Liutiyour prop«WIyvih me Md 1 viU fmd leu & ousiomor namouble rats. Âmong numerous choie@ bar-. LlbetYvlIle Cfty rOertY. gains, I biae the folioving: aaielvheaitoemomt0i Parm Prepert. F or maie fer eusit or on resiornbie taima. Fo e o v WbfiflluaMMuefuel.cbsaP fei nle Mri mpoed faims on Imit cf 09geBMOU 8- ong tima t loy rae of luterent. 1 C 1 tihlfl lfoni M 14e ares imprN>sd fIm adjacent 10to ebi huas Ne su LakteLlbsisiturnSbain on xylil et for sae orient. ié amui on MUlauee rom&. bouelre______km____ ban%,. ood fencea.2iuod vole. go" .!as telaruOOttmber. rritosavaiace.vait Ateo LIte IniUrance and osh. bananeon Ume t 4Pmrcmat.ubcltnNws et 120 %mon.,hait vu belveen VasiuloitSusrpinNW'g Groeansd GOm al orml oil fPubilshers Libertiville. WeU hprved under rond stfe oeullvalone nu aste lan..4o0J LOWEST PRICES, stock or*drfaim, novai fMlng BIU nd u. feiavng tcesa. TSwâar&sL -i on ail Periodicale. Lnpuoyed Pira. ChoiesBarsan. 10 ars __________ dlaont to a yIacentrala. ILStation, l. <yu atteuyo mot reasonble ten" fyus.ttoByo Four farmui Vernon Tovnship. Rent Lake or soli County Seven]choice.feran uAvon Townabip 1RA. SAE nIai rnysinhO. EL SA , Be Sure to Cali on, H. C. Paddock, Libertyville, - Illinois. First Class Work AND A Perfect Fit, GO ~- SAMBORN & Go., TrAIIORs AND CENTS FURNISHERS. ICillf Sock. Libertyville, Illinois. con anud examine oui line pf Spring and Summner Suiting.. Bamola, Glook Shoires, Wall pookta, Paperholdora, Book cases, Conter tables, Exionsion tab's, Dining c"im, Rockers, Couches, Lounles, Chamben suit.. Picture Praa Boom meuling Painta, Ou's, Varuishos, Glsa, Putty, Brubho, Minrora, mattnessos, Cota, Springs Etc., Etc. ISAAC Mi ATH &SONS Libertyvilie.,Illinois. ThieTime is Ilere! Wben aven f1rmer tan Own a Comfortable Home. île Assy enough toC! Pay for it by Your Labor. iiow viii ion do Il? Listen to this Storyl people Who Iodan ieleaing fsimspfg more relt th 1thr anesn n SInIpi our M10 ho cofferst o= V farmn sdolIa esrned by dajrtoit!. v'h f rpiylnv Itd inlua short lima Iafora1 odomof their ovn. Stop and Thlnk. The and holderao! lake Conty ame men vho in the pioneer dia purehased titir faune fo aamumas ionasthe reft hich tbay Diow aâYomlo pa efflUI.. Now Just Supposlng vou vioieç; cROe= ogota n s îoow a.Ia, sud ous ootutainmu vfrnes. utlprweru 1 oeécrlia of h o aeî sI.<>, urfase p t, of pure vi ele041w varet taesama hoe ult rfoverythine Pro- Would You Accept It? llrnab*fit lmv iiifij bSton ritla jtti cCret beatifu vi C ICson bout ing for $5. to $10. per acre. TeS kzev yon ais pari« Socmmlivent yos 'Owst 10moi%. y » ut Fou iock Foprtune Snilles Alone Yow~an'tBelleve It? auv 4 n. Uba 4h.iMi i I PALATIN E. Henry Leneuson visIte.! frieuds lu Iova receutly. The Musai Porep visite.! fîlends lu Elgin racenlly. Xi"a Cooper, of Labo Bluff, vas home overs unday. Mun. C. 1. Julien la very much iu- diapcietaIprosmut. l lasMre Nassa as luit recovere.! fros a a Bere itîneso. KMlanhha Mcbuaaeviate.! fienda lu Palatine ove, Suuday. VIII Oit attende.! a meeting of en- gnume.iluCicago ioeully. Born, Sundiy mrniing, leit. 7.lto Mr and Uni. Chit Bum, a sou.-, UmisaNelli Liceo. of Barrnuglon. vIa- Ied fManda hoe.Wedueaday. Win. 051, E. Baltermiat a so hera vire lnu Lae Zurich Suuday. Kimi (race Henry viaied.!Mus. Thos. licNloing ln Chicago Snuday. Mr*. Samuel Lsndver sud lira. Fred Bergmnan viiWd inl Palaline Tuiiday. Mri. sud Mus. Jscoba. of Huntlg Avenue, visite.! friands ber@ over Sun- dey. 0. V. Buteiter, cf Chitcago, visite.! his brother, Rey. J. C. Buteber, re- oenlly. Umii Kate Umdeuatocit an.! Mr. Lember, of (hlmer, vîsile.! Mr@. Citas. Vehe Saturday.' Mr. au.! Mrs. Seap, of Labo. Zurlith, visiWte. ielson Chalas eaI hblaplace Monday aflersoon. Mr. lcNatly and llasCrlay lllup, of Cloago, apenl Sunday vitht ti parente lu palatine. lira. Chias. Babooeb an.! son veut ta Traverse (Cily, Mith., tu visîl her par- eut, h.,vieaue TmpII. Va have j%"lboard cf lte dpath of Mr. Erans ym*n«at cuil.. Il vas broueit te P#alUe for internant fat- ura. Marrie.! aI lita home of lhe bride lu Plnm Grovi, Mr. lluddoff, of Ciicago, 10 Mips Auniaeiteake, Thuiaday, lob. 1l, 1897, Altr i Rnibas gIveu bouda for M1018 as Town Collecter sud viii commaen voit as zon au itereceives thi books fror lte connly. Mn. aid Mn. Walter Bray, of Codair =apIdeowa, and lMr. ad Mra. A. Bey 0e Aringon Beigits., ver@ gutia thelb.Wilson iflouse Sonay. Dra. E. M. Puhima and!Eay <Giseat- tende, a meeting of denise ilu Chic&- goa80 uadrlenuder the sus- ýO" ma Mn.Hegnry Bolier lad Miss Emille BU«e. ere unile.! lu marriageail te EmanuuilLulteran citunàit ah igb noo Tlturedy. lob 4, 1@97, by lte ev. Piogialle. Viie Heury Kune vau leilng hla revolver a catridge exploda!, amIe.- ding th. buIlellie bi 1Ud. Thebaill vas ailiacte.! by Dr. Andeson sud lte vous.! la rapidly healing. The Mécalmeis In"dte toilovlng oftcars Ttursday nlgitl: Gi. .Stoker, rmrn as epar; IL aldinl, lo istig- ter ofthe Guirds; AI Thlomas 2B&lM. of lte . Albert. G. amitb, PIlet., The ol1* y 0f dallvarmg messages by Po"l boys cmar. ill lte modera telephone, Itidat he liteod teelioui maltodai of ..biisbnr colda 6ornpas4 wvthb their aimait lustan- sous eur. by One Minute Coue cure. F. E. Loveii, LleilyvIIe, and G. C. Roberts- Vaseonda. .Lidia' Nîghi vii laI.!éIthe Ath. letie Club roomae.lait Tuesday siglt aid ltaela"iaWoiraroyÉD IIyuitelaled by M1e lub. A very liseteuillq pi. gram vasa féaturaoslte *,eonie&rndt the seiellu otmr e lreadnd. u4 beaitly aPPreOWMO& PMU iMdpop tractin ua soçial nesrMl ea&d 1)4 no1me iOUUR *Dsliy .14511 Sudar. astop lon onn&ai &i.. .mi. r. 04VU%74 129ééU06U114 1W lis$ & 04 10 e1e02tou :lut ei ilutyu fo O te wi r %l Bre fr10d10a050 Commfl»*ns WàT» WIare TuR AOv onouyour pape, indicatea the. Ume yonr subacriplion expirae& in rewing iulacrpton aedeýxpreu Or potooe money ordar oikseT TMS omcu, midi payable 10JUIT & WOOnMÂN,' dednctiug amounn paid for autteaorder. Around the.County. NOCKEFELLEUSOCIET8IeS. la"tBundy evcdff ni :j&Junior . IL DUMOND Campn No. tréýIL.M W. A. sîeet month . DG0aimu. V C. o. ..P. No. ci. nmee s..od sud fourlb Tburâdays oofeo"hmontb. BC H. S. Buanîcz. flaci. 0. G. T. meet Thuredar evoniegu of eaeb veeL. Làuas DooLuruLs C. T. JOH 03 . IAGAN Poit G. A. R. meel Uaturday ulght on or botore fuil menu. J. A. mason. Conidr. 0O19CavxcjuILL.A.ijt. Mau ffoing soilth .... a:22P. M. Ma i otanoilix.............l. s0a.8 IL. Mai over anti by stage aMrvas At I Ln.. departa et U a. nm. ROCKEFELLER. Mua. J. Croubite veut luo Cicago lait Tuesday. Mu. Ueo. Beailoy vas s pleasant oatil- or haro over Suuday. Fred Stuobla, of Chticago, lain pan.- in a fav days At home. Mra. Witt Kulggsand Mia. fpecht vent t10 Grsasblait Tueedzy. Mus. Citai. liaie, cd Libertyvllla, calie.! on frienda lhers Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Cariesa brother :fromis-I conu vlalled lmseafev day8.reonly. Mi. Vamplew, of Ivmbroe, vlsiledi Mir. and! Mia. J. J. Portiaul, one dey lut voit. Jusl lu, a large lot of Irunka aI ite turature store an.! ovory onèor ftheni a bargain for yoo. Mr. largo, vito ibus eec ai vont In Chticago lihe pai%1ev veibs, laibomne vitithis family at present. Titere vili bc a conundrinmaci ai 9 ff Ciapet Tueaday ev.inig, lob. Id, »givan unden ltae muipicea 0f the Chrie Ian Endeavor Society. Admlaaion, to. 1Everybody invite.! in coule and have a good lime and! gueia connudruma. Pied, of pninmonla nt ber homle ta Rockefeller Midgy, lOb. 5, 1897. Mus. J. EB oleomit, mga. 41 yairx. Mua. Holcomb vas a ladyvito poaaamed lte faculty of galinug varm friands viere- avenmtabeset. aSheave 10 mouru taeirloisa.huiand t our loviug citildren, lte youngail a brigit Utile gilo ut titrasmmeis, bedies other relatives and! a bta of friands. Titi fun"ral olplace Suuday et the 01.! homeitiid. Intermnent ah Ivauhoe cemelary. To te bereavid famuly va axtend oui varmool sympatity. RONDOUTr. Mis. John Lancaster visite.! Chicago kfriands Monday. C. Noîdilisu.! vas a Chticago viiltor one day lant vol. lilas OrceBradley wva sChicago viitai one day lait veek. Dan Convay wvàai a îitor at camp Laie, Wia.. une day ilet . Huarait, boys, for titi vedding vîlolu le sc00»te, ocour tu our i 1111. wv. Mi. Rob Franum l.agaflu able tb le about arter a aevere attacit of riteuma. For band bille 0f any de.cuplon or any idvarlsln alte c tih IteN- G.0. Norten, lamp min, vas DI sud unable te perforas hia dulias a fav' dmp n.ecently. Mir. BIh Ernia gave gad socalMI khi borna SatuIr = iJeu. 130. Mualo for he pecaiius v»sfurnisited by I. Coava Mdl,. Hatavsy Wu mouruilly lOgeIllt e ucfloue or lI.ou'g.OWiitialtUugbl vent sonh tfor 1110 vinlirmi il*as trfaveig lu Ibal dlreoou Itm uta The Ladies' Socia Club gave a cmi.! parly -t S i. John Rloue%*l Monelay eveningof liaI ve14, vich »lsaey attendai, 4*4 injopeL V o ire glud 10 eInm IbiS lb. Ciel110 progeu.9 Viten entertag 0* aalon oui Mora- lng lait viol, wu. Mov-id me,@ ai e iuppcoa mv gt; bt alra close aau rnyfour:lllvaiJ. IL %pMr, vWho la pla'éàr.u. Gui elande hall -fa 0100.! for lbe ses- son an. la tured tâte a buartlng boume. Il la nir rsendy te mScedatie ait travilers. Tkae» àe 108 reorna mui tvo furnicu es guailU lgt; Mic bot »d. col.! matiau 4 ainrom s hI rooms.L TaIetkhah bey.. Loov-A dmar lIthiid vio made »M d». le-mlle. A"d lo wdux, Mm 'ule .beau nVed bui lue siertsml it t akbo"mOse MiaUe Çq cure, -"a Suliw -> affp.1014by f. 5&1,0v. 'ne «iaZ Q loaea, , ~ ~ s.w..5.c MieavautLIun va la Cdéagob"m lia vIkAlc lmit amon thadapW Mr. t. £id", o iSut Fo oie on bioe à;; ralait Uwià-,y. l soksacai if I fllOl s in tu -b*ave motter railof toura a Point. I. Sobvei, f01 im.?, 100k lhe 8:1 train for clicage fram Iditutçn lait Moitday., The» » e ii cuetigg 0fmotaLtea->. Socialtynt DIamostILake ovirne lu tit 06v=ilyof lavainf Quito a aoier 0 OU m po wr traveling ona lia Pmes Omo ltrougb Oui U" iNI begli uaiay. Auumbar o11riernia fFoni uiviclii ty atted.!he fanerail0f lira. Roi- eccmb at 2ecbejeller lit SnBRndy. Tiie WlomouCentrl idge au.! Building I>ep't. mre dotng reouaary vont Aromi. lteé depol l"i veai. D). N. Grnh san . .Y. BaUlerBl. btol UIbe 8:11 train for Ciîcagou at- tend lie meetin cf1lteé MIIIShIP. Peru' Frotective Aidoetalipn. Tiiere vl e au oyoler iuPP et lB BarlIalluti aI Pand "LaIe fr lhe itenelilof lte laand LaiteComoery Ameooaton. But wva faite.! W ain tbe de. Mr. L*Graud Flaglie, vite là, ou ployd bythéPiper10 Company ut Dianond lAit, la.! thé "lfortune 10 fail lu lte Loe lait voit, but. vas ras. oued by Chai. Whitney. -*Wevl4blo Correct anau rroitunte Diffmon.!Laite tberni, visz ltât Mr. R ôutl of -*et pae ene.. lte àd Camp aidelogate for Eocbfelet Camp. Thas sâoul.! have raid. Diasuon.! Camp, No. 412t.1 Minutei aeem bilehiours viien ife la et itabe. Croup givea no lime to aentd for a doctor, dilay migitt mimu death. One Minute Cough Cuis glves instant relief aid insures reoovery. The ouly immiun emedy ltaI preducesImme- dia"e resulta, Sold by P. B. Lovua.. Libertyviile sud G. C. lloBs, Wau- conda. WARRENTOll GROVE. Mir. andlira, Bd Gibbons enlartaina.! Chicago friencda lait veel. Ulm LIlian Hutchînson itas returu. e.! teh hbomne altei a fev veal's ab- sence. Mri. and! Mn. James Smîit and chu.!. ion. of Cicago, are vlallîng relative, iteichiua ueL. B. Bullvan,,uf Wautegsp, midi a pleamsntcaIl on fuleudain ibla viclully oua dey lait wvol. Mn. sud lira. Vlila Apployard, of Western union Je. Wla., apeul s fev days vith m. Bulcitinson and fauliy lait voit. Soolbing for burns, acaldL citappati bande and! lpa. ating for cets sud gares. Inatant rofll for pUles. stops pain et once, Titise are lte vîrlues cf feVîfl a itot Rendl Salve. Soi.! by F. B. Lovunu, Liberlyvlle sud G. C. BLonuiv, Waucondm. Tii. agalta kLllamy ocletyfiteld lie lait regniai meeting lait Tuursdal eveulug. A gond progrenu, couaiting of MolAW04ieitateus tm, ii wu Ieef and reliecte.!muait auefdit on lits. lo pirtipiaff. The subject ef debt- Reelved:"Thatthiesic f Punlabrnenl Bas more Influence on -Human Nature thma Hope of Itevard,"vas abiy dis- cai.! by I. A. Citurariil ounlte sUimalive sue . W. aRugie on lte uegatlve. A deelalon as rendered lu lavor of lteaffirmative. Tite fiat meetingvîi hioiteld lait, la. Ail are cordlaliy invitid 10 attend. SAND LAKE. A number fîom houe attende.! ch urcit ai Gage% tale Snqday aveaing. Mie Violet Ames vas on tlee aid liaI lte latter part of lait vol. Mr. Dell Levin, of North Prairie, vas a Saun. Laite visiter lait Iiundey. Invtation& are ont for a dauce at Mr. ituebeanNera Tuursday oening. lob. Il. A very ojoyabi, lime vas reporte.! by aSU vto attende.!lte masquarade parly aI C. Munrie's ]ast veel. Mu.MUnu, Mr. Martin sud lMr. Dove vere up frein the city lutI veeland speul a day or tvo aI Jacob it lei's. Qulte a unuber fronthaesattende.! lte debate aItlte Saugauck achooi lait Tbursday ovening sud ver, iigbîy pleasa. ith thlie progmam rendore.. Borne veîy fine Instruments] ai nta veV S¶iven by Xisa James sud Mr. Au aocideitt oocurued at Deep Lale lai vees it iitvasvery nearly mci- toua. Vble atam belonglugto0Lýouis Miler vas vorblug on the iei, 1h gave vay underthem preolpîlang Ibeni 1liUtte Sa. Tiey voeresue.!juil Canalpatianlu lia vonst ferme. dys- pepus, " mIe dacite, bîllouenansMd deagesen of lIe liver ae rea«uy eued byfeVlll's Lile Early Risera. Tii... 11181piazver Si S. mail Cv M" 4Cb =b ad .C.Bornunr Vaneoulda PRAIRIE VIE W. Ail go te0th. maaqueiade the 191h of lebruaiy. C. P. Dckinson recently sold a car- lan.!of itoriei. Misa eetgmn fa slovly roove- Irg from a ievere attucitof mieales. Uni. Barw yCeeu Mmu ise" ir Magen visite.! et Grape i egenlll Tuer. lac a 89M dédi of exciteinentant Baïf Day aibout lt e 0)ie r aib"Od. CbarilmI viMdsent am a dele. gage te Sprlugfed fou irt, -oodmen Camp lu. . Titi ple rtbeouing ate, A.!nev Hato vl= Ies"ton hmn beeu sol. .Coisleaalla Pbporgacre. Itou. Cube inoimip fflrau lte hem" 09ofJ.- A. ilntb. (Fi"ia) the çwwusd. A f -iv 1N doronva iit te Mot it ltae. au».! nad = h t.rend îiÏiool Tb* C. M. bueir&esmeeting vsihid ' witi Il».IrLE..'TA&* hm laitaurdal 'dhIia good attendaao.a Our icitool iai bon cosed tlu v eeut onadoul f b.muaiea. The epi- 'danOmia aabout aubade&! i»a Alla. Sne.byipent averal days lu obleego lait vol vl.llug friandle,e "ertilg*Siurday nigitl, The. masquabail at Orange hll lait Irlay veung s. sucea à Afair 0sisd orovd atlended and! a fine tinteî la reporta.. GAGES LAKE.« Mrs. Andrev BaIer fa quit. aerloui. ly lit. ltu Liai. Pitelpa la vhiing rea- «Valu licaàgo. Qeo. W. .ionesviailed frlendla la Chi-1 «ago lait fridav. lir. M argaret Benien fl vilailg relatives lu Chticago. Thte Ladlai' Aid Soobaly vii mot vitit Mrs. Wltbam ?Thuday. Veb. lu. Ulmi Maile Jamai vlated Moinds sud relatives lu Cicago and Elin tua .Mlmi MaIlle Jameis la nov stndylua muie under lte direction of M. . Fulton, of Waukegau. . The Epvorth Laqule vii givp an olia upper et tite cburch Tuesday eveulug. lob. 16. Priceo fnaupper 25 cents. A veedin ltaegardon canu a aaiiy Waueonda. Va undotoatdthat aoir yotuiu sud affeeable ulght operator, F. J. Knochanmuaa, la about ta leave un and! be promoted ln the imfuture,.lHe la a brigit, peisiaul, cheer! .1 aud ageble Young man snd l inte.! dby ai. We labitlm uceau nal under- takinge. LONG GROVE. Chriatian Tisebsel, au ol.! resident of tua place, dieti Runday. lat). 7,mIn-r ment behîg lu lte Long Ghoya camte- teny on Tueiday. We wve ie uerrur lait veel lu quoI- lug the dividen.! pal.! by ltaeLong Guove Creamnery aeti92j cents. Il shout.!bave beau 06à cents. Chicora, Pa., "ierald:" Richard Van sol reporte Oua-Minute Cougit Cure lte greateit auceass of midical acience. fie taI.! nsa &%ll.eured biseviiole faaliy of terrible congita sud col.!. aller ail otiter au calla.! cures*itad talle.!. Mu. Vensel mid il auslaed i iii hideen thruglu a vouy bail siege of meusles. On(iaiueCougit Cue mab expee. torallon very meansd uapld. Sol.! iy P. B. LoiELL., Llberlyville mund G. C. Itonaurs, Wauconda. The Diamn.! ULe Camtey Assoiation viii litre au oyitui supper sI is. H. itartioeltsTuasday avenlrng lob. 16. frapper 25 centsi. Conte une sud ail. shroritar ulelg muresC a O mioadoeiaioa ittater, caridronb< noliait iti! m vogon. aMtlae plOa, ou. ....rA. rneany nW; aMt vd s airs hia iCals. lpath bail, ltrilm bey, 5M bu it tu mentice Tuaxcîtuorlaminmm under CaiL .AUl um *vemm ~ of oneyeor Vitibevasa able notes bearirgfp. 2 par cnld0e ut ormâ.I Party removtd uni eN Ifer. Omo. Viaurnma, ?g VALTUE Vuira, Anittaer. Faim fer Sale. ThI. l. Bvan faim, 71J cmors room bon», 2 go" humlirais. vater. 4j miles vait 09« M ~imiles norlt or ivaehoe. Hnry Grabbe, Ivaaboe, III& £ Tex cê[oi.otra Noicîs iv Sdhanal *in. br:fommiè- postoMfce, Lhberyvliae. Ps taltere fur lhe t10lscf%-M, Ville. Food Mili. We vili dû e001oM grinding daya, Tburadoas»d BSainr"y& 6. 1 have a Large newov u »àa Jo>b .85 lbtgrande Voly lait of good improved land, 0ornalmle W$B [of 1remont Conter. For 1o miM partiecularei udrec. or muiion C. 1Loi. Foi SALR-2Oacii faim no iai haÊ" Lab", viii umprovec. <10.4 tre., fUne veiliof apring awM,1 limbe,. Buldinguaont lan a tu Puni MacOuMa, Liberl;& UNION HOTEL. FiRST cLAss HoT5Iý ... HaIf-way Hou» ... Betvea Cii«qo and MIMMit CycllstsHedquarters. (104 ao.meetiaafer asaSse.» John Bahm --- KEYSTONE CORN¶-IUSKERS AND FODDER SHREDDER. MAKES- -,Corn Hav'- Hummer Sulky Plows are the Bout A ny Boy can handie them.. a. 0- Bradley Plows. Deere Plows. Flsh Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. Staver and Abbott Buggies andSurrles. Combination and three spring Wàgons. j Drain Tule, Lime andCernent. ,Lumber, Lath and - hingles. G H.Schanck & Sony, *LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO 4 I / 7 i I f i 1 I -u 1? 1 71 '771 I '1 1? I THINKlt4Q F Ilr YOÙ Au fi ONT FAîL TO GALL ON .W RIGMT & SON - For their estirhates. Close figures glv- ýen and extra Jine lumber. We haive a flneiy assorted stock of lumber on hand and can supply your want%, at any tirne4, We*carry a full une 'of bullder¶e bap4 ware. *Our stock of nails ls the boit«a-'-, sorted and cheap. J A -FIM- -LINE .FURNITURE. J i .1 1 1 1bi 1