CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Feb 1897, p. 2

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asT a woooeuM4. ~ u~mu.Lm. ILUU*IL SHYI' TO TRiEIRDEATII - 1.. P41NE 8038 AND-WOA'CMAN USE iOnS twtr REVOLVER& andti Face Rach Otiser' ise Utit rois Bru, FulNertelliy WOusdsd-Amoricau col IroamaSes avade tise British mr.1.L àcet-WommaaDies. lutise PaIPI# Sae To etrikiutMmeaBilet, ofet A riet occurreti ameng tise siniisiutmin- ove ersaiuthtie J. Il. Semner Fuel ComlanY's <Jeu mines anezrBellerernon, Pa., lun'viicisalle paperiniendeut William Baies anti Boss lard Hunier Charles Canuaisan were &hot anticau pro"bby ftauhy 'oundeti. Tise 400 men noae ai tise verksaiek because tise comPan! mt matuacti te reinstale a hurder whed ad s bseu diacisrgeti for recilscs drivlng. At MUE a meeting cahieti te diseuse dia difficultil relr " quae rase anti a igitsi vspracipiast- geai at. Tisa diturbers 'er driven trou> tise P Sal, but ne sooiner 'er they ou the oui- tUc] aide ihan iisey renewedthe tisruggle. uing ano clubsa tones anti revolver. Superin, teîi tendent Baies, 'viscwe lu tise midt oftoet tise notera, w'vattackpdt, ant, trawlng a u revolver, triedtetodefeuti iimbcit. Ha n5, dci met Ly Cannaisan. ,isn flourisiset a r- tut vovriover ie ent. Thc men excisanget ilts six sbts cd and then feil te tise grount. e Burgess Bronson iosesi the saoens tam- cli poruniy, andt tis îwu 'as put uder per bsevy pa.,tro4, sasaoiber outbrc'is 'as wt fared. The Brnera compau hes u u office t Betieveruon, bui the geacrai office la ai Cevlànt,_0hio.- comTIOmo io10FillE ST. sc Testaetf'Posedmi fer tise BigTen-Inch IDI Oaa ai @au Francisco. long On ibe bluff, 800 yards Laeis of Fort i Wlufield Scott, near Sun Francisco, tise the big 10-inch reeciloadiug rifle 'vas ied cu. Monda fer tise fraitfinie. Everyene Le- fl iongng te tise Presitile rescrvctiun visopa vus off duty 'vas tisera te 'itacas tise I sifflât About a hundreti People trou> tise et ciy 'er praset Ly Inviation. Tisa ex- O permenta 'erte determîne visedier the lis Brown prismatil po'vtier is suitei te ths vie cs etfrifle. Tbrae aiosta er ir - tc Tise irai vas ivo-ibirds et a tul charge OU of povder, 186 2-3 pourid. dia second *&# ro ,250 ponde andthîe lent a full charge otD 2@0 pounsin. Casi-iron aditt vuschisliet i b pointi, 'valgiing 575 Ponft acs. w'er ti uset. Tiselent sist reveslth ie tact fitfi, tisa pressure vas ton hîgis tebh a ice. Il fut rau upte 41.000pounds. Tha hImt llov- ti vif la 37,000 Pountis. Everythlng acLete that figure araIns aund veakens tise Xvery iont iigreat riflle Bfrat i utenuta fi tha Geremamet $»0. 18d INVADE BRiITIBB MARKhET- Amoieicne Undernseiiag Local Irem- T ~skera ei Birmingham-s Unitati Bltes Consul Parkear, at Bir- mingian, Enganti, heasuppliadtheiaisBlutt D*partmnt 'vib extradt rpm local Pu- e pers sbovlng fint tha Britis roimankers e are dîsquetet by tisa meelpi ai Birming- et hem et large conalgnmentaetfAmerican is pfiion cet £4 fle pe.ton, or 10 shillingsa setier tise EnglaS mnimum. Tier 'erl aise reports etlaiaitone lu Piilatii- i C ba 1 r the &*ea iduroisean buyera oftni ,O000tensof bilets et £3 15# pr ton de- lu lîveret. Tise Bridis iremuen generalir 0 sacrha iis phenomena movemeai te the ti tratie deprassion la tisa United tatines,.$ Whîdb causes forced salIes abrai, bt i aihera pint te îhe teudy continunce et t the Aserican sipmente ns evidaur e t they muai ha matie ai a profit, anti holtip ibat supenlor naurel ativatagesanamiles- il proveti proeasses et manufacture have - turnei tise scale. BOUSE OFV REFUGE BUENu. Clx Randrt-aPoesMarcised Outiet Baedaili'aIsland. The lieuse ot itettîge, on Randall'a Island, Nei$ York,cngisiliresaint- âge esimateti ai $3000 'vas causeti. Tiserea are 000 boys iu the institution. Tiseiseep- l e-ru. owcver,liaiti ctaisatst ucisexcel-a lent disciplinue iat fi moolee tian uneV minuîte te aroun tise lads fron tiseir sieep,% te pet tiscu>dreaseti aud march tbelm v oui o!flise buiiniig.* Tsey 'vent outinluper- i fet rder, noue being Injurati or permittet i tlurtampe. Tise lira englues trom tise sev--o vrali istiitutts, on tisa iland suiquieki>-t to wîri suanthîe lire 'vas eztimgulsiscdt 'vus damage net to execati $3000, attert wvislîL tie boys 'er marchati bacS to Ihein c-le anti erdencti te lied. iruBKB PLAN-A mAsBAcitr Cistie s ofaet itao Are ta Be Tieair Victimea. . ign 9 Tise (raek quadron, on arrivin 9n Canes, titi net sahute the Tîrish iag.1 Officai adicea.say ihat tise Musaulmaus arce1repuing a massaucre at Reisse. The representatives et mômaetfthe pe'vcru bara expreasa th ie Gréec Govarmaeni surprise that Gradce fhusasent varaii tateIlaned et Crite. Tbree tiseaead Peuple trois part lu a menlfçtstil in front Othîe mlistrr et marine. Tisre ver continuad creet f"Lng live Craie." "Long lire dia unte." Ih le tieugisi Pas- sile tisai a minlterli s it vwiiiresiait trou>tishemanfetatioas. Nev Publile ialiiags Tiesa Becetary of fils Treasry tralos. saiteti tg Coagira a draft et a bU pi-e- - W - vidl* he fS ecretaîy f tise Tueasury, ater plan fer a paublie buiiding have been appfflodi mar have iben cisenga If desened neeesrri Buildings ai Racine, WIu.; Bloomgen, -II, anti tamisato, in., are véeutioaed as cases viic veald behafscil pon undar tise proposeti i>Iedtise Juriste. Tiesalpel înner giren tu the ment- bers cf thea Bapreme Court by Pncstdegst md lMte. Cleveandt ouisplace at tise WYhite aosseTisurade nlght. rienDedila tisa Pulil. '- Ma.WM&m 1L Fa, agati 'ite etfP.ev. UV. pase , awIi-kiiowsiformer Methodial U4~ et S pringield, O.,-fel deauilu WW-I9,tgàquortin at a i re- '~~~tItj<Ni.Vmn cmeamad anti o lm npla celewedth iir e-,,"k, tse m Aib gt. Là .0 Me te tisa as- womf Iast NVepu ana F 1 - teu et *alu i£oism UCUIumuf t. thse Doameuý h.t qucasn iagu 0et Uptim1 0S si tplan tor tise reie lal uaOo ba, Tiese chare leldd*$**e@~t 4 laborais deettes and verni pages et tise OM691iai tiatte. lt undcratod that tise reforma Culetý lady la the cecatien ef anu affmhily. te cahiad thse coenofetadminstration, mpoeed oethIbrty-live membera t, Ofisem ratry-one are to 8e elected b7 tise Peuple isix hy thse differcat corporatione Tise mainder yul Seho e I ee iilttOute veralti professer, One arçbissop mnd rformer senatora or deputs. Thse mnel et adminisatioin la empowered. Te prepare a budgt t 2. To examina t teinDes, e offgiciaisa ppointe8. il. 0maise a tarie aubjeciteathe conditions lipaniab Importa havint adymntages ,e the genaral tariff. The <braerr nerul 'viii repreacut thse home Goveru- ni, amd iiibave the right te nommai.O ciats, wbe aoutd Le Coben$ or lipan- rs, who bave realded two Ymarsla l hba. Nerertheless, he may freeiy nemil- ate blgbo functionaries, aucis as magia- tes, prcfecta, etc. Oiber decreas con- nrz thse organisation ufthie provincial uniclpalitieg, 'vbli are te haolllsetUir ereacntative. The municipal cannelle seral ill ii haempowared te eleci their esidents and 'vili bave excitiaive Cou- et o publie education. Accordiug te noiber decee the ùoverument reserves iseit extritordinary powers lu tise event m ny dlaturbunce ut publie order. and ubm 'viii continue toeectet amrs and euties to the certes'ascaiatprenanti. AI- tether, the reformna are machs broader ini those granted Porte Rice.Tise Span. à producta, atcordlug te tise reform cseme, 'vii L e alowed s rebute et 40 er cent efthtie Cuban tariff, cempared ust other Importa. BAL? LAMB RAB A BLAZIL Iett-Auorbmcb Bieck Duras, Batal- las a L«of 02W0000. Fire destro>-ed ti"se Bott-Aurbacis bnild- mg on Main atreet, Sait Luise, cntaiing a Do of $2350.000, a littie cirer une-hait et tticb la corered Ly inaurance. Bealdes e fimanlai tes,tisera 'vere ereral ae- tenta tisat narro'viy escaped being fatal- en. Biectriclan Vail, of tbhelire de- rimant, came in contact 'vitb a lve ira and feu tfrou> ibe third atorY 'viade' ofthe luiling, Lut conta.ct 'vlth a net- ork etf'vires brouie bis tali, and, thougis idroppeti te tihe pavement 'vltb fearful otence, hl'vas 'vitb iessened accelera- Jn ibut permlittcd lite. ' Misa Smitis, s omcr la tise building, tbinly cisd ln nigisi robes, vus reseued by Assistant Cisiel Denovun trou> the roof, whitiser aise Ws beu drîven hi tise purauieg ameise. Wbea te &an vas turuad in the ire vas cou oed teatisa rear et Scott & Co.'a aie, bal at prend 'vus marvelous rspidlty. Fron te irat thse iramen 0igist 'wu@simpli 3e confine the lOre te tisa building aireadi oemed. Fer a time ilaeemed tisait ti re weuld apread and tise mtire blocis b estroyed. WHAT TUE B OED C037. Total Approlpvlatlon fer Lent Ta Ws0150,000. liacsetary Morton hubau oned!an iuteî eting circuler regardiug tise annuai (loi eramtent amed distribution, la 'viîcisb sowsa exactir 'viai tise and fer tise var one sectieng ef tha country bas ceai, tih ameont purcbased or contracted for, an nuises a comparative aotalement wltb Prn codlng yeams, sisovg tisaitite plan vblc se haadepteti gets ucariy tviceaueu senti sud et a better quality. Attentio lu caliati te tise tact that under bis aysteî only germinative meeds are ebtiie. TI total appropriation for seeds tiiacr vi $130,000, 'vitb $20,000 addliiuitui for tes lng, Inapecting and otiser expcnaes et dl iritution. Tisis $130.000 bougisi 19,031 M11 paciscia et vegetable aamds, lOl2lî& pacisets oet liwer seedsaund 2929~ quarts et field seeda, auch secorn, lt otby, cdorer, etc. Majr Net De LagaL According te a Waasington correspo dent, tiesaluipreme Court of the Unit States mat l imateiy Le cmlted upon rentder mn oplufon conceruiag ibhei-aiidi ut divorces grantcd by ibm courta uft]i Daisotan and Oklahomm, and sisouid lb augîlat tribunal dacide tisaitishe decre iseretotore issued by tise courts in queslii are lacutmd and ot ne tegni effaci, tise witi Le stîci an aggregation of domasi shaiuîgs-up a probabiy nu couintry kn t] 'vurisi Las ever wltnesaed. Women wl ilow regard themaeivesas 'viveq 'ii rM ize tisaitbey have beeu living for a greal or leaser period under conditions Dot ami iioned Ly tise 1mw; isuabauda 'ii lii titenéseires in the ame predlemment, 'vS tise number et eilidren 'vis 'viilthisu tiranted cannotbeaestimated. The-dec ion ot Justice itusseillefthe United litai Sîîpremè Court ln the McGowan case, %isicis ise ield tbat nelther tse 'vite i lstand eaou cquire temporar7 realder ln a toreiga filai. fer the purpoae of caria« a diverce, bas, la ibm oplin emîieut iavyers. laid tise grotinduoris th vrho fteetr 'aedvsystens. Tise «as la no'v peudi»g la 1 New York Court et Appeals. bautvis ovr me h ie daclileatisera, i baslb deiaiteiy arrangadti iaitishe matier at ha carrled te tise Ulfted States lapes Court for a delinite and final adjudicat et tise questions lavolved. To ibis ami la dted tisaiOve isuabanda vise hi bean victimaetfDaketa jeceasbave a sesibe $10,000 cacis te a tend for tais tise aisieni te tise upreme Court. 0f codîhine. ivo redela nNew Yors, ent Boston, obe ln PWJKpaiph a nd oni Kutted a lie fe to bcd Ianlit. Louis, John Glesa, a Gens tank a herse aival, freim a crewd ef b and drove Ilite bis but sud is it food. -<Jiesen 'vaa cot vwrk, and a bias'vite and tour eblldren vas atari te deauis. Tise herse beien5aed te a q 1dealer, wiso aliowed It te rocu> ut la helause thtvwu lame. Berne boe il drivlug it arouaod ithie ummv viesUMt 11alaed tihe rse. Tise boe. ,orie feul ed Oeen,sMW hlm ill tise animal, 1off tise Mmd quarter. andi siart te rocs Olesen teldth ie policeman vben arme. tisai b. and bis tumily isat antan noti for tbrce daya. Tisey isnd caieunoneu for menths. announcng tise tallrat tseVia beed ef a Norfolk, Vsl.,.Darm".v; N'lrrr RcuiefHUnadrede-ie4tlis et a racone Cicago Caltaiiut- Vemesseiaa Bxprome Ber tiha" Trial te Pps"tls ie Casutomers. A deaerate Aitompi by an éursged dalry employa ta poison ever 250 failles lu Nortois4, Va., voa ftustrutad by a iucisy dlscovery Bundar mrniai. John B. Ciancy, aged 35, «mploied antishe Blomig dae dairy, bile an ateration wvus hie employer, J. B. erit, lr., vhicb resai- ed la the former teling Xerrit lse 'onid "cet evan" vlth hhim. erit aupihd 280 famillea in Nerfelk vith mils, lu 1W0 et 'viici are infants. Me buai deiivemed milii to about a dosen cutoniera 'vien bu discovereti a pecullar colorlng In tisa mils. Clancy's ibreat came te hlmu lise a flash, and bie qulckly 'vent te ail tise places. Lucily ne mnilS bcnd been usoti. le re- poriedto tesepoli ani l Ti vasar reatai. Tise Fille 'vas nalysei andi fourni te coutain poison, cisomet vblis 'vas tound uudcr tise inger nilis outhtie pria- enst, wbe ai irt imad a denlail, but Inter sudltie biai nsed i lu tetiug icS csi-. tle. Clancy la held for trial. A. ]IL ILLINOS DRAP- Vary Weathy Chicage ButinSeMan, Bao Puaeud Avay. Aisart M. Billînga, preideut outhtie Home National Baunk, founder efthtie Peu- ples <Gas Llgbi and Coise CompaBansd Onaetftise typillaibusiness men et Chi- Cati. ded liunday eveulng, sged W&r Hia linuese vas et briet datation, dtilng fromt FMlds. tMr. Biinga couid bardir be ciaasei among tise early settiers et Chi- cage,ibt hao'vas dstinctively a pionce! buinessmat. Hia career Legasi la18Û vben 'vus Commodore Garrison bce tari- d tiseumanufacture of Iluminating gas 9on the West Bide. He 'vas born In Royal- ion, V., la 1814, nti gaincd ai early ex- perlence lu commercial affaira ihat Outed lmt admirabiy for tLe rush aund bustît whiais he encounatercd 'vien Le came West te try is fortune. tMr. Bilings a a very rlch man. Nobetiy amonis muai Inimut fiena retende teuisno' tisecx- tent ofthtIe 'eatiblie uccumulaled. He «acquired icLiafortune ihrousg tise posses- aluin et a trvmendous energy and a r merisahie slaewdness as an organiser, coupied n-us an integrity tisai -as neyer aquestioueilunail bisé dealinga. Hi% w'ol. Wvashis bond, and Chicago bis l adi pou tensaon te ha prend ot bis ttercat In bel o veltare. IlepersenidtY vas airous, r aven u tesepoint oet'ecceptricity, yc nw dernecth a brusque and sometimes for y biddlng exterler hae cunceaieti n geueroui l ae r i a oari tMr. Bilingsta ti avare bis vroDg ida onivurd. Ha Lt ileresila conceali tiste deis etfis rigi, bundi trou> bis lefi 'vhen caied upon tx raspondtu thie demanda of charlty. Hli kr habitas'er ut tise chumpient imd, 'tb ai is wealti, sud lha neyer mlsabed an oppor r-iunty to Imprest thse lesosofe!econom v- tapona ihoaa 'idi 'hom lhe came lu clos, se contact. aý . E WKIZ4LIX'3WRAP. bdomeSisa Wili Wear ai tise Inauigure Bil Wl Be COstIr. h Tise wrap 'viics Mra. ideKinier vil n 'ear aitbf èinauguralitiail ia madc of tai n entier rocaded aile. andi linedti'ih cer buals suad thlcily wadded. Tise trimmin asetftise cape a tise fiuct ut natural 'vii ,t_ tues.A'videbaud ut tise purent 'visi in. Alaskau fox fur cuvera tise outer esige ( 3, bte entire wrap. Tise bigla coler outhus Do fur, 'vbieh, aiter extendilg downnti 25 front ufthUic 'rap. ruae arouud tise lowE Sedgcetfbots Lacis anti front. At leasi dozen oftihesa cotliy siins 'iii Le reiI cd for tise trimmings. A turnier to w'vi tiseetuais n-us describeds anicti t i n. 'voutti nt undertake tu duplicate Il fi 0i lesa iban $800.____ ty Hie Gave Onitihe Questions. ho 'The explosion of a ticis ut dytiamil ,t tînder Potmasler Heaiug's desisut ai 2 cas cago 'voulti not isave given isin a greati on asocis tissutise une Le rcceivcd hauti-rdv men we bic Learucd tisai examinalionupapie ic et tise promotion boardi iati tiers>givru ei b. Iu adrance. and an empioye o!fthe îifii ho lad been diacovercd filiiig np lier piape &I. trou> tLe preîîared nanec-for ih nus te vman s> Lu Lad tiscii. uai Gîfi totheu Preaidcnt andi <liuy. lie Semor Aadrisde. acîomnianld hy Sfec bc tary- Otîey, ecaltesion lPresidî8st Clesi-la la%- bearimîs a test imonilsl rou>tise guveri es ansd peuple ufthtie itate utfZZulia. *ev lai sueta. lu recognition outhîe gond i outres îur tise Preaideut anad Secretary t>tuey In t ce matter ufthtie iionîîary disputte. Tise t4 se. timeulal conisteti ut a rosette ooiupos et ef 172 samplea ut rare n-oods f roui t fer teaiseis o! Zulia and a cane made ut 1 Wa psceofut tiese rouis. lise btf licS Maen 'iti BeyS. a»i Aaaeinbe1aan Degusu ltroduecti a1 inl tise NewvYoris Lagisiature earryingc me tise State Comptroller'as uggestions HUi nreatisa colaerai inheritance lus il Il asates. The tax la ixed ai 5 pur cent ave asiates et $300.00 andi ove, 10 jir eq bh, on ctatea et $1000.000 sud nier, 15 1109 cent on etaica ef $2000,000 and over,a tha 20 'par cent on estates et $3000.000 a i u ver. T17-oMre Bans aFait. Tise Compîruiten ofthtie Currncy isas rereie tltlegîlîiis auliouliciug tise xs- îp. tîion ufthte Firat National Batnk ut Franîklini. OhIio. aud tise Notiswetan Nationa) Bank out tintFli, Mont. Pireaicka Up *73,000. At Amsterduam, N. Y., tIse Arnoldi bliockns vas truYed lîy lire, ca,îia aiosa ut $75,(MJ. The tire extntcuhlu lihe Yank anti Parr bliocks., n-ins o cc udi>- damageti. ___ ____ Ciicag--Caitlc. commun te prime. $2.50 lu $3.50; bugs, slîttpiap grai.s $3.0) te $8..; i seeî, fir ta cîsice. $2.10 tu $4.251; 'vient. No. 2 red. 711 tu 75ce; cornt No. 2, 22c to 23c; mâle, N. 2, 15eu te lac; rye, No. 9- abc te z111; buter. choice crenniery, Ic lu 21c; eggs, f reas,. 1Un te 15c; potues, per buabel, W0cte 30e; broum corn, commun short un choies ti'arf, $3lute$80 per ton. Indianapols-Cattle. aiipplog. $3.00 te $5151M; hotu, chulce lgisi, $300 tu $3.77r; sbeep, gondt e choica, $3.00 te,*3.75; 'vbeat, No. 2, 84e IeoSMe; corn, No. 2 wvhie, 21c te 22c; enta, No. 2 vite, 20e te n2e. Bit. Loios-Caitle, $PM0 te $3.25; beg $8.00 te $315; viset, Ne. 2, SI) te 00vc corn, Ne. 2 yllov, 10e te 21c; eain, No. 2vwhite, lecte18c- reNe. Z Mecte34c. Oialantl-7atlè,$250 te $5,00; bege $300) te $375; secp, $2M t e $4.25; vhaN. 2, M1e te 91c; corn, Ne.2 mid,23e te 24ei; ot', No. 2 muxeti, l1 te 20c; rya, Ne. Z S3U te 87e. Detrei-Cattia, $2,50 te $5.25; hileg, 03.00 te $375; ahéecp $2.00 le $375; viscat, Ne. 2 ratiSi e te 8ie; corn, No.2 yellov, 23e te 24e-, cala, No, 2 *ritb, iMe te 21e; rre, Me te 37c. Toetio-Wisaai, No. 2 mat, Me te flet cors, No. 2 mixeti, 21t*Ic i; os, Ni. 2 white, Mec te Ise; rre, No 2,36e te 38c; ler seati, $3,13 te *5.21. MiI'vauise-Wbent. N o. 2 oprimg, 7-I te 76c; crn, Nô. 3, 10e te 21c; est@, Ni. 92 white, 18e te 20c; buniey, No. 2, 251e te - M3e; rye, No. 1, 36e Io 38e; purk, mesa $ 7.50 te $8.00. t Buffaio-Cattle. 02.50 le 0$5.00;. baga 8300 te 114.00:,siseep, $2.00, te $4.25; vismt, Ne. 2 rail, 92e te MAte; cern, No 2 yeiiov, 25é le 27c; eaus, No. 2 vwhie lic te 23e. New TorS--Catte, *3.00 te $5.25; bsot lmi-tgi- *4. ;sep .110 te *4.3< viseet4Ne. 2 red, Me te Mec; corn, No.g a Me teofbe; ot'e, No. 2 vita, 21c te 23e blaitier, eadakMery14e te 22c; este, West IU &te e, J' Vet Igtefteta C0hu Iutumn Bat teeAet. a. tie 4 e ot tise counm qr ie ,r$l tfa officiais ofr v 0u oaa getàn glt Chicage ar a @4' BO, * a ndwitb ou aaamervationi'prepared ta vote 'vilthtie transportatton comiitiae of tise Bard ft Trade la faver et lanswering the«e quas- 1 tions affirclatlvely, thougis tie traeie men 1 djo rot po'vregard the isw 'vus thse'ai feelings of hosuIluiy tbey e)tertatned on lilaitenactwjent. Theiare aveu free to1 conféesu tisai "onmrnepointaetfmnieor de- tail It ha@ bisen anadvantnhe tute Scand Te bas indirectiy brought about a onaterlal di improvement ln tihe situation as It thon es. M istedl. Indeed, tisere ie a =mail minet t h whiic Io l quite positive ln the opinion thit MI the iaw la ail right, eud if tise roaeail rouid en ony irae up telits requirecîîa Il wouid i prove for tbcm ou@ of the hat resource' on that have been piaced upon the statuts ce books of the country. The great maJorit! 1et louisupun tire Law. bowcvêr, ns Lu tise na- ti ture of a restriction of tiade. lia adminis. th tration, toe. tbey ciaini. bas been surgine t and uninteliigeat. and instead of rcmnoving 'Si tise .vilsil 'vas iitended to preveDi iheby law bas served tea agravate tisem. Uin te the icholê, Ih itl believe.d by thse rsiiroad Si officiaie the repeat of the law 'vouid be a i good ihing for ail eonerned. Tbey sacyI if the roade were aIlowed lu manage their ir o'vn business ln their owu ivay evcrybody o wouid be beneflted. a BUGAR MiEN APTKR DOUtITIES. Lou'.sian a rowera finirTisar it Dib a' Ilave IBeaWithhahd. d flepresentatives ofthibm inar-growins n intentait are soaking an effort tu accureT troin Congres, unappropration of $t-.N 048,000 tu seiletihe balance of tise boum-.R tics wbich tiey dlaim are Lile tbein nDdàr 0 tise act pafldln thelte es iou of ibe Fifty-thlrd Congre»s. Thiasct gare thse sugar growers-'ooinetiitnir over eM3,000el rfor thc bonnties wlîich n-erc guaranteed 0 thêta by the bleiliey Law, but 'vere eut OIÉ-jy-the w Oson teu M-e.Tbvmxa mca now daim*tuit he aîiprolîriatIon of *$5,000,000oniy covered about 83 lper cent. ot the amouit due tiiemntaithe rate ofP eight-tcniiss of a cent a pougnit duiy. Tihef Lnisiana delegation lu Congresa endp ýrepresentatives of the Western sugsr beci amen appeared lx-tore tihe Appropiriations Com"sttce of the House to gsis for a port. -grapb in thc sundry civii appropriation bill eto gatafy their caijigsa. lir. Biuck, of -Lonîsicisa, spuke for thse augar gruwers. 9v-en Parus-ru Are stervlnu. * A dispateli trou> ltomnlsy says that tbe Sbetter chasqses ainung thse peuple ut ludia' are beginiîing tu fethie inchs ot tiseftam-1 ac . , iiauytare seliïug furniture aud or-r ament, ai runouls tricca and the trevaii- Lit dîstreggs la territuty bren. In the Dec- e. an district ci-en frmne arc appiying te r-tise Goverument for aid. e. Otnrofclure Chair la Harvard. e- &,rtery Otney bas reccved f ront tL Preuldient Etiot ut Harvard University Io an Invitation tu fil thse chair of interna. la tional iaw t that Insitution after the as. il piration ot ia terni futie intathe statu S- Dnparimeat. Tise iieetary lien taisen iy the offer uingler isusideratLou. e Fine Crop in Prospect. With aimosi continuaits rains for sev- erai weeiss, tise erup prospecta of Cailtor- nia are e ouidered excelent. This aca- ai son'$ average of whieat basa becu iargeil increased over tbat of rececni jeurs end il conditions point tu a bountiful cereat crop. r- Fruit alau promisles ciel. nt T Xini@nid that Kasas City tands ready te tapedgc $1,000,3M cash as a bonusa, te !t b paid un demand. tu thse irans-Misaie- of Ippi Commercial Cîsngrenss.on condition ie bat the exposition tic ret.eated ai Kanu- "e @aa City, soifdthat thse moner tic devote.l 7e te expositioni purposes. 't1 9-No Geid ln Thalle. ngo Thé. 31issouri i.egialaturt- Lad passcd a se bllImîkiig sucer fuit Legal tender, antd ror repudatior goid contrîtema.AccordinÉ te thse lanîgîsnge ut tise bil, altier eud gold ivîre di-chirei ut eqiial tenîder auj tise righs t f riatec cutraci 'vas aaoiîtety lte dcuLied. VORK OF OUJR OATIONAL LAW,- MAKERS. A Weeîrs P reeediasltiste Hifale of congrees-Iuàpovtaat liesara e is ceeti end Acteti UpDa-Ais INPIR- ta Baasse of tise Boutls. Tise National Boioe. Tisecontasteti election casaetofCernait eroues finnson, front tiseliftitVirginia istrict, eceupiadtihibmattention ut tise leusa Wedueedny. Threc itepublicans andi bree Democrais on tisa Electient Coin- tlites had raported inl favor efthtie Deme- mrai ecolàtaaiee, tir. Sîvansen, andti irea tepuhlicana offereti a miuorlty report tec- -mmseutilintisitisa seat ha deciareti va- ceut enlise greuad tisai a tair ehectieu êouldti ue hbelli] under ibe Virginla dcec- len ln'v. WLen the vete cametoe taisea tha miuority coutld net munter enougs oies te railtise yens and nsys, sud tMr. l'vsnson'stitie te bis sent 'wua conlirmed by au overwsvbcing vira rode vote. At- er n brief parlismentsry eirsipple Inthtie Senale Ibm trîcuda nf the Nicaragua Canal biti 'ver iambie tu boid a qtuorum andi ait out tise obstruction ta thai memaure. Tise fricuda ut tise Lill fluaily gave np hope ot sceuring a quorum aund yieldedtoieoa adjournîment. Mir. Vllibi contiaues te baol tise fluor. -The session ufthtie Rensate Tbursday vai one of nouosatactivity. tMr. Morriti mn- deavuredti ie theIbm iiiproiitmg tisa sac et lutoxlrnnts lu tise capital building. XThis arouaed the opposition utftMr. llitof New York,'vho e cotnccd tise busytiodica and miseisief-maisers luspiriteg ii clana of tcgiolatîon. H. movati icirecommt tise bill, Lut tis 'vus defentesi tij a vote ef 27 yens tu 30_uaiers. o'ever. b. snc- rcedhil prolouging tise debete te 2 o'clocek, sîheu tise blII ias dîspiaceti Ly tLe Nicaragua Canal illt. Tise immigration Si Fran reromuustted te conterence, tMr, Leodge. lu 'charge outhe mensure. stiupt- ing ibis courue au -a resuit ut urgent ap- pualitor a modification uft tie.Liii. Be- turc Ibis wns dune, isonever, a 'varfo persosai and politicai colioq.iy occurred hct'vecD tr. Loilge anti Mr. Chanudler on une baud and %Ir. C.ormnnun tise oliser. Mir. Vites uihiled another day to bis spech agaînat tise Nicaragua Canot and itati not concluties n-len tise Senateamddeurnrd. Tise procieilingsInlatise flouse wn-eve-ry duli snd atuioi entireiy tievold outppub- Hec Interrat Richard R. Kenuey. Demnocraiecoun- tentatnt ftratDelawiare, îwas sworn iu Friday as Senatur. bis credetiis iieing regular aud qigisety tise Guieruîîr. Thisu market] ibe culmlnattioîi et n long content uver tise vacant Dela'vare @sat. No oh- jectioun-asn made, hIt eing 'îhmitted ti bist ni lensia prima tarie rlgbt. thougi Mir. Chandler saIe-jbis ticileft tiILA Dupont had btien iegaiiy clcctmd. sddlug ho'ver, finit Mr. Kcnney volti l be atili and tise malter brougisi betore the Seantq herenftr. Tiese aatlng o etcnipcy aus menteti the l)rmoirsiic meanberabip fi fcirty. sud for thfienlt inne raslathie fui memberosblp ut the Senate lu Ils propur quota. Ir effecesno essentiel change fi psrty sirenglis, howcver. Tisa Senat, pasaed tise folio'vlng among other liott* bis: Autborlsing lise Duluth mati Norf Daisota Xtaiiread Company lu consîrur t'vo bridges aecusatibmRedi River o!f is North Letwecn !iinnesota anti North Do koin; amendhng the lirvrelative un lb RtockIs lansd bridge le permit sireirail 'vsy companles luo provide electrie powe ln'iieuutofreni for the tise ofthe tiridgî Tise Iouse Comnmittre on Elections de cired tise Hopkina-Kendnil eetion cor te-si from lise Tenus Kenulmckdis trict I layon ofthîe Sitting member, 'vitula Demoerut. A miuorily n-port 'vill b mode In tavor out iopina. Tise St-amie 'was luexe-utiic "gain mnof eMtonday ceunsidering liseAnsgle American pence trraly. seltisit ile tins 'vas givet Inluopen session tu lisetransi l ion ut regîstr legieacive wtork. leariy i 1tise day tise bill rcsrrsuglug lise itîdicli >districts ut Ti-rîs n-wnpassejover tii rPresident's relis thlie units.tnty ie-v majorlty utf 57 li . tise negati-e vote tii ing tisai tofc. Caffi-ry. î,t I'Quigie Speniing fthlie Liiiltir. Millii tiiem ut Texansasiilim e bîrdeu ut tiseliria de-nt's obîjection wonat tha îe jîîîge o! ti court, the clî-rk nuit thse manxaa oppiose tise tisnge. "Ilins#frngte to nis.a 11[r. Miltu. "tlinI the iresieient îLiesnin coijauli tise I icemi neiicei,-atires frîî Texîs tlieti-en in fic tenher bonne ai luoIns iii ii, nstiail ut ac<-ipting il ciii ot tise î-ourît ufficrs." The eff-t eîle veto stm i fike tiseblit alaw 'vitisu Yfutrîber cefe-rence ta tise Uremillca. as aficeiîly bil passcd over lise velu lufi Il tîe At Iom-tocb, on motion utfil Siiernn. lise Senale 'ent lnio exectîti setolounand su remeainesi untit adjour mmiit ai r):'-') 1. m. The day Inuhlison vas îtevotid iutise conelieraion ut D 0trici t f olumianbusiness. Tise lin" Taesdny agrees Io tisetir conferunce repîort on tise immsigration i. isy an orveieming majority (217 to i4 anti passe t wo mure piension bills oi tis President's veto. The muidificaiu efthtie Immigration Liii contalued inlut toconferenca report Ly 'viîcisen lulenti 5;immigrant 'vs -requiresi lu ha able 5:renid anti write "tLe Englib or anott 2 ianguage" and 'vich ptemmittedth îe il! )c craiite nîstindminer eblidren tu accu pany nu eligibLt emigrunt remuvesi i main opposition toeill. Tise hane dunres oethe pension hbislpasscd oi .tise veluo'vera botb o et ias k hue W. as "remarimd 'vitova." A bill iacs n ,% passe .! eprevcnt tbe frauduient use 5; ith word 'copyrlilbt" on boeSsud oul 2 publicaions. Thaeopen sesion ut i ce Senuts 'wasnsvioiiy purfunctory, anti at traticsating nome routine Luidneçs i mdouos 'ere etoseti anti an excutire a siealn countietiltisrougbout tise dey. 1I ,2 bill'vas pasesi lu aId i tise improrenù ce et tise nvigable clîannltftise Sontis p by closing tise existlng ereilteses lu Il k;L'0ttre u initheuMssissippi River. 'i o. routine businiess@'vas cleareti a'vy k;12-35 p. m. and un motion utftir. Siseru tise Senate 'veut linit executive sce c anti ai 5:40 P. m. adjoururd. ao. to Notas et Cursent evatai. s, Count Casseiia,the Pupe's prirate eci Le-nain,_ focmcrly of Denv-er, dit-s leu Wcakenss atructure ai Frakinl >1 in.. Md. Tise br«ilng et an ire gorge v«aai Me a iresie on tise Cumbierlandi and Punn.yi- rani& Rei'vsy ai Franin mine, bLd., causîng tisa iesie te give wny about Mid- nigisi, viile su, excursion train 'vas crossi- lng il. Tise englnue rossati sateiy, but tisa comhinatien car anti near coach vent inle tise utream, 'vhleh vas unusaiaibgis, evins te atawsv- andtisathrev the en- glne on lse aide. There yen it teen Pas- agera aboard sud thiuy became penic- efficken, men sud 'vumen Laiiilng to es- cape. Ail eenlusily gui oui et the couches anti jrobably rcached shsore la sautty. RioberthRs, eDglneer, anti John N. Hou'- uni, ireman, attemptedt teJumpifrttruIe rugine. Lut itus 'as ca-igbt un tise 'reei andi dies frnmtishe effecs o! muailn es- capiiig steamt. Iturvallau ln Loune. TLlrty tisotusndipeule- lu tise Stute- ef Louismisa are pruclmîatly tarvitîg te de-st. A rnvitcf cmusitîci, 'viirilias lu. spected tlie airicknca prfidiscu eau o! Shreveport, %an>- thitîmiser o! peoplle n-Ut base s3 le sataaiîid during tise tn- truit.u sawaws. Tise Stage lias aîneaiiY exIuended i$657,0(5J tr onriuanaîtprovisions for tLe sîîffercrs andlasfuir fonds. A meetiîug %vanteluIta in -rvepiort under ci-at af tise Huard ut Trude sud $1.80nas sut>- - seritied. Carrier Pigeon@s Fueis le B-Pic. josephIslialigi,a Ciicagu mus -iir gsales- monsan sd lue omiag pilgeonsi nisicis ho useî<iIo scîîd ,niqsliru to hse utfé uas vurloun punits outhîe country. lie let iLio ly rtu thie-our 'itdawi, audjilu Cday or au 1isey lwiys-sltpared-lteme. But tiel daya ut iure-Isearng are îsvrr, tonritusa- day nigb't ornee one tole tue tbr- pigi-uonî frusu>%Ir. Hitiîa bouse. andl iy tiit ime tisey vu-ny 1usd>- bave beeti servei itî a gainse pie. ____ e Tbiey-llvm Tiseanii Persoan iii iVa Tise drougis inlu nrth Loulsinna rover il tise rasi terntiory haiweeu the lie-i river anti tiseArksansa inîe, acuthîe veat boundmry anti the river parnaes ltatise casi. lu muaint ibis ara& uut oeebaie o! ctton bas been rslcd tu naeres lu r cultuecilon. (irer 35,000 persona arc lui i neeti aud lu dauger et tarvalion betr, e tie sex crup eau ha ralseti. > Fouasd Bediea Fldàlls.g. 'r Thse bodicet tiste t'vo mlsslng minera -Who vera Imprisenet lu tise Tcmarack -(MIcb.) mina have beaten utdinfîatinw - e lu tise 'atar ai tis a bttoet ftise afti. 1- itauaa Invite@ Bryat6 n Tise loeerbonne of the KanssTaILegl- *letnme. atter oaeral tdeys et iveir déisat%, 10 inally iipdpted a Vreselution lnvltiag Hion. If William J. Bryan te atidres bat bodyr. r le ftatisare Are Victors. ýr Tise Senala Comiitteaeon Intersatee ie Commçrca Sie th ie ralilcoai anti-tIcket s- esiperi' iii. t Autamu Wisst le Pecr. sa The a nuon Maris Lana lxpres, lnIls se reviev ut tise drap situation,gasrsiîle le sotten s@ats ofthue land ls damaging tise, )y autumu solwing oftvhaut. Tise reporte, nu froida France say that dier la vry r- ln promise for the growiug vhaat, rcality tisa outboS in mtstuetery. Bevarle s Fs,tifu fet-vaut. s. Thomas tracy, utlilentun County, In- iu diana, dieti recently. Hie 'viii gîves hîs pnoperty, valucil ai $28,000, te Jane Hem. )n ron, a servant ln tise tumlly, as a revart 0_for hbV fitistutesa. Fot rPension Airencies. a- The Preideut, un tise recommedatilm an of iecrelury eo tisa Inlerlor-Fraaci,ishm ea lginen auerder iuclngt Iesa niser or ai pension agendales à tise Unalt -etstau e- f rue lgiteen teIL. Titis e~ai'va- i4 eider viiiegile affect Sept. 1 ne=t 4k TO suppases DiSAlS. Provaience aif'tes"u Paver leai tatea trLet Duies flagulattàla SII. ment te tise Xii.vl--tlarylaud Trail Gees Tisougis a Trastie. CmtieIi.Sspmeata Cisecised. omnpIywlmtusthe a&et 1Coufflemafoui tise suppression ot contaieus dlaaiaa ament domestlc animal@,s, ScrtayMer- ton bas lunedta thie managers sud agents ef ralroada anti transportaton couptal, stockmen and oibersJcicler notitytegr iisem tisai c contagouisand intectionsadis- sage Sueva as spienetie or souiberu foyer' exiuta amoug cattie la Califtornie, Texas, Arkansas, Loulsîanua, Mississippi, AIR-- haue, Florde, Georgie, Seutis Carolina, Noth Carolina and Vrginie, portion* of, Tennessee andteIXndien termitony. Froen Feb. 151 te Nov. 15, inclusive, durns eg ma, ne cailla are te Le transported trou> <e trridory Indlcaitd tea ny ciber por' tien efthtie Unied Stales, efeepi by rail for immediate alaugisier. anti vien an transporteti strict quarantine regniliouia are te ha complieti vus. Cattie trou> Miexico may Leatidmittcd loto tise Unitedi States. Lui ihey 'viii net Le permiltetite cross tise quarcittine lIme etiservise dieu by rail fer Immedilate elaugisier, excepi by apeci-l permit. Notice ia given diat cattia infesimd wvus thse boophilus havis, or southeru cattie thisk, dissammnate tise contagion et spemie l ever. andt diy are te ha consîIderot as infections catîle anti ha sulîjecituediaeruies anti reauiime governing -tisamoyement et acutisemu catie. BRAZIL FNTC4&KW - Victeoa tnétmeerai Encomateas vus OGovermentITropa Tisa Brazit tanuticai inaurreticaisis, unoer Coislhilre, bava novw ,(10 eil- arîîîed me-n. urganinrîl sud couceniratet inl Bahiia. The peuple lu tise rrali to'vus are ieilntise fanatica si-li arma aaid moue-y. Where Ibis help isaisot gîven tise vî-uge-aîce ot Conaclisiro'n baud tallauîtpon itht- ettIers.n in imanuel mure lisaa alixy riris plantations bave aiready Leen destroyeti. The Goverumeni bas been la- tforme.lit acrseeral toreigisesbave juin. ed lise tanaies sud are îîuabiag torward n more selenific mlitary ergaiizationà among îLe-m. lu amyral aiirmihsa 'vI tise i.'aerni troupe lise latter 'vere deteisi- ed. Tise tanatic bave obtinleti aieamb 1ilunches. anti nov pairol tisa rivera anud jstreaeailutise disticlt* visera tbey are. s stroîî tu iis 'vsy tise range et the tdevasiationcoummîttietib>- tis e mi muti- ed anti the utmost terrer lîcevailsla In hai region. ____ CAIRS FALL OFF A TI1ESTILI. et"*"~e la the Badb, Peariisais, Cal, Benjamin Bender- son, a veaihis ranch e'vner anti picumer seUtle, 'vua murdaeti isy AtIdexîcanem. ýployeti as a iabeothdi ranch. Tise murdemar siabiet Hendersn lu the bacS andte diaded tu teplaces tise ibody et bis vlctim. op betli5J Feet. An alevater lesded wvus bai! a ton et maie "ids"von mfe oll teet t te s lrm-t0e t tise New York MetaInsturance Compatir" building la New TorS Ciy. Nonoeoethie amon ver badîr burt, and une emapadti'hS ot eveu a brulsa. Extra Bsiienals Kentucksy. Gev. Bradley bas prappret a message ceaiagfoi as extra = théf ls.Ken- tucky Lgialtur.- i recommanda tse elaion et a United Bltes Senator anti tise redisrictIng etftise Blute. -ebuisata G romeasc". Tisa Wasinlgton Sauata bas paaaad a bill provlding tisai ahi Intebtatinea si ha pàeid us itiser glilor wmurer uenq. Daguis WmmmM-7 Vote., Tise vouana padkutia ateq frshiui pâma dlis secnditreudia h ElHmus eu OoCmmerna S a vote ef 229 to 157.

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