CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Feb 1897, p. 1

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s. :1- Mve-V .mý -W àsu-3- - OUU lr .o lf 1. $1.60. in Advance -C harles Galiloway. Over LOvelIs@Druïtore ville.ivo llin.omis SJ. L. TAYLOR. over Trgge'& r.îores. -ouxa-- ~~~a o rmiViF eppaiuiaFaub gillinois. Ro ~ckfeller, fil., fl~~m Opcft.Dopa. 0 uhA9 . M. J de.àP. M. Mur P. m. FsP, Butterfield M. D. C. Vanuma . mm"N.a De. V. HARVEY, Ce. ahi di. m FAte enta speeialt. - ornas flousa - Oaysake - Illinois. M. Auca - OUr. A%. L. TRAVIS. A. i a. à. A»vaa 7ai »s.a P. IL ~liS*efsiIe, -Illinois. PAU4 MàcOUFFIN. Mud Cmvyaning. <»= oavuE Lit cou%"v DAX.,y &Lbçrtyvlile...Illinois. ~* W. H. MILLER. TO1ISORIAL AETIST, wbm 7« vaut a cdean ilium or 4 hat eut ma an i. omoace aaipDaor lai.. L~ee o là. O.Trimeis ioe store ~j~g~Po m verî dii W*h.Parkhurst & CO. Ube.7ffvle, l"Ois. 0a- IssUesIntpret-Bssrins CerUlcs~Pybier Fr Coats 17 ,WTmes ifyou buy a not ' hait Efanq, Cmli or Maquerad Saili. Tbereyl l boa maqaenade Wbailt loYers bal, Prairie Viev, Priday aigbi, Feb. 19. Tva prize. vili be giren. one. othelb.perion veiing the mast comtAceoatnrna and one ta th. vener o thebe ht costume. WAI bore. amithà MI&A.4. Oak@sai 4m thé amek lia. Mrt. Muller, "i baesTueeds Mrw. W. W..t VUêi plinuai m Mrs. J. MeCo]l s Mafte.,y the Mia. Peaur:W.i 44 leekefellatai quit. iaiturbi Le". zurichviil Al th. ieboi visiy Viniailb Mr. H. T. Lad re"io i R ock« Mr. Mud mm Dr. Velusad am a u mai Thé iD "Garioc k<uie.". Foram.varall Veeha prep. rggiann bar _bai un va Wy. nuaerOuareearas held Rad camaideable bird gai maetatai by Ahe parade. vho De-i appeaiu An the, foilowng centC oharetera, in their matiring alforta # prea lb.the*'Deaeilrich e.' IV yaiui0eg0 tueaViuiter his ecoamedy Wàm "puat on" and bae Who Vituagetati ibet ti«Me aver ItAt he b. nnlentau;& Mcii "Aahier' production cmvi presetoibylocal talent. imaF VII teck Pari thon ire il b. p es i The procmeda are la replentah ilo U'emwsur th lb Aheside coeteri LMeioaion,aid a VOrtiiet diapo.. tien of the Prôflta couId nos bave boom ah««s. The Town Hall ihouhdINb OrolVded Doit Wedand" ai d Tbure day nighEas by Ah. loyal aiena 0 f Ah aMdisnroe.ndimg villages. Relpa Vertay oes mm d ogelau aenltaWl ment SkiSlaisecond te nane. Tho ihanay0"centl a tuaeNt amunacia 11h6 fuaniasikind os-innocent fun: skini.sMene . . . W. L. Duvie JO" B"ll . » . A. . p. I 31i NashuslJodudla' Homeîsu<kI'iT. M. serti Johhier et. John . . eo. Bond 1Ll. hdWliWaters . mie.Protine Tvln e 1.Alie Devis. te.KitUie aith. MiheO)înn . .Ed Clar tameibaAlli . .seon APElI" IeMihsmPetYbone t. P. Dymoaa PaticasHoneîsu"kk. . 1"iloCaut MiA, aryen . . . Fiel ioGu BAllA. MelAnir . J. I. Cliii i.mÉateaiClortada iioiW.qz..ia.r Uts. AliceDavis AMImeieiB mot . . J. O. lm. ~beaeAqio iIaUn tafod r.CoIby Gottlib Nouuausai . FrMdCroke, Prudeace Phankot Lulu Penonir [hothi Truck . . . Mms T. CeuisO lai" Earlsa . . . V. C. Tdam Rzurle âlimalba mik . Mie.Hardi. I'emi.sonce thoru Mme . . LDivin ana Ecokeoicci . AXB. LewAs >iiiiem Peorn. Mr. P. P. DîMmed Basse Anis Comt Mr&ts.A. 3. leVis mme Hoesîiekis . mms.POUIM"a b0eo Aua Sobahit . .MerliDusion Placebo OooeartmmUs.perubhant lobitibslevselind *Ms C. C. suikiler allival. kwood mm. is. MCbrmiek 'nivor Anm an 1,pey MmIL .W. Duwasueri Skii.coin. : Pa&churt, Sain Mis Shadoin. 14U Tueadamy vea "graund hog day," nd Ah. groand baog auo doui. ilbac mnged tram bisainVntrquartersan, bi ""eav. wuhaiccording tu radi- ion ammans i lite spring. Tbaere ire mamy Who bliece tbe gronumàtilîog aeory Infallible, cuutend.AgîI tl iever beau n uavugoprove au iu cor- rci psbdietion. Six ehka umore of dep foru Mrr Oround Bog anidi a on Lnuance of vAnter veaiber. 1 ^TE CAMP M. W. of A. Muile viii bc fnrnlabed by Prof. P- DBurke F!À% HVE recel ved a fulli une of Sprtng and Suim- SmiAb and orchestre, ofi Chcao.-- Manager Mayar Ai cxerting eve I bave given cbambrlan'îCougba mer Suits and Overcoatlng, from three of the enffort 1 mao lben. eryd .0 v ent anc te mdcomifor Acroue largeat houses ln the United States, and.aum, unn aî olyuet eyo< ly An- b eau a e or4n d. &" 0 s 1baiDlp a Position ta give you a cholce f rom a thoi1 ùa d vAt.d. awaibiiuoaty loa e tfreely. Amy oUld rMyebliluen dfeetpten.Infc a upyyu wlt SpeimliMeeting. bontrect yAlds very roadiljgo iis dfeetpten.I at1cnspl o A apecial meeting of the Boaird 0ofmedicine. 1 ma tu alilutway r,.anthno n hemake, supervisurs ban been cilled for Feb. conuneud t for croup aMd colde ln ntisln hem r t. cbildred. 'Ueo. R. Wolff, Clark ut theIar hrq toro 9, a& 1 o'clock 'an bth ernoon01, for the circuit cours, Pruandina, FI£. Soidamn t r îda ie eflot rro , pu. o! canedering m migb .3.LvALbr; .4 .~Â i~ and icio rltie a nSlg~ta~ Brcie m' A .. &Sm pwilviuifl*l ocat@d ln Llbertyvilleadoodc y . ruon taI, do , j ,h-dlý Blen Cty $X"egOt~cSreet itiAh. ir my business on business principles, consequently .>dtd jd. ý opera. , 4,glelrenfl 1e.AnIwg&,tgteeaw(i my mwork as tol style, fit and work- W-Y - crtan p bliero" "*0"Wm anship. im t J gII. V ilaaila*oailb r]à~ Lemesfor at ey CP cul iMN Permit me to say that i do not claim to u a h.turn ou.t my work without ampr . ëes>r nuturuluglith# 4. 1 a rn uatlsfled w lth th e& V o wb it fL~ bM t 1ý" ï, . _Jn"-rofit. . e.Elod g, -YIf- .5Oand upward. .UR'r tàbv- """, intue futur for pastf ý and solicit the patronage ii A utnn.Respectfully yours, qu vre40« a miniing ilà*tre'l..01 é; tg$s ubetyvllie. II.lui, fflmj Pobmum, .-w ijama,-*hm«-n iaeumd ieIligfor sanie Mi ""»dtIi4 Ae al r bI~ ebi. 1 ROI ER méâîâe.,aaytruuqoae con.OVER LAft CO Pi~~a GA~M<,.., h,~<IETVLLE9 ~ -,-ILLINOIS. - .rr-"r las etate Camapai Sputnihlod. fli. tk 19a-t Cffigersaniud Del.sta.. me Tbe ma"àemaa"dthe MedgWood. 00 men of-Ameriaadomi eitra t'a afieruoog afier n eemarea frth. Fe auing bisanial terad and delagtut -n tb. beai camp of die rero, vieb at meeta et Dibuque., ova. Jase 1. Tb@. id saeie caréanmu: StI. Ae idu, V. <6. r Dualin, DvAgbS; eS&" aiviai, CIe'. o0 eue.EB. 1Hobari, ampobir.; ia t. clark, W. X, ISosa, lummovffllaiguot 'e banhir, R. IE. BovIi; statse aaort Pt Mark Oebhitm, alebwg; d@MM vaSé. m m, 8. W. licCuAre, Ecaivi.; saSe n satry, william Lots, Ubonaa a" S opbysicia, Dr. B. Beruvaita, licous - Olive; direetor,, K. O. Biguaes, il. P. ia Kellogg. B. B. Eliait, o. mitr, a. J. aMahouay. Tha daleails vna u.. a-lef stu tiitavoie e aumsunhreava ke tuand propommton. The dogatai tro )f Lahe Oouaty ver.e m fallowa: No. Tovu Doiste 461B-AU ..................... . Balirb M1-Gruian.......... ...... I . L d UeI-RaiO.... ......... A.a-erAs .............Par .... . .J. l e ai.-Iibae .............. C. Docker Ir*-ViukeîPar......... .V. ya gf7-evooak.............. ... 1. URa-Ivmh o ...... ........ W. A. eke.i aeLu.ia............... U W.Dadas ni&-LIbeutOle ....~.......... IW. Biead 155-Prairie Tiew ..... ..... Chai. Abeh 0 N*-koaoma ............... ea. Rier ilm-VimituoffBrbon ...... lue-Nouba Chio ....W. E. Andouion % C. T. liejiseeer, or Vînhegan, vau teleeted a delogegtu, un . Rad camp ai Dubuque naîtJeu..a Peltt urors Choaen. 1 Thae PeStiJuryliai for h. Matbch er- o0f circuit court vu, drawa là" Tuaaday am"la me fonoina: Sivini Fatuum Bou-toiint Chu. Ferry - . puaah Boiveil - h Pc Juges KW .. ...... mmS sioffel - - - Grant âj J»i. Friad . . . ...e Serbe Làke- . - arre p, G. L. Stearat -----Wauhegmn W, B. Il. Bradbury . - . -. Walter Dmi ' D. H. NmSau - - a J.W. BeiIay' " Li Tho@. Appleton Sh-Ebields G. A. Wright Liberlyville LevAi Bebanci - " H. J. Calr . 0.C. Wbelock - -Wanconds C. DWMon . . . Edgar Green PF. J' Halliter - ' ' C M. A. Bennot - AI. a. Fiche - ' M-La J. M. Wîlduer - - Verun Frai Meyer - -Deerfild C. G. muhlète - - eoa. Rockibock ' - John Staey Highland Park FRED CROKER, AR'rîsTic TAILOR IIS-- j~Sfl#I ~I4 - - Urti.r*"'J4 Ar"I. birt" No. 17. I - Il o f - qr08 UCONDA. PALATINE. ~To ebebrs of the Athletie Club riff allons entsuady hia. &tlnedâthei.Cycle ShowVlanChicago Aie eputlen Snda lra.Seopple bun béen on theiBletMondyal letand brouethsomne cbma f Vi li i. -mauy souvenrs. ian~ ~ ~~ Éo vi ct vnio v uanon bain. Job eaitiéi Oens Mr. W.. Wilsan aud Min Ilio rn.urad ~ MM. Cooper. Mfr. 8. Sayder and Nias r@'rne b-'hoe VinW. Williams. ia reovering fromn hieLimité.Wilaoi vent Se Chicago te bai ni *ar indge visiter réent ilîneai. tha aId play. Tbé Old Hoamemiaid, Fred aud Walter Veau.. Vwoie lu Priday evening. adM@E.GenaePaliSni Suadîy. The lota jm , je'Pareige Mimion. ami lra. . Oren nar HaBwyir iborne froua Evana 1117 11iociity VIIIme"t vib lies ,o rogo ii ba h t . àlyril Smith Fniday eveang am 7:30. &Yf AlntnHgbn Mouday, bort Mrs. Henry A cordial Invitation lae «Sondait10 ail atO, oflefnyBrmn son.. thoa m tatedAin "iavort. *li r ofM eNeur7, Nb. Dors Lngeuhal in iied Dr. Alflai vbu beban Vary aIci bina visited relative. Palatine Tueslay. fur smie Ume le Mech Amprov.d. fuirt othe vcch. A. G. Snmith viioc i. brothprs An Allbougb jeby-three y«»raofage hi lis ta viaitn relative. Evmaton Tburaumay. hm a lvaia banni.. blée 1attend te àprésent vrlt*ng. Mufie BSmith entertained a frlendinuns ocn. o from tim Place verousEMinover Suudiy. Itors leai Shlmday. 'tmPOtO oirveoroe Bamday COUNCIL PROCEEIDINGs. me Au hi. pace andMi ciai don OU frieaii.Laafvj, u.1lS. bc 11Ila i bla eek. hiH*hl ,of B ftingo, Md utIe Vlae an mi na ulra e i and UminIda isitison, viitain Palatine Uiur. Village nbadtin révéletvr s,1 o eteller 1lai suaday Mnl. Biche-. Vho hme ben ic an for . ebair. Pull boar r eniat vit G. C. oetaont a long t1rne la alo'wly iiproving. hi exception of Colby. fm = = Thé lme hallih aia buiy veau, Minutei of provienter gd Min»a. H.C. Wal@ 5e" u hereoins cou veouter. clb d -7y relative. Tuoehy 4IH. . dSm . 811vla coimusa e te bmwheparait. fer asa berS ne. lm fav aby mibon mo&"tipon a Md J., Turubail vstiM- .M. Bli. of BaileCrosh, MiéE., Gdlviy Md èmmVrosn r ,of Ivaubo. Tuaaday hv Mitm lia.e.hFa"o oilà O plaidMd aMaOu.sdravu ou the Mi-ii Ldis Bichneaebai be.î re»Mevo fends____ irai capturai sevon vinitang ber b-M.. r l mrimnurov%,~. in Paultry show Anlirat. Bd moe la »An Paatine ..... #F5j* .....24 8.Seda! nadigave ber trienji a int ............g..h ad PrJ4ls Davil, rida. ...................1n -1TA, 11AI., eue abiy Thetmday Vwu obaerved m a dm4 of The bill of C. X. Dernnivasa un i. Pnar Itoughout the collae. An thia tp~ esii on hva and mi eo au ,il tuc cotso oulaiy. fi»ni ommit.u ntil naiS meeting. da bal at Mcleny, UmiiiMinute Bitzan, et1Hitamun TTftiiriiroeu rtfor mou"hof Vinconda. Brn., visiltai innda An Chicago JaiY wu rnd I afeeV: Asoent me hia dsPlace Mr. riiniy. on bindr@m of moih 0@Mau. Poiu 1, saitaeventy.iix'George »yon andfirnily, afni ea-'aont d-199g math 11W11A.U.Anmeslan m, tuut4 Fi.&Y&voesgueai< 01 Mr. and lire. Cb.aarae. lpc w Rad£omtésptitLytli atuar loai y I m ~anie.onanAu urmon. ev.ShUtie "Laiiet igbt" wilii hathe DoIt E3e"MaBro. c ,hasiowoa i relia.fu ileia. fature An the Athietie Club roomsin lu 10 on len ainilr~icenie. Motna MaM fflday 1h. nain tuture. wu lentbay the hliswa vote. Apai, q4 theIliral iUr. an mi Mua lBd noVleà andi eOr ani Sherani.. N.yi, DUBgtg, *eaeho, dangbtarvisilaiait U. Hastings, Gai10avandiiMueora«r. Shouli Saturdey evaning. It -Vii iUii i, bylig!00!4 ad * ~ o 0f G[1lWViF Sha tIe bc extumai iaal - four Mms. lc»lu ofnuTerri Celle, la L.- Sahamea 4ocruoonuliulvauh ,. viitimg hmtbrother Wilson and allier Avais, boa pgb e a X abenyAe telalvai n Palatine. iuhMfE.W DAvbny'4 ei.. tu lir, A"mi ir.DailSerges» aetr. eianVen t Se M i "Wu* ou New. Sae.» luai 1007 gueules vAiba asocial bop tiiiry Avents ro ail ef mei W ime M 4180on B«dww ait a i mui dreu i Miiiliar Bker li a vry moc Avtlmai. .2 dMll PmheAMas,»Mi t ta îe. Viib bar hiumgartoa sien, he in am amd W" tt.a daglhOu BMenti aur mai e vertluMtd In PR""ai t.pon. m MU$ ha cornai 'vi me: 18 A Viqotasa je uo oi fr b aiasonebi SU Fnuiay avaiag Pib. I2. riuto ar erai eby DuDoil ami rgar Ahai lMplêy a ciaSSer W oon " àtlioiieitadrag store, mml terflie bc rafarrai 10temi ràamda bi b@tm aa Tbae Lau..-porsigu ct ommittea ta inveniigate. Cu#*&, UBItt«. SUBO» ociey VIUMostet slomiry 11101d by GiloA11 g 1ami MoGragor lafctin. Âmaam ocetyvii mel i lie.J. C. .histmt~ ier paini ulet ai lorlung, Kaiser bit., Batcheri aet 9:30 Wedneiday iterue-M. aprogue airait bc refairei& te alisos Mini CrneBRO8.Koue gave a Plaint us cm.iitio.vwtbPOVr 90 netOurlai. Party 94) a iav 0i bar trienda liouday Boardnadjautuai on maie. ci 'EMDuxv for atistic Jeu. 11, et ber home An HlgblmdGalle« rani DaBoat. Grovo. . suoauVillage Clark. Kmi.. Btai Mu0. W. pi puwum ai Ahý ChIISaO fle Min.. Eveiya VIII boive for no viii itani ichoot IL A. Golding for th. SueaeeraW leke Zurch sud' Died et ieishba lamai Oornweal Ynna ave manthm cheré lioudhw fe coniecied thea"F The qeaaUoa Mdi dwbatlag m C'ab&"'The iBn Toti«. V. eut tu a aarne trou lad armé=fe187. IN e, c.Juchae worh. simples beit troin. Vo e korougbly undio %bd guarinla.. mi kCo., Ladlaa» Tai Libertyville. 00 te tha e NDE .b prning. Jr -t .Libertyville, Lj*e Couity, Illinole. Fridav. FahrLiarv A- ORCà7 ._ý'juj - 7 .1 j ý - '

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