0e replubliomua voblâtbe tu a deodoti 1 ninoriby la the sonate loi a long A republicen C ouly Cotavésitiolt v11)o e beli at ille ova à".1inm 10 village of Libegtfe, Lake 'CoÛumt1Y, Ilinois, on B"S4y aBuqJnuary 2, A. D. 1097, at 1:30 oclock P. nM., for the i upoB o f solectling ssîPtoeen(17) tiolgates la the Bopublila Jdicial Convention tg hablli stElgin, lUInols, on Wedaâdaty, February 8 A . D). 1897. The. îopreenUIlono01 h meverel tlama in the t..unty vill Oc one (1) delegata loi ewh itwenty- mnenu 2 (Mvotea, or ajor Irmetio thereoi omeIthf1,1e ltepublamCemcl- date for Preadent i1p.,l-10»-__ Tbe, severml toma rVI ithus bé cuba.. send iodega«othsl 0 eddCOUnty Convention slfollors: Volts DMe-49mea menton ................... 97 Newport........... ......179 i 7 Aol". .............94 1 Orant......................5 Avon....................258 in Warmn .................. 19b 7 Wauk.-ga .............. 15 19 m Shieîda....... *.........45m 19 Llbertilte ............... 78 10 rremonî .......... -....15$ a Wauconda ...............se16 Cuba..... *" *............ 145 5 Els.... ».............196 Veornon*..... .......... 192 7 9West lloerfield........... 121 4 -Fat, 19 Total ...............>4*27 lmO Esch torD in reconamended tI) 1101( le cancus ai the nuue tirne and place on Fridey, Jauuary 22, A. D. 1897. ý REPUEL1CAn EXacurîva <OxIrTE. WARREN. 1 <Beceivatp ~o late for ingt woek.> Dont yon boni "-Dam belle." Mr. Chas. Dougma bas goue tb BurUinglon, Wl.., on bumdiîîaa. rAntirew Straug presot three ear icatie of bey for Oeo. Scbaniber M-cetly. WM. Savyci ham gone (ast and reportOrnelilt thaï;busîncua of im- porlauce vIEb. tranacted. £111 atidHatingsu reoin our l oCrLity reonly vîth their &awing umobkie laylng 1cr the Woodi Piles. Mr. and Mmi Walter Daniap enter- Imineti qulte e natuber of thelr friands "m4"avcesChristmias- Afine Ilime Tisé 6Spauldt gTiiyan wedding whIIcO»»e reortcd ICo rock's ago reafl l1ereport #m e a re Mlàii- foruneti.Th. Oappy omout took place 'Dec. 30. Coutitonsmare Inorder. Johna I. MeUisto W Durne0. e- Qul oZoIadpîlot 7bl lt e H 1gh- WM W EIl o uThomm MeCarth y lot M blxomkhd Subd nla a12wd 4.5 1ar1 Blwr adhil ohn E Por- knPi ash84s4»w ......... .1ohaO7..!to W1tcr C..rylt te lu le ý 4w ......................... 10 jobhj. BUue oE1Abert irantx Il. ............................ IlarjVarerntoVéMneVane I u.-d . ....... DIliI»M d Iw to Catherine and De% ~,ad one% ne =1P 44,9 ......tolla........h2) fm~ImsuBord du La. lime e authonulwml..kVoet....... lunul Geai EletLmaiPrk ..........4 A Cure for Lemso kek. d&ygtu, lhovlanieoveriag frolp ana""c cif«overtver6agreast. suffcrer flula ltla hOui a ti Ol.." vlto Loulou Orover, of lard', Ky. "Aller nalng quisle a anéer 0f remedie silo. OU1 my beuea.làl fl o»ae 0011eo £Ivan,.utirreli. . Oieasleia'u Pain BatIn -= 1 00-W lu.oirefor rheîrma. s5*1 by &'. 8.Loveil, mmdi.3; Braoie. Ouruce. PermaiWho are brouiblel vith imdi- utU bsle ete blisà, saper- 9e llat WebieL alark In lbe »air main emriee!AiDus Moines. me t.séu1 bOSsmetiptohemte temu ive OSfro 884i 1. . .LOO L byvlle, sud . .U ie. Gaures& TlioilueeSu tok auwppe4 t'me- Oryelake -. Oii« Bol*:Va , be exac f hm the am 4 0qe*epus lu. No Hard T1M.sX assjif3, eua50 a Wood sad Cl1ark ee o 11$hou estMm sUm f et i60 -the 7011, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0Utd ,ii OIhl L.frjmru#hn e Nu Md bau Sil Do001801101050 OOiÏt*y W OpMid; b« US Mae 0e dmb& theft a mà re uke ar a" 1-V" l.ilte flUM th$& leu- a rniou an fon Isy I an eeou Og hua4"aal 083 am5 ae$for Lake uny ii roneeMdMlmMY *irtea. v.OimO riefor -Of vli, ie oie, ol.. imu As uo ue r mncoSte. r vI1.ItonoI.aite.N Mx. DAtly, Md Mm Dm ie" vuttèdbW ie. Btbma. 09 Cbiemgoi canie ont Mis Doa WekavistaiberParents 10 attendth 1e abieeq0e lu blait, Wla-.,durM, .MIes flenreli, of Ca ;Mt, polew IRLIS Year'a week sitO rdietlve. ne"i portI full. Wler Staee rested the Wm. Mr- and Mis. Wilbur, ot Wukeai;hm,, àA 0p> baby cmma la IU«eo vare the guemie 01 their brotherFrd ome a l ies10.1' W1lbur. ThePaeè.M.Dfl wuO lis-Daby hm, boo tu theP o r %épé e nu à e tro weekt but W* trust ah. la ow the IL xév~ Trcda road to recoovory. hte. W. S iUUEUa Wmfl. aric )(r. Romai I owa, vlited rita l.4vtepeebt loe SBoulit"a$. uieoe lira. Austin luit. ock. Boer oy nephev lMr. nous., 01 Chlig, aams i-%mr 1*.aeme fumeai e br mml n. aWmlbee there.a iaLke 11815. The lufant chilcI of Mr. and lire. A. 1.I. MuY the colleto, Ode OU Phanoluetel dled 1mut Suadyay mmdbook@ neafry oyanti viii Bom Si" ras burie<l Tundeyla tho- oemtery Yom a oeil at Fremont Center r. M d mm r.Oscar Whtmoem, of Wmrrm Mspet New Tee'. day vilS We mre glad tla notily Our readero lieïr AuýmiMe.J. J. MooIé. that liev. Brru n lon the ruaiedto A à mm7 ur, parféur ày hrme reeovery and oxpecta la 5MI bid n mtalulie.0 reliai. 0.mge tue lu mother veek or 1w. novertallaoaf0one,au oep sdCM& tirs. Shuffer ls vlsltlns vill 0er troubles. OblkIe eit beesausest parents lin0Ohio. Tho Dr- veu.t mt olakeM t al" td (. C down New yemr'a, ave appui New nbue, a. Wmsiml Yers day thereansd retarne& thge WNi. B. Litrâle la t0e agent for a neit morulng. Milwaukee tank hwer; sMa" of Ouri Roulalarmoes a"e purmbmued ci The ladies of the W. C. T. U, viii hlm. hold thair nezl ameeting Thuradey alternoon Jan. 14, mI 1the Conurega- Dy lie Record of rrbelie tiloami church. A program lmbauben Ilood'as ramlhOobecsee l prepared and il le pxpected maspeaker on. tin ue p itprowmaatiy l frein abroad i viihabepresent la addre« e tii 1>0110ye. GetoullrHcodPs. the mebting. A fullat tendanos. ie Hood's Pill--m eiut mmfly1 requestoti. Dr o0»maor sac. CatharIlo &Wadlivr imelbA. .. blason Lodgo No. 1is, M anti EatR&Have Four Mhiu ml illa prilota Star Chpter No.39, eil a jointat et 1 zUrmenîcales. .1 Wit h Ba.ýgans at prit*$* to. suit ail. Times are hard and our prlçes proportion- We soit for cash: 1lb Oyster Crackers............. 02 1 lb Starch....................... .03 Bottie f Amnionia............... .04 Chiidren4g Rubber Boots........ 1.00] BOYS" fi ".......1,95 Misses' ....... 1.10 tLadies' Blipperasizes ?* to 4j .... .65 Chldren'sand Misses' Wooilen Stock- ing...................... .10 Boys' SuIte..................... 1.50 sa Overcoats................ Z50 Men's Overcoats..... . . .3.00tol8.00 Cash, and Cash Otily at 6 lb Abuklée C f .................... 1.' Llo~1.00 8% spoon ..........1.9 i1 CoerIku Postier ....... ànBr!pr ............ Bori Wiîd.ImSupe r ir..... ..e........ ......... . . ... ... Yorsfr Cash onl1ys F. D. BATTKRSHALLO iGraysIlake- - . - - *WAUÇONDA%.- Aunerip te quwte!aoy t proeea ame Blgae SW"etroiu the olBy 5Olaeffla m . 0f~Or lut ern lade"y ~ a le "rit aseu es Mstm mier s e a vction h a vemk wlit fimla $",Ci ety. CliffEeG rgrolI, of Miammelslaf vW$lsmg relative la é10 Piae. M»e C. B. Wells la vWiliasg relativen la theetoly ut pinuat vrlting. V. 1B. Green andi W. 13. Lmpbere TO. dkti" nlkvura efldeIV quite a large rovid Newr Tsaoe. Pym* &BmalFrac:moHeocf mBil, viatal ML k Pouers md fMllaM reeL Illo L7 Ope». aiArondale, "M140V une rmvllbeparectr lu A.L. MiaUla commeneeti a Ivo momth's serin ofrncool ltuhubbmit distile àlt Mcdey. MinUsMelbA. MrMdatiAU.. Bcaeye1nruei ta the ctY snmaay. vhsr% lieyren &emdtag achoL MXimaLI ii TAnanOroietmirlic %nlrnItiua# eoaiourmes meut TsmmybleOtil ofIfuBoul. Beyatania.of Mulieury, wmrepained la lori of ber serions juba«. AIl hfpo $er aea ity eovry. ise. MoDonsilisudi souiRABY. Who MItebee ap"en fer0. matfer *0e lt 0f the frok. The Vanae" iwySeet e A ercelleul prosia in lb. prepurol for esclameeting. Corm *i loin. i. atM is.mC. S. Jenkas re eo veelm0a Ra rpris. Nev TeorisBye. ta0m enth 1e eveung anti ra"i Me 01l yemr .otMasth1e New Tsar lu. Be&elmeuM e voe serval, anti ail repst a good tnno. 1%e oIt way o!fdeivering m»»»Cu by P-SI boyv compar. rilO 6 modem telephone, lilutteouat lellcu mthio f --bresiag o"I ecmapre it th ei aesirnaia liver, Wi4 »d emot"L 'rss" Ou. gemanb" l«. omemm=eemli Torome Omo sàcua ib Dreove *mm: lumrl* osfltULInaui eitu u Llbrtsll87à,"U o me»U. udy liu p N. B. Dr.àéé doue i eo F.- Kuebker's, Brick Store. TOc Hall Day Social club miii give à prIas amasquaetbail ai the towa hall, Hall 1>ay, lriday ualgt, jautiarï15. Foura, prie mie 1e ratSo to t100 Couple wamring the boit ocptuaes mal &W» l tiste couple 'Wearng th'e moml comte octuM0es. MnalC mliibc o!Oiome am 1.0.,75oute RAYSLAIEP GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS.] A Complete UINË 0F -Jewelêryt CEn ala1 b.- fo ind at marbie ORia . cwred c .&~ nu". wUAl the store of -1 xiý

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