CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Feb 1897, p. 2

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ton Be CREATEST RAILAOAO RUN ON ca REOORIP 13 MADE Cet ~-ggsli" Train (rom Cbleag* te Denver Tr BSeerhu" e5. Ilahse- Jmieu si ,W" on jute Dethbd.Mule Il Miaý( utà Up a Mut&&* ide hiRý 1,020 mils lu 1985280a. las l'h. spécial train truChicgo uver the C Cidcfto, Burlingtel sit QulNy suad the AI igulnato anmd issoun !iwsiendà%, cbar- le tered liy HeurrJ. Mayhain, &'Denver tfi lavetment broke.r. eaeh.ed Deiver nt Mi SM Tluesday morales, arina rua ,020 flt sages ln 18 hour and I5e.minutes. This a51 journey goe; loto itory as the greet Yu raflsond test ever accomplizbed. The be9t t prouongfruld long-ditance record Pol vas 19 houriand 57 msintes for 064 a 8 ml« i ver the New Yorh Central and p Uea Shore Bitlionds trou, New York to en Chicago. Mr. Mayhnm, who ieft New e' yur Sound, osthe Penusylvania Limit- Y sed, eartered à spcali train nt Chicago ai te order to reech thé ehaede of hie dyiug do am, William B. M&Yham, as qulclY 0asT possible. The Burllngton offiiais agreed Ah te tahe bien teDenver ln twenty-four o boumr.. mat stetiret thought the tripMt mlght ha mad lu twenty-one houri.mi Wiery penource of the Burlngton aysem o ,nos bgeughtluft& pay and .7er tire bourgida we cipped onf roa the lient runtiam thoe s tetuasthought te ha possible.On S etrelght stretchez oftruyck the train Sov- di ered more thonaimxty miles anur.- he moonstain echah tront Akron, COl.., tu Denver, 1U8 mles. was .made lun3M4seiu- mtne, the frin running> mnà veu mite A Th minute mut ot the distance. At Lncoln. Neb., Traveling Euglneer Dixansot the Barlinston, entered the cab of the englue tic &0d ramained wth aach augineeroutiltheiatn train reached Denver. Telegrame front a ail parta et tha Unted States inqulred to couerning the progrees ut the train sud on the posibility ut Mr. Mîyham reacing on the aide of hi son la time at leant tu es gaep hie hsnd hefore ha vats hqchoued PO ecrose the dark river. But Mr. MaYham an arrived lu Denver ton loi tshie ion » liv. The younh man died shortly etten ce mldulght. Mnt. Mayham, mother of Will, wl and her daughter vera la New ÜlOnsaPO vlan apprlsed ot hIielMues, and thay are Ch calse urrying homneward. WiliIMayham man onet the mot pro.ielng roung bnci- neu men in Deaver. th ORTS No CIANGE IBACK. DE Masiqer vppa Ioa iew .by Mie- t taieCaame$ B* Decevere&. pu A London laue hes ruled thut vhere a wovshlpsr hy mistahe pute a larger mnat tban ltpaed lot diaeburch e conlection box the mon.>cannot ha te- t fendeit no ca-iges etserrer. The declsoetu gre ot oetasuit baugtiby a wemenL vhe attends servielua t ienable, 199kwoW &rchuti et Réffes Park l agmthdi.vicar and chreh vantons, ber t esatention befag that, during a fit of men- tal àbératIon. th. bsd i plalu it plçte a oarei(ç<5)>intei ut r. shilling (25 eant*). hé théretorue aghât te becover t mma *4.5. Th.e rt held fiat dis mo- Ment the mon.> koil fte dia plate Itbh-a- niee acceptedi offrlag te the Lord, aud I that sit. e d.hureb offiiais aur thep courts are et liherty te authotisa kt& re- turm f0 the dunor. This la snid tf0 heii fint case and decision ut the klnd on rec-a ord nod may stand a a precelent for I miny generationsto corne.b DANKS LIKÉC A f00. yeufaz Germn Fariner Unffring tro There la a horrible case of hydrophobiae four miles souih of Jefferson City, Mo.t John Feltrep, e youug Germen former,u who le tihe vicilu,4 barksansd whincs ai-p mut lnceieently, snd nt traquent inter- vals ha lapses loto convulsions ut thet mut violent kind. There ha no possibl, c-hance for hie recovery, so bis physicien mye. The case insaid te ha une et the' vont lan the miedieai histoty of Missouri. Valitrap tris bitteu on the les three sauntha ago by n tray 'dog, but as the wonnd gave hln o pain or suxiety noth- Sas tras thought ut it until lit Saturdey. At thi dinuer table that day Feitrsp trac takhln with s violent paroxymu uwhen about te drink from a glass utftreter, sud since f han ha han been xrowing wurse. lia sufferi tortures, aud bas tn ha confined te prevent injuriag himseffsud others. Pri 0Irfsr Dunliop. Joseph IL. Dunlop-, editor outhdia Chi- rago, Dispatcb. mot go to prison. The Supron» Court se declded. Juitce Bruwn deiverng the deision. The court deuhcd thes application fer a nev trial. Dunlope vas lasllitét, trhed by jury, end couvlcted la die District Court for volating tie postal laws hl tépWsting sohecena umoter la di* Unite State, mals. Thé fadlt- mset rcitained thlrty-tw e saiate eûesa but the detentant man trial on but Oive. thé others belngt quash.d. 75 Cea eIJy for Lacislatovs Isdia Akanss Legilature Represen- tativa Jeck"o called uop a hlM rsdocing thé niai>oft iubersof tbe Legislture fsm $te $5a dey, John C. shactal- 14of IPal MCouniy, ffered a soheti- ta bépovltg at "eacb mauhar ot the AhasesLegiatuftusheli hereater re- euire 75 osais per dieun, bord and waïsh- las. Tt vas paesed by an *bmtanni- Kamoses e u bbsd. 1%0 lover bog. of the Kansas Sta ldoç!datqm à"askMedéthdisbull glvlng wonoý mi" l algtI te vre nfor Preeldeetlal eleci- ams11w scissure wue drawn by, the aevre otheb. tato Equal Suffragist As- VDnutev le Benane. DuthuwDuetrev, the et. Louis mai- lesalii.Muýà&age a thee ortystit et ~.sUNWàt Union, M. A feu àgàmb = tas eaecntlo, teuh: place1 istu»"s to trq Yukon or a W ievay Rahatlb. montcinle dile exateBt osto lsarfag for thé eath s&e aircadi urrrlus pementeti Who or@ anlou* te t as near di. gold district«snse-uapya mulbieaand h Marck I:ls sapsateti tha hi rà wa Wigrestur thsis efît. rsmeutios n mil faci Mis yflh re a fIre-dey sarie dortg Buir. lavlng ove stesmure. T "e a shsCou- anclal dCompasy le prepaiuate givé au mprovet aervice between Junau andt euh lulsI, lie vestverd and et th ligeetalnt. = ei*st Trait. mg Coupants tsd.ýnls wilt mahe tvo Moe between thé souéd. uan d St ti ths 5 le uo0t 0f Yukon, =uaclngtis evîit Ibo q5 s fn- ecuenu. nhich rue2 o0 ms op the Yuonostf0Cirela Cily and Vertu Mlle. 9tuaorset icNorthAsani.nTrans- pontsllon set Trading Compauny viSgira Kosierlanservice b.tvesb flan Francise% ujet flouna ntEt Miaels. cennéctlg Iih ths colupanys Yukoanrivrts- si lit le probable fiat a grester ne-bar ) goît boutsra vii dia àyeat go fate thé ukon coantM ,but reporte of goot fado gt Cook lulet latsIesat smusen ili un- Moubtedi> ailmect a great min> people. lieraislanet ea tamp mill vorkfag la àlasa non- thaf le not maiesagbit ratar» m the quarts sandled. Théenuher et milse n-il!ho, large!> Incressil t ii. Year, Ld tuefr eoututtogclhér vi b.output or lbe piseur mises, la sooideuflu' expect- i le ýUmsaua rnferf180 N ext amath vil naàdoubteir vitese 1. h. ciselerte0f,& errtam 7 tbey MIiAuh Conti-se for às rote- tîve Tariff on Marine. Tbe National Wool Groveri' Assc cl- tia met lu Wseington wvlt hlntY-9l meubete pneeal, renentlng practlcallu' Il of théen-ul-grouving Sttes'aut terri- tries. A resnuion vms adoptet Caillesg n Congre. ton sncb a protective tariff n merinon-ual setn-il! gir. lbe groWers aent of thé Missouri river 20 cents, par pount, farmu value, for unvîshet merlon. utd 25 cents, fsrm rvalue, for n-ashed. For actions$nWest ot thé Missdoi river 10 euts sa deucudet, farta value, for un- nashet. A eummîttes ut méren Wva P- polutet, n-ith Preeldent Law-rence as chahrman, te Conter vîth representatires of fie National Association et Wool Man. ofacturene sud wltb repreeeaatiiaesof bhe Manufacturer.' Club of Phialcephia. wtt a vîew tu an agi-semant as te the aending veul sud vuaien tariE mahbetuls. wli a raevation, howver, te diseaffect bsat the grovars voulit et agi-es te sny psopomit Ion not la second tit h felrvlews. situation Mors Grave. Island of Crut. news la grenvlsg more eions evatu' day, atd l la underaloot [bat s»verni ofthefi. anmbave recelv- ad tiepatehes tiat Herekleon la onulira. '[n offii icire!.. la Cosnutfaepl leh only solution of fie Crotas dUBeults semee b10 a a aropean occupation of that Island. If la underafooi t fin-a strnctions have beasenmutthtefbsCout- mandats of the toteigs n-arcsie tg pne- vent by fonce, If neceecaru'. au> Interven- tion opon thé part ut thé Gruek warsihs. The Vianna cabinet hua attruesat a met serions varnlng te Oreece. l it urihér learnat troun exclusive sources that the pon-ara bave luformedT lutkay liai dieu Cannet force Greace f0 vititnevbarhr st but n-ili leave l'urkay a free hont. An- srcby Ia reigolng at Atheas. The smin. lotry wnsoui> temporarilu' aved bu'ea- banklng lu a mat auterprisa. Englant le «cceset ecrellu' of beching Ureaca lu force htusii'n baud. D>. 0. Mtxs, the 0 reek change t'affaires. caet et the Lon- don foreigo offie aud pneiented a. note expresalu' clafini tint the Uftek (30v- ernnuent bet dacîdedtef pret-aut Torklab trooPc front lauding lu Cnete bu' ail dia mans lu Ils power. l'h. Paris Temps prints witi raservation a telegrein Itea Atiens xivlag certain evidances tesiveti ltera teuilng f0 shown- thIe sultan seul bis aid-de-camp lu Creten-lobh istructionsu tu tie Tttrkleh troupe tu act lu concert n-ltb MussuImdls fon the purpose ut pro- voking a massacra before fie entorce- ment ut the reforme couit ha undenlaken. Impote et Cotton Tei-me. Ai a metter of intereit te a umeront cIa.. ut Amenica manufacturer, cottot yrn Armerinas, etc., United Stts Consul Grinnell, at Mauehester, aupplies the State Dapartuceut e-tb statistlca of i hindandmat osty ofotnîsayanabishpei te the United States troueinhe Manchettes district turing tie year 1806. T'h. taile shows that dia total expert lu pounide toi thé yea vas 1,291,474. Couveme CoenIstlIeeVote. William McKinley ut Oblo n-s acer.r Preslteuf-elect ot the United States Watt nasta> vîti su impreiîve ceremuay sa- in accordance n-Ilh lie forma ot Ia, n- ii press" get bahu euaetCougrmt*s. csu#)tt et i cuat et the ahactorel votq ' nmaet Wby fs"tor Lodga, asi lMe Klnley, 271; Bryan, 170; RHobant 271 flanal. 149; Watson, 27. Univesitylufero. M.L. ilsea. l'h. boe,4 et ttnttes et Waainutoi setlau University eKYaefs . . aoatmaaetr Gesefra opeednt et thé11nil rasty, la place .f.G a. G. W. C. Le« whé recentî>' e.lgns&t. l alal entier . too t dat Mr. Wilson vwiS acepit th .position adcnterion pen fis dalles oetlà . Ci"31Lvlsiou asps. The Peqldant hueq meuqs*dte Coi anuetbat,000pePi bqf rt re Llaflomsetftorelga couatrice héprietei tet .tdittriution bi, thé $ 1The ecméialctlouaime &trise ail Ames feu»sls ala brosit te @score pasoports bc foraei[«vins fie Unitedt States. UtlMBdtg BihaigsUp. Ati8S ochoci Tusau' ieh1pWighat f.City, Utah, Wvia iteit b> th# e arle reauthenskse Mftkever eupqelsib thi avaMl. lt vas no seven. fiatthleshbll1 1the Court bouse tappet five'or six flue l'The @bock vas tait as tan nonti asi»Log 1Cent -ut& Cable. a~PTST OfMSlUSA *UD.p niles IpdtI.e-Ovuluuqué. .matchet VaaI KtCvt-Noed Chisago tril l Fuata1%,AoetcWi *éé tîsti. TW '.Ac4etllel ---- 1~rulÊdl sn tribute, $200.0tovard psylng off distt-.alt toi fadobteduese ot $48000 rsstlng ,Go the Baptiat Foreign and Houa Msfon.Lîb an>i Socities. 'Mosi. iochefeler anS ba" let bashaut recelved the gueits Attar theé m meeting van sietaitt order Dr. W. C. P. Il Rhodes or Brooklyn vas leeted cairat, coin. Ha reférrot -to th Importantecrais Ha la isalonary affara sudta thediéailety W causeil by thé bei,> debtà. Followlug dhils aitemnent tirs made coaceening thé AnmeIau Biptlst Mlmi»ony Union-diae toreiga iochty-hy tha s1creary, Dr. 8. W. Duncan ef Boston. Unr. T. J. Morgan, s«aeryn>ot t h. American Baptîmt Home Mission Soclty, then md su- ettrai.. las Re ai, auong tier thiîngi: '"ThBap- cin its an. mfru-lug themeelves by mu hernie -Un effort te psy td ia o ebto -blicihbave omi accumnitet 'on tdiîr home sut toreiga th missionmny soceties vithin the l tfour Sis ylesns. lh. groua eout requlred hy 1« April, 18116, la $M8,00>0P06,000tfortit mlslonsry union aut $180000 for ie Home Mission Soclety." As the meeting b procresssd Mr.itockefeller uthorlzéil the statement that lhé voul tuliibt tahée pa put in fi. attitude of eemlng ta oiae. a pedge and leavivig lis conditiona s a u bu"esupodi hers teatttuM; nevertbeleua, ,fla dtae3uitemt et the sesotnlres 0 f e.e soclits and of leaing contribuam- de lu ont repnseufatlvu dUtes who assumeil thé Initiative lie exîgeucles required the i peymeut of theste debts, haestands ready cil f0 contributa the.nm ofut$250,WJO topart r fie $496ýM0 needed, pruvîdet otier g friands of thé mceties n-ilstohacnha the les remainiug 8236,000 hy July 1, 107. bh CANEA -18 IIOMBARD)ED. in$ ChristiaiaAtisck the Turks on the de Jend et Crete. ils Ad *vces fronu Canes, Island ut Crete, OU cay: Thé Chritians ucjied the heights bu srrouuding die townn uaday morulng ag and began ta bombant Canes. As muai')la as tfirinng commence- Prince George tv Barovltch, goveaon ot Craie, with thirty il recendUy enulled gendarmai, boardedthte th tucicu mn-ut-n-ar. lTh.e(reeh consul wl Mio embinhed on board another rcialé. ro l'h. Turks front the tortrees rapliedtol the ti fIra of tha Chnistimns. Itlah napottad liait t dia fighting was attentat n-lob bloodshed. th T'h.éuiltary govennor bas beau remoredti troin hlm pont. l'he orelgo consculesaut. th banheit on board tie varions vesseas71ylo t onf the toua o Cones. A Constantin tlspatch @&y$: A Greek varcip Satmn- day Sred on a l'urklsassal" couveylng sodieraftroun Candîcto Canes. As a re-K suit et Finlay's occurence the smbisse- la dura tecidedta10 nacumeud fta eitr c.-sa spective govraments that the pon-en 11l" t teupy Canes, ititimo mut Candi& for thé r e arpose of affortiug protection ta the 1Muisulmane The Londua Times la au .dltprnl a veusOieaute di, cfect thai diel country munit nottfhfak fiat it cati cocunt on diea spport oet fha povera lu e vase tvrn. Wlth bier lîmtel linility, han l dependene. ese thepostens maas lil nec- t Lessary!,:r lber tte ollwev irîadvice. m CANADA% RRoe.iisIN DANGER. ve la , CPAVesernDepartuent unl'IUS et Ottawa. Ont. 0 The eut -sceu depariment building lu I Ottawa. Oui, sgffered damaege lu the cx- lientt f$100000by fin. The oillc-cc de- troyed ara thon of the publicen-orkc de- t poranet, the marineanmd Iliheies and the monte police. The tire brigade bcd lht- lle affect un the liantes, n-hidi cPed s lovly but tadily slong the tatdbuild- ing. Lnck ut pressure, bal ho~te. rozeu hydrauts aud a variety ot causes cuntril- ufedtof0the por work ut the brigade. At 3 o'clock lu the morniîtg an cogite titi tmen arnt.eod troum bontreni, bti y thant time there n-as notbiug mune to hurt. 'Tie construction ut a modern building a [plaice t the une nrac*et by the tire uhîll coet nul t legs titan $250,000. r 1. 'lle- sud S8intry Fnac. Aid. Thomas J. <'blilley, silh Joli. Sîîîtry, nies cquitted aturday ngbt ne: Chicago outhticchargeot btittg concerned lu the monder ut Gustav Colliender inil peling botb uring a raid n-heu a blslot box n-mcs tolen. Tie acquittai uof *ali- l le> furnisthes the sequel lu une utftie tuait Wremirlable criminel lroceeingc onnec- ont"idla this country andl lifts a codi t0 >rthe ebinacter outantmaitn-buse pivdte ail rpolitical lite bac stoud the test utf frty- Ovre yeare trithout au niucb ns a breath oft< suspicion. ____ td Connirtelt Nancy tolea. à- Burgiars éntered the office ot Secret Al Service Agent Murphy lu the Faderai Xet building lu St. Louis sud cnptuned ait the * eoutegfet lboue> fa possession outhfe de- te »ar"mt. %ve;w gangs ut expert counten-i e- tfelters are fiere a lail atng trial. Thé 1. capture ut the counterteit moue> robe the Goement of Ifs chlef evidence and pnartlcally prevente the effectve prose- cutien ot the cases. a. Chattanooga, Tean., 14dgs . tD. d- m nieasof ausil A. Alter sein. g s Itic tate of Johnie'P.Antas-on., rte recorsit moner pait tfon propanty lu à* FranklinsContr, elu tavrt ofe the couplain i t luvolve la 10000. toit van yas. '. To VWe&»pe a. Tb»isllad- ,sscaton r bas -bu a J cetiqa a. wblch bub be*Syracuse, n N. Y. Thoéit ludapen. la e. t oefethe .War la to a i *ge mos ystem. Um mis. ts ftanford ait tJnlvetolty then on Calil- ia is conents. signet, s. b -tt _ -otta A -tab auo> .teratruthe libran>. Ro mcis asaérre tlh.l inocence s&Bd are beli t b ti hltet Statue limiiW loer la $3.000hail pannt sexmiiatiosa. haersqsm'9 e ha-rsuhet a latter et qtlfr7' trou s.e w Yerh àtomratti tel! é. bo 47Ms flifI: ha hai heit certain stoiira L pte"upb. I adn u tvs of- ti more, butbt= a #ampleloa tei est bey mrtâtharo beaeosftract ettrue n ;overm.eft )bien. An harestitton hi Si ibmrian Spofford tîseloce t tit amay fa etiera n-ara imwg front lbe libratu', ne aong ties ithe.- et ofGeorge Wasi.a m gton for 1787. lbe. uanofthle eisitu. la lmal contvention, and lattere t ofiu sw e fancoch, Beuctiet Anold snd Ueonge 'dl N'aaihugt ou. la es FAICTT FORit EPi@OTU. hi eeas LaLesilater WMe À,AIl Sanks'e. te Protaci Their Fatreus. W At Topeas. Kfan., Itepresentalire Gil- b "Plu lacorponstet a ralliernoveliden luis tbill n-uibe hoie lautoucaîl iu the C Route. The bbll provides for tic creatton Ca tu maintenance ut s guananle fItnt ton th le protection ut tapoaltors ut dafuner Mtt banks. Il provides fth lbliet go quarte-mui laiteunopail tepoeiti lu Siste uitshe lumaillea àiui, ta haedepuletl vith the BltateTreatuner. Wben ashanta rais and tic assote froin ailsoures te exhaustel, t ha Blute l'reamnreresîall "Y the tepoturs <hébaliance ut the Monay dt l ein ouasitbatik ont ut the unt accumuisiot.P Otbe, L"ilation te Malt. tu Congrea, »y» e Machinglon cot-nospen-li dont, bas settiat tonn btincle.t d ait Maolns. Tiee.oay le an.occational el ae-play, hît IRl l-be nthitut signiu.lit cara. The appropriation bills vill occopy V mcitienîllyail lhe lima of bullubnrnches - ýi Cucignetram finw ci. md ot uganeritl e( gielation cenuhpaso, encettpoceilyutfle 1 ankruty lave bill. Thoit bas puathticw fluse eud in noir before the Banale, ber-st ig laken tic plat-e ut thé Nicaragusu Canal bilt. If serions oppocitiôn, mtuuld tl eîe.up eveut ilint tillitave lu go aven, but pi l is cd hutte ual nu filit it ll ha ifeneil. There aire titjecliuus lueîte bî ut tic opl1uneils liste tioorgauie.itio, and if a dey or on-o in enlliclent lu ex- I eceit tria-ttaon it n-il pana the Sonateo 11ih sanie siight amau.,tn.otuli.wbcb le ie Ilonce cein cotcuir la. and the country *111ia thu havea s aw upon the statuts hooke. u cbicb null relenes an eauterpnislag aund b ruragaottc ahement frottLeacansty oetil lnger woking untler rayer. Trai ofe iaouscuils of insoitrtnInlcacme outI latu ha full higit ut tey snd resumeaiutic liter their on-n names. TiheInîpulge ut is movemaut alpes business affaire viii I ae yen important. AhIRAve Deme., William Lenis, weteutone chly heft Iteiubéci ion-a, for South Dakota tarl'ir lent faI. The huishant paisiet in a bliz- zart, sud the fumeralti t ite aud cuit euhk place Tiunmsy. ~They liradinlas ruta sut bouse &fier tie fathenri eti, anuth crooftesaved ilutiillasg lieu, lep CO-07eay luMoite. The Mexican Guverument bas granteil s cucessloi for thue establishment of a iolouy ut 5.(X» -iJaltanaee oucoffee hauts nu ticeBlt. eof Chialuas The Japanese t Gurmment two yearcssaxe sent s coin- t mission lu ilscite upon thc location ant oa pefcnt p lausi. To Perision I'at7oues WitoW. e By a vute of 137 tie00 tlieflonse pfaedil ôvrn the i'r-sideut's relu a Ibillin10pension 1 hiseitel Patton, n-itou- utJohn Il. ilttuu. liant on the t% itou'. marriagea ater Pat- ton ilretb. ____ tn-cnty alIons lrovued. i in uit lto ttil tîtt O nty muillbera of lie ciluofuthIe Bitiish t cîconar aya- tuio ne drîne ic n ilthe n-reciof thil -essase IneUhonis-. 1-rance. Thevesai n-es bouîîd froin t ilbIo lu ,asgow. %teîan-itb lIens-ittFavulr. The ece v-f Alfredt Merritt, out uluti, rireus JohntD. hIluekefeller in reports- tet hata loin sitilit on5E in luCash PaLit tu Mennilo: Atltil1e itruobene of the Mer- rIt tamiily joinet ut fie cetiemneul. WiII Tour the WorlI& Il li unuîiîicital ttedt Ibsi resitaui Cleen in spltning a trip enotintut n-omit assmuit ns ha retires froin ofice. MàAIIIiET IJLOTATIOC5. Cblcago-Cattîc. commnînu luprime, $3.tzo ta15.50., lînga. sîîiîpiîîg gradles, $3.0U la $3.75; ehici-1i. fuir lu chou-a, I$200) lu wh2; -tet, Nu. LInu-tI 74e lu 7(k-: curin. No. 2) 21c to *22u-; auis, No. 2, 14te tu hile; rne, No. '2, 35telu bc utter, cholce crs-sus-y, '20le l 2; eggs, tncîbh, 15c e 10 1k-: poitueos, par butchel, 21k- ta îOc; broum com. cumntuus horI to choie dwarf, $35 ta $80 par ton. 1ltauapoi-Cattle, sblpplog, $3J)0 te $5,.5;bots, schalae li-hI,f3.00 luaf-75; ebleau. senti taechois-a .00(lelu$4.00; n-hat, No. 2, We a lu87e; corn, No. 2 n-hile, 2uc tea22; ons, No. 2 n-bita, 2Me fa 22c. st. Louis-CsttIe. $30O le $5.25; homs $3.00 te $13.7e; iieep, )3.0O tu- *4.50; wbnat, Na . 2,Meicte Pic; corn. No. 2 yel- loy, 1e te 20e; osto, No. 2 n-hile, 15e Ie 17e; rye, Ne. 2, nie le 34c. Cisclnati--cattie, $2M0 te $5.00;,boss, $300 ta' $8.75; mhécp, $2.50 lu $1.7à; vheat, No. 2, 89e te Qle; crn,. No. 2 muzet, 22e lu 24e; auto, No. 2 muxet, 18e lu 20c; IlaNo. '2, 3k e 137C. Detrott-Cettle, $250 ta $5,00; bo., 03M<10ta0$3.75. sheep, $2.00 to $-L2.'>; vret, Ne, 2 net, SOclu t Bc; rm, N.. 2 Yellon-, 2=cto 24c; auto, No. 2 white, Rle ta 2ic; ne. 861e luaMe. Toleto--WhatNo. 2 IS> in57 luSue cor,,NO. 2 mlxt. ic u a c: ual. No. 2 vila, 16e te 18c; nale, No. 2, BUc lu 3-de; 1h7 moke-WientNo. 2 eprîns. 73e te n5e; cota. No. S, 19e ta 20e; oce.lNO. 2 vila, 17e t. 10e; bartej. No. 2,.,25e tu SIc; re', No. 1, Mec ta 31g; pork, muess. $7.LWto 47.M5 Dzaej-Cttle, oummen ta prime srilp. «Mg,$iiOta *8.0; baga, meium ntui "st *.0tg $4,00; sbeep. comutn te «lmestivles, $800 tg $4.50; laubi, (fait le extra, *4.,t._ __ti àw.NA~~k PLMI lu BDIetMa à Ues,.shbl. e e Mit let.gSaseslu-UvarauWriteo B»mumwo. arse t ee g ei> %" -Os«eI slevet VMouir. Cls ho bas retou te t outrus troSban ll o »ave trip emugi b *6Unitedtss-el lasr t efeuflv oethdis Vaied I Statu uloel bulimitait; m4s is011B1119 emachet *0 itposselea thAt bas beft e stieeble et lats. The syotem dos etot , MuW prsest wquse*bM tslthe besha la g péecéaded trou gswing thu ee«mm à accommodations ta e v. sps» eta Tb$ ft Iver nttdi sanodtcume 0f the 'T ahw of. balle« = lltsadaquate. th. ta . suedé 0di théeontry. lif. QOal>say& oe ls bas.bait fumthat prssdeant. j acfe Mcllsy bau givin carte blanche tea r aChicage bunker te prepmare c seme si 'hicb, If acceptabtle - yul buaworhet eut bd bythe Secr.taryot t6Tre»sui sudaisub- N mhtted to Congre. uRe leres tthedIao anadien system of banh viîtbig ul- tu el and branchas la tiffurent centoensoet81 te comntry and power f0 lieue currbens 0 gunranteat by the girerament vii, tu a crfain extent, lis follovet PLANa O oitARIX CPOBIrlO. d ek et 14mtiieuand Cauatrant"o Mon AireaolyDagus. Prearatione for the great exposition etn Parie tu commrattee i.cofetthe r rasent «stary bave se far adrancit s twarrant Unitedt StatsCossaI Morse et th French capital fanssutfag tue s iata >srauaMost elabonata report imi- eaifug uhat bas *aIready Ituan toue.and the plins for dia complet. exposition. The enuerai ecieme of the exposition la 00W a 'eil dafinet. The work or demolition sudc cnstruction, for whlch die periot of a ttle more dieu threu yena remalini will bamrllficer, hs hgun. l'h. expo-t iiou wyul open April 15, 1000, aud close .'ov 5 f d. cme -ea. hi.tho ien- ton to meke the exposition surpas aill predeceseors ia France eut alseuhere, not, perbaps, lu extant or lu architectural tea- force, for itlein oncedet that lu lhes" re- apacte thern.Il tIle hope ot eclîping sthet gret sehievemeuta et Chicago; but lin Il$ artlstlc aspact, ln the logrcal, conupriben- $ive eut sientifie systim ut clssuification and ivard, sud lu the unlloruity and har. nooaf utthe vhole. lu a word, tdia m-e bition of thé projactors lies chiaill la the1 direction t artisîle excellence and gen- eraI ensemble. PITTIDURO PO*T 18B UED. [. tu thé Pspur ]le 0,OO0, Weil The oeice of die Plttbbrg (Pa.) Peut en Fiftoht reuve, as aimet totaill t- atvoyed b> IAe Sunday inunlag, causlng a etef.u thepaper tfshot 060,0001, won Iasuret. Tlm on utde building, vhlch belonged tou 4"s eC*Ulls ouiste, le $M5.- M0. Thteonir other tenant la di. build- ing vasGiesoen, th. nallrosid tikhet tire- ber, whose Iom vas aii. The Commeer- cial Gazette, next door te the P'ott, vas na Imminent danger, but gond vork b> dia 4remen sravaitat plant lh. Comuar- ciel pressessud angI nesr ettha tigne being dhsablat b> vater, vhichfSodaid tha hasement. Bodi dis Pont sud tie Commercial were promptly tendered the uise sud services of meilee, Va an, sd tha offices et disetier nev.perain lathe city. T'h, Pont v hi bimued troui.h office ut the Lester nutil a wev plant eau be etebliabed. It la suoisathaît alec- trie vires are responble for di. Iire. O1OANTIc IItO.14 DEAL. Eluncesofa antllinois 19leel Coupa- nies Formiu sCouhînstle. It le rumored et Cleveland that there is ntjw being toru.ed al conîbineatiou whlch maf prove a n-orthy fou ufthe b.('aruegWe ltocýefelIer deet. As soon s eialst- uamed combination was aunouidtee the Mlinuceota Iron Company, antlc-ipatlng ore troubles. began luoking about for nomue large conuumer tu juin intareats whth. This consumer it bai foutud lu the Illinois Steel Comtpauy, whlchhban not been a mambae ut the steel rail pool. The Minnesota Company onn immense tracts ot ore land lu tie Mesaba range, sud the *illlnolu Ste.!Cteulle -r»oopttru t'nrnegle. Clevelandt irn ore men de. clira that th. agreement hatween thait two immense inteents bai iiready beau reached. ____ ItVOLT l 15THUME. Letter Vrittez1 by fie Leader of thé Knlgits of Labo. J. R. Sovereign, grand master worhman ut the Kulghtm ut Labor. bai vritten a aensatioumal latter to thé Industriel Advq- ente, n-ith Privat ils lUs exhortation for n-ar wi a torelgu nation as hit tuxt. H.f declaree secret revolotionary socleties. huov u he t.Itou Brodierbootandthdi IndustrikI Army, ire belng orgaaleed in even> part utflthe country, vidi dhil mauhaera léagnet together to resort te civil var as a mecus ot ebtainlng*rsnm- dts for the populace' whlch di.> canuot laueby die ballot. W. V. . John k aud. Wiam P. st John, ex-precltent of die Mearcantile NatIonal 9snh caittresaure of the Dammatlc National Oominittes, died sudtaly et bis houle In New York Wimsad lin uslv.e A bear> snovstoru. latesperved vith hal cnrodal, prevalleil sU over Penasyl- rs.alNai"dar. Drile Missorl LAut-Trust Bila. T' elub@ nata bas pesait Se. str ar s ant »6iiibl, vilicit muftis miu1t ee ' fomise vtb tluts saipro- videssbati0p=Wruhaslaiiete o- treeIt buut pst MM Mrl et dia Dyumai a u tuety. Thé Kemtue»- tollpate raiders blaw l;q the, teltuate on ltIb 4WmensfW Dpuo vif h draatht. Thse prilviou a ngbt a "o urecheitail otthedialx tolîgalseou th. haro et Waeiîutem-nottaxè tih.é Caeceu the Peple.- 1Baises Tlbusdsypassegi it lg«- sutons appropriation bill n-lit bu lé- vi anselidmet and mate sou. hotcJ{ with the patiesappvopri'inulu011. The major portion ef the dn a s âsas- td lu pelilicel dease oislb.e uannelal quai. ion, n-lhien-ai#preclpitetrod hia Piere. lm la a bill pnuvldiug fer fundlug ibn debt of lb. tarnitorMe. The.'billipneéil the opiosIioin of Un. hleldllin <Deat,>etor Teues"* bosoranme it pronid-Il fer gotO bod nt d the paytuant oet mimrait lua - or tiseqailalent. ir. Knox <lLis-i et Msseachucetîs nuid ibat the sipulisîitva regardinig glîl bonds alopliet ouI> te Ailk es. n-bîcbhod ontistandîag gol bade te * tatuudad. An aendaientsiUn. lia. lillin ([)nt.) ut Tmunemsiawnitsfui- loym: "I'ro-l.led. Th-il the prlsi-ilsil satnd Iteresi oft he bondla fied ttisier tis net *hall ha îpayable In nuy li-fuIina lney tf thé Uitledt Ilîtel. a1cept tthe Arlzont bonds asurit desc-ribed liaratofon. s suîal." This wn.adapltai. sud the bilh hasaprd. T'he Bannie swit lie gramr lent if the dsy lu v.secmiue session daluttiul the Aiglo-Amenircan urboîtraion lreaty. TFi antm. noua trae consumed b> Sensiorts ['urpie esud ,31orgon. the former lu s4îoq- caey uft thelialatter lu opposition fa ratification. X.)actonn-as taenaoianoy Imauduirnt oon noy puo the tresty aut but lutth. alopreîaiabalîrogrerse n-as- The fit..*- 7> Friday's discussion ef hle Anglo-Aînran asbirstiaa trenîr 1w the Baute n-stheLe ueval effortfi) I t's à Iuis ta retuenrt nliens-l'y the ineaty Pot le lî osl.f andti ohmr l,iswitia taken oi. Tiene n--nelut e ohorctan .i-It- ln t[he dey. tit the riai- sipa I sdirei,-s oitnlthe nienite ot thé irety o cre tmade ly B,-ntioi Daniel. 'n rf. lionar litIge antd 'biuai!tr. rThe pnoit«ti ndeîînna-c.lionediy ha etelt. uri,- Illtir ur tgti itlilion. eer lbe t ri-îî tt - us-tItIuiiden lit icrute nc-aesanlly lho: Ioitel t ha lfunate litI n% t n a>-originial lnret. tormi, the Ilstsf t i flmî . i"itoerdings. h vst Céiiimly otlidloy ail Ibis' Wh. spoke f i-r.a Lwdbe ny asîirsiic,-thot Ibi iîitenp>retrît:en n-nit lie4 pisad aln the t rpata If ec'[-iltitane wn-clolbe leîoe- ili op!Iuaîiou ltoi ts ratihln-atlî,u. Sieuttr Tuoe <tinlnndleil ctiot min llier îcîeitiu"" wasc he in itelaut ofthe Inlnriutglile fofil tr le Menai. n-s a part oetlisse irpniymtkiug pic*-en ufthe tUnited $hais ' Sentr Dauiel. lonevar, took an ojpou- sît. vlawn-,e. il i Mouclo Chandîlnr omît meet or the nier $entiusionWnho stpole. Durnu thé, debttis t.he piostal sppro- priation bill. iniib vs piesetl b> Ibus- nlouse, Congrrasscuon lutelhlnap et Chicago, mota a spech la favur etne taning the mrina postal sertio et si-), trou. Congresmau Blisip sid tisi the veeisen uft he greest lahes woult aea s~~. cch age f. Ihosy ore grently baelltad lb> the premet ser vice nt Detroit. Severani oiher meuliae matie speeches infaor of tib. promunt arrangciemtsuad IIIvasnd«"idet hthe flouse tla continue thein turing thet-ose- mg; ycar. The perausnial figit vsn mate to mIi. out the. appropriation of $190- 0001 for spplma-i l feU-illes front Bu- ton tu New (helpens. but it wis detanîatî, 46 lo 107. The ill as passat carisIra Ph, 4M.714. (cesnare] debete ou the soundry civil bill alusat Saturday la the Boua.The bill Wn-a aue m a basisteones.enttach by iii. Damia-nts on tis vant appropriaion*. madle jty thîs Contre«.svili]Mn. Bayera sul !.lr. Dorkeryatinuctet e-nIt aggre- nue 8.4iffttJ.Once thcengete trae ooorteti. the debue nateraily dnifta iute poiii. Tite nelativa nianits ufthte Me- Rimii-v ail Wilw.n buIls us revenue lpro- du(it-ru n-ana ia-ked sud tefauded. Thot. . ii-nîte lai ticcishon unul .iti-e Sbires' change ot pueili'in ramIe.'Ilitfor a share ot atIetiits.asd 31n. De Anniond i#M.) cou- eldt-tthe day vlth nalînilicuttllt for etruggliug'iisu n-bwich ttoîfrointhe Boige$shutsout isproival. Thé eurnle dhd nit Ling out itîaucet. The soucier civil appropripiation bill, cr- nying $50.644,743, wncpasat b> tha Bouse Mundery cl s neit camaetrouniseh couîîtîiltee. The main oppoltisutie l recle-il againeqt-ÏîLerit-ar sudlitarle.r item lu the bill. Quite a snocher ut other bille n-enea psed ut Muore or les imaportance, amongthatît the flaîtate -bill»natpropriai-. lus $250,0W t)0tr cltring the crovuvs at Pas n l')îutre ou the Missssppi, aud to. eqtiip lte NatijoneAlVcnatrdtls'ancienurs, Sprnigeld rides, 45--rnliber, asuthle Ban- ale resoînîlon [o authorisu tbe Becretaryý. ot the Nivy Io transport lb. contnibu. lions Outhlie Pacifie enteltates lu the famine sulfarera ut ladin. lThe report lo the cunleste élaction case ut Bc-noit c-galistIluner trocs Louisiane, coiirm- Ing the latter'@ titi, lubhie a0at, n-seunsum Imously adoptet. lTh. coluta-e rapon A on the diplomaîtie and consoler appropre-, lion llwne tptet d liaheagiculturait bil wes sent le conférence. Owlug te lie brief lIme of tis gesion yret reualainig,, extra snight sessions vene dgcîdet apea,, for tbe cousideraion ot prlvîf. pension bille, utfn-bIscaerbundrsd sUAil ne- main on the calsendun. The Beles te vs fa exécutive @sasulon ct of the dyt aou progrees wnaeenuthe beaknupcy bill. lu t he Seuil. 'uesday IMni. Chandtlerdte., lveret aàcaaetnly puisentret pocila ait rocaca oft«bueWalemIl slW u omri. msent oafnst a h"Sb standard et s~,tt golit or lven, and a warulsg agaMpçt, 0, palicyetroormenetallierni. Nedaag a". uf Importance wnsde.Forthlb, lisme tife - tfiesion« theNous. dscoulm e ovrrid a pension veoemuimith te jt ter outlto. lii. bill vs. that te osis 'None> G. Allabaci.théevldev et pit"a M. Allaec, o et iOmo Hnmderand Thintiy-OrsIPennsylvanie voluatesu, at dia rate et $30 pat mentti. , thasnom. - oetalpet the veto by 115 ta 7% the naui- le tn-o-ditde net roià for dis blil. The film orea sop bbfls lae i 2,01X OOOtb of au Inch la thiakases A Min won attestidlu New, Jerleil the otb.r dey ton iligng bisouil gtsra

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