CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Feb 1897, p. 4

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1118? WOMMP ane uter wu aIem on »"mulUhti the ne. ate, .sd.ti" ere20 and Sc-. Ait.<lde Venera. John Pardon Ailgeliha.~,ada th people cf Lake cout ir i bag1 ballot.bol, SIetUO ereth* lIe Ioet *d4 la lact, hat in'1the lant elute êlaul ort, of hnaveryvoue preet t Oven tb. vote. Boca u Ci Omtr gave a bg vote, A4IdgewUvl bave il hat gignale frande vwu prpxob& Hie tiade la âmtol liii au iSUdC RepubU4 nbut Cc evoq. Doi$Mua la h. conml7. Bach a charge mu, only ho made byea foo1 or a inave, a" h ex-governor cmn Mâte oller bora. h. chooaee. The moal proinnet Democrate wore on the reglmrai.n and elecica bourde. No a Ilmoora lu 1h conty er houht cf or Imagiiîe<1fraud. The Isul Cetu le conaty voler., hovever. ha. 1111e velght. an John P. ltgld le Ob thlng of- the pot, aud hie vicions atab la cheractezletic of hlm ani hie felhai of politîcai vartar.. Conider lte Bah for Greecel One may la0k adze, bal aehm augîiÎt eaoagh 10 mule Tar. key gobble. senalor-eleol lMatou annoann. ht aller tegSetsiet h Senat" hie noise vil neyer ho ilentutl îCube ilfe.. Whou proaperlty in paaaed arounni agiaadonC may no hasl ypn," and then afler il hem <on. byprumble ho. cause yoadidn't gel a plae. Sprlng electlon la dravlng near. What will Il hacCi. 7ear, auti-lceum or ante-up? hejausi have fannmre iow, youkaov. Wenneuget anti-over. Anoher Kenasa lginsator liebvu C a bill. Ho propoes Co place thie cor. nel uniler h tagal bon. He la"rt. We believe every one of the Ihinge ehoul hasuarroade<1. lioodY Adyla.. ail ainera Cc "-seek salvatlon mat as Bryma dughî C&. white houae."Theà vue rather an 04<1 expression for an evangelia. Wby dihiaÈlhe advlae elmuere Cc seel mulvae tion as h. sacemainl candidate sougbl h. white bonne.?TheY voalho iemore aPt Cc gel Ibere. Tite pabliaher of h. Avec. HeaeM reoeatiy oued a delinqueul aubseriberi Mi reOSvred Inigemeal foraeeo 7eW ubcripion vilb coola, amount. Ing te $X4 The peper hod beeu crier. ed etopped lad bail teniretarned frous the pot-oqo.AS refneoilbut h.euhn. ecriber ba<l mot peud up arrrorgeeani hi& name vae coaîluued On Che booka and th paper maaed Cc big adree. The declaion of the court wue hata enhoriber coli bhe ld for eabacrlp. lion unlil ail arretage are pld. It takes viai. <al. ecinillallng acro- liug imagination, wevral railroei. P&aBeS, a white ehlrt and an empli <rip Ssck tC 9 una anevopaper, bal mon.! la Of n- -e.Keep Ibaldor lb. ordld trase&pOel vo expect 10 pay for hir warea. The Lord lovelli a cheer. fnl] giver and ve trust be'. gel lihe edit- or on hie 11.. DonCt worry &bout Che edicor. Be hue&a ilcnsefro. h. uni-1 verse 10 art as a door mai for the com. mnalty. BeIl gel hie uheet ont smre- hov,stad uP for Che lovnaunditîe e Pie, vboop Il up sur yqa vban you rau for oEce, lie about your plgeon.Coed iAughler & veddiug, blow about your part.Mhharlhemilddle mon vha he gel&a ýt J ob,voeP over yoar abrlv- eleà eoal vhea Il la reloeeed reai your1 body, und le uppood te mUfle at yoarc glitlp UO'84eooudmuzriage. la brIet, donu vorry about h. editor; lie'll <et "iOUR mre vaY. Wuee et RmaQomue !!ieValue ce «@rme amfor 01.. houa bu e493abheu lll.artw d he b bclJv"and 51drceghC botter lb.. *dons huma -m.Tbe leavue 'omuingreen for a fudeuuiolime afl&nuli@MMi sUa. 18 oua ho plmwntdlmtirlu*0 oeotvili groaer peo lI e ... lima e" o«M. ate.o ofail ik"jest book au&ê fMlhpsuMd h,. uuily mm-ui ~stae lmubu ho.mode etossimot c, agle c gorme »d4Ce et W lom «=h o thé =1o21bd.TbitMemeuMoablà vaem Ub Chn g amd h Lea d; *W. H. APPJBY. ,re *~ - lb.MI*hmha. tOth.e Do oe'Lof a&fflle e'.Orner, Mimm'ie »m ofKanBatis Wil vre lmeon - -#mlh . Wauo.e 'eelo bu, buty El Dc1,l1fouvhshu MSoea .ge viliChiuado, lim eo y 'i o. ftsma a relatvehme rii %Myii fm hea.n.tead& Che auUer bae AIntifflh mondar 0. T.. Ioa s 4tm*, 0f UtaltoNt ;vmu W Mr. M =Mc "va soem 0 .Ch tle ce loSw 1 - . n=v. OcrW flm i. il' etuelor bichlue froma lie h=011 feue prm.Eded'pa, lrg lie, ;L.etuvilletvu tlas .yraie 8.11hlla h lée le oon toutheC onu uM tJe ua t ue rePb",ed fro bera teLaerl EanCo. mM an SirtBh l n. arnl bist led conalesciet. emey Ulh J.. Taohrmtrotud fro ere Mo.. Monda a ai. rereortn. cc i Bey. Mdlit Baa'a0allBanrdaî, laceld la a cr ..1mahneBt verbgeule olirta.d erge Bahern lhlt Y"el.fmPus vlalled berliparetChe ac ovem v* The Aaaî o Cle vi i... Sokher dance la . aniver hllSurd ne Ha.of Beqirnam'gon vasillu ea aran luabcrnlamk a chinoea Mmr. aHenra. e A. li Pai biaby viaitciarenla ive.plber. oe lren&>.W.uBcinlof i MIa. o oarth Aueli.ofrete sesIC. ston Hoveuaoealay Milf medeMm.aHumpreyand 1111e monti, o! Chiego, vr. gae.Ino!aChe C. W. a . meian at akng r era foradeuliiforea iall aCo.,l M.dMr@ume . A SmC uithramsud mn aeel Tday vt ia.Wre MayloD. We. oe. n lmAn of Ausvnaeirelu"a lthe pulc Waushlaoce Birday. - Mr. adMuon .., cf Viy ni <roe, son gfeulecago, r. ulie. Bof thel 0. Wiver uasstntc ueaty u . vltedui ofb.. pute iarltered acFIl?-i tiiesetio umty, Cia veel MeO.ames . Smttandarapinmil aycalrat Deer ridyeveig Tahge very enjabte prbyle lionor ! àis ueous ieHla on, uof lanveligoÉbirt y AWin. ad oh Ta, of PBle rliln.e, Ohrsut.e o f OMra. ape amuelia Bey i. J. . bLîlle n fm iTued(ra.pon opamy voil gair- anenerteluemetla1Btelrcal's hal 1.ta0.e0.bF.I îonedami 0o" omman amid loar Ch. teilay macin. Wumllae PrU: IajoyhaI e phittun Aos i Wrglit bof P.earidanbtand soe Braie afChaicailfand , MmuM carh Thur.dB. mrLg. WlBo- Tay tel..heplace Cnal ihe lalue medmléer he tnie. cue Walae a r â h iefn Boumciba galbafolifrnt yard Cha t brie p ave cge. raifthou. il e homslmidlelierains. WUdaaa.go.k euYtlak hOice Peo: l WInue E'Iba qarSa for the oalard bock a8i @Y%.B la the lowS » orno. largai>,wblh dom ho dmung. a I ANT ADTAsvAGIous GAve bu tw ucriai brache.vîth a bal! elaco el et uni ut euJý h, blh siaC ageime t Io quere oetpiee. driv oe "lb. ga l it).euh baid oflme mildle. 'VThe WOogen aier uq mau mdve cgoerum con. o » orrcetwe tw mmpe. Wim lm*%IIl re oss Ccboo. Tii Jeotale olmgy a a ural ff lsetc hm. pivoiet li*hui ui dies il nMW 'Wbeop d, e"eMeMd iebm utiil 6i olhij OI.8, a. uuinâi ou w~. 0, on or4 4UA8~ft 012<I.u H . ut tvmmhoehia l ~~~,e1~r4.weitC4 ~ *Wf . W* mm hou-"17 1100111 YILodge . 1IL6 A M. Jdgment cys men r t k . Oanj<,bovlab thé ain eu f -eoow i mo' eul ~W ff ~ iu K. ~ ~ A. ce itu.a 3306:11:8.. ECI&-"-h En.8uaBon. ThfO 9.vpww -elà*aithe ourch c~~uAMtNAI Ch f«=08r: aui. hm.etu o WcSdor aoC C h 'lai. 00 7@Umn o KOhM 0 O« mes aad îhird a elo* ftara «M spIe.., *»e oac.ia sot mel masta.Blno .vm eb., Theeu ». e l Orayelahe vlIa" OffOore. iw a u gp~,vlh ah.sup- ....u ........ ....... 1 . Thomson 0. O Ilbur. 0 O1. Cflarbun, n OUbectbol bu lOU ie UVow TruaecailLEelLre .11JW.ea lit *lo17 dipuca1CheVOil h Trelum .... ................. eW i iC. veIIia< d ,have PoiceMgistrats .....O...... 0Norme a."5 Mau ma M" .................A. NalUflea MMU fen amiultait ta voiloota by P«.jIýa. arrtpaor 0; the Cou. ElhoOrtb Mrgatroid caught tome gfflu- cire~ h TM loft on the "0n Picheral tu OurlIMO Chie week, oeoing a<train for Eurlnu. The Innetslig boisa agala Wednemiy, wveMr 'riea alVci Mad lot n alter a effmtics et Park for a veeta r Qra7eake .. 1cm f, Wil"i. more 10 bufld mone rooe for tu.. r eeaylItt>gMim a9 e m P. iH.Kubtr bhemmor m lhei iTou. *y b8>cUl Prernd in .tM» for Ih. fondation ofhIe »wvcontler by 8*.UeV e.Wedneei càforuer cf ake .and Baiey Be oOc.... vuemarled Cc a lady =ine. 1 vhot p. a,. Dot lOrie V 1Bitt am bhave pot la a .10* of = eittne hea.rlycon. Loerai herdware and vil bc pleam.d =- IMone, aad m"i 00< bieu. Chir bc am 01<1 frienda ln aeed of Ibis UnelU"ton 0f KoOde and soUicil tbe patronage o1, th. public. 1 a m Dm" Mime Jonnett, Dr. Harvey sud Pros-, The Pehin docka in yeourod ,Mrysans colt Clqa ttemned h na b bd çr w*abs grand bill et h Lelpai Hotel, chien "@ é,qiéalv" Vo. Mthda ay evenlng', Wahingtoa' n% vir.I aqieefvrtwe bIMs. d qqwle crnnuoeI l e-]la le., Abot telv coplefro hos n- elgamg me"0n'wmM *PaOnde vué tedth queea t ntoc lt;Mfl parm & Weill ed.But he M c'dy e in g hllea number of yune dUOho.wdghiig laot tour othre er.aI rago Hall, trlpplug' PVUidime e ie uula imn..d.Th.y Ch Uhl teZtitocwý . Ail report.a esOtO Neilif.tlle.dou en so givea in COO * vit. atte.onî t u Cite gpain la gath- liKre. Cha«. Hucher and Ume.Ette endiby Cie 1ma.Thorn luin l co Baîles, of Fox Laitovasited vlth lMr*.other white dnok vb in tle .Ayl& WiloigCo Prlday and Batnrday. ani bary. h favorite da:inaBoom&.d aeded the Poverty Social. Ume. in he eWte h. t»,e Saylseconts e OMlre. Lau"ng able IUm7 ,m7hodè'e . t.. in eveS veekt C e.a muaie lemeon of lMr"e ai. med Do valerte Mima Florence flarding. auisa la. The m IeI -enlohe h.dry WIU Mlerrick. of Spriag Orove. Wln., grean an md ina ame . ais fild. Thuy a son-in.lav of Mr. Murgatrolil, va. in_ ~l ad..dlgmég lova looklag for a feraion vbich t i s n ads oigmhgn lacae. 1Be dded t enlt uCash »D oai elng mail.and worm They 111le's far. aI Avon Conler end has 1ha0 lohe. u Wt .e Mt PM114onoti roturned tu Spricg Grove b oC la, ieseMd amlà boueus hlohother fovle viil famly aid houebold <004e. au étaul. What money savers we Iist below. 071Ibo Coffe....................$.00 e-. e- Brick Store. 5 lbo Tes ...................... t lb Package Coffee............. 2 lb Package Oatmeal ............ 1 Package Starcli................ 1 lb Bakiag Powder ............... 1 Con Cherries ................... 1 lb Battle Axe Tobacco...... Boys' Suit of. clotb ............... Boys' Overcoata ................... Me'm Wool Pants ................. Duck Coate ..................... Ladiesi' Overahees ................. 76c ilks at ................... F. He., .07 .02 .09 .04- .20 1.25, 2.25i 1.251 .90 .40 .53 GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS.' A Complete UNE 0F andes n aIways b. Car QfASLAKÇI. e1 ýYoul * gani we are cffoing. 0-cd Byrap, petrgallon. S 00 Rosa"Ccl.., per lb BvprldApplepar lb... Gohlorula Evapcrmlea Paacbeu, Il, Camnol Ccrn, per oan ......... Canned Table, mn *15jCa4ae PlIle8$Ab PeMa...M .21LotI (Baud nervenremb h .18 .ojCoeleaTri ai. -b7poola ........ a Chemiier Bai, 6 pleoee........1.08 .06 Rmcifoi oak, 4 pair, ........i Ubee xe obeco l1-b...... .10 ýThe above la but a amail Ilst of the things we ar e selling VerV Low. DROP IN AND SEE us. W. v il] keep yen voniarlag bow il il 000dm ea Irold un 10v. 'Grays I - F.e).BATTERSHALLO eake - - - Illinois. A Letter. J . 1 oiaiei', M. D., Prof. of CL! iclModhelne, Chicago Me.-il cal College, Chicago, fer the pst' 84 yesrn, consultiag physiciae Mercy Hosptal, Chicago, for the. liamt 24 years, Mfie, nuite 5M2 Venilian gB;l Chicago,syo, under the date o! Peb. 27, 1896: "To WnON Ir MAT Coxcnnx: 1 pleanere in ealing t in former "ans 1 have o met 4 D.0. B. Howe in m Con- sutlations and ha ount!bia methoda cf tream 3dcom and bis aucema t. a large practice equa to that of any cf ou ,beat physiciens. I thmnk I bave thus knowu bim for nmre 18 yearu and b~ave kuown much of bis practice, having residet! in Chicago over 41) Years, and! contantly meeting mnedical men in ad out of car colleges I feel prepared to strong7y voucb for the. standing o!f1Dr. Howe. Very liespectfully, Dia. J. H. HOLUS il." Dr. 0. B. Howe Treala eclentîflaly andaccèmiualy by he latent approvel mellioda ail clironie DiseMina of Cthe lnge, eart, hrat, noue, stomach, Ilver, kidueya, bovrela vomb, and seeznal organe. SKIS D»aer.aa sem ffahlugee, peorlals capisa a e, erae lIhIringvorm, herpe. zoater, audal "V!cuîaeu eruption, blo ' iblack beade, e., cared la eue là MOLEsaN!x) crpKerrLOV* nAZin ramoved vithout pea by elect:,>Iyaie Cure guaranleed. Dis£"azeOF THE NnvoUes yTT Neurlalhenla, looumaitur &axaia, pro. gressive paralysle. heedache, nnr.BOU $aie& insomnie, epllepey.r2"eiby Germen ineîhod ani eloetrolyele. SRnvmmiti&Mtmeualuar, muscu- 1elalamumalry mmd heuaieget, pceitivoiy cureta isand ma»aCcse. fiI procee. Cure guaraalad.9 X-RAY APPARATUS. Dr. Hove bue a compleeclectrice culfit lacluing the. cehbrétei Merovllz Beegen Ray Apparatua for Eailiography and Flooroeople Deinon. stration. lly meupa cf CI... vonderfui coaCrivancea the doctor la enablei Ce explora the Innermout rems.@of he bum". organl.m sd , . vlh the naturel ey. vhal bre remaiaed biden or o0cre ToPLon sTrl JIAIIZEroADIe AND GALVANtIiI!ru ami al kinilu of dlned ioperalîve inftru. ment@ tu salat hlm laarr*ivig taI correcft diaguce f Sany dissuanmd therauceodt realmeul botl mnedlosi ad aurgical. CLUBaP»naboustrihened by surgics] eperaîîca (Teuolomy.) amiffignuomu Ples> carect viCIent peinul operetlion ila Mteclcaeor deiay from bueinum. - Vtnîcocnzu permaaeally cureil by a nov molboi. Brx>goonte AN»D ENIA ceurai vlli. ont operallon or d.lay fron u bsine. liAz.xcxA z uons iail&UalmooMal girovlba, forefiu beilea. mored Dome, etc., removod by murimda operation.à Duwonumemerected and birlb mark. romoved by ectroliym a Coareulràlnvrx mnArD coffl. DRMAL. III mdicinen furnialed patients. 0. B. HOWE, M. D;. Office at Htljodtc' Wocdstock, l11111 uite29 and 29. 0 #leurs. 1itct612& . Oam OtoB .MilWiaal rf .61ona 1 tte 1on ryceg<ce * -BlANCH ÇQFICES- Ul.ure unday onl, 12 to à P. nm. Wauconda Rest Cottaige: Houre Sdturtlay and Bunday aven-' inge. from 7 te 8 P. m. Censpündenob>maiPro:nptiy an,,. ii. fle tM ilui Taa Auction Saleg. 11111 twi ai publie.d.o 2§6 aile% nobii -at d. lwoiiin nave..r nt My ei.N.i for. kMty eu&~ Wain srvnladmfaim i--U .cf t* a 1 oig ratni ian oll n v tua oet le o cloeh a. m. 0laj. lie te tna %1xeLyrl: 4 nMWame.m "M h eh D a..ury n"ev:one.orne beriuive.. ... su berPW. ulk o milk tant .K"YArreto Piaurnletr. ffomblnail,,n Stering eru and 0"amaie rindetorà.. Ialr.I.r over. iCU Cauhiron l. kdi a ern e mocd onso,6 ton.. tiracihyi ba. Tumsse OrfîLz: AIl ofne gateder 'mah. Ail nm% ov.r Oea j Pu Win b. lreson r4b &hi cOeha» lae a ri entu .t. o ppel? iqioved oatilettIee.or ÂLA..Pr. W. B. APElLUT. Amelcer. The unkMndae.d wvii iloUaipubdeaqao on là gl...faim. al .,.we lin D roff b te- f -,; oierCea. i..S A. p. Aane M m. Cni .uv fuI on».n mit. wowa n tiol o huts bugg. y t ugI. -almoptn g, pelroi. Ë;irbunueuie.i ng mdete. ana phaker . re.ani a darnl 'ar-m hme M fordtemt = tenironatoin. nVe m nom BiaLE iamcga..n cars. Ail ereoraa it e Cl'saxn tdie Or ALE-%ro eiIIiot .dom eunj il &Utt e d or MOan!ilv..ii wil. KWnoornods Bird.e offine B ie!mob miOm a Bpeelity. l hava talon flet prçmflt m M Legho oru.f0e Mvûa ore Boptember lest have eiâa aMi «U111bave f"..elaILe.4 «ach. Eggm for hachUg 18 foýu and 08.01. Adiromnetu=me J. P. Waus. Xunt CEMETEItY WOIlK foundat - -. Admlni.tratril ~Notice. the sto'te of PrIIIII.CNOTilïle Mhmrby giveiktiat th.. I ThuonsaJaucà. e. *d viliiattend the -D BC«TII L;M«la b olli t Di t Orl Cea in n t Onke.uni per". a lsg hi, es ..m.- ,.ILLINgOW18, a M t0mmu.4

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