CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Feb 1897, p. 5

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r p.,! Il PiCKED UP HERS AND'TI4gRE. rLocal Itnm of Intereut to Libertyviile Roadors. I ~ ~ I A O R C. M. de è1Pa01 . ir noe tqc. Eapb aflul ete n i tisé e a§" Oi..a.L. .m. p.M. p.. 0f Amerlom tSprilnflIlieiseeS, am en amffdelge.lrom Fryilelde ~v7ITTheir ams.othE1E0hily«e IbrFvIlelog 1 .,Il is oie01 LibertyvWle'a mediA. Large #.*lm au aasudwtth every concelvable redateulomil Stock of ém Ué *à OM m &Npp«,4,46 obsinabi. vWi b. talaà rrlê) m 410111111lelmlm auÏMO "iai th pice01admisuion to FROM theAG. .-DoeutirMk Skiai." Doit Wodnesdsy I Choice Groceries.aîTirua gls.Dtmsitg gE a Fruits.un ara 9= irfentoaadi.l upe tol in sone clilmates clothes are flot. necessary, o:*6 au lm fel above the ponter of are s vWeh Candies and Nuts lo«&u Setrgua etigMn but in this climnat., with the weather we have Oytter. @: see W .i . The . omuntrtlon te0f hvnteyaevr ncsay Silpeyeriri unfeely.i We Have a Number of Fine 2 piece School A nd lPresh.M eats. borie»maned. 8.11h aofie Chiago Suite that We are going to soU at $1.75 Arealwys ellblend ric rasoabl. &mL . A. 1 t45ahI. Dental Socety Moniday. Pipera by Are lwas rllale nd pice resonble monp. . A lmP-Mleadlng dentseof!the. ate on varions No.: , plasèe, Of dentinsty vas the parlîcolar THE BIG CORNER STORE. a mfmt.7lfor'the >r tae n eihgD Anc.d wà Mn nterentlng ad instructive s'i. .Â'aI II 3. ds bo. a.beun Sasr t nrm __________4& __Taylor, ______________ i J. K. Leliaron, editor of E,.ery Who has a pair of foot and a pair of .i1,nul~ru .Hirdy uliae t lilUvsdollars, may become the osso STd~ ___________& apl«Uet Calter At the IiIDEPZNDENT oslir .1.4ai L .1<LYIRLODOE. No. 492. iPoffee Tuesday. A fuature of Mr. « of a pair or p<rtà*i t, iong wearIngÛ Go TO L.ovELLo DUm STORE FOR .Bu eaa Uflhoorto styllsh iaaklng shoos. EAI head of '.Rasnblers Notes," nd his sait J. commente on live aubjects o! the Dru s dicen s,' he icasP Vi-9llage office ra. day are alvays terne and denote an <"D..u....M............h C.cK.s"inddntiy vhich te nas rereLuasgD ntS l ijul P<A7MERY SOAP. ~ ~ 'a. B.jolb.f BI rare, arnong country papers. W 11 Don't ~Forget eei Eruhes Trana BUp<uar. ShfldB Ie.,Fi.Y smda r. wC . outora lir. C. T. Loring roquete m osettae ~ oliAIoo ok ~ tioaDS tf., GIan, Puty, Treasmrn, ..........c . T fl i astMerilot aieb. iiicharge for PoU l N tý.o..... ...... W. K. Davis vlrlng privaituei"dences, but ait or- a A.INS 9a Ô LB, VwwNSu a ES~. ______________dera recelived previons te ihatdate WThomasa Harrington ia very lo itlvlin'Alibe ecaed vithoni edcoolpetla- PATENT MEDICINES. pneuaonia rona. The raie for privai. reaidencea lir. C <J Dukiu leauferig lthIa nafoliova per light: Onu to fOve lire C. . Bukleytu efferag i Ighte, per yeaer $. rive t'o len attabl. Faily li Mdidaus Md Phr.oi"a, PrncnP"s oa mifrU7 'an atck o o nunra. per yea 4. On aiay uber exceed- <imo peadid .1 ian ho mr. Bdi Âppey in r.coverlng frosa a In ten ligbts a apeclal rate vIibe *CloMusclsC..John eAtin, oSth ip. illgvla "@ed. i4 Goe arefuily S.ieçt.d. -Oniy the Beout. Au tin, ! .gravti iPPe hi&There i a revival of iailsroad talk of ait *ft 114 4 4 0 4101014 1<*1 4 <ldaughiei-in.lav, Mia. Chas. Austin. of laie. The Wisconsin fuasaitLaies Dc arringlon. FJtlroad Company are aurvuying a Joe Psy led 1h.e1utile tanger on his rlght-ot-way noir Wheeliag, and an Dfective Eyesloht riglathboad b"4y lsoeraidlionday by attorney repre.enting lta. piojeoiors abuzi MW. 0oftheacmossein!orr.d our representa- h iteR d S h o o s lu grqatiy benefited by properly Cas. Beblicirer, of Warreioaa Ive the OutI O! bl lias week thtare Th LiteR d c o l us urove. tramaited boatneis lnn Uberty. vas nO doutbut that the rosan ould adiusted lenses. ville Tunsday. con irtgaiulv ti aiifa Ji". james atearegor la vîsitins tory arranimmenls confid b. consiam: .B C olby & C 'u villa br aiater-ln-lav lie. Nelsea mated. ,B 1 have a complete outfit of Cote, o01Iteaton. WkI."a . ~ D. Price, of, Jefferson P'ark, vas Libertyville, Optical lentes and instru- Town Heu Doit Wednmdeay and TApra- vliibereuaeabered by old reeldents, Dealers ln Everythlng. monts for testi ng the eyes.nlghts, Feb. lieanddIl. bavlng Uved bure about sixteen years _________________________ ment fortesing he ees.Clothea cleaned, repalred and presle- gl. lie bugs the Tivn Mi and tb. ed ilmodeato »1~.SACSEU ~Lbertyville Basik building sud ai. A .. and osecil ivte hs d" "' e" *a'à nw n pcuay invi thoseo., T.tiIoIs. il son O! Win. Price..&WsoWeikovluwrew who avehadtroule ithLittle hopee are entertaloed of thetlleiacounty, sud who socnrod the f who avehadtroule ithrecovery of Mr"a. j. E. lioleoanb, of coutrisan d hbutl the Court lions. et their eyeglasses to cail. Étoekeleiler, vlao àa mnterlag igvlh Wmfaugn.Mr. PFiou sees nasny In O ur wto e pneumonie. chsange, in Llberrtyvillieaiadsays for a% W s o e Mr .Vule a i eprone ptca, Mua LUilie Morne la rapidiy recovar- ie@ldencetovuwn t t ob bt. Yuwl idOrSoko M.C uleanodeprecdotca, log fromn ber recent auvere lnes». To themajorlty ofablier frlende and Yuwl idarsoko MdisaMorse Oas able 10 vsik about the evun relatives the innouncOeeni t o!lb.à qow ln my omploy, le canavassing the coufli- houe, liis eek. aarrisge of Louis Z. Praline aMd il .Groceries ty, nd o prsos wo canotvist u at Lavrenee Tuiiuy, of Hueat, la LotIt. C. Fuller am a surprime. lir. ty, nd a prsan wh canat îsi usat uiteriug viti heurt trouble snd as Protija. veut tu Beaver Doem, Win., our place of business 1 recammend hîs very low ai prent vrltlng. Dr. tvo wveuks sgo, vbu, ie h bas ecuredDr o d services as a competont optician.. Taylor in la iitendawe.. a position la abutierfactery, prepered Dr-G od An Aurorea ~urev v inIpet on a borne for bis bride aid then tiae th are atrn aoniitsstIoupemaomeslta thelrftrleuds lIat Clothing Ce R. Sherman Wisema Cam laone plu. Thou e e usidla ia cniJ Llbertvalle.~ vwieîa viii buOveUie.s ronger tissn 4,I. 0 Mmla.Praline viiiloi,. vfor Lietvle ordinary vagon vbeul. ber neboirnlae Saurday, accomiani?4Bo t a d Sh o by siscturMise.Aliu Fuller.Th dt an S o s The Manilent Miblnortie la 1he INImDmUD joins vllbtlaelsr 'Deitic SkaI."Hut Wedameady f l~ n vlahl ng them a To be the best and our prîcos Iowest. NOI..YOU ARE WRONGI and Tbursday nlghts et the Town Hou. happy and proaperons lourdey Get i the and agon ithuvery. rogfie This MO auf r. mpwaing that ho f body et«e. Theroisu gong. og . Camneln and lnspoct our goods. blasACRNistaâtoýbWed"g E R _ Dr. B. Nove mode la regular The prusentation of "Jane or Tha&t'%N FIS eekly visit- h Xelai Bnay e md Baby,' by locl taent, underLF. C e S lIT i!- reports a lsrgt and grovlng panoflb.h supervision o! Airlaun Buftley ai inLbry i ond the tesimonfills tleu ovu bal Frldayand sat,,day Butier Bldg. .Libertyville, Illinois. A# large and variedbed i a~noaer olunan atteatlng agnlgt llacted but s ml ttnac bis abillty. Vile Ilsa menit vsrranted a -packed Chale Smilla iepieaeuta lbheNoth., Donnelly or Brown. ".Laugl and, grov fat" l5an old bouse, h vas good lu every manso! western National Inanne. Compny, - _The judicai Igbt hmanvmiimmseraid Maxiai The presentalon o!ibe the vord, sud each participant liait i o! Mlvaukee, Win., lu abae iocality. down 10 a content beiveen ibeeetva Une f H rdw re,--Deric Skle"et te Twn allconception eoflis or ber partItient He recelved a latterIroanleadqoartiersm-en. Judge Willis bas"Womola iin meof Had a oi.e. 1;lkand fale OUaI ieovu all comnbned!ID Maie a Mîostcrediblu Monday comanendlng bihl blhy for o! couÉ6,and judge Rsaop oirried Feb.o 01a t o 111t h e wtll a frd am p r mne . The .audience v as co - is t lsfa to y ork the pu & Ye a n d D e al b Oc o msal, a" n tas .Iu s m ausy, appoluniy 1 les theviaom ! anes alsedvila laglter froui begliniag furtber slaling ia a i& vas the h-b tantai prIol tass Ier« an ob PUMpls g trA. ai aayig. 10enad dpplanded agsin and &gain uer sa«ency ln tialasurveylng depart- a! bis et lalon aHgin xnuIt a0The Young Peopies» Coneli o! the lb.effrt.0o!&lie varions participants, ment, in vaalcb ire located over ibre. monasa. jng brov u bsDuPaae Presbytoerlan ciaureobtesthe laumber 0! Aithr ailsislley vas or course -"rIglt nt hundied 4genci..huit01 ainhlMsd ougball 10thave uariy a nv n y t o e j y e l l b a e t y b l e a l t a a d e e e e n l T h e v a r io n s fir m s l u L b e r t y v iU e t h e p - n ai m o u a s u p p o r t 0 f K o d s . ant C.utierv: last Friday evoain,a»du la obuaaacerdlsapointed eveu tbonghtlaey expeet vhose demand for le. durlng tahelicHenry Conaty ywa ta tnd bh l Xdge lutte o! thal oegaiaston aliait h is telis above-crticam on occasions sveieîîng bot sunamer monta la of DonnlI!, and hoone vonldaOtRaJly-' batkln o!a lmeet ale aste. MIui laClirk wu »aY materim] proportion have beimoineine abat vay, wbiteae la fali You find ta yaur advant_ The malter of alovlng Roula, Bras. p»aglialry goeé sud If tiiere vas one laylug lu a big aupply the prenant de'eil rua.Poal aum a rebate on lut queutra leaa lreerbteUbniotellsve. rgATyore pitnglu ealegCounes vili dîvIeaven o I j ~age ta camne here with your ovlng 10ta.h -bard tllrne.' s ve.Otlook 1h. honora. Rer maie-up »e itous ti alsr, Hîvîcys ereamery a@My oui eureiy, unlt" tboeelOve brouffbstbutor. the village fathers vm dula ltaeif Indiciouns dit laoui about nlnety toua, VIII Waldrou aizty ocaaile.have an o)pportnaly buoen.. JOB WORK. Monidby igbt. Il vas moved Ihât a opaica&lhe chsractenised '"Mie tons, F. B. Loveil forly loua, Boehm hutveen-tbe &a .men. la esse ibear rebute o«,8100, bueailovud bu at a Andtin" iun ianner thaý vould do Br&. 100 toua and County Paru 160 delegites amntol gr.. ilbWa mos e H. B. EG ~~~~~~~~ R, ~~~majori oaithlb bad voléellagial u «4Mlao0 aproiesn". MMs.Ntaie louan onyoa~Iu alreapaaaeo ualuy bbgon th popsiio. I mie,"iDIlvu iD cse." of gond river Ico;mantlclpatlng lie.viii bave tu decidefer tbem.' aaaes ~ ~ ~ ~ Glie O anlvysd Jim.a Woodnen as &hbvanto of the ra~rcDu~ea, Ther@ artcombluuloa by Wallah the Ni i 0_ 0sseraimrvasare deservilag o! whlchh. vwlI ll e sotmmer, nomination o! ablbcp. or evno!s o tommendationwvbile thee sgd0ative- wbeîa liebat esîoai %*I fregge l Willt, coutl bo deied, but mas sec aslso! W. C. Trigga pliedig fur-r oli or eave d lhuo aiat c t ioiroiaavold iaoat ra.y resait in j%~g m àiA~#I Bd i. Uke auaui, ki ~ bd" mcarasv very one tu laisgb a ad the. lt.i J1-oandul po eoorajlaigly. 0. the flai eleclilone a! a IDsocgathere assani. msonamà^ W, Isi ua a oe-90' wkard msaier luai whîcTa blie mlr.&,..t.Appîey puat su 1641 tous aet tela n o apprebenontissat auy lisgit vîi mame bV uds Ihe ky ~tsI'cailiaIlaatiestug cestue va i aI.t ony Feai ln ico diaia tiareeslbu maie ounlbr... Êatr. 1Be May ijaov ail abolit teama, whloh foi "laîmtllng' il a- ______ 7 disRF RA H R TM NL bete but kida-ai.The entire géret. recod bieaiei, chou it in contideied 4îfiinsW Ç .oosai cOve 'iWÊ FFEW OR SHO T TME O LY " suussa&imri i un, la suluaadéb"1o d,,, frf;m u Ruera Laie. styles ___M THE CHIICAGO INTER OCEAN AND Vatase bust local lproduction It bi5 lbh. teaverages I o1,e ulbn nîall.y LAKE COUNTrY îNDEPENDENT .. . . ' "'b.- »]-p--ur oltes:t-alk -as udla !Fouey %MAlo clheg t, aUn lir . cM M I M

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