CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Jan 1897, p. 7

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Y. NÔ,. 14' J.L., TAD leues. e ver ,II e Ta f -egieeing war ne 'auranda lt*tver nu" is tf 'e and aice 21 anti - b9 l lnt e u erg n-en An ct trat)i ge of 34 el lt ILu.R i)lâ.l IDa ltl wo houri 'n èeregolîr bundttai Ia sidly'd WfW w Vut re Cofpfule caisothe i*omb, andi coune anPu~~,sd lu pocu ibb chante et 11e. gmorts camesoftleucooe meié a hosa tauan, rnn-ldJia eenknowu hi ~fliIn asuob esses. Il A apais tainesfrom te I Saudmarly stage efdevelp- lésai- auny tedueye te ma- lcfoes. Lydia E. Plahua' lasiem Ivii iii minb e oflans& Iý»ý*Mii iP#ÇK!T INHALER. s msi. 1 mot 41"412 i" Crrent Coilensations. ~IAoording to te s unual report ofthtei UB-t5i postolilco, 2,M5270,000 lettera mâad packngenetc haudied duriug tie jjfII facl reer justedd S TiceulosI hîgiti, p4zed piece of au- estral slverwate *eserved by the JJf Lues, of n mammoti ûru 1 9, wbilh, aveu witeu empty, la a but- doen tbr two talvauart&rmate lift up. SSof aend Cough; Who. man who acoffsat bth ndiy ad"vios, te "~U u=othng for that oougb.0 il keep où1 cugltig until ho Changes bismnd o changes hie .artbly residono. A gget many mcoff rs have been oonvorted by th. use of th. standard cough remedy' oft ho past bail comm,-Ayas 'u lwvvPoctoreL But em dgotmng4 ,Ighig yT. hoy whoo w1~atha, ban '~tiibronobitis or groan 1f heb. gIppe. Bingular. la et it. the nimber *tuâoe ~op1. -ho persist in gamblig tb hoalth enrhape lit s sthe atakmi vion gfit - fectually turod of cough. coId ýuB Uublo, hp ir mi " doses of £Wciîsa betPcto jluAcmfreb a ae "a lIa.eeet1ue et S5. teilino Sffn»Mmm Do lsMpar"e te the lood- tng pu it of ii#qfl5fl.7-have rtbdlDoneit îWltb materlai et e *U *l*0 mra haracter. But il id "«eta tu ssclte the bloodieounti wtb feroclty. Hc e yer n-ornes or luangien-bat he Iracks don-n. itavo- catiatu lei. d, sumd te Adlad ecir. nh- eea gdlu prnunlt etfsononor et ",obnded&der. It.bleodhouelhue fig. urcd l lnislev7 frotem ime lmuaennrtal, sud ne bteed et dogs bas ptuserved lia rc#ar#eterlsllc points se peristetlîy: LThe ilgi, pelmted crmnIum, tic loug, àpenduloos ear,tle ample 4cn-lap, the àwrlnkled toreseail, the cvrinnglng fleui, andl even lie ted han-, or thîrd eyelid-ccmmonly calleai thc seallng- Waz-mtsg bofietruerd more or les lu lie Tiet iogad la tihe uridern toxiouud. tie otter-iounÏd. the basset, lie French dseiahuud. and lln te Sweudtsbbeagle, n-beÙ luit la a miniature bloodiotud. tiougb of liglter biulic. The Count le Coteulx de Contielcu, lu bis n-erk *'Les Bat-e des Chiens (qournz F rans-ais," bgrin bari i 1efumounst. Hibert imWu4@. bluci sud n-ite. - the recog- nized progeultore ofthlie bteed. Tie pueect wrter n-us porll-uiarly lot- pressua by te trong bioodlsaund type n-luth chaaterlted te pac-ks of isreneli hourds troim varions provinc-es eaitlate a itti nternational show lu' Parlein luthcest ar1878. liîtwever. It wi lie more intereslung to leavP aper-ula- tire-cieeusalou and conle te lie reglous of tact. lu Borderlaud ialory Wîood- i0ûUc n-e eompulsonlly-mulutalueml by @*ecI, amiel for trn'-klog lie mos roupernater îbm'r raId.nud I iicen- çîsratin-eiy btcly te rural co:tabulary lu EnglautI eniîlrîyî-:l loodhuuntia te trac-e stiti-ild urtiltrllr, amt-na lui liedale a polic-e-supet-rudenu1.1l ong, 1go0 lil a wond-rfaul iound îos.-d eilVol- tigeur. wbilh coulaI dnd bi mailer n-lerver le mubt ie and at nov bout of the. îJglst. .Anrd ti refetnce trîz- gis te inverse rc-m:rkuit trit itttaiot li sa@ a îtuppy. 'vi pei til thle trait of a stranger qîtîte casll-. andilpiritajimure- engeriy lisais tit of bils marter. Anotîber tutsrslng fdt int laI tb *biooditouud, n-heu akone, buolts iunt; b Iut wieh eutisg lu a peek blieîtak.-a mmoule o! mut delightful mil>-M. 11is *tras-king ima.tius-l la no ket-x taI be bouts tiec "eleap heo" as vreul, if nol btter, than n-brute foot of lie fugi- >tive has beeu purpoely fenui, anti Il la a lrel, elgitto 0wsleh ataincd ieund followitg bils qunrry over a tence If te pursestbonusgoae tai nayorunuder lietrails If au-i bas bem bils courue. Tie lralnlng et bloodhmunde ibs net bee boaery perislently foilon-ed of tlct g years, but there have been severalIim- mportant trais nt Boxuacor andl ai lie or Alezan"aPailace to n-lt. Il la note- n ott.y tu renat tint te trial st Box- m ouer came off n-heu deep suer nas ou lie groundaind liatn-ile suow-n-a - acnalfalligtiheIound a ld oun-utae ccuily persistent lu trarckiag lie qîar- ry. A n-nI tralîmed llooalîouna wilfl foi- lue- forIlire miles evru afler six bous bLaie emaaial@nite fugitiv e tarteti. canltou-11 Many olier trailà mn>- bave etoss e le rask. But blaInfre- queutl>nt atnuit oit-r tone linga. il n-ns fot1 huar-in thnt lhe pursult of J ac-k tieR ilpper bv biootitnuda, at on lime inourra, u-ns afrer atrIal diacuard- em sa. Iltvins Ile le Mr J. BeliFa Coliu- -i tes wilci stted as a ruodel 10 [andi- Ost-tr for lita loiioiimnd inla "lgulîy anda Inipudence" nad n!aao for hils "Sleeping -- ltoodiomlnd,' wbilst te laie Sit Jobn 311ilnl Cruomwet-l igîîr-d ln moretatm ue of liait artist's pîclurra. Otlier fiue boumia b ave lit-en Latith XI. Itector Il and Danger. Tihe lodiaunda aristo- cratle appenrane iq Invariable goo<l la-nîper, and i@iswainbfuiness eommend liis to socil noice,n-ile thte vulgan aMetn, regtîrdiug is faros-it>- enders bîmmi .tonu luatbii- uation ufor Indicessud Selilaren ugalsi te anuyacea loci- dritlai te cgenu *trmp." l'ie Ihu- Stograpi reptoduced la liat o a ptrppy i ofthlis brucai. but. liku lie chilli e la é. equaily tather to lie ful-grovunul-i kI ma.-Sketch. cha#arterrln te eyes,of the %vorid. wiich iniit.If permtîrd. have exaited the Cere- unany loto an o(-a»ao of pomp and cr- curatauce. Priumtm.-alGuete. Thceneddng giiensa Oued III.Paures pro-cathe-dral au Loir before tic ime set fer the ceremnoy. Twerve hundred of them bail been bîdden. Tbey came f roui every tounty snd lu large numner, fron Springfield and Chic-ago. Nearly every man amoug tbt-rn ail pera.mai friends o lhe Tanner. and Eugliah familles.,n-as on.n-ho hai heipe make politirai history ta the Bitate. and rirhe ues of many are nritten on tic bonoe roll of the nation. Conspcuous nere Ittudiard J. Ogieaby, thre imes Gov(9-nor of Illinois and twice eeted Unitedl Staes Senator; Geucral John M. Plmer. (Goyernor and Senator, Benator Sheiby M.ll iom, Generai John B. Hailiton aud Gentrai John A. Me- Ciernaud. There n-cre dotena ut State officiais aud scores of men n-iosec ume arc famiiar t0 cvery persou wiio evea san- a nen-upaper. The guesla llled tic body ut tiechuirs-i, ail but lite choir sests andi four ton-s of pc-s web bail been teerved for the immrediate relatives of tic famille,. Tiere 'va, not a momntu's deny. Tie brida] pn, e-wn% ou tinte to a muute, Jugl as lie lo-k in the-et soiundeai the haut truke of niai IProteasor Johu David Lloyd. at the organ. br'k~e loto tic straius ut thec *Lhrgrin" uealdin, match. and the n-edding proceasiona moveil. lDt. Taylor. in perfarming the cure- monu rI the imj.reneive fortu ut the oid Englih hurch.. Mr. IEtîgli@h gare an-nyhils dnughier. rThe m-ît.ilion of tie vows nul the ba] rillon-vi'st-mnoth ie words tirit joint-i a huin ad wliife book only s feu mitolils TIti-n Dr. Tuay- Ior tt-ppc] amiie audti tglit Itev;.]George F. Seysmour, .h -h ttf Sî nouus-rd lie ilrnn ihcieioiunof the cnrh. TUi th e bridai Parity lirreti- andi 'aikeai doînri the aosie, tllon-etib>- lic relatives aud inrveidiaire frit-nais of lie familles n ho bail I'ten invileal 10 lie rcdding lucheon. The weddirtg rerep- tion lasteil barri>- long enongi for tie bide said groolm I-iexehange ceremoniai for traveling attire. Then tic>- vera drvcu au-ny to theraniluay station amiti ace~rnma! hufialI eog-r-tlatons. Tic bride'., uedtiiug gown ias of pure n-hile mirroreal veloursa. Thc iodien-na short andl pointeansd bail n front cf embrilrecr muil. Grilla otfiis aise caigedth le higi, close coler. sprays 01 files et tie valle>- ornamenteil lie bodle,, about tic shonidersansd the liroat. The alceeves, n-tmch came n-cil don n belon- lie knekîca. Were lo;e-bltting to thceshaou]- der. The sirt. 'iti ls huary salin ining, n-ns pertecli>- plain, n-lus a train tiere yards long. Ths Epoca et Madrnid,theiarugano e i Conurvatlve part>-, ne- lu pon-ev, says: *"American Intervt-,on la Cuba La pet- tecly togicai on the grondu et iaterial leresta andi national arulimnenL" Tic Portugitese consul at Bouton bas receivril a petitîlu trou st. Michael, Ageres. n-bis-hn-as sent by tic PotIn- guesu goveruon e icprovince of Don Jacinto du Terreadate, ask)o alal fer tic thousanîla i o f itsgisniabiants nfie iot neariy al heir property luaa inuit 'vaternpoul on Nov. 2. Isaac Zucker, a 'vesiti>- ruaI estate owner andi manufacturer ai Nen- Yorà, n-as .iuvicted of arson in lheetiret de- grec lu.cauins bis Divis'on lreletere CD e buatRaire anti himaeîf aidiug lu lis arnangemneta for igulUng I MISS COR^ ENOUIH 0" ne o m et IBrIiment EHyate ta. 1h. &ttale'. intori7-Ceraaony 'Teea Piea t.u t. ParminCburcbe Sprlaa* **id-Premgeut'Peopla Are Promeut Tanrner a BDcsdIét. Join R. Tanner, Oovernor-elect et, lW. noe, and ise Cota DISti Iugliah, ef 11prlgleld, were married ln that cItY ai noon WedneeiaY. The event vrai soi- emnlaed vrihent dIeplay, but lu a man- mer bltng ai once thec ofelai emilnee of ML 'Tanner an4thelb social ainineuce et-bin bride. Half tie Btute seemeti te bu looklng on viluieraons nerc pllghted, and &Il cf Il n-as represeuteti. Immedi- mol after lheie misse luncheon at tb. homme of Mns. Tanner'& parents, the ucw- Iy weddcd pair eft for the Soth to dIb away ten das a nder soft skies, cuisu- parts! by a set program. Au a weddlng It n-as unique la ttecen- eisty annais of Illioi. Neyer belone à«e a Goveu»oîcf the Blale taken auto hmiàf aàn-ie on thc ove of his inaugura- tien. Tue tact gave 1'. a aemni-oBical Caisrb andi Tbroat Specillo. There lsparàtapo ne other remeal, be- fotutulicubnlie-tt ha gîven suci unl- versai satisation lu the relief anti pet- niastenttcure ofetnrrrianti throL tou- bles ai lie renoas neal Coller',- Inhaler, se simullu inlisappîlication andi icI an efil- cas-ounlils risuila. For over In-ent., ycars Ihia remeti>-ba,- beeninuause ontil Ias poplurily ha mde ih a hotseluolil uceesil, for tir aiFaucuis nameil., The remedy la put up b>- tihen-cl-knon-n firm of W. M. Smith & f5o., Buffalo. N. Y., n-ho sest il b>- mail on applicationa or t ea be pmrcased ef al dinggists. ludtan at of Iù4l S I ýRIhEu#M Tsu NEURALGIA AND NeniOUggPROSTWATION. lHusaeutasafflt. Uetoves lu Heeltis biyr ol'. aaraamrllls. Impure blondi le ofîcu lie canusetfa iong train ot aliments. The blond la flie vital fiuid upon n-MihaIl the or- gpns depenti for neurlsiment. Wbeu lhii nonrisiant talla te bee mppllcd properil tlie viole syalem fueels tise edrect. Rend this letter: "LoveraI yests ago 1 n-as Ishun villa tise grill,and 1I nas eick aIl ninter. 1 hiad narvou pruatration aud a long train of aliments tiat tellon- closl, wth tuat terrible fialdy. LainInter li sedimc fagî. Il neuttlemnlongs andi 1 iad engention oetthc longs andi kidney and liver trouble. Wiun I feit ls appsoaoh I 100Iely lReaeste tute9He41t Samaparlta sud a gleriona restait follon-at. I n-sa bn Mn, eted le fimtwninter foraes àyeus. Tic symp- toms ofet icdiseas leti me, andtheti alimente couacted viii it. For sur- si yeasumn>- ibasuiwr»sa suffetr viti rieumatàansd neuralria.Heu n-as aIl run don-n andi la a very bail W-ayt- neloch- Mnrly indi of mutli-ie wîiont sny permanent boarfil umti lie began tsklug fooda Samaparilia. This mediclue corral lie pains of rbeu- mat!sm andi neurnlia snd lhesasld lie teit lîke a uer f1itan. If al thou n ho are aufferlag fromu nervotis troubles or rieumatism u o!<1give Ihouais Sarsa- parilia a triallia-y u-oulal Sud flint il speaki fer ttelt.'t Mr. F. C. Prat,. Wieatoa, lîlinOL. Au Anagie aFast. Iltareod ln u eagle kept lu coofineiment bas liaeu kuonta10fast for ter 'veks. titoîte ho luise bAi citîrge of Il bavlunt forgolten toaîpro- vidt-If lsial ttIsuppi>- of food. Il acon, boucet-r, teffcii -rt- is Istcreuitiî, sad diai not appéar tu nuiTs-r from lils extral- ordnry abstnixse. CH-ICAGO AND EASTERÙ ILLINOIS RAIL ROA . Prefermeti faute l uteslrn'oCilicea. Nei- Orleantsud Florida Sprisl: A aclijil etibuird iraint. ii uliluan Ituf- fet sleeping car, ruauing tiraugh ta New Orleans; diuing car att.ched. Leurra Dearboro Station. Chis-go. daiiy St 10:40 a. m., resebiti Allant& and -Birminghamu lie tllIownlumomning. Glf caitreuîrla. Tiomnaivîille, lu lhe atternon. New tir leans 4:10 p. m., Jacskonville 8-50 P. lu. OuIy une algit ont. Chicago andl Nashville Limiteti: A seil vestibtiua train, Pullman sleeping car roming tirongh ta Nashiltle, Temmm.: leavea Deanieru Station. Chicago, daiiç et T p. m. At Mempbil direct counection le mode nith lirougi sleeping eaifur Tampa. Jackaonvile, Gulf Coast ptoints, New- Orleans a sni"ntetmediale cilles Tirougi seeping car tickela iold tmt ail pointa. For tartier Information atidregs C. W. Humprrey. Nor. as. Agent. 135 Eat iii aStreet, St. Paul, Mina.; Clhi- rugo tiýket office, 182 Clartaireet; or C. . Stone. General Passenger anti Ticket Agent, Chicago. 0f Aci tLiseage. Tic negro race cau bu traced back te 2300 B. C.. bn-hle Egyptians becamme acquaintei ritih em tirougi the con- questa of Ibir rmier. The orgla of lie race sud "lsrbiter>-previoua 1a liaI lime l unkuon. Thc Beut Rooflng Mates-ual. The prolîlem utf rooiue la oee liaIba., long rus-a-lth le attention ot builderti anti ptolirry ownars gemeraliy. Taubil a material that n-old reaint lhe actionu nf tie elemeuta, litoTe impetrvious te tie ac- ion of gaies no oftîc genenateai lu buan- ufasturng ruiabisbrunttan sd that coulil be relleil upoin uder thr Most trying conditions,, ha receiveil mach attention fromn ambitions inventons. Fromn lie thaîchrai roofs of tie carly selliers lie sovulton loely progreuncil ibrougi vari- ons stagea et shilglea. lin, tan andtou; aIl of n-ilsh have bren found nantug lu many respects. To-day, aller long ex- perimetug, il la concedeti that lie aul>- Material meeting ILtI th eunremc-uts ut te perfect root la Fay's lianilia Itobfng. This materiul look@nl fuels like leather, wil nul ruaI or corrode, la imperviatîs te the action of gases, sud lanaoluteiy rater-proof. Il n-llu etwear lie roof of tin or itou, sud in every wnay ta b>- forthle mont ettuomnis-n. Il aise fora a durable anhailule for piauler on n-als. and inl largel>- usua for tisi purpoar. Ev- eryoue n-ho laiq nterested lnl roobing, on a large or srnali aele, eau ses-ure sampica of tu a mur-iai hy addr«ing Thc Fa>- Manilla ltoobung Co., Camilen, N. J. A Cbarnslng Cenlerplece. A ciarmlug cunlerplecc for lhe luuch- con table bas a wrealim et tes roses andiwile Iliacs IutertwIned rili maiden-lulir tutu, viii a border et te- nassance lace. Calar caCuses ne Ce wiai LOCAL AP'PLICIATIONS, as %lie canna raes Lm tas W i et tssas.Calarni la a lod or emotitutaaa d * lurerouri You mutmlturdeata curIt Cure lu taitea laleraiy. anselars direcnth ee bos! lasdmsons Suraces.tiaüli a CtsmnCure la onti quack meilue. Il w rscrsied b, une 0etls beut piyblm n la iicountry for ysandSi a rgl- rlu.Itilecoi-. =osram at mtel k»escomam sat thebutblod prtiers acingdhluy on the monaaudaces. Theo perfoet comblnalion ut li ls ldealan-batprodmcsuscb won- d*reUlt acolgClrl. Sent for tes. .J.CINT&CO.. Frepi.. Toledo. 0. BoIti by Dni«tegiti.prie. 75ce Firu engian-c wru luveuteal b>-Cteal- bina, 2510 B. C. Pltuy alludua le ma- chines ua e otiren rater on buruing bouses. siea'a sud Ire. tis. ddusSuia TaxAs CoLoNizàttON e.JhnLmo buIM, Mgr., 110 iliaito uidgOiao murrimeul lannîn-sys thee flec et auddten impression. Tic lest n-hlie expuctud leaIalasdeatnoyed. Conghing Leadlee Coasuuaptiôna Kemp a loisuwnlit stop thicocegi Onuce. (Gnoy our drtggisl le-day sud.,e a Pample bole frep. Seudin Mlud2 ant vent lýtits.Go nut once; delaye ar~ ils mge rý.. Do h-tntyou cau do n-uIt, and i n-llsu onbo aie to do machbebtter. Hiala liait ienen-er a prononaceil tho1 bet ptcparmilio ta&tnfr thikenini thl gre-ti ofthle hait aud retorini lth, n-ils> la gr a e is original culot. - - - - - - - - - - - -uiiiiiss i:u h- TIUR ARE mO £=$UEs NMT TO LISE ST. JACOBS Bt1E A PROMPT AND CERTAIN CURE 1400ON ------ --m ----- ------- bbot l44 E iý;e N COMMONSENSE REMEDY. IThai Il wlI ure CATARUII antidU W~UHA W DOI&NO SPRA Y, NO MIW=L. NO T . LAIO ~ *BQVI.IdD. Mnpl> place talet mul iur1ktl:e l atr liilImtiàol00000040 ai c li traliu "' ait utdite-aw..kil. te 1..u. Wanti r ernvs i aue ach ttoti'onsilî bt . nt onh. tr,-.Enm t. Sui ul h îe uu.tu.mrssI 50 cmebL* b clltcttlnubi uem-tor it- ze of sîrer p1 e d psP-tisa pa-r -ver aSsit..AcchNISf WAN Airdre aRUS: ELL. AYLORI) à CO.. ltoeM 73.N.. 0Dw5etb si-. Ckkee. lu. H OW dia het thelx? O iwul AAprospeTous bde man. Flow did lie Ctbmr? By getting in the dunMp .1=*ical. good smrneloelnt Lis busimus When Yon Feel lmeandmiIfitable mmd ai Sct foc a tom of CmScrvb Caay CatiU4 âe kldy.eelyoebauà ,OC4 5.,Sn, * aut Important Notice! The only genîuine "Baker's Chocolaft," ccebratcdl for more than a century as a de- licioils, nutritious, and flcsh-foring bevcr- age, is put up in Blue Wrappersand VeI- low Labels. Be sure that the YeIIow Label anîd our Tradc-M7Nark are on every package. WALTER BAKER & GO. Ltd., Doranester, Nass YOU WILL REALIZE THAT "'THEY LIVE WELL WHO LIVE CLEAN- Ailtsnraimati, ucd te lthe nielet ofexpression 4sud qudsucof l* Plesancamof the table, l alt $ t RIPANSTABIULES Sy: " %ala'rweonqmnd Ibis resedy a hestily m 1 & f 1dida% beialal. 1 am nont muci of a nîidicine taker. 1 am epposei te mediclue. on prncipe. Tiee ougit te hc no neyai of ne;ilne-'nat saa bere ouglit to e ne, peverty-bnt ticre t-. If eople liveil r<elt tiey colId be st-il. Sinsîtine, .o. xercint, fun, 9 -Afo.-.-PlcmtY anil net too mch-arc thc best nedct.eî, itic nauraiues; but mmi are fle le their dealco. andl e-omcn tu their home carea. sud hou arc lied te tai. Ion. Civilizueaiexience is artiical snd ocraIs aribdcig rgilator& .1 recmmend lipansTabiules-and tuit!brnmy".f.hyte rc h harmIun sd eff-cin'e. (1 L vto%'nhâlthcby arctriade tI.) They are the best ternedy 1 hue anthtinu. about for leadacheç, or ladî igeono bllotancs. or suy sort of luggisinel li e svs!eCU. Aid ti are lu the handicat poeusible sxie tu carry la thce kct." wi11. N. U. BL Wtii Iar tacta teIWE sdrsem Pliau badtesst-fe 15-I . nanatS. ear. Ai«SMg *IUi~~~-u lau n- n-bat m p... u= e. 'a lA tisa. The I»paiutt aiet edistvtu- tisn la fatal te vîgor. Subtue n-fth the 1111- tora, ais. lever antdague, billenuenc anti A Wsasdsaf n-Pieto "Gessamnentro,' thsen-onderfut preai- net of tie @Sn-aseesWales, Iron 'iila, Ila se tain tIsatItI takek 4,800 sheets pluIe eue ou tiheolisur te make an Inchinm tbikne I believe Pis Cure la tic dm1, mcdi- ciue tiat viii cue, cmunmption.-Atia M. Rosa. Wiliamaorl. va., Nov. 1 U_ M. mat s semuabai- Maiiboar. M, nbm a le thei2 f s %me aistais sV ra a. mi r oesi aase lmtacaia.- bitura pls .s Qum tn otal.

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