CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Jan 1897, p. 7

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THE WAR 0F THE RE. Ow6veiou af nie. Trouble. 0-- lamsarelî.J.fEonr. se ii raton, 11.Ife la a Grand MUand s erved lu Conipony , miiIndiana lnfautry, darnag' le ryeliion.1 5P7ou., <lde,, Mr. Clegg, bastrough the. ordMp of soi-« tlw4hiahvng twiee during Pu n uhosiital frontll iîns yex1o.îre. th. e eds of. relooprirsie lire, tihe taia efesengly dep mrot, ln the etr aumiand dbense of the nu Interview Nu. Clegg madl. Sing tateuleut t Ilx reoer: yer8 aomi dis.lllti.. De- isa aiggraoteil toru,. il mi limbe .«e %- ore alfecîrd, Anîd th - pain of t*i.misuuwon intense,.lFor yfra entier the car uf phytilians. bar- lsiedtn différent du-tur@.. 1used reedy suggesii-d or that I saw ad- but noue oft liet. docture la- il mliie ligiiteât g84d. e le Dow iie5rly tWo Yeur" ago §Ince I 1f and began t0 use Pinîk P illa, and b ad useil up.oléI, ox 1 began to Inslarelief. I.eontinued 1tuaite hem lota tirée.moulU. regitlarly, nccordiîig tu the directions uo Dr. Wiliaotg', andl by lhiti ue mi appetile was good, mi ajuaeh acted eh, a weil-rettilated etom- aaouid. and mny nheuniatimn roubled la more. 1 alwsays kx-c1,Dr. Wiliams' Pille for l'aie i.,îeby me, And aliiyif lndixiposcd talke une or apd m arnil riglit a gain. 1 alwaye adi t1enu Io1 i-u, suffcring lr diaorderK to whaî Ibil sQud Visa- yadie lu follq)wed bnefit lova- Dr. Williant'1111k l'illa rontain. Inaa ;.Olmweam.l forne, pi lIe- elrnent. oeces- 'S7tagire new lîfe anid r hue.. tii tiie -hou lad retbore .aatercd uer.. 'I ht-y tule au unfailiang spe.ihc for suel- dî-sen auL«. wm.or ftxit. partial paralysie, St. Vitp' ai~u- a'iiîtî reuraticia. rheoviîa- li..prrn.hada.-Ue, tUe afler eff.ý-t et B gipp, pljtatonof tUe heari. ple a" saailow coiplexlols Ia, ait on.q f *we-kness, ether lu u iotr fe-maIe. lii Plia are solîl Uy ail deale-r%, or wl"Il Uce @en-. posti!don ri-.ipî t fpri-e. 'À) C.-n a box or six boxes fre $ 59)they are siever sald in til or 1,; tgîI P90) by ad- dremelng Dr. Wîilliams lH"diîi;ne Coma' paPly, k4ceiîîdtai..N.Y.1 Tbe Mount hrF Fotpintie. lai a recent iîtt'r ait Afrivan mi'ssion- £17 y yslie ila rerî~naily the 'irut Whitem, n oin .10 ma-c i l M ttof Foot- printa, wblclî lbe tlîîs ueele~ "At maalw. camne to one. large mount of :/r«»i on the ICI) or the liii!.. Here are jtbsunnde of Impressions onthie grnn- (lie rock. liundreds of iiuman 'fout- *tulu, thonsanda of footprlnts of ont- unà-llono, jachala, wolves and Raute- hg>e.. On the top of the niount the L £wsarmnco lnau a..lacrowd ofanuima &M men ieobd rnahed togethier la frIght. rAt wbatever perlod those otPis .vm ~ e made. It -must hav- e beu before o eter surface ortheb.rock baid bard- tiled. The distance from wbore the toatprlinsbegîI te wbere thay enîr- UBe oathie mount la MO0 yards." ouaa'deditAlat intrudes. ?bere are 0,T42 Incita andl keya ln lbe GOrl"Opera Hotue. Parla. "IlE DREMME8WELL." MIT MER CLOTHES 0F1'EN COVER A LIVING OEATH. Sseuty ls thaeSsmueet M"s .W-obip, sent Woma Vie Wth Esal0-Otie 1 Mals Thamssa.a.AlsUa Tbremsrk, "Siidreos.eiclgantly,- &à &vey ommon -o:: n tiageof ing tha-melvesAet- tractive, for men admirea a mylishly diemsed wôman. Good clothes add ta the charmas of theo womanu luper- fet iiealtii, but are ill-beittlng tiios. Who through Ignor- anca or care- lesuesa hava suffered the inroed!s of le- manie diseuse. tu tamp tliern aphysicai wreelis. It ia unuorunuate. but true, tiiet nome physi- Cans ashow womea ta suifer needlesaly, be- cause man eau~ t" an tb.nt only- Je a eu, tourenuoving tih. canse. *j~ paq la Sbnndant tiiat Lydiea E. plukmb.m'aVegetabla Cmpud e m.vEMia cause, «iv«a atrength ta the sobswM" organa, vigaroua health ta ah~*e nad tberefora beauty to Qu. foo M d orm.- rPlîkai, Lylîn, Ma&&., giadlY Ils mswa. b.faiChamrg elttera. lqJa n of the. reultd UTg.monuba ane, I -rote YOD a icetttil, odblig my troubles, wiiich Wug*Sifl#Amatioliof thtiiwomb and UIMW. 1 had Dot aeen a Weil daY fsffute b rth of my secopgd chid, 16 7" i ýîgo. I1iiad spet iiundreds, of iaflaW for dactors sud medicinca. 'B,,iÏihpslnaaendured. Myback «obed4my fr.t sud limb were swolen, md sud w un alinuet itam6iblc for me tu alsp4s I could nçut walk suy distance. lim*twd ynr enawer ta, my 'icîter, Mud Moed clcseiy ail your advicc, "a sati ave been uaiug Lydia E. Pinkt- - veri cmi est @*maWtr. ée. The .xpected hfae etathl e e@" oa», joint legisitie cana-i.e la Alb«M, N. Y., when Thomas C. PlatI vaa miet id hy au simaost uuaulmaona vote te uc- cssd David B. HIias Unied Bt1.1.5 lmi- star. 0f 150 votes tie Tioga chieflta receive l«14the ot ci. eten golas tO Josepi H, Cbost., New York'& ditla' gul.h.d lawyer. The car.., cf Thiomas C. PlatI t trlmg Ir illestrate thie "upsansd dowue" et Ameau poitîca. When wth tii, mighty Coakliiug h.left the Seuil, lixteen yess. ggo to miek YLadicatlon and fonnd defeat, aobody dm'amleithat ha- iotilil a-rer scats rehura ta the. Senate. tut-h legs ris. te the supreute lcslevmlaip a &mot, abse- mite magtery of bis îîarty and State. Bora in Orvego, 'Tioga <'olity. .Iuly1, 1M~, Thomans 4Collier Il'lsîttva. eiucated ei Tale. anda t lUi- aga f-f) i rntredilmer- caubile lita iiin agi,. A% a onug man he hacoui iiftnî-t-r the ii'Tiiîga Nation- al Bank. madeti.' iiin Mi'îlîgami hunier and beaaine ait ofi--r if the United'i Staese Express (7.mitiy. 9)f thela. utter e haît heen pri-sidi-ut 8is iîî1-. nlu1872 b. ire. elech-t ('tî ilectei tvo yeurs later, sud iii Di881o-as chosen the succesisor oftlion. I-rau,-Iis Kernan lunlthe LUlitcd Stst.-s Si-ate. The historia- dis- agreement if lIa lator Corîklirig and Pre.' Iept Garfieldl regartitg New York Fed- eral patronage led ho tIie drarnatie reslg- nation of lir. <Coukliiîg- anti Mr. Plaitt la Mlay, 1881, afttrPlitIt iai erreil but a feir morthe. Tht-y aiîigli rindication lu a re-elecilon aR14ocre d. rije i luCouk- liug left tihe olr -aIattia forera-er, bot Pîsît rerîîsined. Tiiotîgh the party a wre-ke-i in that .Stiite liewt n nuldis- coucaeeand oilzroien iatrrtiruis appeared ie reimpealtii.' Uars.t, itesnasionsi ArWtra'sion. The srbitrstlctn treaty witi Great Bi'II &i i lilkely lu go tirotîli luna uay tint sill makte U-arth suji--t in gra-at lea- un. 1 ta heErulishi-spaalung nations- Louisville ('ommrercial. Tic spectacle ut Jîuiiuiy Bull ilesiring ta b. fria-udly is go audilernunduna-xpiacted that tie ordiîtrry citizen stilil a- sure ta susfpect lUcre ins somethîtig the niatler with Johnu. Wnmiington l'oiut. The arbitratjiin tri-att-liatwîeen tiie U'nite-d Sle sdd ir ltîiiisegrýas step in the lîrogre-s )f civlizliwii. There eholil Uc sitih tri-aria-s lirt .iail the natittns tif th- ord. St. Louis l'ost Dia- patch. Nationral paxa:iiua, wi li are iiftt-n butt natiotîI n r iijidii:,t c a--i iiiisb- Pdi savei.'ly the -si-, over.i--A utflronleffiirg idemu of riglit au(] tnlirtng, bunt t tirspro- ce%%starbtratioîin listýifanca.- Ioston Trensruit. When eskedilto coureas an opinion of the- nrciiirat iîîrîtrea ty la-iat-en thUc litel-i Stati-s andl urcît Bitciît. (4-1. Harrison sîlî ýl: M. (lina-y lis. madce a grnt record for hilmav-t eas atriit-risnndui a dîplo- ma.' Na-tvYoirk IlIcali. Niait tltt the-to get Ariglo-Saxon narlu of tifhie trirlil lui sa - tti.smot patriotir and] staî eionîpît,til i tabc b.oped tiat France-.(rrna ti-ls- sia aud the 'otirr î-triîri-s o-t liîniip wili tsll ln lin. for international arbiltra- tien.-Na-w Yort Ilea!t. It wroiltiie infinitelIt-more praferable to lat mattera jrtg slang ns tlîey rre now doing, andi menirhile 1tish or const dc- fanues nilinaval ecirpmeilt ta that de- grec cf affetiveticss t-lera- cuir iefansire ebilitY aili offset driet Britelu. soffen- sive shility-Chieago Tribue. It waa a heauliful coincideure tbit the mrbitrltiou treaty ri-scba-ilthe.Sa-ate o-bile Mr. Mills, outheia-placil State of Texan, iras msilng one ut 'isi pesa-. speeches on Cuba, Milla, rte otidertaul, irstaSpain uhippel lu lie lnti'reat ut anbtrallon aldpacia-catio.-Brootlyn Sandard Union. Thiaumd That. Noew if the Cpniett-Pritzalmmons fiua- terlug expeditlon would only go to the, bot- tom.-Cicago Dispatch. Chicagotm$n-mie, caà onlyrb usel after il le boilld, and it la e essary te auak it over ulitt befon. boilin.-Dally Noupa' reil. tieumior Wolcott wvl probably coinfine himuet teonou soug o-ile abruail, vi.: 'Silver Tireels Among the Gol.'-Otn- ewIiuti Pont. lit ioulî net b. alvisable, unIe, mont cîrcumatancen, for tiie United States ta undertaka tie manuîfacture uf animor; but If tiiere la any lutentiol te"hol up" the SNavy Depertmneuîtie soomer e national armor psnt lastsirted the iietter.-New Yorkt Heral. E. S. Dreyer & Co., ha nkers of Chicaago, tallel for $Ï,400,000, aud bal onty $0,000 ln cash on band. Tiey muit have lkbored mi great diligence te scoop the. deposît- ors te thaI extent. Tiiere insacaely s crumb ot.cmtont ta liride.-Biughiistou Republia. l triâtes us thal tien. I. nu need Jual noir for eltiier e permanc-nt or temporar tariff commission. Tii. Ways sud Means Cummite. of, thie Bouse, wiic in l a con- tlnuiug Sully, aitiiougb l4 membership la aniject 10 change, inabl"lslity sL perma. lient tarie coamlasln.-Mlnaeapolu Tribune. $4000-8 SARSAPÀRII.LA PURIFIES AN4D ENRICHIS THE BLOOO. Aliiea sAa.Ompîibeq the Roellet.for Which litla lended. A ,lawyer certilniy nnderstands tie vaue ot testlmiony la esjtablliilug a tact,'Thie Icters wrilten h tine who bave ben cnred by Hoad' a raiaparlila bave over and over agelu "1provesi the canel tor til great media-lue. This testimauy hbns.ilowii aumauy tlines tiaI Houd'a Sarsaparilla cures wbetl ail other medileefall, liaI Hoodà Sur- imparlîlala cutItiesi 10 lb. verdict, "The One Truc lodPurifier," P. Il. Bu- chanan. Erq., Rochester, lnd,. bas le-eu lu lie pria-lice of law rince. 18li, and la welI kuown attbe Fulton Counmty bar, H. saya: "W. have laken eeverai bottles of HuaI's Sansaparilla la ounr amily dur- Iug the. peut year aud bave boa-n very alucii pléaned wIth lie reaulta, 1 bat-e ttan Ih as a binaI purifier and my wifc bau uaed l for lheraime pirpuee. Wben- ever ve feel bedly we remont tu Hoou'a Sers.parila and Ih slwayas eerne1tu se- compli the resuît for whiil t la lu- teuded. My wit e watt feeling very bcd- ly sud mai TIat Tissai Feeling, snd glitboit Hood'es prsapsrilla wltb heuetit. Wbeu w. taire Hood's Saraapa- illae i mpuritiea of the. bîoare ofteu fora-ed tirougi lthee kin by erup. ffàm, but by coatluulng the. une of Hood's Satuaparili tiieblolbecomes purllied and tlb.skaitnretuna ta ls nor- mal couditlon. lIod'. Sarsaparilla ai- weys sa-emna to ase.tiieblouil andl we bol It lu very lilgi esta-ema as a blouil pumtier"- P. M. Buchianan, Emti, Rocha-ter, mnd, Itowlie. Made lsFortune. A calebraead maltar ut mustard, wlio bal made- a large fortune by tiat arti- cle, was onceakesi how lo-es posai- hle for ao ueîb mouey to b.' maade out of au article of whii se ultIle ira. uned. lie replia-s that lb was not o-Ual iran usa-s that ho lad made bis fortune by, bubtirbat o-as asta-siAndl, speait- lag utfiraste, 1 have souja-ibare esecuIt eated thal a l'ra-uclWnn oul grow fat upon wbat an Englishman irestea, snd 1 belia-ve Ihere Is very mua-h truthi lu tie observ-ation. Wben traveling lu New Zelaul, a fa-w yeara ince, I wan ahockesi lu se. a servant girl at aur liotel dellberately tiroir tio iwex candlea Imto lie tire, to matte lu buru- Ichard Tmugye. d'THE WOODEN HEM" HaltezoChlckent f rom heuegm. Ibitu oi155.5 lfl; es slilialti28cgm. li-e $6. Wmie tu 14r, GrEo. H. brÀu0i[. Mtr.. (Juiuey. Ill.. toc àar»py et lii iloalet 'C." d« e 'iooden Heui" Mali a ,"lu-gr awlaoue. lBoniîsent Iee, Obitng nm ie lnea A picaitarit rtuiry lltittrtl.e ut the- Pope-a knlnlessaIla ld liy ao Ctlt- pornry. Il sa-aina that Dot long ago au En- glish ladiy, a 'rtt-stnnt, wt1h er 1111e son. aira-ilh. nilier tlaugier, ottt'in- cd anu adiltrîa-futheliz Potpe. thlrougli the good offies ut Cardiruat tlRamplla. the- 'rîtn Secret-ary ut Sîta-e. Tht- latter lut ite-d the boy lu ilsa the Ilîîa-siliii "%%' doit kitsi aatle-s fa-at lu Eu- gland,' saici the tile feiloît :-but ies a nia-t- oli g-iitlIh-hua n. and VU Ikissbils bemîs. I i tilikes.' I. 'llope a--s dilihlît-th taheli-lit - tii- flîisniioto i-r. tindl lid lihni seî- erril c~ormpîlliunts liituitlian. 15TATEt-.IF OH<IO. CITY Or lOrdI.FI a hx . - 'T rik, at ta i .l duln it Ilii..luhie I(14 of Tletto. Ctiity ant Statsai., iii ii iht1 -Oi lira.i ai, lO t .H.ofra li li. isI la, 1, (l t ,sIAI< tS o..l FRtANKi J. (IIiSEY. 8,uit tirflre-nu, andl îicic-ilu n1 praa enît,,IuL m icileyuoea-4,emli-r, A. D.. isl. I A. %V, ClEAItaN, .N'(ot, Potlsc. Ulu11-laiiarrI cture ta takenI lterialit 3nal matp iiii--ly othue iîetiand m viî,rfIetf thet i a»,leIi. bond ftut tlnonil,. trie Y..1t. CINEYA. CiO., Toledo, 0. gW'SoId Ub>ru)ggtr. ;75c. Japsuene Sword. The test of excellence applicil tu.4ap- nse s sords yearw ago iras t-i-y rlild. ut o-as tu suspend tha- bli<de horizontal- ly, edge upIoard, uilder a tree, and e guod o-capon oves supppsed ta aelt lu tiany la-af tUaI fell upon il. Ail lhe greul bt-a-ers belng nom lu the house ot lords, the bicycle matera are blddig for tIi peerage. Mdr. du Cr03 wbo lias joat floatesi the big DOni- lop Tyne Co., bas begun by buyinZ Cornbury Park, lu Oxtordalire. once lie seatnt fthegret a a-aofutClarendou. TIIAT t-PLVNlltii COFOld.l;. Mr. Gootdman, Willams Count-, Ill.,. o-rites us:_ "lrom une package Snizer% German, Coffèe Berrcy 1 gruutv 3tiK) pountis otrtetter aoff ce tinît 1eu bîy lu stores nt 30 aentsae pounal."' A package of tlîls and big seeci cata- logue- lasa-lit yoîî hy John A. Saîrer Sa-IduCo., La C rosse, it. ýuIîOnreeulit of 15 etnliips alni Ibis notice, C. N. Sheridan efa-Ilo îve rtt l iss ILin- la-y, andto ld the story lun"'i'le Itivals," wiîc Iol a true aconfit of bis court- ahip. __________ Iowea farmus for aile onu critp psrotest. 10 pet- cent, cash. baltance % 1c-up -c e y. naein padfor,. J. 2ULUALt, 'tii1it 1. i Awooman le capable ut suliime anar:- fa-e of self lu grtm ata ters. and of su- oreme elialiness Lnu lbIeunes.. la à serions Obstacle tebabu1 ti t of tbe wu lnauUCMa 10i h thapae¶b laxative.' Eestetter'a Stomieil Eltiemaw 18k. slthengh Il afforda reflet.- tiever grieleansd convulsas 11-:u.1e pu re. t Dyspepsie. malaria[. kldflp nd imat ealimente andl pervoa ness eild ta hils genta t amliy Medicne. The Gres 11Vagit Dafena Ga. No Item lu the recenit Dnov relatingjo coast defeume lIsso weleome an the au- 11ntieenet tînt tlîe construction of lhe firat 12-incb dlaappesring gun car-1 risse la tu begin fortiwtb aithle Wa-1 tervlet arsenal. it will hoe a loug time Yft l-fore that carnlage la comîîleted and tleNted, anud mother long time. snup- poains the niodel 10 be approred, betore 1uplIcatae of It cen be made. Bint wltb tiie yeura of deley lu taklng ibis great fitiri tep Il almoat emenonsIf tie wiîole problenatvar.e lready soived, and no If there neod be na flirt ber aux- lety abontthle Protection of our shiores. Thc most powerful sag na tnt a-have thua far for thua purposa- are tha- 12 loch rifle*, and Wtervllet for a long tinte ha.s aeu lturnlug them out. But they are wiolY wlthout the dlaappenriug carriagea needa-d to gît-e tilen hIrr best effeet. The- work ut bulding cm- Placements fer the beavy gun.o bas heen alnicularly tietayeti. alllîough uow a reg- auna hie dpgrea- ut euergy tg siown lu Proaecuting 14, tianira to liberal appro- priations by Congregs. Na-w York Sun. New Lias te, Washington. D. <c. Tii. Morion bas established a nev tbrough sleeping tarýroute hetwt-en Chii- cago) and W~ambinton, D. C., by way of Cincinnati, visadotion. C., Il. & D., B. & 0. S. W. sud B. & 0. Railways. The ideeper le ready for ocerîpancy lu Dear- boru station aetI9 p. tm., and lenves at 2:45 a. mn. daily, arriving et Wamhirngtou at 6:47 the foillowing rooruing. Sceciulo lu effort Jan. 24. AB the AIslîcPcc toesthrough iwtiiout change, aloi ttii.'booc. of isving sud ar- coving ar n Init convt-ilent. ths will provç aitogatl,.r the mo--t îrnfortalie as weil es tel-t 101Piitnre-i i ro o th0le na- tional caital. COY tii ket office, 232 ClarL sida-t. Dcî,o, Daarlarn statiou. Would Maire it Ccîvenient. A >Young soubrette ruslied to bier den- tist the other day lu agony. Oun-of lier wisdom teethi as ulccratecd. Tiie den- tint, who, by the way, had suppliedi ler wltb the Most da7zalina of ber front teeth, told ber that there was notbilrg for fi but to pull the tooth. "Very well, Doctor," renarked tii. actreas, with s sig, sas abe removed tite pinte; "I suppose I'd better take ouz nîy orchestra chairs so liat you eaumnset ai uty back rowst.' Common Sens.. Nethlng bas ieen more wida-iy andl more exhauatively adva-utisad titan aatarrh, cures. Abrahaum Lina-olu once ail liai .you eau foot soute et the people ail ths time snd &H of lh. people nme of th. lime, but you can't fool ail ofthtei people aIl the tima.' Oniy on.' trial wili con, vince. YOU thst tiieCommon Sens e rm- edY, the Naal Tablet Catarri Cure, wijl cure catsrrh sund cold lu tiie heal. No douche. spray or Inhaler nord. Read sd- vetislemeut in anor ber columu. The Fleut Tbrcaul Factory. The tiret tactory for the manufac- ton. of cotton sewIug tbread waa local- ed ai Pawtucket lu 179-I. Couagilng Lade to Consomaption. Ka-mp Baisant witt stop the congb at ont e. <;o tu your druggist to-day and get a santît.'le oule free,. Sold in 25 sud 50 celit bttae-.(;o at once: delays are "le ovs a very quiet and good littie boY' at sebool. iras Joe Chamaberlain, according 10eithe stary of his acilool- Mate. Mellor, Q. C.. atthie nacent r.- union ut University College sa-bool. No-ta-Bec frmil 1y Cent.. Ov'or 400.000 rurlr. %% 11, ot WC Na-To-fts reguite or erna,. tour dese I c tobaoe? gua, .ed e;!iüc loi , .11 ncuzig, Wiien love givecaiutChris;tmas andi alirsys. It enrichitsecir. but wliat eut-- atoitauess ket-ps It takes fronît itseif. flY nîr Halls Hlair teneirer. gray, fada-il, r di icî,lored Uir assumes the. nat- lirai inter ot youth, andl grurva luxuriant and stroug, pleasîng erarybody. Corneille could '](tl rite pretry until lic fa-Illa love, then bce ctiid flot write cilougli. sirt, S a utbol Tesor mais MiT h-emu d 05k AulmuLr acus,1-Sl.i s e i t i is u . N o L , 1 os p e . d o i o o iPu " iM e n u , i s a , Bossue-t oas the nuost gifted oraturr thei- Roman Churciî ever prodo-e.. WaUO hilios, a .1 .- ensCi.a c .m cffl 05- tllrli. 0c5m Wl5TPud. Io , 2 mTmWlaalow'Bs nae, _ MW lu il,. t Sb.ld; 0.1t.» ts.sdaate.B. W U4 nma.kal CAcognidiUmeS 1W, SlMel ad bin Ný . ty.knesu ole. lot ...**a*.COMMON SENS! R et * N Doci.* RMEOY. I ~sjry. IOne Trial Coivinces :0iîn~ Cuire Cîtarrh and SNe TîUM Lst Cal'Iln lte Mead. At. - 1% M.4 W M'Il r tSU L ..0.YLORD àrW.. 1» lhrw ~àS.,Ca. W4êe t* W. .«0, DaueeaGemmil Psa'r Agent Que.. aid Craenmt Route, Cinîcnnati, for a copy of the. nev book "land and a LIving." Cheap fusme la th. South. No suustrokes. No blizzards. Low rnliraed rates twtce caci moti. Prtnte.t uxafttuffree. A RedeemilmsgPenture. "Oh, the terrible paiusiiops!"' sald Etbel tu George, who lied mat resa-na-i tii, ualcb. "Wiiat tales of misery thon, place. could ufold bad tliey tonue»Il" "lEven s pewuabap baslis. rerieem- Iug featitre," reapouded George. "Wiat la il, 'di lke ta kriow?" "TUe tlcket."-New Yorkt Tribune. For long aud chest dîsesnea, Piao'. Cure i. the hait medicine w ve iufnsd-Mra. J- <L. Northcott. Windsor. Ont.. Canada. C- SC P" m Mih D om ne D>ollar la us >e at lHoed's m prita tla economy sa cet iNooda vin e cedabiood prir udar m oual. "«mse Hood'-s ca.Sarsaparilla <>c>crs Pi ur Uer11 Yoia'fl fiéeS qut whatM ? tb.y ar~wh6u you....* wmmquup'q~oe - ~ ~ ST.. JACOSS OIL~ I IsWI.~mtth. CrOt.bSSSWB75-OOsiEphtBiy Ctared.M Bear in Mind that "The Gods Help Those Who Help Themselves." Self Help Should Teach You ta Use SAPOLl-O-= ft vs.ebh Id lady. cbme hom m l-St<,Lotît., T.htas RelHPAkNS TABULES aithemuialui ae.mmiadidite m ae uTi -na . rk s0e L-m Wv UI mwk i i.. ' ~ssadI e k e r,~ i~iamuhas tilt 5yi "dth m eh wi « uwtuahdbs su lai Ieeesosa slsbss a IeSeTslaP.1 07 @wteltde. e.asiaijgesdfmm ladgilsaa s.s dssei.ia*m ss h.dgi~adsu usaitago a ma.yla bsmplymit ~ s. nS ~~~~'~u HAl OTSTI e j t aa uet.I485sssdmmTtils, -~s.-:~~~CURE TOURIEIFI IL IL A. sai "e is '78 .s., aui smu at CC ~ ~ ~ M mdtdiitiihi a 0tsania a. N. 9, Na a-sI 1NgA L5..laa mnxa

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