CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Mar 1897, p. 6

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~T MtKINLEY'S INAUGURÂt ÂDBIIIS& the, vîli oethle peopleandalnImatheir 'F presence, hî sctlieity vestedll~n b, tuis oti, 1 assume the stimonsaml- sponsibie dattes cf Kr.sldent cf tue=Uitu St&tes, reiylug on ibe support etftay coeu- htymen aud inaeblsg the. guidance cf AI- rogti Gou. Our faltb teace«tbthe re ,j measstetareliace thaa. pn thensW ocf sur ftthiers.vbha s s aglarli futor- .ed the. Ameican peuple lae vei y uational tni lanti vho. illnt torsuite us se long 1la s vsbey bis commanduments anal valk iiebi auh l it otstePe. . 1 Thes respousililties of the biigh trust tu whlcb1Ibave been cled-&lvAis et tmyav.imprtanc-are augmenteul iiîtbe prevalllna business conditions entalilua "Idiens pon viling liber anal nule fuI enterpni. Tho, countr le aufferntg W"ouindusriel dsturbonces trou arhlcb speà1y relief muet. b. hsd. OuI iandiai l8ytem needs nseérevialon: our uomei lsau.I gond uDow, but ils value mutne -tertier b. threiêlened. lit abenlal 511 le put upon an endiring hauss.DMet subjeet te tsa ttack, muer itstabiitî tu domalt or dispute. Our curreacy aboutit continue tender tue supervision of the Uoernuent. Tin several forma cf ont piper met see, ln my jutlgment, s contant enbar- tiu.tto the a Peranent sud a site im.e utIns tneauri. Tharefore, 1 be- -"tneessary tu devi*n ao*t* lviilci, ivtbut uluinialahîai bd &ctrtr log mediuma or oterlug s prsta t.f«Its contraction, vili present s remedi for bthozs arrungements, wicb, temponir! lu thuir nature. mîglt aeil in th, îesrs et euûr proaperity have beendisplaceal ly vIser provisions. Witb adequate revenuesecureu, but mot vuthU ti. eau re euler upen sncb chbanges la our fisca iv as vill, vIlle Inucin satety sud vlumS te la ur m6y, ri lenger Impose upen tus Govrernint . i meessity ef maintalulug se lange s giald seserve, vit i ts attendant andl lu- évitable teuptaticus tea peccîstion. 1Mot ct eu licniai lava are the outrivth of experensd trial and sionil nt b. smnuedul itiiont Investigation anal dom- enstration of lie visalom, of the propoaed change«. We mut b. btii sure ws are slgit sud "uabe bste sloviy." if. tiierefors, Il@ viadoan *hall deemu it expealent te croAte a dOta- misn alute lake under early cetsdetlon the revtsiou et car coinuge, babling and enmrency lai, au give tue ta tt ex- Ilsie careful eud dispassienule ezata- mtou .tbat tbeir importan"e demandua, 1 sbsll cordlaliy coucur lu suci action. If auci paver haeedlu the. Presîdent. l la uy purpose te appoint a commission et prominent, veli-in!forapad citizens of dif- ferent parties arbo 'viii ommnal public confidence, hotu en asceuct oei ibllîti amati pecisi fitnesS for lb. aork. Busines. experiece.sud public training usi bus be oubinet, sud the.patriollo smal cf the tnieuda cf the ecqutry b. se directeal liaI sncii s repet v111 b. made as te recelve tii. support of ail partiesa nd ot finances ces». ta b. tue subjeet of mer, partisan contention. The expeaimet la, et ail eents, vortb a trial, analnl my opniou, It eas but prove beneficial te tue eutir ,cuntry. International i Dtullitsm, The eti« tsrnsîati bmetal- pImw hveas tuest en titon., M et vii by i unsnt 4odesflr teset.,. kt iii co-operatlcu i tu e otiier great commercial pwers cf lie wvend. Unlil liaI cnditonseu b sàhletivesthe parityr betvsen our golul afid alier money apntngs Ir* Mdm jeuiad btbe telatire ,vlids et tuiétýWoatIs, tiievalu, et the. ilIver aread coinedan sd of that wiich mabe.c r-s lnsd .amb. kept ccsa - ar J'Idby tv ne- souret.ijàm Ire e tlIAue sud 0 fii tIts olgtiens muaI b. preserveal. This vas the. cou- mnading verdict eft tii people anal il aili sot, b. unicedeai. Econem ls demandea lnlaevery brandi efthte Geveremeut et i timea. but espe- cially in periodau lke the prsent aepres- Mmenof businessti amea the peope. Tic sererest ecenemy muat Le observeal iu ailpulec eapenaitars. anal extravagance teppeal avirevr It la founa sud preenutu-d abererer lu the. futuare il mal b. derciopeul. Il tiie revnuesare te remain as noir, lie enly relief-t tit eau coues muet lié(rotadecrensail *xpeadi- tars But tie present muitasi 1$liçpnne the permanent , _- - e tbi~e-vnýrm- met. Il «bas ha-sp ourunaiteran praclie le retire, mt incese, ue outils ediag obligations, an&t bis polic mut agahai le resumeald a.grousir enfor..:Our revenues shoulul alvays b. large enough te meet ili case aud proaptuess nt enly our curret needas anal tue principal snd Ilurs et -thle publie -4,1*.-but te use proper aud liberai provision for tibat mont desrvingbodief public creditons, thesosldlals anal aallcrs, sud lie vîdovi sud cephans vbho are tue pensones et the Unlteal Stites. Tii. toverumemt sheulu nt b. per ýmttadt t rua bebinal. or lucre»i ls deit, la times luke the. preset. Suitably te pro vld6îaglust tuis la the. mandate pl duty; *0e certain anal easy remnvuy fur Mot of sr ur andai difficultles. A dellelen- la iaevtaiile se, long as lthe expenaitures nt lb. Gonerument exc..d Its recepti. Il cala eulh b.met by tuans, or an Inerensea »»aque. WiteIle argeaunal surpîlus et revenue mai Invite vrnstt anal extrave- Sauce. inadequate revenue crentea dia. hUit. anal nuderuaines publie sud privaI. sssdt. Neithier aboulal b. tucmaaratted Btveem more tuana andl mr, revenan, tIsse etiht te b. bt on. opfinion. Wt obonlalbavemmesrevnean.I tint anti est tiea, hindrauce or poitponemnt. A surplus lu thé. trenscry reateal by teunu ta met a "ersuent or ent. reltunce. Il Iwo Uasuifeie. iltaests. but It canne Ma lmngwvilla tie otîys oethle Qorere . e 55grester than ls recripts, as hi Mm i s ese ring the lest tare years M aWIl b. forgetten thtiia howvee IMMss scii su Mai teuporarlIi ellevi aédtles. tus Goieenet Is sf111 la MW fS he b.sent ef lhe surplus tbi a 1Uim& *" lc met untaltimlely piy usI.lbiIIty te pa la Dot sîreagîben e4sih*ssdi ra eutinueul deficil tn greet emengeî ~~.p qrf*the overmmut or il uss ims guset peace fer ths mait ;z- Z-mujItbietV Mantainlits -credti tu atpy à it g-« nt b.reorainu tobns, but by keeplng out of debt-tIirongh an adequâte incot»O oseueda by a systean ef tax"tion, externat or IternaI, or liotb. I i théti settleal pot- lcy et theétioverament. porsued trou the begtmnaing sud lracticeal by ail parties sud administrationsa, to rais. the buât of *ur revenus trou taxes upon torelgma produe- tons entering4dii.Unitedl Statea ter sle andl consumoptlca-anal avoidltng fir the most part every forai ef direct taxation. except ln ime eft vsr. The. country la clearil opposeal te soi needles. aditons to the subjecs cf internaI taxation, aud la coumittoal bu Ia latesl popular utter- auce inthé m ystem or tarîe taxation. There eau b.- no uîaniiderstanding, eltiier about the , pulcipl. upon viih tuis tarit taxation abillb. e Mtii bas aver besa made plcl a erci lection tuas tlst tue conlrolling priacl- pie lu tue raislug cf itevMen cm la aestous care for Aaerasaln Américaa label. Th ' , ' le hai elassal thst smciilégisation i as vîli give Éampla1pret cucragement to the. developnt oetoou o fore, earnetli iopg4a momeut, enaçt- setiýIon sud eVe "t oitu i c7 utvr Part'. siulib u 4, te people povena satly, ani- than the expression. el suy po I-lt- form. Thé. paraanôuDt dty et a ls te stop dqleiencles iii thte ùetortioa ef liat prelqetîns iegfslntli ichIeii-a. vsays be.n thê flahaet prop of the t4sur!. Tins passage 0fisncii a jav ota wsoulal ètrengtiieo tinscrédt c« ths (1cvernméj boti et houe sud aliroa, said go fer io- yard stepplag tue dimsln.upcn the. gold.,g- serve lielu forthte trédemption cf cul cur- rency vhlch bas bea es beaî d vell-nigi constant for several yeara. la the, revisloncf thè tariN. eqallt- tention siiould b. gîren te tuee t-Pnset- metsaidextension othlicreciproclîr prncipie'o. tue 1ev et 1800, <ander sviulh se great i stimulus *am given t ou for- elgu trade la neat nid sdvuutsaýU.mat- bts, for our surplus nlculturnl anal aanutactureal pnodakla. Tii. lrief trial gire thua legilatien ampj-juastlfie@ a furtiier experimeut sud auditional dîscre-' tIoniry power lu tie making cf commer- cal treaties. the endl lu 4ev il"Ias to b. the opensa.up of nuw, âimet* for the. produets of Mir cogenta, iiiritMobng con- eessi.tqs to-tii predets oetersîlandes tbat ae neoul aud canunt produce our- seIves, mn viitcidéi 4t Invlfe any long et liber lu our oavn'ývtu ~bin-C cemgitbnsr 3 1îmfl The *stweroa .I 1 y<ee ersi las fallen vîithespeclaI severlty apon tleià treat.ttdy ofthîe contr,a4 apemamnsà moe.tia the iiolders etfumlfartas.r Agriculture bas languluhetiaadfala ut-j fereti. The revival et manefacturlog aili b. a relljgf te bthb. No portion of omît pop-1 ulatodmo nre devoted t l e ti jttu et f ree goernueut, non moe Ulolinsil their support, vlbilsnons beaemon. etîtrully or fuiiy Its proeotduhre n he tI maiîntenance et tue Oovernment. or ilu better enlitleal te ls vise snd liberal cai anal protection. Legisiation helptuR ii, e proalucer ls beneficlal t t. ILThe depress-g ed condition of làdusîr! on lie farim anal1 ta tie mine anal ntctsy ha@ lesecsl te1h abiliIy et the. people te mweet tbe deanda open lieu, anal tley rlghtiolIyttpect tat net clY a syteu et revenue Ohall hene-j t&blietict is aili sme.the,intsg ~in; come ali tii.h leust burulc, beutbtite- ery memus vill b takea tu dernease ratier alan lucres» oun publicexpenditursa.1 Business conditions are et tue met promising. It w.iRI take lIme te restore the. prooperlly cf fermer icars. If vs Calicot promptly sttîsn tu hv.esonreslutely tara ot faces in tuat direction andl nid itiU1.turn b6, LI iendiî egW*lslon. Ilowerer trouble- sectle situation us, uppear, Congresa ailI Dot. I am sure., b. foond iacking lu disposition or ability te 'Pellave It, se far as lcgllatiou ea de se. The rmteration of confidence sud tis revIvd of isu&e. vlnlch ta.. ét ailpartis se mucin tesre, aepenal moe largely unestins prompt, ou- ergetle ajul intellgnt action cf Congres, «tisu upon amr tier alissI"eccfcy t-'I lutghe situain. - Bul., et CtteO*nsýim. It la Isplrlu. tee, Io reusuhar tht e -greal sme»gey l inse193.y.sr4of oui eventeal national litéfi as criseasIhe bassmot heiausett WslhoIséeand ey s"0 hi ***ieAame bipomvlUoll 0 -tu duiaiboutinternas a"at jg t. ïiaisoef teedointarouuot t.. venud sMo lm.ssurstvogtbiaae4tbs pro. dnt tfte.institution» vbïtb v* seà»y.' làâpeople lovs sud viii susta" the». Nappues. sud prcsperlty in that var - Iters tate i.principles upen aihlcl the i"eeit wons. tablmbed ad mati mlt' upenthbeir falhbtol eobservse. lOtualitr et1 riglits muat prevail aud car lave b. alasys and ereryviere respeted snud obeyed. We mai ibaie faileu lu the. dis- charM of or full duty as citîzeus eoftthe great republie, but it la con"eing aoI eucouraglug te roa»that free speech, a free press, tre. tïflout-t,.re.sboas, tii. freeanunmelested riglit of religions 1liberty aud vorsii nd tree and fair electious are dearer and more univeîsslly euI3ye4 te-daythun ever betore. Tiieto guarantees muet b. sacredIr Pre- served sud vlsely slrengtiicned. The couititutea uthorities muet b. cbeertulli and ylgoroualy nplield. Lynchînis muet onteýtlIersed la a gîent sud ctvllaed ceuntr! 11ka the. United States; couvs- iet mobs-anùu.t Siecute the. penalties cf the. 14w. Tbhepreservaticu et public or- der, tbo irgit ot discussion. thie Inteffnlty of eutz, sud the. orderly administratlin et justice muet continue forever the. rock et sof »rtyupen. whieii eut torernuent ieuivly lests. Oas o et Ir. lestsugit bY thie lose vii wicba )l cau rejolce lu. is hbat tus itisins f t i nted litates-cre both iikw-reln*cltlliSfgt sud lsv-abidlng peuple,' à., easlly ivervcd t tit.elbathiof pot- riotîsue sud benor. s 1 *là entire se- tcrd viiith t'bgenlus et cu Itnstitutions, Doij>t empiiaslaes the. auvaulages ot t- tugeen.s 51.01er lbretfor la .'rlu.the future. Xuanuntî sbould tie dent the aluty of lioti o0n ex-tution sud et the statut.. en- ,.aete.d lu pursâauuceoetlts provisions, 1 ahal..,udeavr c cretully te carry tiies t'toaie afect. Nemtgratinatlenand imgratici. Ont uaturslia ion sud Immigration lava ebeuld b., furtiier.lanproved te the constant promotion ef s enter, a better sud . uiginer cltlseusip. A grave parti tte .republie veuld b. s cltizeusblp ton ignorant te understand or toc, vicions tu appreciste the. greut value sud benefit cf ciar constitutieus aud laies--andal iainat aIl %v'bo cota ber. tu make vwaropen tiiem or gales muet b. promptly andl tigbtly cleîed. Ner muet v. lW unnîtual- tui t ei. nectl ot Inprovement ameng »our cîtizens. but witi the. zeai et our fore- »fatiiers encourage the apresd et buovl- îedge sud tree educatien. llliteracy muet àb. bautaheul troan If ve abiata- tain tbat blgii destiny as the. toremoat ef ate enlightened nations ofthe w. ved. 1 iiicii, under Providence, ars ouglit tu 1 ecieve. ItRefermIn luthé.clvii servicemuet go on. but the. change siiould b. resi aud gene- lue, net perfunctory or preupted by seal lu Inbebaîf et #uî party, simply because la ebappens te bc lu peower. As a. member .et Congres. I votedan sd spoke lu taver nt atheo preseut Iaw sud 1 "&alàattempt Il. enforcement ln the spirit lu wiciehIl as aenacteal. Tiiepurpoe.lntfviev as ta se- cote lie musa efficient sera-l*, of lhebhat der lhe ocerument, retaining faithbtu and devoteal publie servants la office. but siielding non@u euer the. aehbiocf amy rnis or enstota anc are luefficientlacnoe- patent or unvorthy. Tic best Iternat. efthle country deunanal tiianal the peo- pie leartîly satproye thc lav vherever anti vienerer il ha& bea tuesadula- Isterot. Conres, sheeld ulvs prompt attenta.s te the. maturation et ont Ausnlcama mer. chant marine, once thejîrlde efthti esm iu athe igrent cessa hlbvsoetcoe- mes. Te mir miod, 10v udt-e Iimotut sabjees nms tisvsiy dumantie . 11.1. liget ensldertlon Tii. Uniteditte bas Progrsimý4 vti marvelloua rspgtty lu ovc ~i f enerlanmd sudesaon. ental v. have h.ome ftcreust lu mssy sa tii. gret lismes cf liit.d lrdecom-. mbence ad naltdsty. Yst, vialstitits j îue, bar AF-ngmn a ureo.mat ins ba lisen$v dellulug Buta it inlents lover. iti lu tins pece.tags tdf tonanage sud the aucuber of vessais etployed, than Il va-priez tote ivil van. Comamendable Plognesa lizbsen matis cf ]ets yéees la liee phatltlg cf tiie Aueia navy, but ire muet suppe*nt these efforts by itvovîdng ai a proper cee- sert for Il s merebsul marin inply smi: ficet fornrcarnrylng trade le tereigu euntries. The question la ens liat ap- p"alsbellite con business .cssstîss ami t4i patiotie aspiratiens cf a gr«epel. FormlgaPelles. Il ha@ been 'th.elle? 1 et Uitedi States adnc@ lie fouti of aet saos- ,ara . ent uultivaIs relation@ cf lse sud emiti vIith *ail he nations Mfth. veei, andt 1là accords vlthmcaosnnsp- tins toeut tit-nov. W. 4v.ésobni **a'polter et up-Wuruse 31- te, aftias etifa", ssum* liPs uh fui @tof Srntioc umeian9sd allways Iln-" aitti upôn thi.efeomeut 0f the lawtul right» of Aniericon cltlsens evetyvbsre and. accept inotbint lesu; w. -net a-ila tbé tethptation of tgriitoil aggretillon. War abould nager b. entered upon nantil every sgeney of peace bas falled: Pe. le preferable ta var in alaneat overy cou- tlnienci. Ârbltration la the tru. metiiod of ftt- ti.meut of International as Weil as local or individual differeuce. It wu* recos- nIWe as the bestt an. oeat altanent Of ilffereuces between employers andam- léloyes by the Forty-uDin .th ConÇre-1. ln 1&1&. and lis application vAS extended Io our diplomatic relations bY thie unAnlmous concurrence orthei Senate aud Housé e1 the. pitts'-arst Cengreça. iDn1890.The latter resolutlon va. seccpted es the. lisai of negtintlons vltii us by the British Honte ef Coinmons'lu 180, aud Open eur invitation a trenty of arbitration b.twe.s tie United States and tGreat Britala vau algued et Washington and trtaiittOd te the. Senante for il. ratlientlen, l lauI- uary lent. gline tbs treet! la clearly tbs result of or ove initiative; sineé l hmba been recogniked un the lesding tenture of our forelgo 'pollcy througbout sur entîre national hlstory-the adjuatanent of dll- coltina by judlin"-tiieratiier thau bl force cf arms-and sInce Il preserits 1t th world the. glortousi examuPle Of reabOn snd pence, Dot Passion anud var. rontrolni the. relation% bu-tween tvo of tii. greatest -nations of tii, e rd, au exemple certain te bc tollowed by otiier, 1 reaPé«tflly urge tiie enrly action et the Sonate thers- on1, not merely se a matter of pollc*- but as a ditly to mankinul. ~c -~~oce ad moral lnfinaue Of ..~baniatreaiy cau bord- S,.asedl in thecause et ad,- vaneici lsatiou. It aly ýVellengage thie lict tbougiit ofth tiiatteamen aud people oet àvery country, and i cannot but cousider It fortunste thut It w" 1 - servedl te th ini teul States te bave the leadership lu ne gcoud a work. 1 EX tu5Ceaie, Of ConglesI. It bam been the nuiteran prnm.ttcet ofencb President te avold. so far as p.>seible. the. cenveuing of Congre«a ln extrnurdinsyy seso.Itla an exemple wivb.under ordiusry circumastauces and leatti. ab- sence of s public necessit,un te be cou- mendc.d. But a (silure te convenetheii representatlves of the people lu Congreme le extra sessien when la lannlves neglect of a public duly places the respouuubilîl7 et gucb negict «pou the, executive iim- sel Tiie condition efthle public tress- ury, sa abeen ludicateni. demanda the. immediate conmideratien e of ges.It alone bas tii. power te prende revenues fer tiie leverumneut. Net te couveunt I under sncb clrcumatances 1 ea uciw ln ne otiier tenue tban the. eegtect of a Pla duty. 1 do net sympathize lth the. sentiment tiist Cengreos lu session in dangerous te ( ur general business lntereala. Ita mom- uer are the. agenuts of tii, people, sud their preseuce aithtii sent of tioverument la the. executien etftth, sorereigu wiUl siieuld Dot operatesan uinjury, but a lien- eûit. Tiierp could b. no beter lime te pot the. Goeenaent upou a neud ban- cili and ecouemie basis tiisn now. Tiie pneopale bave enly receutly voted tuat thus siiould bc doue, sud notiinlamoe.blnd- lng upon the agients oft tieir avill issthe obligation etflanuealate action. lit bas alwaye te me. that81bs postpenement et thie meeting et Cou tens ntil mor. than a yeux aller it bam becu ciiosen deprires Cengre»a tee oft f one. Inspiration etftthe pepuler vîll and tll. country oethtie correasaondiug beellls. lit la evideut, theretore, tiiat te poalpone ae- tionn luthe. prenetse ga reat a Deces- ily would b. uuvlse on the, Part ofthtié executive becaus. unJuit te the. leteresti of theapeeple. Our actions nov vili b. t reer troul uer. partisan ceusideratlon thon if thie question ot tariff revision vas posîponeal uatll tiie regular session of Ceugrets. W. are nrly tare yeurs freai a congressina election, and polltice eau- Dot se greatly distract us us il »sncoce- ,test was lmmediately pending. Ws eau appreaeii the problean cîtmly and patni- otleaflr, anlhbout fearing ls effect «peu an eaîly electien. 0cr telloav citisens Whio may diangre. avith us upon tiie character eft Iis legisation prefer te bave the, ques- tion settled DOW, even agaluatt heir Pre- conceived yiew--eud peniiaps aettled se r.asonably, ais 1'trust and believc Lt viii b., as te Insur. great peruisnence-tbau ta bave turtiier uncertnlntY meuseing the, vaut andl varleal business aiterents et th@ United States. Agie, waaever action Congresmay tait, aili b. giren a fair oppertunity for trial betere the People arm calleal te pais@ jualguent uPen lt, aud tuis I consider a great enftutial te thie righttul aud lautlng settlcuu'ut of tiie queieln. lu view eft tiese couaideratlona, 1Ichei decan la ay duty aitl'resldent te convenu Couýgresz ln extraordiuany session on Mou- day, tiie lStiidaY et1llarci, 1897. rriu.spiso et ioWbele Peuple. lu conclusion. ; cougrutulate the con-r try upon tii.-raterust spirit of tii. p@opli and tie m'ait.satton et goed vilI erery- viiere se apparent. The. recent electien not euly meont fortanattely demnnostrateil the oblteration of section.] or geoffspii. Ical lises, bot le seins et ssegothe prejudices wlici for yesrs bave dIttrict- .d our councils and marreal our truc gratinessun a nation. The. triumphet the. people, viios Verdict la csrrled lutu @«« cts-day. Is net thne triumPh ct'on. section. uer vholiy et on. party, but of ail sectiens aad *Il thie people. Tii. Northi sud South ne longer dlvlds ou the. eld lIn... but upon pniàdiples sud pelîtice; sud iluitis tact snrely every laver etftth. couetry eau mid s«usefor truc telicita- ýtis.Lot s rejolco luaud cultîvate ths spirit., i la ennobllng sud vîlilibe bath a gain and llessing teaor boeved eeuntu7. Itl l b. .y cotant cilta edo notbit and permidt uothlzas ta b. dons that vW arrost or dlstanb thls gr.wlng sentiment cf unlty adBofl pration, this revival of estessa aud afllatlon wblda ew anI- matps se many tiionsand a ubathithe. old aud the. antagSflstle setions, but Iuil do hfflyr7binjlpossible te p.., ;n dmrepeat the. verdi cf ths "athiadululatersdby the.Chief Initie, vbicb. la ubsir r.spsctv. *phaere», se tu as appllcable, 1 veuld bars ali mi en-s trytasu observe: "1 es-~lbthluRy exe0gae the. Once ni Relusd<i Gs eu..Are Plsoe Isfis Ili. SOLE MN OATH TAKEN. Thousands VIew the Inaugural Ceralmonies. Patrlollsm et ifelusl ri Mllion Poeil. Dssadlto 0the .ZuanumîalCers- Mnets-l!MCumlsd Tod*aeVîie URemo la ths lamat. Chomber-Gorgeus MI- Stary Pagreaitthei.Great Cpsalaaalaf Foulure - Iilianft DevSuetioni ct thi. C.uItei-Ormmt ait. William McKinley, et Ohio, la nove Preeldeat ofthte Unitedi Statue. Standing vîtu beebondhesihfors se immense gati- ering cf people,.hlo thei.o.tiiltu aith- tully peonsu the dutle àb*s ofce. Tii. cerettmony vus pertormeal hy Ciet Justice Fuller. Withban expre«sion cf hemidlIî mingleal vti rellasîlon of the. heavy liareus be aras about te assume, Mr. Mc- Kiuley bnhatil. benan sd repeateti luaa cieur volce.the voatia: 11I do eleuun l sear hhâ1 at I vihti- fully execute tie office et Preilulcat of thle Unitedl States and waili te thie beat ef my ahilily, preaerve, proteet anal detenal tue constitution ofet iLUited States." a deaubilie silence as lhe prepurations tonram6disteriug tie osti ver. brigua. Tii. peope coulal@se thei pantomime enacleal, but only tic favereal feu, ian theimynidinte icnity couRd hleur the vorals; then s cannn &ot vas beard. This marked tic beéinning cf the teran et Williism McKinley as President. sud lu- slantly s tremeadous eh eer veut op. Hil a. caner, baudherebietis and ochien arIlles veré avaveal as Presialeut McKnley slep- TAKINO TUimt Araa. peal lo tie crise o e c alill portnaa-nd borvealbils ac-kmovte.igni.-ato thiate- ie. As eoon as lie lradeiml amulacid luit lie aptlause blag-Cnu ludeliae tht inaugurai addr. an. Tiiere bave lerneuamsy liuaunruraim.mjin l Wasiniîgon, lamainlu uniay î.-qae-ts tint et Marri 4, 181.17, an itgo d.amain amahllry OS excellang &Iltinit bave guem b Thos- fu cilix.emas et the capital m-ty anrked tlu amI endl titi a da-grce-oet a-rgy unl.aaaîi. andl the greal popuatr meumamatra:imn ca s uniuae anlal hiniX umin -r> particular. Ral nmt tit eta- luutn( ly lie ducotiens ofthCe cia! an-mr.- taiec parahly siperior te aamm hiamg 4mu-re-, ai a Wasinslgtomn;ltme eîgi1m- 1ym lof reg- niar Unitedl Sînte u.mjmn mia, ame, mi- erous than any gamallmmrcMte--laa -real dimplay na ira-clase out 1<. <vr: c'a. enteteva-ra-lmaSialtfi ami havir ,-mlmeu>aa lu tlitrîeet mnansd uval iîmy a erganizations iielpcd aWeci l ia .i -gnIiiu-a proportioan. LSceno lu i t- ette. The Sonuale.-Ixnlxnmm-r c-ns tb.- enter ef nt traamtiuo. The. presialeaiial Cm niy n r rive]ai nI l :it. Miram. Nin lma-, .ammna aimelalbytrcbsnir. tir. aar. look a frontamt w < id oir nalmadtm'-nmmmî foi nr bier. FuRtov%-iiag lime nii fe of tlm- a,,-uw tros- ident caine tir,- aa.riratmlm'Mr. NlIn- K;:lcy. Sir., gartucd betittinr Imr yearm. ThRn diplomatie emrpime cita-ra. tmlowenîat ia no- mient Inter by tire rcitet 3amnahle and ml om clate justices ofthle Sumîaa-Coenurt. fimay filer! sonvy ammmthle ampin gorge-omn c- gslla andalkleu robes. TRie mùmnboasoe the House of Itepra'senlalives. hiaada-iijm Speaker Iteed. tien ar eredthetic nahier. There waa s tir ef lut, rent c-bec 4mn officIais uîiuouuced aie Vic-Pra-ident eleet. Mr. HobarI culereal fcom lhe rîit douer, boeeal ightly le lie standing Sea-a sters andi oficiaIs, eud steppeal otsen-t near tie preidjug officer'm desit. Ail tbýs anas but accesaory 10 the 51 riral et Preallent Clevel7and amuaIli- dent-elect McKinley. Ilwasa just 12:21 vien tiiey culereti tiemm aineors, fsdngd tie Vle,-Precldeait, anal attenîtion ava riv- eteal et once on tues. tare central figures a.s ticy moyeal dean the mialdle abis. bir. McKIiey boved tute .precidîpg officer. and,. vlhiMr. Clevelandl, vas sealeal Ia- tudatelyinl front of lie plîlforan, tacing tie Senste enal lie crovti Au h.preslaential part! teck tilîmetts Vce-Presldenit Stereasen rose sud Invit, et i tssu r 1 tep forarda aaltait tcttds, ate hl» is t banal anal loc th ail ak socs vtithe conatilu- tien. Mr. Stevenson tien delirered i bs raaiter! sddress. Toesgraphie Bsevitiss. jobsa. Js6,b Ator's 115,000,0M0 iota-i. vhin inlucourse of erecîlon mmcxl tg. lie Waltiortflu Ney York, vili b. cIaldtua- Cresoasu Bron., séedamen ai Roche.- 1er, N. Y., biled n generulasesignaneut for the beaefit ofe eeitors. Tii. Ilabuities- Sis .aim5ted at$100010. AI s crcus nemI Brovuiville, TmL, s section cf tins eevated seta rollapeed, meptting 300 pensons te thé greund. k, OWmai dia. Mani erverancr leus motion vas ..irr.d suod tho.M';. MmUnq, ef Sssgait, ucysul te idurs, 'o ton d Mollisse aid 0ppf 01e Dunlop, Bparks (Bit.), end Mnfl Meifloina (Don..). At 5 o'cleek.tii. 5.. retsry: aauned tuat nominatios f«5 ssrtiype mpoes :dç Ater Dnalap nmlnated ton, WhoWat Vt iahilisUtsly om. pye.dent pro taimpore ordsred the.& ' çull rea., laassoflétly aflor whb14-00re Mormn . lueutbat the Somena.adjeuin ta hridayet 9. ., ic vucénitd Acting Speaker f.14 astendRePsesuta tIve. Merlu.. D uchner, LsMmt a Murray cf Saugamos vers prets.nt wb thé Houa.' conav4F.d l=b Lpck g restenteul. News ofthb.dektii etSemtate, Wells vs. recelveul. andi t vas deciei filt a cemmnîteof ive b. sppeinted es attend thsI ftèl et Qunny. The. Chais sppeîuted Repremeutatives Buckusr, Ki- ciielo., Pry enaa o orye A fier a weeo i dene,. lhe liou. us- Ifesled a disposition ta vonk Monder cf., terueun, viien it met et.- ore an beur tb. elerb e4i*tts< sud several m wore votealuv. lmtroduod. eue cf tli~.~,Àg sien of mcii violence sÎzî é.I~ prorides ht a s pus, tomINR40Wdlu jnul bg sa Mol>msrî .ec;mw, 4sdgeo.- troms tiiheumuy, luavilcb tb. set lados» trou $1.000 te $.000. Il lis absencecf LIeuto. e.Nortiiect madPresldeut Pm.~ Temupore R'labe eeatqr lHarding callai thkie Sma.te e rder. Tiera vss not a qurum jee"4t and neolausiness vin' mmedWlatc*fter tbe rondi- lug efthle journal an adjourament vs. eteu until Tuenday uoruing et 10 ,ocitc. SenaCer Wellae démit vs drapeti lu clape. lu tRhe renIer a beanlifl oral vr.ttl resteul, expresmulitheb.esîeeasin wviib nîcmbers ofthle Seustor betld their de- Ceas ilate. Ily s rdote5tale52 thi.flouse Tuen- day adoltival Mr. litelimr4,soîutlon pro- vialias uthe lii.apoinlmeut ot a commiit- tee luta iaetignit lb. draiuîte .unel tria tee». A lonag da-bale îîre-ed e lbtet. Wh'te wswionfthet lieuse. aas be- tua tiiere vas a fleood uofIetilions promeut- a.,l. the bal.ii imwludîaag n a uber oet@qeqal suffrage meanoriale nad a le-clu-st by 34r. Neatdl.,s egaielat the pia-e of a nulfurta leit-boek bll. A bill aam loîrdceul sW morluacth-tIiluil t of 51ulaeu thedat- as..e viic iuay bela. nled lu sctionis fer dýanl t uuay le-nfroan imaglect ut aaronKfamc-. lDuriua ashurisession et the, -ente-businesasiam e-sauni.4 ln uetru- est, after a 1.-ma dayn s as-tiuia. Sorerai bisl %vere airantad te aaleudar andl a iauiber lniroduaaad. iteaatol Temle.s toin oI!eacci n sulmstilaie for i.nIton rans- cersa renolution aiiag i taâ ixAIsub-ceut- mille.,esfthlie ('omunitlece on Approprie- aluna b. appoited te niait b11151,inite- tiens for the paîrpose et deaernaluing tihs necessity of appropriationms. Fschi suit- remltre, lu te cunslat of tIare uembers. Tie reaalulion was ndnýpted. A 2-cent tea bll sud a bill ta regulat. patoi turoiers snd aIatte1 mortsgbameté vers intrudueal. IfavatlaCommierce. Rt ban boom tie bast Ofthe p"ele of lAbalunatîsat ln duys gene by as Mur ns 2M osal bave been seen lu thie bar Iliere at ,one tinte. Tils a on Ruen wlal- ors madtWtIistbelr beadjuarters. anti Labalua vai tie capital. Honulurealdenta remtember vieii the bar vas detteul with merchant oma" riue, sud tlney remeanher. tee, durlng tie peuat ew yearo, vien the. iaMl, bai been practlcally tvit lieutnasail. Durlug tie pont year the. sipplng lu Hionolulu bis lucaied te a venderfui degrue, sud te the elal-tîmers nlong the water front Itlali an loads in oeteat vIral efthe dari vbea Honolulu vu« consîdereal a boom lta htpplng masters. Durlng the pat voek tiiao bave boom Iuree steamers ilyIuz lie Japaueie gag lu port et oee i, a cireumsaace thet never oecurred betore lulnicheiuitery cf Honolulu. lu couneetion vlth tus le muray h.noed tint vithin ave daim seren torelgn steamers arrveal lu port. No botter evidence efthtie comimercil tmiportnccetofHonolulu la needed tuent Tiiere are lu port ut tie fltîe thirtr veinela dlaciarglng or valtlageigoest. the anajonlty bclng reasela ptplg b.- tveen the Pacifie const Lli ouolnl mont of tiiem beîng vesla vib bave been runnlng lu lii trade aiInltmi'is.s viien ii. bualueu varranted It for years paitr.-Honoluln Advetla.r. Ore&a& Flgbttnjg liy a taterback. À large cataanotat entereaa barln. yard belooging te D). J. ParlaIt, on. mUi? norti ot Baldwin,. l..recently, ai lu attempling a tchi a pig vu& kOWlu outrlglit by tîh muotiier bog. Thsissu lucredible, but It la tiie trutli. gaver- tii5leso. Tiie rssenback pr--.d te bei noesviat et a ragot front te tiheluge- clous boust. The, iired man o theapinse boardthet .noIse anti haitee te tbe spot te lIaithe.mouaiter est llbt.eIa agonies cf deati. vîti the madulsus sotnsmendiait cvef bita aIlbristleti Ma apparent*7 flbaIt aend rssdy for. *». otli.r onteat.-Vlonlda Time.Unlo. Age Unpvcttble saraunt. oi bave calied to apply for the go&,- tien etf1bill collecter," asîIdthe e0420 nosed man viic stooti lu lb. déouvy. oI understanti yen vauteti ou.." "Tinht Io .zactly viiat w. vînmt." asia lhe bauleat mn."'<TIi.lent toast iw. lad mecnidte b. only a bill psu- @onter."-Indianapolis Jounal. Aume s cd Esplpes lu Gotile sclpture "d. traeery agi. gels are senistiaies peutrayed praotWo Iug bn tii. batpiplpêit vii occusiJn surî used ln ciiurcbes b.lote tti nasqe duction ot the aps.n, vbb ccumrs esrly lu the ateentb qtutarf. Glas et lit. _!iel-nd rom refusedtheii.Comme. t-.

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