CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Jan 1897, p. 8

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Lstyour propeuly with me mtid 1I v iiind yon a ouutoer nt ressonable rates. Among numerou hoice bar. gains, 1 have the foHowing: Otrm P,@piaty. For sa* so0 c reliaproyed form on baniri ot GageA Lake. Fries1se per acrepat euh. balance log tIlint loy Tale of internt. un0 acres Improyed fsrm adjacent te Third Lake. Libersi terme. le acmeson Mlwrakeo rosi. bouselarge barils. gond ftOeàai 2 go0d Wells good ci- teri.la1 acres limber. Priee Ou per acre, prt sash. balance on ime t 6 Per cent. 110 aes, hait val beween Tarreitoil Greve and Orayalake four mlles mrlu of Uibertyvllle. Well Improvsd under gond gtate et cultivatioi, nviole land. gond stock or dairy faim, neyer falins apriiig aud fobviai erearn. Trmaerai. Improved Fere. dhooer Bsrgn. imi serra adacent to a Wle. Central R. R. Station. ai most runionableirtermas. Four farine lu Veron Towuehlit. Several sholoet' ariý n uAvon Trealîip near rsyslake. L«brtyvlIle City PrOPO.y Bait moielot wiv ll elhtroonl modern bouse gO»d val. oiton.adnhfuit lreesobap fer soai. or o ieon" tb omsi. For sie. Dow building mm t4foo. eae tor mai. <Jboio lmoex1 f801 ai fraois Sm0te 18m oBole The Ddrby property-lamg bouse. lot sud birn on Division et for Paie or vent. Also Life Insurance and Subocrlptlonl News Agent Publishers LOWEST PRICES, on ail Periodicals, If you want to Buy or Rent Lake or seil Courky REAL ESI'E, Be Sure to Cali on, H. C. Paddock, Liber tyville, Ilios For the nit two (duil) monthe we are wiling to hedge a littie on uricea. GOOD WOOL SUITS TO ORDER $15. 10 PANTS o 1 ,$3.50 Sanborri & Co., LibertyvilJe am ,Pu m aI% am a 8 go il.v GoueBU 10 Lae illal3 1124 de81909 10 eLid le Il85 40 a 1 4 0 eVfa 50 4 l ia 8 UN 21 8 in. 1202arn.90m .. a -.4- 30 it. (,1 140 1es 1140 48go1 4 1 Around the County. COmIEPONDICIS Wàx=rs: We are dotons of ecring ceepondents in every iown lnu thé county. Il your vicinty la not repraaented write fur terme, or ask orne frend 10 do Bo. JitaT A WOODUAEq. ROCKtEFELLER SOCIETI ES. CONGREG~AT14JNAL Church unday arr- vines 10:0a. iM. and :10 P. M. Frer meeting Wednewday evenings. Y. P. 8. C. E. meet Sunda, eveninga a1 :45.Junior C.&B ati 3couâtk. D'IAON Camp No .114. W. A:inpet iontb. D. 0 irmI. V C. I0. 0. . No. a». meet seeond and fourtb ThIIrad&aisoteacb monlh. . à. Biuanîc. eci. I0. 0. T. met TbuMaay evoin«gaof eaeb voek. LàuzA DooLnix'LE C. T. jO lu . BX Pont G. A. B. met J. A. MA&oN. Comdr. 0 E Cnuncaun.x..Adjt. ...l...n.....t. :a. .. 91p n Mai geni ert ..............:o10M n __.,,mMLG NTS F RNIS ERA Mail ove o ad hy *tait,, o rrivm'e t 10 e. M. departi alia. ut. Illinois. i i I v i ROC KEFELLER. Born-To Mi. aud lira. Chai. Liens- [oitf, Jan. là, a son. Frankt Xnigge abipped a ear-load, of of aheep troni bers lait lionday. lim J. Bouse, vbo bai bean on lbe sîkk liaI la reportedlumach Improved. Mir. John Cronbhite returuod tron hia New York visit iai veek Tneaday. - Mis. Henry Cooper la ai prenant vis- iting ber parents, wbo reside noar Long Grove. iasMary Joaneit, ot Grayelabo, speni Ssinîday snd Nunday with Nis Pannie Cooper. Several of0111 youug people attend- id the Manquerade Batl at Hait Day Friday evening. Quite a uihr fiontboe altended the fanerai cf Albert Brlggi t atWau- conds lait Snnday. Geo. Hardon Jr. returned to Valpar- aiso Mouday, atter spending a short vacation witb relatives bore. WUii Eigge la atil sjding a nov lino of furnii'lre to bis large stock. We are mit 10say lIai ho carrlea the tir-geai sud linonts elected atockt of any turniture stoire lu Lako Côunty. Minute% aeem like bonis uhen lite la ai stabe. Croup givea no lime t0»sud for a doctor. delsy might men datb. One Minute Cougu Cure givem instat rellef sud Inanrea iecovery. The only hsrmleas emedy Ibat produces Imme- diate reaultit, Sold by P. B. Lovxit. Libertyville and G. C. IlungySBI, WaU- couds. LEITHTON. Miss Moltie LiII %vas luChicago lait Mouday. The bell officiais venu here luit Monday. Miss Ida rmuckman le viaiting trIendt Dealnesand Palatine. Puy day oun111e bell rad Iaut Satur- day gladdeneth 1e hearts ai mauy. lira.Glhu. ButterOalla ie otertale- lng hon alater, Mrs. Lina Bris4tol. of Waubogan. The children of P.F. E.Ginasoe Who vere alilicteti vitb 1the meoclos are im- provlng rapily. A number of Woadinen front home aiteuded 1the fouerai ou Tli. Bîlggsaiu Waucouda lait tnday. Mr. L. J. Dockeiy, operator ait1111e point. visited. Ils lrotbem ai Barrîngton lent NSluiday, who la agent ah i taI place. Mr. Franîk Iaviaon rqturned la Valpanalso, Ind., lest Tueaday ta resume bis stidirs aI the Normal Sicheel. Mr. Frank Daviaon, vito las been atteuding the Normal sehieul Bt Valpatso, lnd., reiurned home luti Natuiday torsa tev days. BoothIngtor bumae, scalde, cbspped bandeand lips. llealiug for culs and sonea. Imitent relieortoiples, stop@ pain at once Thde are thé virtîni otMDeWittls Wltc11 Ratel Salye. ibid by F. B. LovzLLý, Libertyvlle and G. C. RBERlTe, Wauconda. -FOX LAKE. Engoue Gallger vinlted Grayalake ou busiuess recentiy. 1 Mu. A. Eeîwlu visîtet McHUfay on ibusiness laid Nainrday. FranR.b Hra, ef Anhlnob, viaiteil Foi Labo on busliîens Saturday. Misses Belle and AAds Caine visîteil iheir sonntai Gagelabo Satarday. Olivr Hock bai raeibbis fitheras feai 10 Mr. Speiord, of Wisconsin. Te Fet Lako cemeteîy aociety met vitih Mrs. White lent Fiidsy wyul a good aitendance. Te "oaileighbore of the Cedsr Lske Camp taWloiltitir oficoera on Tueeday, Jan. 12. Geore Aniau «bai renteil Nia. Gardonlero's faim f or lte oming jeu, iring lHenry Minoen 10 vdfk foir hLmin. LONG LAKE. PRAIRIE VIEW. Mr. T. E. Grahamn. o Chicago, vfsît-Mmort Rodgkina la huay banlîug to ed bis parenteberie lait Nnnday. gravel. Mri. Martin Stranton, of Foi Labo, George Smith was a Chicago viiter'3 cafled onfinonda bore ist lionday. lant veek. The pigeon shoot t Jay Graham'@ H. lim111 vas iu Libertyville thes next Nnuday promiass1teho a very lu- irat of the week. Ieretiug event. M. W. P. Dickinson vuseta bis farm h Matîn Stranton, gr. enteîtaluod a the tirai of the veek. nuîmber 01 hie gentlemen frionda et a Mason Colby vent te Chicgo onil card party hîînday evening. business thetiral of the week. G Sverai of our Young ladies bave Nien Maie Colby bai goeme 1t startod epenationa lu a nev une of bus- Indiana tevisit vithbRer ister. Joe. it conatat% et a nov luduitri un MnaEelrbs ensrîu bakeiy buainess and lIeir prlncipâ il fer aume lm aî,but la raldly specialir In making dougînuts. ltfrocviînov.m ubt nrpdye Tein àMitchellwvIleercoasug 1the lakeiovCbrley Bn vo oiaOO i F tront iRe Larbin fatanune evoning lut Cparlebas ben sickforth mBiel woek, bad the misforuno tu breakPetbseeKikwt molsa tbroug lte ire; but by hie boioic rapîdi! recovering. t efforts mved hinmelf troin drovniug. Jobn Hanti vas bonne on a viei;the Cd The ete.rtamentet te Cavin tirset flte veek. John je attendlng Titi, boettietaei gw s aool In Valparaiao. at veil atnded and van rend ejoyed The Ibrec donghtara tif Geo. v by al. Tooncbredtit cou nul be(0 ridloy'a, May, Haitie and llie apent givoen Iboai.klnlg pias llîtey actodfilaturduy sud Suuday ai homo. i theln parts admiabiy. NveraI o1 Our Yonng people ttended A weed lu the gardon cou lie eaily tlt Masquorado bal at Bali Day lait detroyeti vbon il iret atarte. (COn- Fiday. Ail report a Sundd lme. sumption eau ho nipped iri tie bîîd hy If onybody vishea lobe remlnded of a (lue Minute Cough Cure. Sld by . B. the Worida Fair tbey ought 10o gel LoyatLe Liberlyvilîr and G. C. RtOBETSitmBrt t laiy 'lidway" toi thon. Wantonda. Lait veek "Tekko" a valuable ratr terrier belhngiug tu Hauy Fields vasb Go010e1the INintrENDE.NT foi arlistic tabou aîck andl dlod. Au Tekbo vai job printiug. woîl iialned aud ase very affectionateL ______Hany feela the loi s aa îbngb il vas ac Furs.dear. friend. Fura.We people dovu bere In Prairie The Hlgiiest Cah Puce paid foi a, viev do net lîbe tu comment on auy kiîids of Bav Fuis by CHASt. STEIIPEL, of Oui isior toona but ai thesaime Long Grovo, 111. limje wvo vold suggeit ltaI tomeI upporiig*aLiterary Society et lbail ougiti 10 Iet people look l In 1thee Windows. TheTim iTheee! frmerlutilaviciuily are1 10 be aomevbat ef B scare about Wheun v-ry fermer tau enough snov upon vhicb tu haul the Wood. Nov the lmaaesuan ya Own Comortale goiug te ADoW foui urnes lii1 Own Comortale lrnury, andaurelhe oughttlo bnow. Horne. Ndýnebody las apreading the tory thathe Dlamond Lobe Literary Soietyi lt.-amy.-uotigli toc! wil11vesult »annetlnCfe nir1 Pay for it by Vour Labor. beti4yeents. TbMiiià mistabo on How will yen dofit? the prt ofnme deignug poison sudi abould corrected ai once. Listen to this Story! PeteWtt,, ttnlîîy arr lmaIng farine paynug GAG ES LAKE. mot-~met titan ùîi,' n ai On n .' nre r.Sihi ntesc it .Impli po.ur Ilut1- t. c tî ofTre trerm, iel Ma .1 aonies iI If ilel»rly luvett-t. vouit In a eshort tirnfiM ie keGloeviieie ot l'or fror a lon., o tînIr ewu. on Nuuday. ,Sto an Th'nk. Ed. Coob sud John James vlslled lu 'Sto an Thnk. Waneunda lu ataurday. Tht lantl hotd,rg ,T .Akr Contyr art- utru Misselise Brovu la vlitlng lilas Wh" lei th.' lo daytseltrhvrltmrViola EdJe the present veeb. feain.for ati Twa s l .WUt' iretaWhtiî th('y nov mli oc t"iaryelM hies Maie and Nargarol James1 Now ust upîoing vlelted thoir aiter lira. Food et Now Jut Suppsin < urnee Nuuday.1 yuu yen. of,T,'r'a ittnc."te go tmta finu e ac- Miss Mary B atnvatdMe tienot, Wis'ttttnt. Bîtti emIî.î lie.,ohîaîn aE alnvii ia tarin for live otr lIlse u acre. net In a Gîphg Jone ut Labe Forest Saturday wlideruefl. it in a îrosperona country near sud Nnuday lia. uumberi','s gtte.l eiîmd tîvue. good ohard. sud aniool e.wuommmdtion. s t'untre wheq Theîc in 10 be a baket social given1 bLeuttiiig lthe'tiiutmr. Iwhitilnot t .,mde- t, iteïxnighi gebool bos. Thursday1 e=la n. ofne t 111e ,rthemo Land but est .Mm0fIl boI ronwotw d Ou aler %ai.kudld s enng o tIs veek. leeon i î.foithe lad-s country vIcie ~cuc sel u. . rlual. smotIi.odctvoon Suuday evenrg on aenni aifte oel n vItit withte bes@4pesuIntie ut- soil. a geitly roula«igsurfae ,Pelty of purOelemency 0f1te veather. wslle. , etvthoul cent. vînua taxes are MS ah hr a raie «.aeLshome. iaret fer , verrtm.îng Ipro- iaCrl Jar a ialo ducet. ingiug clais 10 mont ai the (huiol Would You Accept it? e dr uay eeng. AUivire are1 Thitiab eut i finnda! A location riglt Iu tite iert etfuuautitul Weeuei mni aimeut The debate tu le given ait1the fou boues ride trots Ciitu a là lande eu.l- iteisry on. nuit Frlday ovening la tau fer ,Rewlyed That Young Ladies %boulot $5. to $10. per acre. net Enter Society undor ixeen2 . o haov Yen i mluitotcemuoh, ent Mm ia. àaiWrghti le visitlng ber Yoei'want le nove Wl ytint yen look daugitier ise.Claene. Bodla nJoliet. urocadMis Boyd baeu been qultte eîloualy ilii Fortune SrniIes Alone but la somevitat lmproved uov. hemsud f ~ Mlsae Jeunne Bensen sud lialtie a h ~a Mr, andoufs'îfom James vlslted la Wankegan on lait mSitavo o.tia u0Wîemd .u. audiy sasteoded the teaetrms >OU aC&n't BelleVe it? meeting 101 bu Inte igh achool 'le1*10*10 5"I And.« ~Tite Mysteiy Social ai the home of Miiu~ mdnrlt BNeler. sud i s(isen l asan on ltait Thriidy ~ expssf.evenîng wvas yoDaiionded snd a - .YouWrit the Letteri gnel 0*te aiblby Il e«MA*omFOR SÂzS-MW@ SemasImprov.* luîd. ~ 2458szm ~ 2plV61Ugp 8ffl ~ , rvoigJohn Laue gav =Or luwb4t- nil% eb hi, 0avin ebol osa G. B. £tomd V48 inChicago ou business ilàM M&xw. 11 T.C. Frnchb retinud horne fro. Wankesha lait week wedne.dy. Ni. snd Nrs. H. 0. »ley visitod relatives Ini Wakegan, lasi Tbursday. T. B. Gray, of DeKsib, la again lu our townliting finondsansd relatives. lira. E. DBdF. of Harvird. LMu been visiting relatives Ini Ibis vieinity th1e paet twui eekas. Chaulea Brown and family enter- talned Company trorn Chicago the lit f lth e k. Lumber dealer B. E. Joues celivered a 661nignrent of gooda 1te WallkegBn parties lait veek. C. N. Brown bas made lprge sbip- menti of cattle and hogs to Chicago the lenitwio week'a. à[a Pearl Smith pent latirday snd Nuudsy ai borne retnrnlng 10 ber achool Monday mroning. Nêveral of the Chriatian Endenvor young people attended thie rnlly ut Libertyvîfllent atturday. . The Chritian Endenvor xixelcty will give an entertainmeut and supper at Orange Hall this Friglny evenhîîg, Jan. 22. The condition of the roaclm alIt voather lait Suntlay redueedthie Btendance W0 ail churcla servieen vt.ry mîîch. To-day, Fritlay, roiîbllcauu hold a catîcua 10 ciect dehegîtesto lu 'tîîty convention Wlie o hltl ut Lîltertyvilli. 10- morrow. LoST-A dea iii 111e chi Ici wlîo oudv horne happy l.y ils ame Ailt. h 111mb, il mlght have bet-,î aîVetiblied the parents oîîIY keî.t luthe Minute Cough Cure.,1the Infalhla, rernedy for Croup. Solti by F. Bl. Lov- ELL, Libertyville and 0. C. Ronmîtis, Wameonde. GILMER. Mr. scbwerman vent tb lionday. Mir. Henry TRies visited him brothé,r Fred ThMs lait veeK. Tlurfiday. Anson Wheeler aud family visilîrd in Libertyville last wekTuîîîrmiday. WiUe Bloon islugettiug losig wt 11 lte messies anveli as enlie expetteti. Mir. sud lMra F. Tiies attended at t uneral et Long Grove Tue'atiy ut last week. lira.Y. lritit andtiontm, aI- tended a funetial ut Fretuttut i enter lent weok Tuesday. 0. Tegmeyer basm etîti tht,ette. Voler place ant i yl l it)vet' , tin the spricg wit.h hie bride. A. (G. RSberan A, Co. set1it t rg.' qnantity of feed ladt week. N.Ali iii need of coal tir teed tiail ou timmîi. lVilbur Morse bas Bone othelietB scoteh cole pups lu Anuerica. H yon need one raillonbimordrophlni a lino. A book agent roni Grand Jonction, Iova, visited ocîr arbool test wuek. lit' vas tablua ordora for su uncycltpeia gotten op aapeciolly for sebouis. It would mabe a valuabie uddîition t., eny sehool lUbrary. Wm. Fuluam, vho lires north ut homs, vasIn u loune day la8t week lu setich of a hired girl. lie smid lipe liait traveled foîr Ivu day. lu seaiel tif mine. Ne vasu nsuecesat i in l its atIelttfi tet Induce auy ut uer ymung bulles t., et- A.surprise parly anspirp,.tritemi t11i Levi and Rallie l'mire b hîyIeir miua.Y friands lun thie vleiulty Wmn..u evenlugoutltnt ecu. llreUl.îiletit. vere served and a got.d 8si-al tîlie wa had. dard iplayi zig was lte 4ît.'riii ment oft lie evc'ning. A torpld livur meatte o bmui lrtîmx ton, lbaitbreatht ilgeehlun tandi re- quent beadaches. To evoid etîcli c.vmmî painions labo DeWitt'a Littlb' Early lim- ern, the fanions 11111e pille. sld Itbiy F.B. LOVELL, LIbertyvîlle andm G. lC. BîTaîtraWancuuda. HALF DAY Mir. W. Wfîigaîn Visîtetî Ciltegi lest Friday. W. Stauclit! bas sertiretia litou- keqi. or front Chicago. lira. F. R. Tripp vicît friends I-it Nunda the paît week. Chilcago vueltore trîtut Ii.r-iSatu irtlOv re lira. S. L. Tripp oit.! ia'sSI1t4 Mauon. Fred Gerbert ui Mitrie Kltiîltrolle voue qulully utarrieddtlu Cica-gtt.- week aoti&et Wt'dnjesdjeY and l or.'wt realdinget hie lttue liere. W.. ttmsî thr muemli jty otnti epmilIess. WIai bai beone ofo! mîr itere-y tw- ipirantsi SttHoeune rernaukedti tttt tliy kIbouigîl1the peopile oif HaIt Day tlitttglil tmore about Ibeir heis thon th,'y milt about ibeir brodaf; but atîreiy 1the liter- >amy aoeiety letelolnng andi iîitriitel- ive and we wlj deriv eriîe'il t rom t i even lu the yeere lu corne. Martin Morse niade o trip ttî Wu eon- da aile day blntweek std trouglît horne tva vory ticre piereoftfiurnilure. (lue mîlth11m as a bureau andi seel etary. Nov if the chaiumau o!r1the meijool board viiiait down and order a sel o! lhoaa encyclopaedisfoîritr smb.,tt vo thinkh1e vili bupultîng is %%rt- lng désir tu good, service. ROLLINS. IValda Edvarda speut lait weck ai Oliver Hoob'l%: Fred Wright was e Wumilegiiui risltor ilait, Wadnesday. misa Annie Willon le Visliug ni-lu, tiestlenmy. Roy Edvarde 1n.0;pioseul aitàltiug 1bis@uncle ai Grayalake. UmaNellie Dmuce, oet limite'sLae, 1la vialting at WWn. Doulitle's. Roy Cibb, et Evausteîî, le viiîtiug irelatives bere sud aet(iroyfake. Abouit one, httodred atteuclot the tdanCesiA. C. urnrysaluslFricny Itigilt. 1 Mimse% troeesud Lulhl Aites, ut taud Labe, apeîît Friduy antlîhoir n,îî rclosl A. C., Drur3t'a. dLloora. ru., 'Rerald:" Rchaurd Von.î sel reportse(One MîinteCoîgb Cuîre'the grietat amîceasiof modomll vionce. le toi& n ihai I eîrüdhie whole tamlly ofLaioribbe ontgia taid ol da ater ail OUM i auslled cures lad fatiod. Mr. Um' iJTOmO yat suie 0fieslies. OoqgIeýav« a sopebt Mea-s Neat A rtistic JOB PRINTINU CALL ON T h e - - I NDEPIN DIENT. OUR PRICES ARE RIGI4T. KEYSTONE CORN HUSKERS AND a FODDER SHREDDER, MAKES Corn Hay Hummer Sulky PIow,rthe Best, AyBoy can handie them. Bradtey Plows. Deere Plows. Fish Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. Staver and Abbott Buggies andSurrieï. Combination and three spring Wagons. Drain Tile, Lime and Cernent. Lumber. Lath and Shingles. G.H.Schanck & Son, LIBERTYVILLE, I LLI NOUS. & 1Last Week SITH'S /-.REMOVAL SALE . Take advantage of the big reduc- tion in prices ail along- the line. Everything wiLI be -slaughtered, Goods MUST be sold. F. C. SMITH & SON, --LIBERrYViLr. THINKIN GOF u«dn ? A IF YOU B u'AE1(NTFIL r ? TiI CA~LL ON iWRIGHT & SON . S For thei r est!nmates. Close figures giv- en and extra f ine lumber. We have a finely assorted stock of 1Iurner on hand à 'n d can supply your wants at any time. ~We carry a fulli une. of builder's hardi. watÀ&. Our stock of nails isthe-best as'- sorted and cheap. Feed iii.UNION HOTEL \% e wilI (1.retl rti g Tte ,tieyi., rburstlayi ..q S rlty.we WHE[CLING -ILLINOIS. h)aVe B large new Coiu l dI. il i tht iii(4 ey ett .. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ' G.ýKC,%CK SN. Haf-way Hou»... Feed Mill Noticel Ctirtitl:.ago . ga lb Lathe The Ivanhoe foed maiii wiIl grind f ed Cycliats Headquai'ý - .~ TIe= ;wýid Si4irdaY 0f eaci Woe *L- 4ajP%.eo pro~:?4;; Ndclo, 11Km4 On PFi ai suie 1

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