CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Jan 1897, p. 4

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z 5Cre s te W -o m et. FassIUO Ilinois. ain emon555mater. snvuullMINo £Atm nuADe K5OWN OuAPFLI- Battur on th.e Lgin B-&r of Traie lionday vas rm. Quottilni vers 19 and 19à cents. The frase Rom11ettemd billh-b theb rigît ci vay in th Sonate this veel, no fat as the republicoli Steriug Comniltieoouid grant IL. Illa thonghl that à maJOritY Of Sont0?' favrt iabilbl,but is oppop-etsar maig a aturdy Agt 10 prevent Ite getting ta a voie. Somebow Che ide& guI out that hII0p. Thomas . Waisou, et OR., lâts Popu- liait candidats for Vice-Proidout, woului appear beore the fHOUes Elections Commttee in hie ovu belialt wben the couieuted election case ut Watsonv*, Back vsu caled, but Mrt. Wateofi vaR notpresent. Hi@s internât& vote looked alter by four lswyers, and Represeniative IiIaçk, vlio vue proet had tb. saine number te belp fhlm retsin bis sent. Persan. vbo are troubled villi indi- gestion vUI lie intereeted in the exper- 'Once 0f WDé. H Penn, chieS clark- the ralivay mail service et lss Moines, Iova, vba vritos: -Il gives me plea&- treta tetiry ta the nieris of Olamber- laia oliCiehr d Dlarrhoaes R - edy. For ivo ysers 1 bave iuffered tr)m indigestion, sud arnsubJect CO (roquent severs ttacks of psainlIn the slomach and bovels. Oue or tvo doses of Iis remedy nover tala te give per- tact reUef." Pionce25 and 50 cents; for sale by F. B. Loveil, Libetiyvi, and J. R. Bracher, Ourne.. DIGHTON. A cid ta Hubert (ispets A s quite sick ai Ibis vriing. vaybwat litho mtter with Wlliamx E.Miseon for United lttes Souatt. * ~people In Ibis camrnunty In order taelie happy sabuld reaul tbe IsDaEES ENT. Ftod Trevor'Iss clliuig ou friend lu thAs town ovr Sundoy. Corneagai Fred. Mir. 0. A. Hovard of Ibis place le spoudng a 10v dsys n Chicago an business. B. W. King Our pension agent ig spendlng a quiet winter ai theold bometmad. Nicholas Miller and brother Bubont of Vola are aualting Math. Staffel toi a tev isys on the fam. The young people ai ibis vicinît, attended lte dance a Vola Ibis veol Ailreport àatirit clama lime. Frmnk liarvln, of Fui Lake, lm bbei vory fortunat in ssecuriug the servie& of Albert WlIey vho Asa expert Ia Mr. marv's lins o1 business. Hiram i xan agi reButent of tu tava io in unutoualgooa haathfori an,ot hie. odvsnesi yer. lMr. Foi lasover elgtaty-tvo years af go an( cme te Lake conty In A. D. 114. We are glai l aern that Edvar Byleà vho lhmsbaien very il vitl bood poison le nov improvlng. Wg are in hopes ta soon sesfhim arouD on Our streets. Contractar Gesclike i. about ta mak, a bliliness ttip ta (Chicago wb ere la bas under conideration a doal vbere by haie Xpecis ta trade bis faimfti batel property on the veat aide. lits. (Ilo. Waito vîth bar nephle Mater Brory Grahami ia nov vidtin, in Chicgo, during their etsF tbey vil attend the veddlug of ber neice, Mis. Jaqkeou vbo las eli kuowu 8 int vlclulty. Jolui ll, Iit,r e. ispurcawed si * týýteiile treck ofliawinluwOu Couuty Wis., le msklug praparation ta mute there lu the future. Wc skis mièss li. Moltor. Ilet wisbes to iiL sud bais estimable fismily. Fred W. Baver vba tor the past tev yeare bas uimlbed creani for the Berry tee creain plant ai Chcago vas i neently laid off for a tee days andl ln uoy ccptiug the tet of Professeort Fihber wbo lis au analizer of pure cream. This comunnity vas iboeul andt gtrlaved tu hait af the suiden deatb af lits. tisggio (ommaun et Adams ut Fremont. 8h. vas raiiosfroni obld- bond in this tavu. liarrie o Mtatr. Benjamin Adaonis ai Is p acealer realdiug bers a tev yearstm thymoveul ta Freluant mmking ih Ileir bhales p1 to the lime of ber deth. lits. Adamsa lestes m huaband, eigt ehidron au agai niaiber, lthres brother.sud s buai oi inonde ta niourn ber boas. The famly hate the ey5ptby air Ibis comtuty la the irreparmble lots ut a vUle and mother. A Cure for Lame 5150k. "M1y dangter, vhen recovrlug fromn an tiaeI oi lever, m getsfferer tram pain l In elwsud bips avrie. LondueGrover. ai Bardis, Ir. "Ater uslnag quite a number out remoules wit. -uti any beneUti abs trie,! one baille of Chamberlmin» Pain 0"ahnd ias gi"en satire relif.' Chsinbotc.~ nP Bain S ealmo s certain cure for theumatlsus. Soi,! by F. B. Laveli. Lbertyvillansd J. R. liraeler. Gatuse. Auction Sales. TI ue lgneteint mbou uitil arin. !"=a: leemt V c intion ou th,'._lren 1- . H W. .lt'pber a ngn llo IL mmn 01 Nmda, vsmon aur sots T"s"iy. , JaOof Ivanho., paid Wauconda tfoit Mani a" es. Supt. 0. A. ApPleY ut the ConutY um vau hormTusadai. I. Grsen and P. 2. (ireeu veto keofflvioltout eek. c A. W. Esy"oda. aoflicfenty, vas È' e û ret oft hieel. We are glad ta report that lit. and mJ. W. &cke« are eonyalesent. M»e. p. Gieaeler js entertalulng bot ier, mie lornlug, of Turneri uction. The oid liotel barn yllie sobi ai 1 bite auction Satutday ailciuou ait o'olock. Mr. sud lit,. F. Fostor of Elgin, are ,igiiug Mr, mud lits. M .Povers ai oesent vriitag. C. fisphke bas plurchaaed a barp. igi vlu be a great addition 10 the .âkeside orchestra. tir. aud Mnr. L. A. Poyers, and inily oi BarrAnglon, vsted relatAves tl.&isplace las Snday. James garland, of Chicago, inso s pareits lMr. aud lits. F. Gstland ~. hort viit lnt v eo . lit. and Mlra. W. Tekampe are vtii- ng lir. and tirM. S. Of 'agukegan at preseut vrltlug. Gea. Mers returned frarn the eitY s ve days msince. Wblle thera lie was -etieved of a vatcb sud about $75 tu nouey. There *'tl blietu entertalument lu 3aland Hall, Ffftia&y evenlng, Jan. 22i ut the benalit of lte Fremout Cathoilie 3tutch. Al are luvlted. At a meeting of the village board of ake Zurich lait liondsy s contrsct as sgned for a Aihe engluesud ontili. EA. Golding vas the agent thatl made te sele. Waucouda camp M. W. A. sud AlAce smp B. N. iustalled olliAcers lest Tues- ay eveulng. Au excellent prograin was gîveu alter the installatibn anui lion refteabmeunsver,, served. lis Elvise Jeuka sud lits. Wouuý anuse hasve gone luta the coniectiouety businessinAuChicago. miss jeuks bas loseul ber store in Ibis place sud moved the stock ta ber @tore lu the ity. Their msny frlends vieki them uccoas. Attend the masquer ade skate lu Oakland bal BaturdaY evening Jau. i6, 897. Uod musl ic il eisnluatteud- une. Costumes can be lied ai E. A. Golding et very rosable prîces. à pris viiib. gitan te lte vearer of the mont comicial costume. liereaiter the Waîîcouda Llteraiy and Debàtlng Society viii mtuc 1îsturdsy eveniug of eaeb week. A good prograin sud a question for lobate viiili e arrsuged for each meeting. Theraovas a verY good attendance bot meeting. Ali are lu- rited te, ,ttendil tbey -vant ta bear tbe entortainmoent, but tbose Ikiat go Ibere for the purpose ai making s iaturbanco are Invit.d ta stuy awa>'. B, G. Piqne, ei t uekefeller waut on Our streels TsdmY., Onflsturdayevening lmatthe G. A. B. and W. B. O., lnstalled ottlainA the 0. A. B. hall. The tollowiug l6aa lt of ollceselected by thes G. A. It. Cou.. Warren Foyers; lien. vivecola Wm. liarhbo; inn. Vice Com., H. i?. Devis; Chaplaiu, E. B. <lîbert; Surgeon, C. Parker; Quatter Master. J. B. Turubuil; AdJulout, A. L. Vrîce; Omfcet af the day, Ueo. Prouty; omeer ai the Guard, A. Cook. FoilowAîîg officers ai W. B. C. vers iuutâllad Pros., lits. Ueo. Prouty; lien. %Vice Pros., Mis. W. Paotes; Jr. Vice Pres., lits. E. Golding; Conductor, lira. A. Cool; ltecrotmry, Belle Tmggart; Truits. tirs. H. K. Barri.; Chaplain, tirs.J.. B. Turubuil; (huard, lits. E. Gilibert. A short progrsm vas givan citer tht ollicers vers initalleoi. Tbi.4 vas tolloveul by light refresbmeutm. LEITHTON. li" MatIle LI w as lu Chiicaugo last, tiauday. Mir. J. Ktuckmanu vas satChicago 4lier last week. tire. Mary AUtauson did shopping An hicago lami ltpnday. The chîdren of F. E. GInuc. juarc tillicted ilih be imessies. Ont Station Agent, F. E. Glascoe, la on lbe.sild lsâtbut in lmproviug. A number from bers attendeul Liter. ar>' at l>iamuund Lake lait Ftiday. Baby-To tir. and tirs. H. lialfu.r a baby girl. tiothersud chAld ateduuug nicely. Quite a uineroai Woodnu f ram bers attdded Cauip et Ivanhb e st Saturdsy nigni. There vîi lie a diniie social ai the borne ai Robi LUI Wednesday, Jaît. 2o. Caine one, corne ail. The Ladies' Comeiery Association met vitb tire. R. N. Maxhain, St Dia. moud Lake tout Tbursday. tir. Btium Bristol, of Wauklan, vietted hie lirolher-in-lav. tMr. C. t terlbeld Satutday, returaing SuDduuy. lira. Oen. linon u miIirsu, via have becs viiiing ber parente ut 4Oul wood, Win., rstnunedlbauàtstiinday Mie Lena Whitehead, af Austin, 111. vieitsd lier UnceetMr. J. Wilson suc Lfaitly liai eel mua tretutusd ta bei home bat Monday. Quie number of littIe foals partiel pated la skating On lb. pond suti uo the trsol lest aturday noti tht*nd Ing the tim icq vhlce viabroken ii rTEe Dhmongf Lake Liisrsy Socleti bied a ery untereUng prograi bu Frile ngll.The boum as ascrowdeu tal.utta apactty. The sulijec for debatewvo; "Shaut the UuAîe< Sitotes lt.eagnize the Bellgetautltigbî. o! Cube." Il vasdecidedinlu avytc the allIrmatA te. 010A certan Young mon lu thMI ut-aity laivsquite arprlsed New lears, H*1 asi-- aîîtcbaae4 quats 01uYutlettu as urss thein beneatll a luirai in the yard. mdur Noxt nîumulng uhen lie came lu tale ring ihein lrrn Ither bidlng place lho ionnd I %1-4 ta hie. surprise that the pal aor ytera ily baul onaniA&pail of tain *yater tuaI- fi lc.TEe musaerions thlug about thevholesialritlatbedld ual dis- oover it unUt isorelied the bouse. raz, <h o bte1»»>w» »Tfor artintie M 1. job pIýnu. Dir. E. V. KHARVEVI oa, lee wauo4a " ,.mefl t DENTIS?. vin be mimosa bhy the&MamY fte. Crown. Bridge and PhtM WOft as Speialt Y. 111 hO M vo.egod visonofla * - OFFICE E~>UES -The Grayalak. hotel mette sta12 A. M. itosanditotýP.M. selvW r: W.' B a bleWhoe Grayslake llinols.' phitore. . orsDCio. - ----- --z- H. A. igA lngonlilbto; J. P. ~~~ood ~ ~ ~ OM, M.r iiCnta.W ilutoroeo . W nsWiowma. 0 îi5 10 or $15 per acre.j Grayako» Camp M. W. of A. Md oosowater, roads, echools,, ,b M R -o . "à on Churches and pleutt of them. sa&tUrdU Uersaina . LGeo.Uq W~ood and Clarki counes aru fOt Inàla fi0u Mda Mr. HBéé" IA Sanily Deseri." I ill go witki Bau. <lima716»Wa 'Wr Gj'mIs» yon, trip to coet haif. B, l are e om M M.-viola Kappi. .W» n oxpense to sec 'country' wh vîmokd 0,5.4M »4ax»sot m 4bere .and fare ma..ipart pay- ICama. S.v"elapaire~ nent on land if you bull. iarwers alwo ve ti. l="yW"1ooae agent for Lakte (ounty. Calo and EOYsl Neighboea wu,5 puqà. write for inaps, ternit, Urne otc. A Viry and oourmms laitSnia John J. Lonaabaugh j moraugwuth é"« 'l»mw urlek swr, Grayslalke llinols, Il Vedflemdat" tthe romtcoer" - amry. t a nio &Muhi» Ie.lein lit,. Luftneentertained. ber Miater g, .-I iînl fana devote me6Oe. a 1V tirs Lawrene of Libertyvllethla large- touourme of frismisammabîsi week. aithIke ubsoqulieuN bvfgthe hl" à& MIrs. Mary Palmner, of Wankegau, teeoin n hleli lb.hé edo m onivu rlited ber brother sud uther friends bold.Much sorrov le a i.t thémor- last week. rowing husaliali and motlierlesa 0h11. .Mie CortAustin buasreturned taelier dren. dalles inii iicago alter a vacation 0f One huudrsd arna t.hiy ellectrie soveral aceks. 1gh.. vers bnrnilai &MWedae.ay lits. Brower, who hmbas licuIIfor evenlng I ln rs. m a" boumesabent morne tlîno le soîuewbait lmproired ai laya, proving beyond aadoul>tiU thel the proeuet *riting. electrie pleut lAn Grayolake inau Dr. Darby, wite aud son, of Wilmot, longer a vlalonéry project; but a Wls., came dnwv Tutesdsy te vit vltb ttikiiig reslity, ,e&ter 1 avuol lirm. IarbY's part-ntm, Mr. aud ltsVkr l. - - -M-di Dmo Mead. belng delayed lu coming. Ur.t.airins Miss Joble liruse viii leave for thle pirojecetor of the vorit in orayulake Mary's, Ohio, next Muuday te engage 1MTrrllsàuoolstgriot WaodA.ti in pkiotography. lier friends wisb ber Woiygromi m a socee u nthe IIOw iield of lobet. run bY their engin.The light boa We être giad te report thât 11ev. E. ovn M atde i.indbeore H. arrs utoreoveed ufIcinty t -long man-y more villi probly ir oe H.~~~~~~ Harelasrcvre ufc enty have pthm. The stores vers be about again sud expeete taels ble1lt1 d upby electrlcity almoot aIl of te take hiâecustoxnsry place iu the lut eel but long eironit vu nlot pulpit next Sundsy. I oomplebed naitil iMis veek. The Ladies Aid Society met villi lira. RichardsonIis week WeduesdaY. The ladies are pieceAng severai quite. vhicli vben doue yl bc sold ta tbe blghest bldder. Miss Aggle hlullwlukle, of Chlcago, vialteul wlt lire. Brevet, llasMorrili. Miss Smth sud ther frieuda sevetai weeks sud returued lut Wednesday. Skie atteuded the Mascoate sud Eastern Star Installation sud banquet. lira. Cosan, Miss Mary Comasen and Joseph Cosernan leit for Daven- Great Cures prou-ed by tousds of testîrnolals slov thâtIllood'e Sar- stlaiiallia. Iuo05505 power to puru>', viulizo sud enrlcli the blood. Ilooda P Ilssa» the onlypilla la lie laken viitt Hoo'mSa diarla. ROiLINS. Ghon. Sheldan Viied Au Chicago Tuessdy.1 Joseph Litwller vms à Waulegsu vis-2 Itot Belur4ay. Frank Taylor bas roturned iroin bis vîsit tabla aId boms.1 Chas. Lambof 0Gurnee, called ou rela- tives bers Wedneaday. L. Burge boa renteul hi. farta John Clirlotian. of Oriyll. Mises laude Edvsrdo teturnati homo Snidsy mter s tva veele vst luthes city. Lent ou Frday, Jan. 8, between P»Oel-< isîler Md iiibeniyvins, or EocIefe1 sutid(imyslake, one darl bin l aid shavl. A scitaleirevmr<1 ylb. iven If left ai Boclefellor or Libetyvie postomebe., We Ae il, Qn Qck. With'Bargains at priceu to suit ail. Times are hard and our pricesi probortion- We seil for cash: 1I lb Oyster Crackers ............ $.02 1libStarch .......................03 Bottie of -Ammonia .............. .04 Ch ildren's Rubber Boots........ 1.00 Boys, à *9. .. .. ....1,25 Misses' ....... 1.10 Ladies' Sllppers sizes 2j to 4j..65 Chldren's and Misses' Woolien Stock- ings.............................. .10 Boys' Suites..................... 1.50 si Overcoats................2.50 Men's Overcoats ........ $3.00 to 8.00 Cash, and Cash OnIy at F. H. Kuebker's, Brick Store. ORAYSLAKE. ILLINOIS. A Coniple*te' UINE 0F Watches, ôlocks, and Jewerry, Can always be fottnd at the store of GRAYSLAKr; ILLINOIS. 15 Ibo. Rolled Oats --26c: 25 lb.0 ack Buckwheat --40c- 10 Bars Lennox $oap -25 6 lb.. Ginger Snaps -25c 5 Qts. Cranberries uAm -25C 1 Peck hand pIcked Navy Beans 25ç Pair Club Skates - - -25c Arbuckles Coffee per lb.- 17c Lion Cofee per lb. - - -17c F. D. BATTERSHALL. Graysiake DR. 0. B. HOWE Specimlmt lnu Chrotilo 01»&»$e. A. Promînent Practitioner ln Chicago for 20 yeara Nolt Located rit Woodetock. fil. What Weil-Known Physlonni eY ci Hlm. J. B. lluilist, M. Di.. Prof. Ctisitul Medi- ona. (ibloago Nedinial Collea.Ciaio for tua pe" Whrt.foiir tests, eoouknig physi. son tu Metriy Hospital. Chiemgu for lm nsm tveaty.four Ftesfts ma.suit, e M Valia Building. Chicasgo.msels.itedatiteofiFo. I, lmS: "To Wo. U Ar Coucias: I tekse sure lu statileathait lnformea veuse1 bave Oten mat Dr. 0. B. Itoue lu ael onsutltomseulandbave fuund hi methoda 0 f treatment judielaus. ad ils vue mmss Lu a large practiesequal ta the ef ony oftout lesaphyslii&Ithinl I1 ve tIls kaown hlm for soisigbleen ves.and have kuovu mno f bit s ,maic.avig esidad ln, Clilago for over frty aos d, S l o sonlimeeuns me"lilmaon iuMd outni ollages 1 foot irsj'ered tla mîmsîvouai for the stanuilng of Dr. Hava. V-7 zIbaedmtfly. Dm. J. IL Hotumisa. Di. B. Broyer. M. fi..'oEce suite 1114 ta i» Veiel nBuilding, Chicago. ProfeaSor Damou of thte Serveormu.hs VA",KBal a cul Collas@. Proieer ni Neeruegi.Pcu rduiteSchool ufMdicise., Cbligo, Con sultns Phyiian ta Prembyturisa Huepha and Prellid.-utnt o eeSole dof Ildiemd sualuets. Statut iof lnes. mmYS Cul xa. Mil lée. mm am pe- Zsill, aa1uuatpd &ai fraqnoil mueislled vill4 Dr. . B. Bois duriiug MaaY eeu pima nChimiso, dur tmg whieh lime our offma e vetsAstle mm building ab the omesbvea lieonerut lote 4a1 SSmbdolph tet' -l hava booelàl b, Dr. O.0. eus ue olioe ms of bis aises amd o elvî-tsoumd h. judll mmdsrettu la 0hI, leaInsut. lantact, "th fftuenli, lmafer ,oouutsiion l.a M ev denns hle lb? a As tseitis sud ptusiat Aug lunbAselraiUet. D. B. Esovus. M. D." Dr. W. if.Davie. Profeesar PuIncifles ae Preotice ;)ft"Medicne, Tharpetie an Mater,&i Nouba for Marly yeis. Mad ne iulUng phylL th îe Prebyerlan« ti.. Chiefsse. utilesbutte 0%. ComS li emorial Building, corner tale asndW"î inan trels. (ibcoe. ulwl sader de of lob. 2y. lms: "l'o Wnou Ir MAY Coscuai: 1 tae .pleasure luin "de tIaI1Ibhl knovu Dr. O. B. Hoe.for the pasi igisi tests; bave beau often alled lu cammulkatie el vil im. and havtirloirs, nush ofisie v sud studles dntlng bis courue ia sotf« vhidaIvu veryt toroUulubi b.hep" meueentfmediite aii sugsrr. 1 it U pruellaie Dr. Bihaa e ld reaitamong t bet rAdmontOIOMuaasfu l ,utlcaste Chicago. Hie Ax a eonaoletiumnsud vul %qsuussstuph ysicie n md bariluu W. AI. Dàin. M. D.- A. LClark.X. D., over ivont tsars Pr fassor of dissases of vmaa. Bennett Msdi Collage Chilaa;Membarslitliob sta Board utfIfeelîl forer yy«eMs mye: Ewiei, IV, Yen. 27.alis TbW *mai' cetif y lIaI 1hava for sever ypas ekuol Dr. 0. B. ifove &àa suasees sud retall-u'pbysé,inan sd auigeo. havl freiluently M,t hislunemebulttions f I preiueted it ay slIaibis meilueds oftIres meut irM îul soiseule as illifa -londueled. A. L CLànig . I Jamss .-vins iHyde. M. fi.. Profesar fDe maologt sand Vlrm fla â ied M ,mai Cllete. chs.ago: ceosnltlg bpowA.m 1 Cok ol ,,ty HoFittutl. cbkitw*isoes, ram CIio"til, he Itiuîml XeulA ('oguss. Par' i-.borne", omlie iltiMiste stivut. ('liegus. uile, îl ovilix pprs l..tpr. dsl,'i lo. 25. lUe: '*D. (L. B. RevuE. WOODsvocK. ILL.: My Ilistu foi ¶5: 1laie Pleeasul 10 lem von Kr îr'tütiea «SuSessifullunyorpm .ntl otailon. siudItrust tht von vitnllil -o have- à l-e teessure otf @Ures. 1Ibl teovîl vonîmure or fi ltutaul ustvetn - taraMsd vitru 't l tosoh« freu itlîY Faistars vith vos ia consil tion. Vve limlm on venu ln a lau meul sueisOatul prameri. sud1 bin uqiAie cm ildant lIat vonu'niI ll an s arge sbst uf stuieSsas vere von are uni o orlu.1 te caem ub ihyou h ats treatou and wteih 1 have baouEt»gemsa. 1 havet)u liepreoso villith..-f"tbat voIyuuit - ci tuoi. SIntul ald uron+eienlJiu. y ours viitvoay lin,! regard and lu wldetr. JAIXZi5B ItDEX.1):' M"ilieu hai. M. D.. Prnsoi. e! ofSNituent.I lyit ruais ane i l %0Coka', sés.----------sandu tte t ol Coo Mosili. a OMMs las ai h utàId.X" i\ « beni IvMaxCmomms, tu et a Il etd Dr. 0. B. Howe Trtule u-imti*ealy sud -oneadm h.Ieul approved Mobbet Dimmasaa» o Iwl ngs, Immî Bs Bais. a*cmaab, 1Uvor, lidsyu voslmbemad sxue mltrbeum, 'amIl paorlin aplti., Po iero liaI) ringvou n sauter, mid il f1eOS.o erupllue, ioces. b oliade eured la oua mol. 11106318AND 5VlVULOllsR rsmovod villsuitpela by eheB;vtyM Cure guarantesul. NengiateniaIemto td Germsa . mtCi f a EUUiitu 0daUfIl lar, Amie. maOory oIlgel puitiAvelycurih av&n fn prosm.Cnsgat. X-RAY APPARATUS. tDr. Hove bhnm eup s Meyovituo BpqA~ Ealography ud explore thel em.d teouol homa. aUrgamiania"m M natum e oe vialbfueul bflues or omie. I SUD I sALt dm mi Omeate a afsi blmelauuhteg tou uara"tmgbsedb vÂmdoaca up.rmnetly srib »ev me<o ont usra" or ete mi marks rmeu-fl byoseolio 1 ounx.rànox PMU am, DE"uTIL Ail madicinea'.0 OB.HOW!. M.t4' Office rit Hotel dq and 29, Heurs; 10 to 8~ IW# cdosdaud osgon. m -BRANCO CÇk-. gLibert vlirga F. BAI1 MarIio i3141 Gin Il a nu ni moi 1

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