1~I~ __ Vft V.N~2L Libertyville. Lake County, iltinoi. Friday. March 5. 1897.' $1.50. in Advance ý. harles Galloway. ov*rLovçill'sDrug$tore v- ~u a« fl,.à A" ieVOSIr. m. ~br. J. L. TAYLOR. *ver Trigs &TayI.rs.1 ito16 .m 2 te d4.W 0P. m. Uibertyvllle. Illinois. Or. E. H. SMITH, t i.rville, Ilinois. H. P. EWING M. D. Rockefeller. Ill.. 1104m dOMSes m oawaoub eWP. 0. A.M 1 dsP. . A(e P. m. "W. 0.B. YOUNG. Phsclan and Surgeon. MMBICU OP05WU LMMA UOTEL ULDO. Gurnee, -- ----Illinois. 0. F. Butterfleld M. D. C. YnTERiNàaRy laUoEON » PEITIOT. LlamIvnLu ILIOu Dr. E. V. HARVEY, (Orsysiake -Illinois. mm M. Aucx DAVIS. D.A. L,*TRAVIA. no «& fi . A. U.l - &biqOtP sompela aumu polite siée bom etisia,0 curane te masien. ~Sos1fellr, -Illinois. PAUL MacCUFFIN., Aturney ad Comuneelr et Liv. NOTARY PIULIC spaa atention iven CoUlectionh a Conveyanclng. OflPcm WnN LAxz Curît? BANK, L U b r t lv i le ,Il i o s W. H. MILLER. TONSORIAL ARTIIT, Vbeu yon vaut a cean a^bave'or a Fgo"i bain cul ca l oaa CROICE uuRAXDa or CIGAItS. Ki t d.#t W. C. Tringa 8t.m Store meats.'s 14 t.,,81101.'q, nv. r l LAKE COOUNTY BANK ..... SWright, Parkhurst & Co. -Libedlvife, lioa Issues lnter.st-Bearing Certlflcates Payable on D.mand. Wlnter Blankets, Fijr Lap Robes, Heavy Fur Coats ~ PHRL~SKA SER. APmsent For Voul BASI nanianCe CMs., »1» uslounlaben gaad campantes, sud Wégamé 31000poltcy uniloen by me for Mume .la Kki Counly, I yl 5si" $1. %Uu# e &thIe --Brick Blo-rê," aMd a0 "bWhte»aie for larger or suallen pl. icé. S ive loweai reapoomible UÎ4.aate Fc our now poilai uet ex. pluAlncê id, 4o»a or raf un premlum , et psa ab~ Vlaoesi a ___ - i I THE CIRCUIT COUtRT. Grand landt Petit Jurors Drawn for th. Match Tarn. lTe march larmn ai the Circuit Court aloensa Mouiay ulth &aotul124commint LAiv, 143 Cbameenr and 15 Peaple'& casern.lte dockel. The maitlml-i posant cae toeh.consldered naI is tenu la libtiof Daniel Carr, under lu- dictiment for tibm muier af John DUI- la Th int iiof rani snd Petit jurors fartis trtonleai ollous. GRANDi JUsY. Jas.]Uecgul re. lBouton. . W. brou. Newport. PbdigipBetàlnger, Newp.ort. Jolhn M. trang. Antlo',b. Je, a.BrecO. Antioch. Cha. Van Paten. Anlo.i.. L. J. 1L"bdell. tirant, A. W. WhItmor, A voit. Je" Mn..Av. John XN.,lure. Wirrt-it. J. R;: Bracer. Wirr.o. Jamois Dmbetiy. Wauk.-gau. Thoa. Ollaban y. Wîuikegan. B.A. Ternan. Or., Waukegan. climme~. p mWmsk.man. Tisas. Muai',. â fllda C. 0. Webbah, Hbl.ldm.. 1. 0. Okmson. LUtwrt ville. John Janiao. Uheriyvltk,. lartîn bicher. Fremont. Y. V. Davia. Fremont. J. W. Ottbert..Wauncon. Garn.er Van DuAen. Wa,.,,,,ta.. Fred Kimebuer. cule. lHeny IMMrr-n.Ea. Wmn. rnstiug. Jr..Els. âmmnelTeiman. Vrn,,n. C. IL Wleox,, Veruot. Henry Puaup Weet Derl-. JacmsOConnor,.West Deerfield. Jaum e NblaM Sat Defl,. 1l. a .Evanu, kBut Dnrfild. Di vard Putamu. NKirnnait . Chas.F&Yo. sîionaBluff. Frank BoulveIl. Lake itlla. James gay. Autio-ia. mait itoiffrit. Diglton. Herbntert Lake. oume. 0. 1- Stewart. Waukegan. Vaut aoscn.Waukmgn. 8. Il. Bradbury. Waqukffan. Walle.r De. Waukesan. D. la. Nesn. Waukesaau. J. W. Berier. Waukeuan. C. a. Ren. Wank et». Tbo. Apleton. Lake Forest. WO. A. Wrght. Lbrtyvlli . LouIs Oebanci. Llbeiyvilé.. Mf. J. Caer. Libentyvill. J. W. MEIDer. Libertyvilfr, E. C. Wheeiaek. Wauttooad .bimllon. Volo.. Jas. Frauttei. Vol. dSesGreen., Wauffonda. F. J. HoiNts,. Baartngt.,n. X. A. Bennet. Barrlngtan. A.ILE Fie. lake Zurimh. J. IL Weidner. Buffalao ro.. Frtid Moyena. eerfield. C. . Nblke, Deerflekl. fiioo. Itaakeuback, Deerffel 1. JahuBtupey. Hghland Par. M. J. Cray. iHighland Park. Fred Orfenuide. Highland Par. Franki Durt. Warren. Thia tenua closes Judlge C. W. Ulp. ton'@ long snd efficient servie upon th judicfil bqcb lu tbf. circuit, tbe tudialal eleel iait J une. seatîna. a Dow inoulibent. County Com m Ittee Meeta. The meeting of lhe connty llepubWi cou committee, called tor Baturday, poli. 27, lu conpliance wtth te re- queml ai a mjortty of theienibers ai tbe committee, vas belît aiLiberty- ville Towa Hall ai annonnced anisa lot of business tranuacted. Thene ve esixteen ai tbe utueteen mendiera prenons, thos absent h.lng (.range r, o Grant; tephena. of Newport, sud weubau, of Shbulsd. On Motion thie Vacanucyt-rom Anlloeh, cnsed 1-y the remnoval oiCapt. Pollock, vas Ilied l.y the appointaieut o! 6. D. Paddock. The executive commît see và arrlus-raa ed go oeven and vers. uatusel mu lolloisi: E. W. t!pteu, chairman; I8. D. Tal,.ot, Secreary; E... . Douglas, Tremmurer, sud . A. Giolding, A. W. FIais-ler, D. A. Wlium aid C. . Wenbmn.,'Tbere as. a causiderale content aver i question et appovtloiug lthe cauaty for future enaty conventionsudfil vuaflnaw yvoteS Ibatlàlucalla for cou. veatloma, omo lectiondistrict should h. &priar itriot. msuaelectai ei ls proportion o ielegaies ta the oanveallp. Thc purpome c 1h15 moye wuma tepret Vauhegf aiammeuS. Ing a bg bunehoitaidelegatra wbo vali vote slidyfan te convention. Har«e! Belegalea vili h. alectei la Waukm fns rame letian uiffaI, the ne ainlaChicaga and iber cille. This m nidba vote ofIl telS. The ri ior tae nezliconsnio wu flasi aie. iagme Iar .very 2P votes sud vill maIe about 191 dele. gates lu Ithe ooumlj cauvention. 1The report ai the ineamurer vas pre- mntai shouing 1$U.00lula ie banda. Alter alaung tva tille of! 15.00 the ommilee aiJouniie. Nheumatlem Qulokly Curai. b Alter hsviuq beoo nflu*d te the boumae for 01. tan day. ami pejing oui on5 lu dacior bille vithbaul beai, Mn. Frank l>oon 0f95Moab Ste. Harle. MAch. vu ,oued b=OP»ieboille ai cbambar., imlu'a an Bl ouSna 9U Oentéla bihmolMainembeau trouiblad i lIb o ecpau.For sae by Ir. à. LOTUi à Livli, anS J. E IAmCE, on G The Bible Instituts. For tbe past lwo yeans tb. Bible lu- stinute at Chicago hmha ba sspeetal coufereuce for mIniters sud evangel- lte sud ail Chriatan vorbera, dning the maull of April. The aiteudmuce at tem ham been sncb, and te blens- Juge reauttlg lthe! rom have hbeunoa eucorsging, that sanofber canferene ulfl bobli, vhlcb yulblà fiaiton moum Tuesday, April 41h, to Pitidiy, 1h. 301h, Incluaive. Pactans vil bc able ta returu te Ibeir charges for the tiret Bnuay luniMay. They uil Ibm. bave tourwvest theb 1he lnititute.vith but ibree abbatbs' absence fram their churches. lu lbe atternoon, eItuoansd three ech day, there ulîl h. speciallectures by Bey. Wmn. 'atterson, the celebraied paster ui Torontoi; 1ev. W. W. Clark, the Weil knn Bible tbicher. and R. A. Tor- rey, Superiutoudeust. Key. W. W. Clark vili sprak on the r.llowing mott- jecle: -The Old and Nev Teitamemt Contrasted and HsrLuonlzed," "Ibe Plan 4)1 the .New rTestament ... .i Speleal Fs-sares of1ltheOo.peia.' (il lnstrsled by a large e cLio -rI ibe (.. pel .t Mark," "Chrit lu the ilebrgs,' 'The Petiot, and Watkfthei b.'oiy Spirit, " Law sud Graee Cantrsted and Uanulzed, «The Decp Thimgs of God-Six Lyera of Inut,"»Tbe Dispensallan, Pest Prenaentsud Fa- tune," (tlntafledby a dtagrmn> »The Book, of hevelatiaus," ami allier sub- jec..i a. A. Torry'agenenal subjecte willI te "Mclbof ! eaebing Heu* ud Teciag te Bible." 1ev. Wu. Pattersnausubjeoitu are ual et an- auued. 1the.eguWSumnfeta!don. trindandaiboou stuiqo! lb. Bible vill ho' esrnled an as usuel. Frai. ID. B. Tavner, Sqprnteuiofai 1h.Mouia Course, itahla ehmesa st l030 a. m. sud ;30 p. m. Visitas yul h. vaoome ta mIl lb...clase. Special oauftr.ne wIl b. arrangei ai may bh.*iesired. Arrngemients yl h. maie ity ubI.ib studenu. yuil tae.taosee vho attend the. ctnferouce te the difierent etty iitlonsanad cbnrcbes. Tito enccsp lion *naom 1111 h. m»laide for the tii. of vialeon, vbere riicg matenial, ucusplpes, anS the rlty dietluuary yull he fond. The llbruny aita i remît ingrsxbm viilso ho lu uin sfur lb visil,,ns. The Bible Instltsto 1,locIît at 30 InsIltute Ptace. Tate theWells aivetble car, gel o11met.utulat IPjisci. mdmi valkha ablock aout. Appliemiloma for furthan infomaalia g5aihy sueea. B. A. TOuai, Supi. FRED CROKER. Mesrchant-Tailo-- Ihave a fine line of Pan t Patterns They are Beautios. Fit Guaranteed. OVER LAKE- COUNTY'BAN K, LIBERTY VILLE,- - ILUNQ~ McKIN4LEY PRESIDBNT. inlepedant Recolv« e port Dirent rrom Waahngton. Waahngton, D. C. Marb4-[Spetllý -The veaiier la flue anditi la eait matld 100000 luleresi lu la b.la- augural ervemonies and tbe variant minor funcilas atonded tbe gremi evenl. Premident Cleveland, deapite hia rbenmeii roubles, vaa ai. e narry out il the ourtestai vblcb cuatom bu decrecît amedue trou ltae ettitig exeaullve &t A bimscueaon. la i Inaugural adîreai Preeldaul McKlNtley deelared lhe nations shouli retain cotrol af finances, sud poinlai oui tbat more revenue la 'urgeat. Congres. vas urgoî tate mahate ta lncneaeiug tb. ioderai fai ne, lnai$ tbe iarnlft ai the instrument. The people vauat Do augmentaium o! ie- larnai las.. b.deciancît, ezuepI tua national emergmecio. a !ta" Id 58ha ouli dpro. niat aîyi aus. ebliaving lu ln. Sernallo"aibimelim sud vol, il authorizoît by Coupee, appoint a couualealon tlasta nobtMainug IL. Imnmeitaely !lioviug the oeremouy ProuNdeni McKinley drove o te .re- vlving stand and vitne.sed lbhe mou- alanparade. The ceromour afi nducting Vice Premidei Hobart lotooffice ob placelunlte sonate chambe aitaDon and vasefollovai by thc svarlng in of Mark Eianneaud other nov and re- elected senalora. Rtockefeller people are up lu arma, sud if àaumaoit af tb. cilimena am prevent 1, a maou license vili mo h. grsulod lint tLerrllary. A petltlon ie beiug circulatltrougbaunt the township praring lb. Board o! Super- Isomn oite rani Beenea Ibene, sud a large number ai signons bave beau secured, Titey don't vaut a mon, sud are no universeal iher opinion, te bord cau bardly Ignore Iheir peilioand mi rlally ahould no&. l'romiueut cîllseene lbugbau tbe tovnaitp bave alguel e petilian ho- lng crculated hy Rckefelerpopée, and abould a lioenae e h.gnmied Il viii bc vl it te dîmappréval of a îaajavty lu th tovnship Mmd peuple ai locke- toiler proper are againal grsuling lirous, vitit but feu exceptitons. LrxvvaiILMIvf1, 10 m S ale Bwmet la refluierzssalon vît W y n'sClo ing Sal Prai AeUlu the chair. Fu Uoabi preas e apt lerk. Presi- sAmpoi Lte nIai 015 . .minutes CfP pa mu ed sud on Motion 01 flallovq snd MeOregor yere &p- provel. ainie rendt by 'lprk: mot & oodu...............2 _ ______ Molles I der aniova! th bills b.su m te b finance commttee. Ladies' Fleeced Ribbed Undes-wear caS ominilie recommended the W1'e have 70 iarments left to close ait 1 2 01i b bbi-fero.Former 'Pril u agidSI3C by Ufoa ii hra b ~ uon h ran Il:Men's nauri rey Und.erwear0%n igum nr rai h l rse tveln iegulur Price 3fjr Clo ing Peie. . . . u Ticairersa report for maniAi of Fe-25 num remît. adreporibown: Ladies'. Girls' un.i Boys' McKay Waists A ou o band Feb. lit . -$ 43.9 Regular Price 45e to 75e Closing out Priee any size.... 10eivei of Boehm Bros. «h qaunrten u. ... ose 375.00 Raeivdof.NDuand 2430Ail Woai Flannels naiget balance ou bond ln lu colonRs ed, Blue, White '~sM aof. .... 7445-93 Plaids and Checks worth 50 and OaGloway and Colby the Price fo close per yard ....2 e% o a" on Troaaures repent and mm* A 7 wu ace ud dordered plâceo u A WN N 9 ihatundn ruea I ~.~ Bnd.Cor. (Iene«Se and Washfngton Sts., Clam mare h. teanlmed -and voru te. A X G N Mavai by Gallovaj tbat iDIprovl. Moved by (jallovaj snd iaber man Waukeganma Harbor. meut t! he park b.c ompeti. Car- that caimittie af 1h,.. h@ appointoît The Wankegaun Harbor project of MeOego sd Oll goytesubait a plan of location for llgbia. ihSomcahbnmtîlu a. M'ed yMGrgrabalwy Carried. Colby, Sherinau and Dunis thala oommttee of 1h,.. beappolnted appolnted ais nch comniittee.. egan fp*perm af lat@ bide fair to de- tettryiew A. B. Cook ln regard tu Moveîitat meeting adjouru ina meet velope Inte îomeibing more extensive pu sa lot on nortil aide of Cook ,,ti Monday night, March M. Carrled. Ilhon even Waukeganites bald bayai CarId oUr eiao1 W C. SAIDBOBN. Village Clerk. for. If ia authoriively statesît iat Srman vere pO ntVoursDrezel, Morgan & Co., of Nev York, lu«. . l Dllar*. Wini, upon the return of favorable 1 oomuaieaon vas rend trou tb. Neyer Bndi dollar aval tram home vahr am.l.poelte e LiblyvI@ leceorie Llgbt and Paver lbe, the article iliat the dollar vilI gan tereimth jean 0 aî bai po 4%«b ilaletr : pu, miafao. purcham 0"a h.o btauet aihome. the epleion ofair irvonktheb.Clhi. $My te the Bard, for thb.nmu or $M0Moiey la aur mandaI blod. lse if- S uo @ydie known os the North jamatelned, lightule êcolatiou keepe the bilfai body it"v. Wuea adC.vlbgnv mi i tibtn lhe dii&iit coterei by nîeed 1h. body 1>3'sendlng lb. moaey upon Iteir tLanrCo. l e gch nne t or. prosmt au lampa. sa n h uioswl@o u nuo hi he-at hme ccu »Wpr movei ilint matier of electrlcaay, @etates u io uta uc lîju Dead river. A promsinent UIIgb. ý po@t~ odutil neit meet- -a look af lethargy and iuatlvity. AI- ofiiia heE .eE rlrmtl ibn. en lookat. ays tInde aI hume. Waieh 1he bar- 1eeite lbaorigtetria Movai pi » elloway and Shermangaina offeed by etrprlsiug adver. credlteud h aing the olminai fiai rueu..uniappoint a oommil«o sr nthi alie andyou 11>1. rncompn odbgu1.erti o tva te ara6uram oo! nvc e a aeramd>'u ea fdeevators andt warelaonaea luWaukefau durataou fWr lg«hltg lb. village wvlhtheii.beat places ta îî,end Ibone bome nsiuude of siximoutha. Alil luail Kaki 32 c. p. niote. Vote being polcît atoad dollars. ________ ___snt__w pomse 6 ai follova: Ayea.-Dultola, Gallovay, nnvîent aa onpale licOregor and Sherman ; naya-Clb7j019R FECT uand pennanent are tleb. bWl"cli...,gou the uorlb ubat Botb and Egir. Decared carrled. Prost-,- cures b>. llnod's Suapafrilla, bie. Chicago in ou the outh, ber largeat dent a ppinltd allovay snd Oberman canne it makles 1)u r, ricti, healllay, snd boit manfictu ring, and 1shipptng, as anceh COMM tes. lMe and hBl-gvu LOOD. point. ~j