CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Mar 1897, p. 5

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PIKDUp HF-RE*AND THÉRE. LLocal Items of Interest ta LibertYville Readers. -l à. M.7LOr. W. W. vTt TABLE. WmaiT orthh c -aI Why it is that it pays ta trade with us? VLMamti StIIlmtii tC 'cIi t SIbu Gaod Prunes ...... smntyci .t46'lm i. ci - e i Raisins ......... M'SON LCHICitAGO i a. .. p t. .. M f. ejut. 8 *' " Apricots... 4 Cans Corn........... 4 ilPeas .............. 3 Tomatoes ........ " Salmon ............ 4 Qts Cranberriesq........ lu greatly benefted by praperiy adjusted lenses. 1 have a complete outf it Of Optical lenses and instru- ments for testing the eyes. and especially invite those who hâve had trouble with their eyeglasses ta cail. Mr. C. Vuille, an aid experienced optician, naw ln my emplay, is canvausing the coun- ty. and to persans wha cannot visit us at aur place of business 1 recammend his services as a campetent aptician. C. R. Sherman brtyville, II r TO LVELLS DRUG STORE FOR SDrugs, Meducines, Chemicals, ' <4PErofulrotRY. SOAPB, comme, B Iruebeu, Tinsse.. Supporters, 8houlder BrBeun, Fancy and b Tuile! Aitielés, hkàandu Stationery, Dye 8tuffe, Guis, Puty, q PAINTS9 OILS, VARNISH ES.$ lit ~PATENT_ MEDICINES. q VamoyIiy dieines sMd Phyuicsus' Presciptions 05111111a ~' <4 opousided st a&H bon. 4 0Locls Carefully Selected. Only the Bes qi «» 4 îi« 4 of '1*1I 4 < GOMBINATON AOFFER. .. WE 'OFFER FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY THE CHICAGO INTER'OCEAN AND LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDENT ... At the0 fiilirng reqiaikabl7 1ev figUre vlen -"lubbed' or ordered togelher W.kly ler ocesui sd Iadeyedent, 1 90 »017 .. . « 1............,........... ."....75 Daly imu i uday laSer Gmma sud Indepindeuit 1 yer ....... .......... O Re.oiutio o Respect. Taxe. are comtng luto th-, - &t a regnia meting of te Iveuioe Tressurer'e office very . low. OnIy Ca@mp, N. iUNS, M. W. A., heid Fa itegitl colleclure have %o far rapraut 97, i1, te folovlng pressable sud »y reses aI ml.r roultons e ves mmnimbai sladcoled; WlgcaLu, I tbu pié to AI- A communicaion froua Mesrs Austin X ta ka fiOle Ou PiSOaC 0 & Oolby sasies ltai litay are enroule P . . bi l4ed le l Litryvlllé viti twtvacar loada of! 'In"lWe d e. I rnth lm of our settibbor end lthedeprlure fies Minnesota aveW, viict lte! ViII ivmtaOuiimiI t fan bonsel sud er- offer forsamle. pue ooiker -ad ciize, titerefore baiIl filgeeired, Thîl ire extenut or C3 m. _ pslhy taite fetmly suid frlueds o!ou deoeeeaaNeigli.r,an li ti 'fteolved. Ta. eeî,tdtni lak the.camesct syuipthy enîl cira aavhow;IWM&ranP409iiIM.vwblah 44n laesil teou negihor turing lhi,.aru'i U O ailvl ode O7e Mud deali, sud Pbthlie Royal Negh. - g fWmwttiida 'for Ihef r %)ad violaeeas iteicbuutal a forli lbuUhlal.bipitsily aeivu Mth -UlSbtllIECU !i u eat t lt I imee * d-e4 bitluxher Rcseloed, Thaltlîheaa resoultions a a sprn upoi te rocords <f the Camp apte dmtien"U da copy thiera of ha lranaaitted so fkim.,c&"iomaAu bsmuiîy etaedececiautNeiglabr dreat. M e. 01' 608êC.~b mm *too! lita naveap reLa kà M» oirPLUte WCSUbUmUe iU uo0111y M. C. Ducua, C. P. Tnumeco. F. M . SaUIvE, Rhaumatlmm Quiekly Cured. _______Afler haviuig boen cunfined te ie acoo nter4inmêllt. Zboum e o lvA dmys endl payin out À , h00. 52su0mu'in dctrbitlle iitoul ouelil. 1fr. A lite in d uic blal entert&în- Pnk D01040B Of0aut lsbe. Marie. litai. ensta oultii Ill lte ludicrone vsiscured ity onc hotioaU f Ciamb- --ue A Yanke. Peddior." aili bit. laiePain BaJin acttug 25 centsad buas nltii"c been lgonitiadwvl it bas Ove y b1 Se Ture.e hool Ala te oomplaiiiÇ pur e"*yb y .fA. Lo'VuxA, ib*ld4 Irtday evelda. liBiSit'i. jLbelyvlHe, sMd J. IL BMACIEus, Gn- Pm" f eblti 15517ailue. - '.i -'nt-'. . 1.a . Y.- Nfirm.rvlà. aula6:12ii*it7:40 Icai on e, u t6.'c1 oi Wmaortut r-1 au0 & -denotca dlyi.Spa lenotes Sonder onli. BliNDÂ TRIAINS. Lv.h'>tritl. 'u.a.Ar. Roedouit tU.U. LV. ljh ieleU . i.L.Uerrie u t&Mn No. S ruine Banda Ou. eoinsuah. Witt mop un ianai as Lovm.s-At nom SMDia 124eUtg beti rrv.n Train lNO. à4baubeen tlittnfrt Deu'mid lte CIice0. = @euDthd laIL a. mi. .........'n ................C. H. Averti CI-rI .................... W. C. Hatt.rn Treasurer .................... W. C. Trlgza i'olo Multrt.............W. P. Dais ......... ........... X. Fresbman L IBEItTY VILLE LODOE. No. 492 F. & A. M. ileguler Communcationa iuid & iti oaurdareojaembhmonth. Viitins brettenrn modiil eouad. 1. W. BuLataxy. W.M. At' CAMP NO 1;6 W. of A.. macrU A Ort su ýhrd *u' i f ae int mml Mt W.olecHalnover Eere'a brd«a. C'. R. t3nàAxc.Vy. C. CeAw. Estaia. CIrk. Nov for prosperlty. Mdatile Wrightlia merituhl, liti vit peritonitth. Arthur Lawrence bas' returned front Wllmot, Win. Ifettale Pille e tcutforing villa typbl.ilever. Il. 8. Wilio, of Dlamond Lake, waa li Liberlyville Wadnemday. March crame lin iike a lion, and wiîo kuove jmst boa il vill retire? Mr@. Beach anid son Fred, of Ivauhoce, vieited la Llbertyviile Mouday. (heu. Peilon bas been eery lit villa pueumunla, but la alaviy convaIecing. lira. HnghReldd two ciir-n are visiling hfer motter. MUn. H. WVilliams AJ.Leonarui, of <, tranx- ltui uiness ici Lihertyville Wediieai douae misrreaut t clie ten idea froua W. Warona eianuglter btouse titis veek. Idra. Ueo. Locke sud on htalpla.of Higitaood, viniled at Mfr. John Locke 8unday. John F. (ehinge. of Lake Foret, te viating hie home sud frit-nde t Libertyvllle. Harry Giaeoti ili erect a bjouge oppoaite Bob Proctoreâ on Park place tuI lteneai future. Myra. Aun Smtlith, mother Of lire. H. Luek. le recovering front a severe et- bwck Of Pneumonia. Frank Nîcitolmeas tndWill Stiermna took ln the inungural ceremonies at Waslington, D. C. Thnreday. Mr. and Mr&. J. J.Porto , of Bocke- feller, vliled lte latteras parente. 1Mr. and lirs. E. F. Hinitard, Sunday., Chbas. Smillh moved hieslaouselaold effra ttMblre. Campitall'a bouge on Davîsion 89. lte tiret of the ac,'k. Frankmaid (leu. Wright vent ta Hop- kiuito, St. Lavreucet'a., N. Y. Mata. day ta attend lte fanerai of au aunt, returniug Frlday. A licenie lai oaiq>*1 on cigarette delalera promises 10 eficluulyput a slup10 lieusae of Cigarette% lu Ci. cego. ils mgood titig. UCr. Hauiry Blatbarvick, etf Rock V&1107, l., fommarle o! Wanentida.tla vitlug li dangialer, Mtri. Fred Crotter, ltae prems l eek. Thea Follebcthol viii gît-c uienter. talamntuansdhiekel socia tîmie Lache acitul itonise Priutay evenlug, Mar. 19. Evaryitudy huvileul. t' ealtor prophete are predleirîn.aI kbute o! severe veatiter for lte proeut moutitof aisrch. If bhey have tt6ir vay. l it l i rpiy Ihoea "terror.' Cas- G. Acken bas nterlml oin the groutl àanfa villi Umaduen samethae weither mlil perlait, a lau slary house alieh briickfouîtlatiou ,va Firèit treet. S'. notice in Our excliacgea &il kînda of annouticemeute of iiltepeu. dent canduidates for tovn oilea. Townu eleeu-causc.acr Tuoisday. Aicril r., tli l year. itoy. Corlett, wviih lameon emplu> eu itaosha, WSs,futliepasac oulas,4 wu laiïd or" vtit 3 41 Itier iaployea rZeIZ. "tore. A single door viii tae.te place af tlhe double dqora nov unseutand aduitional ulut tIhue he given te vifadowe, akich vili bho0f itavy plaIe gias. lTe hallvay leadlng to Dr. (Jllovaya offie wili alsu reeive a coal of hard finish anduthle doctor'e suite of roome be repapereut and renovulcut. The Ladies' Aid Society of te elitodiat eclaîcafavorout Lihertyvill- lana villa a musical andi iterary pro. gram Thuraday evening. Pob. 25, sucit as oui people are privileged t - enjoy oniy at rare intervala. A gonodaudi- ence vas preeent sud itearty encore. vere accorded the participants. While certain racitationa on te prograin el- celîcut. enCire ta amy ail vere excellent andt dcterving lte apprenriation 130 ap- parent. A. M. Hlcinson, ti Storm 1lake, la, fomieriy ai thie place anut cili kuovu ln athie cannty, lit biebot.. andt contents by ire lut aeî-k. 1Mr. llutclainson was hreakinig citai fi.r a furnae iien a fragment atrtick a lamap, hrcaking Il and i liglailing nmre aitavinga. The ia"es epread su rapidly thîe luimmica vere hrely able ' lit escape, nothiuig being saved. Mr.1 fluilhinson carrieut $6,(«0 inaurance. and etinmatee hie ]oea aI2t I.0 When il omea riglal downta, aâne1 iairad detective vork, blarai Promit.à mmsaluonas np wttià abrilliaaacy thalf eausea Pînkerton, Mooney, sud even Niok Ceit er su ai aGiee te) pale tii.- tu lnaiguiuiieic. litelynxi eyra ad cet ilke trend bave conabinedt Ilaoth- or gifle of nature lu place hlm oui a pedieal fer aboya comniOn nartaia. me a Iief cachter. ilt ee tihuetlyt W (C. ganbei-n enîpItojeuta tailor hY te nanteof Fraek Crosa, and duriug 1Mr aubogt'abeeuce iluîuday Frankt ap- p roprialbadeagrume. ion or leeu, o! ueebkle, 50er>'. tînulrweiîr, etc., andI loft foi parleaunkr.owu. Thiibold iad aman nuivtitaghy luftit lcdrem milte pogb.onfce, hcever. ciBla instructions te forvatu hiesmii itil thteru ei e Mail gel it hle .a ly vark. .He aceuteiea lii.-. ui e utieu ita lte proper ntI.ýrity i;riIimelf luChl- clagu le-ue ty lturning, apami- ingu liat meee Juslas (Irous vas reoaing hlaaeelflun antoru*'ebail. îMart d.mauded, lu dOQp, glutter&i l"es hi@ uuoondltloni serrender, sud go, il. Tber. Sing me lermalive Grosa prooesded la mied lmansd bSq. T H EShortest Girls have THELongest Legs-«ý ln Appearance Only. Loy Scbanck twill return bis, tika1 tu lte COinty Tremurer oeil Wednere- day. Have yon poil jolur taee? The anti-departaeuat slorefilit, L, lie- coeing listeresting. <.utààty ie'à-l eitantitvili lie greatly li .rted l ty leglpltIonu aguisoel d..Imrtmital touses, 'i, .ê '.g~n.(îiiîiof the i'r.b> erie ctri IIigiY-.'àa 111r- itry und nostaaa.a enttrtailiueut mi tIe clîrnrcit Frldsêm' cv.tnig, >.lrcb 26, 1897. Admission,, c cilàreu, 10c. F. iattilv, 0f Waukegatî. cioaed a maent Ite preecuilweek for te crec- lion of a large grtphagn. nmonumnent to ha made of red carnatlion Scotch granits, forUr. J. J. Davie onulise lot tu te Lakeside cemetery. Tho ladiesa fthe lýakeâi(lp dCcmetery Asocation were favored willa but a Pour attendane ut lte prementation of lte "Deestrlik Skuilc' tai rayelake Imt StnrdaY niglat. Eltolgi to de- fray expenae vas renelzi,d lowever. Dr. Knlght. or Wankegan. wast called to Lbertyvilie in consultation villa Dr. Taylor Tueftda tu lte caae of Bert Hoyt. Tbe diagnoaw as ol tavor. ahI. as 1r. Hoyt'friendit hadl hoped for, sud grave iaop.e;are cnlertaiucd( 91% t0 his recovery. BeY. C0. D. «cver la Stiter] iug witl touelt 1e and waa unabîr 10 orecupy the Presbyf.erian pulpittt s Sodny. His frlenîl, 1ev. ut. Coon, of CêIcago University, filled hie plaèce anud de- livered two excellent sermnons. Mr. Coon ulîl ao preach eil Southey. The net regular meeting of the Y. P. B. C. E. wil ho heid a i te home ol Misti Aliee Arelier titis (Friday) evenlng. After business lx dis- poeed of an informai cod-aIl ime vill be in order. Menbers sud friende of te Socloty a>e invited V) bt preseut. Luet riday wae thetesteelday upon viica peraet for the Martch term o! circuit court coutil ho eerved. The grand Jury convenes nDotit onday. Titere are 183 chancery, and 123 law ee for Ibia teri, egainet 212 citancery and 1294 lav ai the !fovembev terni. A dcfective dune caumed w at mlght have developed Int a acrioua lie, the first of lte veek, on the old Waldo farim, noir ocCupied by J. H. Weter- tiied. Quick and deciaive action pre- veuiteutmoreltan te damaging of car- 'pela sud diraitpaper, however, andthlie I,,ctrance compenies represented lit E. W. Parkhitut lualîltîe iaim for dâmag. atluitiititîK tîd 544. îrî.uaiîty. Tion ut Il f i. StC te col à t aitre-, modelittg the front 0f of F.IL . Avi' M, B. Colby & Co., Dealers ln Everythlng. Use Atlas Flour. Atlas Flou r makes more Bread and Better Bread than any other Flour. W. seli the Best Kerosine Oit, Try it. Cotton Fiannel per yard Tennis Fianel per yard Cotoitadea vortit 20e ta o sà, yd. Sicrinap for Curtîcua% Antaakesg ingtanta par yd. Stadapd Prinle par yul. orangea per doz Cherry Prunes per 11, Corn Starcit per Ca Can Svaal BiBecit Baking Povuter Ty Ca plug Tobacco paribl We hanve a fcw 10e Drese (iinghâms to close et A few Zephyr Ginghams ut Iteady-made (;iugbani Aprone 7 cents 10 cente 10) cents F. C. SMITH & SON,9 Butler BIdg. Libertyville Ilîlinois. Ti tiahau thfle deired eoUet on Senhorn who accanipanfed ut landt ltI vurthy becomit nellov forbhitîl, andtvepl a L sympalleili. vep, tailing Grass ta keap bie boadle, lurther propasing to0 psy lai exepueaif ha vonld go t l Washingtan, vîev lte Iauguratini mand incidenlelly la., ln a supply o! nicea freait itnesty. Mais regimlared a free-à ilver, uemormtic irk againal San-a 1borne »philautropby, andt Wiii hau t ii acqtuieoe, eonteiitlig imeel! viit ai donation of ativice mand arainga, nut fonrgtllng lu) imprees Groàse ititMt'@l'a qîîalities as a --bogie nasa.' (roee1 promimedt luha good uni il tae naît1 lime. andt mter an sftetloiae mtefaeel lte ceptors lets. W. C. Siiba?5 A Co. ara d.ýing iiine ata lte old taslnd, a nea tallor bolng lioeied. Ilort la cIemutag arait lampe, tâtspenelrsting gaz@a nd alontit lise demeanor amli caun iîî mal ho" lut y scronaste selicol mnrmtdring "haa larshal Freahman-" Unolimed Latt.rm. Foltin liaI a114toflatera ,em&intl iii the Dia'tvi~,ii.. roetoiftlae.Marit i. te. unelaimed. Wtën calilue for Uame 4&Y - mdert»nd.' Mr%.. J. E. ior.-n Niaitolas roimmn. Mi. Conisy. Nov thaI btha village board buai vr- luiily agread to give Mfr. Loriuig a Éve year cortract for Iigbllng lte itreetm of Liharlyville te quemtion o! ie ligitta la b*lng agitateut, many beiiev. iug tite business portion of bawn abould bc itegitted u t aIsI ejetent. A plani thal ceente tu meet ivilla gaurai approval la tu bave four are ligata oui illtaukee Ave.. at the Intersections rf leke. Sclîool, Siragie muid Chuicit etreetet. andthlie tersory îîov coverait b, sîreetlalmpa outsîde ltta business portion lu ho lighled vitit 32 caaidie power incandescent lampe. The plau la -a gond one sud front ial oeauo. glemu thte convenonsofutopinion lm tit il ltouli h. adoplet. 1fr. Loring iniforme ns l au enand tia wiliug to putl ti arc ligitte mould lte board suaorier. .tito t hioped lte village falters weil virefully couelder tiiephasie o! lte malter Monday nlgitl, sud va he- lieve lte busInesé men sud saumjorily of lte people iil appiove te plan. Great Cure* prove-I by titons&t.i. et testimtoniale iilîw thit Iloods Ser- uaparilla posseseecepower te) pîify, vitalize aeuericl lte blod. Hoodts Pille are 5eolY Piles to ba taken wih Ilooda Baparla. _ The place for good'Goods and Low Prices is Tri~s &Taylor's Defeci Libertyvil-le._ 111. tive Eyesight Ube And so it lu with cheap and shoddy Shoes, they are oood ln appearante only. Alil ur Shoes have good material and work- manshlp. A Shoe made of good materlal antI poor workmanship lu flot good, neither îI let good Shoe made of poor material and good workmanshlp. Keeplng this n mmnd, we buy only those Shoes ln whlch good material and workman- shlp are comblned. Shoos are rightly placed in the list of «*The Necessities of Life." Half the comfort in this wvorid ls lbut ln il-fittlng Footwear. Our Shoes are an institution that wil care for your feet, and portect them better, than any chartabilnstltution would your body. A Shoe that la really kind ta the foot lu not easlly found every day-unless you vîsit'our store every day. Brlng a few Dollars and your feet and see what we can do for you. a. X. nobaluan.

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