Axe the reamen for having pour olothe TAXO KDE- W. glv. 70U the Bot of both. SANDOAN 4 CO.. TAlLONS AUU 011,75 NNmSllLNs, Llb.vt~rvit1*, Illinols. - Real Estatt.àndý.t*nt!ngfie.f Liisi your properiy wU m$na i zad YOD a cusiomol reoasnblo rat"s. Âmoag numerous choic. bar- LlbertyvUW lte i> Property. gaina, I bave lb. foilo'wiU.g EflI& ue0h sah oAaicoin noi Parut Property. For mal* & Lauiu on. meoueais fma NýotaIs. »v boUdin Mm esat, oho meunai mirovod f"aR nbaniaet i Gaie a. 1ah. PrloS tuS mm er.Part clà ib oa imAt aI lvile o lalereal. <ChOm Ltà ftzm ftat a ftrou M Lak. lbwter& ho Dunby rpetr-m onua. -lm %aua.liotB na,1vuker&bos bora on Dision Bt for aIM or roui. temauuimb P fiai vWO. Port PJso Li. InSu rance à unms af utWm rdtoeSubscriptlon News AV ate ora milo8,oN vamie lad. rond Ô k$ RC sSordarr bu*. a»v« b failiaaid bovangsvesm. oeMnuoa on ail Piïrlodicals. duiesat ta a Wls. Osutrl ILB. BUlo s If you want to Buy *og roable torma. Fourfaruii ruion TowSalP. Fent Lake or teil Coui se teami tabria la Avon TawnahipRAL ST noir Uraolske. RA SA Be Sure to Cali on, H. C. Paddock, ûbetyville, Mnos A FINIE LIN .FURNITunr,. Essla. Notu»r Imos Clockh ole, Boom moulding W&U Poc , is, Pai, l'Spa holdare, OMh Book cés, Vamiw", Cent«r tau«e, Glas, Extenion tab's, Pntip, Diaing chairs, Bru"he, Bookors MNwors, couches, iMatirns, 10o11400, Cta,Bpings Chamber suite.. tc., Etc. ,.AiT.. ISAAC HEATH & SONS Libertyville. Ilinois. VOLO. Job Vaaoj hm moved an Omond 11.11e tarsa la MoRiony oounty. Charley Dovol rnoied on thic 0.. lcCultun tarai near Wanoonda lioaday. Reny agmma'îmou-l 4evmoved1 on tr a. t amin laVolo, vaicat I>j Charley DoweUl..1 Theladlse of Vole, vill givm. a uj-1 per lanlthe Vlo M. B. ohuroh Wedne. day eveniag, liafth 10, fur the benoît of hidipostai, nov. Clark.- uPpper ,.Hl b. served in m Sta 10 p. I. A good musical and Utorary prograi bau aIBO been =ragd. supper %.A wimlb. eloo The mhool exhibition la Kir*zo .Bafl Saturda' aIgtuivl! attended. The. participante rendori th irpoRt exeleotiy. Mwcii reili tadue the. teechora la dhlIllg the. obuidren. Mi. adlira. fapkey, af Wanoonda, Save sevoral inuical adcoon, vhiok Wor biglay approolatod. The. praouda vere 313:45. PRAIRIE VIEW. W. Wilmoi vas sema on Ouf troote lately. The. much talked of electil r&aac inas fr la m eovor. J. liMuon losh a valaable bora. lait9 vek iVilb mlevfer. Mabe. Mus«ibua.returaci troin a twa moatheo Bts! aîyale". Tboiovua apleut arraooh nt Earvoy Coons lait hiiaynagz Ail reorat a goad liai.. It la surprlalagbwhita -4v»bit of a~ tiag"ean wmrptiab. BShah bee DeWitos Lttle Early- lisi.. r. B. Loi ma%, Lhbertyville, and G. C. Bou: miv. Wadobi. Dangears 0f4tG rlp. The gratoo dangir froni la Grippe &li - viiibeavoidei Amoaube tiaetboumàda'bo have %aiMd ii" r*sly *a laplpp, W* have jot tu 11LOSLlberty. OMM".usm Zp,,omib. GAGES LAKÈ. UMlaeOltmores ai bo amalai Mm SUUAaWrigh ha.reuris trout ber liaian Joliet. lii. Jam. ichaIs, of Chicago la vliting frienda boe. Nia. JaMoPhelpaofaiPlymnouth, 111, la viatiag Inoda bor. Mr. haui Nboluan d W. Sbermn boy. goue e, 0Wuaigtom D. C. Thora vas a coffseeand cale aociat et hli.jurci Tiuraday evming. Ni.i. uSiemnivuas <ly s ur. prise parte lasit Iuisiy oveing. Miss Noe eBck, oai vatom4 aMt leai vomi vlslhingbeporeue r& Ni. Tou Nogg, of Evaisicu, apont la" val viiithie faaiily «iJohn jof. Tho pupîls of lie Wright achool vUi givo au otertsaieat eni basiais $0"let h e mboni houa Ibhis <Frldsy) eveing. Thae pvonthi League cabinet or oMoc wa vil outheise"t buaneas moilag sexi Saturday eveunie hie bhuneoafMm as naBiermen. Au Loaguera are requested so b. promut. GURNEE. A. P. Livsas, of Vinkegin, aboero on buainem laat monday. Jai. R. Mlason basrenti thie Najna Isiaifor a tarins 01jean B. E. Janeai reaev seveai carlooda of Iambor lait vomifor his yard. Bau-T Nir. amidlirs. John ne- Caîrmnio. sasn. Ait oncemiaredo- Ing nicelly. lm ira .B. Nottingbam, af Cbicgo, boas boouvlaitlng bei daugiitei, lir. Bi. C. Laie. li» Rhmma Smithi, viahbas pont 1an. lAme tu Calllemmilltekd abi-C. M. Biooctii. vom. oiStragbas reoverei trams he ansd la mncemore, eijoylag Ulbryai thef*ai ir. »Wv. A. V. Tajim vas An iie pulpi à"u 0-4q at n- absen ce oisoyerai wOqIý "M ens ithothai pom.. T"i C. E. busiufomeeioting wyul be hffl Witt 0. Wsiteiod thia) Piiday, eveain. OMiOra VUI bd estoai for thie nei ab mstba. 1av8raimembeas vi iborecaved ln- ha camp4li0te ausaOtier cms;&aoth. or Dovwcandidate la a al»talethie lU. lllahai van61ithie nuetmieeting. LEITHTON. JAY Ailn&uonvu a nCbicago Tu&. T. ;. Docirj, oui nigbi opeia*0r, la quise an ahlète. Bemrl Nuestela, Jr., « Ciilcago, Sa vluiiaa bis parenie boe. Mm i li Erbeala ln o$egalabut triaendsshop$e for a aeeij reoovoy. M II.Aruotiliite *iuals Vauleg m aurdiy miBuaaj y. E. Glaasoe, Oui igent, electa$ the E. Glaneâ., it pooinater y mui thir»eM boen a faoie cent Ma sqahobras, 'Tiere vs a large teftamcelà the Dcb. ii. ly ail elt ii&W, mot. vltiiaieding 1h.saeritz ce hic 104tbOrt Wilson, aooopauldby bie fther, viMW"nove hCaiburu3. CQ, viore hiey vin) engag eminag. Their many frindisvlaomue0.1 Vin.amiJ«euCoo-uietha i. Umofa spleoit ni xru. sf itS Plidq. "-b À sgeoralMou1d . vaa"I.4111-aMplejs ticetXe. frsmeaesrvai mmi.. on rit a.vq 4 gni. jc l im i aie am,- s ...nDm p.ým.a iti s I& un 1 6 ilou leu a ci TA"m meourpaj.r = --bo a. OiM jou" aaublepte lu« a Wroojiuk, def mtlg an»»t poLi for a snobrir. *ý cO»omuusOunurqWAwru: W.are d.utrom cf murlng carrespoudenta lanO« eveira wn a 1h. OUey. If jour vliniiy 1a Dot repoueneimwite fur ternia, or almre flea4t$0do so. * Joar & VOODUAN. ad1Ar ound the County.j IOP»-"JCIn. nd 1:18 N. wruror UKit uodr ni0 4-. JuniorC. ]IL DXAMUND Camp No.e. IL NW.à. al trotami third Uaturdayev.mugemboi menta; D. ouu. Y . 10.0.y. No. ai. meet u$moud an" fouth fi.~LO Our Woprx.0u 0.-. T. mail Tb.rsia atsvn aof euh vosi. L&aU..DOOLrUs. C. T. JON( AOAL Pool 0. A. JL mmml gatiuIdaralâhloisor borefulimonn. J. A. liaiou. Com'dr. 0> 8 Cauacuru.. Adt. Col gins aoutbà......1:06 a. nm. #:"p. am aiNU cing notb ...............mo0» a. M. mal ovr %liai tue m mas rrIAta10 &s. a isnnrtam. m. IROCKEPELLER. Dr. B. P. Ewlug cillai on Elgi Molnde Sumdwy. lira. fBpeobt la it pressai vlaltng Monda la Chicaga. Cocra amidNuidrod Herscberiler raet Buaday viii tei aunt et River Nia.Zoo Louis returaei ta bar boue lan imouf i MM hbuadaaomaid as turai Chicago by luslzeum co Oufr 1irntum eaisler tl a bag a lr e i n biselUne. -Ve sotie a oe a distan cf08 to10 mille. ta tri viii biai. Mii-At the boue o thie bride, Wedmosiy evedug. lb. 84, Mim Georgie Iramu or N. ria Kalggn. We extemi hearty congratulationa aui baut vielles. Ou Weiuauday a1 tait yowe heladies ai Rockefeller met aitlir. B. B. Bai. donsa.. The iénuit afthie meeting vu. a LadioW AUd ocleiy vas organai. Miay lbtey sucod-la ail theimider. fllagatheii. isb aIthie viur. Lanhia Llchieti bai rentai ithe store beut doar non h0f W. Kalggs'a and ex- poce ol*0moe bis goode somelinl thie néer futurei..P. A. Brown, wbo oc. auplai lhe roama aver ths ahane, viii Vacale hiAs vool bavlng renteed the Aynaler baume on Laie 512.01 N Xaujcaooe of --Grippe*' bave lakdy boom auioatby Osem. Mue Cofgb Cure. Thia proparationoseeme eapooiliy aiptei *0 lhe cac f 111.dieu». IS autoequickliy bua pievemhiag seriona complications ani bai e2ffle la vblci tua diemse oall louves tie patient, ,' B. Lovmx.r., Libertyvilio, ind 0. C. osmars, Wauçcftdjr. The article n lI" veeka isue raid- lag ten melaberuver. takou na the 1. 8.-0. T. abauldbave basa elve mmrbora verstaienIntothie 1. O. 0. y. Thiough ai rrr the 1. O. G. T. natilo.o tta atour illes .vas oiitiod lu Rockefeller Itesl eittveci. W. are dauonofa seoriiag notices of aielt- ing ai loiga.oburoiso, etc.. and vil wiuigly publiih aime If signature au. naruplea meauscips. IVANHOE. The Baud af Hope tet lait vomi. Ni. A. AdmamovaihNia. *machet Kappies faim. A. Wirs oold a lS of bage ah Llb. Ni. P. rtor boaiboome up sorti buylng e tb le put vee. Mr. ],. edl " È Iis yogi. Ni.EIb ai mbecaqomdngbay for Ni. Oea. ilw put veri. Nr I.mat éa. *Mt@&* sviuwliber aUmm mmraA. Vwirs ipoT ?oiij. MIf. Luaot& f. Ctoogobaibeex boreIodls aler ds laeroi t s LatUnisdy morilg Meanovahai lep ite sa amb*mie it"edtàg sau efr s*a~ietpeur o, are.- u. Mlmii siye vds i.Albtu liols hU9e dm, mm=es&an4 ieruu, air., viàw. Obieu o Frlui.. awetlam - Meleoos erpeli bisWa ainéBbcfuserai of Mmi nt CZe t ù me rei omlm-a large Twàkmot Is, kdlosiar aW bdiu ba a cea p red Gioaet bogint av ba io n. bmws d bol lb. lut ftv ia"s, Tbq mWps.sait Bbat am. kit con alun e esons ftshe s. ,they ire go iedtivo uhhMticmenaiobounae casa WjWgfoegurI Elm aar koWma Ni. andi Un. Otto Tag 1 moyer vote glors m wibte ebirivar pila - Ibo &igu ctfteirWedla. TheBrnai partyvuos feete a mmbera ami noie and did mot oUlimm& pz&" aeTbe bride »«ot ilaMg to hwe ref They ver. aa cedollar rova. The. acofli parlytroulaie Zurici did boler aui voie favaeed vith a peep et tii. bride. Theor ee a tva doaa erosi. The tfongio'%hahie to ercenlg of word.spe dcee UjOrif.lite menth of lebrar lu pie. nve. six ani mo«.yen:di eve-Tilie Thjin, eS Doruie Utrick. #@; 'rea.Thiet, 97. Pbiip Morns, :AItred Groo, 96; Oea. Groe, 141 Ed tiront, 91. Grdesixi- Pred Lieue. 99; John Gin., V7;Frak Ulkloi, 96; liay Bus)),05. Grade ave--Beris eualI,90. Grade ouri- Rlead. ar. rcoelved, Carrne Tien, t§; Nors Groom, 6; Gras. SOa", 4; le UIiricb 2. RONDOUT. Gravai bolon are bard et vol. Ni. aid Um e" ohn ater viite Cilgoiady. Mmis. 1.Habavay vua Chicago visiter lant ir". Appi te Ose..Mison, if jori umir. muasl trhi. J. B. Spoars Mrr-uisN. Liais. le,, vWated viii bis tauy thia vosi. Joe lSpeciner Mi 0. P. Sprigga boy. ban0 0Atathe "»Y at oSti fo w1vdays the pha VoeoL Je"n Llmbory kmobera bnsc mv. Iag vend for a aumberofaithe ielgb bonm beoeabthie puai vomi. JOO.Aiiinom bas novai trou hi. li Place, vblii e bas amecupioi formmy ysirs. HRevii ocupy the. impeos The dance given by tihe tarmaid Crenoeut Club aietlLbartyvlil Tom Hall lmii Irday aighu vas vl athenuisdby oiboys. A fev of auz baysattleniei the card parti and baIl, anie lb. anploos et the ta&eoo Social Club, ai Lai. Forest liondsY. A *glorlousoi adhm.'lathie verdict. Tho dans. at E. Laniburgi lait Sauriay aeasing devlopi l to a ari parhy, ani a "ine insr cried. Andy Yonag. Jack euandmI bble, titi nova boy, ver. hiero. AuL. U oR B." APTAKJSIC.> li.. S. Blebi basgone la Chicago. Uni. Schoeaborgor la ioparted ilu.: Woiding belle viii ring l inte ne"r future. Mri. A Sruciimam, of EhiahursI, va. an Apailae ciii., Tnesday. Mri. aidMNi.. Busi, aofAzjngtoa flelghia, vers bora Tnoday. A largo cravi rinBiao Grave vaSahO. Vioanr uniay eveaiag. Vu. WhilgbsP. Trlpp, J. Gins, J. Bàly J.Dme1 J. Ayora, G. Trîianu aidW. Sebley ventito Cicago Mamiay WARRENTON CROVE. N. Eyum laspeudilula 1ev daja lu Chinae.- Mrn. Bernard Grimes, of Chlcago. vis- lied% lliMna An is vilulity lti ,Tioe. 8ud baslamibobouliodfors îev bom »sd v0l buili 1h mainoman a 5. . utilaeubo"0Z. * m4aian i- Utiie et taiu'oncte, oafm ai Ivoetbod,. auême~ ii ahe l trge e ,0 lbs.Voemsa leer oih *0 m caripl rel WARREN. Mr. aidMas. JobnUlcCoaimci a. rejoicing lu the birthi0t a fue ba". *arch lo.. lira.Wg. MoGuire vin) outeriain the Warren Comcleiry Aaoitlas »c& Wainonday.» Umi oiraU»Barris and Fred GfUlnga of tiJlacs, vere married iltliaelme loverai Warren people afttuenditti Probibitaanconierence lu Vauhega, &ehb. Mdl, ami repant a good lime. li. aMd Mra. Hemryhler. of Vani.. gin, ipeni &atuidàda8»"iJBuisy i their daugbter, lira.Chéai ilait. Tii. Gursee Voodaien Camp aidai à Dent lithie aOum ha -hiei lre.sury f roui the asque Party as Graffge Kit Plob. 22. Mr. adMmd ir.Sylveater etertaiuod the cuchie club 1&0t Fihdayaveu nç Tbe nextK partywiUlbe nt K. B.e-t-a lc Vaulegan. II. cook vuià Darflmdgw ai". ta la ps-t 1II.U nomroturnd tmouirae Qiusmmnbov me "ot ugou,1h10 #Wat"*& Mdd t.a* nés t Vaoma furuwM~aïs,. X. .edof oiiumuo, Wu on an tb. me-. etvou là Gahlaniboaluia ddsy evu M IBs O$ very Woit a1W boue Bom.lAiUr. Geofge liam T. V. aBEo ohu»grud lait vee &ma fevveeiivia tV" irébâtvec Mir. A. P~terbua mu hbmibousie sud lt c a. J. Cedb.. Ni..Coo" vIin.tae pomaoi=os i.week. Ticn araméi of o ptheosfroin Cbleaga iavel anme G00. Wragg 1A. Poier aioved to lie Ssejor Lam viiers bhovl nMaie bis bonao 11 h. oun.av 1r.Chas, CIWIi MAc.Cam M.N. .,of Wancod c 1%0 laile.of he a..IL-ro.phi ofve. adine s- - te eà =e~~. Md Mf*. de.. linibard Bhidris yIeng. liarcb 1. Au amienlvited& )Miai i ieteary M7Tueiay, lmrb R111r. Vrai Grabie sMd liesMawae Vao.Di ale.aevl uv ir heftur. bappineof aiMr. amdIl ir&. Grabbe. lFou BaLS-Ny double itore h«Uliig, cor. MOhvaulceAve. sud Charc et licol noiera lnpsovsmmb.ts immb. aont. Corneirstore9le9nfrout l à remr sud te nIio f- Adjeiajn aMrs Uzgfo. J anis T000, LIbeelyvIlo. _________________ lueo. Fou BA , e, a.or 117 aee of gfoidUpfVea liaid, De Vlla 4i ofPomut Oeater. par terae partleunfadrm or oil oan 0.ILoe&l UNION HOTEL. waEuaIING- ILOIS. FIRST CLASS -HOMB., i.. Half-wuy HMou*.. CycliasaHaàdqartars. Gea oo...dlt fe r w.1*. John --- propb. S-pring Tracte. e Prairie City Seeders. koyatone DIsc Pulverizors. The Hummer SulIky Plow. The X-Rays Sulky Plows. David Bradley Plows. JonDeer Plows. Keystone Corn Plantera. Bradley Corn Planitera. StelLever, Harrows. Stvrand AbI»t*u Carrlageuand Buggiet.;-- Sta ersh Bro's., Wagonsiand Trucks. Tmothy. Clover and othe* Field Seeds. jG.H.Schanclk & Son,, LIBERTYVILL.ES !Uft$ 'IV TOC AME DONT rAL. TO CALL ON 'h- RIHT & S-ON - For ther'etinrte9. ' Close filgures gIA.. Een andextra fIne lumber. W,* hv* a flnelyas*ortsdstoçkof lumberonhsjiiod and ca n supbiyy*Ur wants at anytm. :we carry a fuillin. of bulider% , hard- wvare. Our.stock of nailis theisestts- é orted and cheap. -t -Il .- -ý , 1 The. 910" tCasb Pi. Fe" Mill. W. vi ido atntiu m- day., Thormijoai atrsi. W loi 5à a.s1-q o.bue ii~i loant . qui a? O utle£- Jàmia