CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Mar 1897, p. 3

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OR. TALM#AGEPRERACHES ALVIVID AND APPROPRRIATE SERIMON. egoya fne ae is, .rut noAd' suIre. th.e lit ètKid et Macli tvIt-Worde et lwiag end rîcu. urenique kzhortatlom6 Olav Waslimlatsu Palpît. At tis titeiv neu en national capital âna for tun aysabeen &blaze vltL noir national fdag,tieL Imaera' of this seineso et Dr. Tmlmaga, meme vera' vivid sud sp- PrePiute. 'The test la paaslm XIx., 5, "In lie naineetf (le n-o n-het nil ou, bon- cers.., 1 bt 'sar. lu na' boyhooedn-e maa' bave red ibjlographa' et Alxander or et snime Itevil utionara' herocntl ont benna haserttbe-t hbgaised ov.ws1ed n-e bili heen bovin osen 100 3-ars ego, jusI for the lera'ofet sîiklng downaHstieon.u. For rusta' s-na uînoux op ou lheratters sud bullets eut out oetlog bous.. lu wvieh Ibea n-en. lodgied durlug îLe griuut sftrîtn-e hait unbonnded adlmirationu. or ilu sonne public day, loiteitlu env grandfstb.r'e odieril diccoutemmen ta.nie fatIas brave asu(Gai. baidi orMIiltindes. W. arcvIser njv, for n-e malie a tact distinction LoIn-ien the Veetry und the prose et n-s. Tue roll of drumsiannd (lie ceuh et bugles nd lthe cbsmîîing ot steeda toamlung sud pan-lug for the attlî'. 100,M) 0muakela gliilomlug *monz the ilatieina' plumes, "(loi gave tL. King" n-aslto p fi(ro larnouta sud trum Peend rm i -îg bîcitrîutn de'ep deflies « tue archu-. et a lrotrute cita', distant capîtai fet kiîgdî.tns illuminted nuthîe tidnfa, generais reiunina borne under flamlng arches andîl bowetring aummranthm sud tL. shout ot empIres btbi«s hîoe. Chîicut sud hait blanbeted. lylug en îL n-el estb; feet noire n-tb the uireh sud bleeding et lb, alîgLIesi loet-; bouger ipulliug ou every liber et baeh or atteuipt- fougte astisf ta' lef nuL se-anul>'andi apolied rationi; thirni lis-king îîi)lbthe v or dmlnlimtilt(,nt of it1 mold ranîiei Pool: ibhets t otu. miiiandkiniresl fer ausa' n-ile jumi onuIthes-te etn iteadi> atrte, n-bore denth mu> Pop on itufrtrî 'eue outs abutiîlrîibay.înts: the l*iujz luno et no arroi-.,. iob anred cîl tu(xtO maniocs; the irotinîl siIiîîîry uitb blond end sbaltereîl lesit; fallî-n oUnes arîîhing uirer lb,foif 'if ninliditcharger@ nisîhîlemîîd l ih palnîthe ilîîedf'îlnema et uight it ' ,omn. is i nnii'fl îLhe strite Ia oves-: ih. trîigg,. o-iithtii.- uîndeîl Oun enawi ng nuti <r hi-lotn. ti îi c.( ithie bîii-ltarnits-i andîl liis , . tri nio ho.,taitress, thle trUgnieutu if tnt-n senti op tuir C roana, - tLe oti>' muii, of carisre andl Inii-Lemy; dltait'i rnilis-u luvs i infatn-il goand sviiiiiiîr gir itai i> lus huionâ ugii coff;u Ing s in' t,.il!-, I-nr onui t L.îo. luni. tili lito ,, n ,i l-s s: r ' as-nh, B ii hou-im i in ia ftoit,'-l*iw ifre un. brîîkî'n fa init- 'ile.s rr-jii-î-d. iii, -îînn- euh in ti' grnset s'rrcîr. cof irid,,orhoi sud oeuibiiagî-. "àr:it all8s" Blut thýi"i. j, on utheo erti a in dom % i, lin. nhuett it i-fîiifîîr -î,îtlita Miioiti n Intinus- la t tuas-,h là t mii Pli-snesno rieiiU..t stiansln-a il.. luipoi'r.,ihes o, î, liiino lies- pialiit L-aves tic fîmlien. The cor- ageiandtiéto -iry ofet oiferiue ond Ma- tentea nithotcariiage. The iipgitom et Chr-mt scainai tLe iingîiom ot asien. That fla the strits- ns-us ragitn. WV ilahl offer ne armintice. W.vilI maie no tresi>-.VU- fiI ail îLe cesolteil nationa efthîe estb abolisubuil agslu te King ne treata'. un- l ail the reu-oited tiionsofthîe eaib *bal l Suijisgin iii King Fumauiuel --in tLe uneoleGd ae wnet up oit, ban- cers." Evrma smy bas its ensigns. t.oug Lb. fore the lime n-heu Dasid nrote îLehe t the-y uere in use. Th etsetflarsel dis- pîsyid hcm, the tribe et Benjamin car- rieda l a li nitb tLe Inscription utfsanWot, tie tribe et Dan a ropeseniation etfthevu- film, uah a ien uougbl ie îLeh groiudworl of n-ite, put-de, ciriuson aud bue. Set-b lisge frum their tîliabooki Oire Inin tLe bearîsosi mts ixuiters as ver, lu the ield wheu AbjaL foîght egainet ,lebnrau, andtthere rte,1',î 0110 okliema, unitmore than 5W0000 ere loft dieauilbhefeld,. Thée .ensigu. uniave iemoiaui te sncb numbers as n-ereaosai.- bled n-hon Anti tiiîibt ugaiinat Zerah, sind ibero aere 1,SSt. t> roops in tL. baitlle. The Atbeulans crrd san inscription et the oni.nbth ona their emblein rtf nis- dem.. Tii.figs eofmodern ns4bens are- fsmifilr lu Jeu al.,eud man'ofet hei nse inipps-oprhate for the cbarseter et the na- tiens they repreacut itavouhit Le impolilie te enumerate thcm. Theme ensigus are streamters born, ou the pint of s lance end os lie top of aooden shaftt. Thea' ars cannai lun the front sud ear et ar- ui. Yhea nurall trem inte msin top gei- hant menthe.d et a admirals ia agsbip te1 dhmtlgnîs It Auioag oth'er sips orthti. «U.smàQuadron. Tbey are the objecta et siailensàl prlde. The o etftiier OU tic field is l gomlioui. The tire, bannera et the Lord@ bosto e the heurter et proclamation, the ban- ner et recroît sud tue bauner et viciera'. Wbec s nation teels lite rghtla lfringeal or Iraiiouor lnsulled, n-heu lilse cua bave lu forelgu climes, been oppr»Oed mand ne ludemnit>' has heen offered te lie ln- habitant et the republle or Mindoms, s prulamation etfn-ar la tered. On the, top of batteries sud arsenai and cutom boue"s sud revenue offices flogs are lm. medistela' ntgont. Alite beilooken lieu realîrs tL, tact ftint nncornprumlaîug n-sm la deelameutTh@silIt atithe cbuveh et Je-ans Chbrist, jeilous ton theb hor et its soveelg ansd determln.d te geilhacli tLose n-be bava been caried off captive loto tbe bandage oet mlaliaad htent upos the, destructloui et thons utgbra nronge vblcLhavue e afu C~ theeaertb sud Lent ppon the eteon it th. Bonours relgu ot merca', lulbh-,u»M etf(ed sets1 up lse banner et proclamation.1 Thie ehureb maies n.ouauiupon theo n-orldt 1do net bdellt" o. .(ld ene, made a better q pt b thIi& ,l a rang.1 ulfieulit la Is ruIne. Lot us cinq takilng1 00 mueli aguluai th vend. (ed pro- nonneed Ih very flgodn aieibo %inuuug.1 Tiionglia aanderlu;châll et or n,1I me i la Il jet the great Valise'. inesmeuts, Though toased asu- isive ha'îe @forma et 6,0 0 ears, ah. ioS.ibmvoW Yet, sud as k'ter laurichlohtle tWi-begluulug the moralug stars gut.opolima' end ail the nnhu o lG lshuled'fiw esI. sarfor et = %W. MaéSI udet n doh llovroi the. vérldu achué .dW té mv. it hé bâte@ mine. enrl l taitéteoradlcate the laittric, cf lis pollution he will utterly consume th. continents and the. ceoins. At the gata of Edea thi. declaration of per. petnai cmmty vwas made. sgsinst the ter- Peut. The. tumnît roundabout Mount Mui l as ouly the rosi aud fBash of Uod'a artillery of urath agaat min. Sodotu ou ire w»mor eue of (lodm liamlug balle- tins annoqcluig homillîîy. ?Nlneveh aud Tyre and $erumalern lu swful rmin mark the truck of lehovsb'ms dvsnegment. Tbey show thet Ced ws terrlbly ln uenuet viieu heamnunceýd himacîf abhorrent of 91l luiquity. They make n beileve that theugh nations bellgereut aud reveugeful mer mlgn aticles et pence and corne te an amilable mdjustrntthere &alsl b. ne cessation cf bemîlilde. btve.mthe férces of lilht sud the forces of darlines mutil the kiogiiomaeof thtis world have hecoîne the kingdoms et ou, Lord. Affmlgbted by ne opposition, dlscouraged by ne tempo- 1rary defesîm, brickinç tromnoneexpomure -e very Msu tae spostion, White frein the tep ef our meheola aud cherchez sud seuiarlezansd asylunis "lu the uamie of Coed w. will set op our bannera." Agns, it ivas the rumtornslu mncleni time. for the purpomeetfgatberlng armies te lift su -cusign on the top of soeahlgii bll, se that ail who s It would feel lu- pelled te rally arouud if. lu more modern timen the sme plsu bas been employed for the gatherlng of an arny. ThVa it la that the chorreh of Christ lite lin flug for recruits. The cross of Jeans I.e ut @teud- &rd, planîed Ou the hill of Cslvary. Oth. er a ruilés dernsnd th4t persona deairlng te enter the fiaté of war %baîl] e between sncb sud scau su âe. lest the tolly et ex- treme youth or îLe lnlirmaityoet dranced agi e bsa*elog roither thaà au sdvantag. But nneela foo, rouesg'forChrist'. regi- meut; noue can b. tee oldi. The baud that la streng enongh te beund s hall or trouile s hoop leakiled ,nough te flgbt for Christ. white mrny a baud trernhllug. vth old age bas grasped the arrowoetrtutai, sud, with a duiit ere close ta it, taklug aie. bas meut lis shaLrp point riglit thmough îLe lîcsrt ef lhe King'@ enemle.. Mauy of yen have long âg edal onr noumes writteu ou the roll of celcatlal troope, sud you like the servies, n-cl. altb,,ugh >oonDow' ear tbe meurs of multitudinoos coullicteansd cmn reconut uny a loug rnarch snd tell et blette guus opetted ou yen thut yen tbonghît never -onu Lde spiked. But Ibere may bce mre vho have flot yet en- liated. Yoiîr being bere implies thât yen are seriotuîly îliiking about it. aud your atut-ritoun nki,ý me hope you are oniy lookiug forthe staindard I0 ho hoimted. Will you not, l19M> of yooi. îvth ail lth aroutici enthusiasm of youc nature, couic tmuilng hitit Ie ranks, white **inth,? natine of îGlod e set n),Ounr banner.!', What if armeuaita it] navy yards do not tlrgtithe hbur, h« We do net want tbeoi. Theue npon. of onr warfare are îlot carjial. but spiritual sud migbly ttirough God tu the pulling down ot strozîgh,,ids. The world sud satan bave nol id.'. of the strength aud heroism whieh Ciîlod lt yet letot uaainst tb. forces of îisrkîîea. As ytthllerbave bad only ou. roninil iloui the first regirnent. The. Lord of Iloësa nill aotuaalîpeur in lb. field st the Lead of bis troope. bepenu nuit. that aieu (Cod inspire, the Boui witb a new if hf.bpots iu It the, principle of -ucver Cive nil." nluasgesoet t.ebhureh there have heen those sybo bar@ bâti s fait b thst vasaimnt ellual ta siubt, looki- ing throîîgh persecution sud reverses vith as Mucb exPeetation as throngb palpable achievernt. There bave been men for Christ ubo have act.d as diii the favorite troopa of lirien. altacked by Fitzpatricli of Ossory. Tiie weuuded aoldiers hegged thatthoLy migL Penter tLe fighi u'lth tbe otlî ru. 1Iley eaid, -Let stakes b. minci lu the greunn sud suifer ciett osn. lied te sud snpported by eue o et ti@fite, te hate lu. the maie by the aide et a attend. mnu." Illansaid tbst -.00 or 800 men, pale sud euiaciatcd trom former wouuds, sud thuis sîpport.d hy thie stake., etmnggled throngb the, combat Thun bas lt been thei multitude, o et iilndren et Cod, thougb feeling themaelve, verni sud wonnded, pembapa lu body, perbapa incea- ltie, pe'rhaps ln seul, snpported by tb, staff etf(lod's promise, have varr.d ih np te the blt luin he subjugation et a world of wickednues. W. are rnigbîy ln this cause, for w. have tb. belît of the pieus heail. Mes- gengers oet sation freonthigli beaven, tb.y sisit the field. Tiiey stand behinil ns to ep itpUs rou Ignerninie ou ert Thoy go before us te encourage u n uthe. strife. The IleChepues. the Paysons, sud ihe Martyns, snd tb. Brainerds, an nncountcd multitude ofthe gloriuied, are on, coadjo. tors. Altbengh w, have already machi te enconrage ns in th, worli et the world's evangelization, yet n-e muat contes. that much etoftrurne bas heen consurnea iu planliug our batteries sud gettiug ready for the confliet. W. have net yet begîn teý preach. W. bave flot yet begn to pray. We bave not yet hegun te ivorli. Ou tiie comats eofiienlhendom are mission. aM stations. They have scarcely yet begnte secornpliah n-bat filer propose. li taie, nmre Urne te dlg the. tranchez sud elevate tbe standard and direct the great guet. Frein wbat 1 hear I think they se about ready nov. Let buti the great Captain n-ave tii. signal sud the rlnglng et Celestial Wnpeury hal!qutineevery dungeon et bell sud noeundnp ameng the tiirenes et beaven. Pagodau sud temples sha tombleunder the check., aud bennt- ted nations liylug froni ibeir Idole and superstitions, siiontiug Ilke the contendi- ed worublpers of Baal: "The Lord, li la theGod! TiieLordiielotiie(ldr' W. go net sioe te the. field. Arc, (led the Pather, (led the Son aud Cod lb.he ol Gîtent are or allie.! Speeclnume es The. Mobarmpdaus, lu thelr strugglem te subjugate ibe venld, bad! pasaes front, tbe Kersu lsribed on the blattes et thiîr ~pproachlug the infidellty aud malle tut oppose the lilugdom et Christ, -e saoli bave glltterlug ou or maords the waons etf DsvId te the tient. "I corne te thes lu the. Dame et tbe Lord et Honte. thie d et the unmies et laruel, n-hem thon hast de. lied."' Nov tiie churcb ge forth bearlng pre- clouas @d, but efftran-hile il avili be tbe ie, su ol m adl lot 1h'1& " p jo - ni vpm' Md sa * la e theose rival of <hritmtlnty, sud thiai t thé stroke Of the ÏW eatdg h.U eil aropirit Vas froid. Uneeuuted millions ef Onr >race, by ithe pow-aert à"andssii sbai iie.n traastormed lIe a lste of n-mtch. edanoea" sii bey Wonder liii.thc po daughter of Liv, but th". shaih aft.. an-bU. b. relemsed. Wbea htientroa charets o&Chisabomli lu thons. darkend lands tromits lover riug out the glad tkk llagssof!htoéuet, then millions of wn-u .détint seuls .ii.ll led et in à Saviocri 1puy sand a Seviours love, trassperted frthîe kngdm of satan foie the, ins. dmom f leds d.r heu, Bran sd ha'you n-ouhanta' ksen-the earthiIf Yen Mv IL Thi en rd sa sviole shahll e as greallalprev.ii as thi di- viual.«tbea a'conversion. Frau& Irlai- l ng is tuicimma, n-il e té veeli for su benest ilving. Kaaver, miafflbogie té maie rigliteensbaigniez. Passi» ail anan-er te tii.eeutrol of rossen. iSleère *hlbh.Umaugod lt. vérablporsa"iet@>o' Ù« ltstéBible iotivs.Chi s hall begiu hie reigucomelh. Wiietub hball do. cesd onu te theari la paouisud otb- l1m à (ovenit Kt Jeraouse, I cas- Dot mr.,Mt It wbim îret*fmmr tisa Anguts. splosul,.T" la gueugi. Knownlsg uls, er s.nsaes imdopair. But as U weet hho h et cfChrist getetag en ber bosutifut garmenand arbauinlg té sus, e Wn n-o ii Uythe im oîu.Iau cf 01vr Cromwell., vii, stadng betoro bis mid" a"ut aine stricheun mhdau ai Dusha, àmvtie sun rielug ont of tiie meraiteint ansd, pélstlsg te. h iii hi. anod, uiîeed s prayer vhlciihuuimibIs men open th. cuéhsied tesobleumas mia'full et thunderbolts: 'Aris, 0(lod! Let thîno encuiles Le catîered." Wltii tiie vr et faltb 1 catch the ond etftiie latter dey gi1r7. Chgurch of Ciist unabeti tiiy mn-ccd sud tts moment luto the. battiel lu thé nomse t Obriai, mri ent Upen aviez e ekfél and icopital, upos cvery bn u'.débit aud marchent$cmonter, open svcsy ciiewilt'a laboratera' mué-Sa. tronolsers lover, upen sbepbend's'iint sud voodmaus cablu, upos mLîip's'deck snd sailors bamînock, tar ont on the ses sud hîgh op lu the moutain, betore the 9t.etfuntions,unuder the applaudita et heaven, "lu tLe Dame etf(Cod w. viliiset up our banner." Jîslaes sud Coloe. My abjee haim tangbi yen tuat lu thîs coutest ne are net aithont ensigus and colora. AU ine wnst nov in meu le carry thern. Before 1 mt doavu 1 muet propos. te eadb et yen thin great houer. Beconi. ing s Christian ja net ne ignobl, à tiiing as mana' bave thonght it. "ft maiesa mou e tooP," Yon ay. I1linon- 1, but iin. only the stooP et au Leir et royalty', -bu on ia linees in te recelte a crown et do- mnion. NW. n-sut standard bearers luna&à Piîllîlîs, lua il Place, et husnss--every. wbere.. ido net saliyen hon- cliijea'. uor Loir Young, bon- vealior bow atmong, hoav duli or boy sharp, ner n-bat yonr borne, nom nWho leur anceatoru. 'witholit sny condition, withont suy remere,,iluthb name et the (led oet hael, 1 effer yen lbe houer et carrylug tb. churcl's ensîgne. Do net Le atrai of the assiette et a venld n-hose ranks yen désert, uer cf devils n-hé ailI Oppose Yen witb internai migi. hI n-cm. more blessed te fait bere tisa stand anYn-bere cIme. twaere moreoetan Louer, engaged nitb Christ, te be trampled unu- derfoot nitb ibis attu, of bannera, tbsu, ePPOsing Christ, le Le buried, 11k Ed- n-an I., lu Egyptian porpha'ry. The prophecles intimat* tiat tiersaoal etere the destruction ofthlb. wrvdLe oe great battie eween trutu sud uarlgit- cousous. W. mabolinet probably me. it en esrth. (Ced grant uliat ave mses il, leauling f rom the battlements etfiieaveu. On tbç aide et Sm %hahll e srrayed anl torms et oppressionansd cruelta'. led ou by jarnmons Miragnsd generals; tho votarles et pagauism, led ou Ly tbel, pests; tho aubjecisetfMohamnmedsnhsm, faloinIn the cemrnd et ther aLeias. And gut- tony sud Intemperance sud iniquity of ev- ery phase shail bo.lsrgely repreoenîed on the field. AIl the neatb sud spieudor sand pon-em sud glora' ut vicl.duessai @l l h coucentrated .on tiai one deeWyo * pot, aud, maddend ha' 10,000 proviens dteste, shall gather themmselveu np for on, lant terrible assuIt. Wltii banvd te (lad for their cause sud blaspherny for the battle- dry, thea' apread eut ever tue carthinl square b.bind squaroead légion beyoud legion, n-bile lu tmre overbauging cloud et blackuesa foui spiritsetfheil watcb this lai etruggle et in sud darineas for do- minion. Scattered by tii. baitetfJcbovaii's nostrils. plunder sud in sud @mianle force. shaht quit lb, fied. A. the oar oethéu condiict setînde tbrongh the univers. ail "w-orLdms suit liatr. Tiié air shah b. ful of nings et besvenly cohorte. The Iyork la doue, sud lu the prescuce et a n-orld reciairntd for the eroavu et Jeans, sud amid tie erumhling et tyrannies sud the dqteat et aatsuic torce, aud 'amid tiie soond et Leuveuly acclarnations, tho chus-ch saholirime np lu the Image et enr Lord, sud witb tiihe revu et victera' on ber head asdithlb. mepter of dominion lu ber iiand lu lie name et God saoliset up ber bannet*. The Himalasya sabol.b- corne Mounut Zion, aud tue Pyrenees Me- ia, sud the ocesus the waakina' place et bim n-ho iod theo vive erensoet Galilée, and the great béaient beceme a sounng board n-iilcbu@hall itrike-haclithe aeund of exultation te tho eartb tillit rebounui again te tic thmone oftheii Alrnlght>.ý,Au- gel efthte Apocalypse, , fly la Fer n-L avIlI stand luaithe vaa'ofth tia'mgit or m. ajet the svespoethtua' vlg? War.-Historyabowal wa vr ta e ne- lee., Tii.fgrent dynasties bulît on con- quart ls S onc te u als. pal t ntu trne domuinateilthle e a.Ui,-het lie pro- gram n-as couquest, 551to-day; 'lit Amerece oony a lu lukg cft It-mule. Th. dominion oethle, Ne-moud-mu acqlrod by force., la ut proeut beld togethelt enly bLa'the. ufemue.etfEu- rope. Grant nWU.s igbi whbctifI there navet vac à vaevil~hcould net bave licou svohded La' settlement soin. oterewaa'.-Bey-. Frunk Crane, Matha.. duel, Chicago, IL God aud E-vIL--En-l le bop n lnti; gond muei b. cquizel, [Ifn-e chel a elingle enIl iosdaney Si la sut', teh.- comane do.mnitfor mninla se cou- aîtnted tilsi milet'Sont! on en-ilmusi ahvsyo Le uppernoat, sud n-ber. cn-! "Inute licarcultural, vocidt t Isansd emhen*er.chedulesalsine ire the du- CMAIRMAN DINGLEY ON IS NEW tics et the settetf1811) tuila'restored au a TARIFF MEASURE. ule,.anu in a tî'rvcaes s ncrensac, i, tb the view of Maniily î.otectinîc and eut-en,- nglag our farmulug itteeta b>' every 192pocteiIl te n-mu Si 12.000003 More Possibl, pi nt. l'lile thi dol>' on cloth- Revené-teciroctila Pomientlnuxnool la lasrer iu proportion te the flevuse-eclpocîn- l Pmn.lnet treilgu value ilîsu ont mnuntactîreu arîl- -Vire la te. Louis Casnes a Loe siftl yet it la tboîîglàt desirable tor tLe Neuri, *I,oSwooo, publie interest snd fer Onr agriculture tilet Ore abonlî prodîce this primneraessllty l)lngley Tariff Bll., ter etiselvî's. The duty on Partiel aivls, Cimmsn Diafflea', ef tL. Waysansd asn-ceil as upon iîîany allier atticles, in àdesus Cotutittre, in reapouse te at-.. mposed mntla tir mevenne. The Ir lita queit 'bttcLe utnisa a ynopsIs of tLe tien causadlîy tbe useet fenfritvoola, nets tarIf il IPresQnted La' hlm Males heintoto. cînssol as carilet i'ools, tor th*e fouiowng tintement : clothing punaises, bosn len r.uîedilfih, rais:ditionui rven ndteenoua e o 01lasss, but the dut>' on ciothing lhe Industrieso e L. Ited »taire. onn-tul aI l ea ereat6red te tL. rate et tbe the. baisleofetthe Importations tor the laeil aet etf1lm figail ear the LIb i'olîd lucres» e rey. "In tramlng thi Dcvtarif lthe aim bail caties about $112000,000. dîvided ensrng been te maie the dulies apectific, or nt the. ereraa cietînles rougbla' as teion-,' least partly apecîfie, se fa, as possiLle, te A, chemicals, 113»i0,00); B, croliera' ,nl protect the revenusud aise te ptotect glsewgam, 4,0100,00)0: (c. me&ls, S4,0S0. ou, enn Liemcot. Tictetproehta'prSoW 000; D.avoi, $l.7110,m; E, Rager, $21 louIo et o L.the net f1900)bave net oaIw'huem 700.000; F, tobaceo, $7,000,1j0; (1, sgrj. tiilly restorei, but tiIs polit-yfnbastas cultural prouues, S$0,.OOpt H. lquors eXtendeal Ly asiut l atgar, teu, coff. 1,0,;1, cOtton, $1,700,000; J, jute,' sud bile,, as ariile, u n-bhick tamaie lunen sud bemp. $7,8Wl,tow; K.n-ol, $17, recipuecal Agreememns, sncb artIl eta 500,000; Manufactuîres etfavool, 0271-champagne, brady, uit>l, ,artificielandui 000,00: L4sulis, S,ïtMX;h. puip andnaturel minerai waters, srgol@ snd .11k pape-r, $58.(M0: N, sindries,116, 000. laces. Ini sîlîiîîg îLes, articles the preel- 'This estimale in on the $opposition fitproelîY Provisien ilastreunthened gftatly the importeo a e dba-lsof otmodusn-nid by Providinc for a reduetion ofttles le be the RaMuiethe next i@(-aI year au the coutries giving un s shila, conî'eaaiea." fiscal les, enîîed lent June. Tii. Commît.- tee assumes thatIle excessive importa. FIRE VISITS ST. LOUIS tien et aoi-oeil oîd lie largely etluced Ly lb. PrOPosed bltl, piihongh the fotctilet Elyl',mlker fDry Gooda Ce. flamneli ou, somestîs- production et aioOl lia di- I OuI-Lésa *1.5w0.0 rminiabeit 8,(»U1,oM pundm inc e 183 ail irFît.londtay gatted the mammoath necestiate the importation et Machb mefoM . --.'0' suite building ettheub nti- n-Ol so- than in tiie latter year . As- nest corner.ef t8h fstreet sMI Waahlngi- .nrniag tht tue luporîstions ef n-col1 Il ton avenue, St. lonuis, Moe., oceuplmi ha' tl Off ai leansi ne-thimit frein Iboe he EtiFY-Walker Dr'y GondsComipany. The. 180Ounses-eutt fanticipaiera' ImportalIges, viib. close ta $l,500WoW. one lbu. CHAIRMAN l)IN(iILEY, lAI'IIEI te us-oiddutie., us-oplace ai. lueresseal revenue front this sourt-se ut $11,oo0.ttOO. Auticimîting aIse Ithat tLe importa of avulena nilI fali off ueat-y 50 lier cent. from the etlet-n»ia Iporta et 189M,n-e estimate lte nus--csen-eenlie fs-unti ai meus-ce tudîr tne îiropomt-i tatet-a lssut $14.000t,4 x.Frein dinar ii'estinîste $20.(000 nîlitienal re'venue. Auli,'i- listing a conuijot-alle fauihtn off et im- porta- et lIas-lata huuu-u trise oethîe revelîutiiiu i ('uhia, nie rorlitIhe enti- mates et sululihîul senvenlie îo Leueris-ci tram tLe obuc,-o sebodîie te i4t,ttsuOXý Tic rumus-nan seiedulnis veulit affoatsa ree-tune etabout $3I).54tl,4l1Mon lttthe aqs et the hmporta et 1811(1, btneatht-se n-îîIld prohatil>' tut'imiîîis-îI imtporta nt sain" points. lttîoirh te ns-adluai rstatitiu of business. ritil.ity an uld offset thia ha increasiîîg theIno u-uîîtuuîtion et iîupîrloi luxuries, ris-t-dlu iii' s-sltiintsleaon tbi'mu le 5:31,,0tsîOTi-e, oolu aggatei su sditionai reteu f $ffl,lttli.l1) the irat yenr. A fuîthler moinstien et $5,000).- 000 for u'oitingens-ies n-eîîhi leavc $70.000;0(M le $75,00110,000 ne the pt-obabie incisaed revenue trou tiibillI the fit-st yesr, as-is-haveulit uudenbtedly rme ta e 1t,0(51îL) te secondi Jear. "Tîtesoeatiuiates as-e belon. rather than above. the probiable reuit, unuens a cou- aldorablu' dîlsy iin tiihe ets-nt o e b bill shouligri-ati>' mnasge the opportui. ta' for importasetfattiile, on ns-it-b dulies amteeta-c alad -par-t culst-IJ avouoitn eceleus-ors- sec-iîative purpeses. Un- iiouhtedly ami>'delay beyonit lMay 1 lu piaciug the iii ou the statut. booki avuld mesai lua alange Iosetfrevenu,. "'Ibiselncrcame etfryuneié asaecnmed ha' tuausfervhng avool, Irimier, crude opium, argoe, pinlingsansudataîara', tran- or- mamete, sînari- nattreasco, burlapa antd vauleneotLen articles tram lbhe free iIst of tue preut Ian- le the dullable list; b>' Inervasîng the dut>' on wooleum te cou- pcsioie theumanufiacturer fer tLe mia' plaeed oun-coi; bh a ng the duly on nuar about tht-ec-foirtm of e a cent a pout In erder tleneutourage the- pradms-- tinoetsogar lu tIis ceunira'. n'bisb, l la belîaved, con Le dtIe, nsd Ibus give our fermer@ a nen- tcep, n-bit-b n-anon- !m- port jisinla' front ubrosi; h a nreaslug thea futa' ou agnîcutursl productsAaffect- ed, ha'Canatianucompetition, sud ou the Cotten gois, nome adveanei mnasc- turea et ironan sd steel, uisrWacfuerea et jjieé, ax sud heuop, lu oruer tlenaiconr- age îLes. sud other inunstiîe@ be-ce,anud especialia' ha'lns-noing doutes ou sncb luxurles asuIiiuot-s, tobacco, ailinauni laces. "As a cule îhe raIes et daties prépoaed are hein-cen tLe ateso e t e trif etf 1800 aud tii. tarIf etf 1804, sncb roduclion et rates frein the former lawansd preserva- tien oethlb.protectîre prncîpi. b.hug made feasmblo ha' changod conditiona& "The Iran sud steel scieduhe ha cbsuged nery'lItele tram IL.heedul et the tarife et 1804, lis change blng eonm* l lieh "ImfV' / , 7"/ tR 0F THIE NEW TAIFF BIL. Man lite n-s aacmiici'ienitseveral people ns-cte hurt. The lirern onee ouithe wnr. tLe St. leuils iteî iînu-nt bhie aulte î'upe uh for a long' lime. anud for a uvîihe il Icoliud lm asbough the Wasington aveuen-bole- SalIe businieess district nonld Le n-ipetl ont. Tii, building blîrnel n-ns linon-n as the Licinlergen Building. Il frontei ou Wasli- iuiglon aveue, ruuitig nos-iL mloug 10h streel me Mt. Chat-le,, and extenited n-i-g 0, %'ahittgton avenue tte idle et the blo--l. The irnîs onormiluastock et gîodasn-as net-enlI ii-eaai La' imense Piui'î-buu frottra hîe AIaIt, sd s-ous"en- 1' oernash of arahable flor spore n-as occiuleits La'great ilea of dry gcodd et ct- et--uscriptlion for tLe spriug traie, 'ThIi' îaîîran-on th e stock lsa bouti .- 000,000. 'lh. tuiliu'ns-wa suted for 521.000(X. Tt n-s ontit ha'the Jobs Tt. Liouberger niaut n-s.»tînlit abolit elgtlt 'eam sigo ut s rosi tof11:M0010. Hfee .blaze n-os mastened on, lime- man, Ue'rt-e (Aaîltn-iîid, n-s lled byha' falling n-aIli nlbthe8mb aleetunindtof te Luilding, and uitdrng tL. lire ses-et-aI other liremn e -te moe or leu, seriouiy lu- jureit _______ HUGE REVENUES. tihe Cantenne Record nt New Yeckas Brokten. A recordn-bit-h bas àite o ton n-nty- lise yeara asabraken ai îLe Nen- Yurk cunom botta. Monda>'. The paa'uieuî et Ldulie, for goodeiImporte-i and ou acconii et ofmercbanime avthdiovu ftrambond n-ms lhe lanuesitfon ana' single day mince tii, office n-as e-tabllshei. Until Monday tlb h wnaie, mari fer custouri dulhes n-s Aux. 1, 1872, n-bau tbe total rce.ipts n-en, $2,308,000. Tho receîpta Menisa' ranlnealy 530,000 abos-, iLat mari, TIhe total receîpta n-ena $2,08l7,979.51, etfn-hleb 52,178,515,36 n-s on atceouni t f thirawu entriez. Tnougi almilar frem lthe tact, Ihat boath nen. rec- ord days, Auug. t, 1872, sud Mar-ii 15, 1897, are vasila' differetit lu other r. spece. Fe-asoethigher dmil e lie lmpomed lia'tiie ('otigress emîlci lu extra session led te the pceseut wn-hdran-ale ang Le-se>' uuyments. Tu-enta'-tive a'cars ago tLe n-sm tarif vw&s rednccai10 par cent,, sud gouda accimuised lu bond 10 latoteits-antage oethle lever rate, vor, avîthitrawn, The premeul mevement started it th îe 11o9atilOt h.ava'inHa' the Imperter* of luaens, tobacce, n-col. n-ohen ires. geeda end mm'@ver tuode and ether rnembandu hat i Ic lgie affeitted ha' the new tariff. The smgurI7trutvhihcLan su sblmudancaet of, onfM.'aaked fe#r parmnt-or "M=l lInio .. 'for lhe = - speTb*e llntrl a'gnea .e-calesd i à T a" h'l. ra "a li efe .1c t cnnog raie.for ime andi unhlmoaa&" siemuaîèelal papa,,. The ilt» M.i volase a&8 by 2%16 HIE TERSELY TELLS THE NA-. TION*8 TROUBLE&. Baya More ]Revenue ilb.heParmm. Ploes.ty-lnpacte etIemoret he Vravousi Way et Easaluz I-Urss. Congresté AtI. lts FlitMessage. - Thtemes-sage seulteaCongres@ hy Pnee. dent %Icule>'yMonita' n-osaa, folIo-ns Ta tIi, Congres,.ofethtetUnited Ste.: - Regretilng theLeucceiha' nbis-b bas nse. Quireit me le caIt yen logether, I teel ltha yeur assembling iu extraorna' scslorn la Indipensable beestîseofthlbconditis Iu avihb vanld the revenueso eti. îGoeeumeut. tt le conceded ubat ilsenvou- reut expouitures are greater thon Its 1receipis, andt that ncb a condition Lh» exhatl ifor non- more than Ibre, pes'. Wth i muîle ans et Our commandl W are pe.sealinglhie rmaniabe sPectU- eé, 1 luere.sng env public- debt by bon- rvling enea' to meet tLe ordinama' eut-. laya Incident npon eve u anecenomhesi snd prudent adinistationuoethîe Gev- crament. An exuminstion. et th. anhieci discle.. ibIs act iunceva' delsil sud lesits inevitabir a'te beonclusion thalithe cou. iimon éd the revenue. n-bhallonis his unJtîstifiable sud shouhi tm- cornected.. W, IAnd La' oftheL. lisrelara' et the Treasura that the revenues fer the fiscal year ending Jue 30, 18112, trameaIl aoure" waere $425,»0,200.22, sud the en- pendilumes for ail Ilurtuoses avere -l- MîEiS00.6, levlng an execietfrocipli evec expenitures et $%1914.453.4l;&i.Dur- ing ibat nfi lycanr5li7ow47llféaopaim[ upon the publie dutht, n-£hi n îcu s., duceit shuce Match 1, 181, $250076.890M snd tles.ashi iterest charge decroaul 811I.004,57(l.60. The recelpte of the Gov.- ernmeiut from ai sourdes doriug th, fiscal Jear ending Jîue 30,;1lm%1,amioyned te $461,716,561.94, snd its expeudilus-es ta 8450,374».(Z. howimbng au excits.-eto neceipise ver expeuilturea of $2,341,. 674.29. limcethut time tLe et-tpet of ofiscal Jeuan,d.n-ih but fen- excepthons, et ne montb et nny ieu-ai yoar, have exeeded the expenilitures. The receilîts etfiLhe Governuient tromu ail sorcses dîîring the Oiscal Jean ending Joue 30, 1804, n-or $372.8&2.41982t, andit ilexpeniituro., 544200575887,lenviug a detis-it, the tirat ince lb, reauroptien et apecie paymeuls, et $Ol.0t2xt5 . Noîrnhotauding thevus wnsas iterpa3eet Sf 71i1 in8,8tlhe or- dinama' expetises et the i.iOve'vimeut as sompsnd nitb thme luresions lisent year. Ils lusoui, nsatill onet uilleniteapro- vide for ia isaila' ucees.ities, snd tue gohut nesemve lu tLe triesauma' fer tLe nedemption et greflibites-Iwun-nsdrawnntlon le mccl thei. Buit thia tht nol miliee, sud the Government Ihen resorted tate ans te re- pienish the leserve. lun -ebrîas-y, 1804, $50,000,000 lu bande n-a, isanei. andl itnNot'-vuber telhowalg s second issue etf M,000,000 ns-us deeiued necessara'. Tii. nm et $117,17L,795 wn nealiacal La the sale et these bonde, but the neses-ven-as micadila' decreasci nutil en k'eh. 8. 18M, a third mulet 6f 1,41 lu bondi for 541,116,244 wnm nuouneed te Congrs&s The reMepts oethile Coverumnt lfor iiie fiscal îear endiig Joue 30, 180M, n-ent 5311.373.206M.30, sud the expenditumes $43,17Ï8426.48, shoaing a delicit et $42,- 800223,18. A further Insnuetf511000, 000 wns egotiatei by the Goverument lu Febrmtiary. 18961, the salIe nettlng $111.- 106,246, and enellîug the aggregute et bonds lesued it aiithil rbee yeara to $262, 315,400. For the lOsent yeux eudlag Joue, 30, 181>0, the revenuesaoetîL he vemu. ment frmuiail sourcsaamounreitale $00- 475.408.-78, whte ila expendhtatres n-cm $43,078,G.044 or an erreas et expeudi. tares ever eeitts etf525.M0,245.70. lu - éther words,,tLe totau ece-pis for the tires fiscal e-as-s ending June 30, 1806. wero insnfilsient h' 17.1170, te meet the totsl expcedltures. Nor Las Ibis condton gauce improved. For ILheliraihuit et lia present fiscala. the rees-ipta et the Gosernuient, excusive et postal reve-nute@. ver, 157.507,6.370, sud lia expesititurs, exclusive et postal serice. 819,410,0002-9, or an en- ces. et expenditurea s-i-r neceipta etf$M,- 002,31)(1461. lu Janunîty oet Iis year tLe meeepia. clusîve et postaI revenues, ver, 5P4,31(1,104.05, sud tLe axpendî- tume,, exclusive et pasel service, $W0, »0,M8.219, s deici t 5, ,0924for thé montià. la ebruara' et thia Jear the recelpis exclusive et postl revennes n-cm 524,400,007,38 suit exleoitures, exclu- ils-e et postaI service, $8711.9,1,a deficit otf .iU,0i.2:on a total iteicit et $18,061.5ffl.44 for IL.eb,., eaneus and eigbt unontbs edIlng Mlars-b t. 1807. Nuit culya' re ave nitLoi aàsurplus Lu lb. tres-cany but n-lu an increse hn the public iteht. Tiieme has.been a conrespondlug lot-ens, lu the anuîau Ite-test charge trou #-"893,8w..20 lu 1802, the loaveai ut anyyear mInce 1802, tea524,37,20.60 lu 181M0,or an iscreas.oet$11,U06,414.40. Il esay b, urged tint even If tbe rev- enues et lb, Goveruent bai beau suiE- ri1nteameet mil ita erdinera' expense. dur. lug tii, tnt thne, years lbe gld roear. avonld smliibave beeu Insufflcent te lacet thé demanda upon Il, sud thsanen. a'oîîd necessarîla' have bliueucifor Ita repletion. Be tht. as il usay, Ila citer- la' manîtest i. nilogt deuyiug or sfllrlng lb. correeîneas et suis-h a conclusion, tuat the deht n-ould bave been deceeailu int tinat the smunut of the deficlenc ansd busines confidence lmmeasurabla' etreugtbenud througbout lb. ceunira'. Congres, shol pomptla' correct the exlating condition. Ample revenues muet b. eujld set onia' fur the ordinsa' ex. penseae» tt1h.Goreesment but te, lie prompt pystt IlLeral poasalous sud tue lquldathoet îe principal sud Inter- es t li te publieulelul. la. nalalua revenue dulleelshould b. se Levied open tevl proihucte as ta pre- serve the, homne iachet seft ase posiabls ta our non-spraducera, ta revhve sud ln- creansMannfactnres, té relleve sud en- courage agriculture. ta haresse ortdo- mtie an sd fetaillucommerce, tea&id sud develop "Innmngud building, sud ta cen- der te labor lu evera'ld ue meul accum- patios tii, lîbarsi n-ages sud adequst tem. vaerds a tén-Iiu kili sud hudustryarean juotly, eutitled. Tic necessita' et lb. passage cf a tart tan- n-Lit-b&alipros-Ii, ample ,eventgc ne.d net b. ftmer urgeul. The Impers- - tir, iemsnd ef ticehurIo the prompt : enscîment et suicl a Meillere. a"d téeii" , ébjectt 1eurneetla' oemmead lit Conte greseabuail nietta evera' endaiser, efflefq ether business le tnanaacted lot m I15 provîde sOUcient revcoie» tlhlo*lb aduiihalter th. e rcalm wi ulle céniractisg etfnimdaso and disturbance. of «r 1 ~ WlLLU(wJA

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