CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Feb 1897, p. 5

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At the Place where ev erything good tc eat fou nd, The verdict of the people la that The lBSMPlace to buy Choice Groceries. Fruits. Candies aind Nuts. Oysters. And Freih Meats. lsata & Taylor's Libertyville, Ill. DeWiveEyesight la greatly beneflted by properly adjusted lenses. 1 have a complete outf it of' Optical lenses and instru- ments for test ing the eyes. and especially invite those .who hâve had trouble with their eyeglasses to cail. Mr. C. Vuille, an old experienced opticlan, now ln my employ, is canvasslng the coun- ty, and to persons who cannot visit us at our place of business 1 recommend his services as a competent optîcian. C. R. Sherman Libertyville,II NOIrXOIJ ARE WRONGI - sol o m .plaiel gtl . E~-R .HAS. .. A large and varied liune of Hardware, Pumps, Milk cans and Cutlery. You find to your advant- age to corne here with your' JOB WORK. Libertyville. OUR CLUBBING LIST. - ftdtad Prloes on Pertodlcais in WCMbination i viltheb.Indeendent. , yiâela srrsgelnnîvltb tie ubshrvoare able go Mals the foi. Iuia prsseon vil.knovn publica- Pwgn»"D . lu th i ral olntu vi be 40«84 tie pubîfahur'. prias oi lis vutoua perlodicals, sud lu the fixuai ouluMa the combînation price vi tblwuwaiaawrOuPrime for llotb loue InterýOocan.......W -sI 140 st"n................. W 3 ai .................. I te, u tîjbîîhîude"txt. ..NM 9 .idr'i .1te. Chli of....W 270, met tk L N y sou..N....NM416 .....t.............l~ '-r, 4s lv LImArco14,.. Y. NW i Da o t .o... ... .. ...... -1w 2 25 .55 rue . n. 'ly M0ax.... V 23 kary .Y. ...........N4M a2 lu nifs unI o W ai li nar u' yo î- - - 'W I ES NI................Wis r;55. I7 S Y.: ~W Iv Y. N.h Y..c Pop .....nWh &I 1 lime Alt .i N ................1 ii tas oLnu lu.......N ia nlyP8I.Nlu W 2Wttas leu o22 1"*vlwN ., w cet- hce ce 3risr au la p~lnNY Wate . ..... NS 2.46 îu ol ev ....... ..N W. 1u t0ols nia ia iou Tî42K 1CIy ..wi ', Tollt 1.29Y 60 Wo.'.y....................515 usE. eke IlCadem Broo1s, Ne.W iU Bonto,,.... -.. ........ .... W as GERNAN PAPEIIS (bn AIRd Pont OChieo....... i ouas .....cWni . Vhg. 1)4135 te istiui ueZcin. IIau 2 e, W «hls h s J an u F iI î .utstr" illMiaJ rrad., John Morhouse, of L.ake Forect,,in recruiting at thie home of hic parents. Eheumat laheicomplalut. C. X. McCreadY bas reuled *Mlc Tovnsendopîas on Milwankee Avc. andiwyul occnpy came lui thc near future. Bet Auttin tahie vlctlma of a Most attentive qttapk of lie "grlp." Bert la very slck, but at preseul in lmproving somewiat. Services ai lhe Presbyteran cburch Snndayeaithie unnalboue. Morulnq subject -,Jean. the Bread of Ille., Evening subjeet, ' WIlI Thon AWs Go Avay?" F. Y. Badake bas ueirei freonsthe firin of Duanu &Radai., pubilaiera of the Weekeras DeUg Rg saer. Tbe SmrE yull t' novua lu the future Ua B. A. Duanua Bons. Dr. 8. <allovsy vili lecture un '"BileiuPbyst4ology" Sohuuday biglaI, mardiabIb, lu lie Unionichurci, 10 gentlemen 01217- Admiasios fres Lecture te commenoe ai 7:3a 9'ulock. Tie Tonus Poopiela CouzSil of the Presbyteulamaich IIIUlgive & liter. a-jr -d M-ei eal timmoul#aIthe Ciai-ci riday eveamliard US, 1897. Adnlseleai, Adut, 150; chtlidrem. 10e. se dé John Bletz rcuusei a petitUon he llret 1£4 Ibiès véek pasyng Meb baM lslpervlsora go grsml Iini a limons.tu c.udiuurts asieou t taca$ ie, i vil lie proeunieul s&lii.ext meetng of the hard. '%V. A Aileo fglrniàh nearly auy pnib- lie.tlou lu the vorli a& a redued pii,, ithbotit profit to iin.b ltam an wcouimadalqîti4)iOur subseri bergi. I have gIvn Cbambeil&aaîn'a cougl Ihîniedy a fai tenansd conalider J iseo. êe Ti. oi thc vcrY ibent remedims for croup Shah 1 have ever fonun. Ou. doe han 411sYc buimn sullientîY, altliougi 1 u lf frelY. AmmY coldmycoblidren bonticc i yliisvcry reildjiy te Ibis iiOlli.Ican conoweieutiouaiy vo- ennimeî,d Ihfor croup and colin lu aIf se iisaéb claldred. Ueo. B. Wolff, Cleri '<aI lie or hissi s Circit Court, lersndins, Fia. Sai PM cudueNia by, F. B. L-oeil, Libierlyville, J. B. qUsa m, Hucher, Ourue. l PICKIED Up HERE AND THERIE. Local Items ofl1nterest to Libertyvll1le Reade rs. C. M. à 8TP. R. il. TeM, TABLE. Wilber Usidetih a lowly eler To (CHICAGO. lng frth a complication of La Grippe a.m.&.Oks.n. aad pueumonla. Be vWaremoved 10 '<ssortb Ma le an t bheome of J. B. Ayers thefirat of the *,rnec&ie 8:1tiiweek, ubere hh n reetvlng tht, bes Wton 9.14 &30tit lua t 610 U ai= 4:16 o a fCre. ik u i a*Wuxdee6àam sr Tuie Epvorlh Leagne social ai syl- 1T1n1d l S au 4 *'M m estuent«Wbeler'. Ilouday night vwu uuuouaImvel e au uM* lt'a Ire@ vufavored viti a large attendance. The THOM CHICAGO. musical and lltersry progrsm vas of S &. &m. tMa. .m. in. .ausuanat meuit and the a lquar- .11Mu&Mau au15 Il $M 101M s a-:.40 *un ol"i 100crovded 10 secommodale a.h sionmau6a shsir lageSstock, aditional selving ElVJA sm 6:8 *alwvuadded the presjédt .week. This eU *40 m Ohm carry the larguat stock of gone"a W;rjces- I dnte un only. narchanidise tu Lake Conaty, oitaide neiu; a.untrgais -. *- 0f Wathefu. BIJIDAY rusJIm WViama secured judgemeut b.- bsrtvl *auem. A. mdt ~ frd Joutice Siaftvell, of Wanukeffn, atvZ.Ï U r omu a mlaît Balrday for $77, the &munt of an l . r. ben 9.4 a""l&nsdclalmc, agfainat O0. D. Haven, on à a uuuSnda 2 eeti i ontracl job. An offset ai 3.75 vs.- 510 ~5I 10ud Haven, hovever. W. are ln- lSèm = ne il; rrvs la Sdire lte P. la. Arthur Omitha cale ai Freinant Cen- !~si NoU ba ben laelyut fnuter vas favored viii s good atendaits Dur tC . sseussgsli :uasd bldders vere numeroue sud pries ffiknemm ~offered better tien tbe average. Covi Iule 16l. ni"od froni M4410 1SU, nost aioc6., corn - - 120 s basket, linge from S6igo $16 sud Vllage Ogriîc:*. I orses S30 sud flpwsrd. ....d..................... ..r 341mi..Alice Snydam vawu cevicîinaiof .ru ltteo.EL uos a surprise psrty perpetrated tîy mem- .. C. Saubora bers 01 tic Young People@ Counceil Trraun,............W. C. TrImanhat Frlday eveing. Usines aud flias Poilas Ngl»trst .............. W. V. Dsvis amusnements vlth fruitan suibstantial Masca .................. ,s refresbmients served 1 nialle theorecs- LiluV1LLSE LODG& .No. 402 P. &6 inai5amost enloyableue. A. M. beguWrCommruneaton sud & îtb Ex-presideut Harrison ih the prond Bsiwrdaw of oeb Eonth. Vlatinabrthr fatber of su elgbt sud out-ball pouud J. E LI, lse.daugbter. The lxipitPawNDsv chemn ja M cAup iNo. i7 . N.w. uof AUccis congratulations. and of course (ian. A irai and tai stid t aimenwHtarrsnvi i I etWolwslatover aPrsbardvsèe arrsn ilbe ckled 10 death" stor. VeIUg uegbbra lvsy ve.-a e n bu lesrne of aur good-viliI. We Cai. KIR& C t. lsîiîs onld suggest lien send un a cigsr for thie compliment. Mire Dr. Taylor la coufined go ber About filteen mnemberas of Bockefel: bcd vlth the "-grip.' ter 1. 0. 0. T. snrprlsed Libertyville Mfr. Levin Radke, of Ivanlaoe, vs. Loige wltli a viait Monday eveulnig. »me on our streets lut Monday. Tbey vere accorded s vsrmu velcome, judson Moore ls conflned 10 the although no arrangement* for a specisl hous vlth ssevere sltark af the progrsiu abaiteu maie. Aftes buai- "Grlp.' ess vas.disosi of, a merry socia Lsveuc Amn I Ui bapy Unlieer ase joy b aIL. LawrnceAmente he appyfite f orror" puies me the latent. The of a baby girl, boni Weduesay, guessi are lnvited 10 brlng viti ilium Pcb. 24. tbat of vbIli tbey have the greateat Mfr. John IMattacke, of Cicago, viait- borna. At Onesof lie.etswn- ci friends In Lîbertyville Sunday sud meula$a Elgin, reeently, Ibre. youug Mondsy. ladies brounht castor oil, seveuteecuf The Star sud Creacent Club give s mice, len spiders sud th brclronglit dance ai the Tewn, 1h11l Ibis Friîlaày theli ichiool books. eveiing. The .. .G. T. bsk,-X Sîcîcll,dde beu MIr. BertS leip, of Lake Zîîrif<b. vieil- lai J. . l re' îi-ctyrv.îîi . I ed relatives sud triend-nlure S.clurdsy 23, ves a grend i iefi c. li»Letiewere' snd guudsy. "litîl 1hie bigh. il 1,10,-r by J. I.ý F. Pr.,tlne visilpai bic non Lonl ix t jc l" "Il 10cîiilgem. the ilîtie-ecd lieuver Dai,,Vii.,thie irmt of Ll O1lail i si.oî.uîcd 10 5$lm::; . ýfe precent wcek. the pircbntwmrù" liai sovcnd the ou,-i Gordon Slclanek la vnrklug lu bis tenta of baskets s gîîval prograni, fatier'a mutl, but cipeetn 9l) reiririî go valgi velicon*lallng-o0f'jquo ilo ae. Chicago lu s short tIme. inus, beoo, trios snd quatetts. Lattr gaines wue iiidnlged lu, efier vidicl The aheîde cmeeryAssoluton Il dupaited, aasertlug tbey bail en- yull meet vltl isr. C. C. ilulkley Fr-1 joyed u excelent progrsm and lonu- L.ABOR IS CHEAP. FARM PRODUCTS ARE CHEAPER. OUR GOODS ARE THE CHEAPEST. We.are hustiers for business and want Your Trade. KUM AND C. M. B. Golby & Co., Dealers in Everythlng. Use Atlas Flour. Atlas Flour makes more Bread and Bette r Bread than any other Flour. tcons bill of mrp. We seilithe Ileet Ierosiiîe Oil, Trv it. Friends of lir. aud lire. Henry Law- rence conigrcgalcd aStisleir home Non- day cvening lu participais wllli Shein in te oelebratioîî of tlieu 115h ved. Cotton Flsuîael p"r ysrd 5 Oranges per dot. . ding auulverary. A ins asi rocker Tennis Flaiuel per yard 5c Cherry Prunes per Il, 5c rvs. preceuied the hast aud hostese by CaSonades vorth 20e to lose, y<l. 15e Corn Blireli pet Ml. l te lntrudern. ltcfréahments vers &rlmp forCnrtlins 6 Van Sveet Biscit ltaking Povaier 5c berved, citer wbhthle.gucste spent Aunaskeag Gfngbamcs per yd. 6c Ty Co plîîg Tobaco perti 200 an enjoyabie eveuîug st gaines sudStupiPnt ry. carda. Tiose prenanutvere lMeuare. W aeatwlcDesGigast ls i e sud Meadaauss B. W. Bulkly, Fred W aeafw1cDesGlgaf ocoea et linyan, John su.yiam, M. P. Cafey. A few Zephyr Giughams at 1 et L. J. Webb, Bd VoIla, Bobt. Grum- 0cet mutt and A. P. Bstapesa. Ready-rnade GinghsM Apronsl 10 cents Libertyville'.s ad*rM»anof ."stove. pipe" bat fains pnrcbaaed oi F. C e SM I H & S N John Peterson aàIune Pg ith i a fP< Butler Bldg. Liertvile, îlîols silon of tie cros..cut mv vsrlety. ietvlIlnos He amempflted o orts lte aimal Iu- tu marchin t10i@s neo anera farin but Mfr. Fig voisd nsy; sud visa &bout f1 444S4" *< 411<1441144 hallf vay prfforna a rtgbt-aboifcoT followei by a double indien chrge O LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FOR î in the opposite direction. The doughly . aldsrman lu vain endeavor tu stop 1Dr is m mo es n m ca 4 ile pork d a smetgymamue fieat, .4D u s o iie tC e iae E Somhng dovuwn to bcl ~ EYMEY OP, O Bc4 1premimouen ssumer, aMors clothansd ail. sbopplm te brsti a fervent mseu 44Brushes, Tru,.., Supporter., Shoulder Brie.., Panay mad suer one Oemltuuou suds lu mond snd 'lToile t Artile,, Ilooh anmd tationery, I)ye Staffs, G(j ,Puy tgevc, uNI the moedem "-abute tlb.12 $T PAINTS, aILSoVARNISHES. a"lr haviaqdisovred hi. suporior' radÈ mer %m tlieeupon ms.kly pro. __PATENT _________ S casisi w kib mcv quarters.. P TE T_ EDIIN S.' via laSmoun the perauivenesa Fatnill IM.dill -and hysiia ns'Prelleriptlons aiui 00" a na iUa trilIpte#nid plate ai. 44 compounded metail houre. Dr. 0O. L ove madeosita rognâat vis. Goodt CarefuNy Selected. OI h et iàbr INMSSmad udmothe îtanai Theadoctor js a hi _________________________ lsd~~~ tul h0iea ov w -- ~bsr lui ome. At. U NATON Isr on- <lietu r m ovo s Aer Ieuskseuuaai beimlyni t>OF FOR SHRt.iM~ TIME ONLY 1Ir i Iles,. lofboneuioîug TNrli CHICAGO INTER OCEAN AND thlmk thedon »r madeot ro ontwiad LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDIENT ths vqrk vioaieh.dos., noyer stop. At tia follovlug rumq k"by1vugr hu"tlbl roirilgis p astrseep Ing. But hors Weekl ter Ossan sMd tudependant, I yer.........................S lithoaereti-vill mot..havois lep 11.17 " .4 , 'i 0 ct.. 1. .... .....0111 lnierrupl.d. DaiIy Md Sunday Ilercu a sud Imiopendant ier..........u BUT OD F ITS. Goods thatwiIl fit qiuali y and price. It la cold again, but the balance of our WINTÈR SUITrS and UNDERWEAR Go at reduced prices, One of our Specialties- is Ladies' Shoes. s

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