F I k I.'-- I c- tlsa a e and a oUf te Uâme; ele. iat for me-i ves s,,,MWMaW enougb te thluk that. A béietiful girl, wltb à fortune and talents ad accom. Pllehmeote. doen't tbink tac, cheaply ao herecîf, Mrboy!"' "You're rlght-the deen't," EriceLlew. luoIntrrupte, wltb Intene, quiet bit. J. Jterese. "I uugbt ta know thot, Mlles 1 did not thiok >You lad earned thse lesson, leu. Tbore'e flot one tvomao lu leu thon- salidl worhy ot a man ependlug bisesvbole - heurt on lier!' '*Oh, yen. thore lanKMle ans-era, lilohePono___l poiive] abarply. *'Yeuuand 1 dont know tee CHAPTER 1. h ao h on o elrn oiien>, thoueand womeun betwecn usn d ltn «Realy, hogays cotemlatiely newben a ban>' receollection rites up eudden- o w h aewrhalth etltl "Rell>," e aya cotemlaîve>',ne17'lu ie memer>'. ,Oha, Yen. ta bec oof ma'su boaert dth ate bea lie à* takea a fleeting shrve>' of the land- lîîrer, iexlain; 4"but-er-you su>'yogasman', hogart edo itCae u-on, he aespe, "theplace a let so lad alter &IL. your luttle aiter: rour s:cphrother Sy numnain luw lancen, "le ou--nd 'pylittie Iteaîl>,*" lieare egin.'in a alighatly uames- veter's isterý" djeter Muriel O'Hars, in thse othor." id toue, ,the view le very fine. That "Lialf-eiter, hoie onfoundcd!" Miles re- purpie mountalun ising up beyond the torts, angril>', hie biue eyes gleamiag wlth - lough yonder, wiilî those fir plantations eanily exciteel lre-"as If littîn Muliel CHAPTE Il iI. mes the lower lopes, ail mirrored lu the Wl, kitb and kmn with liant f<;'-cub Syl- "Wby do ynusne lier and yonr @is- dep, colin watee beiow, la really beauti- veter, wlsom 1 amrn oc>'to bave taow tr ugthert" Erie Llevaellyn aiks in a tel And the housi and groundà, the for my father's roungiet son, end the %uPpsý voies; but nee hospeikaho place itaeeinl a fine old plce, uni>' for sie heir, nfter me, of Currughdene, and &tarte back a littho f rom the open wiodow, the threIrish 'D'a'« impressed su piaii>' eer>' stick snd clone about the poor old for somnething ruatdes the-ongh the branch- open t--dirt, disoider and decer!" pl1 oeilc!Icon lravo'tbe 11111e es 0f the ced japoîtica, wblch clqmbs lux- Aud Major Lowellyn ahrugo bis aboid- une nothlng, or next to nothîng" ie saYs, uanl>draondanubv the wlletheveybndw ders with a geture of ingied bopelees- humkil>,'annd the ieful, glittering blu Miledue@ontae a t bve' baud. nete and contempt. ausho t urne aviY (rom ove, arc dim with unsed teur» for an in- .aruhventcd the wîde, lofty windnw, o hose n'uodwork stant. "und abc bue notbing-nothing but no without fue-Iher remark, Llewellyn la wofull>' in %vaut of frosblapaint; cracked lier face for her fortune, pour uitile soul! pick, up the feleti object, whlch la ln' aud crumbiing, lu tact, in dry oid Cge. And she inans good and affectionate as @lie deoil but two sprnys ut lemon verbeua Tbere le notbing in the rouain bich doon le prett>'. 1 sban't hoe able ta du anYtbing lied together, as if the>' (cil from a limant nt speak of fallen fortune@ înd proseut or provîde au>' eheter for the litle one;o- t.1 poverty but one-the jauge, briliunt. flash- It kep me aweke et night woreyng-" hy do I?"' Mile* s ekns hrpl>', an- lut, hoti>' gilog tire, hiapedi reckleesly Ho pauses abrupt!>' for a moment, und iwerlng bie question, "bâei-1e lfèea hlgh wlUscat and amailiOîk loge ta- theu gas', with a haif-laugh, wiiat is wliat i said Jugt nuw liat i kaew ut two gether. tonce tremble endibl>': wornon wortby 1t e l rueted, honore& "Irishebxetravgance!"'Major Iw]y "oynknoîv, 5,diklow, 1u uutaad lu dit h est love of s man& muttere with e c>nicai aiile, "ench R tbiok sonsetimes, long sdko, hefore-before heurt." fin- for a fine moruing lu Septeniher! you laîi me about Editb, Misa Canieron, ."Aid I for nirself," Erie Lievweiiyn In- Su' mucb for taking youe friend et bis Yeu ksow-", terrupts deliberatiely lu bis bardent, cold- word, Poo r oid bieî!" and hoe louâta t The fork draps froin Major Liewelyn'a "estTaice, asne eabolkes the aubea out of the edock, which le neari>' ou the troke band for an blutant, and tho dark fiuah lats pipe. tbst Editb Cunwron wias coid- .t ulune. "Leaves a note for me uit the that rimes througb hie clenr, eunuurot col%- bearteil, mercenary snd îmbillodc. aud 'hote lenat night syben 1 arrivod fron plexicin, ta the very rota ot bis cisp, tiatchea cruell>' and bâeely Jilteil me Berkshire, to 'ho sure andi drive Over te dark chetnut bair, ias ucc-eded b>' s cor- whenii1 laid inyseitandîl y lite et ber Ile-et thlag in the muruiug ta breakfast.' reeîîondlng palior. Hie brows îower, and fret for the cake ut uniotber in'us wealth And lîke a foni 1 did drive over the 'fient 4eep, steru ]liez corne around the lipp uand rank. 1 saut lu know no more ot thlng in the mornlng' witbout nY break- Hildden beneth bis bear>' red-brown mou- 10>n Wivoan's wîtrlah,-o~ snr, o homestf, tant." coucindes Major LewelYn, Pathet- tache. than cuniluel likp taI." al>'. "sud arn nuffering the pangs of "el what ot il?"'lhe naks uitb a turc- "Yen, yen do," Mites says bol>' and ex- slow stars ation in consequence of ni>'e< inle, and furced corelestis ut main- cîledI>', "yo¶t lant lualilieve the tiet of foîl>." xse-lier, sud flot'tbe sorat. If you ever iovsd -Ho pausaes abrupti>'ase ho zpeaks, for "Weil, long ego, befote 1 kuew ev br an d un uadi.udfe!i.lv ho heuetlhe approaching jingle ut knivea, lhlug about that-" M11llsta. a litt'ie bier well"-bis voice sitiks wih erntion; torilkansd china, sud, better estîli, throulgh mure faltoringi>', and sith the nervounsbile@ O'llarolje('ellic itn the innermoat nome opeued door the delicions ouors of langh agin-",i oued to think thutt -heu liber ut hie eniotional. fiery. generou&* but- tragrant coffce and broiing bain and lie grev ta woruînbod lild give my littie beartd, wrong-bcaeodsi ing. "'you svaut frescaly miade toaset becorne appasrent lu the minier ho yen as-an the bîjat gift I band ta beliove wr11 ut ber, and tltluk kindl>' of gentle'man's bungry seulaes. Ho listene ta offer yen." lber, even if-if roi and ashe are uothing wtue srt ofrisb ycuioit t te 'Dîd yon, oid fellow?" Eri egays witb more ta ena b thler iîîow." tnsoIrs oce.a saille, for the pathos in the taitering "h sntîo lr ummn , "Oh. fluer leur, misse, l'il do every- voire disarmes ail bis lride uJd coiduiens. uredi>," Fric 1k-sew-l; n interptoses, vîtis tblng ufte an' proper. ebure," one voico "Weil, if tbiugs ad been differeut, il lite eucb haugbly îostivsceas in bis assertion, mare, ver>' iuîprcssively. "'n' the Imas-bad been difiereut, n-ho kuows? W tiat une rigbt icîeîosed for doubatins ter'Il h liee imseif, sus I cen't usake miglit have been tirotbere, yen and V' the genutinouesa ufi t« ltogither. no mitake!' "I wisb to beaven Il rnight have thoon!" 'Wet'Uven feu," Miles nays cornti>', And tbeu the sec-onîd voriie, iu cleeir. low Mile, reots oilh feserîsh cucrgy' .,* "yen wauît tbîîîk thse lîc' andI tbe kiud- tuhes-refiiocd loiets, Major I.eweii>' would't havo land a cure on my mmnd est of ber, and forgisp e hic.ad yen wouid would fane>', if lice lird Ibelu in ia"su- thon. As iti.iesout eest easy in ni>'-Yeu twuud id og ;, I()k1îî1ow >y0l0 8 Weil. elet>' drawing rooai-an>', ver>' Olenont- grave to Iinkof icnîing lIse pour cbiid Eric-,only tbat rouu 5cr.- taugtîstalu mag- 1>, lu a fre-eh. pleesant toue. witb enough tu Sylveter'% leader Mercrese. He'll break lue the nurst and put the, basent and cruel- thale of Irish accent to moake the lunes lber spirit, pqor litle tbiîîg, that'a whet est construc-tiou n ,e-srytbiîîg che aald sweeoli>' lrsuaîoise: belIl do. She'. e bigla spirit, and s preudad dld, and 1 koun who taîîgbt YOU." "And l ilteîîîe. tuple e esre you give nature, and as ncrend true s beuetfie "Who"sers Eric, inlutiently. ausIl he My message corretîl>' about nlt break- ever boit, pour childi Yeu couidat heip knoove the sîusver ai-end>'. "What a faeling n itla thean, o bon Mile asks for heIn; fond ut bier, Erc" queor tvtlosv roi lare. Miles, for auddanà one, won't Yeo, nowle" "Indeed?" Major Livellyn questions Ilikes sud dialikes! And n-bat an eotun- "Ocb, %hure, uiv-e(ee 00ow, alanna; In the lamne polîtel>' indifferent svay. .., isst in the cause ut Mlise Cameron yen 3ll se>' it ail ellîrale a' complati!" the bave nover seen à>rr littie sister - Yeu are!" lho suecre. "aud what a pîty maie Aret voie suwers. resasuringi>', ln a de- kaow, Mles."- doos not know wbal a squire ot dames rlded stage n bisper. "No. Weil, when yen do ge ber, old aud au able defeuder egainet lbe hresth "Yeu are tosay," purenes tise glrllhfellow," IMile sgays in bis vobement, en utoflauder the bas lu Yuu." voice. ver>' ow anud eareuotly tilI, '*An thunstttiv a>', "you'îî egre. witis 'er "She need't kuow snytbing of the muon as Mlesekgit for me, 'Mime Murie word 'vaeolaid about ber." e-syklnd," Miles surs, tîrusîîuely: "sud au &agi=e me laosay, sitblber love. that lise Ver>' tond ut Mile, in bie quiett. for ably def ondIuz ber againat clender, I hope, You wilt. excuse ber thl, mnorolng, pressed fashion Erie Lleu-eli$ certainl>' could uover do liat ns long ni rour cousin air.'"' And the lier voic. repent@ lîke l, ver>' resdy ta do diuyUling lu the Heurietta Stapleton bus a longue lu ber au echo, oîly îlot quite taithfully, 'Excuse bonuda of reasun ta prove bis friessdsblp head!" à.r thi.n meeniu', if yeh pisse, aie," *'«As for Milles, tise brotherl>' frleudahip wbicish jrLe-ly luh iîswt eh. bu. brenkUisted in ber own eoom and la iudeed une of the etrongest feelings of vexation. Sem out fra a ui lesson,'" bis existence; but to extend that fouduesa, 1 au't tbink," ho gasr, impatieuti>', euncsudeaiiias Mur-le, ta Mlles' youug *jeter, a a sl-growa, haIt- "what'makea >'ou su furionsi>' prejudlced "hoever niya>'csel"MjrLw educated lttie Irish country> girl, a girl agadis pour Hellie. I alsva>s hougbt lyu thinke. "I neyer Ieard Miles c>' that wbo probabl>' nover knew what il Won berhWsncba a clever, agrecabie, bright-tem-. ho bad aiter or a cousin, or au>' one UnkeWear ber gioves peoperly-tbla would hoe pered litle woran-quilo tIse good taie-> abat, living witIs hlm. I hoPe ta Mare>' lndeed beyond tht exactions ot friendshlp, of voir mothers huouse evor sinre the came à* nunely nover bas been mad enough ta or thse bouda utfmaison. 'toalve wltb un, heu reera ego." lmare->. He nover sure!>', lu bis circum- "Bies a doe crealure! biens ber liver, eâlaces of body, soui sud estate, noerie CHAPTE il.~ litIe liadt heart, and ber c-iat, braîn sud Jasa been insane enough ta mare> moi Two da>'.tave passed miuce bie arriva] ber arttul tonguol" Miles reorts, wftIs plak-faced counte>' girl, camne prety lItho at Currugbdene, and Major Llewell>'u sarcatie baiteriss. "Yeu oucbt taolie iaobod>'! I thougbt saoca«Id 'Miss Mur- unir' notices it as an agrecabli tact liaIt sors'?&lbe ever (,arne lu live ira youe moth- rie.' Wbo on eartb la, bIe. Mure-le, ad as yet Miles basnule thougbt proper ta ere boause, and roîu'il le suce-y rot before wbst i l shotl Miles O'Hara?" inteoduee hlm to bis elter; ibis sister wbo you dis-mark ni>' nords. E.ric!" The next imoment la chauged Inlu the Booms, b>' ail ber brother'sReccounts ut *'Weil!,Weil, nover mind lictîe," Major combhine ot genulune frlendi>' pleaeure as ber, t0 ho îuch a wondeetul andadibl Llewellyn suys, briefir. 'But yon can't Miles O'Hsra imoeit entera the routa young ceoture . Muriel' * abiliti,! u- ' tell me that the lied influence enougb b>' one door. sisilîl s servant-the venita. rlel'a cles-ernesa, bMuriel'a lite, gu over Editb Carneron-Ibe girl 1 los-ed n0 ble "Hannsb," as 'Major Liewellyn sus- are themes for Mile' Celîil-jtui'mO:dean', and lbeugli 1blad son for sur' pects-a coinol>', cdorl- wornan, entera "l'Il show Zou the articles aisc wrote wlfe-ho make bier pla>' tant and louse with 117 the second doue beyond the fireplace, for tbe Rltlssro Chronicle, L.lewol>n" me, ns glshanho donc, and mrrey another re->ing Iluaslbuge Ira>' hcsPed sitIs the i mys, with i voico eerbling- with man for mune>' and a tille." thilaanodclilver ut a buandsorne break- prend ernotion, --s Christmasetorye> a "Marred! le &lie atulall rnareied?" font service. lovel>' thingt ons>' Wordanud tanne.nd Miten OHars akm, sill n sort ut breath- **Eric, old boy, hoî rnee yeu? I noyer poemrne as sd! >ou'l ho deighted witb legs intereat. "I uover kîtes." was go gtad lu ail in>' lift amans e tbem, 1 kno." "Nor do 1 know thal a iveuding ring le rubore!"Lerie liles elyn'e host exclulms, "Ye gode!" gruau, Major Lloeîî>yn, in. actuali>' on bier finger." Jlcwcývll>'n rejoius, graspiit; bie ightbland sitb huila bis uwn. vardi>', "a ichool girls poorns. itea ' in atientl>,'* but it la ailthe Bere au If 'iiosyare rua, ni>'dear old teliow?" hoe naa', aloud, tith aemndnle o u tecaeu.!"it ee ame. SIte in engs;ed lu Lord "Quile Wei,. hili uro; but, Miles, ns>' couragornt, "*a littie bine tuekingl'" Oppingbam, the lime for ber weddlng boy, j'ou dont "ovuer anîd above wel; theri:gwliaiivieilrta hie rdlatnges.gone on , notme-u youe idenens>, teliv-r, 1suppose?" teetodaysje fbroftefenil>'lu ms-I would flot nisr>' ber IfthIere ""r bookédl. rir. l'Il nover aie aisotb- hosîdos Miles., sltbthe exception ut bis sycre nu othpr Wonman on eselhl" orlyeur out.thIe doctlors mey. Ire bren tep-irulber, Sylvester Ollaro, an liII- 'lo tice rntiued.î mua bad se a nîs nul hoeil igbt. and bred, unlleant lad of sixteen, wsho l bas made me a tilt laIe Ibis morning, as louniges In tu the dinner table, and ho- OEWING GUM AND WRtdKLE& cme. ait, iiu ettro" tyuer>'uur havesvrilbla amiixture ut criu;lug der- Vaut Vi sur."once sud Impudent presuapîlon tuwerdn A Habit that rimâtes Its Devoteca EreLIesi-ohmi banscaercel>' expected ta bis step-brotluer'a guest. and wnitb minglesi Prematerely Old. mes on the- Curraghdene breakfast -table defiauce and aunineas tossarde Miles hlm- The aIleest way ta gain thse appoe-- sereral lîleces ut massive plate, e nuperb self.. ancs uf premature olsi ugo la b>'chew- clilver coffee service, and relbi>'cbased --I Wuldu't rougne an esil fooing in tiant lng gum. isla mpsible tisat the gru- eussi- cuvera htutIse bot dishe, ail glit- Young tello',m md if I were y>ou, Mls'tesque andunatue-al exorcice of tbo te-ia; inposingl>' on the fins olsi Irish Erie gays, lu a wtîeing lune, na the7y facial muscles, aucb as le required b>' iscu dauàsek, moth an satin, wbhe a" smoke b>' the open winduw In the all pur- tIse contant cbewlug ut gum, ahould ditted cuuw. pie twîligbt. * I mulon tsap "Hsnneha, duosIs O'Hae-a kuow Ihat *"You men tbet yen lbluk SylIstser will not Od>' .(ow te out u fa'a '1.vakfniat I. rendy*'>" ako Mles, pgusîn, serve me ot-s-heu I con niever rai a but flooner or Jater brlug ou wt'inkleîe. wth biieIband oin the back of ie chair. word. or etrike a bluw lu deten»e-by aud "Thse 0e-t Indications."Basysaà doctor, Mlenais fugera ber epron string ner,- bY-P' sels Mles, hnskii>. '."I hoieve yon, "are ltie fiue lnes Just below tIseloin- -mair. [ewell>'u;u He s-Ilp.>' ns> pour ltîls i- pes. Thon a deep. ugl>' lino begîns te "I wsas to seur, If Yob Pluse, Masîher ter ont for cvry> atom ut spite bie bas take up permanenut reaildouce about thé Milsaliant Mimas Murrie sint ber love,"- agalnt me. when l'm not bore an>' more corner of lbe moutlà, and neit lu tise the mmays nd Pauses,,and lewellyuaai- ta proect ber," nfeslcatches bimmoit Promptlaglber, *"au* '"Tql ol i fslow; you've get the bui," ce)àk5.Tbppisnpe t cheek t tiseves' *nat &le luk ber b)reakfast la ber owf l Lewellyn lulervîspîs chrerfol>. "Whbor lOertose vîll u00u wrnukle nuder tise' »saus un>'. su' ilit aho's genns0e-r ta shold'î i-oulve tu îroîect ber as long as fomor f Iis ugl>' gum ceovng babil. iss Magrath, ' Derrylosiry, for ber the.orants aàlrptWcoe'î Oh,. ye. I kuwAs to Whbe 'gui. llewlng 'aide dl. music." aIl You have ld me about lun estate ut gent o.' rJ aodforthe litenot, ilin "Oh! lis. O'Uaetî gune for lber music -bealb, but, 4f yen seotld lho more cure- oui se-"tgan os ianprepaed tas>' th., lissnt" -Mlles exc-lluis. "0f course; 1 fui, Mles," Wilb an unea>' glance et the ns a breath peafUme thé, bett chleslula lad forgulien. $lbe lakée a munie leteon decanter ut cognac, "yuo nlgbt lis-e toaeg temaeedl ksgtiru twlce a wseek ver>' enri> lu the day; lu youraelf a granduncie If nul a geandfath...m te'naktdl u lgtys omit hitn. Mtagriîi', ther e-ngagemets." or, Why did'î yen orer think, seebousi', peori S' gerhie, or cbewlung tobacco. àdile," 9s3rs Major lesyclNn proeuet- ut marrylu;, çld bo)-?" 'That bîowever, la anothel' 510,'>. 99. vhou Miles bas heaposi lait;plate wtb 'Wbat vourliahothe use ut thinking se- What I waited toe all attention to le APPALLIJNO CALAMITY THREAT-ý ENS THE INDIAN EMPIE bitlîoun of HoameaSois*ay >'Parlah. ,» in 1877-7%,of Hunuge aihPenti' leces-Ihe Peuples Miese-shie Cou- hltlon-Meaaareé of Relief Ilevie.d Ohâatl>' Record* or the Past. The famine Drevailing in tise nue-lb andi nUrtbs-esern parta ut Indue là, according te thse bost Wtfos'mation as-llable, une ut lise moaI appallilu; calamities wbleh bas @e-r visited tise great peuuula. The dis- te-let affecteS la mauy thousand square mile. In oxteut and the failure outheb ce-cps bas been aimest complets. Thi mlii- loua uf India lis-e f rom band ho moutîî, ad wbeou from mn>' canai even a singe crop (ails the effort la ut once apparent In widespread aufe-m;, WIth 1,2M1,000 Peopo on the s-rge uf starvation lu tIse Deccan alune anS the glooummest prospocte la Ottjer great agicultural provinces, the clvrilleed ssorld mus>' h wcked b>' a re- cuirence of the unspeakable bore-or ot "ech famine, au tbsose ut1709 and 1877- 78. When people 51.5 flot b>' tbe thouaand or the ton tounsand, but by the million. The population of British Indialaes 5w etimuted ai 240,00,000 peupls--twlce as mon>' as the Rtoman empire baS as its perleS ut greatest atrenglb, ?earl>' ait Iheue millions are laborera Iving te-pi basud lu nioutb, and the srgisu ch nue-- Plus as tbe'y produce to support the Brit- lob Irnperisl establishment sud Ibeir own prieste anS hereditar>' rulers. Indiats Pîtiabi. Condition. Ai beat. their condition la utteri>' mi- ereieteou isi nytaiudpoiat an Ameican c aui occupy lu loukng eI lhem. Tbeae atrenute peuple living lu the bulbeS uftan- ons,,@Peak a toumnage whicb lu some out .1 --a.5., - *A MORDES 0F STARVINII PEOPLIE SWAIIM TRE EOADs IN INDIA. Ils dialecîs i. nosusrikingl>' like Ounronin ge and the barcees fields come dust tIsaI Ibere can ho nu doubt uftIhoîr bloosi clonsis laden sath the seéeiofu deaîh la re-ltionthlp ta us. Yet the>' sin om luho Mani forme- ansi among hhem Ithalswift- nîlerI>' sithout thue race impulses sebicis est ansi mont dreaded of ail forma ut Seatb force the Euro"en loto ceaselees ertîvil>'. lu Asie -Iolra. 5',hobe villages,,vesk- (liven a thebesi but silb a litho rire or edîs bhuingpr, aseoswehut na->'b>'it. grain -nuugb lu mokea a -sieon the lbun- u hîer, mother antichiluleen sil o hogoher. euh atones ut thse F-hi- ndausitIs.->du nut Tht-ei.nu uneto bue->'thedt-ad.houai-s entre tfortthe futtîce. in lIse Outil> iug villages are fihhîs i ssîl Tht- jungles tii-ar wbiu-b ther make Ibele coclise, andthIe gotnot suives ansi Jack- villages aan- fatilt fiî*r- îuadruîie.s anduilaie froînlIse jungles are enstoldeonod lu rt-t ulocp eddy reltites. Tigie-, iii oaidener the ilu-sutenle t ilun-art-b of lb.. devoîte thein, u-ra sriug tltent louchnitfioad a-tici fainue, tlîutgb it liasnsnet- an extet haI thse uethe front luisecauîse tbeni Jean iniihbe hguuaiugespplies thein alune raitiniotIse ibuusatîdsevcry ' enr, lu suîo-caluuia nuepluinhe cend. TIse uln'll>' miastua utflteî e luandl th jungle nopentheir vitalit>' nutil the>' are BLEACH T4-IElR OATS. BUARVIN0 NATIVEs AT JVfULVI5OaS. nos-en more tban,isalt olive ut benI. Vet 1he1 lis-, If not bappil>'. stul i avilisapa- thetic conteut ttoknown luelIse Caucasien. la the Lest roare, the>' des; their orne- claIeS bodies boe-k end forth from, thein work eemîigl itwhhn u ther unisluthe asoriel than lu figure lu slatistie Illius- t-atm; lbhe greatucan ut the British em- 'ire, te whese fier distant m'aI of power Ibeir sueplus grain la shipped. swhite tIse> ls-re on as the>' havie lwaayslilve-tro hanS te mentit, lu the mont literaI Sonte ut tise word, Woitb uitILe ounonu loîblus;, oxrept a cul-. ranns, wihs ard»' enough lteat lnaa week to keep au American laborer alilse for a Saey, tbeY are stili peaetul, un- ceusplainlng and seemlu;iy contenteS as ion; as tbe>'coneaunsage lu barely 'exînt, Famine Level. Ail Cistre.. Proie yesa tlu Iar tIse>' beel> ezist, Autilthe inonsoon un vhieb the>' depeud 41r raI. tlUsthens. Thon cmes famhin vus pestilmee13lis strain, The stesets. et thç_cile. are MWleS ilb the çe-lesai vomel bong à sg aseloetfoodl for thei ellzarmg ebhU, .Higb-bred gaettiesu a"h kW" o etlb. <hlma Caste, vie Arisa S.Mes I.g t asteamlava vota. "ias My eoehmuy hsth. aIis lela . a«MM paiS ue-ale sa"S oulcata, Pa- Au I10lteinIPeactîce Atîibatesi la Chics,..Grin jiDe-surs, Cousidu-cuille inttrest hbas ben acous-si over thse dusi-vrr' thtito1it» bIta--bru wis-u siutjti haiîve' lie-ohouillein ihe Chicago itai-it.It j, aojiit thi,'lav ufth lIalte ltrac1%esucb aIo ct,luit thé iour quait>ofutthe' lret atit 0t5rip lias liraresitou gru-ut t i tOlt ion tii cerju us mixe-rs, wsebavbor te-ned up tIse oît n-tb sitlihui- el ut Ion our lots.. Th.e tact tiecnso geneurisly kuownu ihIsculit- sue-ance itiepe-cloce nuade a coinhlaint 1u twu or tbrre concerne, audsi culs- the In- narance un certain buildings. Liat-r al the lai-ge o euceruîe landliuîg 005s eins questionod ne tu nisîber Ibe>' sors usiog zuible-u. Mont outlhern deniosifit cm- phalicail>'. The Innotcnt une, in Ihe Irmde are bigIl>' iucenked aI the use of thse lieueosa b>'otheri, an h la laimosit il vll burt tIse repululbon ut Chicagu uaîs. ?eld laaIL ecvLInea.. Tbe quesîlun of a ctutur>' ebebrahbon ut thse death ut Edasuud Burke la hein& mouted lu Irelansi. tecau e haasesonut fmone>' and bad nthing tu lIve for, Heur>' Mîller (aise sPelieS Mnellei-), wbo wus kormerly a ProsPeroune utcber In Chicago, sIspt bim- self tu t lO-It lens at Ban lt'-aacico sud la nov dyîng. Abîvardt, the nutoriona Anti-Bemitie agittor and meibeofuttisaGerenu reicbstag, who recèutly cm densethebaUnit- ed Staten tu organise a crusade agaiust the Hebrews lu Ibis country>',la saiS in bas-e deertda bis famîl>' lu terman>'. The Pope bas IssueS au order turbîd- dia; priesta flot blongins tu the Roman dlocese tu dwell la Rome under penalty of suspenlsion. Il aise tbreatens measure@a astattlIse resîdent clee-gyu wbo aBeec On tise street, afler thse religions curfew bell Tisa.prBsalof thlb.Rosusi0()IlCoin- panr at Purge&%, Eng., have ben huuend, doung Imasn aage. Catam-etg ot bumanol w ere pouede1ttO îeTba-e% nu1-n th e tiee-ve méOramaiel te omvesend. The Pue-let pevdermag- ad-m ai be ADSWoAmdeslon 1OM-. gaa àsjaua ten *h bu lb. eUai" 14W the tu e haaIl bangth". forgft the vell4lon, wble -a" thuin apathatie and muee, sud lu gr-t erwde theY thront truand the beadquariera if the local governmeuta. deluandlng bread with a Berceneus whlch' mnawlug hunier cen Inspire even la a Illudoo-thî mildest of &il slaves. lDri the famine perlod of 1877-78 the British (Ioverument *peut W$40(,oooO lu attempte at relief, but' lu apite of ail It dld in relief work, there were 1,M6,000 deathe lu a single year ln the single prov- Ince of Madras. itorror of Pestilence. But fnmA le fDot the wort--or per- hope itIt euer lu saY, the mont formida. ble Io the spectalor, fer with Il corne. pestilence. At bis Lest, the HIndoo la really Lait et arved, ead ln a famine year he ln luevltably a viciiez ot'the horrible diseasea ut bis coud ition and elImate. The ground perche» under a sun whlch bake@ il outil it'la duat with no drop of moitura aLyn bers te make even a cooling dew. Thi br6Uksa vsiah. The river@ beconte mûre threads or dry uP altogether. The Pools of water on whicb the village, chief- 1>r> efui tbcetbut in aprolongedl drought the water ln thein evaporates utUIla e t the conslsteney zîf alm. And thia ilme. foui wîth animal and vegetable putrefsetion, the people nout drink as the borrori of thirat are added to thoe of huncer. Up toin the dr7 jun- Goyster gala&t One plot cf celer>', unequartO0 tor, unc.llirofa cuptul of inaYoff dreesng, Ihireet tbipspoonfb til f gar, one uolI, boit teaspoontul 0f do cne-pl;bths uf a toaspoontul et peü une tt)llesponulfuîutlemulI,jlee.1 tise cyrtrcouse to a bull 'Ilàtisair 4t Ilquor, Skiîn weillandi dread. l tiseni sltis the oI, saIt, Peppgrvà nuSd lemon Jute. W-hon <'nId Pet I ce. cliest for et leetst two hont, .nIf ut ý wasb te shitest.a$@Pd . p a t.t j e ryclo ' ', a n d 1 t a knloctl -r>' hibmalil& Pî boisIwl tls slarge lumsp 0f et aa lu tise 1-ue bewt util aee-vug 1ý'bp end out @euars-e, drai the' andi uIx with, the uYst.e-s sud tIse sreechus;. Arrange lutisedIeld- tlîe remaincîer ufthtie d'essifg ova)I- gartlb is n hi Vîte colos'>'louves, IowTeelhread la NumboeeL The otimberofutheospos x tIse flhlibof ut"batiks" syhIel cq wound frorn a pound ut thre* von>' finet spinnin; ear~~g< batuka l lise pomiuS, syhle In tbpt dune-sfflthIere la about two hgK tom sybeh ev;lIs-S1 umade, re-fot-m 10 lu 70 POsand, aila tse apoos os wegd are nugste f&Z accoe-danct, ( COMMISSION SAYS 11E ITIM NOT YLT AIPIL Now Qenerai>'but a Fraction k Two Ceatsl'er Kil. The lrtiton Dni-d Followuinin leanreport, recentl>' ted, b>' lIe Biordl ut Itulîroad nad itouse <unîîsiîîrlInthe Muae the comunicaîîtioîn outhebo sei'rotar mft filais (.range et Ililinis, simled J55. L4917, eiubodying a reoutlun ofthat- adl.ted nt lia t>e-eîr meeting, asklng the buiard ltu redite tihe pis- rate f romtalbrée cents tu ivre ceu. mile: - "The comssionîunlafuthe upiioa in ilo gsua eli Ibis lle ssuild Lhoauries, nîsas is-e-al,-( d sîl iulsîii uutile rallroasi uti-ri'l t -t ll is a s.t eIlule ofthel ' rr-ît lruuk Unis lu I titigtlit-wîable lto stantdsmach a reSu -- Yet the mtnll,'r mutle naSthos whleb "olt sih-l là aliol tlînuensd Ir1 i..., pioill Iiei s - b-in fuir tulet t yilua sltrigulii,. fuir .ixieeç, Wofl 4 iuî'-rî-awetha.- vbt sliurdeneus itlerwl th>ni,- taux,-.iig ih-uv. ut isje a kuuu tctti .-seluuuhase tee.I cîl,-lu is. igîIle amousut o0 st-ter huai ilie l tit 1'>thie' ruie Illinoiîs duiig the liuantelu rs lliu-c,-liii as --n a large île--as la duiii i our jwitis iutIluit te te, elisgesi f'ena t-sl'vi lt t i-ra -t rei. inî ail liis otf the' loib he-e-uoftforni î,rîslets nt iuivi tlt- fnmi huîî i .tdtionâ ts se Iîuîul telu -uc ---t -ii thji-witzasner mm- fis the fysiglil ,it i-a A il i ai-,la u t , a-. s eltu nb>' sîti~ ~ ~ i.. ci - ar a fti-cilr,aubs of 111 thîl th.-i-np~î~~ita i.. t.I-,ilu Miés-I Jar h.9. Dot li -i oa (sicrlt-reet 10tu îuîu.l-n -lu, itrt I~, lid i oth",k ~i.lli - t-i iii i,,- uil - lhî-sîb the ri- Clii,-ii4 ultu , f:,.il.,- luis.thle rouilée- lî'îîai -uht .. i t, Iu ti i ie. If thé 'T.-aluu.'- îu'.,ibl-eshowtb for lii,- 1--lt Itr i i-caitle ttifi4 ott,îu-î l i iiîir o lr,- i afAýý - o-tii -ie, ij. tout v mxial. fi-i-I thi ttua c,-liontuî hîîîlho nsado.< ililut ~ ~ t tiith o. ue Ieu lurs t..i t l 1th 4iiuolhnt for lis ta i--. I-uu-ue.L- l.îtsle holastise PVhi- cý ii-gitiai,- Ii,.iîtslm rate wl -1 1- l-îlt -1 fI î, ise iee- csers-be, and NV. 8ANTI étLý - H u 'ri t . 1 <a I i A Ne . t il --l YJRItileand GoeoXeidq,, are I lu m-k.litssix weeks lbey 'Q taken folir o el iera, andi as the sMio teesuîrtiî niiot $1.000,thie huath intet Ilu-e'ulamaess ansung "thoS-rtAV- <iresl'Illetii,, gicle"Tise butâers Wm o lilung Ihlin' I onlot auc.(eusu igm llit'iligîluic <rîiseo tifle@oallu;lgoeua.tg llti-lunandutbeirreturn pootesItl lbus. TItiy bailenolugb moue>' taplie, choase a s-tsk'bouat anS lit lie I"emiieli-t'hl e>' îîîo uyaula ansi the rniila tibrd Mau tu rop lit, Oe(l' o'Jflt-utse would nleer Neldtee- sotulsidu<îtise guuning,g ' Ilie îuc,,t tii> il liulil hiivice VeunV_ý hJltte-hy tIllias les- n suiall>' rougi, 1on the'u-iostnfo imIltie waves bave elis( hutouhmitol lli Noce-theleus tIse mmS buavu- guliê l<' In il> 0er dulansd en neiîîly s' 'e-y occuasion Ithe m'aeoter ulS sliit 11i lthtiti' it all 1fIn tise trqe-g ut ll tueilanthe liii anînal ou theoUo eu th Itit w-ts J11 011lîe tutu ld-ier oneenov off V414011111t Bit>', 0ud tlyiii>nteisd anluIII Ils thui l-itlly for itiher twu fisuil. Sl thlu tlt>'don s sWeilu let Untie»gg tîte> hae due-iiig tIse lasV six w lb-cre avili lie nux)eesîllytop tue- miakling a tnp tuIBehinglu;se& next 80è mon. Mîtu> a sîlouer bas slpent 'Il t 1 lu Ilue Archle aud neyer took aus lulit boere Iwo tison0gouit In au ~l IK*et sud meute tou- ut tIse ,l tue-e In lese hian six w£eks-sd f liotilîlu; utthe' feat.-fSan Pn 1~~~~