tothe TW .IQJS IUGCRAL ADDRESS. eme isosi IW*-%am ai covet- basaet t lh xhmlmg Vewe * -Otile, ?opea. *prtmgfld. Ili.. Jan. 12 -PoAowiug f i e ?ffzt of Goy. Johni R. Taniers inauturai m»mge: 1*Gentlemen of the Fortiolh GenemI %s1- Asby md l'eiow itisens: ln pursaicet 9f~~~~~~ Devathism ceo i 09 addrrxs a fair wrordzî t0 the assembted represecttativca ~ h.pc0~iebafr~ lPtrliBZupon ny 4u- mc gveror 9 tiJs I> .ÀAgoy- or& inaugural ddrabk là cxpecl.i1 10 wsomething «t wikt the pulicy Uî u meb ziram avn il be. àt Vri nfot h owever.ylat I coulai ufos> evoytbresbuld of My' terni. befure c- aiin yseif nmore f ulAy with the ensdi- c tt.affaira e. n e iaborate itte recomniendatiotisiokirg 10 cion. Au Four presdnti ce- jI~cart&. iEL ats concerning Pti. Ilion ofpubie. affairaehoalinicon*.- t nywkewidg. which. i mi judgment, . e- aire Four ieisiallve action. fil wCt be irql rofer fer moto mite f rom is». 0 ae ucli reconitnnendatiolia as nMay proper n liteexigencesaof eaîli tase t May aisAe, and Iniayi' yt iid oçcasllon le >lir.11041ajltsrument 10 avait mi'- hiue onstitutonelpriviiege. 1«I con assure i'oii 1ha1I enter upon the etéetfIbis Inpôrtes>t office with a due 0f gratitude tho1iho peope. whis ut ss- of1he responsllstity 'Il éparble romhigi ofice na .1e M ela*lc u auccesln ad- 00V. JOHiN IL. TANNER. lonistering Ibm affaie.ut Ibli grat -î' tartincesnsdchiaritable jusigment of M.y Alec cilisens, andi In the hearîs- couna- ien 1-n onidentlby calicIt rini lhc snrepresenlalives of tbm peois I kc mi' Yoalb hof fice. reizng tulli- lit ali governui-sflp ofIlîlinois le nu Si %i pu-peri' te a.srAssra.lAs- ne iundi ojos-sI but OlaIbter a t15-netubole ianr.rd- dslargel. At the camne Ulime 1do ILu loue th. feelino a a n>by bt-Ai h vae i1gb eflics. and I muniL oie-- lît'tasl'lIt10 doclare thli ai s% ounever for- Wtim. ansi I hall coreAinl im es-er ignore Ilhume ear anai dear tnlcsude sctlneu. uiirout tbe sIale. tlu cbu04 kîndseti punai aliity A antinoau ecb inilebtsî-ifor y 41s-1nlnetiosa andi chu. n very elusenci' ut the corsîct. have 4l2od phunLmh.uncenîlsi' ut tise 11 1 m I unidi.tunsuccels. cesul My $ a " 1 Md. iaolaibLeMeUyhi' incuthi' liIcuSMenceif A acre ncmiua.e ut -.9bl .1sais foeissieLent ut sAnesfr lise lmeiu srviuu. iteraieusisiltu thue1600d 0. 0I seple. dtsuseservantsI1Inov ansL. i isrgeviniant &à tt i utarutiusslou 69tus>.e1021c. kt cas em.atslesians aLei i dmis>ine dSursi(ts-Ibmguusl t lat 1refflvcm lI a ABra.a mllIchai-ater Whml.pup on extalishesl IL ans ineo rItIl iipelilgfor-ce. il le e.-enIaiAy 'dusv 0h uIowals utpublic ai uiî Ils oamaers.mee . 1 !t 1 houlsi Le; chel apeti» far tronuai ne ~ I l nm-e-lhlec hat the oves-ase 9bo 0hl t Ilscitli Snnimba* t. flUeegvermqt %vil: bu ansibout cl Odlilrd cit aideaapmtiwd n e t h e b.aveage sseeansi vin- Wfho eoi , hlion g Ali um releel- hm sotmdagentsm naise lalarpre seeutlblawe. I Amtt-cianmues- a oilgeec. îîsljutie .r marcel-g- ît. mîenai asA>-ler pliicl sinlies MiaCharacter ut ILs ctisensounr gos-ena- .nt eau neyer iie: ioder ILliptolpar- nemtly f"el, Peine Sth-otkt. ;LÉGIBLATURE FOIN OANIZEO AT 8Pf generai aeaemliy shali pros ie siclrae- tise as niai' lic tad fiai hi'vltion ce tuaI es-cri'percsan ndcorrattosi ehe 1par' a te% Aln propsortion ta Pla lier or ttc peop- erly-sueli valuation lticLeaccertainci hi' nome parson or persons to lic elecci o eppeinted In cuelilamanr agi th. gamEta ~Th.erevenuse lace ut oui dtat. provisieb Ihat icoiet ' fe-C'des=rltion jte t tie casAi iaine.@WlutI* r "-This part orftIbm a lcainemt carrle4l outi cetheasmeeccensofutthe agte plaiip The total asleevment os> ail tscop- ertyuor b t te e(Subj;eetto1? taxation), except Ihat ut0 ail rmsd and othen corporatiose. for the year ISU............... j750.48296a The assomsmenit upon t sumrasi proierty ....9. l,0tIl That upon tiier corpo- ration, ............... It.9,115 mekIna a total upon corpora- tions 0.......... I finitlimat for th. sanie y ar thec caas cLitagda Ixe.sinuon 1h. varione las hoka h> le state. entanat th~e taxpayera, M on,50,1#erlneacrAyitrev per cent. upon i sésdva n. of ai pruperty ef th No.If the proisieon*i1s ut r cuntsti'- tion an>d revenue lAccu ere tain' canrieut ont. Ibis extremeli' ow asscamment csuidà ot e1151. Frunt 1h. bétit utioly 1 ubtain the 5*.i Andip rsonai properlis ot Ibis stete. Ods>ed bhi' lp '5iluicola oi-l1 et le'et 114,10,tttstei the'r-n.rode are Worths uf suiesétale. nula)O:1 a53.~5 "If ail lb. properti' was assessed mtîthcee figuresthe me1 0 alscois oA leIt i lace ut 84.7 ohounr nreaasPntt a Il lasseeut prpety ar scsaaed fusl' il la of legs copequ ee hat th. teu1ai a- sesenient niay bc. But ilis underst trieft ln ounrlarge cltiee,xrIp nate mvai are le~~~ &sees , . ~ ~ tant Thise la n citer viola nsr tta, andi ilseenis ta oetlata6j'lîent ehonisite md 10 OUr iqy à t %vnnid curuiîe ls & u s hoi. im cere tuoperli' eforcdthsr inilem resontfor cumpItLint. In the Ilrat place i conid rrecmm-cmd les>îtilieun g lbthe mfor mMuthétb&-ses,- mnt, . eglns>lng on .hire a" dY «f1Ma" . n place ut tbe lrtda ôut)<ay. Thioni citle Icof usel 2%(M I lishkiAtt. 1houid te- quire the asisnsemnt 0f oAci card As suon ma ide, lte c pubîihed n parsiicet o-le an>d a col of iteer at the pilCe 0tbuA neea or h. tm ofssc. f eb lPr ILme »e...sInluth.le.rd.umclia mactebould give ltii.descriptiýnon tflot a -b eh h nuniber ands treet. cliththe nuniber offert front andi depîli.andsi mso lb. amount of pereonal pru rty. There shoulsite a Luard of revrmw cunasmting ut titre, er- aune. ipolnted isi'tho cosisty indge vie shos;1da have1ful pouer te aise or icwor Individuel iaseessmenle. Publicationoutsas- atamet l niiexpose 10 publie View btb under an>d over assesnte. and the orAft- inal msesmer wuuld tic more pe rticui.r te1 ,ecure nîitrîli' of vaine, s>nis aie.- mjt. lnsth*Uie contry tmmd amalle tif vn illage, se As lu01taheanie imquai- il' ln amsemsmette; ICherare gelierali'saere uiforn. ..If th.esnform assesmetlcovAd lic es- toresi lanour citie ansi cound.thé. mCOUMI ands amIe hard. conîs ea»Jiii'equallseus 5105tet5suetChat each emueti'ansId J; cînisi pai'lil stelpropoCrtion 09cOE5Z Local assessurs have. f ranitear te pUt heeli reducis>g Ibeir ausesment eU I vail Io la nul 20 per cent, ut a ltlr eM valuIne l seeme tuenie Ch5atfer l- mente are made andsiprupriy 9qaal 4 couaiti'andiemat.a boardls-t pnbiic accounts abhoula bé, compe i1 raias.the entire amaeement hi' peremua up te that zmni. Wlb Iis fixedicer aufecement l cudlsib.ems "* x-h maeximumo f Avés for the dW"mt ëb jacta of taxation. il remdiplece o! prolserti An lie ste cunîrnuted inIlsequ a are laxlaesthie durde >u mmlndlimt be basa' a auyune. flout heeWim0arneat capita . .bsp r a A scb lgi elat lal esilM.mad ondue ahlis,yee leds semeur. white. Il la Oflcm true tth b ceaithi' ca coceci a largearle09t9 ceailli front Ihm a aceer ollo.. chose properti' consistaet aa mmlibasei the clly or a toi-éa tu the countri' xle aa ha taxai on Mhien U. urti'.but coe wheebuilar areprlCciay lasLec stock or rinds. iflecs ud tgge cau. 19 ditsedCoil de sa. conceal bis e- erti' andI tbun escape a las-ge parteas juet ahare et taxes. Furtbegior.itl igm erallir heilevesi thalle largechCiie prac=i. have growon p under 'ahicli access are prevesites trot>dong Iber duty n 1 ~,r ansi equai assnmeal rperti'. I"tk a ful Invstielgation sholsi h.madietflthe workisgs of oui- prenant revenu. lac and et thie pras-ticea cbth hi ave Wg cuup unie IL. pmrtlcuiariy as respectheb curreni liiethoda et vluing oroperhi' ln Large cilles. ncan Alitsîige.t on coulai fursisb he Oel ea s tdetermutng chat lxacems»- sery- for ie pruper amendaiment ot oui- stat- oIe un revenue. The preneantceslauce siîouisilate.hoisiofuthIis suhjeet ih a strong Aansia rîi puel Il until the evlis uf nec presentsmstetmof asasinaproperli' have been correctefi. 1'se cannot cîpect tu haveounr stele andi nationalInitstitutions ce- epectesi andi cherlnebes ti'unr ciiseas no long as Ihose wdb are utA' musiciately wccli otf are cumîuelied te pmi' a disproportiunae eliere ot the expenassufthletaCte gaverai- OumFue mit-tia ~Tmamnagement cf Our a malter ut great lIportance, and tise particuier îhase of thé subject whigb loch nssw campels the greatcst otteetion 9f th. psublie sreference la-thec amerrmanner ot ampiosing state prieunere. T s Ic ou.ea tnhîi-Ici 0of tbe &at* cuntala, An round numlpcra. 2.10c vcs t ocas lchg lamesi that uneribmost cnaetas teni our prson>latbor wme permlted t.acoaue lnt dstriuctive thairtethlce illi the trou iliorout unr atm te. hT li giltica oft Ihe question rmoult l n lb. afloption la 1l11 Cf b folutnsamenient ho thAe cou- 6tiîtlýon: .' Hereafttar abli liLe unacitulfor thé ccmmintionerg ct ani' penîtentiait' o0ter retormatoryI' nsitutien n Ibm 51. et liài noi t e t Adhi'centr9et tea M e o pereuns or raloCho ihitamn conviet canfnd cit am SaIsi stlutim. Iî smed tlobe aniieces ahé _. lias 's tne lem 0 chaI à Ibe 1se.s or neset toug litsmouïao ne svc-n -te tIse qusssîln et hur the rOnlptIjOnor izlsobebrniai' lotti ansimnade ae Little Injaricus ai Posibilu gi bonet smrkers An the varions callioguliaI niai' Le affecte byi' I. '*reat chenires have oecm madleAlb.h let tour yer lun lb.conitiUoniansmni- agement t or priaonabes pecte menu- tmctM i awiîb the datae of twd 1> un net f ol~r. A fulli naientem ý ilPansd slnd' ut the. ctdteeviP s uet befoe ai' eillteIshescceelieforium- letm. Tlm pepie-t hOchat itavel taaI, been taxed ileomi' Ibema co. purehacins exponaivc arusilieri' an- lttg o»elali- furate tactories n the pCisem t Jolietansi il coulsi bc unteir lua1h.Peel, chu hems raidibisexpese. lIosacrifice &m i isi out- Vy eoresuethInýjadequate t101mb. Ils placea han ea prov deai.1 IAMpàinormai tbl n nome alatea Ibm ichor uf vonvîcle la largli' devotbd tu the nmanufactusre ut suplies for ther »ttenatulLOPOe. Illi- noise bas nonierounaPublie Aalllutios>,. wcilconsume large quantitIo C au ns plies, for lilch theIbes.pays cash. i Our convicts con tbe chou or in ri cm- ployaiilanmanufacturing supplie@ fOr statu coem tho Ie competition Ibmn creales cuscen10bc more IgAItnwte andi icea diamli-ons than that chienexita eunderounr pronfent sYàts- "'iould I% serai senbly it' dpl t MY BUnggsc,0tiomt ai bonitc laprovls04aifta unr commun schoc[* ai public expense il might b teunsi practîcabielu taenipîcia largembier ou unr convia i atIbmemnu- fatr tsebuol books. In'1t mmmolnet cpractiablte n mite my 0mell or violent change f rom lb. sys- tmi mccn VOg-ue.etamhilmhd ansi in- tenche sasIlAteixby au mmml an mîjendi t IsAs geý cma tcc oroughli'.wci a view lu referma. ,"Wltheut attenipllng t0 diclale a course cfaction te tibs body'i bac: ta assure yos that the-oUMMvWho s'halilechaeman tu ad- MIniU"talb5 gi-Mt trasts @allibch.In bearLi iaIAulily ith eveni' reasonabie ef- fort It e, le put forthtlu reniove. as ter sa fi «Me iedonc,.&Hlu@ useocre. Oi Plaint egI"atconvict labor. The xnlsons ansi aUm U e1thIbs stghe muettLectena pliea here cupidits- shail liave a vulce-ai maneet. ans In &ILlegisationu Wiselyi' ret le lbmse ansi$ pi-omine Yun bmcor- disi ccogseeatimn out1he executîve. ITbf Pardcuas g Per. -Iconcstitution Arvides that'Ibm gui-- eraur s"Ial have power lu grant reprievesi. comnmuations ansi pardons atter convi- tion tor mlU offenses. sebjeett lu scb regu latom a 9L e proided hi'lac reamîlie c rem ofcutapptyingtiierefon.' Th,- pIrLceimg pucer thon uiges In (lie gue- arcur-ita n. ciUch n Ic Cveci' nature lu% tueh ab..Alil govennons. 1iam hea5 ava simd thal cuver mureor femi7asy ansi cithoul due regard te' lbm mitIs 0f Ihe Cases passeedUpoî. 1-"s!me.beons Mure ten the fenil t Ibm y aieaLls nd fieIdual, ts a wt a11la ld'h te Lbesofic the s> emgar- tabuf a. ce a mri' itlle considenaîîon 'f' Ni-b iea-y 0cevlet Whvn isone ori ma- ~~ndimgOr Influence auo'ser C k~ me ppication foc a passon. e"itie papers acconipan ing ces ralli' vlumînoue. I ii ce.7 amning &mil*is pa- !a a guvernor couid.A1 ore "0teeoutil et de m lles. ilae Îfor"cant . Mia, a etuari i" l vetiga- lem « ééé mmlfhormlmm l., vernos. chae essa ar amnIurgent asdPison- uIc. ~ h i M>es.mesntimpositg. Buts a @tug hWlsg et inuence lu lhe. gv- eerwtg h hi'0,o iaissa mtecrIterion foc j.auiacMAYe frteva rne h MeOIS et a pardon case. te- came a0 CM leie ay rese ts>nha -PMovelMIRl, c resist convielionin &agae vie,, lIe »Min wm lrusmcc ius ~~~ba itemdule anea puai- ta» L emi accs pemaWs tinsai.the lb. olLerhesi.t CtaUlmAa man bas receiymd seatemes- of Psa8bettuAn Wto cf thse tct liat hb .3Ld a Miei lggftrdu O tan d by hlm Ifa lise day ef trial la milan a ciccuniahance eted'persamsive ut bis golit. Ansi yet ise. wica, Iougi active. cere unahl.e lu semte Incqitiai ufthlb.accocedi n n lu- id" isvOBSllglie, Ofîca cuccoed n seesir- Ulé îlereorm clemnenci' afler golit sas ba.legalli'est&bUtees. "The pardoelmg power la IlseAt an an- cmy a cevivai from, thec dm"ys wceun e mcm coulib. laectLlilbbeted f or stenl!ng lbé, Vanitleet ton ahilns.At Ibis Lime. vianthie hsimselles have fouonsi aîocs.sion n a W ai'mc.enient criminel code ansi a more esiigiîened îprocedure, ch an l Pris cempti,.. mie nduimai in famur ocInnou cene.. *bse.seer puhisbmenlm have Aeen ab*Lishesilu &IL excepî Ibm mont hetus cria, cbcn tb. Iecbnlsemli i'gliti' gaeraI- iy esca:e. md cien Ibhlabli ulty are cmii'con icesi attera ldng mmd h atadtinII, il »semins oicel and mntsîarbitrasi' ibal unte M"i siuili c endoces itih pawer. Ibrecel aocaprise AIflic chooces t> si- digt, hotaovertur aii lbe reenits ofaàlonsg »0s elvmscve adJudIcation. -I do amc: s>the. personing Pocec sisuuls! Le entirehi' abelîshesi. eveu f lbe conatiltt- iouai cprovision I have quolesi couis ps.r-- mt Lanoola earta(nyLe bc .gtleîd. mai I tink Si la xcunWmtmit for tIbmtleqaI- Lure ta mterlal, reguiAme il hi' atustm. TM ure tce Ifmt* indulgesi ot gcî ta rJ'rcses lai Ibm guveriori O ce sîpan Ibedr merilc. un gpPiicetion toc pardon, a- j= tercwh",hionstitutlng bloseitfonula . et clenienci' but a higli court of chiait Jcbassue»cta10revera.e jîdg- mel Itbeul lic turmmliîjs ut a triai or «n bealeaorer -adimg a Word ofeideliqe, ccc- 'z W th Ie groal sec»Ssiy ut eom acation ta curians e = thmies1515eztraordimary power vslcI. aree A he dschen lb.eîuutvmca i pardon have beau mta crý et sistcr $alecue 1iLa; moveanr and aI ite pruper ltma prepare a caretul and esilci t amenmnt ofchaI imit- laieappropriations atmlm lqsird ton tbm varions fansitssiois under thsir charge. Il As tesuleveuf Aabatthe adoption of i let Aysten or suioselli n imiar te t ilii pi- duce 4mure voisomIcai ansd eflicienttmn- agesnoin at Iim laI aocitu force. National lCopremaci. ..ur peuiple anc isessei cilh à duel cti- saschis ana ousble allegiance. but thell artm tntl. au eome enîspose. hostile ansi mcdl- lilbie mretions, *ibas am-e armonicas ansi cas logether focounr moud. W.eare ctî- meaouti Ilnuis. but ln becoiltnAt-a.b Wc alto Lecone is îîent of a patent asnd soven- eign republiclctse greateel and treest Ihat ifon' bas knscii. Oui- state Lears a neer relatitu 1uni. andi touches oun [ives nt evcrs- point, tintounr commun countr' nu legs appeale luacrpatriut;i.m.ounr prisin andi oui-truc love uf national glurs-. -There are certain greal subjecta. hiIh- cr10 constitutig niattera of partisan cous- InoversyIn' in Ilecoun.t.Iat 054151cnu, lts lim remrdesi as =ele. For Instance, lb, noe at-regiseed conviction of unr seupleîs cofnernt the powera andiduliea ut oui-ne- ..en l as tate guvernnoenls snd befin recîprocai relations. lu eac ciller unghli nus again le sirseuiIliiqusioln. ansi I hope even partisan gds'cnlaessili iever egain Leepecleul tramnitatîion of tIs one valsai dbut cou, bapllys- smIles! question. Ititetilgelit fri-nde etounr Institutions counis not. If thai' culsi. tenîr mcmi' beefiont- dations clilcliatten tong conitention. cent' laid l a peopIees anglaisb ansi cenienles ini thefirtlousi. To the îrlOdili thbalun national govsrrmnl e o .".ln ni sfu- prenne lnaith national affiaandln Ibmhene- cution ut national tees ae. aapeople. m"- muas thrlce cormulted hi' Inters-st. hi' bal- joiseandA hi'hlîsosi. lus.are Irrunuout uur etate and coulai bo quick lu relient an In- trrigessint tiuput s Ite t îglt. On the otusir bansi. ce love oui- commun soui- les-. whicls reîrreselts hat suî-erelgnls- anai dignits- cbich alune gîme un elAce ansi prse amuag the nations of the dorIs!. Jis sphcrbre u>sr nation As an diehtncliy andt cumpAeteli' covereitti as Rneeia or Gfer- tii hosuZbh th.osii msy adI lors of ffhinor u(icnan despoîlse. ils isocers aas-e iîlecliy ielned, buI nuo slalle *talci auîborît ins spetit those pues-c. on ens- incli ut Anseen"Il, ansiwhite the mon- sîmentalAbre f ut us-great natunaliste andmrks of Amaencean llori'. appealing la ur ascmtonal spirit. ta cOsc pua trium andounr prîde: a-hite Anderson- ville ansi Liby are nul quit. furgutan ard Aispomeltox ls stiA rapturouels- ce- meniharesi nu puted ansi husUing rolire- sentelime cf Ibme lauglilens-si eremi' cu slaîc cvemigiti' can @ver agin orier l,;aeAa Blemnite 'heaji off aisgrec. di thse appcovmi of the Anie,-fas> peuple. Coeu-te et Justice. .*Ageln.luur coults 'URluee. tata ansi latlOala. fi-cm their tirst esîmbliîls- Ç&n e-sslandi Cajoses lb.e rncere r1-hfeit Otunr Aeolse. Te o anlns desîrci' Ibis resu t %auosensiagec uri-nq3tu-, tiens. Cor.tsa rene fn llible. maid oulil nLe he ocume lb., ci-e cosepueed of taill- bis men. Iportsiialely Ati al% mrare uccasios thatthIes- are thouglit luonmble reisâtmes. To Mereli' sita.gceecti lbhe i-gai conclusions reachesi hi'courts tc a ver' diferent tiing front limpeacblng hiir srsu'ls cYlam ducs> hlal-ttgcilie fore -b eablng ho place th.e1.mâ oato chpre their secisions Mai' te die- ýlstai hiy' tie nclamerorfutlbe mulitude. kFnci an effort la hayoniaithbmlimite ur legit- [tistle ansidatacnt Aoiltîa. ODur courts are. n2 ahi. as ms>y In the curîi. Only onthe ,saresI Occasions bave Ibes- been suspectai ut t-usruphtf us-r.utfpartisan motives. Pub- lu.. oplInIon. thosiglinul boidlng courletsalb. Inteilibe or atve Asgitimate crltllic. eusls ie tue uglistluPoultain rallier Iben lu s.ngrfii'notai Ibemanmd &Illhe more la Ibis urne. Ie-ause courts cotatu, clîhout a totli lias of digeiti'.defensi theuiselvea mqn»t puiitisual asut.Tici'cannot scoop te rutice msalients chu appual tu ignorance assai leek lu Incite Passalon againstel tsciansi iccause thes- calinotlidstent! theroseAmes. clîbui destroylng Ibeir ca unetuine.i 1îsbey abouli lînsiprotection In Ibet aetîied opinion outamli tainansi ahi. mina, cicb "-2380nlong helai them sacrai fs-onilarisan sseenits. ltaielnete et Lac and sire. Illba nue. i lhînk. aInG settiesi. that b Ainericazii peuple ari- Ivii fasn tIhe coni- A teeprotection ut primate pruperli' ansi thse in Imaintenance out Amcandi onder. Sie ts.achinseOuta lass cf poliliclans, Ia'..Iy risn. sem A mpli' that fr-e.epop- doe. as a mats-rr uth.Indirectli' terQ 10 tnnke men equel lnIts- goosi Ings outhIis Clr FîI. "The flitpent ds-maugite ciii net tairAi' ms-et Ilîcce problea. bicausse bis purpoee lu nat ions>ea. lHc tacunnlng iouit aIsouta luaI tIbmoAns> hu. Aur ami'reason. cellule Iii.~ ~ ~ t Iscnnts ui illlng t lu ,ilv avcI esî lias %14cior oppreiseil h'blcu. or Ihal Ibm lac lias unduli famueui bris mure î.s-oeproas icgttor. Th.stisenteat ethIb ufstun Me sportion cf aociley thugabol- c-Imes mn Instrument ho Le plas-es upen hi' esr'coescnceless desiaitgue orbe, 'ma tea10tain Power ansi iuaee.maid Who 103e nu ecrupes asa lutheisianer e! eh- w iq in hen. Prot«acor .tLit. mmd Vmpesh'. Fvyery' man bansaetleai niglit tu hi chaI hios-mn inctuis-acequins. ansiAi.oba tIsà rght thie goversiment muet (u' pro- les-I hiAin IL. The powernI uthelis e a. is-Iesi in mexecutive. ssellAi. ansia leg- telaîls-. sepanîmnent for thteciole purpuse ut i-ntecblme lite liberty madproperti'. Il la It., provinceo the exccnî Ive depamntIob orsthe lac ais made bth ie leuatsre :uisi consîtrued bli- thescourts. Wben lac- ii rnes laye Ils band. upon lilsnelghburse wus Alt a, t e s-sps-ces-s hifonce chen- -s-en andinsu otî aà a, ms-be necessari'te, render PrIs-atmeult atuely sacurs.. 'u en messgogo-I h l 1 r.spanth. tOnm. or Inite mosanî ftradIt e m- bai-b ln cummurce, os- dIsn lise> sel up csansiacturing enîerî.rlees.thues-ouest hava IMe absoune gsnanny Ibal cat h e bs sut.rm hi' ifait u-ana aboli ha securesi te tus-m tY mi the Puces-ofuthelsu gsensiment. Uniesibis la dune ous- gos-s-.ment teaa i.srs-. andi shoisigles Plac.e lu une usaI ciii let i-m lebfin-atunetions demandai tus sIiixu areiy. 1 i ul 011' diial nhi. i ans guvernor IAtusn- purpuse lu t-alle peissbe proupes-hi'auesecure clîhmn l ibm te o tniIbisstale as ans-chieeconthe civillîsecs e mhmula ru te rm snal efforts cun ecure Ibal cnd. ..lunI e shonîsiFlioltus-gel Ibat pi-operli' I.un rremels!alune tii large accumula- lon- peu gousi ltîmeus havebust late, ansi thc mon chu lia»butIlîlie muaIni eps-o- tecteil au is-elas lic chu boachNc ai'. snur. tle aman iso lias nothing n lbe cm>- ut ascunletiuns clii lielîraperti'. for Lîse riglit te chbo luAe 1MobAips-oçerly. The op- "tsuniAs iAring lu bisa equsai Law». wbivh Invite bilm 10 effort ansi ine ire liiic hotbnp,.are ta hlm proîss-- possiblc, a more samreai properti' t eo ni' otbr.for imhor ansi opiortsinIy au lias bee ii sasida eaantecedent ta propenti'an>d crembuca of il. Fleeli andibloosi air. far more preciosi aetanliver and goAsi- "A juiest ae forlb.e i ut f ur Luther- lga pelipie la 014moft tic bigIsest e0jte t govemml.0f laceo ynre Li:bmimrbma aloi laborers utr ure ouabri' bave 1si esliaAe orgalimllo t U Ib- aarm lirhave0cau tsi oeilvro ae« ma îoLwm..amn-nir09 thle counry. iï lisitansiforma vest litcma n etuur iiaf ougb ouIîu b tnsu bu le rec;talte 0fo-orseucer cuniialone t morade lit L lo m mc i aed s precn che. Ieilîci 00mucl l.voT.h soimla InI arI. s-.hCI e.anafsIl. ùbi aoalasimsldngraee mîh.Ilca;« chr »ie- s u"0caeIa ohr h sieus 1 do iitha"ha e epî1 tepu nietnt rthee.In ure t xre:eh aeun Iliehîr mure on rmhas onqni'Me mImrosr terouer th.Ibis- artubs n-b.d ansi suppgnsi i' ml b. f torceta f Ibm etgoueni. ws-adI' Ibinmme meaibord.-bu wegae i> olmu frm aen0fias opesio thr .ratanm n t Ud aierouasettiez mgue cmai' o novesnet. lIew. tIM Ma st miter tas mmmd, e. ai tb.hI.-mded u1eBea~IeU. q eyeslceog Clii- Seali-Ami Atome for tise bilai. EG . CurtIA.F pelwq ofa% Ne teelomvM*ma y lb. Grimai Iegiue. There %vn% Islier e, Pn4~IB certIsli' faltheiioAWlillg eilpk>U. .q* XLth tiencrai As&etuibiyet Wesinedssy. There îles à large crowd oniid winsae CCIIIt. but thai' MW D* sither marvp!ous or remearkable. Thér W014-sic eeautil t hIe moet erdogit 1 publleii mmliihve wlshed. Ti. ski' sA,,ulse h.air cee crisen md PB Bo fer ne the surrounings eare edsth îeXLti <enerai Auetto.lgî auni lied under lh. muet Ojtterle g l Aie. Witb thsae gejtin of Gov..eeic id il. Tanner. DUl tEe lnéiinsing slt.s o were premsent. Nir. Tanner with hIe cee lu Chîcetgo. Il wons eXeetly 12 oc oek c. Licnt.4Uoir. J.epselale. 11111 arue.frotte chair la the K-Ste ehamber end eoUi tlie metistsers to oriler. Er.eri ont en milieunt firot rop of (lie gavetal ad the Uâeutenaol-(Ousermor c<leil ftopW Rte. ltrederick Taylor. rect9r of St. PisU <Vnhrdral. tu Invoke the bsilang of I Dely. The prayerw.. briet. Oece twaelu osi officere mcelesi e tpbliema aet Ts:essiay tîlght cciv formeiallet*4 adoption of a rcsoiution. A eernmS won Ilien msrnmbudlte uwdt. flouse lu forinll i otfy fiL-Ipraq the iagilasturq. (bath lb. .gteW to triîreed weh treneection of A veiumuittee waetsamesoapwtemîW on G;or. Algeisi and notify bhlm t %-Date îvee reiAi ta rile am inuni-at ion hi. uight lînre. l'riniti' et 12 os-bei lgte gi' ltage Hiorichwin salled the Ilcaqe 0 ds r. l'rayer %cas tAien>ofareil Isyfie E A. C. ls~lp-s..f Wsesdforiiah ofth lbanal ionne. toit cou1 va. t pree-sîs s i. Otîi 1 etalisconclus"O Mt 1,oherr oflus-ire c-lssesnt et ancuebu Tii.-,taî r îîigt.t is sre .A-eI ..l t luth o il,i tne s n alîisluiteriad la turp. n fIs-r s> île1 permsanent osSetrs va fsriîally t'y -e. ii resîIlitilois. A del rilt ts-u- 11mr s-s li- Il- p-ker. KI" V. %Çuriiîî. 1.u le ie chir, sud lhise the- Meus:te î.nî IL.e lionne wus redy' thes o u lnîîr îf humnusca andi le « Gouv Altg.-Mlsîuî ltt s wnited nulai' h nlufLi-1-. 1 iii îîl t have. ol. lîrceiz:itioll andi AitWislm issu f '-,rt.rtih. esinotblW 1iîyu;- , nu .s . it1oeand ItAIole Mli liii sîr-kâ osiucivimlt>u lAMark 39 5:5 Uiilige. illinit Up l.iI*ui Le mu!-Une o-iee the- tilt mnLeu-pîsg Iseln a cmîlti of îîretîuu ne> seb isbat PAums tisci i luAn In-.u the lb mniagera mont 4 heiîîg isbAs tsi ship mulny meun eSi eînîs-intin ilor lito, f-r Iloi-r candld*1,,. Au a su itetr of (fi-I. llsre la no m« why i.,t lei issneeaboulifot vcoëme workisîa -.s:îitýeandigelt aig whis-lis jsb.yagfor place ln thce suoriai ra-.,inbei doun.. l tels dit3 enuttai-ill'y efoe ie Cloe wcl li-l, ail tAhe wclibq e tio b uuel ia- blorici in oriaç.mi chaise.osf Ilsemachine rnd1 e th!$. "sets lthe tepayera of ltgo"a a isthie Si-naté. Tlsnrnday. the Maq fois ltssî ansdl Berry îltep.> contact e refs-rnsis ,go-omsnttc-P. The ceeu IM cu t:uc sri.-o andi carrent exp.. nf is h esiss5 -îr iioel: * aîsîus-,lrantissg $131.1))Agoturniah mrme( ceîud cop;ie uithIle <Onernoe Me« lii reessiturn. swo. enthurisasile. auel deyatoii Isuo a.uigtanla et $2 à day, q tesîtirJau itîrs for tbe ball of- lionnsse moiil î-uîulustle mnssn. Biwa Cîîirlse lîiilsîfoîsi-s- ion"bhe .pop n Issuetsnter.-sAeleelasnCaes, aWid osre nfs'rrùdsti lis e tiîtule. 31r-.»4 -i srnilsn ltrosiies-stiiO i1pMi50, î:,l i ie-,i-oueisîurariilfg $];O.o 1 th.. puiy o unenili. neansi esinyci tý G-irsiA. sinili eandsthe osther lis Af risy lirs- Ii-Iîeitai expi ocas oU -u-s.liu. it iland ionnsue tlpen Dow jint i eiucîî li as,lAithe e'sýlQm tg ansd tien aîijiîîrassled l 'ttiyi A lrju iz xs-iofidthe,;fIaIt ts cis Tsn nsy intsorui,îg. wlth QIoe.e p-mnur Nsrllisist in lb. clsafr.8W > li'iîi usfsred R neessAtion 1.xi datse fsoc the .AaçtAooof at n Umtil 5 Ss-nauir. (la motiocofUif,MeCioqt4 rids wîeresupendancd the eou ailoîsed. Thc e Aite thon mjani til wedspesslacrvlng. ,l1il tht009 lîîstuedintel:r afler the remU~ ~ josurnsal the reelUltof'~ gelai sieage, wvhistb 1Tlsuradmi', won rémani. lac woa finilaed thera a lAhe Demiocraeaside of tee nnintportamt reasulntlcon Fe alter whilch tie IAbuse oslist mda ki bt, fa ceaie placsiAnpolà uc State Roese mad.e 1 olp ment$: Afarvi' Vlialg lisîard Meneiq, em poration clivh 8. l><Bper,; Iodes ddepatwenti- Paes s-bief aml.rpoa clrk antu ont electrielan. AudiW-. Cnllongh 'ma4ae eght m H. Entiauke, chief lei; Black, revene clark; IL U warrant 1lak; 0c Clati of thsebakg Jonesenmd Joseph M pointed gl ueeeldMah fades> and Roberts,. 1mnaBait. 20. Sith & CaOMa8, Dectur, tuml1lleg ouda. amgueil M M,6B0 aasa,ST L i L Tise"colilîmavIl e i c qaed hi' lesma.BroWý ctroired hi' dru.-enuIn.3a poeo0j onneatI Ieu1