CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Mar 1897, p. 4

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Enlared at the po-a t. aiUhIViO ÂVEIiuuwt& m 5895 ESOWU s Butter on the 11<15bonrd c1 traI Moudài rmainel Mmmeu ad eek tbe amariol OîdSM. 21000 POUliE wera 18014 né lac. quotiOfla aYMe Oniy lb?.. members of the Hous vere snfllcently meaitohin Ibeir - support of the single <od tandard*1ît vote againut tbe ingemaliUalmoue- tu7 ounforence billivhon Il vas pesas by the Houas. They wvon Qui«g, 0 N. Y.; Henry, 01 Coma., and Johnm, 0or lad. lln, oks0has thoqgà there iulghî De nmie Irnlh lu the 11k aboltorne Ilenalors baing deoeminel 1a hoal off the plan of Speaker RosI ta coUu'Req the legialallon af lbe extra session 10 the Ia*fiff by not appolftig1theHouas commlttleeawhlcb voul hbave ta0 N. port upon ether lagisiation before it eould be taken up, by caalng the. lailure 0f severi of 111e appropriation 1 bUis. If thon realyleiicha plaflil wiii De aS eyOTY y malter i10 OBfly *t ont oving ta he condition 0f seVeral appropriation buis etl"Sllme. P4kio. Il la mil Ihal Bryws'b ook is Drin&- ing hlm $1010 a "aY profit. C. 0. Cape- land shoul write a book. ThWre vinniers. Au Indiana mnan Iolais that adver. tising 10e. nul puy. He pl et aadlu a paper for a vife and <01 four. Nov he a l inJ&U. À mmntua àuelghburiug 10vii, vho doeau't laie hi& home payer, ent W0 centuia usaver 1tasuan vertisemeul, 'low ta maie panta Iwat." He reoev- ed th repiy: -Maie your coat anud vent Ora." Forty Ihoumaul civelernaaof theà Union .rmy asaerel lbeir fiuai roll callan IM. The fellova vbo have been grovling over "the enormonuE pension l Ual" viii be gratlied, but there are walliions vho viLl read th. staternent vlth Dca ybeaila. ItliAs ail the inaugurasl arsirobeofo! Mr&. Mcgiley viii eoct 110,000 sud vasaale aI Marshall ilda biges-1 tabliemuentlnluChicago. Mcinley probabiy elieves a l olung money la circulation. Much adxerscnîtolai la the roanit of Ibis socmiug oxtrava- gence. WDen yoa couiler. hovever, whose businesa laàl, anyvsy? Every column of a uevspaper con. tains froin Ove Ihouas e 0twenty-tOve thonasul distinct plecea of!santal, se. cordiug tu tbe ase of the paperald tqpe. The dislapcoant of one cf thase mains au errer. la It muy won- der Ihalerrora soineiimeoccur? Bill] nmie people aie shoced 0o gea mis- labea ln a »emaOaeL lu Minnesota a biillias beeunmitro- ducal lu caanpel saloonksopers tb place the word -DaagerouaW' ie big let- ters over the door cf Ibeir 18< ompor. Inn. It caunot be that 1the people ont thara inlly realize boy euiticing to tbe average Anarican danger la. ifl tey would order -,Paralla." put over the dor more young Amricas voul shy when they av it. Sanator Monroe, cf Joliet, la an act.. ive memnbor of th presenî legiiatur.. ()ue of hi. bisebas already pasul this sassion aud ho ha. nov introdueld a womaus suffrage Dil. Il pa.vtdc. for the grsutiug o! tquaisu&ffageon the foUloing elective 0110m:s: uper- viser, tovu clark,ooliector Maulbib. vay 'Commissloner. Il aien proides for separste ballots for vomen. EVERETTr. If yo.i Davoe@ver s»en a childinle Me agony 0! croop. You ase appreciale the gratitude of mohera vbo knov that One minute Cougb cure relievea lbclr 11111e unes masqulcily sas It laadmini. terel. Mauy bornes in Ibis City are Dever vibboujIit. F.B. Lovaz.; Llbér- tyville, sud 0. C. Roberts, Vsuconda. The Ladie SIociliCirel, otS Slt. Pslrci's parish gave s Carl Psrty a# melys Hall aie Foreat, Monda imlgbt, aI 1he. dof o! iicb <cm modIss ers <l'en thm lady sud <0.110 Mmahvlg von the amMeams dur. tu5 he b.inter, MI"s Julia Barner and Mr. John Laynuaa Ding thesuoemdfl on... The Prsenotations vée.male by Bev. E. OEiely. A bail follovol the carl paty, vhhvasuvsry mah ejoyl. Among tho guesta yeslth 1olluviug: Messr an d Mesdames Me- Vey, S111h, Richards, Dedmond, Mely; MuwsaTore, Bradley, Hersa OCounor sud lHrse; Mesar-..or 3*emmiandudBradley. Many -of t"1 Mm-use vojubylb. Iadie vere slstinan sd eautilul. Tostuilus, ttebin« moiley akin erup "t sel umida ne soothul aI iseaiel by DeVitta lie beova Lovwa Ubebty. - ~ f osim. - ai qlv L.g Gallu etedr vthe a Mi imba Parek. micoothm been ?eW» d imth cM eiva O du" on aohalt f more àall 3ev. 1.111e Wm.a. duL .:= sudsohc A.W mota, 5mfvfieS r tI. G b. eilwa vttu onent the balut v.u b Rve Oeosutmm Lthe rtlie lt ovee h k. ftehâbdo n mia. Is uaUnseiouésl.n ofo evrly. . "accuIofmr Vm. E. asudoon H. Bl eta,0fNorth dola imifar ri reaSboti.15. A.fW lhih umoenbanerlor f ai tn Deop d as ouf treed'th est Vol. noeBly. Have uste von m = erected toerthe graveo! 111ebuab»nilium@. Wsgma"alangArliouM.IHeB.Loht, u exsortsyesu . . Bamm aa boter.mmathVan . Chapis nd ZovW.nM.eBtgod, ha. been sie10t il ccd a saiMrn k e a Notle de kikow doars f oulug ofl a ove &Mneohlcuatmerabanod a vbeait. ligalepô achhrsu rtenomib. meverely. tic. ban e ous It CeeMnée moougbAtu foraithe .0ctyovii urdo enlticueri eo w riarsu v PALATIN E. Entertaàismeul lrilny bigbî. Mr. Danleiacu la Tory ick vlàth Ie gripbc. Van. Prean vas In Palatineo Wel. nealay. Mial Oottchlmii as in Harringtonl sunday. Mrs. W. D. Brown là viainrleudis lu Bociford. Mr. Porep la recovejing from bia severe ilm.. Prof. Vals, cf Lako Forent, vas lu Palatinlulad lrday. MW. Geo. Arp@ visiting friands ln Barrington Tbur«]ay. Borua1teMr. sud kirs. Henry Laursen ou Monday, FeD. 22, ason. The McCabo's have gone to St. Paul te Mr. MeCabe, vho la sick. seo. Wilson lan movlug oulo bis mother's faim veoI o nv. Mns. James Kîlsen, cf arriugtan. vistel friends boe.t'isyhiewe. . Chas. Bollcbaob, o! Minnesota. vis-1 lited relatives bore reoeutly. Nait Ricbmnd sud fauully vera <unta as El Heia'a Sunday. A boy arrved at lbe home o! Mr. sud Mrs. Nieuneman lob. 2251. Dan iBargmanald F. W. Vogt wvan lu Chifago on busineus Auealay. The Lsdleç' Mlsionary Society mnat nt Mm 0 . H. Arp's Wedueaday. Mn. Maurice Keilogg, of Nebraska, in visiin< hem unI, Mr». Piuniey. Mine Doras Berlin vas married la Fred Arnott ntlianovor lob. 25., Chus. Pataii tarted for Washiugton, D. , C.Tuenday.for an oxteude trip. Contracter 1orçthin uha. oeural Ibe ceniraol fur Vin. mechingla new skire. A. C. Smith sud lmisa Cile Lytie viite at 1ev. Sanths lu Genoa over Sunuay. " Mrs. Henry Bchierdiug sud daugliter TuUie bave f<oue 1te1NewOrleans t10 viait; frieula. Prof. J. J. Seom bascoumenteilte1 gir. a concert for the Loague course aboutUic lust 0f March. Thés Ameniaas, rphatonc Co. vIlI give su enterkilmnout luaHstermmas hall Ibis (Palsy) cveug, ThoyomUgLlaMi somàrySoiety -Miimentet K iseZay Baiera lriday evenlng. AU youag Jedice velcorne. MicaeDansa liberg sud Louia Ocesabeck ver. marisaat Uic home of Mr. Tii.. ut Scliaumberg Pcb. M5. Obrieuati chrissusosa"udmiseHan- M& jcaen ver. marriod ta Chicago Fe. 95. They viiloecouy Unh.Cou. verso fsrm. MMinuie Schauniberg »d Henry Linnsu vere nileala ruarriage ut thc Lutheme churcb Tiursday Met1b noon. 1ev. Drogaubler ollcitlg. A roepile s àà i 0 licb,«meof Ibe gro proet ste e remy. une Minute il amlithe lime neeeesay tu decide fmom pereuonalelperience "liaI Ose MteCougbCure ioee vbat lieame luapliée. Bal by IF. B. Lovai&., Lïbcmyvlile, and G. C. Rou. Mms, Vaucada. eau, W. s. umiwùw. s~ -~ '~l I t *ea* s noA. . .. J.& J 1. oaaeo Sacy. G No. D361]L xvsusTrNxasIL. V. O o8.5e. Eoora. CWl. O w&'v" O'at Q RWAIONALCburch uadp, mr- m Ïsu~m.aWt Asd M.1 Ail the mombeusof Gre»sq lmp M. V. A. bv ueirlds a!a Me. buabsus t fthe mbera of mis- pab Camp vho are nos laembers of the M. W. A. .mr. ax»M.. . . LgieY sMd lmo Her'ad, et Enueil. vial ed *"iti la. lives be lasI lrtiay. Thej'vue.on their vay home "trois, àMale, N. , ib. Higies abllihom omre. Tbey stoppel scVerni la"8atAobliie wharé Vsad@rMlteuualo la loustl, sMd "iàmoaCeoegs. vbere lbey ase osadel Lookoul oueain. Mr. Big-, ley brolugb bomn several vievi, vbicb be sook vilibic camera. rw#usmr uv wwamaaerm na mm room 'Vshburue hbas«q<oea1Midi. E. . Hsvu;V.~B. B. ilasaxa: W. C. ilevile, Mic11., te bing borne bis .bridce. Umarbpiag, teI i estie Grayslak. Vilae Offlcre. lloyd. formeriy of Urayslake, vas mo- Peident ................ 0eo. Thomaun ffisédeMatch idu, 8M Miîliille. F. Ç. Wlbur. 0. Buren, They ir iviitMndMtes iudn o. Lu. hazgoon,. .Ia:'%". other places for »ev"raieekae, thon Tmaurer ....i ." ... - . Naville comme 1 Or~*Uakto maie Ibeir future Police Mimtra.*............... C. Norsehome. W@ vla hémenail11the esucees Xmal ...... ...........A. maNillon and happinLeu 0f vhleb tho are Wortby, vbicb viiihobs.Ma futaure. Mica Mary lihervoul. o! Kenomha, la The "I>eelk hisl" guven Dy the gnemI of Mr$. W. Hendee. LibevtyvflltMg"ntaL the tovu hall Vlua MMen ansd bride bave lit Salurday eveini va. ey goal. ýtsXq&up the#r abode vith bis brother. We ar e mny Ib theu ver. peetel Ailes u meuen. byseommail as audicace, but 1the col Mr. ralvmy bus lessd Ie voather vas probabi! th. casan cf pov ocouples fron RMa.. Loflua, vbo e- bt l eu uSesvr.liovever,1 cently purchasel îIL those vho dila"tend moi oycl it Rra. Phelpa, ocf Faraulugton, Ili, OMAiSLAKKE9U73L amUiv&aL. fonmerly 0f tislaplace, wvas viellng H. Vasbbunk MUn. Wbite, lamlUtUer,i frienda ber. sund at Libartyvîlle laI E. B. Vhltmoms, Joe Haines, T. Yob- veek. msu,Cbaa. BromaGe Stein, Chieago. W. wonder boy George lest hic be r Cano, Burtiagtou, la.; D. T. overoust la" Tuemdsy tu Cbicsgo, but Webb, Waultefea; J. A. Aunasi, 51er- wout say auythlug, provldcd itdoeau1 ilagf; E. S. iolge. 0. Gsrrity, 1M1iliburu; happen agfain. I. Mary Sbevvoo&, Kenoaba; E. A. lpord, Mr. ViiiMerrick, of pringIleld . Mn. Wool, D"Y Beymnore, Wauconla; Wde., -ho hm.rented Caaaiu D)olitlue oco. OShay sud Frauk Josuacu. bob- foasm, etAvon center, brougbl biamm-ford; Arcbie Hobart, ocaca jet. ly lovu tht. veek. Fi FrRet The1*1e.'AidSoiel vii ncelaI The unlersignel la isrous of!rmnt- MM. Vuelooka Weeaday, March tag bis farm rof 16 es thisaspring 10 10111. AUlaecubers are, requeied ta oMO M01rcu "cty. Th. fInm ha presses Msit la the lima for the an- i ut ategowh.ile eut of Bouma P. muielcio f -Mem0iOn thelovn of Avo, Lae eCounîy. nusi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý eloino ocr.F rilliara, etc., i on -or sd- MiaPah Camp Il. N. A. will cebrale Ires. Vna.mA. CalsieNOray&- jit Birt auuiveruary Tueaday, Maroh 9, lakO Hotel, Or&alake. l DM YouEFver Stop ta Think That Money Saved is Money Earnedl And here's how we help you out -4 lai Flour. .,',.............-$1.10 2 bers Seap ...................0Oô Brick Cheaso .......... o Miaie Candy................ .08 Can Grean Gage Pînan.... 0o 3 1Bars Butterni kSoap ..... .9 3 Bais OelneaJ loup ........... .26 i'air.Overallia................. .2 81.00 pair of CorsaIs....-... .. ...45 Mens 861.00 anmmd1.8Glovas .6.0 11.15 mttens............... .90 Boys Suit of Clo thes, 15:1l8 yr. oid 3.00) Our 50e Milaus . .. .....,......38 Crochet S11k ................... .4W Lamon Ettrset .............4 F. H. Kuebker, Brick Store. GRAYSL.AKE, Dansersefthe CrOi p. The gratddager iran la Gripp in 01 ils vmseing mn pueumoola. IDe ressoabe e »le ud4d hovever, sud Cbin.rIwo Wngih eiucdy laoem, ail dangse vi bearOMde. ,Amu.g te»,, utthoUsls viwo bave .md thio remedyfotôt l pp, va bave y.l tg 1ea M xmmgl bavlngresled lu paurnonia, vitb ubhoea nialy tisIis vessirbha cerisiaprovM.- Ivp ôf diet 1»l dsm4lsa. It wIIIen"& otbw:«tios ieThé Msd 9m osa @bu fS MMbiIP. - rov ous sdi.? on au J. a. BaSPOm. »ý OA Y LA E suceaoue. %à ar C » ILLINOIS.1 A eompiete U4NE 0F Wiatches, and Can alWays b fou nd at th'e store of lilia youi Cool Syrup *Mr &llon ...... Gfl Rassed 0o0e., pcr lb. . ool Jaqisatiper lb ........ California pruniswartbh B'vspolel APPI04ler ]bn ... cantloruma EvaPolatol Peaobe... lb Ça.usl Corn, pàr «àe.......... Cannel Table P«eho., -ID., en CanlPgnaphin, 3.1b peros. Lot Childs Olervear, saeh .8CoalceThrad. 7 apools . Ciiember Bat, Osaoces,.........1 .0 ockford Bocks, 4 issr, ý.._., .10 Thse above la but a amail llst of the. thinge we aie selIIng Very Low. DROP IN AND SEE US. W.e vil kep yoonlaerlng hoc il la Gooda eau beîtoldao lov. GrayE DrWH.Davis, Prof. Princi. piesa and Practice of Medicine, Tb.orputica sMd Matonis Mia, for many pears, and eonsultîn r à physician to the Presbytenian Hos-. Pitti, Chicago, office suite W14 Columbus Momorini Building, cor- ner State aud Washington Street@, Chicago, writes nuder date of Feb. "To WumIT I Av Cosernas 1 take pléemure in stating that 1 have known Dr. 0. B. Hove for' the paat 18 years, bave been often cs.Ued in consultation with hinu and bave knovn mucb of hie work and studies during bie course.iw coUlege whicb vas very tborongh in ail the departmenta of medicine and surgery; in active practice Dr. Howe han beld rank among -the beat aud most uccensful precti- tioners in Chicago. He in a con- scientious and ver youccessful pby- sician and surgeon. Rosp)eetfuliy, W, H. DAvis, M. D." Dr. 0. B. Howe Treaseie ttihlcaiy sud sucoa.fully by lbe lateai approvel mtholeSUai cbreelo Dîaaaaas of!tUic nlungseart, Ibrost, nos% »alomaci, 1,cr, idixys, bovola vomb, sud so;ualorgana. SumiD n&zauasemeabmlatifs, mallnbeum;, &Mid liesl, taera. PsoriasiscaPluea. peoilasis sycoala (Imrbcru'il<mb> ring worm, herpos mue"e. sailauforma o! cutuflous eruplton, blogebes, blaui besds, etc., cunel in ou. monsb. IMsAND sauzrclQve nAIS remored, vithoul pain by eloct!-l)yis Cure guaraaitesd. Dlselssuor mss sSavons ais-rus seurlatbenla, lecemoton Maia, pro. greeelve pemaynla, beaiaclie, neuragla, sciainlsomnie, epilepmy, cnred by German insIbod sud slebolysia. lsunuaiisa smute, articulai, anuseu- lai, lafiammabry sud rbeumatic tont, poaltively curaI by II nev aud susecesa fui procee. Came guantel. x-RAY APPARATrUS. Auction Sales. .w..o,ý l are rthmto: . ti.. ,n-ntlon. SoOT fILE: Al »tuuso! E sd ete l "DÉ. ,er o aeemdt0o am . aiwi, on,,ei akailotoeas er- J s,.r emove mmiwu lMa. KM;Lir W4îTîELPmn Ub id onue Haciel Lobé sud Cob " a pecialy. 1 have tabou Bfrat prernturn on aMy Lcgboru.. for ngemai yrm. im" $SUpteim ber lent have nom22 lae binae aud ot11have fow te ssiiM$1.0 AO & esci. legsfor batching 18 for 01.00 ad $3.6b luventigate Iseore boyieg eliewhore. J. P. WnLIANUs F. BAIRTO W. 4 Marble and Granite Dr. Have hu as complote cleeoliMîa outil Aclndlug theo cebrtal conîrivancas the dcolr le eusbla)d to aETR explore thelonumont romeao! the WORK Dimnaurgaliiu ansd RCao vîti th- natl aI0,0 lý,it bcforc ramaluel of bidden or obscure. TorLon 'gravie XMOIISR 01RADIC An») oàLvAic Emai. su ad ail ibuda -EVEBY o! diagnostic and Operative lustria- meula lgoasint hi. lu ýarriving Mas aDESCRIPION correct diagubal fa my Iiasmansd their succeuful treaineut lotb medicelI sud aurgical. 0rpam Virelur»straightened Dy surgieal varOmul opo .s.btumontleus, or Vanucocunspermaneonly curel hy aà nov metitol. HrD>9oCax.uaWD sMnuA curel vi onI opcraitlou or délay fram buaoes. XmnoaaÀxlrrumoeand ail ibu grovthi, farelgu bodies, necrcsci boue, etc., removed by surgI9< Opamation. Dzroaxiriss correctel and birti marks reniovel by electrnlyas. COMBUTrnATION PraeB au»<-ori. issYIrAx.. Ait niedlelinem furtileluol patients,.i.. a 0. B. HOIWE, M. D.0 Office ut iMotol Wdà4ook,. Woodetock, Silnols Suite- 28 and 29. Hours* 10 to12 sm.; t to 3and 13 10 Sapm. Wlm ma le oe- .tonal visil; ,,country ctaoa «atifo vitfh citer qtielifted pAîti- -BRANCH OFlFCES:,< Llbertyvilli., Trlgg aylorEligg.; Conqooom apbr mail pOaotly anavua. <-Mds lum W. H. A PPI Y,, Having "b amch"quis 1 au.poaele ..»O »ob praeg. lwb. asurs>rI.d to k.ýow of-the, Bargains w.e are offering., HHR ARE A FgW. F. D). BATTERSHALLU siake - - - -

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