CIIAPTER XXIII. Tite varg tasttes mnutetlitetheur et paties havo conte, anti Brie Liemel- igna frilnd-hîs deirest eues-ire &il abouttbhlm. ni& moteba, Wcouain nas ter. antieuslbnt love, EtititCaneron. "T ii.uetribla girl whmimho a bs mat- nid bas no plice antong Ihet," lMuriel lbiluliai #bc keepa amig lu prendi self- torture, and Wlochersl ialt. hatrhati' rouiteopina iu the bltteu-naaa of cilidtit uileery taI ErC mîlIput thétclmax on hie tcoit, cruie't nduet bg golug ag withiot eren sagina go-ir tle r. ie béeamvieetp apprathleg tie door, Rnd lente one tnechi rtuer abarpig. lMn- ria mus le th door, anti viti uiulg bandaeudees the lad, andi efea Brie standinug on tue titreshoiti meemin-was dos, in hie hmghill puetlllos obeerv- suce of tta teint.en wmiîct elhive, "I-I-houail y t hdgener" sit gaips, Irging ttrriblg bord te kLeep f ietu iattlhigt.e teurs, anti thttendeinesas,snd tae mlsety of ber ittart. comas ail togetiter 0What bave I doua la maletgon bImag- fa In-as tertng In lhe commonest rani- taay te geu?" ha demnde, lu s snttras- adl tote, for lu a modern buflt Londion hobua. eueneyer mev, heîe tuey gmai ha oveiieail. qI thougil I mmm the rab drive awag mit te lugauge," taitere Mnerii; but at te harainesm anti coIneotbis tone, love anti hope dia out of ber heart, anti 0"a suivai, te maetIhim on hie ovn greunti. 'Wlasn mg tinte le tecitieîtuv bmitet," has«y et leanIst, emallemima cetething la hie tiroatithl a fierce effort "I muet gay goot-b le yTo, anti I assura yeno1iIn- teutittidoîna me mthout faiV" Andt het Io a ecoruttul glcam in ie burniug egez. ".WiIl gon net uhake ibande'." For- a teurmoments a beîtcenailiet rages lu her hemul. adi mnautgtignity, moondeti love, prd. anti turatit retruin ber au If nith visible shackte. But tht noîttntoment tue checktee are tSung off. ant i nlt sa ihît.deapairuîuu rry, Moriel ruahes atter him wnho is torsaking ber. lie bas decenleil tht tair-s hait vag alreadg, anîtase he teins on te landing. sitottetiad culcnotallzet i ndeeti at tht Mdes of a "atene," ho Oinds inaîf im Muril'a arma. But re b caoubel ber up, shh asipedtidown an tht grounti, cliugimg artundi bis tuee iteah ia piteohis, fraudie entreatly. "Do't leere me-eoh, ton't eure me- de't iare ntai1I@mm ail clone! Den't go an-ag front me, Erie! Dou'l go an-mg tramn me! Mg etlaittcbrestîna!" "'Foi heave's mkel" tesgay%, the seet etarting on i brem for verg ehamie and dislreea, "dont bebave lu Iis Insaane man- a'! Thcg ni-hI hemi yenutiemntaira. Mu- rial, geu fooiah ciildtulegir. mîg In tua mmaai t tht 1ma. Do ubsi, Muiel!" ha rapeats aiment sngriig, for tuetw ilt, coavuWmve ciy ibaibroulâtnseneeu ruskilg mbinthe bal dovmtclrs, unît n éjaculation la Mines Ralle'. shapet tons ot indignant antaatntnt: «Par mereg ailae, wmut la tae mater"' «I hog Tour pardon," Muriel tallera brnlui',anti sho tirage berselt u> eff lbe coot vhere mite bai het et hie teet anti luung le hlm; and bhliedtivhtleurs, trie, te grueeber ar UP le lier rooni agalu but arounti ber slip valsi, andi Britedram. hon beai deme on i troast. mwhte th. aluong Inipdlsa risestrobiim te hlm lips t. bld ber ceins viti hînt nom thie miaule, anti net lat lie laconventenee, or ti heasruitg, or tht ridicule mhîcb Ibies utitin resolve milii urelg brlng on lhiai, blutier them or eep themrapart. "Muriel,!'" be mispers, itoarselg. uslig ber te bs hert. "Are yen -rlsvlua le part mith me? Mg dear, Tou mgt bave conete,,b.if yen hati teciet le pieper ime. Yeu retusett, Tou un-w. Mg yoms dirling grl" ho wisipers pas. aionstltgMonit tg he ied, quiverlng ipi miîcl@hitepreffers hlm. lkt i peitent chilti longiug le "mnake It op' "My emu tIsar ltlde Wife!"-when Mima Hettie's ahrilli, sarcantie toue, ring up the stain- "Bricthe bouanbon ha ome, andToyn mili hrel e laIe iuTgomn don't hurrg e lttlel" "I1 muet go!" h. sais, hastily. *"King me, Murieli N, deer, ilo't boiti me- tion't. Murieli Be a geai girl, ad ho braire nom, atidton't apeet mia me horribi> il thte laitl!"bhausg, irrltaitlg, in hie dIs. trouet tlie sîgit oet litevilet ayez stramag tour$ and thtose qnverig li" lrglug In vain te ay mg "god-by," andthli littis white baude ciutching hlm ceat collar vilh a graep eoftiespair. "'Wen't Yen lake me vith gou? oh, mon't Tou take me'?'a sitesgapiteoualg, hait iteide herseit a i te tugit liat lie next ve miutes wmliimes ber tel' elous la the uorii; taI tundretis and lieumaudo oetvollet ofsuandanti sesmi sevr ber tronm bar ocly friand anti rois tive anerth. Anti never, Il may halook o eb face agalu. Ho iii b deadt e bot.a Miles te dea te ber. Miles' loveti fae lets ntierthe coffin-liti tomu drap ilatlb dirhmone grave la tue tir-off country chnrcbyarti, itden forrsattuiore trou ha'u 8l4ht outlllie lRésurrection. unre' levai tSacnil nuoet tairy eved et ai b«de-itar love, ber brldegroom, 1hg tarUinAg Ô ter seul, ahi mai noeeulob e hM aaisnltî ibat dmg "viten thetnet cbmIl$ive u> ber tddl' "My der gril Rom couaTguabhase ut rmwioahi?" Brie exclama iaralg, il Uns vedaitrouble. "'I lal inmauc f go te mlsuri a tlitgansd uttetlg Imposei Mea veil. YeFo ho ye atsed poil Uuiy lt omne mihm-Itlate our 0Wl daims, Mrai' Let me go, dear, let n 1 Ishel ble" th. train!" àailinover se yen asn," te cme *uk M qs u r>afi vu bd ayes AU tI 411e oaxiug haut 'b-hlm ami caeuair bhln vît tfilh. 404,uraId 1Ia e Mt aiaaeber mord et; s so hait a score ot heartitaits, anti mien ho pot@ ber dowmstho faeo t.elasti evtt mit tht otere ltuira, Thor are tilI 'vling le the hall for hM, tbmugh b. bai iiiten liera goed-by befoe, aud ble mother te matptng;- anti,asa ho ruehiet haintât througb tua greup, ha taga le Musero cgaln. ..Be gofto mg poor ite, moter," ho aya itoarsely, aud neyern look» at Edili or Ileseashme b.tie, eut te the hansoin, lbue>. uand tihe rne mtarte et a rttiluig puce and te cuab laont ot sigitt ln hit a douta secouda. CHAPTER XXIV. Poor goung lMurl e heellyn, una- pleut t alit e unitappg oely maîttietj tildes the stars book demu om that nigt- ad there are amnta au rasny uubsppg brdesause nnappy n-tata-i grief-mati- dituit, panionale, foiloin cretuit, test- luis lu lb. foyer et the pain of deseta- lien tbul la ever er-le mandeving uboul lie treatitul Lotion mreets, b; gamiligt anti alouue. lu tae horrible bush thit fallu over lie, bouse mitan Brie has givem ber his ents hMn and le sono away-quite smmg mont urelg--gone sag liehussude faietu- gene toi menthe anti gtaie-penitse"for -e-- nndtlheg-those momien vbo ire biesfMende bot net bers--bave sitot Ihenmeive 1m tu e aîlling ruent leva- tairs, antiabc itleqite alonc-mlone vltb Ibis second bereivement taI ban talian ou liter lu tbree n-teks; tuen broIeavery stases eemu te give vag ln s trauce et fieuzieti tespair, andloeeIde& pogseasmeé itert and bralu--togoCetut oet litebouse. en-mg front theue people, ou nt othie oen air. an-ny ameng utter trungers, sud mîlk. or run. or trîvel amn-m onmiabre- anymbere tram Ibie place-frointhereI- trom ber lite if let ere pocibtel Ste gela tto brilianetty lit tiioroniri- tares, and @stucgronra hamltereti. aud peu- pIe jotle against ber if ahe pauseesut mo- ment, andl tuice men adlream ber an'd eren follem bier, ctcbing s glimpsetot the slaîîg cge. and etsbule f act tituotiite goseumer veil, antiahbe gnome feint naSti liîd, a lcr- etdacte je the thiu, ig-eeldbouse amshe hian for- gellen ta change. Ae abe pauses, bevil- titîtî, lher eefali on s plegitill, milditîst ai baud thteopen, ligbted vestibule of u Ihester. r* au ait in bere, andl ret. anti se. tht play. It wrll ha deligtl foi, anti I amnoc ireil. anti I von't go hack te that itose!" eh. soya, taveriably, nus@ah, valks op te te office wmmondd slalue dumu hit a ceverelga anti ixpeure for "one tall." "OneT' repente the gentleman, in te faulttîs abit front andillb-ralmstimua- tache, antibistaegebren-. go op, acutisi eye @tare boidly ietlthe piettg white tact, te gittring cee,tlitte ainltl ger- cd bsnd, md lie detpmeurnu attire. But ha bauds bier the white ticket mtb- eut a mord, anti gazes eut atter ber as @be goec &leng tht vestiult--is poltebg accosltI anti nspltloualy ootedet ai tivrera otier gentlemen lu foulle«e shirt trent* sud meil-traineti mustachea, sud in fiatig seizet open b b, mîlai groua ladyg lua ecreW iet -g, biactaneti cge laitea anticreamn-colored lic* cap, mie bas charge efthle chat roon. fo atares brethleseig, amd "ex't malt Il out." as h elletiathoeoCher rouas ladies sfteî- naid, mien Mioil raaigam ber tiape bon- met, but tecines the poptior puR mblcbh lie roues lady peitcly effara Andthtta nejier sre, vti brgt diffedil bain sud ndi moulin cap, sella Muriel a pro- gramnt sahow er te lier tait lante ,talle. Itlni.nmeearnig g e l it Iplee his@nt bosun, md au Muriel its *ad lola» at the drap acent, sud ber achittut itat cool% s lttelu tie qulenees, and the veant sud the dit lgt, the renttien coseqncnt opnpthlb.@trainu*ste bas suffetil uring tuts eveimg ad yaut iffip5eu veulng, comnesopen ber, and n-it a terrur-àtrlcken stauseof etig ftartulg lmfout, aboi te- 9gins te conuretebd n-el ahe bas donc anti miera ah. l. Whatl ite dolug bere aloe? Site cu notice nom how ittpte star. ailber, ail mem put np theu gsinana. anti nomiam ok over titeir fane A ber. Wbsî mouiti ErietIhnt? Wbat momîti ha tatI-be mho a in me puncllolus-te menonlmb it ie sitlg mIloeleatth. stallset a fasiieuble thas- aer lite a trlendiens, lent creatur., n-li V but came br ta axhibîlit reafl wTliese beiti loo* of lie mea, andthei i morde than tott look$ ofthte von, tua a the. bvelg rouasfactaon d lthe gas asudtoreo, and the timit iols tial borna rin a carmIne spot on bel auel., havs auligblmnet aeven Muitels a a lamer- a, nc. ant iInnocence, sud s terrer of lion- ratot, anti s terrer o e t eneter, anti a mecus.oetdiueatehrhonaepati. urges !t tiroaighiber tionghits la a sert et deflirum. d Aid nhan iahedrop some denctude Dou i h li e ittta, MmoiIl rien adrushes on eu te i.stalle, gela bar bonnet igau, anti le bobus evra the l.taims, la comns astc.e la bu baste in te b ho m.-mîth às«grofetlemnn l ,a evonlng trase, oua t wmntae recegnis le ailaelsmly as ha doesbei-a reni et, ,tle UneOpîmin Hang L«eeoi. sCHAPTEII XXV. JI'Fer a moiemet Captain Lèveraion b.. se latelunsiteer amasaint, aiub.a... Ma-n nu uele etartiati glauce et racogetioa, sud abar quieit geture et sveldanee, mu aie sirinlecaide aud drt, evthe litan»re - md ten eurloslg, oe t nI ay lb.,somme nu wothior feeling, prompts hlm le ibvy nù afler ie. "i- Tieta la nmeithng nrong, avtuly I- nrong," b. thilus le dlsmar, aseha hurutes n tienat tret sfter tua identier bsock- lerobed figue. Sibaiutaken a nrong luruila lWb it. salezaneandhat, for mie fiaMds il s- ursetiglina s quare-s gresl, dise,, si- 48 Lent square, oaiy lighwsib, a o fourme th giUmrlns laffpa:" sud itt mbauesbiv or tascd 44reaMues et lbe squarem tt Osat. ies etevé M uds tthebblng bsart, il» b tales Ù& j*I~tma shemstu gr lesa umeet0< mueveylenug ýý ý. l to 0- 0u*t.. tlgslgo me eetg7vi bunls iat iaI e -he hbat jasi. "Wi ieiIde. Brlýîx1Bavet e. si e4soohr 6zitue-4 dataezoé Ieslia- i betu eut for boutai Whars »hal 1 go? Whst oaiai I dor' Andt pour Murtl, vldir, mai, remlva te mn a wy I ble te littîs moes han i chilti lu ber pimionte lnPilem sud tispar-at tb. soitroma vhlcb hava galb- trait in a ittavy clogil over beri Young lits, anti mesno httor wmg thaa te eIv l e cuaehem off. And ai @lie arrivas el her wilti détermination a tait cornesnp te bhW and 'Cajhalu Ilrry Lavarmen coe@ON~ ton. 'Wheuel"uhll Itoihlm te drive?' b. aika. "Ta Buaton Station," smii. caMve, quitkly; adtilng, *Thsuk roen vary mach for gour khinuma" qI am S onl C happ te have b-saoet ang servit, te yen,," b. suivais, plltely. sud tien sans t.daiudy tarng &fter lb. cab auilt siua sivur. Dseodly and dmlmy ho valks bath le- merda lbhe tter. He site tiare nsvolv- iug puziladi dsa in b hidaum 1r ahnt ton minute,, sud titon, mien thé. drOP mene goes down on theft a at. h. stands "i.. tmnt attharo qultly amy beuger," la hlsmemntai décision, aud muttming oz- cnaet more or Iem vagua le bis ti'leds, mli. arcii helr eyebrovi and lk ie. Img sud atiricil la repîy, ho mas e ut et tiie theater, hallsiaiabanti drisas ta Nev Cavendisha srtet. He rings the hall anti saké 1te s Mies Camieron, anti as ho sa"ilb. Question actn Mimm cametr toudn evsstalra 'A thouanti pardons, Mima Camer»n," hie stanmaers, dgttng vith bls crnah- bat, "but titi tact lvai I mai ue&a". Titra wera tmeueparcel-Ibat Is, 1 ahoit ma-ene parcel, et nume things, jovep or »meteting et thst iati, vhich 1 bellave Brie lutentiet te ha recelvati brs thlis cvtnlng-a &glft for-fer-hlm uite..anti 1 was aniiotie. Do yen knov if Mmra.Erie Lian-ellyn retirtît ber partal, Mise CCnt- ten? Thay mera te b'brougit bl a romnminaonaite." Andi ae ho look* eagerty nt ber hlia om the aighlly baugbty calumens. ot EdtlIa heautiltoi yta grow trouhioti. anti ber cler titepen, asalsitebite, her IU unssly. "I reatly Canont tell ye, Captais Leyv ersen.» ehe amavweme. -' do net thlnk liaI Raiy pircal came heit for lira. Brie Liev- ellyn. 1 ilii nra, If jou im." ,,If-It--ynu milii skMmirm. Brie 1,ev- eiiyil eratît, Misa Cameron," Harry Lev. erson soggeatsq. miti greal simpllctty. "Tbey wmet uoable ornaments, anti mers ieft lu my charge, ant-ant-i am vtrY anoion, abouttem.", 111 wil sait Mis. Lewellyn. certalY," Edith saye, quietly. theugh shte quetta at tae tiicovery that le Imminent. "Bbc ta nol et honte at presett, baving gene eut ou n mtter ot business, I believe, a uhort ime-" "Then It mas Mr@.EBite Lemellyn 1 mt about hait an heur age," Ceptain Lever- sen ezetaimp. theorfulr but Edith de- tett a suppiesseti excitèent and i bdeia tueninin hu is volte. 1thougitt coiti net ha itaken! Anti 1 hatithe pleaure of caiting a cab for ber, nt-ant-"ý *,Wbeie-wbeie?"' Et i nterrupts, ln ton-treti tomes, anti a swlft, frlgittenaît, buttkwmrd glauce eIt te or which stantis Sara. -1 met ber l lte Coret Titeter." ho anamera, lowtrimg bisi vocet aise, andtlt- tlog the auuiely in hum hoent bîue-gray eyes shine eut lu reuposet te bers. 'lun s theater, by berelf't' Bdith mml, quietiy; but be seta ber white bande tissu> eacb other îoti ber brilliant oesmCoud wllh dlsmnay. "lshe msu &louecertilaly mhta I met ber, anti acemnPd ery nervea, sud havil- tieret," hoBeayale0iy. "Site vaa ber- rylua eut, antiteaaPPertd to minesbr vag, aud r offereti te get ber a tait, andi lie drovo te Buten Staio." Tc oRutIent whtrerasa eo gear Edîtît demanda, aimestl aiig. "Cap- tain Lavereamiht a uili I do? 1 am atraiti tae ie nt baPPg vthhunior hie se cause for unitapplues, anti-sud-- I tion' thtitnkho ibe0ioulgback againi Wbt bati I hast do tor ber saite anti Ertu?, ache? Yeu art hlm trieud, I kaon, -bIs taltitut trieuti, or I moulti et con ido thugin luyo." "Mima Camer-en, gotintAy trut me te thte utunm. tieed; upon -y houer yem mair' tbe younfel 1.1ev my, torveutlg. 4,I antBrice& trlad-I am bls vifeas frientt,-sud Ieboniti ha -otrnee U lglban- oeatif I mighi do snylblag lu tolitie me te a ittie ot yourfr ilendly regardi." 4-1 mi lu detti trust yen, mnd thaul yen for ait our salemont trnly," the ags. earntatlY. "Ativis mie what lambétstu de -te toitom ber 5et nte, otcourse, eltiier yen or 1. IVe conut asow Erie'@ gite ho teft trîitidleai ln mhateier Impulsive course ohé le adopting. Atism me et eut., Captatut Levarson. I wii ha guitiot hy yon." -I ativiset en, thît yen anti I botit fon- lier te BoutstSaliom vithout ices of time," ho saga boli. "W. eau vork more t etlntlY logther." ,'Vary mel." &mite yqulchty. "I "ha ha drasseti lu leus thi Ovre minutes if yeu wgill go ot andi get a cait. W. muet go qulttiy te worh." (Te ha cotinnati.) A Chlig and thldLera AILin ignons Permo nim Krebn, mitepatience la «Medntir mon. tigi- ig devetepeu titan bis Mm.ethumer, bas bée&uMotel nomu.experlmal ltal:are suppoaed te b. v«7y impefteat lg aceutlie teset..He bau tea»d hhaý il laam sa yenmg chIli 804.1000of a second te reçgnhize thtltt e , 810M0of aaeooonitu recos te lefttea, anti 380-1000oetIL secon te to0 canim te l. ttet't; vhiee . oN e4el as à whoe la lrecogniaui lunU.1OU et a me"en.Th-efrer, haos-y*, plu. 1 rg toueing cheudb.doute hiW0v141e and àot bg lOttOra,'audthlalttera giettitb. 112 et an Incli 81g sm priattti lua alino Mtttuore than £eui ltches long, W. doet mv sstt bei b. biu dlcvtred ait 1bai lam. but thalt oma flot malte,: ferln baJe evi dentll a vary protoumi person. We bave doms m-e Iguime nsou-aes ou 008oit STTUJiE. FAIT"- PULLY axSn0010.' 140 Ltht Voeua ehe Dtegg ffltOOi. et Chielca-4llimein WiliIBave the $mtantesiWhsii i'op EverUBa- vsîsti lu the @taa. mUaag Ca.. Umamîveit, - loephia. Bragg hahaaam enreltapet by lb. Cbicago policeandthlit uugteyg sur. roundIeg te abotitg ot bar tetaimath- art Mmra cathein&ruêL Bragg, la atmIsan- ,eolvtd. Tht Polices have vlrleshly gîven foi the problemi. - lireBragg dorasnul Im ho amit lbar -hIle site mas leep- lIn tinlg Wetiuesiag mteelot. buttibas Otreng supcions. Bbce kmem bar deugi. ton waa W-Wd op but cuaite ronlî' nu' prosecute bar, eran If abc lueur Jophitne hat ire rtlthtebht. But asedsMleId Jouephine anti IttI ail bar Iroperty taelier brehhera. Rite bld the. girl liieg Weald have ta travmh tiifereal rondtinuuntuire. A the pole hava me direct erluleute, muid au lira.Brgg le roeovtrlig, lheg release Josephînue Bragg. Tht trima la a draper luyaterg thom eger. Sone t.lii bldIoteh tbeery that lira. Bragga sot htersait. But the revolver mis idden on a blgh sittît, smd tera sere ne maiks et binetinemi the hiding place, lbough the munnd lui lra. Br*oum forebeati bied lrotneey. Mis. Braggtanuiot uderalatuîtwhg ber daugb- ter tIi not msmer ber c ntecebemi sht. esîleît eut alteri- eing iitîit. Tiecggl u - mot expîtin it. lira Bragg istmggereî to1 lte bath anti front doore muid fomnti t eu batht iocked;ti:terefore. te pouice think tuer a le ohilng te thetlheor titat aun ont- altier conuntttd the crimie. Boit thle Whaat cenp la aulue:$.- Owlmg te thF-ramera preaallng over the Blate since eurlyin luJmuarg 55ne ta heci- lent ot the- lujuîy te inIer n-test bg vintar kilng the Illinois Blate Boardt ut Agriculture asti-sifor repent rfà-v-îîsIub- lect fientcou'esîoutdeots in tem-t hait. Tht repot4 corroborat the pire- vailing opinionus and an unfortunte toit- dîlion ian uteti. Tht ruporte otftanmgins front thie courte vary tront 15 par cent et tht aiea seve teuilethe entire cntoîumt, tht average halig 591piet ut sîof the am,-î sit. Lest fait 1,471j.(tt&>at-ie ere it- portf e eet. suantlhte,'stioitut fdenm- âge la toofirmaît balt cte sawml ha ieft tl tarvest. bumy<ouilsttui lire drems eedet i ml bhapiomed uip. A teductiou uoftaearas setîteti uta million acres. whi-h ileruporteti, lea-ue by fer the eatalet oasiea ritrreateit in llinoim. L'nîta thp monîtfavrableitcondit ions f romn nom on uo hîrutet there in littît rt-aen to binpe for mure thaut 1O,,fl. bumuet. glel inli the Itiatp. mhlch la nut nenrty enough ho enîpily thehornte dcsuand ilfui cousuimption anît seilfur the eil >-taras trop. tkhoe t Wlanmd Ktlli tuseit. William Droesl. n Chicago carpenler living eai 132 tulleîloti aveniu-,shot hi*i vite, wounding ber in boh bande inî lry- Ina te kilt hi-r. and then sht hiteu- through te h-art whilet hîy lucre in îh-ur- hoe., lra. Drosaci, uoleatbluet ui- soning neta lu, iii irobalyt ic-er sioi. Dt'uasei mie 57 gera otî aîtbail bei-o niduriedît tnaty gi-nsu. Tht roupie ownesl ltae boom. mhert thpy iveul. Droamel. ai- tieugit hindt 0bis thret eilîdri-ti. etmn amsaintesl bis ite, snd about a net mgao ahe b.d hlmn arri-steul. BIatlatxcmmtutaUer. Rev. Cao. A. Wehi. -f Der u am kilicît et Waumutema, Win., by a lit. Paiul train. Tb@. Dimocritic elmy coînvention utftiti- cage, nomînateti Carter I. Harrisaon tui Miayor. ýWilliaemS. West mes rauaht under s fait ftlree tons of tosalIin a l'ana mine anti cruabete, 10death. Thia lu a mlghty fast ege. "Fresi me- pie ugir" ai-agis trîhea the arksiet about a mentithateone maple sap hagina te The marilgeetf Mies a trde Wright Peat, a noteti piaulIs, to Mr. Bigsbee ot L»m Angeles. Cal.ltokplace t tht rt-si- douce of Mr. anti lre. J. Feasle lu le- COU. ThteIlinois Lire Stock Commission won ntifiel mg thet lh,îîtties of Sumner, Larence Coutg.y that a rulit dot bas bîlten a linge drii.e of hoge llI tatlocal- dig receully. sprem-iulg bydrophobla. andi ltaI eney hog billen hie becume imbiti. Tht commission orilere-it he local autior- idlesmnlettoy the infettdaine at once. Mima Etian Leffinugmili ut Arergviiie tileti aturdoy es thtermot of strychnine pelsonimg. tht tras kteplng heoit for ber Ivo broîbersa, îtopen arlelug. vms sut- ferlatrom a seveeheadache. titakedî her brelhen Ehau totego lu tihe ding stoe toiraàiteadache powdilt. FILstarteti, butt raturnet i imetiitlely 10 give ber mhat ha thengit mas a pomiler. Instti l mme a dosc et strychnilne he bati purcitaaet uearly a geai beîe. Itefore ber dicati abitexezmautcî ber brother iront mt blanta. 1 Tht iling et a damaga nuit fer $5000 by N. Kl. Liiibridge gilut lira. Chanmd- ler Stan canoedtimuci t aIl I eckford codtal cirles. Mia. stanr le musical di- raer fet lierSeond] Coagregallonal Chnrtb, sand Ia prominant b inte saient tint.of et koîord. MlAiLibridge asa torrnerig piano tomer tor lie liendelssohn Club, but mas tilamimct. Il wmn ehorg. ad liaI ho put telis»plmeout et lues for a club coeno. pte nmeofethle petiot.- etasamena' lieu lire. tart. Rebas matie vîgoeu onatater chtarges andti lii it te matter ontet tae Apni loaresof the Oc4it court. t A suit ta test te vîldlty et a graI 1dnai et fire Ineurance lu Illinoi vas b.- g us at Dooemlnston. Otto'Belhart et Non- ma1lest a buidngbiylire. Il maslneuts s j" "oaIente la thet uer escmpaay - tbulm-, W. Va. It te Dow allegati tbatDo eh lre ompasng han tagal euiot- aiens la Wou Virgnia, bavt n ver bè 0 tn"iouotedthlera. Il n leu eltaime th ie w eempsuy tiover ebtaîneti permission te do m buaams I lIinuois. The suIosit rought a le etflcthelita mîlory penalty etf$50 0 obamot & Baker, thte loomiluten til, *S dilg buinsafor a compimy bu s le ta e veiklu 1h Stle. laute Circuit Court et Louleviti, Misa - Insulte idinas. ebtaîneti a Juigmett fiau $%» 0fer bresceb et promise. 8h. la 21 geaisotael'he dstsndaat, Udmard MU-1--, le 84. Titis ls the larguaI verdict f -.."t m a eiaffection eve ivan T'h. lamis Grapv e = Cemaas whi* tir tl,theCitpaeet I@ 4W0 v4efer e rmsv rdatmonne.ed h kW réablioal 3ileu, fort OlIe a a ltb. publie @cheantohicago thhv e huusîtbde a smovins trelht trai. Tbo, net et maltdesraction viu e0mitil et teporary tlaufltV conseid by ovetworh.V The bord of diretora et thteIllinis ii fermuera' intituts mot et spiltmgloid muidd elaclti tht tollowingaillers: Premldent c Ames -F. Meer. Polo: vlee'preslulent.J.t H. Coolidge, Quleshurg;»eertpry. W. M.x Robineon, (reenvillle: trenrer. Thomas W. Witiere., pîlugoeaiti. Preullnt (Guy et the St. Loui. reois and Nortitevultiilrod has purcbdilît,- W10,000 serth i etrelleat $18 lierton sud htrveys mili lha eoiauaaeed lua s amw wtkm trint Sprngfield ta East Cliaton. I11. The ceuumaY experte te bud tlin.ot of 1 millesta lenglh titis yesar. A tui cia. by a haîf domen Chicagoe efficers Wedneedoy ulgitl eaumed a vils ftuslladiee ofpista iit@ta bramendt utid wotiati up oaly vite% eun InnocentMa lied beausetrieusl, treattta ssecond mace, etlposeclItehava heenta a Iblied been klîtît. aît mother fugitive ceptured.j Lyman W. Haill, et Joliet. who abat1 Constable F. De Loug lait Noventhar. bast liera senat, eea ie utpeltentlary fortflte.L Hall la the goangeet murderer ever seu- lêeeta l the peotenllary for lif. laWilti <'onnty. lie i. eniy 24 gearaouii. adiu@u l <eulteîîtluneacaplug mitit lite iunprlmon-t Meut.1 TheaStle.Boardi of Ileaitîb hembeftu natiby the healtb authitiea et Bd. wardevide. that mn tîidemlc et pueuinonlt hoa .»&n et,~a Piairittome, peau rd-a wardailile. and tokng for officiai investi- cationu. Dr. C. H. Staniiel et Belleville.1 mîcmber of the sat Board et Healt, boa, lie anotifi-d tuteprocetît la thtelatected j place andîltae a fulIlavestigation. à I'noci 1'. Stona. tIen etf lbe Unlted Statelounit lu Peorla. tUiedafter a le- :'ruîg ilînta. He wm or lum nDerchea- t I-r Counîy, Maryland. in 1822. la 1lm he. be-tai,- îroîîrlelor of tthe 1'teia Dent- ocritiv l'item, thteti-ilpotier entuiblished lu tIllnois. Whea the Unitedl State Court wonestoslbiished in reuura lun1145 lu. wos eppoltîtei lerk, au outiehalie tit ountil bis death.t Jewelry vlued n t more than lil.(K) Wonm atoleut hv thierea from the loin offie et Jea-eh llirtengteiu. 215 South lialuted etel, Chivmgo. The eatmhl*hnuent stands, flush with th, llalsteît tret station of the Miepoliauî Lronît. ThetIhieti en- tlli.hed hpuuselres heuellu the trmuc- ture, and with lb..niet of the pasaing trahris tudrowo tht-i mnrk tht-y mtatAkui the svie of lte buildinîg. A hune lboIt wax loin thioîigh the trame structurt. Mra. ('nroline Bramgg wos chut mhil.. amdlepinl ber hoime, No. 211 Thity-iret trec,.Chicago, sometime twteen 0 andt 7uîîc Wtîtnesamy mosing. Tht bol- ltl wmx tlr.'d 1010 her 1l.'niteple. pasmei lhrnîgh hber liecil. andlcame out Jbat le- hjnd the righî <'e,ci-vsring thet 01.11e lierre, and gîîrnmnntly blilnding lier, lier duptad danahter, Joeephine. 16 yera eldl lab% lth rustodv of tht police, aIthotîgi Mr%. Bragg gays te.dota net haow who @hot ber, mhile Juaephlne. iWhoeWits eleep- lns ln the same bed mt ber tnterntoth- Pi, deules *Il knowlesiga ut how tht latter cenue by thteuounîte. Im Bragg may recorer. CharleEggleztnn.thie 1-yper-old son et Charles B. Liggltettoa, Chicago, dled in MtI. Johgg*Ilespitai ilet8. lOulu trame the effet-te of au overdosofaimoerphine. Tihe police .ttparlmeal and the diorr hu ultended the yonngmien raerd hlmstieath as a suicide. but the charitable slalerg la ltie hespital seyl t-muet bava bée au uac- cideat. Young Eggkeetn'à father. viail- knowu la neui Patate sud finameilicircîte lit Chicago. bail grtifietithe mona* every white and huid given bhlm @11the ad 'eu- tigrethet mtmitb ceulît confer. Inu htay. 1h11d. the Youngman u*ssmerrid lu 'heuulx, Ariz.. le the a mine emner mnedcît lllgber. lie gigl mItela nom lu St. LOUIS. JudgerShirley lu the Sangamon Circuit Court made an important der-ilon lu an Inourance ae. Tht cea" mas that of Mmra.Loulou Heary, mho maued the supreune Matg@, Kuighle of l'ythie et tb. World, tor $3,0W ioeîanî'e un tht life et ber huabanti, Chaîles Henory. The detes, won thut a hy-law ai the copient lotiga tiemptît suicides froint euefttmfrailthe lasuraute, but the plititf pr cotd tht the by-lmmwms net matit 1y the upreme loîtat boeut ny by te board et contri, andt then ratllted by tht sopreme iodgt. Jutige Shirley beld the iîy-law masnet bileson Henry unîes lb, uprema lodge made Il, andtilnstucttd tht jury te fid for 31rs. Henry. Ex-Vice-Presitient A. E. Stevenson soit wlfe arriveti at Bloomimugon %Moutialanti mer. wrmuly grffteti by many bleude. Mir. Stevensou le netlunltetitent et heilit. H. viii stîli maire Bleomlagtoa bis home anti aftartsking a long test will open hle luv prarlice agalu. lits former parluer la J. 9. Ewîna, Preeeut ululster te Balginu. anti I in pessible thât the partuership vli hae resmned open lMr. Bmrlng's reluira. OIt- luesof Bloumlugtou, irrespective et par- ty, jolutt ed a àreeepîln er SiMr. aud lMra Stevensoni et Cooper Hall. An elabite banquet mai setît andthar, vi&a spro- ggai oet leat» by promneul citîmene. Ex-Goy. PIfer wu@ ona of the speakers 1Tbe Bta eBoard of ttatlroa nd Ware- heuma Cemmiftleet belti a meeting lit Springfield. nt vWhu"th. quetion etftthe board amumnlg contato f theInspetien et grain at EasI Bt.LUnism voa dimeusat. The. board mneoftthe opinion that the power ean enly lha coaterret ou t bg the logis-- latore paselutg a leu, ta.thât effeet ,au iî lae aid that neder the loto creéllng tie cen-. mision Eamt Bt. 1Lo0 ui$ iaeletptet ro th. pointe at mich grain wm aie b.u- spectail b heboard. lm inndérsloitheb eSt. Lente Board et Tradte, mhlch aov bas tcontrol of the. inspection et Butett Louis, tytoloppose &DY suci a 8111 grantiug the ittlinela Ralirosd aud Wsreieuse Commis. a lets peiver le Impect grain at East t. Louis. eF. W. Tulipe. uuâaager etflb.e(Garduer tMlitarg Baud, comnitttd suicideaiE Qunt. b g cby uskiug morphine. Mes mtludsd the 1A. 0. U. W. lodgs anti on leavig the ball bnisls lmtrolucad us'w qulrieg aul CetiIa tw PtIeh sonnai gmae W aud dlsbu e ete; t. SAS et basabaU onauud eorporated cies, vilages aldiug fi tlcerpous snd fnana esit 09 va ae.; t tepoibit the als e o preparatlons oemlastluget tipon the. premrptleu of a dontlmt; itrovidia, fer the. office àe np~ of ier es Dloms; la tb. ta a5 ri.reportsd bat fraos Sortirai paiions wpre geiater StasblaOld vaunea rosi] employez oftlit bhut the rsliway builà rate et torait 2 ents Etai the tollowlegf: Aut Traumurer le pal lugIL admlnistrator of it t*.et Logan &ud the sdmlultuat gO tuta of W. W.,WlltaWh bAP for sttolupeu'tees end apat ing the retundig end esta Untted $tatou ofttte mneuaiad the State; 't. probibit the eueoigtu ut aiig substanuce dealgued ta bs substtuts for butter; saoIa b.4 lmw nô usntIo loveit te the the Sceol directore whcm lb the ha dimplayed. Thenoir notable incident lua f Tltturudy Ias lte toliewieg the chamlalat DDavid O. BradIosi bieusasud plty us, *bine eues face, that Itepublicn end anid Iloptulista sud 1'rohbl socIalistuenmud uffrmgtu, am> May aitlion, thy %swving s aise &usena$.) Thon tht ea tht prn"yer liens et the svae laraci vtil honour p a " u the whoir earth hble l it Auwcn and amsur' The big te.. orles of Chicago oficiaIs s8a u culmia. tov. Tanner trmultts te Senate the .followlng t a te~ trustee« of the Ilinlois IUeemEg fur the lisaaent utKenkakas: Ls Un of Ka.îkkme, te fiI vreaser ber4ato eliminout:Johie ..MugeaetfCbfrap, snced i-îlord Mill, retiguuad;Oerge j Bîukinghami of Vanallîs.te osee@AJd. W. Orr. resîgned. Amena îthebill* là trudired wax the foll-wlag: BSy Senute Stubblttieiil-To plmibit tbo-eufn ture anîd »Wofml.otgarelttesau a efinefttlemmha$i t btilo ' $24) sud inîprimoni nt or iog the art. The Senata went tnte ir end..Io n m iurantrlthe -- fur ttnustg-m ot the lIlis ofstr 1.11,1 for the lunssne et Kaukake*. ln the itoosa Fîiday the Chlcyp ary bill wa put nairSix days. BIl' iiirxoacd au tollows: Ta ctabli&s ot cniit. u relePcourts et urI;tu <atabliah a State Board lirary Ctomtmiaers; à meocut. Pigticd tu abotisih departmosat' aomeudmeuît ta lawfilxinug mai"se lion comnuliou.ýrsaund echlatcirrhe, ter orderiiiut n nuiîîber of bill& ce reading tie tionse adjourned teS à Moliqlay ntteruoonu. lr. Ltaitl dam] -lnlatht Sausse s bill couepelliug rostfsltecarry bicycles cn baggs.. in theusaune au the tilirrech Nbi.- Itouse, nw lathe bond% o e. - tee onndanuud Bridgea. Thé ore uakinc ait effort toe eura thIlt of titis bbll, andt re r mUutmtiven oq châba have mIlîea0 jlited ta b. nt the meeting of theCo, ttrio* ma antd lteformtry Institutione& 8tchubert'o couîrlct-Iabor bigltwill uîî for cosid..ratiuu. Thie flots" mlet et I5 o'<loehiIau with ecarcel! e quorum proeat. 84 bille were fiâtrodîiced, mont ulas~ ing one tu regrulate *trucetoem applietint alun.' tu the omnet end tuof ct ouintes, bot te o nmua and those eatmed 1ui an, other bes It 'tata tuot prohibit the oulget t stores. but require' the ournare s t &pli guodis et prîcea eloît as prsr stores fnot oviied by a parmon or. ei tien ctignged in Mlilug. meuafcterlaé ottier bosines. Ailtlte lieues .t.U 0 the rletîîlr on thteider et Ont raidi w..roe lvonced. Wben Serelmo' Teto Finther culeil the Sonate ta oM thpera&mm no quorum prenaut. *Au 10 ioiîîimîtt wa taken by both béUS util Tuesday nt 10 a. m. ln the lionne Tuemluy Btueloes I te aîitriprlute "PhO furotthe partlp lion of Iliiutoila t 'iieae Ontt endtiInternatonaml tlea m. i M.r. lumantt's bill atthorlzlntgthe "$b tiono Conicinrau oek (outy tou& Igttte tire eltîk* te adminlterli. e of office to the jtîdgem and cîrise t tde t wpeapauued. Mur. berrtam'e b0Ut relationt to the election of aidsutqta! citieza nuter the uinorlty rpestt plaît came litson tbirdrmailo, cuit a palmetît. la the State îe"outioueat epert to the meunory utfItenator e Alton, whoe dti ter ti.clos etr Thirty-ntnth (Itucrai Asetmllg ' s lite Seator Wells, of Quiticy, whd reet.ntly. vert adojtitîtby sra u The Scnate confirmed thesaue em~ by the (loveruor: Trustera of~ .1ie Hospital ftIbwChu Elgn-A. m. Wight. woo0detoek, te' ceed John D. Denorsu, remueel. Scott Cowen, Shannon. te suce"dIr. - Brookmnn, reelgntd. William Ê &t Auvrr, tae ucr'eed D. J Ho mà pircd. Tinetes tth of is4~ fer Fetlîle-Mlnded ChUdre-u.Z Wood, Mount Pi k lia ucadOd Ni. Dunlap. ternt expirsît. Clafsueý (Gîttinegm, Terre Hanta, te ueed 0111t A. Portion, ternsi cîpliraît. *tOeat Péae The swtet pea. vhlii hanemiec , vtry popular AoWer, vas flrt vatud I laclly sabout the. yest and et C.the uriorWgnal vartoet,* came front ielly and twe trou Th ii.Ime te plan theb. eeet puàl souci lu the sprnt;g me tht eSt u turned vithout l cl g, sud <~ ually Cones early lu Mincit lait year. or iGBUO=2