CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Jan 1897, p. 2

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ARE Éi4 VNTO AT bute maiP=i thî-W e e lu <Lt Uit. qu e . eti Ubsu~51%,uilitauuales troa Pitt@- h.r& divmernlag imd feur 1 d**ï tg dnst. Tva tomaa sdtvo wom«in ves 111and aue mma haJured. Tb* ekyloim ntool place .5loe 10 o'clocl sud comltetly dimul- - ka d <h. buildinlnaudrovia larg, hile ln theg ud.Nothlag h i ttet lb. vie- ti. 'Pheconumnau#aitltseverai eau"s. ayaiand buildings@a Inte hume- élate clelaty vie badly sitîtteredl. At Bbouaiwtuh le public achoul building wiu partil demallmbed and i pale amung the pupllaeusued, but tartuup,"Iii au unei wns hurt. At Economy, Coapolilansd1 ether tstuhu le aitock vassuelhenry <l'il *lsdovs vire brulen. Titi cause ofthtiti explosiouula net lnpva and paricularsq amumesair. The building. viticitwu&aà a tVo-tori trame structure, vas-,blownatlu etoma and <ha report vas board thirty1 mi. way. - - 08188T ARitin14PERIL. Mabtlen CarrîiedAwai or Ssinl'y 'e phiII<tlaiRels7on. TPhe papal Selegate nt Waslingmun, Afthblahop Martînelli, bai reelyrd dis- aorglug neya trambisl ilear genersi, «Roderiui nés lRoue, regardlag Ibm rebil-4 lias la titiPilppne Islands. Inunsuin-1 eeviev Mgr. liactinellildlacussed ttieit- uation la itoth the Philippine Islads and ha Cuba ilt couiderah<e freidou. "Our cader h <cri struag hece," sailSthe Aneli- blahop, "au vi bave sevirsi bihioiaud 030 prir.ti aeutered ail througi the pcav- icme.. <I was<feumach, to ixpect %bat ailt et hem hsd escaped, and hi neya 1I - edved la ba. 1 bave <va lettîera rm mi vcar ginerai, mud hi informa me that Ove Augustinien prit. lu parishes about Msuillei have hein cred off hy -the ealuaisasd su neya vititever ba berec- esivedfws tro he.In tluhle absence outila- foruatiun ve hllîve thtth<ei are Sund. Vkirteen Dainnasuptiesta u'er aisea atitir carrIS avui or ilala l'y thi rebils, -a"dthouse vita vie tilen off vire itter- wsrd kMIed; su w. suppose th. ame fuIe has bifillin the meuhire of aur order. T'h. e ielibunlt hi Pilppine$ li likely te prave i mailtihorriblea mfir, au <the as- tives are ouhi sernl-civillsed. Spain, 100. la hsudhcapped le some extent l'y tietacut tbat site maintins us the landaul ny an 0Stte<red irmy ut about tour ttuandj mces, Spau will baye a dhffiult taek tea abdue,h. buf-barbarous people of titii COLORADO$ MI'ERAL5-. Total Velu, 0f Lait Test. Produc- tion Wal $36,28513074. Titi total value uft<ha minerai produc- tion of ÇCoorada fer the i uar 1815Il represisted hylsth ollowing figures: (leu ............... .... $17,512,385 Oliver (emmnrcial value) ... 14,7e,180 li............ ......2870< Ce . .......... ....1,067,000 Total ........... .......*30,253,0714 '1haetpt o! guiS during Itis periud fou ffl0,00l short ut expeetathoas, but, -mtit0 thi budiauppalatuient. the Oite obmds It ttieud of titie1.ot fpro-1 doc.raf hué old and slvyer, Calitornia cumint.ooddvitl' a auhd record ut $16,- 80,OOSiend adivin$1800,and Muontanua tIrSd, wth #4,5WlJ,000 la gold sud $10,- 000» lu &liltr. GiOOD ZIAR ON 'CUANGio&, IBuIilAd8 ean Clam MJluatess ou tbe Board lias Brou aod. At th.t là t'annualel 0%goft<ho MCLcsg.BuaTi t'rude a soaeaetulyear vas rpoalséin u piteofut titi tact tInt ui ores snd rnem5us biS beraà;qucut la ether #-e '*in, hi. speeect h e o hard Preidomt William T. Bale, toak acca- 0iesla ere titi Western Vulue 'Plei grapl' 4lopau>-. for ullowng lais vice, <o garalbthe iarkels to hucletiliopi. Mr.1 BeP@Pioke et th i rschal aituationa.amili edvrockthel'asabtituti.on -etnationali bull oseta. ermibleIin gll, afler ce- tlribg <hi doaisSnotes. l'h. dîrectors, aspect. shbowidiau expeadîtune at $273,- M175 for thieI'ear. viti ttatlirecceipta MaaoMig - *291,15J11. 'Ph. prien»t mamb«uhPla sISO. Cleiraces toc 18W> blametagi Cgusfire- ce Muets. l'be-atluuplmanetiry coatircemen-, bel"gin là Plingon Hall, Indiauapolis, llm*e Lftomaott. Titicouventon vii «Rad lb ardir et 2 o'eloek. Mr, c. anqa, éa1suêhi ot t ti ile commîitte, aegg~ fsi -ovr. E. 0. Oannird of Milsofflloetrmporcarîchairmau. aSdhi wus M ,t A uutlciable tenture of hi "USIbt'-Wbsube abstee of Western d<lee INle. bft .Sutb ihoved i talc propar- i. 'delieules, vitile titi East and Omtr*iWsul furnlahcd te langest dole- 1 alviifea Businesm Prlsitlp," h.ugua-ad- t e 1ad, I f Miprssuri, à-Lob "tisien a temk he. d sUas OWi n eleu bai the iugsa t telle W= 'lljebe hvintessaionh uaie Vii«hp, a buS s iloir Wtba f n t aid »b Os lite j lu b e tolu.. ne ami <beaire to msibaooks la Kamssa ov for titi âmosut of business tramcttsd dho le atdvi',Jg cosldaion lu iry,! Vlaoe where Il la teaite. "It h19iplr X. question et tlp e bthir iur-oL Skia Isttntolsi!!go lita volontaiY ql. diinu .fureid t t' oen&" Mid titie Oornmlsoldber, "sud lu orfef toeprirent the latter 1 bavea dvi.ed a giferai eau- soldaton'al ouer thei &tte, esgécilla l thi teniller ovni.» TheO eiumAahet boaks cama loto exetisce dort"< boas, asd, vil. capital, hie gauce dlmlsihed tIere obaunoriperceptible diee mlà th tiamber out l4sttous.Titi deltr commissionis 1 ha bave jaît rsturssd tram a tour ut the 8tete, efamlulu< aUt bena., report thaïtf luirieveri tawii or citi the. binkersaire Bgrsg vitit aid other un à pla ofconsolidatIon lu accord- suce wvt the<hiadieofuthtitiCommIs- sioner. DESPOSMNGO W SURPLUS CO]N. Iowa Xian fichime Vicha Il la- 40,usd by Riiood Min. fleri Wallace a0@9114e befare titi Iowa Borosi f Railraadommlsslonere ta lilisent a plani for disposilu of tite sur- plus cocu ut lowa.. Pruinueut rairoid min vire primet lMr. Wallace osnirl »atat thi railrouda grintt feilg-ln- transit rates, go titat stock cttle#eOn bo brouglit luto uIoaet Ion raltefromntte West sud Bothwent, ted an titi cheap) cocu, aset au vhen tittened to thirr destination. fHe shows t<bitha Blte hi short outaaU kindi ut stock; hait Iti bons died of choers; th aumberoftcaittle la laver t<bs n la mni innsuad <beela i large &asaunt 0f esa , han eor lnu botaro, vîtI no market la slght. 'ftI plan was promptly ludorsed hi7tite rail- raid meu sud eommisiurrs. Thle furia- er agreed ta liy Il bilte their compan1les, sud <ha latter wlll use their Influence ta hive ttitqrctes put lu. Mr. Wîllice' md à uumhec ot Iuwa cailcoad meu wili go ta Chicago sooa o pniscat <the mattîr ta the amieral officeri. Oye, 040,000,003 las thei tetd-tîtea . iepoittry t ain asFrancico. Titere vas $44,I2SUl.Stl la <hi Uuited Stites suitreasury ut San Francisco et titi close o! business on thi liat dii ot tort yeac, us ahown by ha report out<ha Assistaut Unted tites 'Pressurer, C. P. Perty. Oft tiis, hi tir titi largest part vis lu coin, *10,05il,f43 heing gold aud *24,90,598 standard ilver dolars. <Of titi piper mouryIlz.30,93s @lu stîver certlfictes. Titîre vuà $203,» i n gold certiflcatesanmd titebalauce ovas lu Uui- ted States notes, trealuri notes of 1000. national baknotes, a. suh.ldiary iand mînor coin& CA PRS OF A CYCLONE. Blow Down OsisI Mille and Injare-I limierlPeople. The cyclona Baturdai ntght dld great limage slong titi Cotton Belt Rond. ful reparti of viîcitbave juif; berri reeelved. At Mtz., Ârk., the gis bouse sud griot mili et George MiIle vire completeli de- troiid sud Mr. Milles vas fatallyInl- jnrid. lissi others wvan more or Iris lnjneed. A tcemnîndoua tise la ceporteid la titi Bcd River, titresteuiug titi bridge ofthe KansuCity, Pitturg aud Cuit Raid. EBCAPES lBARD LABOR. LadaUott Siti.ced te Elsha Itonth' Imuprioniuent. Lafdy Belina Scot, motber-i-law ut Eîrl IRussell, vita i.ended guilty hante central criminil court, Loudon, of crlmi- aaudy lbelas: hi. locdshlp lu coanection %witb John GC»ekrton.a eugitcer, uud Willigim Altt, a valet, wu@ meneaced ta eigbt moath' iniprisoamîent without hard labor. Coclerton and Âylott, writalsso peided guity. ricoh-id similar sentences. condeutial Clek"Aeeused. New anud stirtiing couplicîane ci fothcomlng nostiti resua'otl'e National Bank ut Illinois tallure ut Giticugr% Cul. W. . Jacoba., nio conceve lte Calumet Itiectrie Rallwiy and va. fotrerd ot et control lu 1803. la unable la pusit daim, igninst te offleer. ot tietioNilnl liait uf Illinois because ail piper.sud bookts rlziiag ta lii.conaîctloa vit thtitiCalu- met Electrlc flailu-ay havi boit, stolen. to Col. Jacoba. the crime via committed hi une ut bis coafidintial clents, .-iglt <rhum a charge le noir petidiug la the United States Court. Claîru l. made ttat ttthtefttut titipiper. in hi. po8sessIon «i. tîhe aiquel ot a conspir- ncy n-hieli promises acusatloal develap muente., laaddition lt tiesîguificance at- tuched ta tite tout, Imprs lu relation tu the filune of the National Bank ut liii- nuls, titi publication ot a dupliculi toc- elgn excitauge cnedil fnom titi defunet haak ta Col. Jacobas places un eftlrely fe' face upon the suit iîcitla nov pending lu regard <ttie sale ufthlie Eu- glivuod and ChicagouElectrie Street Rail- n-ny Campany. Titi pcnl<ug of <vo tac- similes of thei credits le rrpected to tend to tite conviction of <the esîprit vito li cIarged vî0i hte tt. Tire. Senstors Nauvd. Titi cotrit at Harisburg, Pa., for the successio on 1 he seat lu the. Unutei Sltes Seuate ocecpîrd ity J. D)ouslul C!mercd. vas flualL ty seIn ath.. joInt p.rty eau- eus utt he Itepublican minîler., of the L-egilature, wl'o chose tte Seuilor Bois Peurose, of Piladiîpliýla At Sac- rameste, Cal.. George 'C. Peritin. via deeliced te sommnes lii <l'e joint 1. pub. licou caucou. I1<le ietlled bat Citirles W. Fairbanks vilI e hoi lb. nit ued Slales Seater tram Inanîsa. Fer t rove. tous tea131, Deil. Iu leur of hicouulug ieflu ans d itelp- loe.,Hfeury toua, <5 Yeats ut agi, for- menti a Itietuer etftiti Bt. LounuMer. chasnte' Exchange, eaded i. lite hy te<. fugl s dose ut poison. Stone. gio hud livid la St. Louis about tarty yigrmWiis t one limewyacht *100,000. Immilgrsnte for 1@091. Titi nubr ou t *ersge îibssengers laudid et EIis Island duing thei irar 18<1< wus#2250W. Thieevire W=22 cibla pasmengeri aded iette port of Ney Torr durlugttie m pauu- nTe ir MBarte Oui Upe ai louai rluab@W l WUudton - Ripotud biresi et RgcOpul#eu et Cuobe a- diuuiiee-ad Wtulley sl kis.. Uaoued e... uret. 0. D.G.oun Cas àWeeklî Revlow a1 Tradi smye: "The . ina1807 belglas viti au crear advaoate. TIi. lait îaav kg» svep< onut fhe *ur a gre aumber ut unsaand càlbaiohlitt lu aay tîme a! ativiti vould 'bave hein diugeroaa lu business. 0f the 15.M8 commercial and baskâte ailitres l l 4, ttb liailities -of M611,815,749% a large uhace repceacteul <rlppling lasses lu privious years, or titi -vlencietfspeculaive tarmi ln 1896 or the firat huit of 1800, vl'lle titous&ndi more ceauled trams th. tary outhi polt- raI turnudo lesit ffaI. Baullug atllons imoanting u 5071,95during titi uit average 1010eue', and yere 145 pet cent larger titan ln 18n5 Commereial fanonrs imauted te *2000004, a 1Bille uver $1,000,000 l'avlug heu added hi thi lait dai utfte irar, bat tb. ut lailîlles, $14,W92, vas mner <ban ln nome yern ut greit prosperiti. The fai- ores qf itrokefage sud 'atiter' commercial eoonçems averared 58,418 eacl', lucrea.- lo Mper cent ovor 189. wvite maena- factornug ftuileaayeragid $28808eîch. and hucreased 34 per cent, aud radina ilures ncrensed 18 per cent nuS avec- ageS auly $9.606 each. Overfour-Ilflts et titi Increuse la manufacturnugand trading t<lures von lu lumbir manufac- turing. White hankinat ailurea have uo< e« aiate West, apprebenalua about tembaisaimntut haUllsubsIded and no @«tousinlduence upan gauerai taie la naw expectad. . Mauy souud concerne vire donhîless caglit bhie epidemîs', but prctitally ailjte Importat allanes are tratedt~ o dsaregard ut Ian' anS ut banin sine etilpeiods amanl distant. It ha tait ut titi West <hut ail business vi bc hi ie souuder aftor Its purging." NO HOPLU FOR SPAIN. g.aator-atect Money Buya 5h. Cou- unulConuaciCubu.e Senator-iheet Iiouey, ilanu Intervivw given OSundai ta thea Asarcitid Priss., aye: "I have just rêtucned afler a «vo veits' absence on a vloit <o Cuba. 1 aent ter <o soalyintortumysel!. toc my onu guidance asia memiter ofthtit flouse Foreign Affaire Committee, as ta th condition oft <ing. lu thei ]gland. Ac- coat. have heeu no coafilcthug and the reportsetram HEsennigo diverse <l'at 1 coneluded to mule âme personal dlscav- ryin lute matIe? for myself. At titi reri oulset I <nIl &or<bat everythlag 1 sun- sud henrd tioghtl me titat Spainlu anable to cape vthtin itsinsurrectiou. SO inl neyer put t dovu; Span yUl neyer end thi. var vitit vîctori to herself."' Tht. in alar titi opnion ut Consul Geurral Fits- itugi Lee, and ho bas hiretotori express- id Il110 Secretari Olney, He l'as tlId lthe seceari of $tata bat tteInurarection- ltsti, vether .oon or laler, vire hound <o sucesd. Ninaitir Tylur Wrne EStinl. A diiPateit<o te Ney York JuirIL tram lMadridsay. <bat a hald sud extraor- dhuary ltter bas benu ddressed <o thi 8pauil' Govecument by Mhaleter Taylor. vl'lcb nId ta ttie Op&nil i Mniter ut Foreign Affaire titmt unieas.Spinu offers lear and remeonabli terme sai s heaili o! peice in Cuba biture Presudrat Cleve- ladgui"ualutfoffice, <l'e question te- malotata hossttled by tbs.Uimàtotm vould hia te Immediste and nacoaidi- tionîl recognition o!ftie Caban cepuble. Pound a Watery Grave. News ha, bfec rece.lred o! the drowu- lug a! iree cihdnen us a resaut often looesln Texas Coutty, Muissouri. Tito. Wilson, aceompaanied by hin daugittîr, Mn.. Kinaery, ad iter Ovre chihdren, ut. tenpted ta toril Prairie Creoit, viicit aA, vrcfithbas a result tfrecest raine. Titi itre e itîne uumnageuale,sud arum loat titeir futiold. Titi vqou, wegitlid wit ils itman treight.t nl, and the mîdeboardg hlated an-y. throwng tite cadre party halo tite <ater. Whoto Towen Uniler <tati,. Titi enire tono! Liuo Cre, Muo,V ia nadir 0-ater, theO iage IRiver irti risu-ui Boeteeu loches iigitor titan erer bitice kaon-n. Titi vator ls fin fel deep in tho court bouse sud <the tercyboat fron te irer, wvici la a mletram i té city. la mmiing rcgulac trips troug thtit moansuri-oua, carryiag nerritaadlre, pro- visione, touaeoiold goods, etc., tram itih iauadated buildings. Fur Nortiteru Rlulroada AolChate.e The Wianipieg. Dulutht aud Hudson Bay Rtilmway i.uiyhng foc i charter tor a railway frua, a point ooutit of Lakte ut the Woods ta Wiaaipeg City undt thence <o d'eep <rater la Hudson Bay. Titi Man- Itoba and Pacifie Rlthvuf lau aisea iak- loaiupliiî-uliou toc ponwec to buonda rond throurit Crow*â Nest l'ua eta titiPacifie coaat, lu Britishitetrritoi. Auttrullan Tuas. Wiu-Isvept. A hurricane hi. ivept over Pamjerston (Port Darwin). a %eaport village of Southt Aatralia,st i te junction otfte overlaud telegraphit n-lthte ocein cible ru Java. Titi place is alaouat vreeked and tele- graphie communication vîit 1< la inter- ruptid.. tinneS by a Nuit. Simon Cooper. i uegro outlaw wvitumur- direS <rut membere utfttieWlson tam- Ill aud a colored srvint, vus lynceS near Bumter, 8. C.. Frhiai. Cooper vin captnred hY ltt,eshiris Puaisaud vas bina <skia ta Bamter wvitra smab inter- tened. > Poqteh the. Ml6sslppL Titi au-edtmltteuft heBSeuil. Cm.- mitteun Commerce appolaîrd <o Investi- gte te creuasailu hale Miusissipp i rer il Pans l'Outre reparteSi resaluthon tu ha tuli commîitteupprupriathug *25,000 toc th repair ofth<le break. Pavais Wruîd hb the Pope. Titi London Standard'* iRome coca-e sPoudent userte <bat the Pupe bis dSid- id lu o ti yAuitria, Fnance, Spaiu aud Portugal <bat thte lovers vWinot bhi»I lit la kavn amont a few flbat <bey bar* pald as higit ns $1.625% for soethiug extra e'ou. vwithin th'e lait titree deys. Owing toa<l'e growlug scarclty. of vitest Wu.CaliforieW<he Uaq Fwavèls6omkèt: posseesa a rocues indoendeut ofthtei éther lhadipz markets. Il le sald <bat <l'ire isnflot more tha 230000 tous of whist remans ing lthle entuce tite tu snpply the expert demand. and home re- qulrements, hefoce notiter crop Ile bar- vested. Tiere bon bren a decreair or 74,715 tousl wlthin one year Frelghi are lu oversup4, ansd weak. ý'esse4a are flot quotable over lis 'Cd, United luin- dom. Titis la belleved to fayot a tise@i wheat. Thé butin belleve <baât whist vil) rench lose on ta $2 pe ental before July 1. The datif, reepipte of whist et Port Conta and other tidai poits of de- llverî ire very nomait. D]READ STANDiARD> NEBRD. Report Shows <the NecsaIty fer Riau- b.nt uthe lis eorthe Lolàr. An Agrcultural Depumrtmnent report on the composition and cont of bakers' bread lu New Jersey etties, huard on recent lu- restigttons, ludicatea <lie nece.iltirof the adoption of s breadl standard Iris, va- riable <bau tbe toit, @goftint a deflulte noambrerof ut ones mai ha fouad lun cl litf. The lucreard cont otnuntrimnt due to the transformations taking place i- twlan <l'e produeer and consumer la thargeable ta tite baker ratitev, <bau ta tl'e milie. for the cent of brrîd midi trom a barre! o!f.duor casting $4, to whlcli was added t9t cents uf othér ingridients, vas $1074. or s profit of 116 pler cent for te bnkr'i lihor and th. cuit of dis- tribution. Guru Ihteugis theaHou.. The Loud bhllItoa aieud the Ian' rei,,t- lng to second-ca.. mail motter vas pnosed lu' thr naional Honse atter tw.b day. of deba te by a vote ot 144 ta lu5 Tite opposition, te the bill made a gtrong figlitýagaiast it. The itatementa ulde ou thte fleur as ta ts effect ou certaiu pir- t icUlars %yen ve y coaflieting. The mont 1Important proviiii o! the bill deuies ta serial publications a dmixsson ta the mails ut 1 centat£pdnnd rates. <t lu a. foi- lowg. s. Tiut nothinig ierein cantaiuied shall teesa construed as ta admit ta tae second-eia,. rate publications purportlng lu e laitud periodicaIIy and ta sait- seribers, but which sre mm'ely hit. or reprints of huait., whtter they be hsard compilte or la parts, whether they hi hound or unbound, wteor they bu il hi subserlption- or otiterwise. or vitether t.hsy purport ta bie î,ceroums or suppli- menti or parts of egulrpewapaperi or peiodltes&" Thte billsaltodnles to Dcv spapers <hi "simple copy" pfriilezr. and the privilege enjoyr.l iy newsdealers of returniug unaoid publications aithe second-Cl... rate. Marrlud ta a Turi. The veddlag ot Mias Bdlth Lyman Col- lins and Resehld Bey, Côiiel Czasîkaakl, cannelro tâtte uf the Turklah embassy nt Romne, ltaly, vas cel.brated lun Parla Thursdiy. Mise CoUlis lul'îrited the balk of ber vealtit, reputed ta ha noms- tblng lifta 87,000.000, frotteber tmaternai groaudmother, Mrc@. Rohert Nivîse vbo dird lait June <nParis. Bite vii.daugit- tir ot Commodore Vanderilt. Govîruor Xsttlaew.' Iliasuge. Tietelst message of Goy. Claude Mit- teys etf Idiana was miutted létahet Leuhsatpri Friday. He*o ecamiends <the enctin t i acotpiiIsl7 educatia., law fais a la pEehhmtig SM ifemsathue of trusts or their operatin withisi the State. a violation of viticitshoald, lie asys. be met with heoary penalties. Ituet Une Pare Wntcir. l1ealth Comnmh.sioner Kerr, o! Chicagn, ha.o ordered tth a)rd utfEdueation te) take Immediate iteps la purify <hi drink- lug ;rater snpplled ta publie srelool.unu- der penalty of shatting aI? tieti-le:- frnm ivecy sciuol lan<lie (ity. - Pulîrd for over 0200,0006 J. I. L Jbn.toa & Co., of Now Yark. dealers ha diamnonda, jowelry and siucer- n-are. iislgned ta Johln 1IL Keini îld Arthtr Il. Masten. The liabilit', are reprtcd ta l'e $219.000 and asot aba[out Reuh Velu of Flver la etruek. Ou titi Suber Mouatain Lode. naur HMl Cty, 8. D., are nos sîrneit 'ieduc- dey titat assayed ntaety-nue ouî 0, sili-er lier ton. Chiengo-Cattîr, carmmon ta prime. Vt.50 tu, $5.50; bogis, s)itpplugg rdes 43-10 ru $373: ;shéer, fuirtahoc.$fI ta $400; nitrat, No. 2 red, 7-i e) ta (- coca. No. 2, =2c to Zie; otâ, No. 2, 15. ta 17c; rie, No. 2. 3ôe tae9: butter chie. eemlery, 18e ta 2k; cggs, fresh. 10e ta 17e; potaloes. per buhhel, :!Oc tu 30c; brouma cocn, commun green utafine bruah, 2We ta 51/tc per pou ad. Indianpoi-Catti, slipping. $?.110 ta $525; liu. choice ltgitt. $300 ta $375; @eeop, good to ehoice, $200 lu $350. vitent, Nu. 2, Bic ta nie; coca. No. 2 whtite, 20e ta 22c; onta, No. 2 white, 21c tu 23c. St. Lools-Cittie, $3.00 ta $5.23; itogr., $3.00 ta $3J50; wheit, No. 2,.Mtat 92c; corn, No. 2 yellov&' 20e to 21c; oti. No. 2 witelts,10te 18c; rie. No. 2, 34c te Bac. Cluelnit-Cattle, 82.100 to $5.00; bogo, $3,00_ta *$&75; siarp.r$.50 to $4.001; whist, Ne. 2, ffl te 94c; corn, No. 2 mihatI, 22e ta Silesqat., No. 2 mzed,'19c ta 20e. rie, Ne. 1,8ne ta 3-de. Detrut-jattle, 82M 0tu $5.00; hoc*. 113.001 to $375; sàeep,$1M00 ta $3.501; whist, No. 2 reà, Oetu 92c; corn. No. 2 îihla, 22e ta 28e; oita,-1No. 2 wite, IDe te 21c; zye, 37g te 39e. Toled-Wheit Noe 2 regt 02e ta 04c; corn, No. g mlzed, 2lc ta 23e; cuieNo. 2 wite, 17e ta Ille; rye, No. 2Z 37e ta 80c: duovet sed, *0&25 te *91M5 bMilwauke-Witut. No. 2 sprint, 76c ta 78c; coca., No. 3. 19e ta 21e; auto, No. 2 whtite, 18e ta- 20e; hmrley, No. 2, «25c ta 3Me: rie, No. 1, »3 ta 40c; pork. xpis, 4750 ta ffl.0 -Buffalo-Cattle, $2.50 taý, $5.QQ; hugs, - i. OtI l T S E~OEPINWANRIla w oe Tvg- Part An<gelteu Bire ivs gla loDaillai Pracoedl-ge et --osa Plaiut Bail h iPlttsbur Capita- Eaua-iUllii Possed er Euraupj e har uiA pptc-D.speti ilu Hthir ruhOet. t Cibalm Vliireakl ait. mentt'te h. Cou t a Immgi. BIEt l iii foter .eWest. Thii nlltlvs Glu. - A glgautie praject la ta h. camu oit lu10<ha e aiWedediy Cuba loa joint stock Company ur Woitirn lte sabet ut a speech, l'y IM. CuIt- P'enaylvanha mul ver.<h<le <la,.iii! i a ie»d t praVude Lfste- building of a grnat rau &MIdSiledpliat appoiutaieun t y brevet outidv.eor et Port Anglason Pugit BSad,,certit-.tIreS offies utolte CUnitedSttis a West o uteea), Wait,'The pileul Titibil! providhua tri. homqet.adi5 caver tilty- >cnes, aad the couit vilI i b bons deeltIers un public lansudas& wi bot$a la th00 rin<g ?>Thé m?s fnd debatldntI hcgtb Titi joint Traie a"d Chamber of Cunmwares of Port lotiounreque.tlng lte Brtisl' Calin Anela olveS immnensbosne, inite' t095Portnle.. Flutene. Iuuibrick 2,0 ~ is lnt villconlt of a tea anaud lte' liv elutimg tla h oi ae f 00la. apcty cla m chseuflu ituter vis paWs!l 30-tau opeu-bimrtb fumrie.., ibleuetî a oui uhr<udays ut Sehota, hq billettulil, a roi muIl4 a bar mlii, a vire met Impt.ant provsn ofhet titi lli.40 sudi ual! mfll, a aheet mili, s <laplat. mditii, lmalu e< ,nbii dns a toundri, macie@haop, baclamîith09ao, te 'llc 1IlalerS tuusipg 1at.1 c sund baller îitap. apTlemaluifi ha,lro ui uderilscpiél 02OTit O CORiN ISLAN4D» arulur n-tîhl h humys tvaday$isr Sur eerS iideuils suAd aile day ftram sendaiurot tai Nicaragua Vovllfylon te<oRsl oc- dehaiola idr tlue <lue-miule nioe. -'. cupatien hi ClUlmbla. linge allupt urtle rnds. imit theîr tri@ AI Caca Ialanud anSdIts tortifications erguii atlîins alf. 'ton wcn-cc 100 mlenari nov ceriug lsuds ta ixîral f ouir rpeiikers-mur. l'os-erg ut <'e.V thte fortifications. The Niciragumashave tt i ictmoft he purifiRil1M »0 permdetteofdynamite and <au elecîrie Cm whtii nlao opeuîd a-It sun cxastis- battnre. lMc. Doualdmru. tormerlyil~iite-io ruueîl upr !t.' UnitedSOtites irmi raglueir, localeS tteivbll M irbur hîits aututInsuprt ofb aîum dynamte mines and fortificationsud lui.afi-elatcinr f ite commllte n-u be <heu left thei haS for Managua. Thuni .Jur; tolte opuosIuiou. and Hhenie" tac te Coombiuns have determinid ta ';rl. f u 'uîul a nd as!Bei! ut Te cunteçt ovin faot. Qiu. Bee-es surs o"tie s, aWho smIukreapetirs4 probleai" iW. Be suiovei hi dynamite. iuat the' mesaîi. 1o mîtitu e 'Phe Lihtlesteamer LuyB., owniS by ioaug adhut.y session. planning ta ou. lierhecî Y. Biugham, titi Brillith consul ut 1111% or, the eunle-îidar. lncl1Vuhdg ng ut Nicaragua, stîlioncel at Sau Juan Sel vrai uî-îinmt tetutrIn-o! nàiagnîta Norte ((incytuvi), l'as bien chacrred hi and ntria.- . :II îutîiiriiltig ttieI rda thei Neiraauau Gaverumealtacuran in- de-nttIotirîu;l o ellei<ii mary Cormutantle defiaile perlos! to curry <roolpe anSd tn te'iltiu hm uiri issu limannu-aisionasf generully ais an-artahip. If tiis attmc atiu.h iiri's.'îî e.îiuJîc should rsult la #ai.meatacollision te uatîi l îlîility. LtmCY B. Muy bhi <,i u apleces by lte BIl mai'- "w iof l ii toIC. ttie louî,aenI-u Colomblin moa of-var-a iraîit w<blet hi ,lmî cm. h ele lttiliimc n,-usîr mru- o<nr i arum illua te tati. Fromt id Iy t!iid- iic- l t:îllréiiîîiuaguatc-u.Ai sources tirat mai hicoualderd trait- mbtttma-mcm.niir lsmuemoau4 wartitJin outsiS the (C,,iombluus have lia, onlutinahri lt u-rt tile iii- iulue-nn aîs really <hi firâI igitî taCocu Ilanud, butte b u i 1t;,te tîr-î-cIrelroceuillua, - ele IlanaShaen ceaateromnal o!dispute T 'li,l'ilio.-lt.tîlc.mail lbby vats cvii- beveea Colombla sud Nicaragua for whlîtî-nlautiîu.laruge ijimrity aî,tite >-îurm. blli. tinIantuiy nknovnmu ambet EUROPE LIICKS OUR APPLI&i%. oet14Imiliosealiienreu ohave itudid ttie qtu'raiai u-ar-ttlly aundtey pourai Total Sh<paaes<î <for 1S00 W,,,huit -homtIhtoaelie P I~ita ituuiaand Ils 2 150'834 If&rire1. moirageutntt. l'rtsidut ,'Ie lutul bas 'Ple total sdiaaitpenîs of apples tor8M1c81) lteîlmlil'îa'im,]n lî'ftîuaîo! lu-glus- anS lncludhag the tIvudes>ofth<le limnai 1» Cuies. tue ari, l roceed ntleuae present yemx, tl uoupean marktsli ye tmoiast- <bathe mcoaiul iiortxaugi Wbleh as tallion: Front Boston, 725,042 ban- tte (,minort i)%% uim hldsansd cller bai - celn; tramn New York, 454,771 hernIle; lu tlue inert mOrtirclèe or tatirete chnirie - t ram MuaIrrai, M0,490 barrais; tram fHai- on te Gtii amuol icuiat uasuh for ifax, 2<14,95 bacirels; frtramPortland, 71 -lImslis-n to muîke htsn-Iuwiil. t 10 th», -. 207 barrais, andsfrtrmPhiladlphie, 1,033 geirai b5lie tIiet if thei P,'esideul ucarriat harceIs, makînga stotal ut 2,150,34 bac-oual his titreanthMc. llti.tllxgtono friexadu -r ren, as sgsius< 627,524 bare[*tacrthe vili imnediatilyaimkait.imuh, anw .eh-- lirtceeing yyr. mare favo.raleiproitiounla ltae locr- _______ Pruerina. wviticitcn hi um-cetta'S <roagh Negro Bsoi Itayinis *4C,9m0 lte mediaiut ofa r-n ilîlae cisomesildby At lte Lndell Holil, lu SI. LouIsl, Mou- Cuýigceuse. <e-relacy <hinitait ut dey nlgitt, George Maure, a coloriS bil he iti UmlStatea, aSd IrJulils Vannes,~ bey, taund a pocketl'aot caaalalng $40,-(laefoie. un ellueliant out unît antlilà. afi4i 000 lu mouey, chctsanajutais umiulng Ihuir aigulntrte à a nrtril ty uhlit V. stocksa. IHe mmeudltly gave Ilt tuMari- toc a terniuofut@reyaurs, lte <nofnhih. - ager Donovan. Titi moei nd osacuri<ies liestigntinalmîa are tea side-luî = n-er thte pcoperty utflMr. sud lirs. A. T. saS vit bout a rrcmmrt teointsma il possible - limiui, wealliy ceildenis of Canon City. quesionsa of tî.uuîcavucay hum ins5frvilh Colo., vto n-ire alapplua aIt teiteandtm e le icouru ut arbllrtionu, wiIt teingle Who saoon aittîr Calcufmt tle hlnt oSce e eîepion thutnuihec aiitaen vsuei,- tl anlle an alam, Ihînitiuatieat lhîy tenami is luan-or iu Hity lttie Indxuenit0t biren robbiS. ____ arlstratioa. Later la 1h. dey Ppaildnt 1ý Il'eculhait aladi ut paiis. Clev-elndî artseltl trea<î and a Mesage Four pailiutoite oscitoul utf(Colrado earnesuiy ilii.criimg le ta uhe 4nant, ad Springsi, Colo., ancre han. of ia sort oftlitait bo-t..di rl atlliem leI. *- mnlndy n-bue'ecause-. thet tlu nrite bock- Tielions-neilasie mi eUilil yard and Ilapside dovu. Titi achoal om- 5<inilm- Tuom'smîay. Mir. Johntisona<«W.), - chais are bafflemi, and iii the>- countoex- Wo lt(4ri( lYitiruademia tailtern t,ule omua u- plain <hi. itrange pitenomua .ans! phi- lur Ilenat oft Sun Fraudi-o atmal Xiv 4. gaicenana,havuie lîen mconîsuterd eau garove tl, a i%;.; iinî nwale lte la.giet au satitacteny explaathon. diî t-î. lieargîs loi Mr. IMeOàLtm. - mi heird uel g"quaf,-ha Tenre taille Ita'ie. tumî-tinltut "iir-aomlsc~d-$ JiuRtluy 'Tatiner nle uiraofuthe<bu a porI t fcMrfiainre*. rimnki.aicu Blute ot Illinoiis. le n-us iaugucattlMc..liiufiin suaý--l lun mli-hlac. U. tuilmy %<m-llui inol -eeinonie-s. leiglire dufu-del hic. Ilesteat. mil aitibaut -q vint iîllo ofitcen-lit a lump sudecelaIttiementioun Ot Mr. Jîmitsi'. taum,, de- eî-iiîeiae Il ]reciirdia l.Ilintois. 8ileiidur taile'l montei-rotirs fl.Ju.btm earlr > auid eiituelirnîu tmuite herm'peî-t o! ;Ie niten i e mideS imuit yraraise, N. Y. elie t-omatouili I.fîr thie honor ad dig- -Mr. Joaiîa.ii got eliile lîsr on a queioniu tilt- ot te g.vernocalip. utf1miîiir'gî. lie n-ns uttre-s mraimtlic. e Ife mi-iiî;t-sill it.lutuireso.ttuct un- Itrouan Sauplulionae %reari. iiutas wnutr'o anlcoumurmly and ld tiI he An Inî-euiiiacY fire totalîy distroyemi tie timory ofi i. iivi-ttunt tlitrtr-fdur yeera i large taionermanutfacturera' s5014.17 ite iagi. a ira- ut tofor &-erg uts! bu< r operaued l bytD. M-. 1'trr>- & Ca. ut lrbana. lie itîml giom t e laOihitrala te cod aa Oihio. Aîîîoag etitinnio ns viee1IBOtousn - hew oulnnd mokatîa t nwDame. 'a'r - ut brorii inctn. TietireIr ase idelleî It aliiahltt-r inveci-tiveu- IiipalS hia;' r.- alartemi lu cuver up a crimue. Titi Io*In p., peto-ls <oaMc. Muguire sud Mi,-. t'.iOgit p - estlmatl auti1, 1 iit $9,5W0 iaîtr- out w'ioi-onghiî. %ahi, eac:ctu-rizod ibis ai-t. ance. tact oi Mcr. flerst m as cAn4dly. lai ne- FaymagesMc'ace theIllittllrvi, ply Mr. luliguicieîîuld:l: tUe hl:ues nI Tue na-seritîg recerd ftram Bicha- 1.1 hi -i kOn lotre"lt. le <bluta ouI!' analaumîliu ut tieoti ioIserious cdîuaimteT. utfhlilf. lie diisnul thitiothît ie The, mugiteati uu.! selers ut Kuranuan grefamiiiutiiili amuI lulestriâtes biua. haiegoile iaio langer, ad md 0natryeeeoftself. Why ilS ulit hi titor t<base ~ liat vliiîy are- efonltgfat=$s,liîfting tiug< aietu hlMe , he <hi Bid un n-. > catte andl cummittina otitin Sipredatlons. lter vhu ras îîuîtprisentad Wisbazs limela hlrt*tv Yess tot .n îuen.l.ur of thibiohmdy. TbIé' e Tînet 7m l Itrt-w er chtargess rsi talai, aî Jeiili-bieamcs84e -For titifiira< lime lu tirty-tvo h-ari autmmc ufth<bse charges <tevitine bcio thse eletural vote ut Maryland hat bien I1noely" Futile effmort n-a, midi centfo th<le lepuîblicaa nominee tocrttierumaraikof bat trîctîn tram i te tite office, of Presidînt ad Vice P"eu-Rcord. The Senate pass es!tiidey la Seulnt fbthe nltrS B'Stts. livly pohialleaiScahe, open th. fuois Ihesetue Covîca Oral aîL hommeai!and tourlt-cîsa postma*et.- At iluuriiton, W. Va., tbWreea de.- 5hiP5. ___________ periciinelsiabcote Jai, 'PTii sisu Notes of Lussent Eventi. tz rabbiS<l'e *bhoiesslr hardwarebnnhof t Il alslai tet Adelins Pîtîl laP., s Sosennreolvers ands sversi grâce and ou. lu sieur ele dicoraîlon utfltae Le. 'IC ammunithon. Si__ - gon outHurlor. Russit.a tiore un Afm. cm,,, Tieti rd ands!lat fl'e tarperda 'Phe Ruemimu Aradmr *bas, elected s. hua b uilet tocrte tUlted tite. at~h~~ bonrari members Dr. Siuon Nevcomb Colombien Iran Wonkm htalons aeceeshl et Wasington sud Luéd Kceli. Iauuîehvd. fierttal ai at yl bha _______ Sit e i.100 fuit long and elîteen -l"t'>J Tunnel trouIai, te li . baranS. Wucklng plans for a tunnel to cunneet The Brightton reravtor ai New rl'~ Biily vlth<themaiuhand ou t [al nuder au, a territoire) ut Minneapolis, uvuai te trait ut Mei iare au exhibition titi City- Elevator Campaur. bocri Ul At tl'e Universityof Pavin. A tunnelluimttxt, .0 uif.laut it Ji tougbt mure ftusîble -ia upu-yîî.<'e<tlli t< av EU- tv'slie.thau a ur. u wit lk'cillbesa f he ed, cf éhou bridge, as tha narruwrs<atafrtrte contrats vag *100,000,fuly Junu arait la <va miles Iditi. Freulelet A. Orgori. prvata cc 1<1.a riporteS ln Paria tiet titi Casinoahose, ai Buffalo, tsnd chut clark ofaio,-,,- lu Monte Caclu neceutiy citumeu admisi.- camtîmturt, lita dil aa alanl ta Elien Tercy. titi fumns Euglilh bohaimd netierons bail ýheleelis:asi -

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