10Uiet V. No. 18. .Charles Galloway. 1)0oeer Love! VasDrugetorue mop Sm r o a OiAND) vo aP. M. ,U"brtyville. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Oleover Trlggs e TaylorlS. -oux&-- v te Wa a. nM. 2 t 4d4. alnmp. a. -Aeidasca on Broadway opposite IPark Libertyville, Illinos. Dr. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST. .Qffoeover Loveilla DrugStore Lib.rtyviIIe. Illinos. H. P. EWING M. D. Rockefeller. Ili., Sàe"aS e.and 011e sd door out ûofP. 10. x,» . 9A - P. JE. Afler 6P.'M. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG. Physîclan and SurgqOOf. Gurnie,-- - - - - --hî O. F. Butterflield M. D. C. VETEINEY UItZONANDDEUTIIlT. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, Creus. bridge~ andl Plae Wor a 81ilcit,. -OFFICE HOUES - stait AU. iniamdhtoP.M. Gra"Ile - Illinois. MIBSS&l. AUJCK DAVIS. aradumc Ae i etmweir voict CULTrUne AND 1ARMOUV Lio~It. îBui. Dr. A. L TRAVIS. mme A. m1 aa.» a VI TO5lm. M. Ipeuw mmm thS teh - aa5gmande Ehîmatisau. fto~kf.flr, -Illinois. PAUL MacOUFFIN AitoiwyM" aCommamilir a au . NOTAfY PUBLIC SpelalattUifO gven Caleet.m madConvaymnicag. Gpiez WayU Lýias coc nT ltBANK, Libertyville, Illinois. W. H. MILLER, TUEBOHIAL AIITIST, Wbom jonumaua n suave or a gaod bair eut cli on --Bil." lien oualuW.C. Irtulb %.s 5, tore on & ê, lt. BhOý peoa..- very a »evar tundar moruing. LAKE b COUNTY . BANK ..... Wright, Parkhurst & Co. Libuuilffl, Illinois. Libertyville Lake County, Illinois. Friday. February 121897. Tha Judicial Convention. At ith e publoau nJictal Couven- to" for the nomination o! canddate" forcroultjndgea, the electioaq of hon' taem.place lu Jaîne. helftWedmediy in, £igli. 1B, Willig, (. W. Bîroun ad Chai. A. Bisbop nere unanlaitoual>'t nomanated ese reprenentatlTe candi. ates for CircuIt Judgca. eeb hrecelv., tmg 124 votai. Nomiaution in equivi-( eeqt 50eleciion iniIsdiiriet. Chamâ.1 Wbitney calmal the n'éetiug te order, C. E. Irving bolug made permanentg chairmin anal B. D. TaltIttt pc-rianent1 seereiar>'. Besoitions. ciug tlaai utoresa Jualgea C. W. Uptoat anal Cha. Rilurai bai detalmîneal 10 retire, Ibe il resolveal ihat ihm convention for thoir con- situenia oxprema their love anal ad- miration for ihese jualges. congrainlate thon' upon their succecii,comn'iid the equit>' anal good coaaiience lI ubich u iber daciions baie uc nmade, ex- prens the gratitude feIi for iheir faitb- lui services an'i tbe miutrUlilontlf eor thora nn men andl ctizean. truck the Rght Man. Dr. Jqhn d.Bhlrawder, ol.orritowIa, Pa., wun lael>' sSeucaed Mi ifleen dais tu jal snd requireal t, pa>' comi df prosecution for lbeling lHeem P. Baldwin lu a comm uication lie sent go à local reekly. Thia s satu tabe thm iri conviction ln Penarylvania under a lau nWpotl>' piascai.by rbtch tue person furaifiahig false informnation là halal Lubie, lnaie.ad o1 the pnuîlislar. This Iae la enalnetly rightcous, for ut mli of the cotemptibli specimena of buaant he 1w ort la the min uho uil ose ltae neuspaper te gratif>' lm pormoual epte and ihon ileavetiemunu. Anapecilg publiaher te face tihe munie Countv News. We take pride in dlreetiig the atten- tion uf our reidera t1 unr nuexceUml corps or!enui>'correipoudenta. Ibm INpzEsESL 'paiblimea more counni> eus tlan su>' other palier lu ihm county anal ru-are jusly promutofoul able corpa ol corr.-spoudenti. MIe insurance. Tber. re three kig.a of.1 1f. imaso- au.e. .jeos.ITheold laerb,,se rates appal tcmmn of aaj,ratre at-ama 'Jua. Tte frateraaal, or ,,oietv la,- aurince thbm rtes a,! %b 1.1-b laevitably ualtipl, ui.'bhaJuve aio ler.avibiust f. r oliagt. aa.,lutlu-b ,f.-n btn ti-àlhorry 1rotctaiil ta't. ubleh Is a hap.py jaedinna. A rupre- r,.anWatlve o! the Ilankea e !.Asocia- tion, ofutehdu-vou., l., ftaisben bere lIais veek. Ibis lm the troaigeat o! thae natural prerninmcuamnes, at once oferlaag aboafsf, protertios bickLea b>' guaamsle sud mrpimA fnuit», andl ut a ratetast approxirnates teC cuo!i 0 fraternai ineurance. Il you roulai 11km to have thc plana cxphaied 10 pou. a pissaI cird toJ. K. Leharon, Liberty'- ville, wrll meure m cail tomtii agent on lis retaîurl rp. Shaie age for etirnate. Prohibition Conferonom. A senteà o!f('ounny Prohibition C unterences ire non being held lin tiia. Bate. The cru-ni lu Lake eounty FRANCHISE GRANTED. effparviseir wo Paye San Comté To An end auid"Mî. Ibm Bluff Cie>'Bleoiric Bitrmai Bail- rmy Co. ras girenteal a rigbt o09us>' througb ibme Cnni>' olàb01 Lia Forestin tai iaipart aveu nhieb ibm superviiora hava Juhaictiiam. mai>' outalde ot lucorporsat oites analvil- lages Wednmada>' a!imrnooai. Tuesala>' ibmbonrd rppoitedal aommsitem oo "Uilttg of Meure Andit sou. Adiams. Fletcher, lAMe>'Mdi Bai"to 10 maina ibm frsumbism A"i 10 go ovet thm propom a O#, -yus>. The oonmlittee un Dot ramai>'9»bÎle report Wealeaday anornlug bui tbe report vus rendl the rut thiig libmâ afimunoon. XItgivaithb frnciaisifor iront! yearr. provides for la>'lmg bm moli on a qMpeeied aida of iUn rSai nonr the rond lUna, providmi for the uidenig o! cailvaria niai t, thib Coumpany'* exponse analtie t"ibm rosnd muai b.cam~aaib'IUI>'1,1090 Ibm chiricafl athibmvote Manalfe neipoudeai tlafvor o! t hule Uimm. oppo"lg %MWg Oni lagsSAI>';them Yeu anal nom ainsmng mid for, ihe voie steoit: Avas-Analersofl, Adama, CarMen, Dm1', Resion. Fletcher, Lime>', Neville, Paddock, Brayer, WaIte. noBa Vooka, Holije. Bningtix, SBiug, ITh ai Motion carried anal franchise grant. ad. Ibm boirdi thon adjournal. Xini ald t ibsthosa oppoasal tatibmtfam- chine favormal the damnandtug of rgreaier concessiona tromibmheCampiny f sch nà keeping thae roada la repia ln Oood Qld Timia. Ibm tlaoumande 09 ladirota valan tines ibi" B>' oan "h, liR lgd caricituminra oi tbongbt et ml- tII long ami«te bcuito- l baloied a arme foold Mth-1mghout thibm rcal Ihe gooal oi lima. MW viMitfla compomeal of Intentihimal. baiRt, ma bandl anal ban i agami.ual'OUi OUt et piper. A moto wm gmiarsl> l otim meroma ibu design, Manal ibM esesuh rec eh.veuih st e eerénte *0 U'aa an One O! ibm keapaikei af lifé. sBono Urnes ibhe ormamm n onlahaeck Of taer noyau inta ImterS, rapraietiel the dm11>' uork o ai fm ing-et ithe lireride anal ibm uludan. NoWndu tie ilac Im matto nilhbe adlI>' spoIe 6r couchadit hiimuint magul«eo01 Ibm eIder poea. Our ancatora"haIla orthograpby o! thair oun. aaimpI andl odd a n ier liv« 10l taus3now and if nsor0ftheOl I alantines e rl circniated î100 yes ago couli h. drag geal trom ior hiding places ibme roaald te greeteai nith laughter b>' thý geueratious os ioda>. HALF DAY ~M.bO. in Advance 7- . Loomia' chldren bave them aniea.________________________________________________ Wan. Behneer ua aChicago caMer Monda>'. w illie Wbitgaan apent Bunda>' at home. Min Kaie Arcbold vialtoal Chicago on Monda>'. Mr. Jabe Antea, of Deertielal,ua scemaiin Our taun Bunday. Mont of ibe 1c-ou»sswerm llled*asat ueek. Thc ice wun ibirteen inchea tlick. lir. J. Ml. Ayera anal rite, of Lberty- ville, callmd on ibeir son àJohn Ajera, Monda>'. taitea place Feta. 22, lu ttc Circuit Mr. IButer bai reuteal one a! bit Court roon lu Waukegma beginnlng Kt ferme talir. Wllianu@ tron'West issues interest-Beariflg il La. a. everl of ttc stage norkera Noniblelal. CertfictesPayale iuibe preseut anda agood progran' mi Plana Trilp eturnealtealber Certiicats Payble iater'a Mlis. Emiion, mt Donnera (irove on Demand. glven t>' local talent. 1ev. 0. W. laiet ueek. _________________________Steartr, BSt.e reaidentut Christian J. F. Bertel hem been ansontslnlng Endeavor nill give an adaemn luttc Prof. Buicik, o! Chicago, the liai I I U- I2nL ..afiernoon anal also at the liais- tro reeka. a Mcloqs d edO mdimeeting ilu the evenlng. Ever>' . P. Fot. and eontractor Henry Epalavor lai ttc coual> aboutimake Engaîbreebi made a businessitrip t10 M-ntr Bankest a point tO te there. Ai uho- Chicago Monda>'. Fur Lap Robes, oppoase esaloona ehould neiteg >te to Joh J hnsnWh u ee ar a s~~~impeit hIm heiR. a re I-eavy Fur Coats ever e:Id br. Comm provldiad uib rn rcpin nri or mt tu telice . ers ita, _ii !godi to aest arn thor agtiendea lutlaiuda>' aight la apte of Meur airImet F eu sheula Mt fais will hboa pieute dlqner anal social et ibe bail usathan analmait>'rosdi. fBtw 4 abui, itmkdiililb"d bthenoola hour lai Iupen!ance Temple Thb.dncng tscool laprograiaing CHARL SK E R. where tables willlio :pread anal tes niomi>' under Prof. Bnu*ueRWa cane. . ., LESKAS ud ofee eredtu mt4 . The aimasgave a dinOes liS Fnida>' MaI50 4.amu hiag àeily, an md lRas. LoueBz Siw, Co. Sec. emeang. asumtiNr rtmuii o ____________The» e y u .anm ue soial aitlin. The."Ua.itriob SBRUI*." j. A, Miaa Fia>emiag, PobIlth othebmbeanait o! the charoh. Ever>' -- -A lange audience croualsal ih Town ona Invîteal. Ne Hard Titries If you buy i&1Hall Wedueem Ita'aght ittepama tis- lira. L. Kt nager ihast homm rtrmhiR gOod Farm in> Central Wiscougnitiou of tbhug01<1 commiyth ib"DaeMairci bpital lai Chiaigo ubers iheundar. at $ 5, $10 or $15 Per acre. Bikuie." Wben the su-toel master rang uoaii an operation andl la manch lm- ood oilnatr, gudaecholthiRabell a molle>' crowd tled on tha priivcitu h eeth. 0 à sol, ite, radi, s 008,stage anal mhool, fuianal irotiblam- B.H. Pei. Sag u Bsoie hI@ bouse ta charahes ,and plent>' of Ibeu'. ,inciaceal fohriih. Costumes analpur- Owotge Barman uho hb ai tbou1% Woodl and Clark counties art nOt tkapaitarare udianousl>' redîcuioua, iton Maila hruliii sua', auife< b>' MA Saidy Dser." I wil go witli evollig mièb merriment. Ihurada>' ilai .hbon.s, ibis uomk. poli tit) sin, ns ralîeai >'8. I. Foot. la te nmaodel the olul yotito cost half R.R. tare, nigbt tho cumey al>'unrmnaîed. AÀcbagemfattor> wbh lie upurelamei 1 osm ouPr hieneat sa wqalzd bm e adiea of gouslime agi. h W balisunei na &0 expanse e ontyW ,ttheLakesîde Cerneter>' Association, club-bous e uecou~paia, anal li. te.and tare makes part p9.P" tIemexact amoInt ne are qualté 10 de- D- BPmala nl ba mmngar, meit on land if pou buy. 1 am termine. A. C. Biebirds. John Dote, P. Mou- agn o aeCut.Caîl or ersi, Afred tendIu, W. B"bailar anal a<.n forLaieCoutl>'.W. Belley rae a.uaàm itua rumisgt - >'t.or maps, terme, tinte etc. W1qjPERVIIL are lita auraib>' attend ibm triat of Bmtai agahumi a-a.....a.i WItOOl' a aliinllla, aalpu lspo p»"ul"itMoanda>'. Tbejury' reiuf- _o J. Longabuaasaa ieihpaada Itl. @oDuain, a. averdict ln favor of Bter. The jM Gr O aySlake Illinois. périllamikaiPUR 8 111640 . -ase Iffas PP«alai. FRED QRO4ERB --Merchant Tailor 1 have just recelved rny Spring Patterns, and they are beauties. I shali be pleased ta show them ta you and make you prlces. My Increaslng patronage la lihe best recorArmendatiofl. A neat, per- fect fittlng suit of clothes, Is always a source of enjoyment. andi costs no mare than ready made. I guarantee fit and satisfaction. OVER LAKE -cou NrY BANKU LIBERtTY VILLE6 - - ILI.1N018. SI.50.,in Advance Mn .E. Nolomb. WAUCONDA. Xi bcouaa ar mm dny tachrnic B-1. Courtney, of Cary, uma hore Mou- sibm dmaýih of onf !Lakeconmys mont dey.li rompecil realdania, ubose untimel> A . Cook vislted MLiertyville Tues- a. domine tla anmd blou te bar tinndiate daY.' famil>M analacerel>' regrattil by bar H. OJoldlugume a cil>' viiior 1ai min>'blande a md aamghboa's lai orke- uee.*kh fanée ai mviciait>'. M. H. Ford. of Cbleiago, instula w- couda. EmmAntmiof Hoconbuabmn a, Mr. B. Stoffel, of MeHfenr> uase here ai Peaula, In.,Cet. té, 1866, ad dielPFml. Inesaa.T 6 I, hming 41 yeure, 3 montibima Il lir. A. Cook andl E. E. Giliacrt are H deys of g. on the sick tli. c A bragbi, Induairioua student, elle MimlaB. Bpencmr le entertalaing a graitad liom te ibm11gb Behool et frîmnaltraom Chicago. P ibm âge 0f117, naulog In Bamkiefelmr lu Jan. Grâce uns a Waaakegmu and Chi- ai 1@87 te teach I laMma Holcombs Clai- ýcage viiter reomaiul>. sica Insitus. Pil.M, I ele wuy I L. Harrison us a Diarnonal Lake Fi aialIntIut. mb i 185eh u iator latm onda'. & ma rimdtirJ. E. Holcomb. Shlo leavea Mr. Miller, of Melieur>', rm a wau. N, tan'moaunabar laos many verra friendi couda viior lant ueek. a bmahand anal four cblîdran. Bal Broun, o! Monavlle. vlitcd By bar deatb the. Oda FeUouq ionse Manda in ihis place imenil>'. anau oair uaman fienda andl mont P. arviaiitdfrIands anal relatives ardent aupporiars. Ber home wunever Ilu iisplac e B fr1 othie eek. "oango themi anal nae uavar ready ti, 0. . oberti anal L. C. Prîce trans- enourage themmlai mn>'o oier unit.actel bumninhe m cty Tueaday.. "iBg4 eterig itethora' n beerili>'Un,. .Ooldng vimiteal frends anal takinga mnisrig Intorelatve la i Lboityvilie liai Taimada. asaye i.aibr.io lfi Quit. a numbar from b vua. "YMy umanverre ibmO Gai Failô&rO ~are uorklng OnUithe e etLake Zurich. meambermal, buti@ibmenteait bori sud Ail ihm glrla lilMr. Renia astone re- sou t ailitehrait uark, b.ing an celveal comte vaentinas 1mai neida>'. actIve, arnat Chrbian, uho belbovaa B. C. Payne anal M. E. Bnitb, o! "ba&eata, Mmd not ords, anal a modal Ivaniaoe, ucre ovoxraree-wTudzy. bome lute un uWhi mod thm Christi"a M. J. Rank ana d dLaaey, o1 Bar- j ana maurd m aundniigune ~-r:ngtnoga rWauconda visitera Mou-1 taihat kingdonm ia la bayonil ibm Ibm ladies o! the M. E. cbnrcb ana1 voil 01ud iei l. Seba iatai.Maule mmkiig a"rangements for a socIal neit of aympMly." bitb -gildesma ito on's ueok. darkmr muange maa"misi mua>' hibr Fred Wynkoop @pont luit Buudsy1 mdnaas ore onatm rr Anaffetion. anal Monda>' uitahbie brother Frank laid a daighutaanal stater, a lovng wiu h ichagrobmCop nd mitlgni oiRibaigoD ~ Baking Poudar Co., ia apeaiding a feau fore. By ber Hi, b>' bar lava, b>' her day iwtb buegaranti. nouba. ibm.. vlan ara loftita mouru Lilian Aynaley, of Dlsaond Lake. il bu e e saamaid. baitra nlara ai- ayant a fou days o!flait umok vlating à w Iinotd toard th"t ralm ibiS kno. ralatlvea i hia place. 1 ne aigut, for ibm flgt tholrom a thebmTIe social halai aI the borne of C. R. *« oih f Oal. Ber amiion uas ta Wmslut maiSatura>'evening unas grand auecca. AU pressat report a * others iretMd eu1MLi. ver>' plemaaiUme. Th @h aort, lutlramaîva lueai ar- Mima ornlng, wo uboisaen@pend- aif vtaaurmhla a h onna.["iiSa-Ing a feu uaek wulieaimier, Mia. Idacy. Roy. Lee olicaing. UmaiM. Oramlr, :autarneai ta bor home mt ý Allas DavIang "Ibm Bravemna Bma Turner Janction lionday. a Come e aDwomuobata',"hou ba uith Ibm bigbuay conimiasioners wulî 0 10%UnW W.Ment Acon."U]. . Me" ntiibmhe o. of libte" toaeori a*nan olil trimad09 Im faunli> Monday anal Inaia, lob. 15 andl 16, anal puy ail blIlia&gaini iben'. Meurs,. > mad. ibmheloatmg remarba."oraibodl>'Achat andl luber wulîlpmy bille Mon- un l ovnagly laid gotestauith Ians- day, anal Mr. Nicholawulîl psy tills « hma. eir>', thmlait met of amdui leaITaimid4y. a and laviag banda.I The roanshio! Mre. Wm. Englanmd'a A Iafant chilal, ubicb dîmal ai Wmkegaà I hav giTn Chmbarainaibureda> of liai ueek, vorme brouglt a 1bav gien hamerbn'sCuith boiea nday for turia. Ibe tuon"a if Uimady a fairitast anal amider ione asn elal faon'the Baptisi cbnrcb Bon- a og tha ver>' bau romedima foer croup day aftoruoon. The bereaveal mother ta th"t I bave vr founil. 0»adoue lm.hba s te ympat>' of lbhecaiire cura- , alumys haan u Uiimatly. Siaomh munît>'. hI unem h fraoly. Auj coulmy coblidn 9buraei jiala sver>' ramai>'ta " Slood and Nerves are ver>' close- Smm&icia. 1I eau couictaoial>u' >)yrelaimal. Keepthie blood rich, pure e ommenal i for croup anal colals In gj amaJila>, nilh llood'e Sarsaparlli le eilidret. (0eu. E. Wolsf, Clark ut ibm circui Court, Penindina, Fia. Bolul andl pou nl bava no aervouanens, b>' F. B. Lovali, Libani>'vtlle, J. B. Hood'i Plle ar e bt alier-dinner Brocher, (lumaie. pilliaalidigesion, prv.atcontîpation Mrn. F. B. Bnyder, a! Planat PrairIe, Wln.. vimaie his iiter, mmi Albert Baugbi mmd fami lenlat Batu- day anal Sunda>'. Mr. crobuwo nile ava ib s k for Teana«Mamta visât bis bftbe. Il t b m ci te im p ro u m a bubis u ib h e n'>'mae ta place bis home. 1h. itkare amileI.ta h. oui axcî&pi llasmBelMlcOaba. Ber min>' friand, iaraesoirr>' go heeuah ia mot Improvingna lt&n ibe>' wiib. 8h.e bai thein sympaib>'. Mr. anal Mga. Albert Vise>' ara rejolotng ove, iRe arrivai of a,"onag danghier, wbo carne laitgBada>' 10 brigbten thoir home. Coaagrailaiioais are aiteide oaltaMr. aMm r.George Vase>' uho are grnalpa anal grama.& Kenosba Conu>' hmera Institt ull ha held fal Blan' irieemils inorib o! Anthocla, Feb. 16 anal 17. Everybol>'invitait. TIbâfuerao! Liaecoant>' noulil Una l htatuibir aivaniage If ibm>' noulalattend Shai institaila. A Bie prograns for houh daimsud ovonlug bai ban paqaurai IVANHOE. Mra. lMaynard ubo bau been emverely isi reporteal no better at present. Anthony Putnam le visitig hlm Jughter Mrs. Fakrnwortb mt Maylmir. SMime Note Decker uho teachesain Haineeville, speait the Sabbatb at A apecial prayer meeting wuhelal a the home of Mins Roftse iipgon Tuemday mvenlng. The intermant o>1 Uni. Fred golcomb oceairma at the Ivanho. ameimry liundmy lent. Mr. mnd liré. Mugane Smith of til place aliant a fow days uiib ihoir doter Mas. James King of Mullburai. Mim Jante Beck ubo immoba. et Framont Venter *pont lat atmurday ad Sundarw i er cousin, Mima MILLOU RN. E. T. Taylor, of Wilanoi, ia expacteal home for Suaida>'. Xian lus Thom' apienta part of lent week lu Waukegmn. Mr. T. W. Hedalle, of Bon'ers. us seau on oui etreets luai Tunday. iliai Lalu Thailuwun home lent i§Utdmy retnmning to Waukogan Sun. day. Thm L.edieae Mlmaonary meeting won beid atirUn. Bobi. SBiangan,Br., Wednes- llay afternoou. Mr. D. B. Murrie and Miesa L. Md. Bonnei,of ituasell, vlateal aiJohn Donner*a on Snnday. A Bunday mobool institute nu b le tiel lu haMillbairu nexi Bainday. A cordial invitation in «axteda. Maiera Will Wmiker anal Henry' Dunacan, ot Lake Format, ayant a leu days ai (Ito. Duncani malestweR. Mr. andl Mma.0. B. Cunninga were calleal ta Hait Troy'liai Monda>' b> ihm demib of Mi. Cannlng's aiber. Mr. J. A. Tbai bua gone ia Uprlng- nell, seat an a dolegaemfromt ihe Uflîbura Mutual Jamurance Company. VOLO. jack Dovati anal famil>' null ove the tiret of Marcb an Mg. Beechea 1 1