CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Feb 1897, p. 6

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fliler†$ how tg grow Pigat, FMoerand Vegetables, ad lM p U. and o-e Paeaeafeeds (namaabov) f.,r sei eceive a compon good for 50 esati' orth dof Sa 1K Ssous, ROCHESTER, M. 1. açobs olu in Ç*l ý a hom -à pu« a SURS CVIN FOIR USING ,Ker & o.S 'ast CocoR. 4utely pure. )tM by the so-ihlled Dutch Process in icai thé fins waity are used neba t o f i o a reserves nmpaie most economicLal, costing less t'an one cent fet the genul utiE sh 7y WALTER rchester, Mase s. alne 7O ditfregteen monthe b esnof pain$and inietobut having mind at last to t yteand se theiM hen, ,9 o e Everybody thatEr 08.1 E~EL 1% lm bien ir w Ileufte0the îA; aiI lm*bw ot atates I Bewh otdaebdilutl all ad IL e eaern1 ha fridor otout leam nath 1 h vgrtatl matdte a EP o e ni tåblsofBases ilerneke bttebdipighs ai ted Rna nlu18M8 operated a machine vibra"-dIn thousands of heartso. For Physiqe by ther'r t acu eters aIm par acre in 18M6.IDont Ten ho lieked the oit fromt is long an ohving a reel, platform, dividler, cutting Ayer's Almante, "The Old Yellow Aim-lma gu Hrttttls igor In a highber degree va it? Juit write himl You well-oiled tail and wazed fat. The apparatus and all essential parts. unae" of the poella, la hâintmtely associatedthoan the trained athiete, although your mi'$- a seeds are breilDIupto big truth of the story la certinked by reputa- Hussey built and pàtented the me with the deys and deeds of a large part of Puisr•elo"#ipment mnay be for inferio Ad eat@ 280 bushels, Corn 200, blle men, and lm contained lan"Stluries Of year a machine. its principles have neyer the world's population. How large a part hos igneVim r r "Unsnd c onrrd 0ushel, Potatoes 1,M00bush- Aia anly"abo ulse ybe eatdfromn; il in still uied! in of the population this general statementbynte nit eros., we reies malaoufrial, ô oEnrrope, tc, tasS W heti buiC.,0liHe later applied may include cain be gathered from thereua te.prosndknetoue. o 0 " tuIopr Nre.,etc. l.eW.ratidgte & C., foeted on. Ogle•n reel. With butgthrne years to run, fact gthat the yearly issue of Ayer's AI- $igOO og o CNTs Th rt hd te msfotun tobe bi open guard patent lsold for $80,000- menac is from 17,000,000 to 25),00000 The man lot thc bottom of the laddler lend Thie Notic., with 10 Contelin a machine shop, where only mecttl McCormick claims to have experiment- copies.It is printed in twenty-eight edh- cannot faitlRand hurt himself. té olon A. Salzer Seed Co., La was used, and there was, consequently, ed ln 1831; patented a puomh machine in lions and in somle eighiteen languages, in- Wi.; and get 12 foi rm seed saml- little good food for Is%kind. lHe Wall1834, strappin.îg the pushb tongue to the ciudinr, bumides English, Spanish, lPortu- Ç ca" as war, steners aud twrell.Ne orth $10, toget astart. C. N. U- brougtit up la penury by is parents. bornes' backe; experimentedl again ln guefe, Dutch, German, SessDaihu•M "e re. c BBoring spectacten. nudafter ew as od aeou o 1lvell1. la r Humey*sapa tat the endcefa m ed o weitc. The of I styla m naaci e . Sma te deout, hasorappliall orhmelgindaPeerifos c lawsut.looked upon lby manly as a relic of an-uae r.reI.acse bt - otemutnofeelsles hod y le ooingfrsraso oo c! The predecessors of the Deering Com- tiquity, espeelally the "Patent medidne m traoibxrr»M.euatmrou elles, preventing the rigid dnal etaonl pany patented à Marsh harvester ln 1858; almanac," whose jokes are the butt often eu vim ~r e" ma ef glass and monet. and render. t happened that the men alwayit kept perfectedit and Put It on the market;, of the very papers in whose columns they Illi le Ilabl to freture "bottle of oit uncorked, and fasntened broke up the tradte of oreaper manufactur- first appered. Blut there are almnaes ------------ les ialetofrctre y a wIre te a certain part of the maerwote ea uligMrhhr nd almanses. Ever mince Dr. Ayer's jT " 4L nrmcerfai Ethma cure• chiinery It was In constant usge. Ope veltera in 1875. Deering used doubly ad- Àlmanac has been Put out it has employ- T e TP F t.Je ',-Brattleboro, Vt., Jan. 12,'97.· eing the thoughtful rat betook him. justable reel in 1875; was followed two e shg ls fmteaia n P.Taft Bron., Rochester, N. Y.: Your or three years Jater. Deering and Wood clatronomaicaltaent s is availa ndhe For botl o Athalnecre at hand sold wire binders ln 1874. McCormleck country. The result is thaet it stands on a a" Ily tatitns dthesbeto mdchne 'k -co panyfollowedyers inlter. dr- r, in respect of the reliability of its data lmmarket. IthBdn u omc n oku wn idr n17 n d the accuraocy of its calculationa, %witi "Mt tthat gfov dont 1lhad my druggist send and get w1as fýollowed three yeare later by theMe., the U. 9. Nautical A>anac, and test $.i >te;have' had no asthmaCormick Company. Deering an1885bornde nyt.t11fc1i1o1 ea ftry Ioa. y1mn eed t aenng itIi matirM rmic t-ol i d wo or threei a ntelttens, referred to the alai i e- t gare klsh ointant relief. harve.ting machinery in 1893, which Me- ad mathematieine i variou parts(i saW. A.tNEAlesCormIbekcisetnow aloestima.tbility Ayer's Almanac stande as a very ,1. =12.k1 etaarWndei se f i -e te ash he heefulat ouehep-p bty i e er Ian n aoul your Ch" esTwo axmseu.,ree -i dressfing Dr. Taft Brut., 45 Ellestreet, it often happens ta hebdeeq-pnain the e 1807ediin fths VisW. mateos8 a ssaitre= wleh euls1 Rojeeser, N. Y. er must serve everything, besidle pour- uelaylmanhe y ix.Thnow7 iinorseof tis- todeanae uetfr othhend Ing the coffee. T he tbest a wOmnan can ubeui o rgh he drinug s o f e cuni- Eeytae ut ersensecngs forr as ove willhe r Po worstimlalnt ; about tbaseball do under these elrcumstances tg to keep bt7 ordhth rugms fth on-> ertat ne weif re uialvem t eregarding the blackiguards eamco adsri eatfland ' y.-a-è-e JA E VC thesülece. Thle worst complainte plain breakfast un cheerfully as pond. Mrry(hllne-xpdto) ttsPeraorle.edee lir botte olackiguards ln the Ille. Alfler this, if she be a wise wom. the greatest depthi of thbe Atlantic Ocean d lhi tlletin .aitshe will eut her own breakfast nt 27,360 feet, Placific Ocean thirtyma --- -are'wly, resting body aond mind, that thousand feet, Indian Oean 18.582 &)he may be prepared for thec work of feet, B m-e Oean 25j,200 feet, Are- the ay.ucw 4ne reize how much ie Ocen n'ine thousand feet. The At% thfle dy ew wi tran enteas ilnthe lantic Ocean has an area, ln square indenesofthirst mal ha uon i le, of 24,536,000 Pacide Ocean 50,-m-D 1 mereersof hei hosehld.309,000 Indian Ocean 17,084,000l, Are- A artai l. One0 M New Line to Washington, D. C. tcOean 4 7SI.highestoutin la be doex oe ollarla y The Monon has esta blished a newa b dosir es olgru ne do l ls aa -througlh sleeping car route betweenl..Chi. lieved to be Deoilhuniga, one of the peailar to a l wtru a onl of 00lSast- RAT TilAT USED H"isTA IL FORa% PoNm. cago and Washington, 1). C., by way o[ H-Iimalayas, '29,002 feet rarila. Ttis i wh a bttl ofIloxi' - - -- -- --- - -Cincinnati, via '.%lonon, C., Il. & D., B. . bsarapartina contilns more curative power s-elf to a study of this bottle. If lay & 0. S. W. and B. & 0. Itailways. The C-incinnati, Oh o. Jan. 5, 18S.7 U E O than any other. Ti.e greatme-ritolliHoo's Open temptingly before hlimn.Its co- sleeper is ready for occupanley ln Dear. Mr. W. . Itinearson, il I. A., Cinein Miruprlta,)r,.ebytâwnd-rul, t- ents wOuld maklethile fat and Oshiny, born -station at 9 p. m., and leavres et nati, 0:Da i-h o o e burspara ILro',e ny lnthe woneruitufü;,and a social leader amnong his Complln- 2:45 a. m. daily, arriving at Washington th e people know Of your fine limiiteýd@er 25lo 0 haisi buateditsot onyL anpthe- ronan o 6:47 the following morning. tBehedule vice to the Routh over the Quepen san 4 Cedutnilbu haigi Dnot polf onend the 0?? le 'In effect Jan. 24. Crescent? While not, an altogethecr inex- M I uu i a sP linapproachlable as The One Tine B:ocd c s Asnto hrer h an I borofloog d aOt er r ae a n oTeobservation cafe ensw Purße. I hs cccplsh sosa aTlien hfis thinking gave a briliant re- riving are mont convenient, thisviwill Prori ly spent in one. with an excellent dinner et Mres of Fcola.rheumatismr, idysp'I- suit. He hadl a tall-what use was hie altogether the most comfortable as wellat moderate price, served without lan S y o a d sin, naaralgisat rhemne and cothier trou- makIng of It? This tait was au olipor- a's the most picturesque route to the na. the car, was so pleasant an expayeriencen It il the great building up n ediline. tuity, anoeil halid been wa-lig i, tional eapital. City ticket office, 232 compared with stuffy sleeper, dinhag or but noiee ecou!d use It. Clark street. Depot, Dearborn station. buffet cars, that I am led to suggest that re . D nt ImmedýIately be inserted ;:ie long totll yulyverts.hiHfatreM. a NE. X; as far as It would go lito!the narrow A sister's Estimate.ertuyyor.A vC , te bttle and solked lt thor. Mire. Harriet Beecher Stowe wasd m- is idé fRiheees t. o1 Then Il,. vithdirew at and covered one evening ln the hall of a When I-ord Muskerry waou dying, the Cafly ,ým ffi . f iend's house contemplating a mroble dthtlf oilcaefulyfrn of t. f b brohe He Wrdparson in attendance remarke htlf ter he repeated the saie processq bust et er br e, Hery Wotd and Its vanities would solon Page away, •e ds as he felt hungr. A1 litt ljdI. Beecher, near which burned a soffy and exhorted him to repent. "Repent! ibli--ns, 'reBonoPrtma. CI selected wood provided the nee- shaded IIght. Ah1, Henryl! shle was For what ahoulit repent?" demanded SP ar h n atte n oild element ln Ithis iet. He heard to murmur, ln a dreamy voice, the old lord; "why, 1 don't rememiber wi' Pla th Hood e fat and sleek and a leader "h ih un eoeyuteelk that during my whole life 1 ever de- ----- rts a saint in a shrine. But- you e no Ie syef anything." R EA BONS NO Fm '_ A OPP'"day lhe was taking a copions us, Hny o ee oml tO ostments for caQàtahta #*a ade §Mo of oitlien lhe realized fithatie VickL's Ofrer. .pconotataster«ur,a er glranostobeeteforgotten his heredItary caution. ln another columzn of this %liwiwi b a eto whe gat i Wl e a that a man wrait watching himu. found an off er of James 'Atm sSono of CPlterigit trg the mucoeSonoce loe men showed no sign of attacking Rtochester, N. Y. Somiethialg pew for this teges hould never bieoused except ou butrater peasd crisit, adirmi, but very tempting, NIicks Feofni re :t..aB r ak butralir peaed urolit, ndGuide, the oldest seed estaloguaitin A th ehlgo's Trr eraLt therefore stayed. The result of les, bas colored illustration# of the p pm ib .. heeya o. Tlel1 ecaluse it ls absolu thi metngwa tat n im te atderful RatL.bun Blackberry and the di ., .coteans no mercury. and li taken Inter- 2. Because it is not got Into the habit of taking his meaig ble sweet lpen, Bride 01 Niagam »Hl aly.sactingdietl %othOe blond amn whchhem in the presence. of the workmen, and tone Illustrations photographed fromt Catarr ofure e sjout e snu ine.Iti H3.Bcaseban'o* thaet to haire killed,so elever a creature tur, of rosesmastm,. carnations, taken Internan y. and made ln Toledo, uioe, by 3 euebaso Swould have be-en regarded as a crime. iowvers and tomatoeiI I i lle eJ.l y& .Tfft mon"fý 4. Becauseti is made Il leda ha ife, nd"did ofoil an new nd go vegecheveile le làahpp 99 adde o 1 n ete., and is up to tdatIesm its , a ses Diamonde Win Their Way. 5. Because it is the m i i years. eier oCernThrngsatarerelabThe Emnpress of China has a great a cup. cae. odeston The oddest speidliwn Of 1 enske passion for jewels. It used to be Illegal De sure that Y" m a e ,a The shortest ignrin Chicago: Dr. failly known to li t he m natural- for a Chinese woMuan to wear die- 9 BAKER à CO. Ltd., Dou calr. usine N. Re- Ist, not taking lnto coanside lion2 the monda, but thle present Empress chang- - 1ý& Lck of money is the chlief cause of two-headed snake and other moniStrosi- ed all that by persisting in her fancles. àC. OFA ucd nl ne ties of that lik, in the horned raottle- ------ e oConomtion. 0ARTsurcEnTUf oLD, A Russian economist estimates the snake, which, top to a few years ego, Coughin ed oosecuha annual Cost OfIthe armuedl peace in Eu- was thouight to be> one of the rarest as . Kemps Balsaim vili dte auhndgt rope at $,0,0000a welltas one of thie most poisonous of once. Go toT oeur drugg t dan and ce0 It e etioatd flettwoyers re e-serpents. Prior to the tigm when Dr. C. a sample botte ree. odi258210 otam ed t i esimned hattwoyeas ar re Afrt erram adethefamus Deatl cent bottles. Go at once; delays are e y as. Qi e orthe guCoaert o ravefomValley exploring expedition, In 192 ,dangerous. Flriaao hecasoouNrwy but few specimlens of It, and those In the greaot chourch at NMengo, Ugan- erineating me i o Te ttalcordge equred or fist- i tle1vvstern d rtregiions, da, there are over t wo hundred trees to CLAM. eo rtesanof-war es Isaout. ideighty ost ktc . The Death Valley support the roof. Each of thesle trees- ton, ad ecees $5,00 l vaue' explorera say that Death Valley tg lit- took one hundred Men to drag It up thle| N R IP siA% .IL There are no undertakers in Japan. era, lv ihtem hyhv il a alan n When a person dies It is the custom for hrns onitop of thepir head1-, aar l. Mdc lis.% nelarcat, relatives to put hima ln a the smallesit rattlers knw'.lan'à aiy n arcfnannuy,'ndtemorigMoves the bowels each day. In or. . nuw re aen does not begin unTfil after buri. The Facta in the Case. der to be healthy this in necessary. a onMuneesnPbas bsonstura A carefu l perusal of the mapl of W'in- Acts gently on the hiver and kidneys. % .Fm N The Brith*Msumhsbok rt. cousiin will convince youi that the Wiseon. Cures sick headache. Price 252 and ô0c. tm eu on bricks, tiles, oyster shells, bons inenaliesrnigfoChcg EdnE.Buewobldste Je usand fiat stones, together with menu- and,3!,lwauke t . alEdnepwib in es foueMln e ntra ul Ratload seu.N . scripts on bark, on leaves, on IvOry, Aiibland. Hiurley, Ironwood, Bessemer bideisfoffi Minver thnd léfi . M»rmWea leather parchmient, Papyrus, tron, cop- and Duluth touch a greater number of has1 a pet rat which oten goes ove h l' . et. and wood. important cities than any line runnn a ihhn n n a hnh thoghWscni. Elegantly equipped went away withot i-t the cat ellimbed Frogs are mainly juice. If they try train%, leaving ant convenient hours, Makle tpon a truck of the dinIng car'and rode to maklie more than a short journey thesle citien easy of access. Any ticket sixty miles afiter hlimn, from Beecher away frome moisture they will perfish agent cain give you full information and Falls, Vt., to Fabyans. for want of water, and then their bod- ticket you through. Jas. C. Pond, Gen. es ril dr awy. he rogs bnesPas. Agent, Milwaukee, Wis. No-to-Bao for Fifty Cents f6 sgo sOft that they scarcely leave any Over 400,000 coured.. Why not lt N.To.Bae keen.When Napoleon Swas in love with maolâ Ÿ r e 'u=rtir1n r oobami? Josephine, fie wrote to hier from Italy aàar-n eed. Se»ad si. anocrumibt.. that hie lived ln perfect anguish be--o-- - A macinisé.laSt. Lois r cause hieliad not hecard frominDer for Dettt Will Deny Thon. bis lifebladt been à perf " nala ek. Whenafterwards, hie Imperfect teeth are a sure sign of generaLibed feeling mrotil nar lve th Maria Loulou, he lhad civilisations Perfect teeth are found, road about a Coaât made so heavily embroidere asi a rule, only among gavages, with gold that hie could not wear it; sheo was a dear, sweet girl, with a com.- ordered new boots so tight that ithey plexion of angelie loveliness, much ai all could not be drawn over his felet, and young ladies possess who use Glenn'so Sul- Any Ilai parilladevoted hlimself go ' assiduouly to pâier Soap. O1 àruggists. n nySTais sarsaparilla. True. S0 any learnoing the waltz, of which she wras .in 18«7 the consumptipn of s ugar in {g es So any flour is Bour, But gpades differ. @Mid to be fond, that It bPought on n "the United Staten was 24.1 pounds per a st"I y te . ttack of loeart trouble. He was gored -a 1 9 the crengeato ou want the best. ltes so with sarsapardla There- of bis love for J<yephine by lier lnu-.head of population;- n184thlon av no grades. --Ou Want the 1et: ýIf· î,met-able forivolities and infidelities. He sumption haed increased to66.4pounds- ot1 •la as well, as O01 do, tesa e e41OurWit never doubltd the fiaielity of Maria Hall's Uir Renewer c»oim n ate b u bélà tocletmùne eutyois«",ý How '°"'s, a"d "Men the plin"®t "°of fratfood end 1°flr-matter fo°ur ng ray-d y her Intrigue with Count Von Neipperg ness, baldheefe oranr al ui sogres. ïh was laid beëftre honmlhe refused to be- esbadmianrfauclf.oe. Whe r going to buy a commnodity · leve It. Not .until- we know a mou's heart ose value ou dén't know, you piCk out an.-OldDr. JagadIs Chunder Bose, professor egeuay tht e kow stbise ouet taewih ndtut hi o hsia elneinLnen l im 0rre o oNo Xer witheim Ltnc s-bri nouFir 9 Ab- elé pkg.worth 6. ------- aveteH .-EAOCEPTS TH E TREASURY• Mte urtsbeing SHIP. repaidorderhe I 1 O re had realent of the Firet NaOtioBnog n the, et chl rtfoliuoen e Nw-dà-- •"reading. A large nom .1ahmm eptwtoliola te IS,7,A. toring womkn suffrage, a Maimitrat. àoriog annexation of Cuba S pone at Cuintne. Flote Fonde Bnew-tÍWmad. caught in the blizzard and frose,both test of the North Bde High School chose woas transcei n the ocise Lymat Gage, preident of the FirsIt One of the mont remarkable episodes inaupito the ankles. He begged et a dome night for a éleigh rlae to MinnetOxIka, th112r. Itroduction of a large nu wation Bk of Chicago, hans,- the bissmard tn South honnes to bie taken in long enough to thaw ty aile* away. The trip was hventful ad àpeaker Cortde was able to preide ofer the Po l of Secretary of the alt blockading of the train them out, but w#&aeverywhere refusedl extremis on accunat of badly drifted roads the House Thursday. He announed off- unader7mt cKinley administra ain t$20,000 of the State and Anall remalbed-ont pf douo.&banesu d poor ledding. It wras alto a very cold eral committees, Several bill$aiiere in e anade tlCa annoneeta a , g tout a' large amount without food and with his feet frosn nighât for leigh iding, and the entire 4 s te was continued opon Thùradayýight In t'he McKinle p 1 ulationis of State Traite- untIl he reached Sioux Falls and askedl party was aimost frose. tito denouneng the pro-, There wein gathered abot him aB aruor, nd in the penitentiary, the the chief of plice for help. The skin posed arbitration treaty between the Uint- of newsipaper correspondents, who haed Governor had Legislatture determined thaet of hie feet ha turnedi black and is vital- Fasety Habit Dria. îEBIstes and Great Britain. The neolue come to learn of the result of the confer- If the State treasure *as not Drow intact Of the arve deaths fronc cold which oc-,u was finally referred to comme. ence with Maj. McKinley they would knowt the requin why. Ac- eurred ln Chicago within two daystour There was a short aesio of the nta "Mir. McfKinley offered me the treasury cordingly the treasurer was coimplled to--- were ehBdre. One of thie addest cases as"4 tLwiadoyted ilimoist entirely to the prtfolio. I toM him 1Ibm'oldaccetthebave ai the funde deposited lin ýbanks inslitat of R obenberga Rusin24M»dbd etin.A msge wasre- Igh honor and fill the position to the bet throughout the atate broughlt to the capi- .living with khite i edght children-lit cetved from Goy. Tanner appointing.Wil of y biit."t. This was done and every dollarone yttle rqom For eight monthe the C.#Impeon of 'Vienne, 1,s a Blan- oT Ma n e rster c te ounte y $ee offeias ht ru-fter bh a nniontof epoaent n è-teIlnoi @eteBar fPheP Ib t l te tueray iedec edtoa hpledyitcx- no aksfom family they foundt!them s tarving and1 4.o p tsfntre.Thellen run ay eatleoftheŠoeyof hen-to twenty feet high, andthere It was nine-months.ld baby dying for want of ese went lnto executive session and cet clnsadfami otrti c, fthet rnti garddbytate militia, unilt p the &adproper nourishment. c arofteadlhthe appointmontof the inater aiterthanflit reatin ý9_B1_FrottntNosie IPuzste a lleas4iof Pharmacy were unanimoulY Firenaen Fa oxen touthe Grad. Thte Jones @chootl in Chicago in attnrd. Two Ch icago firemen fighting the fiames mostly by It aliens, Rusinlevai la the Hlonse Friday 80eaker Carts an. wieblh teensaubme $50,000 worth of prop- colored chldren. The janitor acte as sur, nounced the appointaient of the Commit- effy on Fifth avenue, found themselves geon-in-chief toal and tries to treat at tee on Judiciary, au fonown: Allenotl Vr. frozen to the street when they attempted colora. alike, in fubbing their no"@s with milien, chairsten; Cochron, Selby, .r to mov. With difficul ty they made known -Dow- until frostbites are remqvedbut14y, mille% Retdll Bny ther reicmen t tei felosk itity was no ilow that the surgeon feared hie lissometimes possled. "How aewue M kth;'Sherman, Bayle aiå, was otly taier s err mue anre-it amputation of the limbe would kiff him. to tel when a colored boy's nomeorar del, Torren&» w, I. 0. Bas-aMr- esdBurke was reoved to the hospital, where are fraiter?"lhe asked. ray et Sangamon, Eldredge, - t.sexpected, ho will die. Aey riNtiBte, S Wnsrders for lDarewith Froissan eet. Bassedtthée Saave Tee csosel tskopf, Johnson of Whiteside, Alter wandering with both feet frosen ielo=bia Under Disiemities, An Incident of the bisard la Chlow, Norbka Perry; Organ,,.M for six dlay. Thomas Burke, a South De- A number of North Minneapolis yovng was seen in a Madison street er i alo ok ulvn amn, kota farma laborer, applied at the >police people hadt a chilly experience that cold tlng cloue~- beide the stote, whichWas ery, Mee ,Mr. Reuel presaledaR station at Sioux Falls for help. Burke Mfodnynight, the remembrance of wheh glowing with hient, was * win a s qualen&typetition. 4 teMi was out of work and wvas tramping the will make themt shiver when they are wore a fur cloak. 'Of a oudden there wau prese~nted were thé followifng: o athor. country in search of a situâtion. He wax gray-bared. The sophomorus and seniors a dsh ansd the garment burst lnto a dame. Ise citles of a certain clans to makeffl- tracts for a peritd of one year relationg to the collection and disposition of garboige. SThe bill applies only to Chicago. FIXIng the puy of the judges and clerks of ity elections at $5 per day; t o epmpel attet ;car cepmpRUanie n etih@we sheir cmrsfor LYMA J- AGE-the protection of employes and for the LYMAN J and comfort of the generai poule. self. He said there was no ground for i The sesion o the Senate wnbrief.T tepbilcation fitatie was a gold Demo-. fered a joint resolution asking that alt craturing the campaign, and that hie ii-ao h tteaoeteaeo 1 oly affiliation with the Democratic Party be entitled to vote. Both houses adjorn- was in 188, when hie voted for Cleveland, .mama,-cm«n ed until 5 o'clock Monday afternoon. He aimlaid tt tl ie Major McKin- -T Ihe lonne met et 3 o'clock Me-D411, ley substantially agree on the tarilogtes- MR. % lLSON ACCEPTS. ed ati14500 with an average value of 4he south of France are harvested.- July REED BREAKS THE RIECORD- with legs than a quorum present. AÀ t- tion.- $1.>5 per head. Horses reach a total of sees the crops in the othier Amerean ritation front Governor and Mrs1,= The guete at the McatinlCommit-- Practical Farmer of Iowa Chosen for 1,62,000, a deeHine of 1.5 per cent; milch 14tatepgeand ail except the northernmost WIU Be the Patlier and Probably the to the reception at the ex ive Mn" > besides Mr. Gage were -Go. Secretary or Air iculture. w, 18,113,000, an increase of 2 per part of Europe harvestîd. Rougsia, then Speaeo fth eu, aïed The Hionsext d teeman Leland of Kan 1 Y or- Congresuman James Wilson of Iowa icent; other cattle, 32,647,000, practically begins to gather her grain, more beiong Thomas B. Reed will bie the father of until 10o'lc Tuesday tootaing. genrs. Bell and Col. J. J.Mc-k will bie Secretary of Agriculture in Presi- anuncuhanged number." harvested in August, when Manitoba, the House (of the Fifty-flth Congre«s. ami ly a baker's dosen f the latter a leading attorney; W. C. Beer dent McKinley's enbiniet, he-having an- lower Canada, NÇorth *DakotaL and the In all probability Witllbe Speaker aise, eut when theéSena of theNational rit y ColaPRXW eof ew soned Idsaccepjtaþee of the port folio. ULCDB TMN. northernmost countries of Europe are the which will break the record, as no one ýNo business Waàm York i d *rIt , the ,ameseWilsn% aebrn Aug. 16.0,15, PBI sc TTE ET ene* of the harrest. Sweden, Norway ever was Speaker and father at the uam as the journal had the national comumittee. Goy. Corneillsaid in Ayrshire, Seotland, of parents belong.. ahowe Increase for Januaryr of Over and northern Russia are the uniy wheat timie. Reed's friends say that hie ls till ment wax takenun that lhe was glad the country was to have tongto the farmting class. His parents Fourteen Millionsi of Dollars fields covered with the golden grain In robust enough to Wear both honore credit- morning. a Secretary of the Treasury Who wLillhave immigr"ed toaosciu in the spring of The statement of the public debt show" September and October. But just as these ably. Speaker Curtiz uedaran dedte "Ileaned hie tr&deý1eiere liaentera opeo 4 ff 'ana«ga i M ing la the vicinity of the debt, less cash in thectreasury on Jem-. cop* are gathered the crops of Peru and It causedl surprime when It was discov. apite oth llowing Committee the duties of IîisioÇce ýF jc.They %nent to:fowa in the fall 'M. to have been $1,007.008,117, un la South Africsaar ready, and In ]December Pred thant Mr. Readdlhad been a member aon uiiletment fM foiee f* Biogra".bil Sketch et lr. Omite, oW buying government land in Touma crease for the month of $14,078,73.. Thi New South Wale gathers hier harrent. of the Hnons longer than any one else. dii.ral rt ent ¢6¢.C hran, Bey& Lyman j. Gage was borat De Ruyter, Counlty. James is the oldest Of afa fmily 0ineresse in accounted for by a decem gowas lected to the Forty-afth Con- S ieeeBlBootht, R. C Madiso County, N. Y., Je» 1-M 3,Of fdurteen children-seven boys and of nearly $13,000,000 in the cash on lien A New Presidential OMBce' as" in 1M7 and hasibenico n service ever Shrok ible ay nd he onof li ndMur Judson meven girls. Hi@ father, John Wilson. The decrease in the cash in the result d Preident-elect .McKinley hanslhadinee. JdeCleroo=eas ws nm, ParrshtWylr, , Avery, a wsH earedhis$1st'saaryas a uwa a stock farmer and began at an early the redemption of $0,580,000 ln mato u a bilt chaning the Officiel tile of elected lan 1875, and was father of the Glagklie. e tofiend day to fatten stock for the E&asters mar- Pacifie rilroad bonde, ich will be hel t President's private secretary to thatBodHrM ryofC tnEgh•"eea_-ete -,aasaadebt against the coinpany. and the of sWcretary to the President. Mr. Me- Webb, usines cmaspeu an4 Bryant.Mr. Jater became route agent on the Ronne and interest payments for the mnonth, which Khaley has in mind a plan to enlarge the ftevelra bill-repeling the MbW law WasÎ .1fate ~aniounted to $6Q,704,0M6. The debt proper, potters and adto the dignity of the aleloineoer wek. theMNsin. es a ositindependent of the cash on hand, was In-, and to caune Ilta tuank with that oftmeoio- troduced were thè f .To se- la Rte rae igte mnhb 2,2,7,bers of the cabinet. It is sid that hie has tet lbaik deposmitors; to émlllte stock hae t a salaru$4 S-Ma e. î which in chargeable to the increase in the asked Hon. Bellemy 8torer, the Cincin- yards charges and tnnions ; to re- amount of national bank notes outsitand- niait lawyer atud ex-Cogesat e quire trust companieste acnue allmns f a ingt. eept the position, representingr that under Intrusted te them; tie"ohM coloring of lionwit lis tmu intboohmm hoThe comparative statement of the 4.ov. the new administration the office of Secr- cheese andLhutter subtitutest requiring WotIbo ih hswduteasbotkesper hema ernment receipts and expenditures show. t ary to the Preident, which et -proeuet in railros àto procure auntunneal liense, was ails er aos f fewi the total receipts during January to havec ihat of a lerk and chamberlain of the to employ convicts in manufaturing ancepdng h pstion f bookkeeper for been $248,316,95fl and the expenditures Executive Mansion, will hereafter bie one $tate, county, township and echoo dis- acthed rcate po s , on «$W,2@M" This leaves a defcit for the of great dignity and influence, the Incum- trict supplie%; to establish and maintain themerchants'"Swvnsli month of $5,952,89N5, and for the seven bent of which lesttolbe the confidential manuel training depaertmnents Of high Compcany, ta d t s p d e of monthe of the present fical ear a de. legal adviser of the President of the sc-hool S upn consent of majority ofr thecareetat led »Uth pr eyofg icit of $43,854,792. The defielt for the United States. votersIn sch»oo distrJets: to provide for t8 ehe F remtatioa ah In t msneven months o(flaut year was $18,- the txtinof exipsaescompanies ahd 18tcomerad sae 0,3l* onOR 77. The receipts from custome dur. A Surplus of Gotd. providing for their governmet and con- adaneitash " and Wo in:tn the last month amounted to $11,276,. , Just at the present timie the treasury trol and empowering the raproad &nd 'ldvanced tthathofenin, ata when n874, a falling off of over $5160000n1 fth ntdSatsiojyngtenvlwarehouse commisioners to régulate and 1808 he we.t heoirst N tionl comparedt with January, 18X6 There wats experience of being In possession of more fix maximum rate# to be charged by soch btikwas as la c 2 uash T etibd ra almo a light faLliing off in the receipts from gold than It knows what to do with. The com»panie. ln the Senate a messagelras zainiepi eectd ,i an " maInterna revenue. total cah balance in the treasury at the - receiyed fronthe Governor removing iztion heéas em- lece epeiew close of budiness Wednesday was $22),- from the lioÉrd of the West Chicago nan Iùr« JMas WILtso WHEAT ALL OVER TH E WORLM D, 39 an of this amont n legs thonos . au Park i mm sioners the tolloH g uso Bankers'Association. He was chosen ket. %he family pursued diversiied foami - $143w:reM,380vstd worcrrntexes l e r oldata abre- a bnteg io ftels og e rs eefCrles J. opinck:arv.erT. preidet f te Frs Naionl ankJan ig, avig he air fatue pomnen tome part of teeoobax, serve tô redieem the outstanding paper but hie has given way toa nother Demo- 0dward G. -ihlein and Carl Mioll, and 24,. Gaen a hm ta ine ro h bgnina wl s ht The wheat cropis inalways being har- money. This leaves In the treasury a ca tJunW.arwor.Congressman in their places were appointed Charles J. Mr.Gae as mvl t ln the of ment making. James was sent vested somewhere. Just now, while the fond to be nsed for ordinary purposes o*ly Hart'-r'e« hilaelpi>a, wa&a4$gged in Pavlik, FanalA. GraefuedWpl iJ. Worid's Fair enterprise lv ilme Iltat the Xi1thi General Assembly to Amiericnformer la not thinking of wheat, $60109 This la far .from beongan 1871, but lut Was eutth in 8 WloJoehW.Sdad'a rZ L. wa Getprpoed ad e emnsraedge te tok ct eaced eun- the (crop of Australie, Chtill and the Ar. enormous num when the extensive opra- Anqw o4 b M ejen. M an loentand alse William, C. Eggert to this faihi* Ciag' blilit o msg n h utm emtigsokt entine liepubile in b-ing put on the mar- tlons of the Government are taken into of lCa ing o ected lo487, succeed Walter"S. Bogie, resigined. th aa iét iti áf.Ife was re-elected tu the ket. la February andI March the fieds consideration. The treasury in running two fears Inter than Mr. lteot n,"lton Ing ont -ri s dX1\ th General Assemblies of upper Egypt and those of India are behind stul, and for tile tiret mentht of the McMillin, of Tennessee, was elected in that Chengo would raieteuen speaker of thec House in the last As harvested. That of lower Egypt, which. year the excess of expenditures over re.187. Joseph Cannon, of Illinioi, Was promised.Ur. Gagoh ,ettwriema- sembly ln wiiich hie served. 'rnecode ofr_ electrdIin 1873 but hie got into trouble An amate f Lewiston, rw.An a,> 4 l Qta bu1s .Ch Ether- 1873 was enacted while he preided. Hie LtNITED STATES ORUISIER BROOKLYN. through lapsus linguae In a stormy de- A.aine, sait ebget ldgeof Atte Fals,14.Y adfêfn ws eecte totheXLi1d Cngrssur-boierie18M and faned to bu returned for fotan t h and canbe 1874, and ln 1887 hie married Corne" a ighis last terni in the House pnd was re- Ela Vessel that Canne Near Elag aok by à Hidden Ledge of Rock in the the Fifty-second Congress caught a é rAl Gageof Denver, Coe. elected to the XLIVth Congres. He re. DlwaeRie, aunaA.rwofPnnyvai, a ta i sAøile tired at the end of his second terni to his a member of Congress back in 184, when an 40nnty kos HER INAUGURATION GOWN. ]farm, when be was appointed by Gov. h* was Speaker qt the Houes. He &a# thå htirp Sherman a member of the Railway Com-M.Re rbteou iin xSeks n a f o mm . eitiele s tutme of ilver misin fe evn n erh e now members of the House of Repreeta- tPbrt(t t ua White Breende, signed to take his scat in the XLVIllth tives. Mr. Grow, however, Was out of :fgt1e bSito Details of the inauguration gown of Congres. At fthe end of th!@ Congressh olte folij rt-eenth to the lted histet M ru.-MeKinley have inaly beendeeIdedangin retired to hie farm, when several Foifty-strird ê hry-e t théem" t fl 1 saysa &Chicage correspodent. The onq- editors of county papers arranged with F C AT RAY aàd thergbletlé,and lo serial for the gown has beausletd but imnto write weekly letters for their pu-FAC. NOA RAY nt cut fromn the pece. Iltgi a bruende of pers, which e han continued ta do until Tj aoenRpulcWse o to ve r r an w ite com . int 2 t wlll e In 1 he w aelected diretor of the n pa e bd a ilt*,w1h ue lined with paie bloe matin. The gown is Iowa station and professor of agriculture ndThaiateoi trlaes 1 Gto nabtra, italkP de ad ai to betnadefrther plin. ThéecormagewnM by the tronses of the Iowa Agricultural in treacotry eweenthe na rbieyfootre t l,leN ds have uy sh fp intd'lee& College, a positionlhe has held upitoatheloted by brance Rther, aiclnda nce- the'last bui lt lace. Though the neck will lbe made high present tinie. aims th dFr nction ofbeingbathud.pFoneer fte t u sare nbt ne with soft lace. yet It will have'the deco- FARM ANIMAL FIGiaRES in aitradititon oedinsIfo along t4of tes r ot o lebu.The ieeves wible Ions and a go am July, 18s5, the lmiister of forown H osow Ien r Chonlpiemo er-affaire, M. Handtaux, was destrie sof shwith sa fll friln.oflate.bTe sre ee o"e bm aving a:tteqty ef rbtitn'established 'h f e of h ndf brrde Th km drou hea . alti-be trusthrme ore r .e ai- The excellent postures and beautii m a obave the gown not elaborate nabd t or forma of ickmnssin Indiana and parts ar o , ee aetoaha edure for whien relabd le so renan. et h se therih las. eet. Thisine i Nebraska.- and the mont eeeloss Now, boever, that àattr bas been able are olingldey n ttea sigigt ofeihtgenswhe Ms.Mcineyw a veir known in Iowa, the total natetero aragd between -Great B3fftain and the it reeives fromn the vapors of te At 1haet ctedringthe iarast in Ciago oge, estlimated at 47,546000, shows an United §tgW teFancSe is o¢troub for the lantle. It la fromthese green pÜ s sudterest nerf in ot naugratio onst·v e C« Cane d r asbtyea r of3Inpercent.draftingof aaffiwar trywth thlisthat It has obtained the namn eto e out bradresses have on.tcourtrer t r pu-lieammtssponnyad "EM er&ld1st." MiseLiBen empltom, o Brokly. trée ndu!e more genéral tedng than le irrigated by the over iowing of the Nfle eptslas87,2M,516 and the detet for the lt immediately brias the matter before . MiUlnTmltoo ro l a m uuai. Tne incemasn nuBoters In IllH- 1% harveted -ln Aprilwhß yi, Oel ert46fri0oe$b00,0. th hmero emte.- dead ofa heriesulthof tngmaar. nois, Missour, Kansas and Nebraska ex- rue, Persiaand Amsa Miner @WsogateeIt un hopte that the m.tier may lbe Man..t tod=nme tie o afrindwh menttocurhr.eeeds the lousluI owa. To prévent mis- rops duriangthast monthm. Coba'swhet Mtil t banW m pushedta satisfactory concluslin sthat .keep theirbil 'tgr EgasT n adben uferngtrssapreenio o temahe. itaton i wllalo e aure-i A ta.nve te wo4.e aiedbewen ar. hebarVro- Ye' l Ne'er9ÎeMar- Refuse A II Our to Use OLIO

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