CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Feb 1897, p. 7

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0 c s5L @tUISLf Iii *.ISLATIVE AFFAIRS AT TUR 'Ob et very Dakota former. A 1 a sbSta. be to Sleepng on tie .I OU d. - et Iooboles far'n n d ranc i ii1ly- amntes. malVdth aBitlIl tno tutS. Lus feepOt log eutof the Missouri river. and mli,- laitdiiNtfl. u tic m Lino of unnonsi animal intelligenc. limeurancos Nattera Up to C.eld.tB la on day' ride from Chicago or Mik ___________________________ -! Cbde a h Cu. Presideut of th. United iatell,LAd 18 -Re xça.joïedes Ca.îîoael 14. aemably cbeap, but wich belote thet blg.blsc Namonneandin<g-Two-ce.5tFaro BiliiIaiti.duoei.end of anotber year May be adymuccri 4u thie Prince of Waiew cm paille.- orfCoL AI Goden at 513 bstnut i M AIJ CU~ * tb ml a London neltiier gin, electriC treet. The. Colonel Mid. lpie. aokrasn nd.r u ot n Ber 1ülI commonly used, but I H e naile h i st door mat, or, mm-f>.We@k of the IU0l0Ug Dakota la profitable, andi Eastern capi- een S abadd cauie., er, bis lirat tbree ijoor mats, Just About @pringfeeîd oreepoudence: til orbiglvce ucîl u O OigOg Leade to Con Wmptioa. titres meekO ago., Jut whil1làof Our enator 1i'ispatrickIha.lntroduced bp e Blam ise.11&top the coach At neighbors he depolled, beaven alone bil ealculated to arouse keen lut~.., ain e olgl ltISae ege (bho ourdruîlu ioila mi gi mora.beeuselie. iSS o my e Inurace ciricles. 4 Il le one cf a Be.ea cf Diversffied farmIng, lte growin, of la simpile bottefree. Sold IlU) endul #0 ldentiflug the. botmats. Tbey w r.bUisplce l il n fs by, the Under-Ilétoadti.rdus tle eu utbilhes.o tangoue; delaia are promptly taken frona bis degiiomalb irtea'tshealn hcago, an ia dalry, are placlng i tlï., a ore Eâgru..te "regulate" foreinu inonrame.e onpnie mont lu the ranks of the aucceeful lot 4 dolngbuiness lu teiis. ae. uth ca Western Staes. Wante More. Lgbt. tfoh. bihla describelau: "A bll fer Au Tho deslrlng fu Information on l. It fa Mid ftiaI one ofrte colored ant id Incorporais Insursuce çompsai e i.aubject, and partIculariy tlîos~ e INO11TUL! <o e Ib lfa l ~jm et iloruco huamat plrued an or-deacéeid hiilo.and te regulale adsud atast ga U- dlo à aiis counry fur a fourteeu-iuch - rol auch coinpanles and sImilar coinpanim and ae ek a nd e homelo iturhs Ce t relalight. ~~~~~~~oanled entier the laws of cther Otates lnaerqetdt orsodwt and foreifia goveraments, dolng buinss W. E. PoweIll General Imuigratioîsuo- If yeD watit a relabie dye that mill In 1his Biate, and te exercia. police juris- Agent, 410 Old Colony Building, Chi- eoler aunee. broun or bia'k. and wili diction and supe dson over il incorpo- cage, Ill., or H. F. Hunier. lnnigr. AE A S1 plse an atlcfy you evéry fiieu» Ds ro cyidrrnlbo sre.Ci a kotaii. )L A B A S T IN 13knghai'à ye fr thei. Whîsk.rations, companieil assocation@, partner- tion Agent for South Mao W2pDnr-U aa*qminft _______orlndviduel@srgyidvde onsreCiao 1.%rR DO F Geuerlly penius. w snytltu tb ~acting alen. or indvduat asaoeAted wKsua .uInsudrr currvature ocf lic e crtb ,.nnoiunîs tu OUOVTA S UE OMtAT TRIEW. together ln auy manner or asu50-calidMillitons of Ceck Books Olvea Away. l uepraîm» nd artis about neveu inbe to thiestaititeile; ext morung andatowed la our collart. -41 ydor teri ita. : corp: atel Tbe l elarg boge n t 's ounry . e:1 A I.rýl lmthebru nigh li tiet ot an stle fltrs moeinca.of issuins pllceas or certificates f. mnuanluride l nterisiugfil.lvemsébt b aî tar 9eyw m P à ageog-rahil lmile. nith etad lre uoace, as more fuily hereafler delfued te the sine f ettrlimes and t e10 e aseagaTiena. d eê0wlir III duatable liaMis. aun lalis door mats, mhlch be dlspoed In bs herin" ulreîsetti. eopetlRearvît î Pissa Cure fur Consumption hua ber itrseoftepole ,,aeno i- hm LUSIE lt rndRpdM a gdsnd10e,-W . i. lcîeiei.quarter. as artlstiecil> "« -iildthe Tuo en",'---Secretary of PluIe Ifin- en siiaogfmiiaaeltbi u._____________________________________ Chs. lia.. sept. 1,1. c . - urIena scliîelur hensekeeper rçhsem eh,,,,i te atten c f the CeneraI licatoa inowu as Tiie Charles A. Voge- ?bs uscl. etthe ocklg btd'sou earhb. They, tee, mers taken frus Aa.ebiy to a erloiPj condition et affalr* frr Companyas Cookery Book and M*o !" h u h e s o sH v h ad The ousiei orthemocingblr-Ohlm and placed lu our cellar, and lieu regpecting the Capihol building. He sMid Ck-,ort and Healtiio kieHaventheus ,ery larnx are largrer lu proportion te ltehe ie oe twe more tbat crme nlgbt. the. roof of the building tirsa deeccyed and choice information ou the cubjeet of cook- eic. of the bled than Ibose cf auy other -l'And ce it ment from tiat tîme for- rotîcu, go muerno hat te mincame lis.itecelpts forhe preparationof god, W ork, but Quick Aitted lhrough lu places. 1teihedestruction of theii. nia n ant ihs peae t y m a r frilor, h i a c g l R m u a i, OW avîan; by tlieI Greverr ciling -ad the ruinclion f the mals. p ally fr it by a ieading autbouily , w ill s'rda elo.telaa ue.Ilt pa Dàt i aîn llatUea-Ie uanted te Legalature te mai,'sa bu fonndIn lils pages. P.ucb care has I .ro ztgl. Titey eumulated a large sdock of doormon ,tespp.ropriation off50,00 o the entireCep- 10jt pecrh- d*îf ople mi ah@. ý4Glenn'@S uiphur oap." About tmety Inait, mmci ne om ilol building eouid b.e reroofed wif h cep- lion, w îL te hope that l w h. maJut amaltlug claimants la our cellar. per. Tii. Leeilature look un heed of the thing needcd for iontu-eepers, and per second. lgwahuime may b liat Grever roofins cf the dome la In .uch a frightful the heaith aud ioush,,id. As a Cookery l _ bas becu gulIty of. Wialerer Iîl, I condition flict the raim pour@. mb the Bock Il wiii le Invaluatile le kcep ou bond AO m__ . eeplug lm lu hldiug Co esae t.e foundutions lu cîreamna. These founda- for reference. penalty tiiercof, but 1 suppose i cm le- ,, houa re bi apedinsd undemain td, Ilnsac contains ful information lu r.- P r p r apnlland 1 have al lb.he 10r mats s aha iiiueil tp i s ort tarheb.great remiedies of Iis bouse, Umm cpnsbl. aken ho r-pair the injuries sud roof tba ihici protide agains a v ali iments, es- MM Fo arigIllaaIrinsu n f tabout Il la that lu aIl our nelgibonbeod, This wiil cent the itte $.".000. Il could AUis, t..laobaOu fins ou Lco Iîne m t ia espit bis mietesale door mat raid have betn dounefor much leslé t" e a u ireseme Idéeaof lbheabW liecx mek dt o a Il' tr- u~by*Grover. I1itaven'l beard on.eum toomitn;ofltehouecîd pense cf Iis output, more Iban 1-00 toua .t. uoilit mtaLtItc.Ioteo rseu.mat. Il may te that Grever mus crafly ter uiii 1,. laid before thie Latrcmatan asteratemonîfor,00tahe iss.lassr st Thik e cur. f 100 5 iralit 11u n oti ugh ho do bl@ tbleving jtst outlaide ne distant der. An appropriation nec..- Tiie book can be hnd cf druggista every- Tilofdc emi i> turn u.lbcrbood. u a'tbleesary te future the satety o! the building Whter, or by nlsga 2c slamp ho Tbe hits possible." wiii ho asked. Charles A. glrCompany, Baltimore, te u-AS â I RYM A Cuaseu Codenstîes. Il la uudcrchood aielint an appropria- Md. F o r p rin Curiret Codenatioa. ien wili lie granteid ho refit sud retnrniab Il ii itae jour bnaid r chpure and London hmthItypeople mica. lu-. (lieexecutlve mention. Tbe bouse, iheuN Iew Lia, toiWashington,. . F;r 0 lir nourfitling; sure tiant tired, nerunsféal- cornes are uver $500,000 a yeer. Il wascbellt fift jearn ago or thereabouls, The Monon han seabiised al new o10CnsIStri rele. la.ensle en u aeepgît ye a uod A Minnesota man bas oued a barber Ires consfdered tbe mont elegant mgaion thirough sleeping car roule between Chii- M 00.5 ISt peoSler Mg. enble ye te glep, sie yen goodlu Illinuois. Ilt ras uudoubtedly quit. up cagoend a sh gto,. C.. by îsy or t appeUtte. Thousinds bav een ouvrit froua for IliM damagessfor mmi is hWbeart 0dat o itt iea #Wes ean- icnaî,vaMno.C.H.uB.B oe ure e djsnue ud houaua ae kpI At the Odeon TIeter lu Pari WUlas, remodalilg and refurnfshlug. A eom- & 0. P. W. and B. & O. Railwsys. The LAÇ la #oelbetal tt-day by to'd c baraspa- mannacript pay@ are received snd rend mille, of lh. Houte. bas e. ooklng sleeper is ready for occupancy lu Dear-1 N W LZ RS E CO'A siu. Il ui de a mc oi o yen every year. through thie building and milI makte recom. be station at 9. p. e., and lerreuat The eaie uaet tamci hlngdia-mendiationa reupeciug Il lu the course ot 2:45 a. e. daily, arrivin IWslgo Themu. tas. 151 _ musaries ce dlae p lbtitat htre. or four meeks. ut 6:4 lb. foliowlug mornfug. Sciiedule ---------- iiilii-iiiiiii e o od r n elseypo».bttel effert Jan. 24. melgit ut a single eylash i m turn thei Repr.sentatlv. Jonathan Merriasa of A lhe aleeper goesa hrengh witoui R B ONS FOR USING Tazeweli bas ltroduced a bill titt ilU hne n h oc ! eva m r w lf balance, cause noe.of lie Ceokc Camsy machin- "nead h hueafK erngad r *s* Almoat mitheul exception lhe Amei- lts hiles ~cotrol o! publiemoneysa rirgtar e mot coeniet tu s ii prWteterBa e & o l .8Isapauuua cati leaders lu tbm revolutlonary irar flod deal of menal aunulai.l1013 t atoehrl msceonheasmf tia . ~ .~~ mr. hinmile te Bitîi gneraia Legisltni.pae.ed a lai roodugh' teaie tpicturesque route te the na- iseU-bu u&th Oà, ra BlndPpublic oe tlu wileth Bitihae h oldipbicfnttda ouai capital City ticket ellie., 222 __b ___________Bons_____ er atout men. au-ub.rqled oahldncamle fon s b.Clark sirent. Bepot. Deaiborn station. D.nU-oiraIo R onme of lie elghtethhcentury tablme r Ie eIa hesieott aud chair. very popular tu England arecilIhetinbedd er mi at tepulic o-e. uc fals Ca.t. Bkclse Il s ab~e lypute. lauid te ce mude lu sud shipped uqueiub eriîdl rll u- A careful perusal of!tle m&p of! W,-2. Ila uielmmdi by the so-ca!led Dulcb Process imamfeurtit fthé lterest on tl aens mm. macouin wilîîconvince you tsai litefleon- SConnectîcut. pronastion for hic services. Tii. Mrriam snCnrllus mnn et hcg hlcciericas areoUsed. The German bouseblîders A amjbill repente fible and leaves the .111 15w mnCnrihe unu rmCiao3. B eaju a m f te inest qualiiy are used. Ysstad Ti a bc oi .r- und Milwaukee te Pt. Paul, Minneapolis, D S cotrive te icave a smali fiat place sanld. Th l a ge cf IL. Merrse-«- slud uiy Ioio, esmr4. Bcaseil Il made b>' s meibod ihici preservenu uniupal 0 0un the roof ut eaeb bouse for birds lu Aprov epassapublicfuut h eaabille sudDuluthitouci a greaier nueber etfte exquieluatujlil2vctr and 4cr of lthe enni. sopoe.s t" s%«fh Dmla rpa. rest and bailli on. ioaneuî under any cireumastancea. Tic important ciles than amy ine munnig 5. ecause il la lbe mos< economicai, cating l1cm han oee C»0*O 0Plnoâwbo 34, paradoîcuulthhughifItnoeunds, an chances are, if te luerrisin bill beomes lhrougb Wlcuusoiu. Elegautiy cnipped a cup. PE E O LE U C lectrîcal fan tint la utifor coling: a laie, lb. old staule mil blieamended by tIrains. leavlng at ccnIvenienl hours, mii De la sr. fibl e asglthle.gecuu astie ase0 by WALI lie atmospicro lu sudimer mil lcais apreviso tint any on. found guity eof e.che ayo ceu Aytce Aa O I. adms..Ms.EtbiI. 5 SEDM N u caotc ami taroml n aung public fonds shallhob.Oued lu agent eau give >ouîful information end ---- 00 iilii hcary amethe andmaIsefiaupria indwlu- t icket yon tirougb. Jas. C. Pond. Cea. 5We. flsddi. atret. mIICOO nr.. cr.couty Joli or tie penitenlCary for a terni laga. Agent, Milutauk,, l. CUTLER'S POCKET INHALER. Tentvso otenAalaado er.AGekEgihPn U-ElI IPEI Sibira have nu knotvledge etr oiey, Itepresentnîlve Weimaler Itrodnced a The Watchmun records a mfticiam eof sivr ai-ol m e .an.d lotrisîs lu liaI country haýve te lie-cent raiiroad fore bill. If reqoirea lie laIe Professer Kendrick. o! Bot-hes- exccali * a.go leaie me u arter g ra Liroad c lpâms B ell lousand-mUs , .,di ut- xiti gula otuie er Unversity. s.,eiiocita. a pttclls u aan u icke,. ai .uu cents a mile, goo nd ai shp a enmdeb 1lilnofs. These tickets are avigeedyl i isre . I5h5~ ~ssi. sîlp hu ben mde y ataclngairtrasaferabe sud eau bc use! by any eue mried fiat tie GreLýk prepoallion elp . i 40412,8 «-aL.bag te the bull and thon Infiallng theus wbo manIa te have fliea ia or'her lnvarlaîy umenns'loto,"lite Waa re- W.I.SiT &bU* auFF OOutiîlte ureek graduaily Ilonta tu lie Possesion. À cemmitîce of travellng men mîndeet iy une cfbils pupils flint a pro- VAtLTgttOmrl dTfII'TUOS surfice. mas dom ber lu lbe lulerestaeofthle fesser lu noulier colît-ge liad assertld Thte beot cleaulng compound for ulci- messre, but tiiere are acorea o! otier lie coulrary. ei mare la llty parla of alcobol and eue traeimaen vill are biilerly opposeflte lu Weîî," uns lie reply, "ift laI ho G Feleaned a beldlu the solution five teaautane a corresponding reduction lu ce pontels h aal. ~~ val ~~~~~comeodations for the lrvcling public,upoli eh ataal' SUe ore I ,. .,<,..fifleen seconds. af er uhci il Infas5it-and they are figting te l.ii! » aho Cattle C.dl tu.eqh,~cmii, .o.s a5,rs,.O e! mtU mater, rinsei l iaicoiol aa" -Tie railroad men, conduclors, brae-bloraa pi.4ealons. as Ibeyca'nnuI reaclithe, Wcu,,e.eie.5 dry wth a clmtu rmg. The dimrt- men, sud t*t aîu, of employes are abiilse cud preionf te car. Tiere lo ouly one ood i Id to turedcafueus.and litha<t cualitii- D BM R$ lent of nickel g. 5 i said t camne OUI mr.g as tiet licy can among tie Mena- houaI remedlle. Phteo o laae by an ln- PATENTS. Tuus'uu.s.. mîwti a bright, item look. ber. o! the General Âssembîy aglaent auy flâaed cndition oithe: o~us LUnto< lthe A leutenant lunte reserve uf the Iti- sucil:Desers. Tbey maie lthe claie tu iou bvas ruutbinfls or ffetlbeur- %E-luum ut eiet tOunia the passage et the iii uould meart a e- g. and uben SIlWetrlIMMenut lau rmyanda rsldnt f GnoaWou in in Intheir number, a decreaselu n heoult. ari unies.thieIfamnmation matlbe Pim fleCace eenldischarged on sccotentoutbils thirsalarisuan & lucrease lu thfir taien cut snd iis tuteh. rtored Inlils normals sCLI s. rcenlti ednls naletra-tbr.condition. hertit t lbe destroe eti orever; coclîlsîe tudeulea lu icler ti-laitru.mine t.out or 1.0 are by catarl 4111 l obau Wav. dm dressel e epapeir ElatNuova, lho bas Illahitedtht hie Wedmaîer bi ll hluliWlu hita auoi oIlhousý- amnm muleiaM sQ ffeed ia eaulls 1 lie fnd o PlOP asdrain )yRepr.etalive Nobe. Itl lae W. liUneIlutdret Dollars fer goy agauda for tesoclilt cause. Tis.Maid1ase t it mas offrd emr a moLe ocre sà aia rrb Cii ea *AIWWiUWSMIMS te M. La cas e a ieuesa aul carni) itI ao otrîgna fbils grade mI be sicî t tMonts, mie dellaed 10, aud circulant ies.. la B~lre, or $7,at mhîi hprice a jemeler Poe.aenII ls chances o ucs relal a oliIldy livIng e,..1e .. eeret te u>'tic deres]d partlcularly hrlgbt. A proitable E&Btbquaake. sl ts rasorirv. vistaileurs part F W. if grat meeters of teHousCommît- Eohnîs~lnIy rfteu î~am r n ueo.- tee o. Appropriations met ilh the. GOv- kild as lu the case o! Ouzoun-Ada, a I S me.bubu a" saL Vaiisc 'Id tma w h: emrertathe .executîve mansion and dts- cSS caM .oiudl en la as ihoamade b>' the.General .Aunily. Il ing-polut oetIhe Tran-Caspian Bal-u fgfpml.Aidon", rtfhoet mp rsuoled and agreed t10belli aprt- way' cf Pnmurkud. The port of the. priallema sdom te the lomeet p=bsib om mas vlalled b>' au eartbquake A C g er fl npelntautathe.sane lime net ho recoum- lust year, sud ince. tien I bas beenT a us Coug er'iCofersupa a>'appropriations for neir build- tenait open t0 steamer. wieîci old KtgD4CIUIle may uot b. uo fuil as h. viches, but Ilehetga r eusthat en upr ormal11 1 enter Il befor., êwlug 10 lie abal- su ~ imeintl iîn b o tî aes o Mare D.tviiino fl o avet I if l a Tkre s ire a st uAhielaat acsetoamr ntmdit ao roan nstpQUO itil lie Lestelatur. o atr a Ws attend ta bis 0O fi uAM*is a offeris may b. ct twor arsae.*. ria ppreriations. Lana Pl9amiir Metadiolite d*0 T "ore sain ber je% ho se secure that Do oneO oaa laSothom avay Unmmre eufilo ien liiobta l oe i oesect<a' uo ¶,t~isa lauet eoae.g.tble. t. capdoes.&IN fropp hm. But lxWe h~ lus loe nulveulty B Obampaga, *1 lvor laute-iuoafioblMC a many ' ~~ngth ui«dy it am dr 0beheii> it l ecasr'. a Ima.51 abeutup ee.aulthaprsuabsantis,@mher fpacson alcai t-o h i-1 ù a a r o i e o u . ise e e.,.eMea tbui dingsh o .u. Siis in n o om e leho a g ruréât log as 1 i b e auil bj ct ou ." A ni ~ la ht if ii. mgit 1h>' mu, aadaise eir lasa. a>'- Cras au and. - aidabsgI a. fe mihh cie. ud kucinstbeeSabatout -on h mountal i idoi, and appétaritutterly - dIF 1111110,adte ii. apriations te li. grant- Keller bausiomlu nMadagasacar latoa onv eii ialp.bcta o a nylmm. mi udut ttgnl luia .bisdsfllsa Tiusdeds hlterelo a tt i e8 b theGêera] Autiiml>'$15000,000 ai th, coraj&alswgLsagroir ouitlu lb. di- TMIIA2 mi A tndwgot. A fLutterlns bird perhpe; tAita I«UL _______rection ofthIe alonget lighit.A#JEI1LAB D it.u, i.brs:ls ' t.epebbl. rolllq, and the rofllng pebibe gts -e. imade Neir. N.u.iolsvr> os...Uuie .s:s . ,haas au maanhetht ures tvn XaytaaiNeedIsaare ail made b>' machIner>'. I~~Wb~ e -Sl IStDU 911"5aiim a h.s ýstu.a ia. s eut. noq.mci, isat louiset.smua i e- sotl. St Sa , 00111 aknlutmo sab ord yholsee neiei a-Mctrdae.ftrug aus.einoaî t ai4uss.. lgsscauefLlb.8.00 ?tjert. u.a. ou*lllai mmý--

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